Video 174
175: Panchama Veda 175 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
- Oh calm down dr. jay burnham go be revealed Calma shop servin along alone Sridhar tatin booby greed Andy booted our Jenna in her previous discussion we had discussed about the great system and the discipline and if we practice that very efficiently we get the liberation and in the viewpoint of a wa salaam Trishna and that was Karma Yoga and the last time we discussed about to work with the spirit of detachment now in again government and business aid to work in such a spirit of detachment is known as karma yoga is a page 452 but it is very difficult this is the one thing that one should understand karma yoga is very very difficult when shall we become the saint that you should work and most of the people thought is very easy thing that he is asking us to do now is most difficult because the moment you were doing the attachment is there he cannot go beyond your attachment I have done this we have performed that all this a little bit you are not getting the complete benefit of the yoga of course people will appreciate and others but complete benefit of the Karma Yoga about which see Rama Swami Vivekananda's aid by unselfish work through unselfish work one can reach the same goal where put the can reached by his not and Christ by his prayer to the path of knowledge into the path of devotion where one the personalities like the Buddha and cracked and reach through the path of karma yoga we can reach over there too but Saddam fist is telling it is a spirit of detachment is known as called Magica but it is very difficult we are living in the Kali Yuga this language is very practical that's why standing we are living in the Kali Yuga when one easily becomes attached to one's actions and we can see in a everything each and every one everywhere they're all thinking that I should be appreciated and I should be recognized you may think you were working in a detached spiritual but attachment creeps into the mind from nobody knows where you mean worship in the temple or arrange a grand religious festival or feed many poor and starving people you may think you have done all this without a ring after the results but unknown to yourself the desire for name Envy has somehow crept into your mind complete detachment from the results action is possible only for one who has seen God can you imagine so this is the condition of the karma yoga and in the bhagavad-gita also secretion is inspiring people to do the Calvillo Shami we began the deep stretch on karma you Ramakrishna mission is the motto that Swami Vivekananda many are on the moksha Jagger Eaton Arun amok sharp jagged heat I cha-cha means and this is the tool but you should realize God you should know yourself at the same time the benefit of the world the benefit of the world comes afterwards but we you are doing it the sadhana that sadhanas would be in such a way that you are getting the realization of God at the same time the society also getting the benefit of your work of your knowledge of your experience so these are one emotion and jagger inter Shunzhi ramakrishna stirring only those who have realized God can do this then he is suggesting a great another path what is that a devotee is asking this devotees are really very very good people's another asking that exact in the question that we wanted to ask and he is asking then what is the way for those who have not seen God see Slama Krishna see in karma yoga success is possible for those who have seen God and green one has seen God why can you work because we are trying to reach over there and we have reached and why should we work then but suppose we have not realised but then what we will do so he is asking what is the way for those who have not seen God must deliver all the duties of the world so practical costume mr. peasley is doing the best path for this a his property yoga the best path for this age is 50 you the part of 30 prescribed by Narada whatever bhakti prescribed by novel the great devotee and Narada is a great journey now what is the bhakti that Narada is teaching us this is also interesting he's combining the knowledge and devotion alveta Aquila are Jerrica that means that God here the god they give the name Krishna the Vishnu whatever name we can give the God means the Brahman that also can be for the Vita Aquila our charity each and everything Jojo seated arcega yet apostasy Kunti that guru shishya mother panel in the bhagavad-gita sufficiently sitting and the same thing whatever you are doing you are thinking you are achieving everything you offer to me so not at the same that Earth Vita you give Aquila Archer data not only one or two only when you are sitting before the God and offering the flower not that when you are sitting in the office that - when you are mixing it people talking with people doing your duties each and everything even your thoughts so that is also even your thoughts that should also be dedicated to God and we were aware about it that I am going to give my thought to God also what will happen you will never be able to think about something wrong about anything else something wrong for oh that man I should I am going to kill him and I'm going to cheat him and I'm going to do this death you cannot think of because you were aware at the back of your mind the consciousness is there but this thought I am going to dedicate to God offer to God how can I think in this way that awareness that consciousness that would save you so do not ever say that repite a killer our chart we have to understand Akilah everything most of the people he will see that they will go to the temple that time they are very good people and they will offer and they'll be fasting and they'll be putting on the worst of them includes everything they will do and they think that much people