Video 185
186: Panchama Veda 186 : Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna : Sri Ramakrishna Speaks on Samannaya
[Music] good ham rhythm doctor Jeevan could be rewritten Calma sharper stubborn among golem 3 madam booby guna the bullies are Jenna the conversation who is continuing then advanced Adama Krishna in a beautifully today we will see about the someone nya he is talking about and also about one or two very special like the person under good start taking birth etc now see Ramakrishna was very happy and after talking with that great scholar pundits ashada and Shoshanna has gone out Saddam Krishna also was doing somewhere along with the master Masha and he was singing his songs he said is godly my mother really black the Shahada dr. Shivani shada is a great scholar but doubt about the Swiss week gali was always there because of the different type of situations different type of people they were talking in a different way about the goddess Kali so ceramic Krishna is explaining that through a song his mother Kali black they say the Kali is black but is she really likes the Lotus of the harder' is a song he is singing that means the wind we don't know like now you are looking out we see everything black we can understand what is where the deep him when I come we see a beautiful garden the trees of course now in Chicago is on Pinterest Satine naturally there's no leaves no greenery but otherwise and there are trees that their plants are there classes are there so that is a complete thing that we can see in the daytime nighttime it's all dark we cannot see anything so ignore us about that goddess Kali also we don't know how completely so we feel so ceramic is not given the indication then we will come to that those are the teachings where sama Krishna is teaching that every all paths are leading to the same goal and Serano Krishna he entered into the temple and offered read hibiscus flowers and builder leaves at the feet of the Divine Mother the definition temple has a beautiful image there's a big big picture of that in our basement if you go down you will find that the janeshia Kali that picture is there to offer hands were raised as if to keep them boons and reassurance so the explanation master Moshe is lighting other two hands held symbols of death that means ignorance so we know that symbol someone is very marking I heard it was made by the sculpture in a beam master answered yes I know but to me she is the embodiment of spirit the moment we are discussing about the image and actually we go for the sculpture and the stone but surround Ishta the great master he always tried to take our mind towards the original spiritual labor that is spirit so he is mentioning to me she is the embodiment of spirit they don't look at the image of the stone image but the spirit of it the pond attended the Masters room after visiting the temples the master say to him from the porch take some refreshments the pundits said that he had not yet performed his evening devotions at once the ramakrishna student Sam in an exhorted mood he is now talking with ordinary person he started with a pundit but Wimpy's who knows the scripture and after reading the scripture if you have not understood the real spirit of the scripture that is the realization of the of consciousness then what is the benefit of it so still now this person though highly educated in the scripture in the Hindu scripture he still practicing like the now fishes so he said first I have to take the name of God then only I can take the refreshments Salah is to speak up and say why should I go to Ganga and Gaia and Kashi and kanji and prabhasa is a guy a Ganga Prabha Adi Kashi can she give a Jai Kali Kali Kali Puli Judy for I've said that song that wonderful song he started singing as if in an exalted mood intoxicated at the start a club master said how long should one perform devotions long as one's mine does not march in God while repeating oh now he's mentioning the though you have studied the spiritual and you know everything but you have not realized anything the still going for the like and nourishes all the time you are repeating the name of God all the time you are marched with that spirit why should I have to practice that so that is the idea cinema Krishna wanted to see in him Huntington is telling then let me eat refreshment then I shall perform the devotion then imagine see no ambition no no I don't want to obstruct the current of your life it is not good to renounce anything before the proper time arrives when the fruit ripens the flower drops of itself one should not forcibly tear of the green branch of a coconut tree that injures the tree those who have we know that if you are going to try the green leaf of that coconut they delete and destroy the tree so that's what you have to wait you have to feel within yourself so because all the time you are feeling that Association of the God so there is no special time that we should go and see that is for the beginners so those who are starting but suppose I have not in that position but behaving that I am anytime I can take a food or anything that I can do that's also not good automatically should come Ramakrishna is giving the game when you have realized God automatically it will come you need to bother about the practicing these and their this is the beauty of the gospel of salah whathe Schnur so you get the complete picture of the spiritual life and you know automatically within yourself what should i do now or what the position condition of my present status so that serum occasion is taking shrenger was about to leave he invited his friends into his college the master still in a static mode said don't need more people then your horse can draw see he was in that highest position immediately he is talking about because he knows the very practical