Video 162

163: Panchama Veda 163 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

let us begin with our usual prayer table column written dr. jeevan KO be rewritten Calma sharpen Ravana Mangalam sri maha Tatem booby green and de bourree dodging ah this Tuesday this class I always enjoy when I'm reading the gospel of Shri Rama Tichenor and I know that I have to come and explain and all but I have read it many times but again it gives me more and more different type of meaning in the beginning when I read I just read it some of the stories particularly to retain in my mind then afterwards I understood the true meaning of the stories he was explaining a very difficult philosophical question through that story heroes we find in the in our last class we discussed about when the prana kishna a seriousness to cut jokes with him because he was little flabby and he used to say motive Amin in the Bengali motor means is a heavy build so the moment means that Obama nah I mean the cost is not a small one man the same word so many meanings you know so now Brahman actually so this person this prana Krishna he asked what is the anahata sound we discussed that in one of our classes it's a very important question because the anahata sound is so important when some people come and say when you meditate we listen to the anahata sound we don't answer of course it's good it may be but you know the moment you listen to that sound you were actually so close so near to the realization of brahman that anahatha is uncle and when you are hearing that Omkara though obviously you were very close to that particular knowledge can you imagine those who are having that type of knowledge how their behavior will be so when they say we keep quiet but we know there is something not telling with the scripture they may be hearing something but is it why because that question again comes as Lama Krishna is giving that answer obviously the second question of the prana Krishna was what is the nature of the life after death - you're all curious what will happen after death how see Rama Krishna is answering that also we discussed in our last class and here in the parantha they say who is a very good student of Vedanta gang be the student of Vedanta whoo ha ha ha Oksana is a very good in debating because you have to be on the means knowledge so naturally the moment you are giving a theory then other one is giving antithesis and that way it goes debating - one must be very very intelligent to understand the question and keep the answer according to the situation ramakrishna used to practice you know the most of us apparently you go on Gianna Gianna Gianna one young boy has written to me from India that my mother taught me party but I think my tenacity is towards Gianna and that I learned to that path of knowledge from you I'm in Chicago and he's in India and we have to learn the path of not at all did you go to the Swami's who were so close by in India so Mia sama Sathya and moreover you're a student why don't you put your mind in the study fast complete the study then but I think he's angry he is I think thank you thank you two three times so so many thanks means he's angry so now the thing is we are all thinking that will become canny and the moment you talk about some of the people we talk about that gianna of course you should be very good exponent I mean the way that expression should come that is very important so that is the way if you are thinking but Saddam equation is very practical and that is the reason I really like him very very practical theory is one thing but practice and realization is completely other thing so he is giving again and again the stress on the realization when the brunt is taxed the nature of life after death he didn't say anything but he immediately told giving an example that we have already rate the baked and unbaked are ten pots they remember that the moment you are unbaked if you are broken then the porter will once again use it that means you have not realized God the desire is there you have to take birth indirectly very clearly he is accepting and giving the indication there is life after death they are is life after death but again immediately is telling for whom who has the desire but one who has born those desires then he is a built our 10-part the same the same one the thing happened to that baked one realized one but he is not taking any other ship this gun for him and that is called Mukti that is Conley variation taking the body means again and again the suffering looking bit of joy little bit of suffering and anxiety then again it goes on on and on recently the mothers Mother's Day all over the world people celebrated and a news came a group of mothers elderly mothers they told when the reporters going to take the interview how are you enjoying they're children they're all far away here and there never care for them and they are tearing we think we should not have been become the mother now the Sun is there but not caring for us that is more painful and suppose he were not mothers at all this problem was over so this thing's are there to become him to mother also people are oh I should become a mother or a father affection love good but after that again this type of problem may come god forbid but it may come so that's why I see Ramakrishna is stealing life is there after death but one should be very very careful that this human body these human birth is very precious God realization is possible only in this life only is the human birth in the human body don't waste it so he went on telling then we find that he mentioned about the views of Vedanta so the cinema Tichenor is a perfect master when he is giving the answer he is not half way if you are thinking in this way so this is the answer but for the blade on team 14 everything is nothing but Brahman so there is no other thing than Brahman but why we find the differences why we think that we are separate then the Brahman the God the consciousness because we have the ego in one one sentences a very profound philosophy is that he is giving over here because