Video 179
180. Panchama Veda 180 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
a very important topic of Arsenal Krishna has raised and he'll be discussing about that that we will come to that and even we are reading from the Gospel of surround is not page 466 before that as usual let us play double katana Ratan Tata jeevan KO be be rewritten column or shavon shavon Evangeline Sri Madhavi Tom Bobby green and de bourree dodge Anna the last time we were reading the cinema Tichenor came all the way from the janeshia to meet bundy Schaffer the tadka to romney but this is a very special we can see the characteristics of cinema Tichenor when even he found someone the spiritual person or studying scriptures she was interested to meet them to understand how far they have progressed not to fathom but to judge the spirit their intellectual knowledge but the advancement of the spiritual knowledge how far they are advanced in spiritual knowledge Salaam distance whole life was as we can see and he started giving the advice spirituality after finishing his long 12 years sadhana does only member but we can say from 1850 to 1886 so that was the period are maybe 1870 that was the we consider from 7286 that was the time 16 years between or 16 years and then naturally 15 years is nothing 16 years is nothing he was eager to see the people are picking up the proper path to realize God are not flattering unnecessarily in intellectual things too that was the thing first he came to the shop and from there he went along with others to meet them this learning person now in the description he said he who has commissioned from God knew her runs short of wisdom Salameh Vishnu himself never attended any school and he is making a person we can understand the how great knowledge that he was having because Starcatcher our money the highest at the form of the sastric learning a god and this dhamma Tichenor when talking to him he is mentioning there he who has it commissioned from God livin on short of wisdom he never said knowledge is it wisdom the knowledge is lot of informations because the wisdom is a complete different knowledge goes to the root elite and from this one being simple sentence we can understand that there is God who is all powerful and all knowing the last Sunday we had a meeting and there the Saddam Tichenor before darkest hours the Hinduism we lost faith in God the God was nothing but just some imaginations majority of the people as because they were under the torture of different types of things so they wanted to go beyond the hex a mystical power or magical power they were all searching for those things the healing fine ceramic dish nur is very specific if God is blessing you then you will have no dearth of wisdom that means in proves that God is there and he is all powerful all meaning second he means he manifests through words of one whom he favoured the God is manifesting through words when Shammi we become the actress the sisters and brothers what happened the history say is that seven thousand people stood up clapped just because though language the sisters and brothers the world know the power of God the God is manifesting through the wars that is very important and then this type of sentences words teachings instructions again and again bringing the only one thing that God is there have faith in God and in page 460 75 dependent he is telling therefore I say to you dive deep into the ocean of searched on under when saddam krishna going and meeting the ordinary people and he is telling only how to serve the parents and good relation with husband wife how to raise the family one should are there to maintain the family but most of the time at least in the master marche meet him in 1884 and in 1886 traditional passed away this two years accounts that we find in the gospel and that too sometimes master machines to go not all the time he was there even then we find that the most of the time same occasion is visiting the educated people learning people the people in the high society why because if they are changed they will influence many others that was the very interesting way that god's mission to spread once again to bring back the true life in the Hinduism he is taking because tynesha and he has to do something which would change the whole the cycle of the society how it is possible he's going and meeting because at the Messiah a very learning person who was accepted by the or society deception regime was accepted by the whole India so he is going and changing them as a a wonderful discussion one gentleman has written I have not gone through all the lines dear he is mentioning house Adama Tichenor actually brought the whole that movement new movement Brahmo Samaj he started with some Roger Rahman dry and got the very great force under the leadership of the cache of gender shame but the bishop Jim Racine he realized the truth is not only the people who are following and we are giving the lecture a great social movement but what about the realization of God we are talking about God not understanding what we are talking about whom we are talking we don't know so the ceramic dish has changed a sharp and along with that the old movement was changed so that those words were teachings help people that is what's around business daily therefore I say to you dive deep into the ocean of succeed and succeed under cinema business again and again mixing the word God mother satchitananda paramaatma all this is saying why we will hear from him with great conviction with after realisation is that nothing will ever worry you if you but realized god this is the proof that one person has realized God nothing with evil only you if you bought realized God as long as the fear is the holy is their faith is not their realization is not there the wind that happens I do understand that a person is realized person nobody because he knows that whatever