Video 204
205. Panchama Veda 205: The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
let us join this mantra the Okutama written dr. G venom go be rewritten caliber sharp seven among golems srimad artemis booby greed and de foodie dodging ah now in our last class we have discussed about the province Adama Krishna he mentioned about that one should have in even should inherit some good tendencies this is spiritual life is a transformation of our thoughts and thoughts are there in our mind so the transformation changes up our pores that is the main thing and how we can go to thoughts and what are the thoughts so the all the divine qualities that the human being could conceive it has been listed over there and last times we have discussed 26 wonderful qualities and those qualities slowly slowly we must keep it just in our front every time we should look at it and judge are you really following it can I do it can I do it so this is the way called spiritual practices there is spiritual practices doesn't mean that we have to go and ring the bell and only offer the flower and then that is over how do you go and join some mantra and we we were visiting a church we saw some that very faithful they are sitting over there one is repeating a prayer everybody's the same mantra same prayer together they're going on praying praying praying this good will come to that today's topic is does God listen to our prayer we'll be discussing over there and just before maybe an hour before one gentleman came he has discussed this very question and I opened the book and found out yes so this is does God listen to our prayer we'll come to that but before that we must remember brains the last week we have discussed and elaborately as nicely as possible as simply as possible all the good qualities what I feel that we should keep those qualities written in a paper should keep in a pocket and now and then we should open it and see what are the good qualities and then immediately we should try to understand am i following any of it am idea of developing any of it now I am at this age what are the qualities I can develop this is the easiest to be to develop the spirituality now Ramakrishna is telling if you have inherited some good qualities if you have done something good in your life you are going to get the same good result and he is giving the example of the draupadi the Pandava Queen and she was in a very very difficult situation that tear and so to humiliate her they were trying do you Donna ordered to her to pick up the clothes so that was a very humiliating situation and that time she was only bringing to the God the Krishna to help her to help her not to our husbands to the god the Krishna there her husbands were very powerful but she knew that this is the situation the husbands cannot help me suta to the car and the story goes in this way the God acts too hard have you done anything good now you need the clothings to save your modesty have you even donated any cloth to anyone she remembered he as I have done it I have given to a Brahmin when he was in the difficulty immediately God started giving all the blessings and our modesty was protected we know that wonderful story like in Morocco and it happens to our lives again and again the gentleman who was asking me the question he himself said I cannot imagine from the situation the condition that I was from where to where I have reached it is not just for me is God's grace even then he is asking an question asking does God listened to the prayer so why this is also very interesting the sometimes we think of yes Guardian to us God has given the answer to my heir and again after some time we forget that the doubt creeps in our mind so that is called the Maya constantly unread person to fail the belief God is there and God is going to protect me that is the ultimate spiritual life the key is giving that example try to remember whether you have even made a gift of a cloth to anyone the krishna is asking Draupadi in that difficult situation then he vorticity will be preserved Draupadi replied yes I remember now once the Rishi was taking his bath and his gun cloud was carried away by the current I tore up half of my cloth and gave it to him thereupon the Lord said then you have nothing to fear you have nothing to fear that means you must be beheaded some good qualities the last is time we were reading some business telling you must inherit some good qualities some good thing you must do then only you can expect the God will help you so this one's is selling then he is asking the aim was sitting on a small foot rock M means the writer he was there almost in the door that the the foot track he was sitting on that to the human a very humble person and master asking him you have understood what I said that he said he said you spoke about the inherent tendency master repeat what I said why so here also the last yesterday that we read and we discussed repeat why defeat you will find that every time the deputation in a when we were learning their mathematics when he we're all children the teacher is to ask us to memorize you must repeat repeat repeat repeat on repeating by that way it goes into her intellect and then the whole personality develops of that repeat what I saved and here the master Marcia established a new that he is going to give the whole teaching to the board his teachings around business teaching there should not be any mistake so master Marche he narrated that then Hofstra entered the room master machine now giving the description of the Hofstra he had been living with sadhana busines in the temple garden for the past two years and had first met the master in 1880 at cheval in the house of redial podiatrists nephew the Masters nephew Hofstra as a brand with an educated person and about him the master wishes giving this example by giving the description of the hosta why who will come to know about it hostas native village was near she wrote here is the place and he owns some property there he had a wife and children and also some debts that he took loan from someone and now is trying to repeat from youth he had failed the spirit of renunciation and short the company of holy men and devotees look at it this is the line the sentence for which