Video 182
183: Panchama Veda 183 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna : Ego : After Brahma Jnana
let us begin Pancham Vita pretty Studer double got home returned the jeevan KO be rewritten kalshara stubborn among golem threema Gotham boobity boo did Ariana we were discussing about the three different types of joy this gospel of surround Tichenor you will wonder I came to know the founder of this a Strama he started in 1930 and every Tuesday used to give the classes on the gospel of scientists because it was in the city Papa Chicago we used to get some students so from the in what world is coming down from 1930 long words without stop this gospel of Salaam Tichenor is because the people they gave benefit out of it and we are also continuing with that tradition and in the gospel to see your worst Abu Qatada your Khatami's the words advices they're just like the nectar the givers the solace the source of joy the guidance here as I was telling the last time we were discussing about the three different types of joy the one the Sanskrit scholar very famous scholar in those days his name is Shoshana the Shahada came and cinema Krishna was very happy to talk to him and he was discussing about Vishy Anand Raj Anand and brahmananda the three different choice so this is the speciality of ceramic dish nahi goes to the very specific not the goal of human life is joy under without Ananda we cannot do anything I think the a few days to three days before I went to a devotees house in his parlor talk he invited some of his friends and neighbors and there I was talking about the goal of the human life all the young couples the children the all their happy to enjoy the company had to see this joy the joy is the goal now that joy has three different types one is Vishal Vishal is the object object of the world things I can translate it as the physical joy I am eating and seeing a movie I'm talking to my frames and visiting visiting a place with my friends so all these things gives me great joy but this joy is very very deliberative the goal that though it is a joy but it is very temporary but the question is why the human being wants the joy why this is the only goal whatever we do is only the joy the goal is the joy because we have come from joy that is where in the Phoenicia disease on earth Callooh imani bhutani jayante from the joy from the pleas from the on under all these beings was born so the the leader is that so our originality is going back to that pure joy and that is the reason we cannot stop without letting the joy and we are going to everywhere we tried to find out this joy this is the main thing what even we do at the back of our mind only one thing is left that is how to get the joy out of it and the beginning we go only to get the joy whatever we do only to get the jar see Ramakrishna is mentioning about it to that scholar now we will see how the scholar though he was a very famous but they only read some books and then explain on that serpentine the Sanskrit scholar assured her afterwards she will say to schrum see Ramakrishna I can go too deep about it anyway so this is the main reason what is that be shy Ananda typical Sunita you know that Osterberg Romani the very famous man whose body was in eight different places was little deformed but he was a great sage he's dealing over here i assad ciccolo Toki Nina Jana the questioner on a neighbor opposition Daniel brought noting the Pritam austere of the submitter 16 and 3 16 by 3 that is the sloka image what is that this material joy this Vachon under she was awestruck Larry she was telling today Raja Janaka Canada was here also the great scholar and realized soul so they were not austere Oprah was not giving the advice but they were exchanging the views he was telling see this is the problem the people cannot understand the root of all misery is desire for worldly enjoyments that is a very peculiar and in the position it says as if the creator the father has made our india's all our senses in such a way that they always try to go out they never like to remain within our mind within ourselves so this is the main problem posture luckily she is also telling the root of all misery is desired for worldly enjoyments surprisingly no one tried to understand this he is listened who understands and practice district-wide listen because the real anand the real joy the permanent joy that he will get if we can understand this thing which we were we see with our five senses these are all temporary and cannot give us the permanent joy this is the reason say Krishna also in bhagavad-gita in depth some Shri Krishna is giving the he and a very critically way yah Anisha sarva-bhutanam this young Java tea Singham yes young Jagger Tipu tani-san Nisha pressure Dhoni so this very peculiar rail says when the worldly people are thinking that these are the things we should be very careful in that those who have understood the truth they are completely silent as if sleeping and opposite thing when the worldly people doesn't think that the worldly things are very important when they are sleeping are not interested about the spiritual thing dear some people are very eager as if away constantly they are reading that where the worldly people are not in our daily life those who are trying to become a little spiritual they understand it again and again get prepared if you have some entertainment some food some joy some social all thousands of people will go even they will purchase the ticket and then go to spend some money to go there and they'll be dancing jumping risking drinking eating and afterwards meeting who lying down somewhere that this is very peculiar but the people delight but very can go and sit and contemplate and listen to the holy words people are not interested so that's why in the Krishna's telling in his