is going to happen happened at the best and in the Upanishad we just remember that word young mula was after realizing after getting that cha opera la money they gnaw at accommodative monetary they never considered anything after realization or anything good know the god is the winner after realizing God there is nothing after him for which one will enter there are innumerable paths and this unity in diversity in our fall banquet this time we had that team unity in diversity different religions the king and they were speaking on their in their own way the whole theme was unity in diversity and what is the in reason is this ceramic distilling there are innumerable planets leading to the ocean of immortality just before that program when I was in the corridor talking over there a group of ladies three or four so I was telling this these people have come they will be speaking about this why you are inviting these people some other numbers the best here why you're not in dispute this is not that acute of the Hindus Hindus are open-minded they are always eager to learn orest eager to accept the best thing and they believe firmly that any path any belt whatever it may be will lead to the same goal when the great disciple of sri ramakrishna and narendra not afterwards on of awakener he was criticizing to some extent a group of people who wish to worship one gentleman as God the Living God gutta-percha that was the a group of people that time it was very prominent mostly the ladies after the widows these two join in the head in literate ladies and they do worship in that way Carta is the God and merger but in place of God is someone there so in the society people never like that and according to the young boy 16 17 years old American Martha was also criticizing Krishna say why do you criticize them even if they are sincere thinking that that person will give me liberation the God will help that particular person who is thinking in this way because sincerity is the only thing to reach God and nothing else the different type of scriptures different from mantras different type of teachings have no use only sincerity faith and sincerity words the faith God is there and then I am going to reach over there I do not know the path and I don't care because God will surely take me to him so that way is innumerable of the ways that lead to God if you are sincere you will attain God if you are sincere that is the only criteria and he will attain God Salaam Tichenor is mentioning like this and he said my child is addressing to the Pandit had a little more to your strength practice spiritual discipline a few mornings then it's a cannon creature even lack knowledge therefore I ask you whether you have received any Commission from God Hara follow the day he has a certain received yes he must have it and isn't it true sir he was asking the point if all the sitting together so the discussion is going on hashtag was appreciating dependent because it was a learning man naturally we asked even today's in at our time if a no very learning present we think that he must be having all that now salam o krishna is going and meeting a person who is talking about God and spirituality so obviously he wanted to know whether he has got the blessings of God commissioned by God Hartsville Sahana must be otherwise how he is so popular but the pundit sales and host also is also in that he said Commission no say I am afraid I haven't received any such thing but this is truthful and that is the characteristics of brahmana they never tell lies he could see yes I have got it but he never said lies he appeared in even tried to hide anything he said Commission the blessings of God the command of God to preach no say I am afraid I haven't received any such thing the horse was actually win right independent so naturally he was feeling that I have to protect my guest and in those days the rich people that was one of the competition and among many other things this we invited the holy people there to keep them in their houses and invited our other people to show see this holy man he is with me so I am also that way spiritual like that may be so he is sitting he may not have received the Commission but he preaches from the Saints of Duty the sense of duty means to guide the people who are groping in the dirt so when he is doing that as because he is earning so he is doing it he is teaching it never understood what Saddam pistol really meant so C Ramakrishna what we do man but merely chairs without the collision from God the old literature cannot help they will be sometimes some people they will like it and after birthday or dated another person comes more forceful so that again that will go away then a high government official from Boresha once said to me say on Christmas Day how people they think of say if you begin the work of preaching I do shall guard my liars if you are reaching high to enjoin the one person told me from eg you are giving initiation tell me that mother so I will also be under trumpet there is also possible but I cannot do that so this is the way people and think it is nothing just to be something and pray and I have seen some of the professors also at the beginning they were good people nice people but then the progress of intelligent so started that then afterwards when you were there explaining people liked it and slowly slowly in India this is one thing that anyone speaking about God of spirituality or philosophic immediately they will accept him as a holy person and still listening leader and that gives their the ego I am different from you holier-than-thou whatever the good man is he a cured that also got so this means dangerous very dangerous long back on Brahmin boy who is to read the gospel of selamat ish in a very emotional way and we was to like it so he invited in different houses to go and read that and before slowly slowly he started before