Video 194
195. Panchama Veda 195: Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna: God is Both Inside and Outside
commercial seven among column three Madhava tongue movie grinning da Buddha dodging ah the last time in a ninth April when we had the discussion the topic was God alone is real all death is illusion now today's topic is the same sluggishness telling God is both inside and outside now this is a very interesting the same person who wants Ramakrishna and we find these two statements on the same page 521 page of the Gospel of Saddam epistle and here we find that when he is talking with other hot rod and other devotees almost the same time he is mentioning this two statements one the God alone is real and all else is illusion and second he is telling God is both inside and outside so suppose once he is telling that God alone is real again he is telling God is inside and God is also decide how that is possible we will go through some of them the process knowledge how we get the knowledge so this is a question this is special in drizzle that we have to understand these two viewpoints the two the viewpoints are there one is negation negation negation not this not this not this then reach to the the self the truth the knowledge and another days everything is these these these et et et in Sanskrit these these things everything is God and and the just opposite neti neti neti not this not this not this Sadam acacia trees after accepting the brought the processes now we will read that very interesting way he's mentioning this is called the process of knowledge one who is trying to understand an object so the star the cognizer one who is trying to understand the cognizer what he is doing he is looking at an object so we have to pay little attention maybe how we just see and we see something we understand something - like this it goes sometimes we hear and war and we understand something now it's a we we know all this but what is the process how it goes this is very important in the spiritual life and otherwise what happens the most of the time we have hypnotized also we start thinking that we are hearing we are seeing and this way most of the people they become hypocrite in the life of spirituality so one must be very very careful excuse me the first is someone who is observing and the famous the famous that book is there the recent debate the small book drink Trisha and Vivica drink means the person who is observing someone is observing Trisha the object that we have seen and in between the two there's a process that is going on that skull knowledge know very easily we can understand I am looking at the chair I see sharp Menander looking at that chair chair is the object i the subject and the process of seeing it the process is the knowledge how is he to the eyes now suppose there is some wrong in my eyes I won't be able to see that properly can I see that chair correctly now yesterday I was flying back from Providence and no it was a fully packed the craft does not a single seat but at the gentleman he was sitting and he was trying to keep the his side seat for his friend he told that the lady my brother friend will come with a brown shirt color shirt and the lady was standing before that see usually in this country it is very difficult but even then she was trying to help the air hostess and she was standing before the seat whoever is coming please go please go like that then that person came he was just in front of me so I couldn't hear this gentleman said and this is my friend and she looked at the dress and you this is not brown you must understand what is brown and what is not but anyway please come and sit so see this person looking at the color of that sure that the man is wearing brown but the lady of course the lead is they understand the color very correctly than the Miller I don't know I also make lot of mistakes so this she immediately said this is not brown two person looking at the same color seeing two different things and they are seeing through their own eyes and sometimes when I see personal something from distance I think oh this is this when I go closer look go to that I see something else myself the same person so this proves that the scenes of organs main triggers in a different way may not be correct so how can I accept this thing so this is the first way of knowledge so production we see the protection the protection means the direct I saw that person myself but there may be mistake I heard that word myself there may be mistake i distant myself there may be mistake so how to believe then when the Guru says that there is God and God is like these and we'll come to that conclusion the great Souls to India realizing acting this is this the soul is this the Atman is this this is the goal and whole human mind should go that is the spiritual real to elevate the discussion that I had in the Boston that was which the Sri Ramachandra and his guru vashisht the great teacher and here in that dialogue the ceramic Chandra just like the Buddha afterwards the Buddha that he was confused all these things are changing every moment Ram Chandra say to his guru then why you were asking me to become a king what am I going to do with this kingdom everything is changing and something I would also change and I would also die if this idea is inspired then the whole society will break down they never do that so they say that what is the truth what you see that this passing away we cease look at that and then we will understand as cinema business ain't God is both inside and outside so this is the called trippity later one is cognizer and cognition and objective cognized the process of knowledge and no one and the object that we visit the tree the moment we can pierce this in a moment we can understand these three things clearly media is God and we are going