Video 210
211: Panchama Veda 211: The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
[Music] dr. jeevan KO be rewritten Cosmo Java Shravan among golem shreemant artem to be grinnell da Buddha or Janna today we'll study how Grand Slam vishna case he has come to meet some devotees as you show the Ministry of Job is coming to meet the devotee is talking to them now and then just ordinary words how are you what you are doing like that us again almost in the next sentence will be very high philosophy helping them to take the mind with a higher level of the spirituality this is the specialty of our surrounding the mostly very see the holy people we see them secluded not talking with others and only in that particular place may be their trim temple or a cave or any other place they will be meeting the devotees and talking to and here you find a completely different with a person he is going door-to-door to different people talking to them and helping them guiding them for the towards the cart realization not that all those people were his devotees are disciples not that they all wear his followers as something they were following and practicing some other religions also other paths but he was very eager to talk to them and guide them in the power channel this is again under tenant and the speciality of our ceramic dish now there are different planes of consciousness is mentioning the different planes of consciousness the gross the circle the causal and the great cause entering the maja karma the great cause one becomes silent one cannot utter a word very simple he was talking here and there nothing suddenly he is taking us to a very high philosophy this it grows certain sushma first is the stool Sushma karana mama coroner sir what is these so this explanation casually he is telling it but the depth if you try to understand the student we can understand the stool are constantly everything that we have feeling body's too large a leader and Sushma's reader this bunch of Branagh Tasha in real mono and booty the seven things are called sukshma and that is a particular punch of prana dasa in real mana and good team these about the 17th they are the subtle body what at the pond children most of us we know Tasha India we know money the mind and also the booty the best part of the mind which takes the decision so these are Sushma shalida a particular buta Jong Suk's Mangum baggage Cardinal Atma border he is giving the definition of this this is a bogus Cardinal the goal of all the desires that comes where it comes in the mind and who enjoys the mind the body is not the injury to someone else he is only asking the body to go were there to have that but it is really the mind that is called sukshma sharir and then called carnage a leader it's a car initially anandamaya kosha and from the car owner Sridhar anandamaya kosha last with the poncho Boucher again the way we're reading the gospel a single sentence a war it takes us to the so many philosophy in the philosophy the moment you open the box and I guards very difficult to end room there's so many varieties of things are there now it says the under my arm oh no Maya pranamaya big Gianna Maya and they'll learn on the Miami puncher OSHA lashana art mom the bunch of ocean is this five covers five seats and what of the puncher kosha from this party it begins and it goes to the subtle thing and that is underwire and that's why it's sale is the doorway to higher consciousness from here we can go to higher consciousness which has been mentioned by sri ramakrishna Mahabharata the maharaja karana is the cause and that cause the hidden Nagar sometimes they say they that is the cause from here all the things are coming all the creation everything is happening over there so we cannot imagine so we close down and come to an individual level which we can understand we can have so this harness reader this is the anandamaya kosha is a bridge between the individual consciousness and the collective consciousness the individual and the collective consciousness that is breached by this coordination area and this colonist arena is the unenviable oh sure that is and these are the labels now where we are Stu - leader what is the story with this body the gross functions and the desire and from there when you meditate - slowly slowly every moment we have to think that we are not the most body we are not a certain body and the coroner Vanita also is not me and I should go back to that the ceramic is just tearing there there are different planes of consciousness and this consciousness grows the certain the causal and the great cause Nonnie see one becomes silent one cannot utter the word after attaining maja karma up to this now he is mentioning but an issue riccati an issue reporting again for the people they have gradation and not for the ordinary people those who are trying to realize God they are advancing in the spiritual life but the higher level is Scirocco T and after attending the great cause can come down into the lower plane this is very important sentence for us though they are coming where do they are coming down to some people that criticizing Vivekananda some people are criticizing the sadhana fish do some G like these and their but they do not understand the where they are and where we are that we are only judging from very low level that's what they don't understand so this is the thing we have to keep in mind the issue decotis for them even after attending the great cause