reading you close his eyes and meditating and as he praying to God and then while reading or after reading even solve and cry as if he's so much dust in there and that created emotion among the listeners and then one day when he came to me is to respect me love me till now he does and he came and ministered a mirage they are asking me into this way am i doing the right thing I don't know you are maybe there they will be benefited but you are losing your marriage whatever in bad don't do that reading gospel just read it don't show up in that way and inside your room when there is no one when you're reading gospel if you feel that those words are touching your heart that brings tears to your eyes good no problem not before others that will be a dramatically that you are telling that will be dangerous for you but this path is truly no dishonesty that is exactly what Salama Tichenor say but a majority of the people don't understand this different light lead also and that is the reason we find the path of true religion but if you will come to Train very very very unfortunate but that is the truth so here is Yama dish now he is telling in this adept one officer also he said I can't do that so I see a worthless man mend his head of preaching and yet he will produce no effect but people listen to him if he is armed with a badge of authority from God one cannot teach others without the Commission from God a teacher mean must had great power so this is valid but see Ramakrishna he said someone was telling how I will understand who is a really a true preacher true guru - good man how you'll understand so these are the things the person who is teaching for others is going out to teach others only only one effect that he loves those people so he is going to explain their philosophy a nothing else so that is what cinema is distilling then he is giving an example this is Chayton Nadeem chapter non-operable was an incarnation of God how little is left of what he accomplished not to speak of lecturer who preaches without authority from God the great personalities come they changed the whole thing even thing how much people accept that Sri Ram Chandra Sri Krishna but Jason amar prabhu Jesus they all came and the priests and they were commissioned by God even then about orders even then why people are behaving like that because their karma follow most of the people I saw that Sunday the one young I said the lady and the gentleman they were outside did you intend to listen they were waiting for the lunchtime so they we had they purchased a ticket and they came but as because in the first half the spiritual talks were going on they were not interested releases of the website loitering and passing time can you imagine and their mothers and some senior people they came they were inside to someone introduced and it will now we are waiting for that it will bother you can go and just listen nothing and if you hear something then it will the debate will come in your mind whatever is telling good but there and not right or not it is right or wrong all this again but no and after the lunch the lunch he will enter and after the lunch the dances that they Aslam then that will enjoy they have reached so close but not even the educated people not that they won in strength but the patience only for have one hour to listen to these it was not there while there is so close even they were not why because the carnival edition scholars that is the great thing a cinema Tichenor is telling that way is a beautiful song is coating dying deed oh mine died deep in the ocean of God's beauty do group shuttle a hard one Rupa saga the God's beauty what is that beauty of God this whole world and so many ways gods are manifesting is the beauty the moment you nearly is that there's also you can understand the God and a good person God in a bad person God in the heel of God in the villian so each and every blaze go horizontally if you can understand that beautiful and that is the beauty if you see see the eternal steps there we'll find the team of love and what is the ultimate of religion love ill ope that's unequivocal the same the love this love means is that the small love that I'm having only for my Keith and keen and my society and my religion and my country no that's not that love this is life that embraces the whole world without discriminating anything that is the ultimate or religion what is God LOV that love the love we are already having we are having love for you but to find love for others I need not to go and help them maybe that I am not capable to help them physically or monetarily or any other things but I can pray for them I can feel for them we have seen the expression of love detected affected in the life of Xiaomi Vivekananda in one night the some of his groove I it got a supposed to go to the and he saw the Shami we began the pacing up and down on that corridor so what happened is anything disturbing you troubling you so you can't sleep then Swamiji said how could you sleep all the people they are now time the so many they're going to be without a morsel of food there is no one to look after them so that emotion concern for the others that is called love and that love is a medium the other time this vivica and the maid and brother disciples show me three under and to yonder was eager to know whether he has realized Gordon or when he said I don't know whether a bearish God or not but my mind has become so proud I can stay I can accommodate each and every one even if there is a personality like Gabriel I think I can also stay with him but that love the purely love is called religion the master is continuing one does not die if one sings in the ocean of immortality what does not die what does it mean not physically spiritually in the ocean of immortality means that he becomes immortal himself the god is immortal and he goes and marches with the god or