on years to be the years of two years we are going on searching for this truth the sometimes when I was traveling from the Michigan to Chicago I saw a big board God is watching you and not only God bullish is also watching were driving so God is watching you but if the people ask where is God the person who has written he has written just like that but the field whiting field should shut up to someone in the scripture scene like that so how we give this knowledge let us come to this this country who TV the 340 means three object pairs together then it comes the knowledge here the brain we see that knowledge then what we see that is the wonderful experience two different experiences come so that is called thereafter the realization this is the differences come and what is this after apparently upside according to the Advaita Vedanta these are nothing but the Maya the illusion the first day as he was telling ceramic is now still God alone is true all else are all usually so that is the first statement when I first see I go and see the chair and after some years we have to change the chair again as the person after some years is no more somebody else has done so like these all changes are going on and on and on so this world is completely illusion it is changing so I won't get the true happiness in this world because I was going and picking up my grandchild the small little baby I was picking up so I could keep the baby on my lap so I could get the jar slowly the baby becomes big I can't think of lifting his hand maybe he's so strong so what will happen so I start crying oh I used to lift this baby now he has grown up so why he has grown up I wanted to let him like that can you think like that no things are changing and we are adjusting our mind with the changes and what happens we don't get the Apple happiness we adjust our happiness that was my little grandson now this the very bright young man successful in the society he is my grandson that we are changes at just my mind along with that the joy but the joy that I used to have keeping the baby mine laughs can I have the same joy with the person that same person of course grown up and successful I don't think that will be different joy that means joy the happiness they are also changing that we have to keep in mind what is changing everything and if all this changing then where I am going to get the original the real one who is not changing at all then in sanskrit they say shocked she observing and eva changes never do anything so the dad comes the knowledge there comes to different levels so what is that one called empirical situation this is a worldly situation there also we are having some knowledge without knowledge we cannot survive must be having some knowledge a man nowadays the longevity of the life the people they are diamond because that they're interviewing on developing wonderful medicines the methods and my dad with the longevity is having people are enjoying the life for a long time which was in a few years before it was impossible 40 years means is old 50 means gone like that it lives to think here a miracle situation that knowledge is taught there the different type of difference is a peer and is all relative experience whatever we see now experience now real now try to understand now all relative experience but you cannot deny it because we are in this situation the way we are in this situation the Sheraton Oh everything is changeful I am also changing I won't get the knowledge of the truth I will never know truly I am so what is this life for let me go and commit suicide that is a crazy what I should do I should utilize this situation how do utilize this situation slowly I get knowledge in another level transcendental level how we know about the transcendental abode so the clear knowledge comes from four different things first is direct pressure then inference I can understand things like this I see all the people from China are same almost same features so I can - no I have never visited China I have read I have seen the picture I have seen the people over here so I get an IV or China not direct but to inference that is also correct and majority most of our knowledge is inference knowledge we think in this way it may be wrong sometimes 10 able some people they another give sturdy added chocolate some have one gentleman and he could never believe the monks though he was having a frame of his was a man but still so he talked to me apparently happy but afterwards commented that Imams are like this they say all the time very sweet words but actually they are not so inference somehow the knowledge has come to him in that way he is thinking in that way maybe he met some people and then the knowledge has come back but through inference also we can go to the original how we see the life of our own serum dish now we see the life of Lord Jesus we see the life of the Buddha and we infer so this little wave also power and such and such time and this situation in that family and they also leave just ordinary life and then they have reached to that height the people are worshipping them not one or two millions of people are worshipping and great minds also they are reading their books and bowing down to them must be something special inference the production on Aman Obama opens this comparing when you compare there is a beautiful story in the punisher one part is going on the hopping from this branch to that branch and then eating the fruits and then suddenly it looks up and then saw another bird the same plumage the same type quietly sitting and observing there is no disturbances bird is sometime eating a sweet food sometimes bitter one a different type of experiences something happiness sometimes misery but the other one was quietly observing Hey how it is possible you can also realize this through the