Video 201
202. Panchama Veda 202: The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
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G venom copywritten color sharpen seven among you seemeth on boo beginner de bourree dodging ah Hinduism has given the wonderful Liberty to the spiritualist parents to choose his own path the one we own system on method of spiritual practices this is the speciality of the in tourism there is no list of do's and don'ts the completely opened and that is the reason in Hinduism there are so many different systems so obviously in the beginning sometimes some people they feel confused if you go to some other religion the one spatial system that you have to follow these both of these like that but here there are many people those who have not read the gospel of sadhana Krishna didn't bother to read it because they are practicing something else there are many others pictures we don't know we don't read because we are satisfied with this just that way there are so many varieties problem comes when a man wants to begin his spiritual journey he thinks what book I should read so that is the reason that last week we were discussing the wing to see Mahayana got the serpent ah when the question was asked to the judicial what is the bath by which one can realize God our reach to the goal of spiritual life then he said Mahayana gotta why there are so many varieties of scriptures are there a different type of mom said they're expanders they are expounding explaining the same scripture in so many different ways so better to look at the Mahayana that means a realized soul who is a realized soul how to understand in the scripture itself it has said these are the traits it would be their present in their life and very simply in two words we can say he is completely free from any desire no desire his mind completely free that is the first thing second completely unselfish as because he is not having any desire so completely unselfish whatever he does does for the betterment of others never to harm anyone so that they are the main traits and other qualities will be there in the Shankaracharya giving at least that these others we that we can understand that he is a Maha Purusha he has realized the Brahman read all the scriptures these and this so all different type of list is there but this to be sufficient for us to understand so if you observe the person's life you will understand he's a great soul is trying to strike but still we cannot consider in as Mahayana it realized one why because he is having some tendencies make his own group and he only wants those people who be listening to ease words and then they will talk to them so like this you can understand and we find here when the question was asked to surround Tichenor we were reading and then you're explaining about that in last week we can refer that he then answered by giving his own example the what he did what he experienced and today also we will find now he's mentioning about his own disciples he is in the page 543 the gospel of saddam krishna he said raka had his first religious ecstasy while sitting here massaging my feet Russell Means Committee Ramana about whom shall we become the same he is very high in spirituality among all of us all the direct disciples of ceramic is not among them this Swami brahmananda is regarded as a very high in spirituality and when the Shawnee brahmana death had that experience in 1884 ceramic crystal passed away in 1886 in 1884 two years before he were had that experience and what type of experience Salameh dis name is explaining not only just retaining his own so the person who not only realized himself and because of his company because of his that price because of his guidances the disciples the people who accepted him also got that type of experience so he said about raka raka afterwards he took the sannyas and he became the famous as Shani from Ananda the first president of drama in order uses over here just below the sadhana Mishnah here he said probably the scholar had been expounding the sacred book in the room in the Salam o Krishna's to my mother were that scholar he was expounding he was explaining of the bhagavata you know the most of the time the bhagavata katha means the life of krishna whatever thing is having twelve chapters skander's not chapters thunders book and a breeze company is having so many chapters is a big book only the Kings Condor dear they have explained all about Shri Krishna they have mentioned about from one to nine skander only about Vishnu that too without name and form without any qualities that all-pervading God then under think we find at the end of that they explained about the Vishnu taking the human form and then we find mention about Shri Rama children then under think complete explanation of the Shri Krishna and mostly they will be speaking about the Shri Krishna and his leader when they explained about the bhagavata mostly the leader the today when I fought got a mail that someone is requesting that their guru will count he wants to give a talk so he has give him that so he was listening he was explaining all about Krishna's leader when he was a baby how he did what he did so mostly they explain like that and slowly in three different Leela's it goes I do not know what they were explaining they must be explaining about the divine ecstasy of the Krishna and wings that are called that young boy he was listening to dad he shuddered every now and then that only they were explaining about Shri