the sure indra he was a rich man he has a heart given that the carriage was there but he was inviting his friends to come but the master is concerned about the arts cinema krishna isn't so much concerned about the arts don't think so many people he is telling don't take more people than your horse can draw these are the small small thing that gives us the picture of the personality concern about everything even about the beasts so now fish now there's no connection with that but still is a religious man only man is a guru he should feel like that long back I was in Assam and there's a guru they are all Bush knobs and another very strong Jewish neighbors they close the door don't allow other fields to come in even the Hindus but somehow that the Chatrapati the he heard my lecture he liked it and he invited me I went to his the Rostova they call it chakra that umbrella under which all people are coming so I went over there and I talked about the Guru and the head I mentioned the Guru should take care of everything not only spiritual but also the mundane life of the devotee if they are not living properly it is guru who should guide them because that is the complete duty of the guru to guide the devotee so let him do whatever he likes only about the spiritual life I will guide not like that the real guru should guide them so the thing always in everything they're successful majority of the people living in the world their duties so we should encourage the people to attain duties sometimes the devotees they come particularly in our country we have seen they go to the office give the present signature and then come out and attain the asana functions and we are very happy that they have come but they should not do that either dish they should take the leaves off from the office are they should attend the office duty but this is not good this is the responsibility of the boodle when you read about ceramic busines Kisling don't take more people thinking about the horse because it will be difficult see Rama Krishna was still in an extractive mood he is telling to the master Sigma Sigma was very close all the time with him he is telling I cannot utter a word now still a few minute with me he needs someone because majority of the people won't understand why he's behaving like that it was that mood people don't know he's just sitting like that but his mind is not in the body is not in this world so he's asking Seymour to be very close I cannot utter a word now stay a few minutes aim to proceed and I was waiting at the master command so how is it the master Marche was Lucy Ramakrishna is asking him for his personal service and now the master slowly sama Krishna is talking yesterday I came to know ba programmes in our nature now those who are not knowing about the life of ceramic Krishna and they won't be able to understand the meaning of this line he is mentioning Babu Rams buggerin means afterwards the great sannyasi of and here he's mentioned inner nature that is why I have been trying so hard to persuade him to live with me the mother bird hatches the egg in proper time boys like Bob ROM are pure in heart Sadam efficient asada inner that inner nature and that's why he is not choosing any young people or anyone he is only using those whom he could see their inner nature is pure because Bob Arum was very very pure and Serrano Krishna told he is pure like Radha so that's what he said that he mentioned to the master magic master he said yes then see Ramakrishna say they are like a new part milk kept in it will not turn short and afterwards we find the pundit entered the room he went out with his friend and he entered finished his devotion and ready to eat the refreshment one of his companions asked the master shall we succeed in spiritual life please tell us what our way is now it is not the pundit is one of his companions is asking shall we succeed in spiritual life Salameh Mishnah giving the answer you all have the yearning for liberation if as parent has yearning that is enough for him to realize God see how the way he says and that is why our devotees I have seen some of them a so regular not that they cannot read in the gospel themselves they can use a book only they can read but still there's so much eager if they cannot come physically they will be listening online and they'll be commenting also asking why today it was not there we couldn't see we couldn't listen like that interesting so many times they have read the gospel they were harder still they like to listen while love not the person who is explaining or reading but the love for the words of the Quran see Ramakrishna welcomed this love come the yearning to know the truth to know the God and that Saddam Oh Krishna is appreciating this companions the frames of the pundit they all came they all set before thee and we know we are reading this chapter is going on Ramakrishna is going on discussing about it and they are also listening sitting over there for a smoke little time they went out and then after the refreshment again came back again asking the question that shows their interest in spiritual life noticing it say Ramakrishna is telling you all have the yearning for liberation even say the God realization liberation Mukti even as parent has yearning that is enough for him to realize God then he is telling a very very very special sentence we must remember do not eat any food of the shrub the ceremony here cinema Krishna is mentioning do not eat any food of the structure ceremony and the life in this world are very different we don't understand people are earning money and from different sources and sometimes they cheat others and they get that money they're utilizing that money all these things they will be doing win their dime all these bad work that they have committed that is there it is said that distributed