Video 199
200: Panchama Veda 200: The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna
giving names the local arm rhythm dr. shabanah could be rewritten seven among governments three Martin Buber nan da da da da today we'll be reading from the page five hundred thirty two thirty three reading from there the last week and non-christian was discussing with some devotees suddenly someone asked a question said what is the significance of Shri Krishna's stealing the gopis clothes we know in the life of a man's ramakrishna when he was having the sports divine sports in Brindavan the the gopis the ladies of the village when they were bathing in the barn they kept their clothes on the side of the barn young boy Krishna came stole those and captain hiding that's a story like that why he should do like this that was the question ceramic Tichenor gave a wonderful spiritual reply and he said there are eight fetters that bind a person to the world the copies were free from all but one sheen there is no freedom from that one - by taking away their clothes on attaining God one gets rid of all failures see this is how he is mentioning in usually we find that austere partial in tundra it says that an Indian individual soul with feathers is cheaper parsha bata Jeeva and then the in an individual soul without feathers the Shiva partial MOOC the Shiva the Jeeva and Shiva only this much we are worshipping the Shiva we have the devotees of Shiva but what is the Shiva free from fetters and who is worshiping we were we Jeeva but achievers wield traitors now this is very important to understand what is our goal not only to worship Shiva to become machine to transform ourself - Shiva moved and how it is possible just really moving the faders this is the way the Tantra explained we find the same thing in Buganda medalta says it is the Maya that is super imposing so if you were free from Maya you're that great Chaitanya there is nothing accepted Chaitanya and in our beauty in our honor one hour into that particular consciousness is reflective but because of the Maya inscrutable power of the same guard Brahman we are thinking otherwise we're thinking we have bomb why Manya is super imposing on us something else that is the problem covering super imposing first it is covering that we are actually consciousness and then superimposing that we are this body this mind this complex so this body mind complex that constantly we are thinking what the Vedanta says you are looked up he will liberate you free the moment to understand this same way the tundra says you are Shiva you are also the consciousness but if you can remove the ash the parsha the invaders you know the 16 chapter Raghavan Shri Krishna in fast trees locals he get list of the divine qualities the 16 chapter of the bhagavad-gita very very important these three slokas only and for list of all the good qualities and then very special the same God he is telling on the sixth stoker sixth verse of the same chapter sixteen sixty first he sees though putin circling locust me Reba are sudha immature do you mr. Proctor arsenal Martha means renew now there are two types of beings in this world one is the divine and that I have already spoken I have already told you about the divine beings now let me tell you about the demonic beings what are the demonic qualities and then he goes on telling about what are the demonic qualities the demonic behavior demonic way of leaving everything usually what we do we try to shun all that is bad we don't like to listen to that think that it will be it will come on our mind but in the spiritual path you should know what is actually binding you that's why the Lord Krishna jagadguru the master of the whole universe and he is giving us this full list so that we can understand what are the things if we practice then we are bound we can never realize God we can even go back to our own self so that is the main reason Salameh Krishna mentioned about the austere partial he mentioned the coppice they were so Blissett out of the eight they were free from the seven only one was left so tell it why this so the yoga Sutra also same way as the Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita in the yoga Sutra also they talked about the pleasure the pleasure also the same thing in the yoga they give a different name in the bhagavad-gita and the Tantra vaquita actually representing Vedanta and in the Tantra if you read that our charity there also you see when the shampoo is very angry because all these officers and soldiers are killing by the to God then he said oh you go and he mentioned about eight demons his name eight demons as if they are doing the other leaders yet that commanders of the harming but those eight actually are the a traitors so in the sister eternity in the shutter setting we find the same thing the a traitors in the group of Bonita glacier so if you have to practice meditation you should understand what are the pleasures that are binding your mind to this earthly life and this buncher glacier that the five hindrances what are the five entrances of India first ignorance ashrita ego raga attachment tradition a version of innovation rather the of innovation and the to grow bananas meter this omitted the ego I I are this ego it comes from ignorance and what is that ignorance deserves a very peculiar knowledge and ignorance in the beginning but once the dhamma busines when if first is meeting this young man the teacher sorry mom mind not good he asked