Krishna they were mentioning the name of the Krishna and his mind was so pure immediately it was transformed into that period and as it is realizing that he is that period and his body was shuddering shaking and then he became altogether stood that means the consciousness of the body and the present time was in Oblivion all done his mind was present with the God so that is the way he experienced and his second ecstasy was a bollaram bose house girl Rambo was a house of the devotee his family they were having lot of wealth but only double Romberg other brothers were not that spiritual or they were religious type of people but not much interested in developing the spiritual life well emotionally the pollutant Porsche had a house in Calcutta still it is there now it has been given to the Ramakrishna mission dear said Balaram indeed we call it the Pergamos house in that state he could not keep into the sitting upright selamat each needs to visit that house vary between 3 and along with him some of the decided is to go and this recalled miraj whose name nickname was recalled and some afterwards it became the sannyasa and funny living under giving the name Roger a mirage he had that type of command to control everyone not by telling anything not dictating anything but he had this wonderful spiritual the father the presence the moment is to go and stand because other people wish to feel that I should obey Him that commanding personality so from any big and guarding Roger Waters so this larger he had his second experience but an ambush fathers but this is really sometimes you know spiritual experiences is supposed to be in a very holy place we can understand in the dictionary which sasame Krishna is sitting and at his feet massaging and giving the service to his guru and he got that experience and while the other person was reading the life of sri krishna of the explaining the bhagavata we can understand that the householders boy he took seriously is mentioning in that state he could not keep himself sitting upright and then he got that experience and he lay flat on the floor then he is mentioning this is very important Rock all belongs to the realm of the personal guard personal God he never mentioned about the beacon he had a different equipment so this is the beauty of the Hinduism so one he is liking God in person with quality and woman time hearing about the Krishna or the Kali or the Durga all those feelings come with Emile and I march into that God there is also very high spiritual experience so now each day appreciating that accepting that admiring that but he's mentioning this is one way so raka belongs to the realm of the personal guard he leaves the place if one talks about the impersonal and Vivekananda was always the be daunting but he were two good dreams this is a game the symbol of Hinduism we made another all Islam or big anta absolute padartha he neither wanted to talk about Kali we will visited Kali temple all this and rahul mahajan his good friend and they were childhood friends in very young age they grew up together but a very good friend and two different completely two different attitude and there was no problem for being to be together again frames this is the beauty of the Hinduism and so much Liberty has been given so he is people then he is telling sri ramakrishna is mentioning rockin has been staying with balarama at Brindavan ah what a nice nature but a llama has it is only for my sake that he doesn't go to aresia which is the state of India where his family owns an estate his brother stopped his monthly allowance and wrote to him come and still with us here why should you waste so much money in Calcutta but he didn't listen he has been living in Calcutta because he wants to see me what devotion to God his busy day and night with his worship his gardener is always making Garland's of flowers for the dainty he has decided to sing for once a year at Brindavan to reduce his expenses he gets a monthly allowance of 200 peas in those is 200 rupees is a great environment why I'm fond of the youngsters before that look at it Saddam Krishna's to say some sorry the householders and sometimes some people who are coming the householder who are coming and standing in his loan when they left Lanka students to watch that particular place he never wanted to touch anything that they offered he could not drink water given by them but at the same time same cinema dish now he's so much appreciative about another some service Balarama why because his mind was given to God the power-on poach is a holy man so when the only all the time that you discuss that there are only two existences at the end one is God another this world one is the self the Brahman the spirit under this body this mind is fenomena so these are the two when the mind father created by God and the last Sunday we were discussing there both are from God he has created out of his own but at the same time God is teaching us that if you if your mind to mine a prophet there then it will be difficult if your mind goes to these worldly things this is a full of maya so take your mind upward and go to the with spirituality barometer which is highest and get liberation and who miss tilly not the animals that the verse is telling it to the human being and those human being those who have already experienced develop the quality to understand the subtle things so he's sitting these and suppose he were in the household suppose you were a mom it doesn't matter at all you have to understand