of your ego only you are finding that Braman is divided and he is given an example again and very simple it is like a stick floating on water apparently there are two different blocks of water the different waters know is the same water only the stick is floating so you find two it is only one so that is called maganda and in the pedantic way if you look at if you can look at no problem everything is solved then so the life life after death and all those things are solved if we can understand then he mentioned about the Shankar Acharya through Shankar Acharya just he mentioned one name but all the incarnations messengers of God he mentioned only by name one name Shankar Acharya because he was a Gianni and the Gianni Shankar Acharya he is already liberated then why he was behaving like the ordinary people he was going and arguing with other stablishing his own philosophy visiting the whole Luke and corner of India and then organizing the monastics why it was not necessary if he's a Gani then this world is illusion for him and when there is no world at all then why then he is so much careful about stablishing the mod the monastic order and all those things and going and arguing and establishing the Balanta once again he is popularizing the Punishers and he is going on writing the commentaries on those who finishes what was necessary if this world is illusionary you then why one person I was telling why don't you study the Punishers or no I have understood this is all these illusory it is not nice I do what are the solutions okay but as long as you are leaving read that what is the problem otherwise something you are doing you are not sitting closing your eyes on all the time read something so this is Shankara is leaving Shankar Acharya slim for us his life is for the masses salam o krishna is giving that hint the he lived why because of that one should know the distinction of man of knowledge in page 147 of the gospel of Sirach 447 447 the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna he is mentioning about it indications what are the indications now he is telling there are science that distinguished the man of knowledge that is exactly part when the people say the I am already having that meditation deep meditation and I have experienced Samadhi two-three times we only listen and we do not comment because we know you need not to see that your behavior your life that will say that will speak about that and here there are signs that distinguish the man of knowledge some people think they have knowledge ceramic is nice mentioning what are the characteristics of knowledge a Gani cannot injure anybody I repeat a Gani cannot injure anybody why he sees the same Hockman in everything how can he go and injure those who know the life of Shankar Acharya they know the Shankara when a person came and told say I am almost at the finishing stage of my spiritual practice and I am a tantric and when I give the sacrifice at the feet of the goddess Kali I get that knowledge only last one I I want someone who is perfect actually he was jealous of Shankar Acharya you know it is the jealousy is coming and he was thinking if I buy that way I will go and tell you don't believe in this life or all that why don't you come and offer your life I will sacrifice you at the feet of the mother then I will get the knowledge that immediately Shumpert will do you believe in that okay no problem tell me where to come I will come but I have to go secretly otherwise my disciples on allow me to go so Shankara was ready located for him this life and other life nothing or maybe that he was knowing what is going to happen so he went over there but one of his disciple he was meditating in that meditation he found that his guru is going to sacrifice in that to the whole thing immediately it power entered into him and he became the nourishing I came and saved Shankara from Thea terrifying that person it happened in Assam Shankara was there Shankar Acharya but look at the Shankar Acharya for him it is nothing so he is telling that yani will never hurt anyone he is always ready to help others and he's Li he becomes like a child if you still show touches the Philosopher's Stone it is transforming to Gold to say the Philosopher's Stone touching the iron it transformed into gold Gold can never cut it may seem from the distance that Gani also has anger ego teased them but in reality he has no such thing no anger the one person and he was telling in Calcutta you know the Sri Lankan use to go to different houses and he was to go and to tell them because all educated people will of people ceramic is needs to visit to those houses those people so the even they get that idea at least to some extent they will change their heart and maybe they'll be helpful for thousands of poor people he used to go to some house and those the gentleman who was there he passed away afterwards one day he went to Kadir his sons were not liking see Ramakrishna so when he went okay sit over there in a corner they asked him to see it without giving any respect then many other people also gathered for some reason so so they were helping them and them talking with them ignoring slam kishna one of his disciples that Rakhal maraj afterwards xiaomi brahmananda he was with him and he told said let us go back they're insulting us then Siddharth is not talking wait wait now it is already the night and when we return back to the Schnee sure there'll be no food for us so at least we should get some food and then only we will go he was waiting and food afterwards did himself didn't serve this saint from some another servant and the maid servant she came they gave the food so how did you just touched it why he was never angry his disciple was angry but see on occasion he was not angry he only touched it and took the food was okay to place them so that is the Gianni and we you you know that those who have read the life of ceramic isne in so many occasions greasy undergo insulting him before everyone cinema Krishna is telling others look at that this man is using so a music language and others