Video 177
178: Panchama Veda 178 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
and it is giant easement double guitar rhythm dr. G venom Koby be really dumb Calma sharp sermon among the lungs sorry madam we'll begin Aldi fully dodging our friends you know today today is the 11 September this is a great day for the Indians because on this particular tree shall we be weakened under she gave a wonderful talk over here and do the attention of the whole world towards the Indian and he that happened 125 years before in this city of Chicago and illness and on the same day if he nears before a terrorist attack also happened and tweet tower was destroyed innocent people were killed a terrorist attack and the two different things happen on the same team of course 100 years apart but the India is selecting with great joy and formed the element September because that they consider as a deal of liberation Mukti debisch how they were liberated because the fear that they were having living under the subjugation for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years that was the first time someone stood over here and the world's taken told I am proud that an Indian I am coming from the land were only blessings and the prayer that comes for crosses the border we never cross the border with the fire and soul but with prayer and blessings that is the unique idea food world they started understanding India when he address this gathering as sisters and brothers of America 7000 people stood up the greed all of colombia's and the whole of Washington which is now in the Art Institute dear this to tie the whole of Columbus could accommodate four thousand people only but rather four thousand they were outside 1,000 ever standing here and then packed and for the another three thousand they had to open that just all the whole of Washington seven thousand people and this thing microphone was not there so if you go over there the trilling and he used the shuttle terminal that does the heart of each and every one the that was the complete change king and from then onwards India started arising and Shawnee beacon under he gave the term Leviathan there's a conception of the love and she enter romance as a huge animal is rising up tremendous power surprising of the living Athan he is coming up the india rose started feeling the power and then deer all over india now to d-d have celebrated 11 september and i think yesterday actually from here it is rebels ultimate evening that is the morning of the 12 september they have celebrated all over so many different institutions need to be your so many varieties way we will also do that but on to societies of america they are also doing that and other institutions they bring that but we are doing in our own way particularly the Vedanta Society of Chicago we will have this program for three days and from 28 29 and 30 so we will discuss about the impact of the religion so what actually Chicago actresses kill what was the result of the Chicago addresses to the freedom from fear to self-confidence that was the main theme main contribution at the Chicago Swami Vivekananda's Chicago entrances there were many other speakers who are also there but we are only accepting Vivekananda because we considered that our main speaker representing India and the Hindu culture and she gave us what she gave us freedom from the fear to self-confidence so we can see that the effect was to eased the guard freedom and the freedom of political economical culture those freedoms and the waste freedom freedom from the concept of known as seen and isolation from the hectic or the freedom to started learning about the other so that we had but now the question is can any ordinary person do that the standing over there and giving a lecture a few lectures only he gave and then he travelled all over the relic of course but main impact was from there afterwards many others books and all the ordinary person do that obviously it is not possible it is not with her only an Avatara an international god can do this type of profound work be weakened is considered as an incarnation of the Lord Shiva so you know that those who have read the bacteria from Vivekananda his mother for a long long time she is - worshipped that kashi vitiation and then whether blessings of the god Shiva Shiva she got the son that is big Naren and afterwards we find that Raghavan cinema business daily we will know his real nature the only he will give up his body the moment he comes to know about his real major and what happened lastly when he went to the Ahmad not in the Kashmir he saw the Shiva from then onwards the create Vivekananda the inspire and the motivator he was withdrawn after the lost so that is called Vivekananda was the incarnation of the Shiva and that's why so much of power and Shiva is an incarnation Shiva is the God which loves everyone we know the Shiva is drinking the poison to save the world compassion full of compassion full of purity and pivot and is also full of compassion otherwise can even select this I will come again until a dog on the street is angry this is not getting the liberation a week and with all the responsibilities and the pain till each and every so it is the tea from this bondage of button depth that is Vivekananda what is this avatar the incarnation friends today we are going to study for sixty page of the gospel of Salaam additional where cinema business talking about this let me read this portion where the master were once around businesses again he sees everything at once God Maya the universe and the living beings the Gani sees everything at once and then worked all of that we see at the time how the can see he sees that with the Maya of it the Maya the universe and all the living being exist in at the same time do not x1c damage never studied without the him that way but whatever is taking is the core of the Vedanta the gist of Ananda it is there and also it is not there we we are accepting - I am accepting you also women I can say that I am NOT the only I can deny you but it was all connected so simply