this if among a declared mom a renouncer he is thinking constantly about the worldly things he is born physically somewhere else living alone bachelor all the things may be there but his mind that is born and a householder living in the house taking of all the responsibilities performing of all his duties but at the same time not bound by that is free gayness are nikto sannyasi you know these t nakhon shitty that's why the krishna again and again in many different places in the bhagavad-gita he mentioned that so when he is telling like this and you say why am I so fond of the youngsters because they are still pure what is the purity their mind has not gone to the world the last and new curve the moment that is a priority in purity and purity we get the perfect definition we always talk about the purity purity the purity what is the purity and what is the impurity it's not the food it's not the clothing it's not the place you are living it's not the people with whom we were living there's only the dogs is only the cars that are crossing your mind if the tart are constantly going to us those things with a temporary in the world you were some sorry you're impure and if the tart goes to us the other way you were pure so this is stealing when Narendra first came here is giving another example of it another disciple of course all of them they had wonderful experiences all of them wisely Ramakrishna sometimes some people they are asked because he is the God in person how do you know anyone came to him with a holy mind with a desire to realize God with a prayer to see God they got the success in his spiritual life all of them look at not this picture they're only the monastic members they're only the sannyasins there are so many ladies wear their houses were their exalted life the life all the stories are there in the books if you really will understand - we were came with longing to realize God with a open heart understand spirituality order placed by him if he is not a Maharaja and who can be so this we understand it is telling when Noreen first came here he was dressed in dirty clothes but his eyes and face betoken some inner stuff at that time he did not know many songs he sang one or two and those two songs at so important without knowing see this is called some scarlet when this young boy went over there he knew some songs and particularly he was trained in classical music but instead he sang two songs which is really really very meaningful first is let us go back once more who mind to our own aboard all of you know that song mono China needed Nikita name-o my mind let us go back to our own abode and O Lord must almighty is passed by so utterly in vain Jackie hey Dino Ahmad before the journey all the days in vain he sang why because that was his desert his prayer his strong will that came out through the music that is ceramic is not appreciated and see whenever he came here I will talk only with him though the room was filled with people there is the purity when our mind our heart is pure then God is also attracted to that and God cannot but come to that soul come to that mind bless that particular person when some people to say why we are not realizing God that means still the purity has not come still the longing for the worldly things is there that's why we are not getting the moment it is not there Ramakrishna the he kept him not in there he was very the dirty clothes but his eyes were completely different that we were showing and then the sand that he sang that showed his prayer that showed his mind that could prove restart prevalent thoughts so obviously the God also was attracted so this that he is mentioning and afterwards he is mentioning over here the Inc youngsters are now in the stage of sadhana slowly slowly a group of people is to come to see Ramakrishna and some histories to guide the completely different way other people also wish to come and many of them they were some of the places they were also spiritual teachers spiritual guide so they wanted to guide the young people to come Krishna is protecting them no listen to me only me why because otherwise they'll be confused so many paths and the young mind won't be able to understand and mostly there's chances they'll make mistake but thinking that all this is my wonderful path I should go I should follow but you want to should not push feet on bottom in the bhagavad-gita also some of the people they talk so wonderfully as if the flowers are falling down their words are like the flowers very attractive but ultimately it gives nothing it takes two completely wrong way so Salaam peace to the God himself wanted to me a band of young people completely free from the world in touch so that they can guiding the fire to the whole world universe so that's why he's making them there as parents 14 the only thing now is renunciation but those who want to become the mall for them this is that right Ramakrishna you want to become truly a spiritual seeker if you want to seek God stay with us here your house as a householder no problem but if you want to be a monastic want to accept a monastic life then this is the thing renounce what is the renunciation the holy war no attachment to the world how can it possible is it possible to denounce the whole world yes it is possible if you can give away your ego if there is no ego there is no desire and when there is no desire no worldly things for you whatever comes I am very happy whatever Duty comes whatever the world comes for table to be I have to leave