Video 193
194. Panchama Veda 194: Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna: God Alone is Real and All Else is Illusory
[Music] column three madam today we will be reading the gospel of Shri Ramakrishna page 518 and in our last class that was a every second that was a one should stick to once one spiritual path that was the the instructional Raghavan C Ramakrishna to realize God one should stick to one pair that was and we have to discuss how to utilize the mind to choose the goal and also how to purify the mind that was the topic that we discussed but how to purify we gave only the points that because the time was not there and this is very important we will complete that and then we'll go to the next instruction and scientists generally see and that is today's topic God alone is real all else is delusional now these are the main points of the Vedanta meaning points are Hinduism God realization is the final call nothing else on the way when we are going towards God if we get some Navy money prosperity that is different by-product but the main goal is to realize God but the problem is the moment we go for the byproducts will miss the original thing so these are the things we have to understand why because water God's creation one is para property another is operability this para and upper our property both are pulling us we have to balance and choose correctly how it is possible by the instructions of a guru the guru is God himself and that is the reason the god himself is coming down as Rama Sri Krishna Sri Chaitanya and like that one after another in different time here this time in the modern age you find Avanza ramakrishna and he is giving us this instruction choose one path stick to that why God alone is real now how do it with your mind but the mind is again thinking in so many different ways we are attracted to the worldly things so should thicker on the say you have to purify the mind have to purify the mind the last class we discussed that fastest I am using the Sanskrit words God what is the circuit of the found decision to realize the truth that was the instruction for our decision to realize the truth and that is the third and the definition of the structure that we find in the Shankar Acharya and others that Shastri good luck issue shut about the other substrates and Guru Guru Guru is the preceptor the instructor to whom I am going and listening from the Guru there God alone is real and I'm believing it accepting it but before believing I am also judging it and when I am judging I am going to other references and what the references afters what the actors realized souls how to understand whether they are realized or not by looking by seeing by examining my distinctive life the personal lives one after another if we understand this point it becomes very easy colors the moment you realize God all of the things everything becomes completely null and void no I don't want it Darwin said I'm Krishna giving an example when it baby wants to go to the mother she only goes on crime mother mother and mother nothing else can satisfied maybe the mother's dog sister become maybe the grandmother may come the father become they may be even hard for the he many things that he or she likes but she won't look at those things so that is called no I need that mother and nothing else and this way we are having the sitar the self confident also I am going to realize God in this life how the self confident will come and the words of the Guru God may be realized and the gurus were examining with after workers previously also all this so the Scriptures scriptures of the record of the realized Souls and the Guru is also telling the same thing then I live in the life of the guru the same things reflecting what is the that thing that is reflecting love and completely unselfishness the pure love love for each and every one and purely unselfish no discrimination and that is the sign of spirituality if you understand it becomes very easy Shankar Acharya in a very fast locally saved monastery the [Music] Muhammad's tribe monastery can understand we can understand but how to judge the marushin how to justify is a good person and not I cannot enter into his mind and he says so wonderful things how to judge Raghavan Saddam Krishna see you must see the shadow at the third day and also in the night then only it is possible that means you must totally observe the person how to observe whether he is having the attachment to the worldly things or not if it is having know it for sure it is not possible whether he is having the discrimination or not for those particular hours they are not ours if you do not mix they should not talk to them that means he has not realized God so this way we can understand and one who has realized God is full of love and love has no boundary love cannot judge so that shows that this person is a realized soul if a person after realizing God has become so [Music] think of the car relaxing God with a little new standing about God you cannot understand God and completely now think of the car and this marvelous thing love and unselfishness and the joy and eternity so after that we are taking the decision yes I am going to realize God so far decision to realize the truth this is the first step and sitting still comes by the Archaea but again what is that root out the attachment to same subjects this is the second thing Giavanna honey calm Jenna calm down very simple if you have the desire but this worldly enjoyment you cannot get the car if you get the God there won't be any desire for the worldly things objects about this so they see the second step you have to intro your mind from the same subjects slowly slowly will be drawing and that is called without the route out completely there should not be any attachment completely root out the attachment to Saints objects and in the yoga darshan we find the definition of this by rakia Trista unroasted avec official prediction Ashiya but she Kawara Shanga Veda Gilman when we are studying