we are understanding how this world is usually we don't activity but at the same time I go to the operation our money and purchase things it is not possible at this time this will immediately to come the moment that knowledge will come we are mine be all these bunch approaches to say Annamayya mono Maya pranamaya began Oh Maya on the Maya kosha pain the back of that all these cultures when you go to Ted which cannot be described after the amazing that immediately we look out and see or know there is nothing is there does it only darkness no everything is there only I see there the manifestation of the consciousness and sometimes our conception the moment a person gives the iana the knowledge the supreme knowledge of the brahmana he sees only other things number nothing is there dirt no it must be here only it changes when I see that this is this immediately understand the meme and all that I am seeing it is only externally inside its car so that is the way they understand and here's the slum of these things also as long and as long as he is conscious of I he is conscious of others to cinema business explaining Vedanta but in every simple way in there gathering nothing whatsoever exist after he cuts through the whole thing with the sword of Dianna green even his eye becomes an unreal as the magic of the magician and this is the distillate the whole of the lotta women I can understand the real lie I will go into that Dallas to society there know me and be free that is the first dog and what is that know me he is this consciousness and how can it reach that through understanding what are the understanding those who have read the Vedanta they know how it is so futile all these things slowly slowly we can go back to that consciousness different ways the explained and the classical thing that they always say our stock try for our sons condition tryam is the three condition that happens to our life every time what is the first condition and job growth first ambition is John blood in the jug death what happens body and the mind both are allowed so that is jarred blood all of us we know about it so this is very scientifically the Vedanta is proving not the hypothetical conception or there is consciousness please explain what I do not know when you will know you will know not like that very step by step they go very systematically scientifically they're taking our mind to that first is job blood in the chakra body is there and we did explaining the body this our being of course in the same puncher kosha so under my eye except Exeter apart from that we are complete idea aware of our body and this body and the mind that also we know this body and mind when it comes together and that is called jungle conscious of condition the next is that also always every day we experience that second state world soft now esta semana means dream and we do we dream within our bodies also working in that is our body party only mind is working not the body when the party proves in that soft nervous also there is a full-fledged world that the world that we see now when the body and the mind is awake and we're working in the jumper condition in the weakened condition what even we do the same thing we do in the strong condition and what is that that means without body also there may be the whole world the world of powers the troops without the body also I can have my frames my foes my society my hunger my food everything my fear my love everything it will be there so that means the complete thing that we have in the Charter same thing without body we can have that is second and third condition they say that dear you are not even dreaming we you are not dreaming the two things are first is the body second is the mind part a miracle happens when we come back again from that condition without body without mind but still the experience tilers the time were sleeping how can it be because body must not present mind was not present who recorded it so that is the thing that we had to and completely understanding this one two three state we can very confidently we can say there must be something beyond body and mind what is that then the batons si consciousness and this consciousness the third condition we go but we do not understand that is why we come back we come back to our old stage without knowledge without Gianna Gianna booming we are experiencing the same thing without working in mind but when it come back we come back as her old self to talk to see animations of is telling the stories if you read that sound one person was going to bathe in the Ganga thinking that he'll wash up all these things and start a new life but the scenes is also table they were waiting the moment he reached to the shore of the Ganga they jumped on him at the tree and they were waiting over there let him come back and after doing the beginning the moment he came out all the things he became in jumped on you and they were with him similarly we go so close to the consciousness but when he compared the same ignorance so that is the third stage sooo shifty but we do not understand the consciousness but these are the way we can go if we can go if we can realize the consciousness we doubt the body and mind that consciousness what is that then they begun to say it is the fourth one Chhotu Trump was the portal to real this studio is only being there given and see one show me his name estudiar under because he was a pure branding strong Vedanta he practiced without the right from his with young age to do an under what is that Turia the fourth one what is the fourth one consciousness from that consciousness all the reflected things are coming and the individual where it is coming on the mind because mind is very subtle and mean what is afflicting I am considering that unconscious the mind is thinking I am conscious so in the bhagavata they say no the fish also many fishes were there they saw the moon with them the bright moon also playing with them they were so happy the moon is our frame it was reflecting on that water and as if they are playing with the moon but when the