that means that Shimada typical person body he should love God realization is the cause and even then they can compare incarnations of God and others like them belong to the class official you what these charities the cinema business telling incarnations of God and others like team that wins the final great Rishi's then the issue cookies they have realized the God they have realized the truth didn't have any reason to come down evenly they come down then it is like a very famous footballer ah a game teacher he was a very famous the player in it you to come down to again to the court but he sometimes comes down to teach it the junior people so that is possible so when he is coming down not that everybody can do that they'll be trying and they are reaching to some place are them they are off they don't like to but these people they are so successful even after that they feel for there are others and they come down and opinion very ordinary example though but here it is possible the great so like Saddam additional Jesus jatin of mahaprabhu they have attained that even then they come back ordinary soul cannot do that so it says that that they go and some Christians explaining the climb up and they can also come down they climbed to the roof and they can come down again by the stairs this is life negation and affirmation say again Islamic Krishna is mentioning negation and affirmation maintain it et et now simple sentence is mentioning the words actually but if we don't know the background the philosophy we won't be able to make it though today one gentleman came a couple husband wife the king and there from Ohio and we're talking he was mentioning I haven't born Christian I grew up in the Christian was most feared but I don't know when I grew up answer any I started feeling in interest in the Hinduism so you're searching for the Guru then the Mataji came from our astra some money advice and people told I create a light they like to picture then after some time I saw the this our Robby tradition curve also like team and this part recently gospel of surrounding now I am putting aside all other books and rereading the gospel of Salaam Krishna and I came to visit the Chicago this is summertime so myself and my wife just traveling over here then I thought I must go to the center of the city ramakrishna mission so I searched and found the Vedanta Society so today I am here are so happy he came in he said accomplished gospel of selfishness our people they knew I've never stopped people are purchasing gospel this purchasing our new order they're purchasing these and that all high standard baton the book without preparation without doing anything the basic no problem they can do but those who were really really sincere like to develop the spiritual life this is the work so salon Krishna saying if anyone is trying to reach God sincerely he will come to me is what a posting me means idea will be about the spiritual way and this is very very necessary otherwise like the parrots we go on breathing and then memorizing and then chanting but it is not value because it never goes to the deeper level of our mind so this cinema krishna's book it says negation and affirmation this is the two system of practices not things north east northeast is the practice of the patanti and the vedanta in the beginning they say it is not it is not it is not and they go know this body is not me this mind is not me this phenomenon this world is not me see the government negation occasion and then to enrich this is one way but after what there some great soul this is my wife so that devotees and I was just reading today one I forgot that Vedanta acharya he is giving the instruction to his disciple if you cannot say give up your ego and if you find that ego that is the air and you cannot give it up and that is the first first step to realized guard realize the heart monitor brahman you have to need the ego the I suppose it on to death then cover the whole thing with you review then he said very nicely I liked it very much he said if you can negate the eco remove the ego can come out the Eagle died the Haggadah then covered the whole thing everything is nothing but me I the document he shall Varsham edom Seraphim yet in Jagadamba regard the cover the whole world I mean not to give up the world cover the whole world with the presence of God whatever I see wherever I go is nothing but the girl's place and God I see a meter so this is 1988 deity negation and affirmation these are the two processes then Slama distance taking an ordinary Jeeva after much spiritual a for can go to a higher plane but he cannot come down to tell others his experiences the supposin he goes but he is not possible for him his experience after much before he me moving to Sumati but he cannot climb down from the state or tell others what he has seen so there is a blouse needing the cylinder in another grooves I understand and these are the terminologies he has used this is really unique need to see the eternally perfect system is perfect Nita eternally this room probably need to suggest ever perfect from their very birth distinct God they do not enjoy anything of the world those who were born as the companions of the Inca of God are eternally perfect for something that that birth is the last now if we look at the South the breed suits our daughter pushes you know what is fine they choose some people like Bob and Saddam - to choose these young people Jesus Jill ever nobody got