the Brahman which is one without any changes that being goes and marches the source it becomes immortal Nene is giving an example God is a motion of please tell me if you want to blanch into it just imagine there is no Siddha in a God and that you have become a fly then he is talking with Noreen his beloved disciple now tell me have you ever seen to seek the Siddha the ocean or the illustrating suppose that in a container that that citta is there immortality and he's asking the young boy Loraine suppose even a fly and when I will see to see that see that not in the answer I would see it on the edge of the table and stretch out meaning to treat because I am sure sure to die if I go far into the car then I said to him but my child this is the ocean of satchitananda there is no fear of death in it this is the ocean of immortality only ignorant people say that one should not have an excess of devotion and divine love how foolish the wind I am loving God what comes to me please fearlessness the police because I am the one that is enjoying all this and fearlessness because nothing is going to happen to me nothing is going to happen to me which works sometimes some people they make mistake in the Kumbha Mela in India sometime they mentioned like this the tests show on the BART millions and millions of people they go only to take a dip in the Ganges holy Ganges thinking that by that way all their desires should be fulfilled and they'll be immortal they all die that is all conception but what is this immortality not physical but immortality means the heart becoming God they are marching with the satchitananda they are becoming one with the Brahma Brahma Billy Graham wave of apathy in sanskrit they say the Brahma bead is becoming the Brahmin itself that drop is mixing with the ocean becomes the ocean itself so it's not fear of losing one drop but becoming ocean at that fearlessness and that is called the knowledge what is God realization fearlessness oh he Ovey Ovey shall maybe we can the again and again we fearless we feel it doesn't mean that you have to take out the short and fight with others no he's not that type of universal the FL dismiss means the understanding that truth that I am NOT going to be destroyed because I'm Hartman in reality and the Hartman the body that ham putting on it is an ignorance I am NOT say if somebody sees that you are you assured what will happen I hope every all of us will laugh what is it it cannot be I can't change this anytime the similarly I can change the body anytime and now when we were children we were all the time guided by our parents and relatives no where are those people father mother uncle's auntie's relatives frames all known people we are far from that what is happening we've got another group of people their concern for us they're our friends in the same way we are living without the father without the mother we are leaving so that leaves descendant now if you go and see a young boy or a girl and it will be terrible conception for that little mine oh my god I don't have my father my mother I cannot imagine that condition but when that condition comes in is okay for me for all because that time by that time he has already developed that experience the same way it is the spiritual experience this takes us to in such a way that one is not afraid of death why there is nothing such as depth nothing such as debt it's only changes and changing of body and mind so if that is so that constantly in the mind so we can go and then syllabication is stealing there are innumerable paths leading to the ocean of authority the Asian essential thing is to reach the ocean it doesn't matter which path you follow this is unity in diversity despise Ramakrishna is considered as meaning as a summer night Nevada is the god of unity before him that idea was there no doubt but the practices are not there he practiced in his own life and he propagated he showed and that is why ramakrishna mission they accept each and every one sometimes some people they would say why are you worshiping the Jesus or the Buddha why your cryptic images over here the symbols of the arrow I shouldn't do that you are a Hindu Hindu means all things Hindu means if you take one and go to that as your chosen item that is also Hindu and when the ended the true in dudx at all but at the same time they have one pointed devotion to the chosen item so that is called Ishta nishta instead of chosen I draw so there Mista my devotion is there but at the same time I am NOT getting others Sadam addition is teaching us and we are the followers of that great philosophy the cinema question is given how can we say no we don't want others that cannot be the ceramic dish new stadium inevitable are the ways that lead to God if you are sincere he will attain God now he says that this part is very important uses what is gamma yoga the gammy seeks to realize from money he discriminates say it is not not these then he says not these not this he discriminates saying Brahman is real and the universe illusory that's the famous dictum Brahmas of the jihad Mendte this is going on see what is karma you it aims to fix one's mind on God by means of work Salam o Krishna is giving the definition that is Gyana yoga karma yoga what is gana yoga you have to constantly judge the temporary and the permanent constantly and then only you can move otherwise you won't be so then the universe karma yoga to aim to fix one's mind through work and that's why they say whatever what you do do with the devotion I am doing sometimes we're just cleaning the rooms and houses and sometimes people they come and they do some voluntary work with the temple on the shrines also when we are doing constantly they are thinking God and work on this God is coming to see they must be very careful notice the pinch of dirt should be there anywhere the God is coming my boss is the God that should be