him about this to knowledge and when the not failed once at that though he was aiming in those days from that at university he couldn't understand the usually normally we think that education things all the more technologies and the certificate from the university that education a man of knowledge means he knows so many things but for cinema Dishman but for the spiritual teachers knowledge means the knowledge about one and ignorance means knowledge about meaning the moment we think there are so many that is ignorance so that is we are ignorant of India what is that we do and we are thinking they are separate they are separate their separate their separation and nowadays not only nowadays almost all the time in the name of religion we are all separated some people are utilizing the religion for their political power some people for the economical power the Kings is to declare that we are actually the car leaving over here to the ordinary the subjects the people the pleasures they will think this is there and still now in the 21st century some of the countries are there you can say nothing against the king whatever the king will like she can do because he is God till now there are there you can never say anything the moment you are entering into that country you should know even if you are a visitor you must understand if you are telling anything against the king you won't be able to come back why are going against God so there is all wrong conceptions and in the name of God people are cutting the throat of his brothers why are we need they are ignorance ignorance about the religion it with knows about and why this thing where from these dorrance some people even some of the spiritual leaders they have eaten as if so it is very very important to understand what is ignorance so that at least we all be born with influenced by that so this is amygdala the ignorance according to the yoga as Mita the ego what is this ego if you sit quietly and think I was telling her this is I this is I what is I my internet what is I my mind this body my family lineage what is this I you'll find no answer but EU is the main cause of our suffering not only that ego is the main cause of everything suppose you go to any country which is declared by this country as the enemy country you go and mixed with ordinary people the same they'll behave just like the same they are curious they're friendly and they are helpful everything will be the same then why do I think because someone sitting over there has a retrospective because the ego is imposing his ego on the whole country and just because of the ego world wars thousands of people are time soldiers are marching and dying to cover that depth the cover that acknowledged we say oh they are attractive but Revati can they you know you get these and that all we were talking about that but actually covering the ignorance covering somebody zero so this we must understand the ability and it comes from a Smita raga means attachment attachment we sometimes we see something we hear something and we like it this is that and we should have and along with the attachment there is also another thing aversion if you are not liking something that is also the problem the same to suppose that you are angry with someone it would like to talk about it not to see the phrase what actually you are constantly thinking about that version also an attachment whenever attached to something you are constantly thinking about that you your whole mind is thinking about that but when you are in aversion you are angry with that particular thing same thing is happening saying you think we are doing so attachment and aversion almost the same thing of verse and reverse of the same coin then the shmita these are the yoga and find in the Sutra tree to curve the Buddhism the team types of haters but tell different times just in terms of filters the same belief in himself as because under Buddhism you don't believe in the Sun so if you are believing in the self and even afraid to serve the first voltage then the outer uncertainty specially about the Buddhist awareness you should not doubt about that attachment to rites and rituals because they were fighting a mr. Kramden ISM the rites and rituals that was the main religion at that time so good astronomy we can the same real child of Hinduism that is also Hinduism increasing you know it is having so many different waves and preachers as one of the a very important part of it without ritual we do not do anything even a new house trust we will go in break a coconut and lamp burn them and then we do like this ritual to the first thing sometimes when you go to our devotees of the last Shanti please wait then they will bring some plate on that there's a lamp then they will show and then rituals where is the part of it if you don't do that you think I am NOT practicing religion so this is a natural but when it goes and takes the position of the real religion that is the problem that is not real religion process so here as because Buddha was protesting the parameter Brahminical society pushed him out roshanda Vivekananda he said is a rebelled child in tourism and here he says attachment to that those rites and rituals there's also traitors and sensual desire , and if you have the desires if you will and if you are having the enemity with someone large for material existence last word in material existence also what is that swellable when you are thinking about the heaven why am donating my