time this is the Nisha the darkness ignorant darkness music Norris night means acknowledge that this ignorance the people of the worldly minded are ignorant about the spiritual life as if they are sleeping and those who are awake the spiritual people they are not at all interested about the worldly life what the enjoyment because they know after these the misery is coming the suffering the sorrow is going to come so this is the reason these are the only two things I always wonder of course all the time mixing up but still they wonder what is the spiritual life this awareness and nothing else the ultimate the God realization and these and that what is all those this awareness if you have the twenty-four hours every moment of your life aware about it you are God realized person and what will happen we will come to know about this from the scripture what happens and second stages as Salam o Krishna mention Rajan are the one is vision and then brahmananda in between Saddam addition is giving the second stage that is called virgin Ananda what is it Roger singing the glories of God that means remembering God when I am remembering God thinking about God pondering about God discussing about God reading about God God means high spiritual values I can join some of our devotees they are well placed in the society and very busy people but still they'll be going on reading very high scriptures very difficult scriptures the Vedantic books they'll be reading and getting enjoyment in that and they'll be marking asking question by Jenna so the mind has can't little upper level to shall we be weaken the seed so the mind you cannot keep constantly fixed on the spiritual level it is very difficult so it is better to have the intellectual level so I have given this one is physical joy another is intellectual joy when you were reading the arguments how things are going on they are giving the argument sometimes when the Sunday's when you we are reading the bhagavata the arguments the why a human being is called as God the why a human being his their mind should be focused on God etc so these things with the argument this is called marginal and sometimes we know that when some people are so good in singing the virgins when the sing the virgins and we sit over there and the mind is completely merged in there we get joy no doubt in that and it is much better joy than the world only life but what happens that is also temporary why because it is not fixed upon our realization that's not based on our realization after some time it goes down once in back so this is much higher but still not the highest goal the goal of human life is to get brahmananda that is exactly what salam o krishna is mentioning the police after the realization of brahman now here is the question we do not know what is Brahman and obviously how I will know what will happen after the Brahman it's all conservation Brahman all-pervading consciousness about the consciousness we have a way knowledge where the consciousness the ion conscious when I am awake when I am sleeping am I not conscious when I am sleeping but still not seeing any dream dreamless sleep still unconscious but I am not aware about that consciousness so this is what is consciousness it is all pervading all the time without change but we do not have much clear idea about this consciousness and we have to realize that conscious this is called brahmananda the great rishi / sister she was a rising steel armor Chandra then he said what is this brother brahmananda sri rama was listening to his guru Ashish the poor named Ana season poornam Jagger sarvam Sudha rasa poorni mana see some Poonam very simple son state the mind is full some poornam full poor name mana see some porn on what Java servants Uttara say this whole world that we see that different varieties is full of joy because the joy the please the Brahman that has manifested in different names and forms Aparna googa ba the season is giving an example who born good about us yet a Sharma Pratibha who we don't need a shoe when the whole world is covered with a carpet so if we are having a world completely covered by the carpet so we don't need the shoe the chairman Justine this means but suppose it is the cover the carpet you can work anywhere as similarly we we are having the joy and I see that joy present in every different being that is Brahma that is rumored on the country that is why from once Ramakrishna is telling once you get that joy he will forget about all of the joys it is so much joy that it will go from every point of your body his tremendous joy those who realize that they cannot contain that tremendous joy so the physical body drops up within 21 days so that is the yoga vasishta he says after the realization of the Brahman one feels supreme please every moment of his life there remains not a drop of misery if the whole world becomes covered with carpet one can walk without the shoes Shankar Acharya in a small line of a line he mentioned that nahin trip the Purim column 30 satisfaction nahi Trinity param param is higher column there is nothing left beyond the satisfaction when I am completely satisfied I'm satisfied I don't need anything so that's called 93d param column there are so many stories and it says that Alexander and the indian saint they had a conversation Alexander wanted to give everything to the saint and he was requesting him to come with him to Pasadena and Macedonia so that is the place where from yvaine with the saint or no I am completely satisfied why should I go to your place the offering of the game and offering up the worldly enjoyments honor noting that the temptation was there why because he got the complete satisfaction but more I want sometimes some people after eating if they come if you offer them the food they said no I'm sorry but I could enjoy this but this