life's experiences then if you give up that then you come to tears so that is called upanishadic the teaching through experience we grow seanyb we can the sit in one place I bless all my failures because of them today I am here now all the failures the fool is that we made now helped us to understand this is the truth so how many ways we are realizing for direct perception this moment we are not talking about that because that will be the last one then inference seeing that this is like this it must be like this and this person was also like me and slowly he practiced this discipline and he reached over here what are the discipline in spiritual life there is understanding the thing then trying to control the mind and the emotions and meditating chanting the name of God reading books working trying to not to be involved in this of all this work and slowly he becomes the great soul - that is big so I got some inference then comparing look at these people they are so good so happy so through the compare compare also chapter what is the chapter those who have realized when they see that we can believe everything that we do on the basis of the shelter now you are going to be an electrician you are reading about the electricity those people who realized about the electricity they wrote their experiences noted them down and then it has come as a book any knowledge come down and down and down coming down to me and then I am also in reaching that knowledge somebody afterwards in future will give the benefit so knowledge we are according to four-way direct perception direct knowledge production own Amana inference umana comparing and chapter through the be the shop the means we call be the Bede real means the knowledge knowledge of whom knowledge of the realized souls so forgiving see Ramakrishna he was not only a realized soul years a supreme self today one gentleman was asking me how can I access Ramakrishna love her you don't mind but I cannot accept him okay you did not do but go and open the book the Chabad kita 16 chapter at first three verses 26 qualities of a human being read that and if you see those qualities then after reading turn to yourself see how many qualities that you are having look at your friend and relatives and the society those qualities is anybody's having there at least one or two or three look at that and if those wonderful the divine qualities we see present in a life of someone country say that he is the God country say that he is our Torah the Incarnation can t pay respect to him because he could get that and he could show that otherwise simply you are now I cannot that is up to you that is up to you but if you go according to the system and understand the you Martin except that the head is a person who is so great because all the 26 divine qualities each and every Mortimer present in the life that's why you you always say first you read the biography of sri ramakrishna then only you will be able to appreciate otherwise it is impossible so this knowledge comes through chapter and what is the chapter shaft the means the words of the realized soul frames so in cinema Krishna say these two statements apparently they're contradictory but in reality it is not then we go to the another scripture that is called katha Upanishad it's a highly accepted the passages here we find it says the rishi he says mana see Edom October Nina na na na sticking channa eva is this what is that these truth what is the truth everything that we see is nothing but one in different names and four and how to realize that how to understand that through your mind and there is no other way no other thing only my mind which is having the problem making the confusion but at the same time this mind will help me to realize to that monastery when a sickness through your mind either become these that truth after p.m. we have to realize what is the truth now hija Nina here in this world totus millions of varieties of things at their non honesty no no it is not there is only one if you don't understand this if you don't realize these if you go on seeing different things what will happen then the rishi warns us he says Roberto sure written gotcha team yeah you have Naniwa bushi 81 who sees this thing as different he goes from death to death then he'll be dying taking birth again dying again taking birth in a circle we could go on so to go beyond these is the goal but how when the realization can was is that on which the water Purusha they saved not the heart wanna teach 32 different types of stiffen anatomy one there is nothing but one though you see the difference it is only one the same God in one form how traditionally they are giving the example and from the heart from this plea we we are making different type of things the people they say oh this is at all a human another is a cat or a dog they all see differences but please there in everything clay is the one we cannot furnish it the clay from that doll from that art and bond our 10-part and the clay are the same so we look at the individual thing that has been made out of the clay in all difference but when you see that it is out of clay only there is one the similarly when we look at this world the tree the birds these that human being varieties of human being then we think also many differences oh no no no it is impossible I am going to close my doors and windows I am NOT going to mix with people so I'll be all alone from whom we were actually shining where you are doing I am going to see my god I am going to search God within my own soul very good we realize God within your soul you find the same God outside also you shunning them then I found oh my god they were all guards how because two different forms different names different features on the Union externally different things are there but actually they're all the self