Video 171
172: Panchama Veda 172 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
after chanting this mantra Takahama return doctor jeevan KO believe it kasha Robin among golem Sri Madhavi green indeed Arjuna today we will read and discuss the description that the master Marcia has given and it was recorded on Sunday May 20 feet 1884 it is in page 437 master Mushin is writing Saddam Ishta was sitting on the cement platform that encircled the trunk of the old banyan tree in the pan chapati is still there those who have visited there they must have seen and touched that it's a holy place for now all these people and we him was Vijay shooting the Bhavana Rock Hall and other devotees they were present a few of them sitting with the monster on the platform the rest on the ground below that this is the uniqueness of the master Masha giving the description of everything so that one can visualize one can meditate on that how many people there sitting on the floor and how many they were sitting on that platform everything why so many history because that way one can imagine transporting the mind to that particular time it becomes easy and the devotee had thought of celebrating the Masters birthday which had had to be put off because of his illness since the Ramakrishna now felt much better the devotees wanted to have the celebration that day a woman musician a famous singer of gifted was going to entertain them by singing now she will sing but before that said on occasion is talking he is making fun those who are sitting on the floor if any comments sit over here so that you can tell dangle your legs like that just like a young boy young child is just behaving at the same time those who have not read the biography of solano Krishna and the gospel of selfishness sometimes may misunderstand but those who have understood Ramakrishna these are all simplicity's and immediately he is telling there are eight fighters with which man is born a person who is behaving so simple way at the same time takes the mind to high philosophical level there are eight figures with rich man is bound what are the filters first is green on the shin because this is we feel all the time sometimes some people their emotions and so strong now all of us at least many of us they are trying to develop the spiritual life but we do not know how we are bound by all these basic to things we think that we will go and bathe in the Ganga and come and paste and some marks on the for a and go to the temple offer some flower chant the mantra and we are pure but how to go out of this bondage that word Salaam addition instilling the 8 faders that is bounding the soul to this world in line first is the greener hate when we are eating others now it has become so rampant in our country making meaningful because the socio-political economic condition and heating each other's terrible and the more and more it grows more than you're aware away from the spiritual life and we even we are away from the spiritual life there were no peace so automatically the people all of them didn't suffer so these are the eight fighters Ramakrishna people have gathered to celebrate his birthday and instead of other things he is telling them the eight meters which man is born and green are the eight then got job the shame some people they are very much sitting to take the name of God why lock job what other people would say so this is the not Jerry I am bound by that I like to do something good but I cannot do because what I always concerned what other people will say about me that is conduct Java shame but you have to have this type of thing to know I have after discussion and decisions that I have taken that I am going to practice this path I am going to practice I'll surely follow this is the sheen then come higher fear the fear for what what will happen what will happen if this is this if that is that so many calculations we tried to do and that gives a lot of fear some people who are having a lot of money but they only donate say I told you that one family two families actually that think we will make you the trustee of our this will that we are going to make but everything will go to you after our debt after why why you are leaving you can go and donate and see how much joy those people are having and the satisfaction will come why not no no no what will happen we do not know suppose we are living for a long time we may need this money so that these type of fire all this fear the fear sometimes some people they like to go for the spiritual life but tremendous appeal they calculate some of the young boys they come can I become a mom not if you have these qualities you can bomb now suppose I cannot continue what will happen after five years of six years with the give me this much money so that again so all calculation with that you cannot proceed in the spiritual life so this fire is also not you could shout censured that all the time feeling the physical thing all the time that is called chiku sharp then cooler cost the pride of the time I was born in an elite particularly in India the Brahmin our Kshatriya we should all discussed here so I am brahmana so you will wonder the some people they kept the cinema distant Marshall others portal but not savages when we have stored the battery does it know we are Brahmin we cannot give flower at the feet of one who was not born can imagine Brahma Gianni's shall me be bacon under and Saddam occasion Hakeem self is freezing so much but these people they are thinking is not possible and that is called cooler and they can never expect that they will develop and that's why they always say job not to chose article future beyond developed this is saying I think of interstate jihad not muchos don't ask about the cost which I can't give up one gentleman came and told we're from you were coming from India and can understand which problems and what we're going to do now suppose you were from Kerala I will be your friend people I'm not afraid at every person is here for such a long time but he's so many attest with that also the killer and some of our mom who is from Kerala he is bound regard oh I will invite him not sure why not so like that the people