moment I am full it's just like that when you are completely full when you are completely satisfied and that is called brahmananda now he treated the forum column that is worth Shankar Acharya mentioned and we can understand from that and this year see Ramakrishna he is mentioning the joy of worldly enjoyment joy of worship and the joy of God realization these are the three now what is this joy of worldliness is the last ten core what is the joy of worship one enjoying why chanting the name and glories of God and the joy of Brahman is the joy of God vision that is what see Rama mystery stilling after experiencing the joy of God vision the Rishi's of the old times when beyond all rules and conventions why because rules and conventions the I am a Rishi I am practicing these I am not supposed to do these I am not supposed to do to all these rules and conventions they go beyond because for them everything is nothing but the manifestation of the same God now ceramic HD is giving an example of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu this is very interesting he is telling Jay Tana was straightening our Prabhu it is also salam krishna himself was having but here Sagami krishna is mentioning about the Chaitanya he was having three spiritual states the inmost the semi-conscious and the conscious the conscious means then he could talk then equal to feel then he could eat so that is the condition semi conscious in the life of Saddam okay again and again we have seen this half-conscious has a half mind in the spiritual world half in the worldly master Mercia went to meet him in the ones evening and he saw cinema Krishna was sitting eyes are open when he was talking with Ramakrishna he was giving the answer but as it is not listening properly as if he is not looking to him his mind was somewhere else that that is the condition of the semi conscious and in most it goes to Samadhi and in that condition he is not in a condition to talk or express or anything now Hazara now he is asking that pendant so your doubts are now solved because the fund it was raising this question your hazard or Serrano Krishna immediately he never wanted to put him down because he's a scholar so this is the speciality of cinema Krishna oh I have defeated you you do not know so I am giving you the advices name the immediately see ramakrishna interval before the pundit give any answer hazard makers you know now your doubters win all clear now immediately cinema Krishna intervene and say what is Samadhi he did that to the discussion it is a complete merging of the mind in God consciousness see this is the beauty of the coastal of Sri Ramakrishna the simple world one or two sentences but it gives the complete idea those who are sincerely trying to study about the yoga they know it's so difficult to keep the definition of Samadhi what is Samadhi see the here the ceramic Krishna gives complete merging of the mind in God consciousness what is the mind we know that the Indian tradition the mind has four different that groups we can say one that is trying to take the decision second takes the decision thirds keeps all the records and fourth that gives the consciousness the energy the high consciousness Samana booty cheetah and Omkara here ceramic is now very said money or the mind all the hole completely merging with the god consciousness that means our past impressions and our future impressions or present impressions everything lost in the god consciousness then what we means only God consciousness so that is the name he says that is called Samadhi when a person is trying to meditate what is the goal of meditation ultimately to go to Samadhi and what is that Samadhi completely marching with the God consciousness what is that God consciousness joy and complete satisfaction so this is the ultimate - sometimes some people they always say am i proceeding towards the right goal I'm practicing these I'm practicing there but you need not to ask questions only two things just keep an eye on that whether you were getting it or not a joy will come automatically and that is the spiritual joy and then there will be a satisfaction you won't need anything else to do anything that satisfaction completely so I have seen some people one of our Swami the great Swami he could go to different foreign land he's a very ornate person he could write books he could make great name in this world in our organization but he's fully satisfied in a small room constantly living over there but when he speaks in the monastic gathering mostly in the monastic gallery not a very good speaker in that way him embracing the people but if you listen to him so much of material in his talk so much he gives to thought about the analytical very clear idea so that is the way some people in the speak because of the control of the language and they can impress people with that but ultimately if you find there is not much material in that because they have collected information and given to the world but these Swami and the second thing when I went and invited him what did you come to America for me oh no not in this life greatly satisfied if we can visit the birthplace of cinema piston and Marshall de that is his highest if he goes out of the middle mark it goes only to come out to arrange Arimathea no even anywhere he will go to the common poker and you hear him but how could he do that when there was great opportunity for him to go out to mix people that means he's satisfied without that some people did ago they don't get the opportunity they're living over there that is the different and inside the mind constantly they are going on thinking about but they don't get the opportunity this is completely different a bigger and the monk I'm not saying a bigger is also being a monk is also begging for his food for his shelter but they're