among his friends and relatives to attain and eat that food is receptive you are eating only that same food and nothing else but along with that with the food when they offer that is also coming so that is the reason one should be very very careful sometimes we cannot avoid because relation so naturally you have to add just you have to take decision accordingly attending the program function and that particular situation it is ok it is better not to protect that food that is what it says over here perform your duties in the world keep your mind always fixed on God so ceramic East is telling first yearning for the liberation skin but for your duties in the world third keep your mind always fixed on God how it is possible we will hear from him constantly repeat repeating the name of God means you are keeping your mind on God for a second seeing the picture of God and marshal the Mona Devi said Chaya Chaya saying that Gaia is a body Chaya the picture is the same so now and then if you take out the picture and look at it you are looking at him means you are in the company of God so that is the way with devotion if you look at it you are remembering so he's mentioning about it keep your mind always fixed on God another question come if I am fixing my mind and God all the time you make mistake in my work this will be food that just many say another line they say perform your duties in the world you must be careful about finishing your duties and when you are finishing the duty taking care of the duties doing your duties you must be 100% attentive to perform that this should not be any mistake but at the same time you are taking the name of God how it is possible many times we have discussed over here if possible before starting the work just to open the picture and see look at the picture of the God and Goddess you like and pray then start the world in between when there is a break again you look at the picture and when you finish again and look at that picture that is the instructions of Salaam o krishna's great disciple that brahmana and azim then slowly you are making it habit so when you are working you close your eyes for a second you visualize the God within you again you start the work so that way God everything okay again like the Hat if you are doing so I say keep your mind always fixed on God mom a new smother you touch' in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna also asking the Arjuna to do the same thing not as the spiritual life at the time of Shri what was the instruction to develop the spiritual life at the time of C Ramakrishnan the same no differences the same way only the expression may be little different language is different that was in Sanskrit Ramakrishna speaking in the local terminal the tongue that is bengali by instruction what fast learning but how the hearing will come with the field what is the faith God is there that's in our Christian sea with the promise I tell you God is there anyone can seek God anyone can talk to God so that is the first field when some Krishna said there must be this is the first thing in the words of the guru is the good of the Great Mosque God is there I can see God I can talk to God that is the complete faith how it is possible learning God when I am going to look at you when I am going to see you I don't know how you look but you know me so please come and be before me so this is the way if we go on talking whenever we are were alone and that Prieta remembering God all the moment and where God resides within our heart and what happens the mind which is actually dividing the God and me will become still and immediately these will come and say Ramakrishna is telling to derp indeed you have rated the data no doubt it says that there is a special power of God in the man who is honored and respected by all yet this is very very important very very important and when I asked my guru Swami beauty salon and ajumma Raj tell me it is one sentence that I should follow as guru barkya then he said he said many also his that he said to me that through you many people will understand ceramic is not so very very careful to your words and your action in your lifestyle everything should be such a way the people should appreciate and say look at this they had the followers of Saddam additionally they are so good the data we were bringing good name - Slava Mishnah so this is also the same I can't do anything the power that manifests through me the success that come through me all because of the God yet yet bavuji Mott septum Shri Mataji Tommy Baba that is tenth chapter 41 words of the bhagavad-gita anything that is great prosperous powerful know that a part of my splendor we can do nothing but if God wills to work through me they can remember that particular moment when the young man Swami Vivekananda he was after the great success in the West he returned back to India right from Colombo the Colombo was at that time the sri lankan of it is that his also was in with the india he landed over there fast and every city that he visited all great people the king they were shouting with great joy this Shama Vivekananda and he said no if you really like to keep the respect and respect my guru Sri Ramakrishna because from the dust of this road he can make the people like me so that is the humbleness and remembering all the time the power that is manifesting through me I am a very good singer I am a good dancer a doctor an engineer in any unique in any profession when I am successful and people are appreciating me it is not me it is God so that if I can do other people can do and he is mentioning that you know the bhagavad-gita pundit shall I laboured with perseverance to finish the task that I have accepted he is asking Salama busines he has taken up some duties and he is thinking that this is my mission I must complete