Video 191
192: Panchama Veda 192: Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna: Renunciation and Longing for God
Girdhar returned dr. jeevan KO be rewritten column masha shravana Mangalam three Matata tong Bobby green and da Buddha dodging ah today we'll be discussing a very important aspect of spiritual life without dad no spiritual life can be successful spiritually if we like to really develop or realize or feel this is the thing what is that renunciation now the ceramic vishna is talking about that we will start from here page number five zero six and he says he can he can live unattached in the world last time we discussed about that now we need to explain it much more why see Ramakrishna didn't mention doctor yogi he said only eonni a man of knowledge what is the difference so when we talk about the God realization the moment we feel that God is there is a different attitude nothing wrong it it it is also perfect but at the same time is an approach is completely different a God is separate I am separate and I am going to get the blessings of God that is a different but when Saddam kishna mentioned the world Johnny and you know in Indian philosophy what the gana means Ghani is a man of knowledge and what is that knowledge carry fine in the issue Phoenicia the verse 6 it says yes to serve an important Imani barber C T silver petition job Atmaram total nobility so that is the issue Monisha who sees all being in the self so we must have to have the idea of the self of the brahman or the consciousness all pervading so one person he is understanding that to whatever I see is nothing but the that same self or the consciousness in different being and it's not just intellectual conception priestly his realization is feeling everywhere every time he feels like that and that is called cerebral putana at morning even appreciative he sees that everyone buta means being manifest drifting in the hartman and then they also the Hartman is inside Anna they are also sustaining in Hartman that means we do not man without the consciousness nothing Indian to ultimate what did he see understanding what that means the conception of which has become meaning and again going back to the same route and becoming one that is called the garden now we can read we can think when you hear beating or what is okay it is like that something like that but the realization of that is completely different what will happen you won't be able to complain against anything that's going to march out of the money day we said if you want peace a very simple way she said as if it is nothing if you want peace my child don't find four great others and we constantly many people will be coating this don't find fault with others but what does it mean the highest realization of the pedometer and that is exactly what the issue Punisher is mentioning over there and he who sees all beings in the self and the self in all beings not at all which you Capricia tale not this world not at all but you could attain do not feel hatred because of that realization you cannot and that is the reason when a person is becoming a monk a sannyasi or a spiritual seeker a devotee and he's also so the idea is to realize God can never join in any other social movements or political governments that is not possible the social or political movement means social political activities means there are two or many many other groups and obviously you won't be able to this philosophy over there so this is the reason those who are trying to practice the highest part of regard realization or the realization of the self to be char through discrimination renunciation they should not join any other because the concentration should be in this how can I hate are criticized because I have been taught by the waiter not to not the veduca bisciotti you cannot hate and the same type of revelations we find in the bhagavad-gita I wrote in a Bhagavad Gita you'll find in the 6th chapter 29 30 31 these are the three verses where it says in a different way and he says that he who sees me in all things and sees all things in me says the same initially you mom machete sarvatra the language has become very simple in bhagavad-gita in the punishin a little different difficult there's a straight you mom machete sad word servant amoeba Shetty thirsty omnivorous Jia me such a mean Abernathy I am constantly with him and he is also constantly with me how it is possible because he sees everything is me and me in everything so when I am not there how you can say that I don't know whether God is here or not every time God is present that is very very difficult the mental the condition very sorry the constantly thing in the presence of God that the one book is the practice of the presence of God what is the practice the presence of God constantly were thinking how can you criticize others you'll behave here and everything will change you sometimes some people to say I have seen the light I am progressing in this yoga and these and is eight years nine years I'm practicing yoga it doesn't matter anything only the result these days do you feel love for others concerned for others and do you feel no hatred for anyone so that is the thing there's a the lady is singing in the Muslim the Sufi tradition and she used to live all alone in a desert and we wanted to pass through direct the passes violent in the desert there's no food scarcity of water fish to serve them and constantly taking the name of God all along history then a group of so-called the religious leaders came and they asked her do you truly follow the religion as has been instructed in our spiritual Suetonius the do you hate the devil should I don't have any time no time to hate the devil how can I do that the moment the hatred is there for someone it will go for another go for another so I don't have head trade at all I have only love and nothing else that was the answer of the great lady so that is called