totally different why the mom the person he could have many things he left that but the bigger was not having anything compared to me so this is the difference satisfaction I have seen in the life so so many people they are completely satisfied with others are successful doing these and then we need a reason they asked about her what you're doing bar very good we've ever thought about doing that how it is possible because the worldly temptation is completely kneel so this is called the satisfaction and how it is possible this pure satisfaction that is why see Ramakrishna say that the Samadhi marching in the high consciousness the Gani experiences Chara Samadhi in which no trace of I left now this is also again the ceramic isness speciality he says to different types of Samadhi in the through the part of Guiana if you go to the Samadhi then the high consciousness won't be there I am meditating that consciousness on be there it will be completely merged into that but those who are following the path of up T they also get the Samadhi also merges with the God or what type of Shaitan Samadhi one is Jarrah Tellem is inert their body becomes jet inert and there is Chayton chitin Samadhi their conscious and what about that I am the son of God I am the servant of God they completely remain and leave in that consciousness for Dean there is nothing else left that is also Samadhi the servant master relationship lover and beloved relationship the Son and the father relationship mean that they are remaining continuously all through their life 24 hours every moment they never think that there is anything else except God it's also Samadhi there's also one pointed merging with the idea so that is what ceramic richness a da depandi he is asking a question and then we can understand when we read books we think that we have understood but we we have not realized that true there remains some lacking in that knowledge so here the pundit he's selling asking see Ramakrishna what will happen if God dissolved all of the eye as because Ramakrishna said the eye marches with the God and he becomes gerra like inert the bundle is not thinking if all I Marge's then automatically this world won't remain it will be completely dissolved so what will happen about the so he is thinking about the world what will happen if God deserved all of the I if he changes the enjoyer himself into suger sediment is to give that example Salam Krishna's mind because even the pundit even the scholarly person couldn't understand the power of Maya the diluted minds of the millions of people it is not that all of everyone will get that Samadhi and the creation will stop in that way so he said come come sir you need not to bother about that that world will remain then he was telling are still seen are the shinnok sananda sanatana there are people they had theories until they will realize soul all these names that surround each dimension they were all realized Souls but at the same time they were remaining in this world they were roaming on round and inspiring people to follow the path of religion but in ESL they do surround Tichenor though they were Gianni's yet they kept an eye of the after haven't you read the bhagavata see krishna he has really found a bhagavata hadn't not directed bhagavata we are studying bhagavata but we are not not yet reading the stories of the bhagavata so there are many many anecdotes of their stories that their lives are there we are only choosing the conversation based on the knowledge part in the Bhagavata so when they say I have read only part of it not the whole master pray to God he is full of compassion we do not listen to the words of his devotee she scalper the room you will get whatever you desire from him is a page 479 so of the gospel of C Ramakrishna the dear I am reading C Ramakrishna saved comforter see these are the words obscenities sometimes some people come with their problems I always say pray to God not that I am telling believing the words of relevancy Ramakrishna I always tell them the instead of telling me go straight to the shrine sit over there and talk to the God and say you have said these so please prove it in my life this is the prayer it will come not the return it will surely but sometimes also some of the careers that we pray not knowing very clearly if that is answered we get the result of that prayer whether that will be good for us not we sometimes pray for these and him for that but we do not know whether that will be good for us or not Arjuna prayed to Krishna his friend and guard the please allow me to leave this the this field the war field so that I can survive all alone being like a Brahmin that prayer was not granted by the God why because all people he deals the secretion himself was given the answer the people who criticize you a man like you or Juna all through the life as long as this Sun and Moon will remain people will criticize you and tell you that he was a coward they will never appreciate that you have given up all those things that this is not the time see the prayer was not granted by God because that was not good for the devotee similarly sometimes when you come and pray that God is not granting our prayer knowing for sure it is not good for us but see Ramakrishna is very confidently say pray to God he is full of compassion we live not listen to the words of his devotee then the pundit is telling I haven't thought deeply about these things before but I now understand understand that this indeed and this whoever came to see Ramakrishna became little humble they improved their spiritual life when he came down Krishna himself the God himself went to them wanted to inspire them to guide them in the path of the spirituality but because of their ego they could not receive the guidance of God [Music] but some of the people who were blessed