that our yoga sutra if you were spared he was studying this we discussed on this drifter honest Lobby kaduche to me I see myself and then I'm attracted to those things when I see different type of buildings of the cars of many other things and advertisement means provoking you to have those enjoy those are you seeing that the pro ties when they say the salmon is approaching and you can go and enjoy these what is the enjoyment going inside the water and catching fish holding that is the enjoyment they are having some people that like that in a very secluded place all alone up to this is all rubber dress and they will go and they will catch the fish that is enjoyment if you feel that that is the enjoyment ducks for you so here it says twister and cervical when I see something I to judge what I am going to get by this and only for a few moments and then what honestly vehicle sometimes we hear about if you do these you will go to heaven heaven is these have any is that a new story go this is by listening by hearing agitated I am attracted I like to grab that I like to enjoy that and what happens mind goes to that and when mind goes to that thing there is no peace at all no happiness at all so Sarika Bashir Britishness share but one thing we should remember when we are leaving we need something to survive up early there is also true simply we cannot say as some people may be that they're monks the living the heart and home and then they are living under the tree but what about the householders what they will do they cannot simply deny this thing it is not possible so what did you do whatever they're praying they should offer it to God to the Oh God protect my children a children is mine but Oh God you protected please Oh God give me something so that I can live in the society in a forward - nicely and so that in a comfortable body and mind I can dedicate myself to you that players are also can be done so the mother is asking this why not no one once this happened to an elderly lady she went along with the tackle Saddam addition to Calcutta to a rich man's house and after all that that didn't have the Swami Rama distance to deal after that ring he is returning back they give something to that widow lady elderly widow lady she was not having anyone she used to live all alone and they knew she's very pious so they gave that a bundle things like dries these there that will be useful for our and she was really happy thinking that at least for a month and now the sadhana his name and he never liked the things that we get it back well he didn't says no to her and what he was going on glancing to the bundle and she understood the selamat Easton is not liking it she was very much afraid but what to do she never wanted to take that also but at the same time she is not accepting the person who has given is a very respectable man they may feel insulted you see Gary brought it to the janeshia and tried to mother Marshall demanded a B and told the Gopal may be angry because I have accepted this gift from that person I wanted to try to Ganga but you know I was thinking if the news reaches back to that gentleman he may feel insulted now what should I do and what should I do immediately the decision of the mother what's lamb Krishna knows about this we have to maintain the household people are coming to us and sometimes you have to feed them and for your womb you have to go and pick from this person and that person now you have got at least one month's provision you didn't want to bother about that you can concentrate on your prayer and meditation this is good take it what she will know even the god mother is telling what he will know and this is the way the Mahamaya she knows the best here when we are talking about it is the ultimate when everything that has gone away your mind is completely free then you should not go and take up a puppy or the cat and then you develop that relation and why how can I go to that asama because I have a puppy to look after that is all Pantages that one should not do when you are free make yourself completely free and available to God only that's the same three stubbornness raviga I see this thing I don't want it when I listen to something I don't want that what I want only God so a little bit of things that will support my body and then all the time I am dedicated to God and you know that narcissistic personality disorder MPD they say that is another thing there's a Greek mythology they see a person was beautiful very good very handsome but he never knew that then one day he went to a bond which is very calm and beautiful the water and he saw his own reflection on that water and he loved that so much his own in reflection but he loved that so much he never wanted to leave that image of ease he started living on by the side of the pond and by idea one day he died over there he never came back he loved him so much that is the personality the same is a excessive yourself in importance is given that is a disorder of the mind sometimes some people they go and look at their the image in the mirror and they start loving it particularly the part of politicians the powerful people with the listen about the other from the other people that they are good they're good and they're good they started thinking that I'm everything that I am doing is good and this is the disorder and PD the same and boy ironic you can only save them otherwise not everywhere they like to see their own picture everywhere tightens the born they're born out of this disorder only me only be in the present this situation also among the world leaders we find some people like that why they only like them super nothing else this is the mental disorder but so much of attachment this personality disability ego prestige power and no feeling for others this is a at this way attest to themselves particularly the registry they're not having anything else only to themselves and this is also here it is possible to come out of that through by dog here so what is the boy hug