without the self nothing is there accordingly it says ambush to martyr Purusha not our unity study again same copy being the being be capital it is inside as the size of the thumb why does it come little but that little is covering everything so through this protection on you man come on shut the we come to know about this knowledge that this is within our soul within our heart would it mean I have to realize that and that is Rita I find that one within me then I open my heart eyes and see the same thing everywhere outside Shankar Acharya after the realization what experience that comes he is noting now that experience after depth realization sir Adam Perron operator soft this is the supreme one such is a CT that means eternal it never changes either these para maana highest are treatable one only one and not to Barama are doing them whatever means the highest ever that no question you cannot ask any question because that thing is there to that the highest position why only one no to brahma mahad do it oh so are smart and NASA was to know about when you realize that one within yourself you find there's no to only one with some people that come to me they like to learn the meditation I tell them in the beginning see the light uncle taught the pollution the small that instead of seeing that being there see that as a light white light the lattice the knowledge symbol of knowledge light is a symbol of knowledge and slowly slowly you see the light and nothing else and it goes on covering the whole universe and you were also in Detmar marching into that and wonderful joy comes we can't do it even for a second or two participation and slowly we draw the line then come within yourself because body consciousness is so much we cannot remain into that high stage for a long time one should not try but just to get the experience of the Bliss one can try sometimes so that is called Edom so a smart onion service to know about no bus to God thing is their individual team nothing remains now he can get a sticking Jade nahi onion was taking G even a little thing small thing is not there and Sam Mia para Marta devoted Ursula that is it be big - ramen we find 226 Birds Shankar Acharya he is giving the experience and this is the highest experience now the discussion actually began with the hot rod he entered into the room you know the gospel means ceramic Krishna is moving and the teacher who was bothering him was his disciple he it was very very individual and he could memorize each and every thing so what is what the dialogue is to take place I used to note it down and then afterwards when used to return back to his house his to meditate on that then he will elaborate so like that this book has been written at the time of ceramic is not Salam o Krishna also art sometimes asking question so the attendee city no doubt then when this was published Marshall Romani baby show me Vivekananda and all these Salam o Krishna's disciples are the known people they were all alive so obviously they all rate and their names are their conversation that took place to Islam Tichenor and that particular person about whom the master Masha has noted viewers present he didn't object it Big Brother delighted so what anticipate no question about this gospel of sadhana Tichenor and master Moshe giving the description saddam krishna was inside the room in the Dakshina a small room by the side of the holy ganga the river and people's to come and sit over there mostly on the floor because there's no other furnitures so these two come and seat Hodja he entered and he had the habit of repeating all the time so um so husband's to follow the path of knowledge Soham I am that I am that so I am that Supreme Being I am that Supreme Being those who are practicing the path of knowledge they are supposed to practice in this way constantly thinking I am NOT the body I am NOT the mind I am not that I am thinking and that Supreme Being all conscious beings so first a team he as his habit he chanted so on so on I am Here I am he and then he told the law - not to the TM boy he came to see Ramakrishna and he used to start Bhagavan serum additional and he told not to not used to everyday used to go to the temple used to cry before goddess Kali is to pray to the goddess Kali is to serve his guru also Raghavan's ramakrishna and that way then afterwards this man came and told lot - what does one gained by worshipping God with offerings there you go and you were offering flower and sometimes the fruits and praying to God what does one game that is merely giving him things that are he's already that all things are nothing but the course creation and you were offering the same thing to God and you were thinking order to be happy so he's in with the young boy who has newly come to follow the path of religion he said that wants to not in also the not in the young boy who came he said that to ma now the Masters Ramakrishna speaking I explained to LA to who the object of devotees worship is the devotee is worshiping who they're worshiping now that we have to understand the situation a young man has come a different type of ideas now one person the hot rod he has not realized the truth Ezra was only practicing and am the province Rama Krishna who has realized not only realized he is the personality of technology the ceramic is not could really the mind of that person and can guide him accordingly ceramic is not new that lot too is a devotee so he was inspiring him to go to God to pray to cry just as a son should do to the mother like that so that emotion will help him to go towards the God hostility and give completely different advice doubt naturally comes the minds of the the young people master Salam o Krishna stealing what you see is very lofty thought AHA so hum so um I am dead I am dead and at the same time everything that you