constantly thinking in this way the cooler that is terrible Jardine that is great with Jackie Robinson am Krishna wish to go and practice meditation removing is reactivate then one day his nephew noticed it and so what mama what you are doing maternal uncle they got mama what you were trained is not good there is an annotation saying if you have those priors that you cannot realize God when he is mentioning these words he already have practiced those that is the speciality of Saddam additional before giving any advice he already practice all those things and then he is mentioning if you have that pride you cannot proceed you cannot develop in the spiritual life the Creed Shiela modesty then sometimes we have to go and do something where you need the aggressiveness the Sheila modesty is very good very good quality but at the same time you have to behave in such a way you know the particularly the monks and the nuns they must be very very careful because they have decided to practice the spirituality and accept the spirituality and religion completely in their life the no question now some people if they come and say why should you not do these and you should not do that then sometime human ego is a very rich man influential man we should not disturb you okay it the cut-and-dry I am NOT going to do that whether you like it or not otherwise you only need to proceed so these are the things when you were in the society you have to adjust you have to balance but when you are a monk you were a nun and you're decided to lead a spiritual life then you have to behave like this now there's no question they must have to follow this and finally it becomes Shankar there should not be any doubt seunga means the doubt there should not be any doubt I am practicing these suppose nothing happened to me if the God is not there what will happen with Hamid is before accepting religion you talk that's good last question even declare that's good but once you have accepted that and decided to follow that parent should not have any doubt if I am NOT realizing God in this life it is not that God is not there God is there only I could not practice 100% perfectly so that they can realize that was the answer of Lord Buddha when his father's friend who was driving the chariot he saying can I ask you one thing you are a prince you are going to be the king next day and you are having everything now you are leaving all those things as am assuming that you will realize God suppose you don't do they said if I come I will feel that I could not practice perfectly in 100% God is there and no doubt that is the shankar completely free from that and then he is talking about the bonus that he is singing two songs by the mother song and then he is sailing see the three gunas sattva Raja and Donna those who are following our halibut class you know that when we were discussing about this creation the God the supreme Vishnu he created the three gunas out of himself and after creating these three gunas sattva Raja and Tom on this who knows these qualities they are taking sometimes they are mixing and then all the three gunas are present in each and every being some people are really good because the subtle is prevalent and some are very active because the Raja is driven not that the substance not there something is also there scepter is there Raja is there Thomas also being the subject among these three gunas are always there in each and everyone one subtly is very good all good qualities bhagavad-gita has given the company list what are the subtle and this sucker gunas the good qualities very can compose helpful friendly sympathetic and these schooners are really good but still ramakrishna say such a goon have been help you to go towards god but such a good night itself cannot take you to god in the mahabharata those who have great life are the bharatas the great leader yudhisthira he was practicing all these modalities and they say sometimes that we used to go along with the spin in his chariot because of his qualities of sutta just imagining that it is to float we don't touch the ground because they were so pious even then when the Lord Shri Krishna was stealing the all these things that you see in the world the besties mean the expression that way and we need came to the Pandavas among the Pandavas and Arjuna he never say that and you distill the judicial was having that wonderful qualities why he was only thinking about himself constantly thinking about is not about others exit so this is the way that Dharma is very very subtle it's very difficult to understand which path we should so here it says even the scepter gonna say ramakrishna stealing even the satella cannot reach you have to go beyond that neither guna you have to be completely free from that too if the satyr kunas are there so most of the people they are bound by that they don't like to leave that but you have to go beyond that even tamo-guna is a worst honest criticizing people holistic thinking to harm people none of those things are bad things of the time in the mind how to make other people then little inserting them that's not good Raja guna better than that but at the same time at the back of the mind constantly thinking I have done something good at the going to say something about me or not are they going to tell people that I love them constantly there at the back of the mind it is their subtle it is not like that even the citta gonna cannot take you to God can you realize how difficult it is to truly realize God God realization [Music] so majority of the people we go up to sattva and then stuff over there we cannot cross that now how needy guna how it is possible I become the original the God himself and there is no reaction the good the middle and the last the best within the last Saturday and among nothing is touching me for me everything is the same some people they were talking mother Martha the manatee she was feeding some poor people but people they could not be properly dirty clothes when they came to the mother other members of the family were telling you should not entertain them they may be thieves they're bad people mother commented I know who are good going beyond the three gunas