many people apparently very hot maybe not the very highly scholar and all that without many people but afterwards their life shows the exceptional people the Jesus shows some official name and the fisherman became highly exalted spiritual teachers how it is possible and that proves that there is a spiritual power is there so salam augustness mentioning those who come with the incarnation not so many King but few were chosen they say that so many came to the God few well-chosen why because they ain't know they understand the province in Amish do so many people came to him but he chose only few people through young men and he told you should come to me so those who come with and that the Companions of the incarnation of God eternally the perfect and to be joy Easter Vigil distinguished army those who are following this they know and those who are studying the life of Saddam additionally another visualization aggression you have gold yoga and over so that is a nicely is mentioning the King Janaka also had yoga the BJ trishna though he was a highly exalted spiritual teacher yoga and yoga means what so they were eager to do something for the worldly life at the same time they were not that that way attached to that so the spiritual life and the only light both were there we had the sannyasins we are here we are also maintaining the properties and these and there it is it called bhava no this is different but those the Janaka he was a king he had a completely different responsibilities so he is mentioning hindi to it this way the king of idiot dish now you are having you and oka King Janaka also heard you he mentioned about the Janaka therefore he is called the larger trees see it is only one big long distance giving so many definitions Roger Shailaja and Rishi the Raja means the one who is having some responsibility for this worldly life and also the Rishi is completely detached because he knows his all view time also temporally this is called Roger she both King and the seer and then he said Narada was at table she he was a tabletop and at the same time Rishi the diva Rishi who is a devotee is a demigod divine very very spiritual so they are free from these our level but at the same time they are not marched with the God a little what their dad did have a lot of power they can do anywhere they can do anything but at the same time they are not completely so definitely say they worship they both are and Rishi and about sukadeva he said from Marshall he was the prom man at the same time use the Rishi in even could think of anything else but the Brahman the consciousness all pervading and that is the reason he could not put any lot on his body because body-consciousness just without any Dakota consciousness you see I am everywhere so that consciousness when it is all the time 24 hours then why you think about the hold of the clothings of the shelter nothing that used to come and to help him but in his mind it was not that summer she yes again is giving the importance of that yes shuco Tabor was a drummer she he was not a mere Yandy he was not a mere Gannon majority of us we are thinking about that Jana and Gianna Marga is very scientific sort of water people they like it there at least for the listening they like it and he was variant he was the very embodiment of Gianna he was not a Yanni we are an embodiment of Gianna the divine knowledge whom to the colleague and now sluggishness mentioning a man who has patent knowledge and has done so after much effort who has acting knowledge and those who are reading the gospel for the first time is difficult for them they should have a teacher the shooter someone kind what is knowledge those who have attained knowledge I called them can you what does it mean by knowledge there are so many varieties of knowledge does it mean is easy meaning that no again yet to go back to the scripture where there is clearly mentioned in the Hindu scripture there's two types of knowledge one is pura vida and opera idea Baja and Opera spiritual knowledge and mundane knowledge no variety is abundant knowledge including the scriptural books but what is spiritual knowledge realization when one realizes that I am that supreme Brahman I am that God that is called knowledge the Saddam Christians today after much effort he reached over there thinking that I am that should ever was the very image of knowledge in other words a form of concentrated knowledge is going on trying to impress upon the mind of the listeners the shoot that was completely different Jonica not other completely different the janitor was come very hardly and they were she the Buddha and Rishi God and the seer does not other even then but the universe deflate this sugar t he acting Nominet spontaneously without any liver she could have a never sat for meditation are way too good but some of the things sometimes is asking but his life from the beginning itself it was like this and saying this Adama Krishna is asking either to see and Taylor is singing when he is discussing we can understand the mind of cinema history is suing very high it's become very difficult for him to control the mind we cannot imagine that because after a lot of practices our mind goes a little love little concentrated but he is my moment it isn't it just instance any information any name any word immediately so so high so to bring that down because he went to Calcutta to a devotees house to talk to the devotees if he goes in the meditation so what will