ceramic is not allowed him to steal with him from the young days of the youth he wanted to renounce and to live in the company of the holy men and devotees Hodja the master had asked him to leave with him at the finish and looked after his necessities another sentence very simple master that means the ceramic is nur he allowed him to steal that the acid an occasional was not the owner of the temple see Ramakrishna is to steal were there and he was a priest like many other priests but he was very special so naturally the landlord the German dar mater Babu and Rani rush money they gave him a lot of freedom lot of respect the master Saddam he allowed him to stay with him this is in one way and utterly spiritually we can think if you have the desire to live with the holy people and to live a spiritual life God will arrange it for children only you need the desire strong desire to realize God to live in the holy company God will arrange it Hustler's mind was a jumble of undigested religious moves this is very important the Hazara was having the good habit and he was also desiring to realize God God give him the opportunity but the problem again with the mind what type of mind is a jumble of undigested religious moves he professed the path of knowledge and disapproved of cinema business attitude apathy and this longing for the young devotees he's coming and staying with Salaam addition at the same time after reading some of the scriptures and not understanding it properly he is confused and now he's not even appreciating the way Darwin sadhana business was leaving so this is the confusion what this is not a hot rod this is all our attitude look at our mind sometimes we read some books then immediately we think we know everything and we start comparing with others also this we have seen in our lives also we have seen some people they have studied and then they will say come let us discuss about a debate and all those things and now it is even some people after they can they have that command over the language do you speak and they will invite the bombs also come let us debate and like this so this way they think there's nothing wrong is a one-way but the sincere people what they should do that we are going to know from the Bhagavad Salama Krishna she disapproves Ramakrishna's now and then he part of the master is a great soul but he came the doubt he starts doubting him as an ordinary human being look at it and now if we look at our mind it happen like this all the time sometimes we are thinking is in great soul and sometimes we are thinking no is that ordinary person so this is the problem of arrays we have he spent much of his time in telling his bills and criticized drakul and the other young men for their indifference to the practice he was a strong and pocket of religious conventions and rules of conduct and made it bad them he was about 38 years old as hasta que me the master became little abstracted and in that mode began to talk Master Pasha has dedicated a better about the us why the if he recorded only the conversation of ceramic esna with the hosta we won't be able to understand now after so many hundred years if we just try to understand why see them krishna started talking like this so most of us she gave the background background on the person and when you look at the person most of us are like that so we have read and we think that we have understood and then sometimes we have behaving like this sometimes we like like that and the pedometer it is really really can make you a model the one should be very very careful and we don to say oh you are the god you are the soul Kimbrough the she sake the e silver Shakti why you are free and crime you are the supreme power after reading that we start filling out here but what is that you you have the Supreme Being he was the supreme power Tao our dad but what is that and what is me no preparation nothing suddenly we jump to that and make a lot of confusion about the spiritual goal of course some people just for the intellectual we have the enjoyment they read they try to understand they are not very serious about the realization are to understand the truth for them it is ok we always talk about those small group and on only small group of people who are sincerely trying to sadhana business the gospel of see Ramakrishna the bunch of Movida that I always say is a book for them they should be guided by this book what you are doing is right in principle now Margit the hustla he is seeking the name of God and resizing others and he's thinking that he is the person who is doing the right thing and all others are not doing that Ramakrishna starting with that particular point is telling what you are doing is right invincible but the application is not quite correct application is not right correct don't find fault with anyone not even with an insect as you pray to God for devotion so also pray that you may not find fault with anyone this is the basic of the spiritual life in the beginning itself we should understand this I think we have already discussed that particular incident that happened the sin of Marsala Domini deeply and the small little girl she used to live in the neighborhood of the mother in Calcutta in Papaji Arabia she is to come and she's to like divine mother very much and when one one when she found that the mother is preparing to travel to her village in geometry she felt sad and she started crying and requesting not to go then just to comfort her mother told that not me yes how much she threw her both the hands to her side and she showed this much this big I like you love you the mother asked to hear this conversation between the master than the smaller girl is the main teaching for us we should understand we should learn what mother wanted to tell too hard to us the mother said how I will know that you love me so much and she was confused then the mother told I will understand that he will love me so much if you can love each and every one in the same way this is the first thing so narrow-minded attachment I only loved this person and his philosophy the bigotry that is the tyrannous that can neither take us to the liberation it cannot so the mother is teaching us I will understand that you loved me so much if I see that