will use tablets using wind air you see only the heart not external things so the serta guna is true but at the same time we should go beyond that so for you everything is the truth that manifest and nothing else art of death Ramakrishna is telling my advice to you is not to become this is that YC is given on his birthday the people who have come to celebrate that what is that don't be attached to the world attachment to the world only bring visual ease to anything you are attached that will bring a visual even if you are attached with the family the children Virginie property names even anything you are attached children to Samba and that first year and that is the reason cinema east and only one line what he's telling the high spiritual instruction my advice to you usually he never used istic of languages and this time he is telling my advice to you not to become attached to the world and how it is possible to the world we're leaving and we are there performing all our duties and now you say that you should not be attached to the world of it is possible we should be very clear in understanding these separate vices sometimes some people they make all these states cinema Krishna himself went to that garden and one of his disciple he was carrying the umbrella now that heavy rain was coming immediately he came back but after reaching the room when he asked the disciple I noticed that he's not getting it where is the umbrella why for God Sam is not told look at it I don't have the sometimes forgive my body that consciousness is remain but I have not that carers they always remain that alertness that I am this is my responsibility I must do that those who have read the biography of Sri Ramakrishna you know once immediately after his marriage with the marsala the money daily serum each nurse mother promised to serve the Devi my son will make you some golden that rings or something like that true ladies they were very poor so they have taken from the neighbor rich man all this so the lady is decorated a little girl but after the marriage they were taking it out and giving it back to the owners but the little girl was crying now this belongs to me what should I gave and they like it then this mother towards additional remember all through his life and he was practicing spirituality severe way the some people is to wonder what this boy is at the age of 18 he was practicing that severe austerity rubbing his face on the bank of the Ganga mother mother used to cry one more thing is passing with the son were sitting and his to cry another day is passed from my life and I realized you the head person remembered his mother's promise so that is the alertness I promised I must give mother promised your father promised is my promise saddam Rita will also keep that and it was not an ordinary thing I should go and after seven days you come back not like that he rivers together you have to go into the jungle and you cannot come back and grab this because your brother will get here as a king there's no problem I will go why father has given the world and that is called spirituality that is called religion so here's an occasional also he is telling his disciple you should be alert if you go to our these two rules well we keep the shoes so many words are hanging some people who came he lived there cold and when they went out they didn't feel that their coat was the earth is angry hanging for errors together and this is how many can nobody touches other things good is their shoes of their hats are there they come they put it off and then forget and not only forget they forget where they left it and we don't have any anything there so that we can call them and say hello it is your thing please come and collect it now it is not so it is there why they came to shrine they came to Temple they give to practice religion they came with turbulent mind but the mind is constantly thinking so many different things there is no attention even to his own personal belongings can you imagine so this is the way and some additional the great guru coating from the different things and telling nicely that all guru can say but actually guru is he who can understand where is the problem and can help you to develop that so he is sitting so I generally care careless because I got so but not to that extreme for getting down better the little thing but he's so much concern why should you forget the small thing and that all the time in our when we joined the Ramakrishna mission that was the main thing you should not forget to do anything so many things didn't tell you have to remember alert and then go and do it perfectly in each and everything of course sometimes used to make the least anger one from it II used to make fun and afterwards became the general secretary when he was we came to the telling Center he was delivering lecture on this topic must be alert then you see that there is a fun we say I never forget anything whatever I have to I always make a list only one thing I forget that least so like that is girls as a human the tendency is like that majority of the people they will notice when they come and sit on the chair and after they leave they forget to put the chair back under actual positions level diversities somebody else have to do for them it is not religion the friends that is why the salam occasions words which truly helps us to develop the spirituality if you read there Upanishad brahma sutra so many things he will know but how to practice who will practice will be successful these are the things little little things he is mentioning you must be very very careful otherwise anything and everything that you were doing alert and same mind why he is so much concerned about the people should not forget these and that must do everything perfectly because the same mind you are going to apply your meditation when you are meditating what we are going to do what what you are controlling your mind and if you cannot control your mind when you other things how can you control the mind when you're meditating it's not possible because this is not a different manner it's not a different mind that we are going to use at the time of meditation and a different mind