see this of God has created why you are unnecessarily wasting your time for body worshipping and all that the true love lofty thought the ringing of spiritual discipline we must notice this the aim of spiritual discipline of chanting God's name and glories is to realize just that look at it there are two statements we started today one God alone is there and nothing else everything is illusion secondly God is inside and outside now when you go through the conversation of Sarah Krishna we find he is supporting both paths one knowledge another devotion how in the knowledge he says that chauhan sonam that is the loftiest idea but that plays into that goal one can reach through spiritual discipline like chanting the God's name and his glory what is the discipline chanting the God's name and his glory the majority of the people they are confused or no I like to follow the path of knowledge and these the why I have to take the initiation ramen what she didn't take the useless stir didn't grow encoding that if you think that you are like lemon or she no problem otherwise you'll be nowhere because you have to have Ruby Luna didn't go to school we never attended in school but you were such a knowledgeable person he was not laureate on literature now if we tell her we do not even go to school I'll also be in the wall and someday I will also get the novel drives try whole life no problem but we have to understand what is this the salam o krishna the god himself is giving this teaching the spiritual knowledge can be attained through taking the name of God whatever spiritual experience as the luckiest ideal of the vedantam which they gained or realized by following the words so home so on so devotees he say a man attain everything when he discovered his true self in himself the object of sadhana is to realize that that also is the purpose of assuming a human body so he this human body most of the people they don't understand why you have God got this human body the only single there is the cow there is a heart there is it go and I am a human they they were born as a cow goats and all that I am born as a human so I they also eat and I eat them so this way we all have pain but it is not like this the human part is completely different the very first verse of the Bemidji Romani so see that this vedanta is a the spirituality but that takes the very high level very high level and in that level that we have to understand fast fading on myself faith or oneself what is the frame why aren't the human being I can come dies I can imagine I can discriminate I can choose that is the first thing so I am proud that I'm a human being second what I see all differences where from it came came from one thing if it is the one thing now suppose from the same the claim the one part is made like a glass and the tumbler then as a elephant now should they fight hey you are an elephant you go away from me I am a tumbler and I am these and that simply that knowledge you have to understand then we should not say because of those people political economical social linguistic differences may be there but in the name of religion no no no one cannot why because religion takes us to technology from where we can understand everything is made of God how we can then differentiate rather the spiritual people religious people the Ahmad the domes they are going everywhere to bring peace how by telling people while you were fighting unnecessarily this is the thing that is happening that is the role of the spiritual people religious people if they themself goes on in encouraging people to fight in the name of religion that we the first if there is any hell they are the first people interpret there why because they are forcing others wrongly without knowing God or anything here's cinema Tichenor so anyone comes to me I always insist please read the Gospel of ceramic dish once you have read okay second time you mean third time you read and then slowly the maturity will come then the understanding will come then at least one thing you will know whether you realize God or not you will be sure that this is true religion and what is the true religion the human birth is only meant for understanding I am God that is the loftiest how I will reach two different paths the one path ceramic it is interesting here take the name of God regularly just that and that will unify your mind and it says one needs that clay more as long as the good image not been cast he is talking about the body human body is so precious why because through this body will reach the God and as long as we have not realized God we have to keep this body healthy so that I can meditate you have to get around in the morning you have to meditate and have to follow the discipline reading the boobs and then that way one day when you realize God don't bother about the body wherever it goes it doesn't matter at all but that time you need not think was because the divinity will manifest within you people will come to you they will come to help you serve you that is obvious and that is inference again as we were discussing the moment a person closer to God and people start loving him he need not to go and say I am a religious man automatically people will come to him and they will like him and loving God thought only insiders but he is both inside and outside this is the second statement the divine mother showed me the Kali temple that everything how we acquire knowledge first prepped official here the cinema Krishna is giving the narration of his direct experience how it happened everything is Chaitanya Maya everything is nothing but the consciousness the embodiment of spirit that is she who has become all this the image myself utensils of worship the doorsill the marble floor everything indeed the Chaitanya so that is the experience everything that is the