property my money why I am suffering people so after these are you go to work you find this is a really great estate that the people at we deal with cheating people and earning money and then a little portion of that money they will go and give it to the temple thinking that all the same that have do you know what is seen and that's way a little not bad of their our money are through seen wrongly they'll go and donate thinking and freedom I don't think so God is none I am not accepting that you were not accepting that how do you think that God in looks like that do you think adding God is so full of accounts is very perfect in Gaza nothing karma voila you have to but these people that they are thinking oh we are free some of the people how do they like they will do wrong cheating hundreds of people and then afterwards they will build a temple and say oh now I'm free from all sin and after I have lived a very good life in this now I am 86 90 if I promise I will go straight to the heaven again it wouldn't like I'm going to have that from conception but let them enjoy what he was but this is the problem why ego again again the mistake their dream some of the people they got get the opportunity to serve people they become doctors difficult professionals again the ego comes and the cheating people behaving roughly ruthless thing that they will do what happened what is the good action that they did in the past the court a good result but now again coming back this is a very peculiar thing goes on and on so this they're telling then mana can see the mana on Cara restlessness and also ignorance lastly the Buddhists they think it is the tainted acres and Tantra they talk about 80 acres that is exactly what ceramic each dimension he say Xin chào green on by dirty cool Sheila by Anju Busha so this grief fear this is the way that comes so not job Reena Roy Jyoti all these eight fighters are coming this a theatres now first is not job what is this luck job this is exactly what's ramakrishna mentioned about this are copies and see Krishna wanted to make them free from that and what is this larger consciousness about the body when we were fully conscious about the body that you think that it is a larger and that is the reason you don't like to do anything anger properly response the additional he was going to mean some rich people in those days in the society and he was asking am I properly dressed at all the bottom cell properly fixed and all everything is alright then the people who had a component is not necessary for you you are like a divine child no no I'm going to those people they'll like it so I should be properly interested and the second time the ignited him Ramakrishnan was also eager to go but they were afraid the moment issue was having a god naturally the attraction any people the moment they were listening to Saddam Krishna seeing him they were getting attracted to see Ramakrishna those people didn't like it you know and we are cancelling the invitation cinema need not to come over here because he's not properly dressed so this is the problem in the beginning when our Swami's is to come in this country they were establishing their centers here and there this photo most of the time people used to ask why he is wearing this type of dress so most of the time the picture of cinema Krishna which is fully dressed that is to show her this is Ramakrishna now slowly slowly they started understanding Slama Krishna now they know these a majority of them are also behaving requiring this type of dress of this day so this is the way people they understand like each other why this that chai is finding us and gotcha not only that you said hatred or none if you are trying to proceed in the path of religion in the path of spirituality trying to realize God you can never hit anyone if you do that you can never reach God so that is the second stable very very important step so deeply now the majority of the people if you go to the traditional religion they would find there are so religious they're fasting that the old man and then they are doing these they are doing the hell but at the same time tremendous include for others do you think there they will be able to realize God no because they are not aware that the bondage after about of the rope that is tying them but one sadistic is a beautiful you know the anecdote is story and he see a few drunkards they crossed the river and went to another village to drink and they drink full and they wanted to come back and whole night they were rowing and in the next morning they discovered themselves over the Eriksen why they forgot to lose that was time that the boat was tired with the roll they forgot to lose that they could take out that that's why they were tired over there and the whole night they were trying ruie they could not come seeing we I am Hindu and you are such and such you are not about lower caste they discussed and discussed I haven't me prayers and so holy place as supposed to be the modality but when I am and I found even as a monk of the ramakrishna mission they actually sit over there suitable that the people who were distributing food at when it's not necessary but the devotees don't know no it is better just sit over here so I said when they were serving food the devotees totes Jesus and Nancy I'm just going up some 2009 and those who were serving the beer body they were showing their the Hindu who beat the trade we are the Brahmins the upper caste so they're throwing