go in a best prayers to the church and they will attend one hour sermon they think that much we've done the religious work now while we are going it is not God's business no that cannot be each and every moment those who are very very sincere serious God realizing God for team Todd the Arpita Aquila our chart the second comes that the Bhishma Danny param of a cool at IDT see the EON Mishra karma and bhakti soon Arthur gives to all the three Gianna knowledge devotion Murthy and also Karma not that I should not do anything we should do each and everything whatever the responsibility has come on me whatever for the light nude I have accepted and perform that I will do that in this is Robin Hood tha is asking us to be careful to choose your profession choose your profession is such a way that you will not involve into some wrong bad thing that's why the Austin marker aid the grand path of Lord Buddha they say they tried to choose now something there is no opportunity then whatever in the position I am I must offer that to God and we were offering that to God I'm not bound by the desert so he is telling the best path for this age is 50 the part of the team described by Narada and here we find that the fast bearer of the bhakti-yoga the great Richard the shaman we weaken the delivered the cinnamon is not practiced and then propagated all the four paths bhakti gianna karma and yoga those were read his biography and those who know about surround Krishna they all know he is the incarnation of unity in diversity he is the unity now here his disciple also and he is also telling in the same way the first batter of the bhakti-yoga he says but the yoga is a real genuine search after the Lord real genuine search after the Lord is Suraj then summing McCanless beautiful way the explaining the search beginning continuing and ending in love that's look to you what is the the search beginning with love continuing with love ending in love and when I am beginning to love God I am only beginning with that particular image that I like I love I love Krishna I love Rahman I like Jesus I like Buddha that like and then slowly slowly doing on loving that what Krishna will love to eat but Krishna will love to wear what Krishna we love to hear I go on research and I offer that love love love and love beginning with love continuing with love and it aims in love and what happens at the aim what type of love then our other sales saw the swing Behrami Braemar Rupa what is the devotion saw the Smith Varma dream Rupa the Incans love to God but on a dreamer loop is a prima that word the sea Ramakrishna is using the Prima me swing you to forgive your body consciousness that is called prema paavo Maha the cinema history is explaining these things the way you forget your body consciousness with a rap taking food or not and so much devotee only a few days back we have celebrated only by the remembered the great monk of the Ramakrishna order direct the circle of ceramic is not his name was wrong of Krishna and the G show me Ramakrishna London digital lab of avance Ramakrishna's so much that shaii we may come visit this is the name I was thinking to take for myself but no I think you are the person you should take his love was nothing but see Ramakrishna Ramakrishna and he used to serve Ramakrishna with love with a position and with complete attachment to God and nothing else and for nothing so he'll sarvesh mean parama prema Reuben is the fault of prema that love goes and matured into the prema prema means when one forgetting oneself that is what he's doing what he's thinking what is with what his mind occupied with only God and nothing else when I am thinking constantly the god what it becomes I become God myself I cannot think of anything else and in the second this is a fast and actually he said let us begin then it is the second one sutter's mean Baraka prema Rupa not about the shooter someday we will discuss over here also and in the third he sees on little subtle Parcher parumala Muruga and then on with us a loop Archer amortisseur alpha means immortality he cannot die he's living with God the fear of death that I am going to die this body will follow up and then I have nowhere this is not him end of my life no he never things in that way the devotee practicing the love path of love never thinks that end of this life no I am going to survive in God immortality feature continuty so that is the unique way the love means and the fourth verse it says Jung how will understand that we have developed the love general dubois boom on sit Dorothy I'm going to about the drift Oh these three links is telling by attaining which one becomes immortal and becomes a verse satisfied boom on Seto Abbate I'm dope about the trip to over T his ever satisfied he's using the word ever satisfied I am satisfied now no Eva satisfied there is no point there'll be no diamond is dissatisfied never each and everything someone resizing him is also in great joy and some of the great souls in nothing the world people will always criticize you because they couldn't understand the way you were leaving or going so the criticism is obvious each and every one then when was criticizing the Kabira and he said I thank you brothers I thank you because you are acting as a scavengers you are removing all my darts I was not finding out where the dust is and the nasty thing in me you pointed it out I must be I must remove those things because I am going to make my love I cannot go along with that you have pointed out that you have helped me to clean that the grades arrange receiver he's accepting those critics in this way see everything is possible so satisfied so happy and young loved want city talk over tea is complete on the two bhavati she becomes immortal and tribute all poverty and this trip tea is the ultimate of all spiritual pursuit thrifty