you are loving each and every one equally this is the first she talked or she immediately replied yes okay I didn't love naturally the young girl she too then the mother - how will understand that you were loving everyone like me then she was again confused what should be the answer mother answered again if I see that you are not expecting anything in return from anyone frames these are the two teachings so this is very very important but we have to understand that easterly star mr. histamines we should put our mind on one ideology and then we should continue with that why because I can understand this I can follow these I like it I love it so that is my ideology but it doesn't mean that I should hate others criticize others denounce others no because all others are also manifestation of the same God that this basic thing if we can understand then spiritual life become truly very simple and very helpful so the month cinema business asking the same thing - Hara he was living with Saddam additional salam Cashner allowed him to stay with him and not only that provided everything is food and steel and all other things that a person needed from the khechari from that office a temple office not only that he never left gone that he now he is guiding the person this is called guru naturally we could say oh I have given you then you stay with it the hostel used to criticize Ramakrishna sitting over there the people wish to come to see Ramakrishna as a lower your grade he doesn't read any book he doesn't know how to read the scripture come to me I know I read the books look at this this a chihuahua ceramic kitchen was helping him but this has gone again not only Cassetti not only ignoring some of the also criticizing East devotees before the devotees so this is the importance what was that dude of Saddam petitioner used to say unless dirtylee acutally you know the two characters in the Ramayana that you did if they are not there then how he will understand the holy person so there should be critics there should be people who are not liking you then only you can judge your spirituality you are not feeling at all bad with their behavior so you can understand well now I can control my senses slowly I am gaining over my mind so these are the test ceramic is me in his own life he is showing like this then then this heart shrub is asking this question what is the topic of today's discussion does God listen to prayer and he is adding for bhakti does God listen to our prayer for dr. Hoffler never believed in the God but even then he is asking this question and what is the prayer prayer means interacting with God you will wonder prayer is the main thing of spiritual practice in every religion prayer is the main practice in every religion you know the Christians there who Latifah stands on prayer for everything mass player mass prayer for everything they would have the prayer anyone in difficulty immediately they will pray for you with the Christianity that is there the prayer for all people is also cleared acceptable mongs of gamaya thomas ooh mom yo te gamaya this is a prayer either in a Vedic time so it needs to see the from the acceptable what that means the temporary from Assad to serve in the permanent all this world that we see are temporary everything is taking birth living and dying this circle is going on so from these let me please go to help me to reach over there in the parliament what is a permanent Hartmann according to Vedanta God according to devotion so like that they say this is was the prayer Thomas Oman Jyothi gamma from the ignorance to knowledge to whom to me and also to all people for whom I am praying praying for everyone this is called mass prayer service there are two durga nice arab overground appreciated mass prayer lately each and every one be free from the misery etc then comes praising of the Lord the Lord sometimes we chant also Isha's mera naam Audrina Genma samsara Vandana Mahmood Chitina moustache may wish to be published Nabil and what is that supreme god and just by remembering the supreme god we are free we get the liberation so like this God is all pervading God is all-powerful God is all merciful we are praising the God as a most of the prayers are tracing the God if you at the time of puja if you come when they are offering the mantra all the praising of God you were good you were these even third all adjectives it's also freeing the gunas ramakrishna see nama guna christen the naam of the name and the boon of the qualities of that particular godhead that particular person who we are accepting as God and worshiping and meditating and concentrating and following that person or that god deity should have some good qualities and if we are remembering those good qualities then all it is helping us so this is telling the praising the God and also there are individual prayer this is very important when we are praying individually we are doing and asking the God I am suffering can you please now sometimes some people those who are reading the province Ramakrishna's biography and is teaching sometimes they think that because as because the Ramakrishna constantly asking us why you are praying for the ordinary things pray for the Deveaux pray for your mukthi that is the ultimate period but this very moment of god I need a morsel of food I like to survive collectively where I will go to pray accept God wherever you go there is a story the one bigger went to a king and naturally the Kings people did wait King is praying the bigger was waiting and he was listening that the king is praying to the God who God give me wealth and give me more power then the bigger turn and he was bring back the Kings prayer was over is to deny what is it you didn't talk to me what is your prayer oh no I will pray to Him whom you a brain why should I take from another leader I will directly go to the owner daata eak wrong the Xindi song is there and it sees this data a crown the ROM the God is the only giver all others know why should I put a person I will directly go to God so this is the personal prayer sometimes some of our devotees are confused shall we pray for our son family and the personal problem can mean why not when you are accepting God as your guide as your father as your mother