route out that situation some people are criticizing you okay it is up to this problem what I am going to go I should not go to gay Paree individual to say oh I am good while you are criticizing some people are praising you it is up to them what I am going to do with their this detachment is very very essential to realize God words Ram Krishna say just hold to one pact and realize God no God alone is real there's only one sentence but if you go deep you see how difficult it is to seek the one that you have to understand what actually the truly the batteries and how I am going to realize God what is God how I will purify my mind because mind is constantly dragging me down to the world so from the world when I am trying to save my mind is called purification of the mind the third is called the data renouncing all the results of the action T agha means renouncing the result of the actions not the action itself result of the actions and when you do a complete and forget who is enjoying that you don't mind you are completely free you don't bother about anything so you have done it perfectly as best ways possible you have done and then you see now that much so that is called that their therapist a means that you have to renounce for the sannyasins both mentally you have to renounce physically up to you renounce that Scots analysis for the householders Greece renunciation is mentally and how you can denounce mentally without the attachment the attachment if you are not having you have free from all the problems so this is called the Tiago then comes the fourth one nishta the feeling the existence of brahman consciousness their skull mister their sometimes some people would say do you think God is there and sometimes the scientists they will come and then completely prove you there is no God it cannot be sociologists will come they would say no there is no God some people are so good in proving in that way and your kind out by that and some people will come and say God means these God means that God needs that you should go and kill them curse means that you should fight them tahoe confusion majority of the people are just like that why because they know the first thing that the sitar how the sutra is coming my faith is coming after which are what is the bechara if God is pure love and unselfishness then the of realizing God must be love and unselfishness this is very clear in that case when someone is coming and asking me to fight with others in the name of God I can reach the question I can go and fight when you are asking me but this is not the God's work this is not for God this is for you okay I am under you and working for you I can go and fight but never in the name of God don't say that that's established our mission is complete failed the faith in God the Vedanta see consciousness and bhakti say God finally comes your practices his only theory but what about the practice who personal who personal the practice practice of the Maharaja for those who are following the path of Ghana and practice of the Gods name mantra every time all the time that is called practices you know the to show me is worth traveling that was in India distance part sean mcdonagh not the team and other show so suddenly when they were travelling there another car came stopped and said get down as quickly as possible because your car is on fire it's going to burst they will notice even the driver was driving so it was on fire and they immediately opened came out jumped almost when the one Swami jumped me what is it oh I ought to go he was shouting like their continent that is a giant longest and the jungle afterwards the first for me he say gone on and he must be practicing jumper all the time 24 hours when the gods name didn't come to me occurred me at that time he very quietly said choice round is know whatever have done God knows if this is the practice unless and until you practice it it is impossible I have seen with my own eyes the schwa me he was the doctor in charge of the hospital I was sitting in his office I went there to meet I'd forgotten / what he was there and then suddenly a group young boys they came and one boy the hardly 22 or 25 he was telling Conan Liu ji I need to go and meet my father not only very calmly is it and put it a cheating way roughly he was shouting but one on the jewelry calm and quiet your father isn't the ayah I see you cannot go what they already know when it comes out meaning we can go now you may die somehow I have to take the signature because of all the property he has given it to my brother and I have to take his signature have met all the people ready only allow me I will take the signatures among constituted Oh father will give the signature okay and of course he is a father with the Sun view that is your obvious missus but the thing is let him come out of that and all this was going on the boy went out within half an hour the gentleman passed away there no chance of taking the signature please boy once again came back and he was banging on the table and he was trying this thing and that thing gone on duty as usual but he quietly oh he passed away but this time you didn't get priority as if nothing next like you can irrigate channel dry for that so this time you can get the property right no problem you got a grown-up boy you can hurt yourself he was going on giving that price right the boys were shouting and boozing criticizing so how this honest and that is the world anyone will be there immediately they will call the police of course when they were shouting the the girls came and other people came and took care of the boys and actually good at that moment depletion at Lee the modern model five minutes I was so much verified I immediately went by the side of the Swami if he is going to assert the Xiaomi as best as possible and try to protect him so I was in thinking in that way I went by his side when everything was over then he said are you afraid not for me for you the whole I was thinking that you are taking shelter burn