the brains of their conover plates can you imagine so much of hatred and you think that you were began to you think that you're a pure person I was not exaggerating I felt insulted I was only feeling oh my god also they're like they're trying to practice religion not knowing that they are tied down only with these hatred the cleaner so this green ax this is terrible thing when we are having the head trained that this is greener you can even now heart of the Davies life if you can read the dead life you will understand some people they do not understand what is there there's no teaching as such from the mother very simple matter that they be the one person has come very low cars slow car low cost all of God as human being and the muck they have come mother is sitting so close to the men serving just like a mother feeding the children we'd create a fictional love and other ladies were telling what you are dreaming why you were touching their place why you are feeling like that you will lose your cursed mother do you see anything remember that this nineteenth century very Orthodox Hussein to society and that tween the village even the mother was behaving like that how it is possible free from fetters what are the painters this is the three the Vader's so these fighters are talking about so why we follow only mother Agron Saddam edition Salam Krishna is to go to a person's players who was a sweeper is to clean the bathrooms the - nation the barrier has the call in Hindi very low caste person considered as he am Krishna went to his house and clean secretly his bathroom you can demand can imagine he was a Brahmin he was a priest he was a highly respected person he did it why that Brina and lecture and all the theater should go away she is practicing that friends this is important if we want to realize God if we want to develop in spiritual life these are the things we must know and practice don't fear why should it fear if we have the faith that God is there why should you fear God is there he'll be taken care everything the way we were coming out of to become a monk when you are coming out and everything was there but still then there's no fear to whom we are going what is going to happen to me am I going to get a good place to stay or good food to eat and people who take care of not know fear at all why I am leaving in the name of God and God will take care of me no fear at all I told you I think the train I was in all natural but I don't think that I am free from the freight that experience I'm telling and because of this as we are following this this type of it happened to many many wrongs many many Narns many people's life I mean I didn't or najin petition if you go to the Indian news people will find and even the year day before yesterday and a member of the Legislative Assembly was come down by some of the underground people very ruthless people and I received a phone call from him giving me money I told we have money not that we don't have but that is a society's money however where I cannot share that money with you it is not possible I will kill you then I told it will be great favor if you please give me time the way you were going to kill what I will go and sit just in front of my god in my shrine and I will ask you to shoot in such a way so that when I am dead my age should go and touch my god that is that is the only thing ever I blast and he was taken about and why I am Not Afraid why I am not afraid I know that God is there if I am not realizing God in this life next life next life I am going to be a nice calm I'm not afraid of it and inside the jungle you cannot imagine the time if you go you will be going on clinking committers but the night time if you go you will come on up the baby is so fearful but Anglosphere and charketa cast every time most of the Indians of the a little asking where from your connection with you oh you have discussed that cast very wrong so this is a low caste should not have other one sadhana businesses the devotees have non cast octave giardini no Giardino guards can if for forgive that no we are so much acoustic about the job team what about your past life very well do you know we don't we we were somewhere else and in this life we are getting that life and again in the next time would be hitting this life this is going on so foolish to this job tea cooler so proud of our family lineage we are found surya bombshell we are from Chandra bombshell we are from these were from there and if you are not developing the real qualities in your life spiritual qualities then what function so this we have to understand and good content we consider that is the ultimate thing good content the good people there's sometimes some people they will consider a political person and not killing each other other people but he's motivating others to practice the non-violence only is a religious man nothing wrong in it but that is not the ultimate of religion so the dead good conduct the Sheila also cannot help you so that is that will help you but not and chigusa also anybody's commenting about you immediately if inside the mind this you are going on thinking every family every individual in society the people are constantly we don't actually suffer for our side we suffer for others why comment somebody will comment about me somebody will do it and we are so much concerned suppose I am NOT doing like this what will happen I suppose I behave like this what will happen every time we are concerned