day came they didn't find a boom we're at the moon has gone it was fall apart away the how this fish could think that the moon is so close reflection similarly this also nothing whatsoever exists after he cuts through the whole thing with the sword of Gianna this is Caligula that I could come back as a kyani as a man of experience in that part stage in the third Street I could but I fail to do this so what I have to again and again practice practice will help us what to practice shavon mana needed the awesome I am talking about the Guiana marquees I have to listen I have to think to meditate on that serve on mana and need India's needed that remains meditation so that is the whole thing you can you can find at the water bottle over there inside [Music] so this southern Manan and needed the arsenal these are the three things only but you know this bhakti same thing that happens in the country the beauty is only stamina only monana and the native the asana not only dead you can have a big range of things to do the devotion the same things they are tween they are not accepting this world as their the real they also thought is unreal but they're taking it as a positive way and that's why the incarnation when they come the help us to do that the salawa Tichenor is reflecting him was reflecting on this words when the master say it means the person who was noting do you know what it like the master is asking him in the man our teacher the teacher means do the person who was recording the conversation of saddam additional when you call the master in english that means the good but the queen in Bengali is a master the teacher so that teacher is a school and college this professional teacher the here that aim the person who is recording he's reflecting on this words because the Vedanta you have to think deeply deeply and then only you can understand so that way the cinema history is asking do you know what is what it is like now he's helping him giving the example it is as if there were a flower with doing the five layers of petals and you cut them all with one stroke why 25 Gators to bring the data jaroo jalloo is for basically means 20 to 20 and for thousands 24 and at a time you are just cutting that as if the flower is having this twenty four twenty five petals you are cutting anyone chance this children bring to the doctor what is that punch Omaha Buddha thing ah hum God put the cases of the major mana would the cheetah on God this for and then indriyani - a conjurer the teen indriyas Punja in the agora the object of the India's blue parish of dispersion and etc the total it comes and this pill before is the whole world whole universe this phenomena is nothing but this 24 you cannot go beyond this 20 so that's why they say shuttle beauty doctor and cinema business telling if you like to know the charity that the Guiana the consciousness then you have to go beyond these 24 stages all these things certain the circle and circle then only he will reach over there the idea of responsibility goodness gracious mainly Shankar Acharya and sukadeva giving the ego of knowledge now the majority of the people they are now reading the Gyana yoga and also the one gentleman came that the table so he is purchasing the book on Vedanta the judiciary bigger and all those type of books they are not purchasing reading because intellect has become very sure but understanding until it has become short we are reading that go bad real understanding about the gun how it is possible mark the words of sri ramakrishna he's sitting over here the idea of responsibility but in the book they are giving exclamation mark you have the responsibility the morning do you think that I have the responsibility you are not fit for the iana model so who can be completely free from responsibility a sannyasi and the solution completely withdrawn not at all attached with the world then only all otherwise anyone as in the bhagavad-gita it says that give us our nikita sannyasi you not tasty knock on Shanthi there is no aversion and there is no attachment it does not want anything at that type of mind which is completely free from that then question of responsibility also the guitars and that mind is free saddam additional immediately mentioning about the Shankar Acharya sukadeva what they did shangri-la is writing the book and then he visiting he is debating with the Buddhists and philosophers and driving out pushing out that this high technology the philosophy from the society this is responsibility no only the knowledge he caved and he understood that he has to do and that was the injunction of the God and that is called avatar the avatar owner that supreme power is coming and taking a human form that is the completely different thing now how do you explain that God is taking the human form we will come to that the Bhagavad Salama Christian sailing up to these only few lives we have braved not even the half page only paragraph how much philosophy that's why Swamiji told the wave reward of cinema busines we can have a book of Allah so much cheesy but he's telling in such a simple way when you are reading this book you don't feel that you were reading at journey a book of knowledge but when I say the Pangaea Mabhida this is a little bigger the people book of knowledge some people say why it is deal this book is that book writer gospel because the full of knowledge and knowledge is Veda the why not and here we find these and it says this time it is not her man to show compassion but for God one feels compassion as long as one has the ego of knowledge and it is God Himself who has become the ego of knowledge some is bigger than the just now he was quoting that he is really even to take another birth after birth for the sake of the street dog is suffering this is compassion only God can have because he is having the knowledge he knows that I am NOT going to be powered by this but we are feeling and tested other things and sometimes mostly is a compassion it drives us so that is the way we have to understand you may feel a thousand times that it is all magic but