I'm always happy why I want only God and nothing else whether the madly we one is pursuing the God there's very safe youngsters are now in the stage of sadhana that is called sadhana there are spirals 14 the only thing now is the renunciation can you tell me why all these youngsters now sadhana Krishna coming back to his own history can you me he's now asking the devotees and you see how he can you tell me why all these youngsters and you people do visit me this is a question is asking indirectly he is giving them the idea that you are also having a very pure mind so that your understanding my words appreciating my way of life so he said in this way there must be something in me or why should you all feel such a fool such a traction one person came and he say I appreciate you are me I listen to your YouTube tops but I cannot accept Sadam addition as God then I told your misunderstanding my talks them because in my talk there is only Saddam Oh Krishna and his ideas his ideologies and nothing else so you may be that you were misunderstanding all my talks but anyway listen to it once again see that the Salama which means the personality of those ideas and ideas so that is Salaam additional and some history is telling indirectly why you people are come to me not only the youngsters you to appreciate incoming listening to me sitting at my field why you must have found something in me or why should you offer in such a pool such a traction now he's giving them examples once I visited Ritter is home at XI or if you go to come at a quarry the birthplace of Raghavan Sonam Tichenor from there a little distance another abilities there his nephew was here so this nephew is maybe retire on the realize how that she wore from the air I was taken to Shambala in Calcutta Watson is a champion champion it is not that champion a separate village I had a vision of go Bronco before I entered the village and I realized that I should we go round us devotees there go down the B Street and Amaro go girl Ganga guru means the white complexion he was a very wet compression so Chitina ma bro also hear the name go round and as because he was born under a meal tree his mother gave his name me mine the name I Jania the same personality nearly 400 years before saddam emizner he had been taneema god had a great followers so this Saddam Tichenor went over there he wanted to she asked because he got the vision of the gauranga chaitanya mahaprabhu he wanted to meet their devotees for seven days and nines I was surrounded by a huge crowd of people such as traction nothing but gifted and dancing day and night people stood in row on the walls and even we're in the trees just to look at this this is the how we will know that he is a holy man attraction and attraction for world nothing just his presence nothing else not there's a very good thing very good speaker very good something that he will do nothing like that his presence only his very presence will draw thousands of people in the young man of the Nazareth Jesus he was not having an education he was not having any social status are still very very way thousands of people gathered from all over to listen to him what he says it's the carpenters what was the that Cruz when he were with the wing after the realization that that type of mainly very many with their places but still the Buddha wherever he went thousands of people including the Kings this to come and listen to him talk to him attraction where it was accomplished knowing attraction so this rules how will know that we are choosing a maha purusha the great soul this is this a pure attraction not to get anything just attraction not the police places so you get these please do this for us please do this for me no nothing like that Saddam edition explaining and stated not about push Tommy's house the moment you hear the his surname questioning their on which numbers and either Dashami when they're Brahman or darjah wind among Brahmins those who are followers of the bush novel either gachami not close to us one American gentleman he was dealing I also joined in some ISKCON movement then I got this name sometimes I did white das tell you some question because for team the brahmarandra menacing but still weaker than he is very happy and - so this is the Goswami it was crowded d and 9:00 in the morning I would run away to the house of the Weaver little rest so this attraction the you must braided everywhere that a man had arrived who died seven times and came back to life again now notice now he went into Samadhi people thought he is dead and he came came back to the normal life so four days ordinary people did something very very attracted they all came the Vishnu priests of the village team and almost started it or does this priest came why they thought I take their share of the fees from the devotees but it's never priest there are so many people there also worshipping that's the same Krishna and the Gironda and they are also reading the scripture but attitude the our money is going away so they came to fight with the person why you have come over here this is not your place you go away like this so the question of open deeds wanted to test me some people don't know no don't think that he will take away the money he is a Brahma gianni someone say some residents anything someone on his way up say there then this fish never pundits wanted to test me how to test look at it once say why hasn't he beats and mark on his foray the Westerby is supposed to have the mark on the forehead and