then why not so to where we'll go I am afraid so whether they go and go to my mother and we go to my father I'll pray to them only please come and protect me too sometimes some devotees they say I'm feeling afraid I'm to sleep all alone in the particular distil life as I'm really really afraid what to do I think of goddess Kali she is the powerful mother she will come and protect you you know that in our childhood days you know all children are afraid of ghosts then these two teachers take the name of Mahavira a new mangy no Monty is so powerful and eat the hamachi is with you then all this evil spirit don't be able to touch him this is the prayer for everyone the Muslims are also praying Christians are praying into supreme this is the prayer and what is that prayer communion we are communicating with God mentally and sometimes we are doing externally we are offering food we are offering flower incense takes light and then we are praying but ceramic is nurse aide afterwards will come when the hosta is asking this question does God listen to career for bhakti now listen to the answer album saddam additional surely I can assure you of that a hundred times after reading this sentence even if we think oh do you gotta listen to me now then your prayer God cannot because Ramakrishna is coming to that point too but the player must be genuine and honest genuine and honest so that is the prayer I can assure you of that hundred times but the player must be genuine and hardest otherwise not the genuine and hardest means the sometimes even the movies we have seen somebody is sick and he has been admitted in the hospital his near and dear one is going to the temple nearby temple and praying and praying and praying and then suddenly the news come oh here's where the operation is successful just come back to and all this this Estonia do not know if it is true but many of the people they were they are hard about it and they're sending in to other people also one little girl she went to the hospital for the operation and the doctor told you need not to be afraid of this I am going to take good care of you then the little girl told no doctor I am Not Afraid I know you are very good and you will operate properly but doctor uncle I have heard from my mother that God lives in within my heart and you are going to open my chest and to see the heart when I come back to life again the consciousness can you please tell me where God was and how does he look then naturally the doctor told I do not know but I will try he started operating but it was impossible he thought it is not much complication and there's a lot of complications after the opening of the heart and the doctor found it's impossible is a lost case he tried his best but then afterwards he who opened his at the time of operation they put on all those things and he started crying and telling why I'm sorry I could not help that little girl and naturally other not says they were almost going to remove all the apparatuses and machines that was used for the operation and suddenly someone noticed no the heart is working and he was showing over there and immediately they deported to the doctor doctor please come back heart is working dr. Lehmann ran back over there and he saw yes and he couldn't understand how it is it was possible anyway operation were successful the girl came back into life and then the little girl when she came back to consciousness was in a condition to speak as dr. uncle could you see the God inside my heart the doctor told my My dear I I couldn't see the God because I am not that pure but I can tell you one thing I have developed great faith in God because of you so this is the prayer so when we are having the complete faith in the existence of God know it for sure but sometimes you know which is certain which is even going to happen even the God will never be able to stop it then the one incident we can remember the Saddam o Krishna she was dying alabanza Ramakrishna he told that I will pass within few days martial Adama need a wee-wee to a shiva temple very famous shiva temple near Calcutta and Tariq Asia if you go to visit Calcutta you will pass through that to the jang jorim but he cometh oh cool there's the in-between there's a sad occasion very famous beautiful thousands of people will go to see them Shiva mother went over there without any food and water she was praying and praying and praying to the Lord Shiva to give back the life for her husband but once Adama Krishna and one night when she was lying down and breathe she heard that someone is breaking the hold there are ten births hearing the sound of breaking of the are ten parts immediately the knowledge dawn in har she understood this body is just like garden pots now time will come when it will break and we have to go immediately the whole Association it went back again come we erased from our mind and she got up and came back the cinema Krishna told what he went over there to play right but nobody hard now who will hear this cinema Krishna himself is the god that he wanted to give up that human life human body so naturally he knew that nothing is going to happen over there but still the mother so obviously the wife she wanted to save them so that sometimes the prayers are not answered remember these sometimes we are frustrated how God is not listening to my prayer even the prayer of masha'Allah Munni Devi the God is the all power whom she Ramakrishna said she is my Shakti God's power even when she was praying that was also not answered uncelebrated God himself because there are something which is going to happen and it will happen so we have to accept that too so these are the prayers and when you meditate there's the fulfillment of the prayer the prayer is a mass prayer for the development and the welfare of everyone individual prayer the prayer in praising God and prayer in meditation that is the fulfillment the ultimate a prayer when you're praying praying and praying and so slowly we are transforming into that Godhead that personality that is the fulfillment of the prayer those who worship over here if you come in the morning even find it starts with remembering the lord vishnu who is pure white pure because he is not having the body he is not having any