are fighting like theories serum additional toward no it's okay in the deep heart he has a great love and affection for me that's why he is doing like that he has 100% faith more than hundred person so this way gianni we can see in the life of a bond see ramakrishna and here see Ramakrishna is going on telling that a child has no attachment after the knowledge the man of knowledge becomes just like a child has no attachment these are the characteristics of a granny perhaps he has many luxuries at home the couch the chairs the paintings but any day he may leave all these and go off to bananas bananas means leaving everything no attachment when he's leaving living in the great style between the moment he wants he can just leave it without hesitation so we have to remember those people who are claiming these we have to see that they are having these qualities or not in the bhagavad-gita we know in the original is also asking this question was very difficult to understand who is a Gani a man of knowledge or who is not so in the bhagavad-gita second chapter is sloka 54 Arjuna is asking Sita producer comparsa to see Krishna Babu bonza Krishna is asking but the parsha since ahmadis testicles ever he's using two words ste top-ranked young program means knowledge stick Amin stablished sometimes the flash of knowledge come but then it goes away also not like that he is well established in that particular knowledge the realization and some are disturb sometimes someday one may go into that deep Samadhi again come back then the effect of that Samadhi is not there not like that we established into that Samadhi so he is using two words Street aprender Kia and Samar this touch the Cobb Harsha what are the characteristics how I will know then description of those people and Krishna gave in five slokas total ten lines to two lines in one sloka just in first he said when all desires have been abundant and find joy in the self alone this is the first characteristics there is no desire at all but when he goes to see and just go like a child did you just see that much sometimes to learn sometimes to understand that's all Sri Ramakrishna is going to see the Jew and the museum and to add Epirus and all these things different places is visiting why anything is curious I will go and see what is happening but no attachment at all wherever he goes he only sees God the manifestation of God so please read the biography the life of Sri Ramakrishna the one good book in English is by a published by the hot doing Ostrom and introduction written by mothma gandhi there is a very good book and another of course the great master but a very elaboration maybe trust you should read this book and so interesting and then of course the gospel slowly slowly in the first reading you won't understand and the more and the more and the more you were going on reading you will find you know under the very simple language the depth of spirituality revealed over there whatever you find over here in the bhagavad-gita a Bhagavad Gita is one of the Pristina strive and in the life and teachings of sri ramakrishna that collaborates and here when all desires have been abandoned and find joy in self alone cinema Krishna is talking with the devotees and singing dancing and then making the program we will go over there we will do these master Masha the person who was the heir and according is the conversations after meetings Ramakrishna he was going back suddenly he remembered something came back then he saw sri ramakrishna all alone pacing up and down in the not Mandira that is the the cultural area that is always attached to it any traditional temple and he's pacing up and down master marché commented just like a lion he's pacing and within himself Atman a Bartman artist Hartman II Eva Hartman are to stir in the bhagavad-gita that language has been used and he has done gone in the depth of that up many able find joy in self alone not depending on anything and self alone whose mind is not agitated in adversity and free from attachment fear anger whose mind is not agitated in adversity the adversity why what what happened something good we are always good but something a little they immediately flare up a little one language only reward has been used this immediately all respect as gallant love as GaN connection has gone immediately but from it happen ego tremendous ego this person has loved me and work very good relation for such a long time now that he is telling it may be there is some reason why not wait we're not see why not ask immediate reaction and cannot forget it do you think they're religious people but they will be reading books they'll be coding from there they'll be sharing different messages each and other but they do not know not a single step has been taken in front either they're standing still in one place or going backward in the spiritual life so that is the reason reading the gospel of ceramic is nur very methodically and it's not just reading it is swap the ayah in the Sanskrit words of the higher means with great respect that I should learn something from these pages I should learn something whose mind is not agitated in adversity think of the position of Swami Vivekananda a young man without knowing anyone without any support came over here in America completely unknown society and non country there was Louis not a single soul he knew in this country but he came why just to make India rise up once again that was the only intention and there was nothing she came he was going on speaking about that very old tradition and culture and religion and philosophy of India Indian India alone and what the Indians did some of them of course they went on writing the bad language the laters and these to keep always the information where is leaving what is the address of that person that used to keep all information because Romney becomes became very famous everything is to be published in the newspaper local newspaper these to keep that information and writing to that particular person and criticizing Shama Vivekananda denouncing him there was nothing no