you are still under the control of the [Music] but that is the very clear idea about us so we are listening to a wonderful talk of Atlanta a reading a book where and immediately we think you know all the things and nothing but minor as if we have understood everything it is all like the magic but now you are under the spell of the magic who are about that the magician salon business mentioning is a divine model quite divine mother Shakti the God's power but it is coming true we have thought that it is a mother form as a human that are as a mother for creating sustaining destroy God's power but how to present it to the world people they understand the mother so this is divine model and this model is having the whole power you can skip power that is the problem because the creation if you go to the G animal not the strands or do it without him but a began doing the Vedanta wishes depth with the Vedanta and also the devotional path they are also define do it without they can see the goal is creating iike emotionally and one an activity futhark the consciousness why he thought we do not know but because of the part Reaper Kings Saturday jicama these are the three qualities which in the equilibrium there is no creation the moment the changes come creation comes how it is the giving the example as if there was a foreman and the water was tranquil and people could see even the bottom of that and there is no repose but suddenly there was a gust of me and we started on the water now we cannot see what is that we desire what is that those here desire so this is the thing they say you cannot go beyond that as long as there's a desire angle the little desert much authority be used to say night that you know even if you have a desire to eat us good luck you have to come back another way even if you have that little desire for that also here to come back to this world now look at our mind there so many desires and these desires they have given these three names asian asian amidst abortion are the desired creation alice could regional this year for the progeny meditation desire for the money and for the name and fame that is called Asian now someone somewhere they have published the wrote a book now they have to go and see me they have to tell the people that have written a book so great problem but the Rhapsody was writing the books I don't think he went to any publisher advertise about me that I have written the book is imploding and people who intimate there to collect it and even carry it the suitors as we are studying in every Sunday that the greet the minds they could remember the everything just to go and listen and then there to go and spread it to the other Rishi's the Rishi's are also remembering and giving it to their disciples and they are noting it down that way it is all coming everything they are sure wrote because he was inspired to write a new year old that's all but we we knew it at the back of our mind how many people are going to read it and how many copies we should print except exit how things are working so that is called desire what is that dessert broke we Gianna I want the clapping's from the people and here in America so nice whether they read the book on our Lord but they will say wait warning wonderful congratulation is a very nice book the Gita is so wonderful but having made neither when I don't but I was trying to say that and then he forgets over there itself it goes and that is to be Asian abortional is constantly so you have to redraw that bar so now you know what Swami we didn't say that last days he saved giant Raja I am coming to you my god British Shekhar derecho whatever these people are doing in this world let them Dwight Britta rhythm a state like that they party their dates why Whitter because actually this is nothing this world that we see with good bad so neutral and some very special very hot money that nothing is there is only we are thinking as we were telling in sometimes that waiting stays sometime in the dream stage and then we are suffering we are enjoying real excited we are gross or all things only we are dream and Shanti Vivekananda whatever the responsibility he was having giving this installation after that he said and withdrawn Marshall domani TV if you read this by entities withdrawing the money from the world cinema history stealing if I knew this world is permanent I would have covered the whole village where I was born kamar vocal with gold that is without but at the same time the practical be done to the shall we become this teaching confidence confidence to one of our Sami he replied to a question he has very nicely mentioned go out and see the with anta on the street when a young boy failing everywhere not getting the job in every interview is failing but still he is standing up going to a filter next examination without losing the confidence I am going to get a good job that is Vedanta in practice when a person he's doing some very manual work but at the same time in the night he is attending their evening colleges and studying and studying hard to go beyond that condition that is practical Vedanta not on losing the confidence a day will come I can break this this self-confidence I can do it sure you can do it practice practice and practice this is Atlanta that is practical Vedanta that's our magical but ultimate without the winning go to the govinda bother go to bother that the same this world is temporary illusion but for whom who has truly understood it then only it is possible as long as the slightest trace of ego remains one lives within the jurisdiction of the adaptive Shakti and the word is using the very little Eagle trace of ego what is it ego - I have to do I must do do it and all these ideas that is prompting that I must have to do that some people they always feel immediately insulted Eagle steel thieves and their health my family's come but they're thinking they're doing they're very religious thing immediately they will go out and weaken the group and another temple and the society oh we are all we can also do it do you think they are doing