happen so he brings his mind down to songs and they will be chatting or the D way that I find that if he is telling then about the food I just like to mention about it not in the in the pool because those people the same food is ready please come so naturally the discussion went to the food what type of food you should eat somebody asked not into the scene a Snickers food one should take whatever comes cinerender and you can understand the neuronal age in the nineteen eighty nineteen years and surround his destiny what you see applies only to a particular state of the violence mind particular stage less violence anything that comes is no problem no food can have a gyani according to the data the Gunung himself does not eat he eating his and offering his that whatever his eating is an offering to the kundalini we remember that many well before any the food that it has been served / - you're a safe brahmana or not Rama meters from the Gita and that means whatever we eat whatever we offer in a way we offer everything is nothing but rubber as because without Brahman there is nothing that is the conception of the Vedanta the ultimate conception so I am NOT different from that when we are getting in this week Kundalini and do not enter we do this all right so he was a very young boy but Saddam Krishna mean who he was he was just Johnny say Arthur surrender so he said for human is okay with him it is alright you are these as well as dad this means this human body as well as you have that God the one gentleman is fighting now I had to write and I have to tell the truth what truth is mentioning the swami vivekananda he came and he pleased the kadhi against the wish neva is all wrong thing he never talked about that he was a shot see this is called the moon rock dust previously also some people they were very curious what he ate where he lived in all these things and nonsense because as because they do those things they cannot come over overcome them so all the time they think in that way the mind is drilling so low in the physical level they cannot think of some people who are sacrificing they are talking with in the spiritual level they cannot imagine that recently a person he always anything happens you'll be just opposite way in a negative way he will forgive them the discussion will be completely negative the mind is so low but anyway that is a different thing here's my business today you are decent even dad - you can eat everything now and so everybody is all the devotees there laughing and that they would history blessed is he who feels longing for God this is an important many times he say blessed is he who is longing for God though he eats pork but shame on him whose mind dwells on lust and gourd - he gives the purest food white vegetable rice and key very clear whether you like it or not but this is the truth so it is not the body the body is sustaining with the food when you take the food order bodies they had food only sustaining for the body not the mind and mind is the part of the subtle body and from the subtle body it is the causal body just now we read there so that this physical body has nothing to do with anything so what is very very important is the mind that's a start whenever you come over here you must listen and you must wander you must judge so only your mind will go on thinking and slowly get purified otherwise when the people are thinking about what drinkability for from what food where you are living your whole mind is on the body just like the animals the animals a hundred percent mind is on food so this way this local sometimes they say it's not in the spiritual but some of the teachers did is to teach that the AHA Mitra by right to nature some on domain to pursue be neuronal this is our common for the animals and the human mind thirdly nahin are or should be Samana no karma without the Dharma a human being is no better than and pushing me so what is the difference pressure on women they are also live even food only all mind is attached to that food and nothing else food and little protection because they're happy but the human mind Dharma what is the Dharma constant which are constant monitoring the mind what my mind is thinking where I am going is it green downward or upward we have two people particularly when it come very wrong mind we do not do anything we are hoping this good but after some time when he practiced something immediately the ego start playing you understood that oh he is going to get the success in the spiritual life Maya immediately it would come you react slowly slowly start bringing you eco that I know this I know that I don't like to do this I don't like to listen to that and that way again you break your old circle so this la that is very very slippery and dangerous and that is the reason they say you must read books so this our spiritual particularly so it goes on this way and drama business telling that I almost became banned such as mine for God he said those who are longing for God though if they eat for the mother was nothing for them then he is mentioning I'm almost became mad such a way my longing for God Narendra began to see so the moment he gave that immediately Narendra taking up the clue he said is a very famous song he said o my team of our Volturi is big into the divine mother make me man o mother make me mad with dialogue what need have I of knowledge a reason if I am loving the God it holds soul I don't need the reason oh why should I love God