adversity in Swamiji when some of the frames they told why don't you give the reply to them then Shah which is mild and said either you should appreciate me or you should criticize me you cannot ignore me so that way he was adversity the one someone he was trying to help others if they say those people are telling something wrong just think well put put yourself in that position and thing what would be the reaction let them die I am NOT going to do anything no he was a sannyasi never bothered about anything but why then he was stopped giddily going on trying because he loved it and he was Makani Serrano Krishna told he is Gianni and in the third the three Krishna stealing who do not rejoices favorable situation and hates not in unfavorable so favorable and unfavorable of course he always played to God that everything be favorable but in the unfavorable situation come one should be calm and composed not apparently but inside also it is okay no problem it's alright so that we we can do it is always possible so that those are the symbols those who think that we are hearing the Omkara or we have realized the brahman no problem good but the same time it had to check all these things that have already been saved by vagabond Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and also by all those who have realized this in the fourth he said when at will he can withdraw his senses from the objects so gyani what are the characteristics these are the characteristics any moment he can withdraw the senses mushara the Mona Devi apparently he was so much attached with the those people in the family and she used to love so much there was a small little kid and she's to love him so much when the kid is just calling him mother will be playing with the kid people is to think that she must with that child and when the time came mother wanted to go back leaving her body in this water then she was withdrawing her mind Saravanan the G the who who will naturally allow mother to leave us the Chardon on that right is lost he told Saint that little baby to mother who put him there just close to mother mother's mind may come down when they tried that mother saw looked at the baby pushed that babe little aside and tell those people tell Sharad no more I have withdrawn my mind I have we drawn my mind so that is the constant they had taken completely detachment so the attachment that we used to see people is to find or efferent so we drawing that mind when at will the moment they want they can do it it's not that I'm trying therefore is not so easy one of her strong edges of the funny story then he was very much afraid of injection and he was admitted in a hospital naturally the nurse in the morning came to put that give that injection in your life wait happy with the life of Xiaomi Torian and the nostrils that no I didn't you should read in anyway let me withdraw the mind fast then I will show that you can give then you give the injection let me withdraw the mind and I will take the mind out of the body then you can keep and the practice is going on knots is waiting over there but not said other duties too and she was afraid what to do the moment she was trying to touch you mediator no I have not let me withdraw he is going on withdrawing then she went and reported to their superior the superior to other doctors it reached to the that our Swami in charge over there did the shaman Jeremy Kannan on that he was that tenure since he came with two three other Swami's and whole Rami you are trying to withdraw your mind from the body good we will also help you hey hold him so they - they all live over there and accident arson give that the injection and you know the deaths weeks pert you will feel that their piercing then they give the injection and the Swami told now you hold a you can practice no problem you continue so these is not so easy do we draw the mind you so much attest with the body we can think about it but it is not and all people thinking about the gana what is the gun of forgetting your own self can anyone do it there are so many people the pro founders of the knowledge no it is not so easy very very very difficult a fault is nothing wrong but it is really difficult that's why I see Ramakrishna is explaining Shri Krishna is explaining why people mean you know the sometimes we are served through our own mind hypnotized ourselves I am hypnotizing myself thinking I am a gang so I need not to do puja I need to do fasting I did not to go to Temple I need not to do this I need mom again what mean by gammy what do you mean by Gani so that if note izing himself and is living like that many of the people are there we are ganas but all the time frowning all the time angry and Eve were ready to fight at the Ganges so anyway those who have rates instantly they have read the gospel of ceramic is Nanda life of ceramic isne if they have not realized God at least they have understood what is true spirituality that one thing surely they will get so that is the main thing a supreme truth is realized when one fine no test in any world not test in any worldly thing then only but they're in great joy and that is the sign of the journey a cinema Krishna the same way he's explaining according to the Vedanta the waking state to is unreal he began Tamizh Advaita Vedanta the cable operator Shankar Acharya and Shankar Acharya schools guru this is gold of Adak Erica you know that the goal of father he wrote in that way he'd realized and he explained in that a few people only so that is called we Kingston now the living we are living that's also nothing like unreal and only very few people can realize that even we cannot imagine that is it possible I am leaving I am eating and the moment someone is coming and pinching and I get the pain everything is there and I see it is unreal but for those people it is completely unreal Ramana Maharshi in a very recent time he showed that in his own life when just away he's lying down hundreds of ants are coming and biting no feeling at all but physical reactions of the earth so doctors to come and to save and then treating