it for the good of others no just to satisfy their own ego so winging it among the Indians if you go and see two things they always do in the politics if they are not satisfied immediately with me and the political group almost the same name at the bracket only they are changing if he according to his name the first word later of his number that Singh was going on and in the religious spirit if you go the same thing the deity was at the kabadi name becomes caliber as a category then it becomes Krishna body so temple we have temple there and then they will go collect money if Lea's very good to manage and he would go and collect money and then he would stand at the gate and say come come to my temple this is a wonderful fresh Agha we organised do you think it is devotion do you think they are going to be liberated for that as because they have constructed a new building for the god or goddess I don't know after reading the pages of the gospel of the Rama Krishna what we can find trace of ego so we have very very very careful whatever you're trying to do immediately of the go on break god please do not give me ego for this give mrs. confidence so that I can do it they can perform it but as your son as your daughter but not as me Amari coral tomorrow Dena let me be an instrument in thy hand and that is the beautiful way one can grow how the ego will go out we cannot that's his right Salam is me nevertheless he is sitting do you think you can remove the ego oh I am less today less egotistical every day people would go and stand on the weighing machine or today 1 pound I have reduced ok so like that one pound ego is less one pound Englishness no it is not in that way how do you can go sluggishness teaching us this is legal great thing to be here but I am the servant of God that you and the son of God that you and the daughter of God that even we are the children of God that Eagle single division Latasha Putra the children of immortal believes we are the children of God daddy no so this way we have to eradicate the ego otherwise that our dr Shakti Adi Shakti the primal power you cannot go beyond one is under hearts wave one cannot go beyond heart with the help of audacity God sports as an incarnation share become that is the incarnation this heart of the agility the tremendous power the Swami we become the Express the one here in America completely new land new people new culture new society and he came in stood and he addressed and he became a friend of almost everyone all the be juniors they opened their doors were to be a calendar why it's important many thing now just because he was a good-looking just because his English was flawless no because of that they are gently the power of God can ingest it if you have really divided the Fiat Xiaomi become do you know some of the times people in the next room would hear the revision is talking with someone he is going on giving a lecture in sleep and in the morning time when they are strategy with whom you were talking did I I don't know it's not that he was sleeping and snoring circling on talking and who taught him to speak the next day what to speed that serum occasional taught him and when he went and expressed those words do you think the people will be mesmerised did that is the way this is how the hardest thing with the help of dr. Shakti card sports and what is dead as an incarnation Jesus a very ordinary person not like Buddha death Boozer was the son of the king he himself was a third person but Jesus was a very ordinary person and even then we give the call follow me and leave you all those things at your back and follow me they followed him do you think anyone can go and say follow me and they'll come there is it go on go on we are at your back no problem there when you turn in soon what is there it's not so easy the power of God manifesting and what's the power of God at the objective that is why Swami Rama this beginning it used to say this time in this modern age that same God believe has come in the form of ceramic dish not tea who was Rama he was Krishna now in this form and now the Shakti which finds that are defective Salameh business darn that shifty as mother who gives liberation who even will call me as mother I am NOT going to refuse them we were just as mother not that you have to utter a long Sanskrit words simply mother and green mother herself is singing when you feel that there was there is no one around you when you have the frames you have the relatives here the people to help you if you have forgotten me no problem I bet when there is no one around you please know that you have a bothered is not the wife of your guru is not the other relation is a real true mother what we need them only two things complete faith in these words of the our dear Shakti and then acting on that calling mother please help me that's all and this is so strong show me the vehicle under when his own guru whom he said that he is the father of all gods rouhani baba a cinema vishnu was becoming him to come to the west even then he wrote elated to mother no no I had to wait till the mother says when the mother wrote yes my son all those things that's happening in America is for you look at it everything was already done my ability in a thought would go member nimita maastradamus of the SAR team in the bhagavad-gita with the crystal instilling I have already done don't think that you are going to fight and kill them however the kingdom only you become the mediator the dividend the game is for candy counter vini vidi vici the same he came he saw any counter exactly so he came he saw he countered the veni vidi vici why because the power of Adi Shakti was working and cinema stream sealing that partnership this power manifested to someone and he becomes the incarnation now from the ultimate point of view nothing is real so if you look to that then you have to go to the Shankara pasture where Chandra sees evil evil means as Eve jatta evil as if he was born so that is the incarnation in the medulla as he said to the he is a telling that the rostra we do not go to understand