at mahadji the he or she has realized that augment the consciousness the God everywhere and can't see anything else and someone was telling Swamiji you like so-and-so so much but I never wanted to tell you about that person you know what happened that he or she did in this way that way then again she was telling I am Telling You just as information that you should know about her but I should see whether you tell me or not tell me my behavior with that person will be the same the my practice is completely different but how to express that so this is the way you Mong machetes are but terrible Johnny machete the sometimes some people say oh you are living alone but they are also my son is also living already living alone is not the same thing this girl dead but the sale of what will happen now we find a teach you the attitude comes from the philosophy the living needs were the same type of food also the great soul they are taking all the realized people they also used to sleep used to take food is to move around is to talk with people but why they are so great because of the attitude do sh t monkey they say Drishti this remains you have your attitude and how it comes realization you have to practice this philosophy again and again again and again then only that oneness will come and we find in the wonders of data there also it says someone questioned at miyaji some um same cited question same cited at my yahoo a service the God who has realized the self Serrano Tichenor mention only one line the Gandy can leave unattached now see so many references we find from so many scriptures that there's Rami be wakened up was having some conversation with his disciples and suddenly he said you know on one single sentence above all Saddam Krishna I can write a cupful philosophy so many philosophies can be written on that and the disciples up ago on ceramic is Yusuf Izzet but sadhana she knows what is so simple when you find the philosophical things from it is a core anything he is the teachings of the Quran sadhana krishna i will show you how it goes the tech in depth Ness the more you read the scriptures more it reviews that how simple Pavan stood on Krishna apparently but how profound in his teachings why because it's not it because it's realization because that is the reason people is to come and great learning people they used to come before say Ramakrishna but it in no time this to become his devotees followers but this power we find in the purana also the same words and I will quote from Mohan even the before I go to something else this muharram and Tantra it also says the Tantra we were quoting from the Phoenician Vedanta bhagavad-gita Vedanta and Manu shanita there's also some NIDA and here we find in the tundra they say sarvam Brahm Bonnie socotra from a pre-party Salam from means everything is that Brahmin and what is that brand man consciousness sorry Bertram my body pashyati everywhere they find that consciousness if you have read the life of a once-around if you know he went to different places and he saw the same consciousness everywhere the moment he saw a lion immediately he went into Samadhi can imagine because immediately the realisation of Goddess Durga it came into her his mind so that is that realization he saw a European boy standing that just another in the form of Krishna Krishna standing a little different way in the platform of Krishna that European boy was standing there immediately slam Disney went into trance why - that is them the moment he saw immediately that any world oh the people are singing the song his mind is transported into that Herman he can't feel anything extremely it examples of the examples every moment every time we find that in the life of instead of Krishna to really unique a personality sarvam brahmani sarvatra brahma baba diversity but sometimes and we will may come to that the serum krishna was very choosy among the people who used to tell the lies or whose character was different these two show apparently something very good and gentle and courteous and educated but the moment is to come before him if the character was not good he is to turn immediately from them you will never look at them so that Saddam vishna though he sees the Brahmin in everything he saw the from God in that but in the practical life while you have to develop your spirituality you have to shun those things otherwise you won't be able to concentrate so we should not misunderstand that if Brahman is everywhere I can go that's true but in the practical level you have to be ready to see here to understand what I am going to do and when we reach to that we see a son Krishna said guru his behavior with followed by thousands so he knew what to be how to behave well so this will come afterwards guinness are able soft Cola will come to a different terminology such Cola those who have studied that Tantra the you know the basic Cola the creating Cola Cola means realized one as the see the Brahma Brahma in the Honda those who are studying vedantam mainly people the study Vedanta they are accustomed with this type of terminologies Brahma Brahma Kia what is that Brahma Kia Gummy's nor nor a Brahman Norah all-pervading consciousness the eternal but what is Cola saying because I am quoting from the morning birth under another branch of the Hinduism and here we find sarvam from Marie sarvatra remember proposed Shetty Guinness are a basalt colo then they are using the word jeevan mukta nasaan shia see the Hinduism there all the time insisting that it should be free from this bondage what is that bondage love for this worldly life because these things are changing when you stand before the meter can't we understand that we are changing every day we are changing every day sometimes you go to somebody's house and you see a very young man and beautiful here all long big beautiful years and look at that man now not a single tear on his head completely different and he