tentative if the God is my boss and I am under in so I should be very careful that's local to you constantly thinking in that way when we are offering anything to some any person we must be very careful the best thing that we are offering so then just nothing that we cannot use then you give it to others no that is not karma karma yoga is that devotion the best thing that you had to offer and offer we create humbleness I am giving to my god that was on our show me Barry Sharon and the joy I was hearing from our brother monks who came here and the when we were traveling from here to Ganges these two hours we had a lot of discussions after a long time when we were in the telling centre we were imagined but now after so many years running again meant of course individually made here and there in different programs but this done exclusively without any other things so in a way terrain would be of the five where Queen we were discussing about different things so this thing came the guiana the karma the Buckley the devotion that should be everything in the iana yogi he should also be devoted devoted to his own self the heart one that I am going to get and the Hartman is always pristine nothing can contaminate Hartman and all these things that his coming is coming on the mind and mind is not out of mana and somewhat is freezing the waves of joy coming up we have to sustain that somebody is criticizing the waves of sorrow is coming up we have resulted in death notice not it is not it is not the joy the sorrow the presumption in des nothing can happen me constantly so much devoted and comes evening the sleeves from Vivekananda said even in the dream you have to go on using your sword of destination this is bad I mean the dream if somebody's wrong something wrong is coming immediately to say no so this is called the Kali Yuga in the Karma Yoga family pivot on the introduced karma yoga particularly for the devotees because they are all the time in the world of war envy is the difference Unity's so when you're working if they think the whatever work I am doing is a dream for God that chip will change so the ceramic business study its aim is to fix one's mind and God karma yoga is in the page 467 by means of work it's in aim of the Karma Yoga is to fit one's mind on God by means of work by means of water and that is Karma Yoga if a householder perform his duties in the world in a spirit of detachment the salon business teaching that's why I always say that this is a buncha Movida it teaches so easily only thing if we can understand it and accept it and practice it we will realize that God it's not me that is telling the god himself is telling if a house owner performs his duties in the world in a spirit of detachment surrendering the results to God and with devotion to God in his heart he to me we say to practice karma yoga the wind and giving it to God that means I had a conception of God the faith in the presence of God and I am giving it to God and that is the devotion he is practicing that and what is bhakti yoga it is to keep the mind of God by chanting his name and glories in the iana yoga constantly thinking of the path of knowledge that is discrimination and this nation between war between the Hartman and the rest whatever is there in the world everything and giving up the other and I am constantly going to that consciousness which is odd and in the Karma Yoga everything that I'm doing yet guru she let us now see a juicy the Garcia yet Thomas se Conte that crucial model Panem in the rugged pita whatever you are doing even the breathing that between our drinking her stream every action what to evil you do give it to me yet guru shield us nausea Juho seen yet the Darcy yet you are giving the charity and that also I'm giving to you and God whatever I was having this little ninety biggest donation so that is called the Karma Yoga and the bhakti yoga constantly going on repeating the holy name of God bhakti-yoga but friends one thing is common in all the three what is that faith in the existence of some holy thing which may be called as Brahman or Paramatma a god so this is there and for the Kali Yuga now cinema Krishna is guiding very clearly for the Kali Yuga the path of devotion is easiest this is indeed the very fabric of this age here we must mention the community the karma in the traditional way karma means yaga yaga Karabakh on D is the Veda the karmic on D the performer of world doesn't mean that they are doing and helping others rather they are performing the year and dear completely delete why we perform the young yet I like to go to the heaven for that special Yankee I want my progeny son daughter for that ISM I want to kill my enemy punish me enemy for that the younger the different type of desires that that is the young killed but now when Saddam officially is talking about the Karma this lava - in the modern language you can say philanthropic work helping others without expecting anything that is exactly what Shami be waken the introduced if you read the explanation of the bhagavad-gita the Shankar Acharya has explained the gamma and gamma sahajiya some which are means the combination of the knowledge and the Karma it can never be the Karma only can give you a little bit of spiritual uplifting but you must have to have the gunner the darkness that you were warned and not to that only will save you but when show me Vivekananda very categorically he says through unselfish world we must understand this word unselfishness through unselfish work he will reach the same goal where put the list by his knowledge Christ by his prayer is the famous quotation from Shani Vivekananda and that gives the totally different view of Shankar Acharya because Shankar was mentioning about the karmic and ease of the Veda and Bible is talking about the karma that makes you completely different personality because but thinking for others why not