about other people the some people they like to sing and take the name of God but fear of others what they will think they won't do that so frames these are the things in that we find that in the Buddhism and of course in the yoga Tantra and also in our Buganda is factors and sadhana Tichenor first casually mentioned about this to answer a question there are eight figures these are the eight filters we can discuss about details then he is talking to my hundred Mukherjee and others by no means all people feel attracted to God there are special souls who think so to love God one must be born with good clean tensing's I repeat this world now again and again I when I look at you when I see you in some the people so eagerly longed to go to the holy place to listen to the holy words to practice religion and some young people also why good tendencies and some entity people are there they are ready to listen everything they did you spent the whole night listening to some of the songs and dances and dramas but if you are seen to spend half an hour - listen about the god they might that are vented if you notice a torture why because the know tendencies one of the students is past life past birth Saddam Titian is very clear mentioning to love God remember it to love God one must be perfect good tendencies otherwise why should you alone of all the people apology come here the same words sometimes you see your hero mention a body so you are driving one hour to come over here and the - still working T and after finishing this again we will go one hour driving coming directly will here after that again driving back almost 3-4 hours that you preparing for the next day office but still you come on Tuesdays to listen to other ones down Krishna as Saddam each dimension otherwise ye will come from Papa job you know the definition and but budget is a little distance you can't expect anything good in a downhill the touch of the Millea breeze turns all trees into sandy noon no doubt but there are a few exhibitions like the Banyan like the cotton tree or shorter for example they will never turn it today so this is the tendencies the good tendencies now not Joe craves is true not only you I also consider myself blessed why we have gone to a philosophy a torsional and I do logy a path of religion that speaks so truly and simply only thing we have to understand is whenever we are getting some time close our eyes and ponder this - when I was a small little person what I was nothing now slowly and greener and one thing's for sure and going to die possibility being everything even if I want to cling to this I wouldn't be able to able to so what I am carrying with me good tendencies why should I carry back tendencies I'm frightened with this man that man I am acoustic and not helping others criticizing others being problem for others but for what for what benefit I will get to look at these people who gave in the democratic process an ordinary person suddenly from nowhere you'll be in the highest position of that country do you think just the chance accident no past tendencies he wanted some power he did some good work only to get them in in this life he got it he achieved it now forgetting that he becomes he questing again coming back down to the square one remember that the type of game is their dream then from a 200 the sneak and just bring you don't forget this other ones in our location is to observe when the young people are playing that even go and watch and he was so happy seeing one of his disciples apparently ignorant in li touch and people--some to call him too long and he never was caught by the snakes rather he will always help by the ladders the shows that he's going to be a nice car indeed so that is the way he saved in that you you cannot expect anything good and I'm done let's take them to the the brothers Mukerjee brothers a group of people the King G how he is giving us the OPC you one will not in the spiritual path don't be afraid if a man sleeps from the part of a yoga then he is reborn in a prosperous family and starts again his spiritual practice for the realization of God those who have Perdita must be - look - in a year exactly the same thing - not subside the promised and wite-out them all that he has done realized so the avocadoes momentum or what they done something good in the past now you could not realize God like don't worry again we will go so this is exactly what happened and strategy Nam Sri Madhavi yoga brushed at the shuchi culture people and from the beginning itself the parents will be giving the proper guidance don't hate others I have seen that some of the parents to be giving the coin in the hand of a child and ask go and help that gentleman sitting about they they won't say bigger that gentleman sitting over there go and give that money the pauper their small D the child won't understand who is he and he is very happy except game going and giving habit is clean up giving giving and they will give some candies and I'll go and share with your friends with your brothers and it will observe how dear shape with joy why they are doing it so this is the way the parents are giving them good some scholars anyone coming go and touch their feet and have to play sings be humble so this is the way the always good some scholars and then we find some day so this good some scholars helps us to go to our scar and what is that God actually fulfillment what is the fulfillment please absolutely please whatever we do we do