with a shy facing it say that is mine so like these orders we see but at the same time do you realize that it is going on changing returned none that is called Maya that is the problem and that is why constantly we have to repeat that these are all going to change whatever I'm thinking is all going to change so this is called Jionni the he you have that type of attitude that people know psychology the involvement is possible to live in this world completely detached that's what Saddam emissions a master martial three mom told he was a householder hit a strong desire to become sannyasi but Saddam additional won't allow you to do that no you should be there and anyone there is an opportunity master or she will argue understand your very seriously he's our green is Ramakrishna and he said gang he can leave an artist in the world master versus a true said but one needs racial power to lead an unattached life he's the commenting on the statement of see Ramakrishna selamat Easter that is true but perhaps you wanted the worldly life so now krishna is mentioning that in the past life you want take these that's why you are so much to machine never say that I want to realize I want to renounce this worldly life but the moment is safe like that Sudama Krishna understanding he is what is the head at the back of his statement immediately say perhaps you wanted the holy life then he was telling Krishna has been enshrined in the others heart but the rather wanted to sport with him in human form hence all the episodes of brindaban the broom in the Brindavan raga is crying suffering separation and then rather was criticized by the society all these things happened it was not mrs. why because rather wanted to have that thing in the form of a human as a human sporting with the Krishna that's how it happened otherwise Krishna was always present with rather wide rather wanted that because of all these things the mentioning DC say you wanted this now you should pray to God that your worldly duties may be reduced this is the advice above bansidhar Krishna but the householders if you are truly you are thinking that I want to realize God not to be Nadi only to breathe and when you are praying you will find that responsibilities are slowly slowly going away and you have been given a lot of time and now it is you that depends how you neutralizing the time when the young people they are working then you have to work at the same time take now and then the Lord's name really are here and that will be in your subconscious mind for sure and when you are thinking of God I were to realize you but I don't have time to dedicate my myself for you God will make you that time will give you that time opportunity will come so this is what he mentioned now you should pray to God that you work duties be reducing water you tease what it means the world you tease where my desires are there that's called worldly duties when the people who today someone was telling that in their the Gurudwara the temples of the sheiks all people they go and few only but reading 200 people and all of them they're working the first so quickly and then they're making the chapatis the Braves and then they're feeding those people they feel feeding the people are serving but when they're going to the Gurudwara the temple of the sheiks when they're working over there they don't want anything bad they'll be just cleaning and washing and the best service they consider to keep the shoes you know when the devotees are coming they'll be collecting the shoes and they will keep it or not only that they will clean it also and when you have getting returning back it is a pretty clean shoe and the person may be highly educated will stablished in the society and he feels very happy to do that and that's they call it car Sabre car mr. hand with the hands if you do the service and we need we need not expecting anything from the devotee who is coming a reaction as a result when you are doing something you are not expecting anything in return from that particular person but the placings of God and she really why the God is already present in that person yourself salving when you were serving in person the person doesn't know that he is having gardening himself but you know that God is there even if you don't know but without any attachment if your dream without any expectation you are giving the service result will come but if you know I am starting the living gods and goddesses immediate result you will feel it so that's why they say and believe there particularly in the Punjabis around the pajama Scarcella is a great thing and see Rama Krishna is so asking him I think you will achieve the goal if you renounce mentally he will achieve the goal if you renounce mental worth what we are going to renounce the result of it whatever we do I don't expect anything in master Mercier it's not really satisfied he wanted that Salam peace - it's okay give up your family and come and stay with me Salameh krishna was asking many young people the he was asking narendra he was asking Babu Ron and he not only did he pee poo Brown's mother will you please keep your son to me and our mothers also said okay I can give birth you also have to fulfill my prayer and what is that prayer the last moment of my life you should be there so when I am dying the last moment of my life you should come and take me to heaven with you Salam Krishna promised the Bahamas mother and master Marcia he's the witness he's standing dear he is listening there but sadhana Krishna is not me never giving him the cord hey income mind account is not there let's read he is constantly arguing and much too much they say but mental renunciation is prescribed for those who cannot give up the world outwardly for superior devotee total organization is enjoying both outer and inner next line is very important and he is mentioning mastery she himself is writing cinema Tichenor was silent a few minutes