because of the body at the mind but they're also the manifestation of the same God that's Atman is manifesting through those bodies that's why he declared a completely revolutionised statement the downtrodden the illiterate the poor are my special object of worship showing you again the same is not that the other people are not but these people as because they are they cannot help themselves he is taking and then is a very important that we find about here therefore bhakti-yoga is prescribed for this age and in disease this is really important bhakti-yoga is the religion for this age but that does not mean that the lover of God will reach one goal and the philosopher and the worker another had marty's so this is the speciality of Salaam addition clarifying everything so wonderfully but the yoga is the religion for this age but that does not mean that the lover of God that means doctor of the yogi will reach one goal and the philosopher and the worker another so all goals of the same own are going to the same goal we call it in different names that so then it says it means that if a person seeks the knowledge of Brahma he can attain it by performing the part of the two God who loves his devotee can give him the knowledge of ramen if he so desires the debt especially ramakrishna sometimes say a Conca can beat with under get cha da gachi the knowledge that came within me in cinema busines that has surpassed the knowledge of Vida Vedanta whatever the animal is the cleaner learned from the reader and the Vedanta this is nothing but the realization and here they find a person the cinema busines who suffer Steven those things which has not been in the Veda it doesn't mean that we are hitting later discarding leader but a little steam ahead what is there through the property through any path you can reach to that goal I want to see you images the devotees being mapped on ax on important brahmana rupo Kalpana and now I don't want to see you inform I want to realize you inhale repeat that also got you said one of his disciple he went to Salaam o Krishna say it said the word do one I want to see that happening every being then he said is very difficult but you will get it it is from a solid analogy all through his life he was devoted and he was doing so much of work she wrote a voluminous book by selling which he paid back the loan that Teufel to construct the house of mother mother should live in our own hours when the mother is to come to Calcutta she is to leave in ten different devotees houses and naturally a different family different type of situation and we the moms mother was the head of so many banks and devotees whenever she was the many people are going death but her family may like or may not like southern and the G understood that but he was a poor man out there he started writing the book the great book the he has written about the life of Salaam o Krishna very authentic and the end at the beginning he has mentioned I have not written any war which a five person did not realize that is the main thing and he saw those books and with that money slowly slowly paid back the loan that but body are Mayan body the small part that he purchased now of course slowly with their with the devotees is expanding a cinema business these words are verses everything through the Virata devotion even knowledge you can get why because God is all-powerful if you say show me your the brahmana we what is Brahman garden show that if he likes by realizing the divine mother of the universe he will get knowledge as well as devotion you will get both in bhava Samadhi you will see the form of God and in difficult to Samadhi he will realize Brahman the absolute existence mnemonic please indeed be some difficult the Samadhi he lean and fall do not exist he's talking about himself his own realization selfishness we know that after the he was praying to the mother man mother Kali and then he realized that the mother of the universe not involved but is the knowledge that came in the waves of light everywhere then afterwards we understood that this is the knowledge and he was so happy he thought worse them why should I leave now for whom then the injunction came no you have to leave for the betterment of others but he was not ready because the moment the mind comes down to this earth he'll never there because there's always then he said Bob monkey taco - you stay in the border of this sometimes even with the fall and then you merging in the without form and that is why we find an occasion now he's talking with people and he's seeing God he's running after the mother and who has a small little girl just playing with him and cinema business crying mother don't that uniform he we get heart and he's taking the Ramachandra for bathing in the Ganga all this those who have read that biography of Saddam August 9 the one level Stoney's don't think that is a lot of and bull stories these are truth many things appear in this world which we cannot explain from the view of the modern-day science notice Lord there are there but still we cannot explain it what is there so this is what is in our business say thank you friends thank you for coming and this we should not forget and today whatever we have learned the great teaching through any bad we can reach to any goal and all goals are the same and there are many many different ways to reach God so we should know never become narrow-minded to say my path is the best and others prepared that is not Saddam visionary let us change this month and conclude the god the perfect perfect embodiment of the eternal truth manifests itself in various forms to help mankind and incarnation of the supreme lord who is working through all need journey on unto [Music] you have da gamba theta be Gumby he shall with autumn but a Mischa medium the Namib is numb she does on Imam Chandi Chandi body heal that serve see Ramakrishna our eponymous