whether it is a path of knowledge or devotion or karma or a meditation our dementing should be I was responding there should not be any desired love it oh if I could visit that place to turban eyes all these and there nothing complete satisfaction thrill to over within and that is exactly what Nara is telling and I will conclude they are quoting Narada the fifth verse here bravia knocking Japan chatty after attaining the devotion nothing left to seek to keep nothing after the devotion was complete satisfied to meet anything young proper knocking cheap punchy he never asked for anything never desire for anything not future thee he never thinks second time knock three steel neuropathy notes I Eva booty attaining devotion devotee does not desire anything else does not enjoy anything else does not feel encouragement to do anything except God he wants nothing whatever he is doing what wherever he is visiting a everything transferred into that God realization we find that each and everything in the life of a once lamentation it is in the life of homage it is in the life of marshal of the very very prominently but master of the his never never expressed that is very difficult to find out and so what very life used to lead and shimeji of course covered with the intellectual and philosophical ring but sasame Tichenor his life was a complete book of spirituality and green used to go even to the theater to the zoo and to the museums to everywhere the ordinary people are visiting everywhere used to transform all the subjects into spirituality he could not see anything else when you going to see a lion he saw that my god is good god he says the lion immediately his mind so hard the goddess Durga oh the lion is the carrier of Goddess Durga sir Salaam Krishna started thinking not the lion but the cap so this is called heard not a nice thing he's completely successful his mind is complete in there so swami vivekananda laughs to God when a man's get it he loves all his nun he becomes satisfied for ill his devotees this vine we should remember and in we go to meet the holy person if they're criticizing others might for sure the long we left for the into travel don't we they have not reached anywhere near to the God realization maybe you know we're having the holy dress coating from the scripture leaving us in an isolation or in the Islamic say temple but the mind has no trouble so these are the things sometimes some people they come and ask how to understand who is a good man was a good person was the only person how to understand these are the points that we can remember didn't we can understand when a man gets it he loves all in the name of religion when we are 18 others beating others killing others this is all our Baba all our scene we are just trying to cooperate with a flower that is God their spirituality no we can hide it in the name of religion I will kill you are a killer and you will be punished in you that work don't think God whatever God he may be whatever name you were calling that God not going to bless you or protect you so that Swami Vivekananda in his book of the bhakti-yoga is telling he loves all his none he becomes satisfied for evil and bouncy ramakrishna he is mentioning over here to see the name and glories of God and to bring you him with a longing heart now Salameh feast is teaching us the prayer that a devotee should pray how you should pray Oh God give me knowledge give me devotion give me knowledge give me devotion knowledge means to understand what truly God is and then the devotion means the encouragement so that I can travel to that path just by going on debating and debating and debating God must be teased God must be dead Turkish Hofstra is going on debating where they were reaching nowhere so the devotion is also necessary to that devotion the searching God with love so that goes on Oh God give me knowledge knowledge about that God the understanding and give me devotion and reveal thyself to me if that God is not gracious that is very difficult why because the Maya why we are bound why we are suffering right we are moving on here and there knocking our hay because that the cooler thing that Maya and who is holding that Mayan god if the God he is taking away his Maya they know it is possible so who God give me knowledge give me devotion and reveal thyself to be the karma is extremely difficult therefore one should pray for God make my duties fewer and fewer and me I threw the hi grace do the view duties that thou givest me without any attachment to their results may I have no deserve to be involved in any duties activities then here that I want to your duty but reduce the Duty slowly slowly slowly slowly those two beauty comes all from the ego I should do that I just do that and sometimes some people will be green all doing at the very end of their life also so we have to go on praying to God Oh God these reduce my duty and what evil is good for the others if you want me to do that give the power to do that with your blessings I can do but my goal is to get you only realize you only this possible to give up work altogether is telling even to think or to meditate is a kind of work as you develop love for God your worldly activities become fewer of themselves and it lose all interesting day in that work can one who has tested a drink made of suka candy enjoy a drink made of ordinary molasses immediately is giving an example so what we are going on getting the joy green see democracies they go on practicing practicing and practicing and suddenly one day you'll find that great joint in you the God is there constantly with us constantly as because we do not understand that we go on complaining but God is very much there and it says a devotee is asking the English people always ask us to be active isn't the action the aim of life a life then the English people