also the beats constantly counting nor the wish number then there will be a very tight the piece on the throat so these are the signs of the British novel is it these are all apparently too sometimes some people going to the school different schools are having different type of universe and if you are not putting that particular uniform that they won't accept you as that school student or now it is their identity cards are also hanging on their chest but school is not for that schools for knowledge and if you get them knowledge from the school you don't need them you need not to carry or go on wearing the same trace even after passing out at the school no so the boys ever be pleased and so-called pundits their idea is only apparently you should have this marks generally we will consider your wish never they could not think of the realization of the truth what is that wish never truth the God has manifested in different forms and humbled across jatin democracy be humble like a cross because everything that you see is nothing but the same God in different forms so you cannot go on praising or criticizing you have no right your humble one legged grass let all think over you don't complain humble humble there's humbleness and that is the teaching but these people so this is the difference people the friends when you are reading this gospel the all the curtains they are moving out we can understand what is spiritual life and what should be the goal while we are actually planning to reach and that is exactly what stomach is name is describing and he said in that we are champion I learned the meaning of divine attraction now one thing the one person I was telling when they say with why he has stood out in the beings and mark on his forehead another of them replied among them another to replied they have dropped from him as the Tri branch from a coconut tree this example Ramakrishna has given in many different places and every time he said that immediately give the reference I learned it from them and that is called not taking anything of anyone's thought even without referring that is the attempt one should not do so that is cinema distance mentioning they say that man it was the air I love this illustration of the dry branch of the coconut tree a Champa I learned the meaning of divine attraction in God in connects himself on earth he attracts people through the help of yogamaya his divine power people became spellbound the people becomes spellbound because of this traction what is there in this man are still they are attracted to that so now additional didn't see that they were acted to me and harm indirectly he's mentioning those who are coming to me you have chosen the right path and he is telling that it was about three o clock in after the master had been conversing with the koch brothers and other devotees when radical oceania wished of a scholar arrived and bowed before him this was his first visit to the master rata Clara Schumann took a seat and Saddam okay she's asking are you a descendant of our Twitter so a treat means as an intimate companion of Sri Chaitanya is immersed on Twitter and questioned he has said ceramic dish now add at least the master saluted him with four degrees the moment he mentioned this you know him I have seen this in volute not all the descendants of the sama Tichenor they were not at all the parties I have seen that but we never they came to believe not even the president Mirage they went to Brazil mother immediately personally stand up and bow down to them with furtherance and then he will give some money and the clothings and some food escaped them he will go to the manager shimeji that turned the great astronomer Steve he notes do the same not offering prana oh come then he would also give location of the Jews to give money and all that even today when we go when he made them we always give them something not that clear giving to them is a respect to that family if they understand that their life will change but mostly they do not understand that they think it is our right as because we are born in that family you must like to give this is not is a respect and ceramic is not we will come to these and you will end up because today's topic that we have announced that one must show respect to the religious God this is the respect and then he said you are descended from on Twitter - surely you must have inherited some of his traits a sweet mango tree produces only sweet mangoes and not sour ones so that is that's because you are belonging to dad you must have something within you try to understand that try to inculcate that try to manifest that this is the important thing the gachami family said I don't know master whatever you may say mother will not let you off so easily Brahmans however imperfectly maybe I'll are shipping all on account of their having been born in the lines of the great sages if one of your ancestors was a great soul he will suddenly pull you up however unworthy you may be this is a statement of fact in any family if there is a holy soul and then afterwards all the lineages they get that benefit knowingly unknowingly if they are knowingly doing it respecting them is very good sometimes some of the relatives many of them they have not seen the Swami but just to take benefit of and a guest house and food and all that they would go to balloon mode and they will say we belong to so-and-so saw me and he was our paternal uncle or uncle's I feel like that I will do what you say who you say that you okay