at a time of water now the same mind coming to become the also saved first and perfect that is my motor and when we are doing the perfect thing we are going on taking dying time damn now that also should not be you must do it very fast but at the same time very perfectly sometimes when you are working with the devotees there is understand this form is there particularly in the Indian perspective when you are asking them to be perfect to do this in there it's not necessary so much we are going to receive someone in the railway station we must be careful that we green over there in India now it is it has developed a lot everything is available everywhere but he will name that we should carry the water bottle then a little food or these and that moment he comes down after traveling the whole line he may need those things absolutely getting fresh then you can come so the minimum minimum players that you have to keep your God where it should walk in them suppose he is coming and he is not very good so you have to carry a stick maybe yes for God but you should carry the stick so that you can help a small thing but that is God to work and as best as you could do your mind will be consented so this restock Salama business telling and then musician is singing this man was so particular and then not like so super gentle oh my son you should not forget he never said like that he used to score and that you say in such a way that you wouldn't even dare to do that mistake again so that is the way there's to teach and his disciple he's and back to that garden to bring to find out that unreal hard to bring so we that was going on that lady was singing and singing the particular chapter from the my project and Omar Prabhu where he is taking the sannyasa so that you know that that is the tradition of the big God they go on describing the whole scene through songs through music that's called Krypton the critical actually drive describing the holes in our whole thing that is happening or happened and when they were describing particularly some people are really very good in there as Salam o Krishna went into Samadhi why immediately all the same mind that with that mind he was rebuking and scolding and asking to be very careful the moment that mind came to know about the sannyasa of gentle nama Prabhu immediately waiting to that right and went into Samadhi that is beauty that is the speciality when we were joking having fun with the frames good but the moment we want immediately we can winter the whole mind and send it to the Supreme Being otherwise is of no use and the sannyasis duty eager to take every main solo he will not look on others the senescence duty the duty of a sannyasi he take away the sorrow of the others that is the duty of the zinnias eager to take away the sorrow of the others there is a one Shami wish to cry and pray Oh God is there any men thought that you can teach me so that I can enter into the mind of the people who are suffering and can take the suffering on me giving them respite giving them happiness that was explained so that is called sannyasa giving everything up so that is sannyasa and saddam additional moment I heard he went into someone Adi then he is telling like this see you should work to your worldly duties with the part of your mind and direct most of it to God this is the topic that we are supposed to discuss today as because we are in this world and we have to work and that is the thing that it is we cannot avoid sometimes we think that after the retirement will go somewhere and will be quietly living not possible because of our nature the nature will provoke us to work so we can stop so how we can utilize this the Salaam Edition is asking do you worldly duties with the part of your manual the small part of your mind can perform all the duties and direct most of it to God if sudden should think of God with 3/4 of his mind and with 1/4 should do his opportunities the other duties that a monk is doing there is only one quarter one part of the mind and maximum it should go to the God how it is possible what you and me it should constantly remembering the God God and God that high spiritual level we have to take the mind we know in the Bhagavad Gita long before the serum vishna Shri Krishna is as advising his best friend Arjuna mom honest mother you touch o Arjuna the hero he has to fight it's not like going to office you're just going to the war field needs to keep people so that paperwork also that God is sitting mom or smother you go on remembering me and then you go into that action mom a new smyrna the job only one line half a life and that speaks the whole thing we were working we were driving when you're walking when you were doing anything if you go on remembering the name of god that you follow the teaching of shri krishna and also see ramakrishna mom honest mother go on remembering me the god you de jure only taking the name of God is sufficient yes Sinatra still use of say we you are taking the leave of god you're worshiping God taking the name of God is equal to worshiping God can you imagine the way he speaks so if you only believe the words of ceramic is not the name of god any God that is the computer in we are having so many gods and goddesses not that only one God will be given on you whether you like it or not so many varieties of gods and goddesses who we were you like just take the name of that but if you are taking that that particular name from the Guru who has practiced that it has a the ad1 mystical sound with that name it's not about that name that you are reading from a book and deciding how there are so many names of the god this thing I will practice you can do that that all also will help you but if we are taking that same name from the Guru that is called initiation taking the name of God only and going on repeating that name first is the faith in the words of the world and second that particular name of god or goddess is coming down from a tradition very high tradition ceramic isne himself practiced there and given to the mother and his director silence then mother and the other disciples giving given to the other disciples then the said that rate is coming down who practice