for joy we do for peace we do for happiness but it even will be a dream when you are eating we feel that if I'm going to be happy by eating it when you are going to make the frames oh I'm going to fight with him now and go to frame to get the joy I'm going to visit the other relatives and I am going to enjoy their company at the back of all action only one thing is their joy happiness peace that absolute the complete when you give that is called God realization then mind why one slip from the path of yoga he is asking this question and the very wonderful question they always ask and it is good that the artist and the Dean of our raindrip sessions after the talk the Swami's will invite the questions most of the majority of the people will be sitting quiet you know what not that they don't have the question they're afraid fear if I have something if people laugh and if they think that I'm a fool so they don't like to speak out wrong thing so if you have any doubt and you should give doubt in your mind to clarify your point it's not that you are doubting the statement of the person is stealing you know it to clarify the point for yourself or for others so you see it like this then why it is that this is the same way we find with the Saddam Edition is talking is just like the our spiritual retreat any people visiting Salam o Krishna sitting over there but the whole day listening is a retreat spiritual retreat returning their spiritual batteries and when they are going back going on pondering over all that vices Serano - Nikhil one person asks that question why Krishna took away all the clothes of the gopis we heard about the ashram partial now this man is asking you talk that if you sleep from the yoga why do they do what's the problem why does from the path of humor not saddam additional while thinking of God that assignment filled the grading for material enjoyment sometimes it comes material enjoyment you know because the path you are going to realize God you're going to be free obviously the God himself is giving the knowledge and he's asking you to come but at the same time he has he has kept all the hard URLs that you must have to cross and cross and cross and these are the hurdles of name pain money and all and location are eats and sleeps called Asiana issue na means desire all people should praise me and nowadays this becomes one of the most Hashanah all they will come and say oh you are heat for five thousand people here eat that what in fact that you have seen the YouTube and the heat is going on so some people this Mar some people they don't bother about the content they see the number and now the Swami's they are thinking oh I am only 100 and East one thousand he sneaked up what is her things the I always feel am I satisfied by talking because I am NOT talking for others I am talking to myself and I satisfied I am talking about my sexuality so this is the main thing a tional otherwise again sleep that is a retesting in life of the Spiritualist pylons salam krishna is so clear there's a feeling living for the material enjoyment it is craving that mixes from the past in his next life he'll be born with spiritual tendencies that he failed to translate into action in his present life so why should I wait for the next life why not here the Sweden who punishes it says he achieved away utters optimist T not yet he had a big multi dynasty booties booties which is traded our printer as mondo gone on with our birthday the immortal unwritten are the wildest important no birthday game how that in every being that same self booties booties which in today de prettier a small look in this life here and now everyone's now a business again and again he is telling here and now we in this life only how just remain consciousness all just remain conscious what is the consciousness I have not this body I have not this mind I am only wearing this this fall I am wearing that much I am the Sun and the consciousness I'm going to putting on this body that's all I was born in such answers family I this is my mother tongue this is my food habit this type of clothing is this type of culture and I'm happy that I got all those things but those are not me I am only putting on it that's all nothing else so this is the way conscious every time this is one way when you are practicing the consciousness or I have a father I have a mother goddess my father God is my mother constantly the moment together immediately see the picture of the God and say God again another day is coming you should be always with me don't leave me I may forget you but you should not forget me and constantly remembering here there everywhere you should remember remember remember when you see that clouds the rainy clouds remember it may be the color of Krishna maybe the color of Saddam gender may be the color of see Arkady so there are all our gods and goddesses so asked and that is our God cloud only when looking at but you are remembering in that way and bad that we you're remembering the God so this way we have to then what is the way but this question you will discuss in our next class thank you friends thank you for coming what is the way way to got realization the what will be the answer of saddam additional we will listen in our next class please repeat after me need and you need Anand album down come down come Dieterle clumpy he shall add army but a mission media Ramakrishna she does indeed [Music] Chandi Chandi hurry you desert sri ramakrishna our eponymous two