and all this reasoning that is all lower level and the knowledge and going on thinking low level so shown empirical to say religion is the organization and after the realisation religion begins so we think that where we are practicing region known after the realization only and what is that realization how completely 100% you are transformed into spiritual that you will never make any mistake so this is called that the music was who were the master BJ Narendra and other devotees sat down all eyes were fixed on ceramic isne who began conversing with the devotees then what person enough now we were under so high plane of the spirituality and now Salama business then one person is asking his kido-san Kristen liked him so he is turning ugly how can I get rid of my dizziness look at it so he feels dizzy so he is asking Salaam o Krishna thinking that some spiritual medicine will kill and Saddam nationĂs replied master tenderly with great softness Isis one gives that I have had in myself use a little almond oil I have heard that it cures dizziness frames we have to understand things the kid are maybe like us he was thinking synonymous to me little come I will touch your head and everything will go he got to that yours all-powerful he turns small the mind of the not end enough three days and three nights he gave the experience of God Twitter who did not kill the diziness birthday but Saddam didn't even went to death rather he said it with the view that warn well so it will cure your dizziness this proves that for all the small little thing you are very normal he never did any miraculous thing most of the people they think that is religion no not at all nothing like that and the caterer he said I shall say if there is a very good devotee the moment the master say you used almond oil he took heed since it has come from the mouth of the strong dish done between work so that is again from the part of the cadaver he is also so devoted and then afterwards the master to chew needle hello how is everything now he was discussing the highest spiritual truth now he came down to the alternative level and he is discussing about many things sometimes we also organize it this is all the framework of ceramic dish so to be done to society in the ramakrishna mission wrongs when they are spreading the message of the religion you'll find what was the same pattern a problem we also go to somebody's burner and we always see you someone is inviting me to go or why alone I will go you better invite some other devotees we will have a talk then feed them also and I'll also take some food only visiting sitting over there and chatting and doing kiss doesn't matter anything for us always how to reach out to some people and to tell them the truth maybe some people are very good speaker they can the words so that touch the heart people some are not that good but still that trying and this is the way some Christians to go to different houses his to Empire rather devotees also talking about there used to discuss in this way and we also we go and we do puja we have two discourses and in the game we see it and we chat surrounding the same hey how are the things like that he is coming down the Shrimpers told me astounding that this is a very important incident should endure stood merely you have heard the words names rendered is connected with Saddam Disney master Marsha the recorder he is mentioning he was in the habit of drinking and often went into excess surrender this had worried the master greatly but he had not absolute to give up drinking water together is it not very unique because most leader with Asians the moment there is an opportunity we always give over a price whether tasting it or not want it or not now Elizabeth that price I should not do this you should not do that but look at the master cylinder was so close to him he was a great devotee but master never say anything universe it like that rather how he handle this is also the we should learn he has never seen he said look here sleep when you drink wine now this is very important offer it beforehand to the Divine Mother can you imagine before drinking the wine offer it to the Divine Mother - what happened this is nothing but what is intoxication the mental attachment only the I saw one person and a heart observe one person opium used to take the co-payment right time and that man who was having the long beer and also the master almost covering the mound and he was eager because the time was over you know those who are intoxicated that particular time they must have to have that so he came running to a shopkeeper give me two opinion the opium that was available so he the different sizes of opium were there but they used to open it is to sell it give me that one a little bigger what he do and he threw it from him from his hand it truly to his mouth opened his mouth but because of his beauty and at the most test that was covering his mouth it will be entered and rather it failed but he was satisfied if you notice that it will enter into the bag off now I am saying so much now thank you but it was lying over there there isn't a religion and a small shop this happen so what is this almond our mental condition I want that so I am suffering the moment I think I have got there I am satisfied but in physically there's not so this is cinema Krishna is trying to take the mind of from the attachment so he said drinking but we never drink wine offer him before and the divine father now some