and they are very happy what did you forget why they are getting this respect because of the show me and even I also tried to be like him naturally to be so calm great did you really forget so this is the Mara so this all all the time it happens like that is so bad but cinema history stealing no we should always remember and he's sitting besides one must show respect to the religious God even the mayor Godley calls to mind the real object friends I think I told you my father was offering pronom from distance you know in India even the folding hands and lowering your aid means showing the speak to a person and one person reading a guru and the little beard he was walking with the steal my father he did like that I thought father doesn't know him but really as a young boy is to play around with you that man denied - no you don't know him he was arrested by Twitter a few days before then recently he got the release he's not getting any job so he's breaking putting on the gear burger so I was wondering why father not knowing which the man why should you do like this my father - I have not - none to that particular person I am respecting the color of the blood that is wearing that is the gala which was done Shankar Acharya check the new approval Lord Buddha the order wearing that God so respect to that particular color even in India everywhere even put on the gala all implement you are respected still today there is a tradition of the Indians highly respect but some people taking that opportunity they use the girl to do something wrong that is not good anyway all as this set of people will be there in every works of life so this is what selamat is reinstating why do people bow to shank achieve shank achill is a kind of guide the falcon so it is sometimes it comes and people the moment you see that particular bird they love or pronoun from distance when ghampshire was about to kill the divine mother she flew away taking the form of a shank Aquila so we know that the bhagavata the culture and the story in this gospel page also they have given the note describing that particular incident the divine mother the Mahamaya the power of God she took the form of a girl and she was born in Nanda's house and the last Sunday only we were discussing that they're all acting before that exchange so this nanda from the air then Krishna's father bascially he brought that girl to the prison and instead kept the Krishna the little boy over there at none displays and the commission came he saw this a girl and he was supposed to be a God but anyway he was not taking the chance he wanted to kill the girl but the the moment he hold the little baby she flew and then to thinking in formation kajillion went to intervene and that is why the people remembering that Shankar has nothing to do remembering that they'll be offering pranaam because that is the power of God that manifested in that form even the snakes that there are some places where they were worshipping the snakes the Westerners they do not understand why do you worship in the snakes and some people will be going and taking the photos there are temples for the mouths [Music] because some some people asses they keep the mouse's and feed them you know why because they are the carriers of the Ganesha not the mouse we are remembering the keynesian so thinking that you may think all these are all foolishness it may be foolish but as Ramakrishna is telling one should respect to the religious girl also the symbols are not worshiping the drag or the snake of the cow or the bull the moment I see them I immediately remember bull is the chimera the Shiva I remember Shiva I remember Carl oh she's the cool Ennis so in every part of our all gods and goddesses I must respect that that is the that is the way when one see the girl give the person wearing the gain with respect where from this color came when most of the time the people will ask you know in the beginning there is no conception of the monastic life among the Hindus no Constitution Buddha came much afterwards the Hindus and essence these two are much afterwards the sannyasin conception came they were Rishi's so they still go to the forest where they were married people young people club he was having two wives we all read most of the elders to go and have to sit inside there and this to research their own mind this to come out with the truth and there's to teach that the students like this is God went on their time came people started matting and settling down and then a group of people they thought no and very first one we can think God that his shoe code even the son of vyasadeva the basher was a married person his son will shoot Shuker be told no and I'm going to marry before suka of course there is some of the this we can see but we won't be able to tell them sannyasi but they were also like this like sanaka sananda sanatana synaptic uma but all these commodities they were not married they immediately they were created by Brahma they went for meditation they were highly a spiritual elevated soul but we find only this person in the beginning itself they said no I am NOT going to live in this outsole the shoe Kadima he was not reading the body consciousness he never wore any clothes just like that used to wear every visit everywhere so that was the first condition then they understood now if we have to go to the villages to the societies we need the globe to put on so wet the clouds because they are not having anything they won't go anywhere so they used to go and