he is asking to see Ramakrishna yes Salam krishna is giving with MP emphasizing that he should soon change the conversation one cannot admit the manifestation of power one cannot park admit the manifestation of power then he's talking about the incident that happened with the bit disorder we have already laid and we know the big - a girl was also doubting whether God is giving more power to a person and less body and the person's Ramakrishna answer was why didn't people come to you the British added was a great scholar people always respected him the wife so why cinema Krishna is mentioning all this again anything to make a sample whoever is successful in your field we should be humble it is not me it is the power of God that is manifesting through me Bundy left the room and with a smile the Masters say he has become diluted diluted means and the pundit means the knowledge I know the scripture so that gives one type of another ego now after talking with Ramakrishna that person when he came in the morning now the afternoon when he's leaving he has become very humble he has realized that the master I have been thinking of visiting the houses of the devotees I want visitors also what do you say that God wants to visit the houses of the devotees that is the reason in opportunity I always ask the devotees organize a small program in your house maybe that in the sitting room you can have that and invite some of the people of your neighbor a neighborhood or your friends and relatives the small group of fifteen twenty twenty-five invited me I will go talk about that then we will have the discussion then finish the dinner and so that way we are taking Saddam piston to your house and he loves it the moment we are sincerely doing it not like the socialization some of the young devotees the instant so the more attention will be given on the food the preparation and these and their know and the beginning if we tell them that this is going to happen finish the preparation early the moment the Swami goes get ready to receive him and listen to him after that once again you can do but this failed that God has come to visit my house in the South India is very much there and from the temple that take that the image another original one the other image to their houses God visiting the devotees house that conception is there of course now it has become to some extent commercial they'll be taking the images of God and the blood money that is not good conception is guarding is visiting me and truly orders and ceramic isne he himself is mentioning over here I have been thinking of resting the houses the devotees why tend to Lee God loves the devotees first say he wants to interest them and bless them so that whatever the little devotion that has come up in within them they assured heaven increase much more so that is the ultimate thing now did the Thursday July 3rd 1884 I'm reading from the page 489 and not the whole page I'm picking up some of the portions cinema Krishna is mentioning once I spoke highly of Bush never turn to Mattoon now he's bringing a picture before us how the great people so-called religious people are so narrow they cannot adjust with others but they are the teachers the teachers that religion to others also that time Vishnu a children you can read about him highly respected people among the wish numbers the his name was wish never children mata Mata Baru that landlord so once I spoke appreciable children to Mattoon and persuaded Mattoon to invite Bush never children to his house the motor had great respect for cinema Krishna so he welcomed him with great courtesy fate his guests from silver plates rich man so he gave the food on silver plates to show the honor Dean do you know what happened now see Ramakrishna is mentioning boys Shiva question which are insane in front of Mathura you will achieve nothing whatever is in spiritual life unless you accept Krishna as your idea I'm putting motor oil through is a shakhter and he is worshipping goddess Kali Vishnu Puran nosey and which Nature has come to his house and accepting his invitation now after finishing the food she before finishing you should have said that but after finishing his signaling you are not going to achieve anything in this spiritual life because you are not accepting the Krishna's motto was the follower to shut the cart and a worshipper of the Divine Mother at once his face became crimson then I was Nagi don't make him angry so that this joy meanders in those days if they wanted they could keep people so they were like that very hot-headed then naturally it is very difficult the ceramic dish na was very much afraid about Britain imagine why he is still talking like this then cinema Krishna himself didn't like it I understand Ravi water contains out this statement like that each set then now Ramakrishna stirring each sect manifest is own view this is a beauty of Salama business and from this small small thing we can understand the condition of the Hindu society in those days only hundred years before the condition was that very now very egoistic so he's telling the chakras to try to belittle the which numbers now there is a dialer the bush lovers they always is to claim that only Krishna is the boat man who can dig even from this Shore of the worldly life to the heavenly Shore and the chakras do to say of course of course because our mother she is the Empress why should we do that that job so she has employed Krishna to do that that is the way can childlike fighting but they were really very difficult ceramic dish now he is telling his indeed real man who has harmonized everything he's in it a real man who has harmonized everything most people are one sided but I find that all opinions point to the one lady that many people they do not understand ramakrishna mission even today i do now it is so at