and then resumed the conversation cinema kishna immediately went into a take that he went in entered into his mind to see how much the renunciation is there with fields sometimes but it is not that true Saddam kitchen immediately how did you like what is it about renunciation a little while ago salam Tichenor talked about the denunciation now the master Marcia has picked up that topic and master Masha is very convincingly arguing that renunciation mentally for those who cannot renounce are outwardly externally but it is inferior I want to get the both externally and internally please allow me to accept the sannyasa but see that dedication for the Guru the Guru said you should not go master is a good girl in those days people used to have like that now also but master ma che is not going away like that he wanted to convince his guru and with the blessings of guru he should go but guru is God he knew everything the moment master taotie expressed that immediately he silenced wife he wanted to read to know what is going to happen within his mind and then without saying anything he's taking out the words from his mouth he said can you explain about the renunciation that I described a few moments earlier master marshal he said very much self I can do it then the Saddam Edition said tell me what is the meaning of renunciation now this year we really appreciate how the master master mind around Goethe master MA she means teacher he was a teacher headmaster cool the immediately he is giving the perverting the same word as Ramakrishna sale renunciation does not mean simply dispassion for the world but it means the dispassion for the world and also longing for God this is the to action same time the renunciation means there it is having two ambitions in simultaneously the two should go side by side simultaneously should have what one is giving up another accepting here is the stage of into punishment it seems that abandoning the manifested phenomena of the world and cognizing the Hartman the unmanifested eternal taeju Vindobona are not putting the bars this is you are giving up the world and accepting the God that's that is called enunciation it's a very very nice in Phoenician Teja window and it gives in this way the definitions what is the enunciation we always think that giving up no you accept also why because mind cannot be completely vacant it is not possible you have to give something in the mind there should be something inside the mind and if you give away the world and what is there that is the point where the Hindus the Vedanta know despite with the Buddhists the Buddhists say give away and then what packet should know the same but we don t say it cannot be the something will be sure the ass in this atmosphere the moment you are pumping outer warming the year that is going up immediately the cool year will come and fill up the blank and it is for sure the similarly when we are giving up the part of the world back end you have to fill it up and how did you wind up initial sales with the Hartman recognizing and realizing and accepting that and the same thing global domination it says as a free from attachment for the worldly objects and at the same time feel oneness with the absolute this is called the alga the week always think about the renunciation the dagger what is that dagger this Bhagavad Saddam Krishna say you ego if you give up your ego if you can renounce your ego that is the best data but at the same time see Rama Krishna himself again is doing and accepting God as your father or your monitor or your master or your frame then it is possible something must be there the one flaw me he came and he was complaining to Shani brahmananda ji and their other Swami's we're also please the director circles of Salaam Tichenor ship Ananda ji Maharaj was also there and he came in - Ravi ji for so many years and practicing meditation taking the name of God but no realization nothing has happened immediately she wanna lose you - toward didn't know what to do they don't know why you mother why you are telling like this and if this type of word comes from your mouth nothing that means something has come unless and until you have achieved something it won't be possible for you to continue this monastic life must be they must have realized something without feeling something you won't be able to continue this life is not possible the same way it is also that the people no petition says you are giving up the attachment of what worldly things and embracing attaching yourself with God attending this deal the same attachment the adhesiveness is seductive worldly things that you are applying Oh God embracing God and how about pita organizes again he says the three different type of renunciation very analytical and in eighteen chapter seven eight and nine verses it describes what is called that data and three different causes according to the mental attitude one is more hard for it Theodore Morde giving up to the ignorance Thomas occurred there so I think I've mentioned every new one gentleman in the northeastern region of India he was having he was a bachelor he was having a nice cottage and we the Brahma cherien's and Swami's wish to go from Jaret wengie to the chillon used to go and stay in his house and his keychain and all this wish to use and sometimes used to cook or sometimes we used to cook so it was a nice thing he used to talk with us wish to read gospel meditation and all the time most of the time he was in the ass drama he was living in Iceland and then suddenly it entered into his mind I don't know who are steam and he decided to sell out all the property and will go as a announcer I was very young that temperamentally knowledge then both side told see that you must understand what is these idol truly sure that you'd be able to leave with God and without all these things yes yes yes you if you can do it I can also do and no argument after these but I saw that