people Hawaii very mother divine mother it is nothing Oh age and everything that we see over here is under the power of the divine divinity just called Maya so divine mother is that capacity that power so we were offering to our it to happens nothing to and see that your brain doesn't become clouded and that you don't really but this is the instruction of the guru he's asking his disciple not to stop okay so continue but slowly slowly overcome this first you are offering to the mother so naturally with the devotion you take second be careful that you should not real laughter think so control your mind you know those who are working very hard particularly the those who do the brain work they need little that respite sometimes and those are physically working very hard they do need that as a medicine so they can sleep well and not that everybody has to have so in our spiritualist to say the middle class people should not drink this birth is a second but the games and his ministers constantly they are thinking about this thing and that the exciting so they can drink the littles okay now recently great thing happen in India there's in the cash mean that is continuing for the 70 years now suddenly they have changes and changed in a very nice way and this would be the committee would be benefited by this that they are not understanding all this work now each and every project that the central government is doing that will reach to their vote or many cash many people will be benefited by this and for sure now when the person they deal naked in a newspaper report three not days and three nights they could not sleep the people who were during the core group they were planning and executing without mentioning anyone if you mention that administration my exact this if you mentioned everything to everyone and you won't be able to do that because everybody will come forward they will keep their opinion is so difficult but that is the days which means you have to keep something very secret and then you do those people they could not sleep for two days three days and two nights can you imagine how but when they are there you want suppose for that they to release the attention they pick some wine it is nothing that all they are drinking wine no it is not but a home should not why it's not tasty for him an ordinary person there and the homemakers the ladies were in out they should not why unnecessarily but in detail that is not good for them and his committing sins so there is the instruction of the scripture also the only these people are allowed to take and then the Hindus picture always very open the same sometimes curiosity is always there how is that wine what will happen if I dream for some days like after the Vijaya Dashami all are allowed to drink okay the particular thing so this we thus non-business controlling him and then the last part they chanted the name of Adi why he did that he just instructed his disciple now he is not giving him any other instructions or through these blessings he is completely curing him he's not doing that but after immediately after death he is doing the same thing in a country different way she chanted the name of hoodie clapping his hands occasionally in a sweetie I see saved hoodie ready o my Chandni my body seen the nema body then he chanted Rama Rama who the long ided Lama Rama means their joy the pleasure when you find the joy and pleasure that is Lama and now the master began to breathe this is called prayer how he spring Oh Rama Rama I am without devotion and austerity without knowledge and love I have not performed any religious rites Rama I have taken refuge in you have taken shelter at died field I do not want creature comforts I do not seek me and fame Oh Rama I do not grieve for the eight aqil powers I am died serpent had taken refuge in the grand Rama that I may have pure love for Toyota sweet pure love that I may not be deluded by dye world beach reaching Maya Oh Rama have taken refuge in thee if you have read the Ramayana in one place when the Lakshman arguing the parishioner should not be allowed in the can and the Rama say if anyone has taken the shelter they will never say go to him it is not possible whoever comes and what is this Rama these what is this Rama dutifulness what is this drama dutifulness so everything that personality is Sri Ramachandra the Salam petitioner is teaching us how to pray and how to pray I take refuge in India I am at your feet I do not know anything you know everything you know where mine you know what will be better for me so this is the way one should pray we do not understand the prayer we go on chanting the long Sanskrit claim that gives us solace that is nothing wrong or the prayer means talking to God there is talking hear the snap distance define an example just to Rama please but I can we can talk to the mother we can talk to her once down Tichenor sharmaji these are the things that I am doing please help me you must have to agree it is real world I don't want anything you have to do and that is called prayer and if one can do it sincerely with open heart he will get the response so thank you friends today you stopped over here and the next day again next Tuesday we will read the accounts of the Monday September 29 1884 the master deserving the authority of the need and you need three dummy ground way ye shall return but a Misha medium/long Krishna [Music] shear Sundy Sundy Chandi are you that's C Ramakrishna but a must [Music]