collect the pieces of cloth that was strong like people on the burning places and they are the people they referred the burning of the dead body whatever the clothings they didn't thought he was having destroyed this monsters to go and collect it and naturally germs will be there so these to wash it with a particular type of stone by rubbing the stone on the cloth this to wash and this raw stones were on the banks of the cavity and in some parts of Ganga and Yamuna so everywhere it became a tradition if you are picking up some clothes that has been thrown out particularly in the cremation ground that you must have to wash it first dry than where the moment you are robbing that still we are having that stones we love definitely in India everywhere all the monks they use that here it is very difficult to bring so the permanent table color reuse and they will be loving that and washing with her then the free water so it will be clean this to wear that and when you are having the stone it is to take this type of color so it became the symbol of the monks afterward the Buddhist monk King they also used to have the same thing they also started collecting the clothes from the Commission grounds and is to have the same paper process varying there so this became not I don't put these of the Hindus all we are getting there so give her the saffron color became the symbol of the renunciation the Indian national flag is having that color and naturally that keeps that India as a nation that completely ready to renounce the renunciation is one of the traits of the Indian national life white is a priority green is a symbol of life so these three are there so this sacrifice that this is the symbol other so shows ramakrishna stealing one must pay respect to the curves not the person who is wearing but the color of that then Salaam Edition I agree take one or two minutes the shark does follow the Tantra and the vegetable the Piranha there is no harm from the British nervous to speak but the shutters maintain secrecy to go you are all good people how much Java you practice how much you churn in the name of Marie Kisame is telling how many oh no we do very little I am a great sinner look at it then cinema Christian is pointing out you are you have humidity that is good but there is also another way now long distance teaching I chant the name of hurry how can I be a sinner this is the teaching we hear from swami vivekananda cena is a scene to call you man so he said that in the Christianity also do not say I am a sinner and with great humility the vegetables also say poppy poppy poppy I am a sinner sinner sinner but Saddam additional giving them bad the self-confident what is that I chant the name of God hurry hurry is the name of krishna how can I be sinner think that the confidence the ones I'm taking shelter at the feet of the God I can never remain sinner as because we don't have the pure Constitution clear conception of the purity and the scene this is the problem whoo-yah Cena means as because we are living in the house resina means because I'm not a priest no not like that so this is the wonderful book like that so I gave the name for govt de deseo a mannequin estate because many people love they wonder why I am given the pajama made if this is not better than what is beta this is the wonderful knowledge completely clarifying everything once you take the name of God have confidence that God is residing within your heart and since your mind is going towards God not to the world even purity your pure soul at Brindavan I myself put on the girl of the wish neighbours and worried for 15 days I have practiced that is disciplines of all the paths this is Ramakrishna we are planning for the home of harmony based on this I have practiced the disciplines of all the paths each for a few days otherwise I should have found no peace of mind because that is verse that was the mission he is coming in his own life he's showing it I have practiced all the disciplines I accept all paths I just fit the shaft as the vegetables altar the baton things these are the three great Martin paths towards God realization chapter chapters Vaishnav herbs and baton teams therefore people of all sects come here and every one of them things I belong to his school why should I do one sighted the idea that the people of a particular sect will not come to me does not frighten me I don't care a bit whether people come to me or not the thought of keeping anyone under my control never crosses my mind author Shan he was a deputy in those days can imagine highly respected person well established in the society within society he used to come to see Dhamma busines and if he stopped coming visiting the people will say oh they and people are not going to him he never bothered about that he said other Shan asked me to ask the divine mother for a big position for him but I didn't get it it if that makes him think differently about me what do I care but this is the roundish now if the some people are not coming under there's nothing like that those who are truly truly spiritual if they truly understand with the spirituality like to develop spirituality they will get the food for sure once Ramakrishna said if once someone has called God with a sincere heart will surely come here thank you friends and let us change this one need a medium another bum ba da gamba three to become brave he shall bottom part of me chamois dung dung Ramakrishna she'd asana Monty Chandi Chandi ad that said three Don Krishna I wonder most