this constantly ask us to be active now one American lady she's a historian she wrote an Indian history there she is blaming that Indian people they were the board there are there they don't want to work except exit I was just reading a few pages he is not very much happy with the Indian people activity should be there the mill folk should be strong and all these things they think in that way there's not wrong but for our self is different completely who says that you don't work if you are not working how India could make so much a progress and as because India was so very progressed the all over the world people wanted to go to India only no one wanted to come to America and Columbus by mistake came over here he wanted to go to him you only so naturally she is writing thinking that when you are in a difficult situation they it always happens I am not criticizing them but the team is they are not correct and ceramic is near selling that we have to go on pursuing for now this person is asking using the action the aim of life immediately scientist is telling the aim of life is the attainment of God I repeat again the aim of life is the attainment of God and nothing else because after everything if we look around we see after publishing everything we are not satisfied unhappiness within hours dissatisfaction readiness misery is always within us the why then whatever he wanted we got money being vain everything after that you go and ask privately salary satisfied till to know why because ultimately only Scott and what is God complete satisfaction how that is possible love the love is the ultimate goal and who we're loving myself and what is that myself everything that I see is myself with that is why the way I try to love myself is not the small little self associated with his name and form is that self which is in every being everywhere manifested in different names and form I love dad and that is why there is no desire and when there is no desire complete satisfaction and that is called God realization Salaam addition will give that definition will come to know that the aim of life is the equipment of God war is only a preliminary stage work is only a preliminary stage it can never be the end even unselfish work is only a means it is not the end those who have read the Shankar Acharya and his gita Marcia and in other places where he is giving the argument again he is telling not to work but will show me people never say that true work can be because a selfish and it is the constant business if you can become purely under God yourself to understand these so sometimes we may think the ceramic is new to old that work cannot take you to that place and some easy to work and they had not asked there is a great debate misunderstanding even the personality like master master he was not ready to accept Shami be vacant decided watching he said you know Taku never said like that only thing that the spiritual person should do will do little work so that he can survive and as much and then the complete time should be devoted to God and he never he was not ready at all to exit and he was laying against it some of the direct disciples at Ramakrishna also made that mistake they were not ready at the beginning and the many of the devotees were misunderstanding sharmaji Shamim awakened the was no other things Ramakrishna himself then you know who came forward to support sharmaji holy mother marsala the money take me he will do cup she went to Kashi and in the car she saw me she told his disciples go and serve the poor people and some people the pound and now it Akashi is a huge big Hospital and also the hope for the world people melt women both but it began started with some of the devotees when they found that were devoted sums children they took their parents mother or father and left them over there to die they picked up those old people brought them serve them fed them and Shaggy told this is the great work that you were doing we were serving the Shiva the living Shiva and slowly slowly they were going on getting different type of people and naturally they wanted money Marshall the money they revisited that place and she have to see that told who I saw Raghavan Saddam additional he is walking over here so satisfied is a service of Salaam distant that you were doing and she killed 18 rupee note to those boys and they have still kept it if you go and ask them the Shawnee maybe will bring it out and show it to you in those days the thing will be not and after that master Marshall the Indian studio when mother has accepted then it must be true so the true karma it is possible but the Karma without any hankering and if you don't do any work what we do we immediately become an sensation we become more selfish it is better to do some work and what will happen when you dream the work if you naturally our ego will be hard again again and again and different type of people will come and they will tell in different way and when you are in action all these reactions will come and you have to constantly tell yourself I am actually trading a path of spirituality all these things that is happening all around me is nothing for me I am NOT going to spend my time for those things I should go forward march forward the that is very very important very very important otherwise you won't be able to move shun woman think is immediately Salameh distance giving the example for the life the shun bubonic once said to me please bless me said that I will spend all my money for good purposes such as building hospitals and dispensaries making roads and digging wells such a good thing I said to him it'll be good if you can do these things in a spirit of detachment if you can do this thing in a spirit of detachment otherwise not see sometimes some people they come and they say we are volunteers so we should not register