first the God himself selamat each names through this whether you believe it or not just repeat you see me rather maybe there is some problems are going to happen to you everybodyĆs is going to face tactical thing because of the Karma colors but it will be lesson that Feliciano Krishna see all the way bound by the color for the part for the devotees it is different if you are completely dedicated to that name on a state of Kerala forum karyam karma karoti yah sir sannyasi Jyoti chav not need a name Acharya this is the sixth chapter first verse of the Bhagavad Gita say Krishna stealing he's a sannyasi all renouncing sannyasi not that only wearing a saffron color trace not that he is not married and living under the tree not not that on a stretcher karma : he who perform his duty without accepting the fruit of action or living for the fruit of action is on us so this is the word that brings that aspect in the whole society particularly the human society and even when I have seen over here in America also that winner going somewhere chikka what is a what is does it mean the schwa means usually they're not but sometimes they'll be asking when I say that I am a Hindu mom mom that's good and then we look with great respect and when I say that I mean the mom here in our Southwest the airport the someone heart that it you were separate come here then I need not to open my shoes or anything they took me over there and that respect it comes why because you are not expecting anything from anyone but the what even the good you are doing good doing for the betterment of others he was supposed to you were supposed to if you don't do your cheating but a sannyasi is he who is the sannyasi on hospital karma-phalam karyam karma karoti yah wrong notions traditionally shannon scenes are supposed to be under the tree and even the young boys there to come and say how can you call yourself a me i see you living under it inside their room inside the big building suneson are supposed to be under that tree when you who say they exit it was the wrong conceiving son died she should be always in the temple finishing and one day vetoed whenever I come I see in the office sitting over here and don't you see in this time before coming just recall you will be finding me here in this right what are your satisfaction I will come and sit over here no problem for me but I have to perform so many duties because I am here to spread the message of Agartha I am completing those things contacting people over there that way that is nature but I am NOT attached to the result of the work on Hospital karma-phalam remember these waiver is working in whatever condition situation position only thing don't be attached to the result and suppose you are not attached how you get these fetters inspiration to perform that work these that I am going to be a sannyasi I must perform the work perfectly for the betterment of others of course I had to accept the salary and some money because I have to maintain my family I legit but if someone is criticizing for that particular work that I have done I am not effective if somebody is praising I am elated so these are the two things I am a party how it is possible for God you have even made this responsibility I am doing it as best as I can and there are different capacities some people can do it so wonderfully some people can in a medium way some people they cannot even in that way that is his capacity knowing that God has given that responsibility so he should she should perform it as best as possible as business capacity he or she can leave that's all and he's a sannyasin a sanyasin yes he's a jovial sir how can he say that he is a yogi Shankar Acharya and others xx explaining about this verse is a very important person Gita how can you see that he's a you mean because all true when he is working inside the mind he is connected with God as because he's connected with God what the Yoga Yoga means connection Yoga means Union the way you are united with God all through the obviously you are a yogi how it is possible you are performing all your duties and while you are performing constantly remembering God and by that way you are elevated to the position of a yogi and at the same time you are a sannyasi if you can and while the that I should give the credit of the work that I have done that much and in the second in the same chapter turts Lucca it sees for the man of meditation we seen to attain purification of heart what is said to be the way what I reveal what is said to be the way this is our shaman awaken the who introduced work in the life of the monasticism now with sweet Krishna he saved that to work you can purify your mind Shankar Acharya also again and again is telling you can purify the mind and when you are purifying what will happen very certain distinction is there Shama miracle is giving more stress particularly in the modern day people are constantly eager to do something if you ask them to come and meditate how many we hum but if you ask come and do some Shiva we need the services here the people are really happy to come and give some voluntary services they will clean them do these they will do that means ever enough now go and wash your hand and come and sit over here and one hours silent meditation where if you will come the hardest part sitting quietly even if you say that there will be yes he hit conditionally they're very comfortable they own because controlling the mind so how to control the mind very easily it has been solved by sri krishna and then afterwards introduced by shawn in be vegan and islamic now me remembering the name of god mom honest mother you to jackie said go on repeating remembering me and then go to find go to your work and he says why i am asking you to do that because i have dr. Munir you come karma chironomid Chetty karma is the coroner true karma one can reach to the height of a yogi carmel Easter means to go over there what type of karma unselfish work and Shami be big and give much trace on that through unselfish work one can reach the same goal where put the wrist by his knowledge and Christ by his prayer the way that Jesus Christ the brave it is not possible for ordinary people