consciousness so only one Shankaracharya long before see Ramakrishna he realized the same truth that only one is there at the time of realization you never find - then the Rishi of the Kotoko Nisha much much earlier than the Shankar Acharya he also realized the same truth Nihon on a stick in China now hija Nana there is no difference to see realization coming down to us for deny it just without practicing or trying to realize if we simply brush aside and deny it that is unfortunate so we find this way the aim of prayer of spiritual discipline of chanting the name and the glories of God is to realize just that friends we are ordinary people you cannot constantly go on understanding what is this Balanta you know we talked about Balanta but the first few things we never practice the Shamma Lamma purity deeksha so there are some other and all this spiritual discipline first you have to prepare your mind for that only and then it is a you can go for that higher things in the beginning itself if we try to understand then what will happen total confusion and who is going to be confused and losing the whole thing the person who is having the doubt so in state from our standpoint at least from my standpoint what I am going to do these first spiritual discipline what is the spiritual discipline chanting the name of the band lorry of God look at it again and again he never misses this name and glory what is the glory the quality of God when what is the quality like the Ramachandran he was so broad-minded only other day we celebrated phenomena bombing his birthday and this in the birthday we celebrated Sri Ramachandra what actually he taught us he taught us these now all this world is illusion but do you duty perfectly Jeevan Muktha condition the Salam Chandra in his through his life he taught us being a jeevan of the free when you were living free from what all the desires all the bondages that is the life of Brahma the most of the people who do not understand what Rama's taught us she got moved up so you do everything as Ram Chandra he performed everything as a son he was radio begin to his parents as a student radio became to his teachers as brother was so friendly and brotherly the brothers with the frames and as a husband and as a king as a ruler everywhere he performed perfectly but the when the time came he withdrew his mind without any attachment so that Jeevan Muktha condition that is Sri Ramachandra so when we are taking the name Jerry Ram Shriram along with that we have to understand this point also the name and the glory the name and the glory of the God is to realize just that for that alone a devotee loves God the what is that a devotee loves God now a very practical level Rama Krishna is coming and we are also facing the almost safety sometimes why the sentence and we know through our experiences what type of teaching the issued gate what type of I do not see the way we should handle with them to teach them to develop their spiritual life particularly those who are coming to become a brahmacari a monastic the life should be totally different apparently result same but in reality it is completely different completely because we join the mind from the same subjects and now one point devotion to God is not ordinary thing so obviously living in the society at the same time not being connected with the society that is the way one should behave so that is the training we always skate that is very difficult very difficult he was very young in the middle God so the food I was coming and I saw a group of people are doing I was looking at them just glancing that was noticed the the SHA me in charge he from the window he noticed it I was looking from that and then when I reached that point particular part those who have visited believer didn't know our kitchen then you have to pass through the big field and then that was in previously the permission of wish wherever assistant secretary is dazed to see and inside there was the lavash is quarter so as to leave inside the quarter in one room maybe ten people so all this sometimes the winning reach do that immediately called me come here what we were looking at I do what I forgot I have to find what I was looking maybe some the temple some architect or something I don't know architect architectural things that you were looking remember should not look at that only see your own feet and nothing else when you are working that is brahmacarya when you are walking you must look at you though and nothing else how many of us would be able to follow that is so difficult you want there so we could say why don't you say mr. Hamada Internet place where nobody is there no you have to live in this society and we used to we used to sell the books which to go to the market which to talk to people but at the same time we knew somebody is watching me and that is my own mind I should not do anything which will disturb my mind that training goes for 10 years then only they'll say ok come it's not so easy even then the differences are always there so brain Salam o Krishna was collecting some good oils from the society it's not it doesn't matter whether he's educated or not it doesn't matter whether he is coming from a good background a good family or not it doesn't matter top is the first column his last birth whatever he or she has done that is countable and from there when they come very simple and kindness used to choose that and he's talking about lot to Mirage the latter Mirage completely he was not at all educated and moreover nobody knew his spirits was so poor they send him to work in another city they were in separate city in Patna from there to Calcutta and the young small boy used to work in somebody's house from their salon Krishna vĂctima he kept him with him but problem hydranoid sure he thought that he should give some advices then