man suffering so much afterwards he was suffering so much but when he went and entered into the asana and he told I'm not going to like like you but the sannyasa life and that life is completely different you cannot expect that sometimes the people depend on the gala come and sit by my side and they expected the people who are coming and giving the respect and attention to me same thing will be given to him but people may not then the suffering oh why they should not and someone very clearly said I am also wearing that good work but why they are not paying attention to me I don't know what toots what I can say you go and talk to them you go ahead and tell them no it is not possible because you have the desire to get little attention you won't get and if you don't have that you will get that is very peculiar such or a sort of power if you give him everything he will get everything so this is the very power seeker the other one should do because the tremendous suffering and it says in the bhagavad-gita move our Purita our he is giving up why out of delusion not understanding why he is giving up and he's thinking people is respect me do these do that for some time but afterwards you won't be able to continue the other is a completely different thing because the love of God will - did you and he were not only you are happy he will take all people happy the people will be so happy being with you so that is called the dagger giving up the world accepting the God and what is God on under the under the please and happiness without any selfish motive and secondly says kaya glacier biology giving up for the fear of physical strain when he sees Roger she cut the other and that one young man came to him as Lama and he said I like to be among what they compute is I should have to do then they showed that you had to go and carry the water for the stoma see all those boys they're also taking care of the cows and those they are cooking those they are cleaning all these things you should have to do then he found one gentleman sitting in under a tree and talking to other people who are sitting before him and what he is doing and he is giving the sermon or that beautifully before trying for me I have to I have to give the sermon this is exactly what happened all the time all people ready to give the sermon but before that all this physical pain that you have to accept otherwise you won't be if you get you can go and talk but people don't accept so this is called Gaia play Shivaya Taji the because of the fear of the physical pain he has given up everything no I am NOT going to do all this because I have given up anunciacion know that is also not then finally comes some compact waffle on Shiva Sathya some Takamoto in the bhagavad-gita it says some contact well no association Sangha no Sangha a long table reserved also whatever comes before you you just do it and then as they always say wash my hand that's all you have to that sometimes you have been saying to what the our shaman padishah of the G used to tell us the story many times he mentioned about this and he said the one gentleman saw the father he constructed the huge church and before the inauguration of the church that was inauguration the president of America confesses toreador no and it true or not at the president of America is invited to inaugurate that church so naturally you can imagine the limelight all people are doing reporters the president is coming to inaugurate just one day before the instruction came from the the high office you better go and take charge in the village and that father will come and he'll be in that inauguration function that peace that dead father will come and he'll stand by the side of the president America get everything they all know Houdini so obviously people will know about him but not about you are you ready to do like this if you can without any pinch of sorrow why this okay what to do I'm going away not like that happily why I don't need this type of pressure Allah all this thing the people will be talking about me or they'll be picture in the newspaper no I don't need that your picture in the newspaper this is and the people died from the picture in the newspaper what I was a premature in that time and you know in balloon Mart after the lunch you gave two hours to take rest and so hard so naturally the whole day warmer no morning and after the food people did go and take rest though it is difficult because no fan nothing and the inner prematurely life nothing was there so bored but anyway somehow it was sleeping then another promise even came and he came hey you like to see your picture in the paper people what people in the newspaper the famous newspaper it has been published I think it's okay afterwards you see no no that is good now itself so I had to get up and then again crossing a big field we went to the library and then he showed that see this is our president mother sitting we were there in the meeting program huge problem few thousand people came and our did imposition mother pressure that she was there and many other dignitaries people we were sitting at the back side of the president mother - that was the cheers I hope wherever picture bank of the visiting management that is black well people don't know but we don't hear hear so I said see I was taking a rest and now you have brought me all he had to show that that so that is called the people are eager just he was making joke and then I was a fool but by him that anyway so this is call if you see the picture of your picture in the newspaper but left renounce all that that is how it is possible some group that to a follow chamber even that is a little bit they are actually to go to start one new a thermal whatever the capacity residing ideal then one day someone came from the office and then they say ok nice Pekerman commit me you have to live and happily got to live and that is called they are the Sun come back to