limitation or omission on busines mr. Bishop Ramon padam sadawa scientist or a DB varcek sure our data of it repeat robust a lobster to Viva yes Murray under caption sabaha a bundle of shootie he becomes externally and internally pure whom with all-pervading consciousness how just very memory and remembering means I to belong to that I am not separated this is also prayer and then right from the finger trips each and every body parts you'll find they will put in hand like this like this like this like this everywhere the all Buddha eyes the nose and the ear and the body everything they'll be doing like this what do they do to define purifying purifying that is also prayer purify myself why so that I can pray to you to whom the embodiment of the purity God is the embodiment of the purity that is also there then ultimately he prayed to the God I know that you are residing within my heart you don't have any form but I want to concentrate on this particular form today just before me please come out see he will take that flower and imagine the God is coming from the promised body and then take sitting over there on the water and then he will say har har mr. come here come here sit here sit here and accept my prayer accept my Pooja so the beautifully we the Hindus have developed this puja if one learned is the books are available if one goes to that forget about the mantras only meaning of the mantras if you read and try to practice you will feel that yes something is happening this is also prayer and Saddam addition is telling surely I can assure you of that hundred times but the prayer must be genuine and honest and he is going on telling the house Raja Huzur was about to take the dust of the Masters fee after hearing that his devotion killed immediately and he wanted to touch the feet of the master master shrinking look at it Saddam occasional green the head not allowing him to touch the feet his only person shrinking what is this Ostra did I not think the dust of his feet who has so kindly kept me with him look at it again kept me with him so I am taking the dust not because I accept your ideology or the philosophy of the teaching okay you have allowed me to stay here here so I am expressing my thanks master satisfied God and everyone will be satisfied attitude you know this is very very important attitude now sometimes I already told to our congregation the sometimes some of our devotees they make that the wrong thing they misunderstand me that when I asked them if you can afford please be whatever Aston is charging for the retreat under $25 those who can be sometimes some young young american young that three four people they came I told whatever they give it so keep in if the don't give it is also okay pillow the young people they are coming is good sometimes the students are coming I told one fourth just to make the habit that you were supposed to give something to the hasta mass but once it Amish names of say empty hand you should not go to a holy place you should take something maybe a flower maybe some fruit maybe some sweets like that whatever they like to give sometimes ten dollars sometime twenty-five the key so a sufficient not that they are not earning the gate there but from their little but those who are earning is okay 125 give sometimes there whisper I can hear why sham is charging as we are working so much as a volunteer you are not volunteer so this is the question this is the attitude you should understand I am loving me giving my service to God I mean exchange fighting I will stay here free I will eat free and I will attain discussions and discourses free you can but you are not a volunteer them in exchange you are receiving something you know that sometimes some people say we attended the pure retreat give us some certificate so that we can get some tax benefit immediately from the office they will say no this is not a donation in exchange you have accepted some benefit so obviously that cannot be treated as a donation and as for the law cannot resist donation so these are the little little things if you go to some other place I don't know but when you are in your holy place and it an attitude to develop your spirituality these are the small little things you must learn and why I say that suppose I don't say not that there are some who will close down someone will come and pay because see Ramakrishna sitting is not for me it will continue once in any place he says it will continue so that is the way but why I say because that is my karma that is I know the people will criticize me if I say no you need not to pay this okay the people who say it is so good this Xiaomi is so kind he is not charging anything I will get on by name but I'll be losing in my duties so that's why I said consult in Hindi me say the DOE Peter is better to tell because those devotees are the children of God and I am here to look after them so obviously I see like that satisfy God and everyone will be satisfied and after how to satisfy these are the processor now he say if he is pleased the world is pleased you know insensitive they say thus mean to steal digital thus mean means the God if he's to stay satisfied Java to stir and sometimes we invite people and then treat them and then after all that we stand at the gate to see them off expecting that they will say what a great party you have given and we're so happy food was good company was good if they don't say and from the invitation list they'll not name will be struck off oh they didn't praises they don't appreciate so everything is lost and sometimes you will hear the people are talking against that but if you go for God if you try to please God everybody will be happy sometimes the singers they come and they'll be singing for the others they may like it they may not but if they sing for God and if the God like the song everyone is like it so we understand these in our everyday life we experience it but at the same time the basic thing we do not develop that is failed failed and failed in existence of God and the moment do you develop the faith God is there then we understand as Ramakrishna is telling surely I can assure you your prayer will be the listen bit of God answered better but ah I am satisfied say the Lord Krishna again is giving