the modern time people know each other almost every nook and corner of the world is now known to each and every one even then we find the people are narrow-minded they don't like others the other day I was reading a newspaper that someone is telling that it should not practice the yoga that rhymes is the devilish power yoga [Music] it comes down there mind but the person is like that he is going on telling the some people would say like these some people and some people yeah even in this America they will come and see in this wiper krypter Jesus Christ Waterbury Hindu why he should be here under problem if you don't like don't come but these are the narrowness tremendous narrowness we had the followers Sudama kishna don't forget whatever the other people are doing let them do remember only this sentence above once ram krishna he is indeed a real man who has you [Music] that one for their st. the one for their Saint he who is formulas is again endowed with for it is he who appears in different forms the attribute place Brahman is my father God with attributes is my mother whom shall I blame there's a small couplet is there whom shall I praise the two bands of the scale are equally heavy he who is described in the beta is also described in the Tantra and the Puranas all of them speak about one satchitananda you know the Hindu particularly the three major paths are there the three major parts ROG mark there are so many but if you look actually see I'm Krishna's also mentioning Balanta shocked vegetable they're all leading to the same goal the Vedanta Ramakrishna stealing that Neeta and Leela are the two aspects of one reality it is described in the Vedas o satchitananda brahmana for the Byzantine it is the Brahmin who is the goal in the Tantra watch it Anandi Shiva is the Shakti and in the Puranas all sac-cid-ananda Krishna so these only the differences all the scriptures the Vedas the Puranas the Tundra's speak only a one such cheat on the Shalu / we started with the vegetable Scripture there is a priest ring himself who has become the kadhi sometimes it is their cinema Sheena went to the port for a few minutes and then returned now that is there he was speaking the high spiritual truth now the same Salam o Krishna you see the personality as he was going out that door God had one little girl six or seven years old saluted him on returning to the room the master began talking to the little girl and she come and to her companions who we're of the same age the child to the master I saluted you and you didn't even notice it so she she complained to see Ramakrishna and naturally sometimes the children are assalamu Krishna it was in that mood the after the talking he went out he had the habit to go and look at the Ganga because the moment used to look at the mother also well any chance looking at the Ganga the flowing Ganga that is to give him the peace immediately he went out look at the gong and when he came back this thing happened this is her when he was going out some some time he touched the field so I'm Krishna didn't notice disease she is complaining I celebrate you and you didn't even notice it master smiling did you I really didn't notice child then wait I want to sell it to you again the other food do because she was touching only one so now he is telling she is telling the other also I should touch ceramic is not laughed and sat down he returned the salute and bowed the child touching the ground of his forehead she asked her to see the child see I say I don't sing when the master praised her again she said should you praise me again I said I swear so when I Drive told I promise so I naturally am not telling the lies so when I say I don't sing I swear there is a truth why again you are requesting me sadhana the master was very very happy with the children and sang a very the to entertain the children he said the children and the devotees they were laughing master to the devotees Parimal she is like a five year old child he sees everything filled with consciousness what do you see very simple very homely after something happened immediately he takes is our mind to a very high level the level of the paramahamsa see the consciousness in everything this children they are coming and their simplicity their truthfulness the way they are expressing you should not take it as a human attachment immediately taking the mind to that higher level paramahamsa is like a child he cannot distinguish between a stranger and a relative and sometimes the children will come and you know in Bengali they say to e to me up me the three stages when the junior the you can say to e between the same age we said to me and when the senior you are supposed to say up knee up to like that so but the children will come they'd start addressing me to me that is I am the same with them like that the parents will immediately whisper hurt sometimes they say no harmony respect but they don't differentiate Y paramahamsas are like that there's no attachment no they don't understand that I can't distinguish between a stranger and a relative and the per pouch is like a child he doesn't keep any track of his whereabouts he is different to his own movement is indifferent to his own movements so these are the signs of the parameters the Ramakrishna mission shown is at the paramahamsa Swami's the day we had to follow that the sometimes when you stay somewhere then we go on repeating about that keep in touch with Dean it's not good just ramakrishna mission Ostrom I was there it is over that's all we should not interfere into that so this is the we the Salam o Krishna anything that is dealing knowing for sure that the spiritual practices that those who want to be like that should practice so this is very high spiritual teaching then now is going on something the paramount should be is like sometimes they're