me she was Dukey Suzy the son he is not loving his father he loves his the property of the father when the father is dying then only he has come to take the signature can you imagine and this is the world so this we can understand this is the world sometimes the people are going and throwing their parents and the parents outside maybe that they are not in a condition to retake the responsibility but still so this only partially can save us what is the Varginha prayer prayer and prayer and how the prayer will generate how the period will genuinely come out the fasting served out the faith this five steps when we analyze we find how wonderful it is when saddam distance a sticky one path many paths but with your mind and what is the pure mind purification of the mind to this file sutra by rakia the other mr. andrew Bosna these are the five twelve decision to realize the truth then second root out the attachment to sense of chips renounce the result of the actions faith in the existence of the god the brahman our consciousness and practice the maha vaakya or the name of the pure name of the God that the Guru has given to you with great faith now cinema Krishna is during the spiritual seekers guru T alone is good and not the probability again one sentence liberty and property for a celebrity this is the power property of God what it is probability opera property of God the liberty and property new with T the Brittany's the waves of desires what is the yoga controlling these Brittany's and the Brittany means in sanskrit word with t is the we are the bubbles of the water as we see it's coming up coming up coming up one after another and if you go to the ocean you will see that the waves are coming one of them of them and in sometimes it's all after this big wave it must be love nothing it never stops it goes on and on and on so like that our desires also constantly going on when you grew up a little and we could understand this is that desire those desires were a little different then the more you grow the more different type of desserts till the depth no cessation of the desire and decipher what the worldly things I want this I want that I want that but after achieving all those things still the desire why because I'm not satisfied there was a beautiful story in the raga but yeah Artie the King Yayati he had a great desire and he wanted to fulfill it in his all his life it and your that was not sufficient he took the loan the lifespan of his own son even then that was not as possible then ultimately the man became wise and he said no yaar - kahramana who could be op8 a Samuel T comma comma nam the desire to not be satisfied by enjoying the desire it cannot be otherwise Erica who gained after the utilizing that using their satisfying that you cannot stop it because another type of desire will come to those who are on the path of God those who are trying to realize God the people are and following the spirituality but they should do routines the desire and desire at two different times one for the world and for the God so here we find the probability and rarity the one cinema Krishna say nervous thing is good not the probability the Welcome they come from Italy and Liberty and we find over here in the Bhagavad Gita the seventh chapter it says 7 chapter 4 verse 6 now the God very clearly is mentioning Bhoomi up another boy you come mana booty Rhea butcher Haggadah idiom me veena property Estela eight different types of property five and three what the fight first is the boom in the art then over the water another the fire by the ear and come the eater along with their mana booty cha-cha means and home God so all five plus three this 8dr my property Fox's God himself and what did the priority that combines you and what type of binding sometimes they will take you to joy and then bring down to the suffering joy and suffering again and again again and again it goes on and on and on and on so joy and suffering joy and suffering booming upon Allah are you come Bona Buddha Reba Oh God ATM me this fiver there but how to enjoy those five then they say that your mind and your intellect and your ego dad didn't enjoy but suppose let v be there outside come mana all those they pain but the booming up on underbar you and come let this fight be there if I didn't we do my mind control my mind what will happen then all those things even if they are there cannot affect me I don't know whether you have seen it or not when we were children and in in front of our schools some type of people there to come with a small box they'll be pulling that box and there were many small small holes if you go they would open the hole you can see like this and go on play they'll be music and different type of pictures will pass that was a and that was so much I've tried to we used to go and give them a small coin one or two I'd refer garden and we just look at that and when it is over again and the same thing you sing but we are enjoying sometimes the Guardians will come and drag you from there to once you go out of that but one away from that then you forget then again something else so if these five things this are the water the fire the here the heater that the pipe be there I control my own mind I cannot control those things why can't I go and control the whole thing if I can control my mind that is sufficient everybody's feeling cold animals feeling cold shall I go and stop the wind is it possible how to snow get that is that possible I cover myself when I cover myself and then there's a heater fine let there be snow on the way no problem the same way we have to eat turtle mine so it says like that my property is there including your mind and your ego and also your intellect to what we are to purification of our mind the purification of our mind in the same five-step ways first we have to take the decision and this property is called Maya property also they say Maya and we find in the boonies that they say Maya Shakti de vida build innovative those who are studying the bonanza