the reference from the Mahabharata they kill four people came there all brahmins the Rishi's and to the parsimony was there and they came and suddenly they came into the cottage that time they were living in the forest all the pancha Pandavas they came to Draupadi I said we are hungry give us food and though pootie was embarrassed she was not having anything again she prayed to the God please help me the God appeared and told is there a little food left she told me me I tried to find it was small only one portion of that was there she gave it to the God and God took it and said ah I am satisfied immediately the hundreds of that those leashes they fail feeling satisfied and deflated from there oh my god we won't be able to sit and eat now and if she offers a good what will happen so they left so this is the swing to stage a register and to hustla a perfect soul even after attaining knowledge practices devotion of observed religious ceremonies to set an example to others friends this is very very important even after the realization through the path of knowledge realization of the Hartman the perfected soul he follows the devotional path and all the art the activities of the religious vy4 the devotees so this we must understand one of the devotees that's why Swami Vivekananda used to worship was the embodiment of Shiva he was the master in knowledge but he never ever denied this we understand and he is telling a perfect soul even after attending knowledge practice devotion or observe religious ceremonies to set an example to others then he said I go to the Kali temple and I bow before the holy pictures in my room there are four others to the same father if a man has become habituated to search ceremonies he feels Restless if he does not observe them so practicing that the one should not get up and then immediately go for a cup of coffee sitting on the bed itself he should keep a holy picture before him our our first he should open or she should open died seeing the validity of always it learned from the seniors don't see anything else after he carried the photo of cinema Krishna and I always keep by the side of the pillow the moment to hear the hour slip is broken at least I follow that I always take out just before me then I open the eyes the first thing I should see is God and God Allah and then only I will come down taking the name of God and whatever I am doing we are taking the name of God I have seen one Swami who has passed away he was in Portland there was living with him for three four days I still hear the early morning he will get up and go on chanting the name of God and singing and musing like that then he is going plucking the flowers and preparing for the puja continuously that is conspiracy on practice that is called spiritual practices constantly remembering God you remember that the wonderful words the Marshall domani say what is spiritual practices what is the question austerity somehow you have to keep your mind at the feet of God that's all so by singing bhajan remembering God or chanting are taking the name of God or reading constantly if it is possible one or two hours in that morning then you are doing now you may try to forget God or God in with you why in the subconscious mind all the wonderful impressions of the morning practices that you have done it will continue with you that is the greatest prayer always communicating with God wherever you go even I knew one of doctor we never used to entered into the he was a heart surgeon for the operation used to enter is to keep one book Shami become this book in his pocket small book and he will go and open and read then you start operation I don't mind God it should be attentive to their own duty no Swamiji tremendous the pressure comes from them on the mind so I tip the mind completely differently in the in the guards away and when God's feet God is there Tommy G is there sharmaji will be taking care then I go on operation without an impression so these people are scientific people but still they are taking the help of God just to apply the pressure and the result is great very very successful reserve one cannot renounce work as long as one has a body as long as there is mud at the bottom of the lake bubbles will be produced to Hazra and with this we'll conclude if there is knowledge of one there is also knowledge of me so we talked about the Advaita Vedanta knowledge of one if you are having this is a most surplused point of the Vedanta the moment you are having the conception of one then you are having the conception of meaning obviously this is not the conception of one is only existence a steal a steal a steal d it is the air and I am that that's all so all later it is not only the negation but it is negation in the point it is not do it never says one it says it is no to what it is that it is so this is called the very certain point of the Advaita Vedanta cinema Disney is mentioning that if there is knowledge of one there is also knowledge of me what will you achieve by mere study of scriptures the Scriptures contain a mixture of sand and suger as it were this extremely difficult to separate the soul from the sand therefore one should learn the essence of the scriptures from the teacher or from a sadhu afterwards what does one care for books this is also very important those who have not followed in their life and if they teach you that teaching will also have no benefit so far as Ramakrishna is mentioning what should we learn from a teacher teacher miss those who have practiced it and then very clearly from ashadu sada means a saintly person a person who is dedicated to that life afterwards what does one care for the book so the book is nothing but a map from the maps we know that this is the way we should go and after reaching over there we don't need that so this is the see Ramakrishna but one thing is very very clear Thomas God listen to a prayer following the words of a once-around krishna following the teachings of Avanza ramakrishna we can say with real confidence yes God does thank you need an Jenna medium another loop Donna combi DITA Bikram by Aisha Dharam para Mischa medium Tom Ramakrishna shirasaka Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry that's three Lama Krishna one of us too