Krishna and Krishna was so close to the turn Astra also but the trustor could not leave that why because the some scholars so many people come over here this is a petitioner then sometimes they are going where is God God dad he is sitting over there after he never claimed that he is God we say that is God oh that means it is not God that must be Rama Arkady is the Kali and yes they taking immediate people this is a marvelous picture is there I told you please take them to the basement and then see the God they're very happy goddess Kali what is the years God is that there why you are keeping it here what to do before me somebody kept it I cannot remove it so good how to understand this incarnation is nothing but the God manifested into human form who don't believe God is all-powerful we see but at the same thing we see God cannot take this fall God cannot eat this book God cannot go there got to not mix with him so I am the father of God I am dictating my God forgive me - and what is action I should eat it not wrong why are you there ego then ability or Shakti oh that is terrible those who are really sincere and like to make the progress in spiritual life have to be careful frames have to be careful don't bother about other people don't try to go and correct them in the beginning of this book if the gospel of ceramic is none when the master marsha is an educated man from Calcutta and Calcutta people are very fond of giving lecture anyone comes over here just ask them said you like to speak for five minutes by five minutes 25 minutes is okay for me so the light there but if you ask me then can you please walk for 25 minutes 20 babies working what that is terrible is not possible okay I'll be there for five minutes so they won't work I'm only talking master also was didn't I go and tell the people of Calcutta that this is wrong and this is I said I'm additional reproductive this is the only disease of you people from Canada Canada that in those days was the capital so all educated people this to leave over there so everybody was eager to say something if you go to the University all professor Lee eager to tell something because they know it so that is the way now this they are telling some pista to practice practice practice furthering their lives don't put the cart before the horse we are call out to help the world but are you free on going to God let them go and I'd see not like this don't put the cart before the horse or should be drawn that's why they saved our one emotion then generally de cinéma distance again and again just Swami Vivekananda free that upon emotion shadow theatre Geraldine's there we have to do help them hint but can I truly help no I have to transform myself to slam a business world a steering again with the help of the actor safety gods who an incarnation God to his shakti incarnate himself God to his Shakti this is not somebody else should be somebody else power to his 50 incarnate himself H capital as man then he says then alone does it become possible for the incarnation to carry on his work so God Himself is becoming the human and the only he's performing this world show me become the game and he stood like these and wanted to man now nowadays it is so easy immediately you just send it out to millions people that will be watching his son and he memorized some of the speeches of the vikander and just watch the young boy in many places he has recited this now he listened to him and the first word the young boy was very young he made a mistake his two sisters and brothers is the brothers and sister had located him some people clapping now the father or Weaver is very happy they're telling me there's nothing wrong good but all the desert drama is going on to really feel that they have my sister my brother that is very important she'll them do you really feel for them no if you ask these people to Tony to help the local people who know so DC is telling dealing alone does become possible for the Incarnation to carry on his work everything is due to the shifting of the Divine Mother so we neither we feel that we should pray pray to the Divine Mother and when we were addressing God you don't bother about Lolita's astronomic simply see mother ma please look at me that's all as a beautiful world one lated world mom like the whole car it is so pure green anyone asks the former manager of the temple is giving example that the manager of the garden house he was telling this is our property that is our property now he has been fired by the owner the manager himself cannot take out his own box because the guard said now asking at the prove what is the truth that this box belongs to you this man and he was boasting our property should not come to these you should not do this now the next day when he is fired as nowhere so why do we have to understand this world even the and so many cases are now in the course I could judges again and again they're giving this type of statement please don't forget the end appearance they give birth they give out support now you're grown up and pushing them out of your house don't become like that they're requesting their children so many cases why selfishness tremendous selfishness and that is why religious religion is necessary when they're young we have to teach them that the only love the sympathy between me God will incarnate himself as starting except exit a stream now thank you friends thank you for coming now today in only almost half page the profound philosophy that came that we have truly conscious being and the consciousness we have to reach to be charred but the best way to understand this this whole world is under the power of our deity if we go to that mother and pray through hard power even the incarnations of God they are playing if we go to her and play the scene knowledge in also joining us and when that comes then only the ego will completely eradicate and it become tired wama see so that is the ninja didn't become baby shower Dada [Music] but a Misha medium if Tonga Ramakrishna Shanti Shanti honey you that's three krishna our venomous too