because they were humble so they came they listened and they were benefited spiritually Salaam Eastern stating God keeps a little of I in his devotee even after giving him the knowledge of Brahman this knowledge of Brahman or the knowledge of Brahma we may be studying afterwards all the pedantic conception with antique books brahma sutra the lot of discussion about the brahman will right there its consciousness in one word we can say is the consciousness and is a feeling of existence is a feeling of knowledge is a feeling of joy indirectly we can understand that these are the things because we're from this will come if I am not having from my original trade the creator I will never get this thing in me that's for sure out of still another still is coming not from a soft thing from the suger sweets are coming so obviously anything that is weak must be having the sugar and component in it so we are having these ideas of feeling of existence we like to survive no one wants to die the feeling of that filling together joy please under everytime everywhere in everything we're from it came so this is the brahman out of which everything has come you know the Vedanta they say it is Brahman and many other philosophy they call it in different way and in general people they call it God the from God everything has come in the by Ronda is very clearly mentioned syllabic is teeming with on theme he is mentioning about the Brahman and sometimes also he mentioned that God and as he loved to call it and he sometimes he said mother the Divine Mother so we go after Brahmaji on earth how it is possible because just now we read that we Marge's in that consciousness and not a single trait of ego the ayah means but that Brahman that consciousness if he wants that a little I should remain in the mind of that devotee because then only he will be able to work for the betterment of others go and give them the guidances that remains even after ramayana frames these are the things are so new so special so that is that is the reason when star Krishna ones say to the Narendra not Swami Vivekananda the experiences of this that is see Ramakrishna surpassed the beader and with whatever till now record it as the bather mr. bata means the knowledge this is a revelation in the mind of the Rishi's even that surpassed new ideas have come what is the new idea after the brahmana also I consciousness is there this is very new idea those who are the speeders offers that we are doing on the basis of this but sadhana Krishna is very clear that eye is the eye of the devotee eye of the yani it's not the partner eye the eye that we see is a full of ego and this high devotee and Gani two words he mentioned always that is the salmon nail we always thought and we always said the brahmana only for the Gianni's see Ramakrishna said no this mythical core Samadhi is also possible to the path of bhakti but in that way they say I want to remain a little different from the god so that I can spread them to Sage of God who give that I God himself none let us give an example over here these are very common those who have read the biography of some Americans we all know that young Marlon Dinard he was really fond of meditation right from his childhood days and one day see Ramakrishna asked him what do you want in a spiritual life then naturally he said I like to go into Samadhi but sometimes I should come up from the Samadhi take little food to maintain this body and again go back to the Samadhi I wanted to have the joy of meditation remaining in this body but not doing anything what was the reaction of his guru Saddam Epistle he rebuked him immediately and he said higher than this concept is also there I heard then this is also there what is that see God see that Brahman the living in each and everything and that is big Johnny again and again see Ramakrishna use this word beginning there's a higher he showers should be done sarvam that he was the realization but where is the practice you are closing your eyes and sitting in one place and just enjoying the within your heart and then eating something and then your passing away why then this knowledge want to do something for this world this is a great message of the present day god he said you must also so afterwards much afterwards realizing this thing in his own life Shami we began to say the goal of the ramakrishna mission the motor of the ramakrishna mission is a Arcana moksha juggle Rita this is those who are followers of the ramakrishna mission you must know this is the motto of the ramakrishna mission participation model fixed fractional awakened under our mana moksha liberation of one's own self and joggled he died a child and also the benefit of the world so wherever you go wherever you live whatever you do that should give some solar some encouragement to the people to follow the path of morality to follow the path of spirituality Salameh Christians mentioning only a little was left so he said I of the Gani in order to taste the Bliss of God and teach people the God is living I consciousness Salaam Christian sometimes we those who have read the biography we know that in the deep meditation sometimes is to say I'd like to go to his house why I desire the moment is a desire Minds come down just to keep that body and the mind in the Splane of the world so that he can help the people so he used to very forcefully bringing down the mind from the supreme consciousness merging in that means no body consciousness so automatically the body will fall body will die so Salaam pitch needs to bring down his mind forcefully about hours those who are ordinary or trying to meditate we know it is so difficult mind is constantly in these worldly things only maybe for a fraction of a second it will go and that gives a tremendous joy if we go and now think about it whose mind is in