like a madman is going on giving some of the examples saddam additional begin to talk with the aim other devotees to where present to him how do you feel about Shoshana Shoshana another very highly and a well-placed person and also scripture and many other things that he read and expounded such as the 32 Romani in is very nice person master easy intelligent isn't he the SL is ready irritant the master according to Geeta there is a power of God in one who is repeated and respected and honored by meaning but her shudder has still a few things to do now see how see Ramakrishna is mentioning about it all in those days these names that we are reading now is very highly respected people in Kolkata churches are Turkish Romani the highly respected which number chiral very highly placed people and their whose and who in the society in those days the cinema Krishna she understood about the spiritual growth and he is telling he has to finish some more that means a spiritual practices are necessary Gouri ponded practice such austerity another the person is telling go deep indeed practiced austerity when he chanted ehi to the Divine Mother the other pundits would seem to be no more than artworks the God appointed because of the spiritual power then Narayan Shastri was not merely a scholar he practiced sadhana as well see how see Ramakrishna though he was a paramahamsa but used to keep track with other people those who were learning the scripture but allowed the scripture whether they were practicing those teachings in their own life or not and he because these people were having the great influence on the society they should go and teach the scripture to the others if they himself didn't practice spirituality and follow the things that they were teaching they're quoting the scripture it is of no use so sadhana Tichenor was concerned about that so he was keeping a track about them and he was telling now he is telling before meeting Keyshia I asked Norns justa to visit him and tell me what he thought of him so he is going to dish up general thing and he's sending Narayan Shastri why the hang Shastri he knew the astrology so he could say about the kitchen non and reported that quisha was an adept in Joppa she knew astrology and removed that quisha had been born under a good start you know what is this good star there are actually 27 stars and this moon is spending a day on average with one star so they say in a depth in our scripture they always express in a different way the moon is having 27 wives then so the people can understand that way the moon is spending one ever stay with one star now a newborn and that particular star with which the moon is he is born in that way he is called that starts influence the sometimes Shami be waken in the Hassad the star of the Swami become the timer hasta with which the moon was there so it is a very very good sign Andrew Heaney was another star at the word that with under the influence of that particular star sedition was born the way that the krishna's birth at the time the Rohini so this is the way the astrology there goes the twenty seven stars of there we turn the Moonies that particular day the new God is connected so he said that the keshavjee under shame he was also a very good star etc then I went to visit Kasia in the garden house at Bel Korea salam krishna himself could understand in and out of a person but even then he was requesting the Nara and shasta to go and to understand about the case of and report to him why because he knew astrology see by just by this line we have to understand he was giving respect to the person who were practicing astrology this is not just nowadays the modern people this is owner dissolved boogers not it's not boogers he was a science but if you can understand it very very complicated so that is why but the main point here that we like to understand cinema Krishna have pre appreciated the person who was practicing astrology and weren't very truly so that's why he sent him and he respected his words and he visited the Keesha and you know that what happened the moment they saw Keesha I saved of all the people I see here he alone has dropped his still that is a in a very nice way jamika mirin and the presented this particular meeting of the case against Dharma Tichenor the cinema Krishna wanted to meet him he was in a garden house in Calcutta and his nephew he was afraid how to introduce Ramakrishna he is not a scholar he is not a rich man then how to introduce so he went and told ketchup shame my maternal uncle wants to meet you he always takes the name of God he is almost intoxicated so gift shop - okay and he was doing on repeating to the cinema Krishna don't make any mistake behave properly and this is the behavior cinema krishna teeth the moment is Akasha he almost outed okay sure you know you have dropped your tail so naturally other people the company of the case of they were angry but Kashyap don't know there must be meaning of it let me listen to it then he said Salam Krishna explained she can now live on the land as well as in the water like a frog that means geisha develop that spiritual capacity to live in the household and also observe there's life and also in monastic life so that is the way cinema Krishna presented your tip dropped so this is Gibson same three people now geisha again wanted to know about him Kiesha of Saint three members of the Brahmo Samaj to the temple garden attach nature to test me but a mama then Priscilla was one of them Priscilla the name of the person they were commissioned to watch me Dee and night after three days continuously three days and report acacia they were going on repeating that they are my ami ami means the compassionate God because this Brahmo Samaj this to feel that God is having the qualities like the daya Shama and all that compassion all that