they must have learned this billion of India and the same way / Africa ting operability and ability Lynx is finding bigger names giving you the freedom and what is big deer only understanding these these five teams that is before me are temporary so I am NOT going to accept that - what is made of God it is nothing but God who has created these but I should not accept that then the next birds in the seventh chapter v words Mogollon himself is giving the idea about pure property aporia neatest and young problem bit amoeba wrong know about my higher-protein me param param means the higher me means mine what is that operation next another higher how is it G root of Mohammed you're a lead America to each other Jeeva Bhutan it is sustaining the whole universe all the jeepers the varied life element is this jiva-bhutah mahabhava means he was addressing arjuna o hero why hidden because to understand these you need a strong mind otherwise it is very difficult so all who got the things are so wonderful so attractive so you have to understand all those things that I see and all faults I don't know whether you have seen that the fireflies the smalls are trying if you go to the villages you'll find the fireflies so beautiful lay everywhere but if you go and catch them they are not that beautiful if you go inside that is tell about from distance it looks so good when it is all sitting on one bush as as it hole pushes burning so beautiful from distance only but in reality it is not and sometimes if you look at that in the vast field is all green but if you try to run over there there may be holes there may be the moths they are not that good so everything are appearing in two different ways apparently good but in reality it is not so we have to understand that said God said Jeeva Bhutan is a very light element by which the universe is sustained what is this universe this living beings now how it's sustained by the consciousness if the consciousness is not there nothing is there so the deputies God is telling now you should be very very careful then you find the Salam addition is advising he was talking with the other other words are green the place me so that I did a good job and Salam Krishna no you were already a deputy deputy magistrate and used to earn 300 rupees in those days as salary most of the people they stored frying rupees those is to earn that 10 rupees they were rich people and this man is hurting if I had 300 rupees but he wanted to get a job by that he could earn 1000 rupees so he said if I get that job romka citizen being 300 rupees Oh much higher than many many others then he was giving that in our village I saw it the pootie he was having a turban on his eighth only the respected people should have the turban or others cannot put on the Taliban so the turban with the turban then on the back of the hearts this to come and people will be so much afraid seeing him here's a devotee I have seen you also devotee must be having that power why again you are going because your time is wasted Sonam occasionally was trying to pursue his disciple put your mind towards God and the Living God was there instead of going to the Living God and asking God to bless him so that he get the freedom from this this man has gone to God to take the blessings so that he can be more bound by more name more Fame more responsibility and worthy things so this we should understand today we are sitting over here and meditating and praying oh god please rebuild I said before me and in those days they were having the head same God with them they could recognize him only thing they knew that is the holy man must be having some miracles power if he prays for me or blessed me I will get those things but they could not understand so see Ramakrishna going on so many people insisting they are also thought on behalf of the person they are coming and requesting ceramic dish done why don't you create your mother it is nothing but your prayer their soul is going one thing now he is getting 300 rupees it is efficient so this way we have to understand about two type of probability God is trying help us not to be bound by his apathy if we don't understand that then in our suffering God is trying to help us to say that our property is also mine but that lead in my son don't do it and go to the bar ah that will give you the complete freedom the joy the happiness so these two only and what is the prerogative God alone is real all else is visually why he was insisting other not to spend his time for the higher job rather stick to this one if you read those big pages constantly and other is going on giving the argument and suppose the marine if he gets a job and came to peace and then he gets a job for 100 rupees what do you think the knowledge will go 400 or thing because East love marine so he was putting nothing same people surround teach them snugged is to tell that don't think about that because there is a new marine so he was confident you know don't compute the nothing you don't understand now he was going on talking another way Noren was given the opportunity also he was also thrown to the temptation with the young boy was not getting food and he had no money to support his mother and brothers and sisters and he in those days the graduate from Capital University was not getting a job and he imagined the graduation diversity is not building a job in those days all Maya was going on then ultimately you intend to refuge in Saddam additional sir please pray for me and you know that and he said you know I'm not going to pray for you you go directly why for two different reasons first to develop faith in the existence of the God in image God in image it is also possible to induce the worship God not that they're fools God can manifest in that image Saddam didn't true that not only was not accepting so he forced him to go and see the God in the stone image as first second to tempt when he goes and stand face to face with the god what a type of desire comes in his mind who make neither