it now the power that our something we go once in a month this spiritual retreat we charge under $25 to the expenditure and all those things and this feet alarming they can be but idea came I am working over here as a volunteer so not be if I told them this is not able to practice your devotees and even in a condition is a position where the grace of God can be be and then work and when you are working you're working with love otherwise you are trading your work for that particular facilities this is not devotees work I had to say that I was really going on thinking within me shall I uh shall I not then I felt as a spiritual leader of this organization this is my duty to tell them after that if they don't pay it's okay but if it cannot be and say I like to attend but I am not in a position to pay no problem at all no problem at all so why we say that why we should say that if I was not telling that people would say oh so good show me he never says anything for us but when I say that then we will think all this lubricant is wrong all the time thinking about the money no I am not thinking about money and thinking about the betterment of those people who are so close to us and trying to develop the spiritual path so Chauncey Ramakrishna is stealing his devotee the human being and he was no ordinary man Shopaholic was a very influential person and Shambhu Bali was a very rich man and he saved Sri Ramakrishna saved to him oh good please do that he never said that he said to do but it will be good if you can do these things in a state of detachment but that is very difficult whatever you do you must always remember that the name of this life of yours is the attainment of God and not the building of the hospitals and dispensaries sometimes some people they come to the organization and the oldest thing that I should become the secretary and these and their that is not the one person came from which I can help you but you have to train accidentally as a member of your board then I will give you advice and so so many advices are already there and those who are not during the boat they also addressing me so I have everyone mean an extra one to advise me but his thing is that I will do that and someone is telling if all the addresses of your devotees I will write to them in the wire now I can write in a better way I can talk to them in a better way so that they will give more money to you that is not about purpose so look at this they are thinking that they're doing good job they are thinking that they are doing spiritual thing but that is not the way are they highly educated people will stablished people but making the mistake in spiritual life so friends we have to read each and every line of gospel of Salaam pistol to understand what is spirituality and every time not once again and again and again you dream being only the true meaning of the world that surround each the heart that will come and suppose God appeared before you and say to you accepted boon from me would you've been asking Oh God built me some hospitals and dispensaries or would you not rather pray to him Oh God merely have pure love at you'll notice feet may I have your uninterrupted vision hospital distances and all such things are unreal God alone is real and all else unreal furthermore after realizing God one feels that he alone is the door and we are but his instruments this is the end of garbage we think that really the complete mystic praise from my life I can say when I was in and Awadh I needed money I agreed to did in the minister he was holding double charges foreign minister and Planning Commission and the deputy chairman pranaam occurrence when I went before that many of the sean is told I don't think it will get any help from one of the guards I read and I saw this table so many quotations of Shawna Vivekananda and pictures of total my insanity all over that room quotations is framed and hanging over there beautiful quotations of shamans and when I said this is my problem I fail the God has already done mentioned the moment they say I want to do in this way and that way is our destination sharmaji this is the only organization serving the nation for last 100 years uninterruptedly you need not to tell me about the activities please still what is your project and this front of Mukherjee afterwards became the President of India he held that time with the doctrines so I could build Assam the things I was planning over there do you think I influence from Mukherjee is such a and knowledgeable person you cannot think of afterwards he came and stayed for five days we were there in Adama I had the opportunity to talk to him almost every evening and it's very simple and when you talk you learned so much from me do you think it was mine it was possible for me to influence him to give the donation and keep that well no God didn't mother did that and immediately everything was over so one must feel one must be truly I'm telling you we cannot do anything if the God is willing things will come if the God is not willing it is not become one when you are going to the rich people there are the friends the same from Ichi is very rich man we should go and do it like this to impress him and press that now we should try that's all but under that lady sitting over there masala they be the ones Isha's yes it is yes so that works Adama is distilling and that is the secret of karma yoga when the person is thinking I should L I should give donation who is giving the part that idea again that God so that is the reason we should always understand we have the instrument and nothing else then why should we forget him and destroy ourselves by being involved in too many activities after realizing him one mean through His grace become his instrument in building many hospitals and dispensaries this we have to be the instrument in his