Association immediately giving up long chamber what has happened good or bad now after me what the people will they be to run it properly or not whether doing to ruin or not doesn't matter why it is going to be doing something at the today or tomorrow because the world is like this so that is called renunciation this fashion for the world and longing for the God and the Wannsee ramakrishna is referring to death and he said you are right no doubt you need money for your worldly life this is the instruction true the master Basha is giving to them the householder devotees you need money for your worldly life but don't worry too much about it the wise course is not accept what comes of it God doesn't take too much trouble to save money those who surrendered their hearts and soul to God those who are devoted to him and have taken refuge in him do not worry much about money as they are so the Spain the money comes in one way and goes out this is what the leader described accepting what comes of it own the god that means you have to develop complete faith in God and right that we some time money is coming sometimes it's doing away it goes on it goes on happening like this so one gentleman he kick towards Rami you when you need some money as a then please tell me I can give you and he was promising him a huge sum of money now you know that I'm planning to purchase a property and it needs not of money so today I rang him and I told ya I'm going to purchase a property I need some money will you be able to oh my god seen it six months before and what happened did he say you know that my business partners three of them they have cheated me I'm still the quote and things are going on like that but they have greened me how do you know it is not your loss of course it is but at the same time - also because I should have said it I should have taken the money six months before so like this it goes the expected some help for me and now that I don't think it is possible then it is gone it doesn't matter if God is with me if he wants that that will be done if it is not okay no problem for me the tag should be that you know I am going to break my head that is God's work the master is telling you need not to bother about it and accept what comes of his own accord the master refer to Reaper and say he came here the other day he is mentioning about some of the young voice altered Sheen arrived from Calcutta and saluted the master after a few minutes he went to the temple of God II where you followed him so his utter shame you know that he was the deputy magistrate he came he was - it was a disciple of cinema Krishna used to greenie but there was a tiniest of calm but not talking with zombies now most of the time is - lying down at the feet of sri lanka still taking rest so that was the utter shame he came and he went to the temple continued those who have visited you know is a huge temple complex there are 12 the shiva temple 1 vishnu temple another kali temple then the operations a huge confound then the Ganga and the other places also so master marsha went along with him and then this is very important the master Musha came back and he was sitting master martial describing a little matter in was sitting at the building car on the ganges the flood tide had just say team as they listened to the waters lapping against the bank many pictures of ceramic business divine life fleet heard before his mind so he is mentioning almost the next page he had an argument with cinema krishna and he could not convince Ramakrishna his wishes were not fulfilled but at the same you see the attitude of a disciple a devotee about his guru and he came and he sat on the baiting guard of Ganga still it is there and then he is thinking about ceramic dish now what he is thinking he said that one after another the picture is coming and the fleeter before the mind the there's deep Samadhi the first thing that came in his mind his constant ecstasy his joy in the love of God his untiring discourse and spiritual life his genuine love for the devotees and above all his childlike simplicity who was this man master she is thinking was it God who had embody himself on earth for the sake of the devotees the master mahshar asking this question to himself and this is called leela dhyána so when you are meditating it is not all the time emptying your mind from thoughts rather filling up your mind with different type of thoughts connected with the God or guru so this way one can also think the when I took the initiation from my guru Sahib additionality a senior bond with whom I was there he saved see you must go whenever the opportunity a better what is very difficult to get that duction of there was a marginal whenever he is coming out going to the temple how he is walking how he is offering program to stand busines how he is sitting how he is talking from distance you must observe because that will be your objective meditation you won't be able to get that afterwards when you pass away how you believe so that is the way you have to meditate on the Guru master ma she is meditating on his guru Ramakrishna he's not ending his mind he emitted his mind about the world thoughts but there he is pouring the thoughts of his guru and thinking who is this man is he caught himself constantly going on talking about the spirituality and he is taking care so much you love for the devotees but that is exactly the holy people should do not concern about other things but about their soul about their spiritual goal about the spiritual life so constantly guiding them inspiring them talking to them and that is the work of a balanced augustness to do all the time every time thank you friends thank you for coming today so we conclude over here by chanting the element need indeed [Music] on da gamba Drita become by a Shabbat are but a mission medium come grab a fish now Sheila's on D shanti shanti 30 you said say dog krishna one of us [Music]