but is not having the fall because of the Christian the propagation in that time in the Indian society it is really difficult to worship the God in images that so-called educated people this to denounce it so do and many of them they were converting themselves into Christianity and some we're confused at that time in between the developed a spiritual movement the skull Brahmo Samaj mostly educated people they join in there in that period this 3d came and they were with Islamic ISNA and they were going on telling follow Kisha fish Babu that we do good to you the rectal examination of a Lucretia bomb I said I believe in God with four how can I mean follow yours but still they went on with their inclination of the AMA then strange would came over me Rama Krishna stating a stranger would came over me I said to them get out of here usually the original never say it like that because he was disgusted with these people I didn't allow them to spend a night in my room so the slaves on the veranda the captained also slept at night in the temple garden Michael came my kin mother Sudan dr. Narayan Shastri arts team with Ramakrishna was visiting Michael mother Sudan doctor he came as a guest of the temple Authority the traditional temple Authority he was a great lawyer a famous lawyer so they invited him to have discussion about some property there's some problem and naturally people who wanted to meet him Michael was a great poet people knew the Salam Krishna went along with Narayan Shastri Narayan Shastri was going in the front surrounding at the back and you waited to see how this man is then then cinema Krishna was pushing her ancestor to talk to him so how is the man the Nana and Shastri arts team his reason part did not Hindu religion he's the first person who accident now we cannot say first person but very famous we can say that was a great news in those days that mother shouldn't doctor converted into Christianity still that church is there in Calcutta and the knowledge of area and there's a lot of commotion because the British police came they were guarding and the Indians particularly his father he was a very rich man the in those days that the Richmond is to have their own personal bodyguards they also came this to call latias is to use the sticks they're very famous by that the hundreds of them that came also to snatch the wire away from the Christian fathers but somehow the and that was a commotion so people knew about him cinema Krishna was curious the cinema Krishna came to see him but he didn't talk to him so he asked Narayan Shastri and they please ask this question Narayan asked why he has given up his religion then pointing to his stomach Michel said it was for these neurons immediately said what action I see a man who keeps up his religion for his beliefs shake thereupon Michael asked me to say something now Michael mother shouldn't the sauce ramakrishna and he was naturally we can understand he was not at all comfortable in their company but Michael noticed an arts to him to say something I said I don't know why but I don't feel like saying anything someone seems to be pressing might on the brain one has given up the religion for the signal Michael was not a poor man his father was so rich so powerful some - he said like this but it is not true not a very hungry person but afterwards Michael understood the Foley he wanted to you know that young man he wanted to get the name fame going to England and all this all this thing happened in afterwards he was not having any money to come back then we - our mother send money for him passage money to come back to India - Michael again wrote a beautiful the plane about that but he was a very scholarly person then see Ramakrishna is mentioning look at him I don't know why but I don't feel like saying anything he said it to Michael mother Sudan that someone seemed to be pressing my tongue then the discussion was going on the polygamous family was very happy sama Krishna was visiting them the see one li minded practice devotion jabber austerity only by fits and starts but those who know nothing else but God repeat his name with every breath this is the line a marked the toes who are taking the name of God for different reason but those who are really devoted like to develop the spiritual life should not forget to take the name one deed Shahada into the room geometrician was very happy seeing him the first sign of knowledge of a peaceful nature and the second absence of egotism seeing the pundit Shahadah cinema krishna mentioning the sign of knowledge is this his very peaceful nature when he comes the people feel joy for something some people they come they're not apparently very calm and quiet but their presence you will feel oh there's going to be trouble so you are very much careful how to talk how to be everything etc some people are so friendly the moment they enter even buddy some easy friendly so he's a peaceful nature a second ease absence of egotism and that is the reason when there is no ego naturally you feel peaceful along the amount of children if you are there you always been peaceful why because they don't have that type of ego the moment they grow up he comes and they separate themselves with from the others and the big a nice nature is totally different he's saying then this part it is asking a question which we will discuss in our next class by what kind of tea does one realize God we will discuss it in our next class let us complete with this chanting need and genomic Conant bok-dong compa Rita big come by Yaffa tada but Alicia medium thumb Ramakrishna she does on the Shawn the Shawn the hurry that's sweet Krishna our eponymous to the coming Sunday I will be visiting one of our centers to give it to hock what the a so coming Sunday I won't be here but burdens you give the class the police community