in his mind no feeling at all so that is the thing it Ghani is know why have you disturbed my sleep one person is telling he is giving him just a explanation of that once a woodcutter laid dreaming when someone woke him off greatly annoyed he said hey why have you disturbed my sleep he was dreaming that I was a king and the father of seven children the princes were becoming well-versed in letters and military arts I was secure on my throne and rule over my subjects why have you demolished my world of joy in the sleep also if you are seeing like that when it breaks then we are we really enjoy in the dream we have seen that you are happy and in the waking stage also that comes to yeah we were happy and something wrong then we are afraid and if that dream happens in the early morning most of the Hindus they considered that early morning dreams it come coming to be true in the date night okay but in the early morning dream is going to be the truth that is dream also that the same tree in the waking stage also for a Gani dream only so that is Singh Rana kishna now why is the Ramakrishna is giving so much of narration about the gana March the more I understood it so he is commenting he's writing prana Krishna that person who was asking about all this I always talked about Gianna many of the people they always did talk about like that so I am the follower of Gianna then he's thinking about share market and all but is again he is very eager to set out some of his papers shares because he is calculating them it is breaking or the crashing all those things are going on at the same time even declare a Magana you know draw me I came I read that I read these I did that and some of the books are there so it is nothing if you just go on browsing and then if they think like that Brown o Krishna was something like this Salameh Krishna understood but Saddam hawkish na is a great teacher he wanted to help people only so that they grow they make progress in spiritual life that is the important thing if you don't say anything people would say is a nice man very good person but if you go and tell this is the truth try to follow many people at there who won't be able to appreciate it that is the thing when some people they come the volunteers come I always say you are spending your money you're spending your time for what ask yourself only doing be employed over here spending some time then I have nothing to say but if you are coming to develop your spiritual life be careful what type of conversation you are having over here what type of group discussions are going on we must be very very careful otherwise ISM no use so that is the reason when you want one is going to a temple or a holy place one should always think that I have come to a holy place and my purpose is to develop my spiritual life and whatever I am doing only one that purpose to develop my spiritual life some of the volunteers they told now we don't give any donation oh hey below we are volunteers immediately I told them no you are not volunteers you were giving your service in exchange you are receiving these other things the hospitality of the astana now free you are living in food and is there instead you are doing some cleaning work and tear if you cannot be well that is okay but if you are able to be you must be then calm then give you a service that service will be counted as a voluntary service and that will give you the development in the spiritual life small thing a little discrimination but some people they will offer we have happy why I need not to be over there you know this wrong thing one gentleman went to a holy place and one more cause sitting over there he acts for some money this gentleman is a rich man he told ok tomorrow I will give to this moment I am not having money tomorrow I will give that money then he stopped over there see Ramakrishna was listening to his the this how he behaved then he said then what you did that very night I had the trained I have come back I never met that monk I didn't give that money see Ramakrishna was taken aback but you give the word that he will give some money and you didn't do that no no no you don't know these people if I give the money they will go and use that money for wrong purposes maybe they will purchase some narcotics and all how do you know Serrano Krishna told you were also enjoying you're also drinking wine and you were enjoying all your life suppose that man is going to have that puffing the ganja for one or two okay how much money he wanted a little money and you promised that you will give this is not good all that you went over there and spend your days and pray to God into that only place that the famous pilgrimage center Kashi everything is lost because of this so one must be careful you know that we are the devotees we are trying to be holy we are not only we are trying to acquire knowledge we are trying to develop our spiritual life so one must be very very careful about all the small team and they say you should act according to the scriptural junctions the scriptural advises what are the scriptural advices these are the scriptural advices if you feel that I am NOT a Gani then the prayer if you feel that part of knowledge is good for you you should try to hear all these things and develop that type of mentality supreme truth is realized when one fine noticed in any worldly thing these are the characteristics of a yawning and prana Krishna always talked about gana was this why the master describe the state of Ghani Master mache commenting now he proceeded to describe the big kyani another step ahead of Jana be gianni this is one of our Swamiji wrote a beautiful article over this began Gianna and began Sami be vacant under when he is to come and visit and then slowly accepting see Ramakrishna then the salam o krishna is guru arts today what do you want then he was the young boy of eighteen nineteen years he told I like to sit like a sukadeva and constantly going into the deep meditation sometimes coming up eating something to save this body once again going back to the Nira culpa Samadhi and he