others were also there this to give some advices now see Rama distance drilling they are following the path of bhakti please don't tell them such things there I am he don't tell them Salaam Chris distilling it and thirdly the master Marcia is observing and commenting like the mother bird brooding over our cheeks saddam initiative was allowed to protect his devotees frames this is also the service of God sometimes fun vaguely we do something to brings bad names to the organization when something we are observing something we are doing sometimes some devotee out of the room this is good I should do so they will come and ask hey please do this please don't do that like this like that it's really really bad you do not know what reaction is going to happen after this here the devotee what happened you know one person who was attending the discourse over here she went down to drink a glass of water that's because we don't have that arrangement over here it sir so he went and to get a glass of water he didn't find the water though the mountain is there but he was searching for the water one devotee was the he arranged a glass of water was given when he was drinking another devotee came and told hey you give donation can you imagine how he will think she doesn't know the devotee he will think would have become to society they take five dollars only for a glass of water how will this people are and the blame will come on surrounded or that drunk each division that Vedanta Society don't go they have this type of people I'm really helping the organization our gimmick is that an incision and whose organization is this sometimes I do not know what is happening somebody will do something but after long time someone say I'm going to visit your Center and you people detective I never saw you no no you were not there but you people were there you are my people your people means they are connecting you with me and not me with organizations and Tichenor so after reading these I thought that I should share these specifically with our devotees so that you we will also say doing the newcomers are coming tell them something positive good and tell them this is actually we follow and if you want to discuss go to the xiaomi team he will be taunted we do not know we do in this way these are the functions recently it happened one gentleman came he told I like to see the Vedanta society and never and the devotee told oh you don't find anything over here they want into temple you will find everything and also they have a you can get it so this is the way it goes but be cautious are you helping God are you doing against that once at least that much we should do to understand whoever comes the very cordial and I am alone here the sannyasi and because you are here this is our family so anyone misbehaving means it goes against the family we should not do that and whether we learn it from gospel of fishman and here our master he's so much careful that the youngsters who were coming he's trying to protect them very much he once saw somebody is talking with Narendra not in there was just like his soul no one could influence him but even then when the master sir not in was 16 17 years old but even they master ran to that person and said go away from here and told Nora don't to talk don't you should not talk to that man nor little bother about that he was having a conversation like that also the master was so much concerned who even comes over here know it for sure the call has gone from him do you think we can influence the people no the call goes from this there is a gentleman I'd like to introduce you the my club he has come from faraway place even he never knew and he got this opportunity just died isn't it by reading about the banana to society he came over here is staying over here he is trying to understand our philosophy you have that lifestyle there are Americans and mostly we are Indians our thoughts our lifestyle about food habit our behavior so different but some of us say they can behave like the Americans to abroad over here but mostly they're adjusting and at the same time trying to learn do you think I influenced I never knew him he just came here he wrote to me then we're from the call reached over there to his heart believe it is from him whether you will continue or not it's up to him up to him we do not know but what is our duty to give him a better opportunity so that no one should go away from the door of God saying oh these people they're bad people no he should not frames I will conclude please don't mind and taking this opportunity to tell you I remember my gurus words Surat Thani bearish shuttle and the jama'at the pressure on the team are have told me when I told tell me how I should behave I should leave in this world tell me at least one world that I should remember the my guru has instructed me in this way the general everything is goes because he was the president of the order many say through you people will know Saddam fish now that is the responsibility you behave in the way of talking your lifestyle everything should be such the people will never say oh Ramakrishna look at these Dhamma business people now they were sojourn to understand saddam additional seeing you that is the responsible not only for me for each and every one those who are coming to the fall of the ramakrishna mission a very special mission very special mission are telling you is not only hinduism is the mission is to meet people god that is the mission the loftiest mission and we are all in this we have to follow and ceramic isne is taking care whoever will try to help saddam additional will guard him place him and in this very life we can reach to that highest goal where there is only joy joy and peace and peace nothing else thank you [Music] Chandi Chandi desert shridhama krishna bar eponymous 2