major time continuously living in that supreme consciousness how great was the joy now cinema Christian is giving the example that some people may be able to guide others and some people not the Rishi's of the old had timid natures they were easily frightened do not know there do you know their attitude is asking it was this let me somehow get my own salvation who cares for others that is exactly what the young are in the told I want to get the liberation why should I care for the world Salaam Krishna never liked it he wanted to maintain the world teacher the whole breeze of a driftwood somehow manages to float but it sink if even a bird sits on it but the Narada and the sages of his kind are like a huge log that not only can float across to the other Shore but also can carry many animals and other creatures as well the steamship is served crosses the ocean and so carries people across same distance all in those days the ships were there so he is giving that example teacher like Narada belong belong to the classes of big Gianni say again the world began Jonnie and began gaining is those who have realized from month but they stopped over there because just they realized it and that aims begins at those after realization they kept the I so that they can remain in the body and can help others and here is telling a mere Gani trembles with fear the v's all the time conscious because if I do something here and there I mean lose that knowledge I may once again put my feet into the trap of Maya so the somehow I should go out of it it is a joy to March the mind in the interview in device' brahman through contemplation then he said and it is also a joy to keep the mind on the Leela the relative without dissolving it in the absolute the salon Krishna that this is very very unique all over the oneisha you read all the Phoenicians the teachings only go and March yourself into the supreme knowledge and be free but yes in our Kristen stealing not only through the path of knowledge but also through the path of devotion one point tip devotion in the bhagavata also we found that they're also teaching is to march into that the devotion means complete dedication one pointedness to reach to the goal and here saddam additional meant also to joy it is also a joy to keep the mind on the lela lela means the play of God all these things that are happening in different places sometime usually sometimes success sometimes sorrows and term happiness so many varieties are going on this is the leader of God there's a story of monk he came and stayed in the Dutch nation in those days different type of South occurs the practitioners spiritual practitioners this to come and stay in the destination because the Rani large money she was a queen she's to feed these people and to arrange for this day so that did all these people this to come from all over the India still but their practice the spirituality and in parent or environment was so good for their own personal practices and there was a mom salaam krishna observed his to go and you still look how these people are behaving one monk was there can very peculiar way of practicing spirituality early morning you'll get up and he'll go on dancing and chanting the name of God saying O God how great you are you have created the sky you have created this river you have created the Sun you have predict the moon just like that fool thing constantly praising that the God has done like that he could not think of anything else so now mister was very happy seeing he's real and that is why whatever he saw he was happy that God has created that so like that way he was remembering God all through anything the bird the animal the river the nature the people whatever that he saw immediately he was happy he will dance and sing and praise the God somehow to keep the mind in God so that is what Saddam Christian is telling marching with in device about Brahman that is also ok but also keeping in the Lila the relative without dissolving in absolute this is a combination of the Ghana and the bhakti Aamir Gani is a not honest person's consciousness telling who's a monotonous person he cannot say anything you'd see those who are giving the talk on the guiana the only talk about these these days in the pedantic way they see and then afterwards all monotonous but dad he always analyzes saying it is not these it is not these the world is like a dream but I have reached both my hands therefore I accept everything this is the way of ceramic dish now I have reached both my hands I accept everything the most of the people they try to follow one path and they spend their whole energy into that and they are exhausted and we look at ceramic dish now we find that he is not only following the part of Ghana which is so difficult but at he is he struggling in the part of Guiana in the rata bhakti in the path of karma did just imagine the immersion body he is taking the help of others were still going to house-to-house anyone anywhere practicing religion the compassionate God will go to him to visit him to rectify to correct hand guiding properly why because karma so he himself is doing that karma and yoga all through his mind is just like the middle the his mind is always on the north so constantly completely there the compass the needle is always under North Saddam Krishna's mind is always on that Brahman so praise will stop over here today and afterwards in the next class we will discuss some other things let us join this man and compa little become each other but a Misha meet Ramakrishna shanti shanti party you that said sri ramakrishna our eponymous to today's a very cold day outside it is so cold even then that you have come I'm really very happy that you have come this is this shows that your love for the spiritual knowledge may not one see Ramakrishna bless you all is my player