thought guru will be very happy instead is a unique guru immediately scolded him oh this is a low state why you are thinking about it I was expecting that you'll be like a banyan tree under your shade so many soul will come and they will get get the peace you're thinking only about yourself celebration so he rebuked him scold at him what is that biggie honesty Gani state I know these that all but BG&E living that life that's called be keanu state the ones rate that particular statement of auto in the course rishi ravine de he commended what is in RISM the way of life he said majority of the people misinterpret that we have life means leaving after realization that is the way of life it's not only some of the theories we read those theories we practice those theories we realize those theories and then whole life we are living according to those so that is called Hinduism is a way of life Hinduism says the love everyone and when you are eating in the name of Hinduism that is not in reason that we have to understand somebody is hitting me so I will also hate that is not the way somebody is trying to come to hit me I should resist I should have that strain but doesn't mean the constantly I should be provocated no because I am supreme I know some of the young children young people they are behaving in a different way shall I have to be a break that they are using filthy languages shall I have to use those filthy languages again No so that is the way one should practice the Ramakrishna say then he's telling biggie honesty we will just read this portion and we conclude what is the big key any state ceramic is nice giving but we gonna means knowledge with greater fullness big Gianna means knowledge with a greater fullness some have a hard of bill immediately is giving an egg for Muhammad example what is the coolness near his telling some have heard about milk some have seen milk some have drunk that milk now he who has merely hard of the world milk is an ignorant so just reading the Upanishad and these Vedic scriptures and then uttering those things that is only they call it that the ignorance a Brahman Atman these that some of the terminologies they use it that is all only that you have heard about it that is chosen Ramakrishna say they are all ignorant he who has seen is it yawning he has seen the milk means some realization but he who has drunk it has been Keanu the Ghani and big Gianna mccandies who has drunk it so seeing the knowledge realization means up to that but after the realization when you are utilizing that particular knowledge in your day-to-day life that is called peak Jana is a way of life in this image full of big Jana is a way of life we should have misunderstand that misrepresentation will be interpretation Hinduism is no religion it is a way of life what do you mean like we have like Hinduism is an easel that takes you away more fuller bigger broader where you see no difference and you leave that life that is called big Anna then that is to say a fuller knowledge of it after having the vision of God one talks to him as if he were an intimate relative that is called big Anna first of you must discriminate fast see a magazine you must discriminate following the method Nadine Nadine not this not this he is not the body is not the mind is okay you want to climb to the roof now he is giving a gained example you want to climb to the roof then you must leave behind all the steps one by one the steps are by no means the roof but after reaching the roof you find that the steps are made of the same materials brick line brick dust as the rule in our the country and many of the places of course I have seen here also in this country the the roof is like that so those are the material they have used to make the roof same material has been used to make the steps also it is a supreme Brahman that has become the universe and he is living being and the 24 cosmic principle that which is Artman has become the five elements he used the two words the Brahman and Artman but the same the Artman has become five elements this city of Teja meruit and Bowman this art they hear the fire the water and the eater these are the five elements where from this five elements came from the Hartman Braman from the god you may have asked why the art is so hard than he is giving the example after attaining began a-- one can live in the world as well then one clearly realizes that God himself has become the universe and all living beings that he is not outside the world so that is called began friends that is the goal God realization should be the goal of every human beings Ram Krishna stable Minaj's even a luxury Charla the goal is only to realize God whatever realization Serano kishna wants that each and all of us should realize this way with Johnny not only for ourselves but at the same time the life should be completely in a fool state I know God I understand God I feel God and I behave accordingly that is the ultimate stage and what I will get the joy eternal the joy eternal there is no doubt of it and that is the ultimate goal thank you very much for coming this evening let us conclude as usual by offering our respective award see Ramakrishna need an idiom Anand aruba Bob Donna compa Drita begun by each Avatara para Misha media Tom Ramakrishna she does on D Shanti Shanti her eeo sri ramakrishna our eponymous to this weekend will be our very treat the Xiaomi will come on Thursday and Friday will go to the Ganges next month next month it will continue now the summer time has come every month there will be the retreat on different topics but September with a grant program again the for Swami's are coming and will be celebrating the padartha in America 125th year before that Xiaomi we began the game and he brought the bell anthem but aunty is this that that teaches us how one should live live for yourself live for others and that we are going to celebrate and the parantha in America in September I think 28 29 will be in Ganges xxx they'll be the fall banquet and fall banquet will be the the inter-religious the program thank you very much