through Baptist and the way the Lord would the practice the knowledge sitting under the tree months together without moving any way he harsh a nation suitably sridham the custom option reliant the yard to who used to say let my man old body collapse down over here that my skin my moon my marrow everything get destroyed I am NOT going to leave this place till I am going to get the knowledge this is possible for ordinary people but after practicing that you and the part of knowledge would reach to that particular knowledge and that's why he was called as gupta body his name was Gautama from Ultima to put the man of knowledge then singing with Jesus Christ is going on from train who called who guardeth father father he's going on free and through the prayer it is to the single same height same knowledge the Shama decoding these two great Souls he is telling that you can also reach over there through unselfish work here a little difference sometimes some people wish to our quads with our teachers Shankar Acharya stealing karma cannot take you there the karma the question mentioned I'm just casually mentioning this the Karma that Shankara is mentioning it is not the work the Solanki business Shami ji is mentioning some Vivek and is mentioning Shankar Acharya Scarpa means yoga and Europeana if you go to the Hindu temples to our priests if you say this is the theme of what should I do they will never say who ends up the poor distribute food among the honey's you've never said it to say bring something and we need performing and guilty maybe the type thousand dollars in the speed limit their human light a fire and what the warning John and poor the lot of ghee into that and other things and he'll be satisfied and asked you to be satisfied Vienna has been performed that is chocolate arias karma he is mentioning that and he's telling by their very doubtful that in your mind will be purified but when Shami G stealing he's stealing from the viewpoint of the Vedanta he showers chamois comes album yet it came together damn yoga this old world that you see is the manifestation of the same God why not many of the people but this is view the different views they will give me money to send it to India we do that because inna and this last summer particularly we are having that in our capacity we can same giving the receipt to you he will get the tax deduction benefit and we can send it money to India Bangladesh Nepal we can do that but when I still then why not help the local people now there look at the earth we looked and we like to help the Indians why unions because those people are coming from India the third person coming from Pakistan will never see a healthy needs a chemist on and someone coming from Bangladesh will it's a Bangladesh now friends let us go back to that hasta bandha eight fighters and what it says and every day evening when we are praying to see down listener the wonderful prayer that Swami Vivekananda composed and we seen that there G Jyothi cooler man don't forget it touch each articulable of course the packet ism love for my own country the British very that is natural but at the same time this is also you should feel I felt so much when a group of induce the game and they told was a huge budget what you can bring to do 1001 manic ladies will come and chant the Lolita Suriname and see what they mean what happened after chanting against eating their water houses and Kanchana what is the problem wait they should have to come what hearing no other moms through different places will come they will see the yet can we be near $50,000 or 1 million dollar budget and all these things are going on why don't you do it with 10000 balance 90,000 you can use to develop some other places are here so many cool people up there go to Detroit you see towards the Chicago you find both the Sun what side of the road many poor people are there why don't you go and tell brothers we will do it rather you can say like this the Indian sisters and brothers living in America helping you they will remember it make if I wanna go talking the local authority became permanent Bo let me keep it create respecting in people they are here their concern for other and not only these social benefit as you will get at the same time hundred percent more blessings you will gain from God I can actually but they say Oh wonderful world show energy so inspiring words will come to you and then you better I think because saving the deed Lord of nothing and afterwards what happened I went and searched about those people who had a did know he had a fight with them he told them to go up so the authority the fall after the greed that program they were also driven out from there but anyway I'm not mentioning a thing is frames don't misunderstand me just because I have fallen on fish to be wakened again and again I'm quoting Vivekananda not that way truly truly cinema teach them be weakened and is giving advice for the development of the spirituality is really helpful and what is there to your duties but remember the God do you duty as best as possible remember the car second don't be attached to this war how attachment to the world means I belong to this cast I belong to this linguistic group I belong to this country I belong to this religion don't be actors to the war that is not worthy only you say I belong to God and everyone that I see is nothing but the manifestation of the same God whatever we can help them I should do if I can help them through little money I will do little other things ok I will do if not I'll pray for then every day when you were sitting for the prayer pray before you pray for yourself pray to God Oh God give them happiness give them good health give them good happy mind service started organi salvo atrani by shuttle that should be the prayer and that is the teaching of saddam additional do you worthy duties with the part of your mind and direct most of it to God thank you and read the festival that surrenders house in a next class this repeat after me Nathan need under popped on compiled Drita become by he shall with Artemis but a Misha me dum-dum Ramakrishna she does on D shanti shanti [Music] that's three dog leash [Music] ivana must