the king of this world a shooter stitch to pray like that and so these two marine weight Noren saw the mother the divine mother all-pervading consciousness taking the human form like the body and standing over there it is not the stone image his whole consciousness and Saddam Krishna was noticing what type of Prayer is immediately the prayer was only giving me Jana bb-but devotion and all this not once tries the way he was comparing not only team doesn't talk to him but you don't understand you with it so this he again he is telling that Phyllis better sluggishness pray to the divine who mother please change the direction of my mind right now so that I may not have to flatter rich people so saddam additional giving his own mental condition because he was thinking to organize and then he said i should have not flat out the rich people who mother white so this is a very important instruction for each and every one of us we think this man or that man is helping know if the god wills from anywhere the support will come sure and God is very choosy he won't take money you won't accept money from some people we are thinking all he is adding so much of money and he is donating their planning to this and that may be that it will give to us we go an approach but the in God is not radically accept the money from those people they simply see something else and they will never so this serum testing himself is telling I pray to the mother Oh mother please change the direction of my mind right now so that I may not have to flatter the rich people why fate in the existence of God God is there and being a mom what I am going to do God and to whom I will go to pray God and if the God is really some help will come if the God is not willing I want to the job that and nothing is going to happen whether I do that or not the world will remain like this if I do some good work only my mind will be purified if I can't do that without any the result that I am accepting no result we don't hankering for the result if I do that what my mind will be verified what is that to God and if God wills only denote as possible and to water he is giving his to love others so much so he is giving that guy's peace satisfied with the job you have that will be sufficient that was the sufficient develop erson then once it on occasion he is mentioning you are an executive officer now in the last and skipping all the conversation you are an executive officer what should I say to you do whatever you think best I am an illiterate person the Sonam history is becoming humble this is called the maĆam the God Himself standing before that person but that person couldn't recognize him minashi on our sorrows ratio Christianity sheet day yet at our recipient Christian Marvin teeter-totter only a handful of people they will try to realize me even about them only with little percentage can be allies me wife Maya that that is constantly the Salam their price and then certainly is going back to the cover of the Mayan said I mean literate person what can I say and you are a magistrate you you are an executive officer do whatever you think best why these things the God is thing because our ego even when the God is appearing people before us I'm telling even they we don't like to listen so that today we are discussing there our mind is our enemy this enemy constantly provoke us to go to the world because it's so beautifully decorated over there like the fireflies from distance it looks so good in the dirt and when thousands of fireflies sitting on a bush is so beautiful Bunyan reality it is not beautiful the same way we think so many ways but it is not so the guard daily will say oh you are not listening to me okay no problem continue I have an inveterate person what can I say father understood it but I do not know it is spiritually ignored as Masri mom Master Marshall the recorder of this conversation he understood it's not understood see on occasion so nicely at author is mining and then he is telling to the devotees now he's examining me he is examining me the other could understand the cinema Krishna the giving the power to his court so now you and master smiling he say God alone is real all else is illusion friends we will discuss this particular part how we can see the God hello Israel and in other we do the bachata in the vedantic way we go to a particular ultimately they see the DBQ Romani 210th verse it clearly mentioned when chinami P Oh John Alicia day initiative needed r29 Pancho Nam oppa kahshanna you know the five six Annamayya then pranamaya mono by a big Gianna Maya anandamaya this five seeds initially when they are not then what we met and when we stop those things how you stop they say Jupiter through the hey by analyzing and soothing because of the Vedic dictums Bailey instructions and the words of the Rishi's they're also doing the same thing I accept that and also I judge by these two weeks I understood the Machine a body shock she would appreciate it then when these five sets are not there then what remains there must be something on we only we saw these five sales I saw the unmarked ocean on what Jade onion consciousness I saw the pranamaya kosha monomial kosher McGee annamaya kosha one word on gentlemen when wind is one of the other - the anandamaya kosha pipe seeds are over what remains only that consciousness and that consciousness is also known as shark she so when we come to death client we understand oh that shark she is nothing but the pure consciousness and the pure consciousness is nothing but the god from the viewpoint of the devotion so the devotees they call that consciousness is God and the Gianni's they call that consciousness as Brahma so in cinema Krishna said God alone is true God alone is deciding inside us that God is nothing but the consciousness thank you next Tuesday key you will need [Music] on and [Music] dawn gum little bit grumpy I shall follow me chamois done Tom ramakrishna she does on the Shawn the chandi Hardy that said sweet Amish are animals too