hand so that is the way only one can work therefore I say in now Ramakrishna is concluding particularly this portion we are concluding the devotion according to Narada which is combination of knowledge work and devotion that we should apply in this age therefore I say again that work is only the fast set it can never be the goal of life devote yourself to spiritual practice again and again we should read this particular line devote yourself to spiritual practice and go forward through practice you will advance more and more in the path of God at last you will know at last he will come to know that God alone is real and all else is illusionary and that the goal of life is the attainment of a demon healed practice practice and practice most of the time we see only their enthusiasm wanted to go here and there visiting eese and that listening these and that and slowly slowly all of our strength goes away but what is the spiritual practice master of the money to be safe we should remember these wonderful definitions then all the problems are solved when even we think that spiritual practices means fasting you must be visiting the holy places and waiting in the Ganga now not like that the spiritual practices master at the money sale always every moment to keep the mind at the feet of God tapasya our key Baba in Bengali she is telling what is this spiritual practice my son somehow you have to keep your mind at the feet of God G cannot procure a monta assure a chair America that is sufficient when I'm locking the flower I am thinking oh I am taking it so that I will make it curl and him I will put it to God gotta be so happy mother will be so happy and I must be careful all the flowers that I am giving there should not be any insects I must be careful I should clean there then only I will give when I am preparing food I must be careful that it is not dirt or anything is coming when I am talking and cooking now I should not do that God won't be able to eat so alertness mother activating this book for you please take it please take it when you take the whole world all being will be satisfied please take it people are suffering to the crime children are dying because of food please take it and give all this satisfaction to each and every one you are not thinking about yourself you're praying to God for the others think that way all pervading God that the God in the form of mother God in the form of Ramakrishna we were you like when you are doing it only this much Hartman alertness this alertness constantly constantly and you are putting the mind at the feet of God so the songs those who know the songs going on singing constantly not only for the tune and the music but the words of the songs there's a round brush Havana they're singing and he's blocking the flower hibiscus Ramprasad was the worshipper of goddess Kali and it is a the goddess Kali likes a viscous great Elizabeth and used to pluck the flowers and to sing who here is cos Java regarded to say Java how you could get this married so every time you are blooming your green at the feet of my mother I cannot go home flower please teach me that secret so that her mind mind can go at the feet of the Divine Mother every time he's letting the power to offer to pooja but he is going on constantly thinking about the grave the life that that flower is leaving and that we each and everything when constantly we are thinking what will happen these worldly thoughts will go away and in the worldly thoughts are not there only one thought will be dear God star and when the gods that wonderful love comes that alveta Aquila our Charta that Whismur Nibiru moba cool trips I was reading today not the puncher our tree is a great great book the beautiful book in the narada pancaratra there's a five chapters a year and the second chapter in verse twenty fifteen twenty six and the moms mostly caught this after coated the famous the lines that Dina tottenham money mega channel nom de Dieu dynamo and considered that deal as a worst day not this the window nature is not giving not sunshine is all brainy and clouded mega channel nam nattu Tina Giardina Krishna some la piccata PU jabber Cheatham here the Krishna because the Narada is writing so priestess and la piccata that that particular day when I do not hear the conversation of the Lord Krishna are read about me that is a worst day for me but shanem that moment nice fella the particular moment is useless completely worthless money I considered why Sri Krishna Krishna number now when I am NOT taking the or singing the Gloria north yes the Christian is the God the God whatever God him like you love but that Godhead if I am NOT going on repeating and taking them those who are following the path of the other what they should do constantly going on arguing with themselves where from the ego is coming within me because I am NOT this body I am NOT this name and not this thing that I'm thinking of associated with a devotee should think how is it that I am constantly thinking of something else I should go on thinking about the God and what God will like what godly love and karma yogi will also think by doing what I can say this Mick satisfaction myself and also to God Tana Unni also the same way myself is the only thing that I must concentrate and not that I am thinking because I am the self and I am attached with the bigger serve Paramatma so all the time you have to forget yourself that is the ultimate thing the self that we always seen associated with this name and form and the easiest way and the perfect way for this age according to the Quran see Ramakrishna the devotional path prescribed by not thank you let us conclude with this phenomena need no need until darn gun drifter big clown boy each jar with autumn whether Misha media Dharma Krishna she does on Shawn the Chandi by that's Sri Krishna when I was