Video 158
159. Panchama Veda 159 - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna: The Rules For Concentration
now we will discuss the Pancham we the gospel of sri ramakrishna and as usual we will turn from this loca please repeat after me double katana tongue top jeevan KO be be rewritten Calma sharp sir burn among golem three madam booby green and de bourree dodging AHA today the discussion ceramic Isha a very very important thing that he'll be speaking to detailing today and we are reading from 403 pages four zero three pages of the gospel of ceramic ISNA by shaman aquiline and DG here one gentleman the manila with whom the conversation was going on the manila sri lanka Schnur asked him are you having some religious pictures in your house in your place so he said yes there is no picture of a holy man at his house the divine feeling is awakened true sir so that is the holy pictures that helps us to remember God in different places in different corner if the holy pictures are there it becomes very easy yes there is in one room there is a picture of a obvious Christian woman engaged in prayer there is another picture in with a man holds on the hill of faith etc etcetera is going on telling the master smiling when he is going on giving the expression and he study that is very nice then Manila again is telling I have other pictures - one of the three tree of fate and another is seen and virtue he is feeling happy to tell that he is having so many pictures he was a rich man so obviously different type of pictures he was keeping in his house master - Babu not alright as a young boy used to come to see Ramakrishna those are good pictures go to his house and see them he didn't say sometimes when there's an interesting thing immediately used to say I will go I will visit this time is asking Babu not the young man you go then afterwards is telling him the master remained silent a few minutes now and then then he is telling now and then I reflect on these ideas and find that I do not like them she is expressing he is that temperament a present condition of mine when a person is reaching the height of the spirituality what should be the attitude so ceramic isne is an example he is giving the expression of his mind I do not like them in the beginning of spiritual life a man should think about sin and how to get rid of it it was a group of people at there nowadays the people always invite others as a parliament to religion Parliament they'll be discussing about different faiths so I went over there the topic of discussion was seen what you think about the scene what is the air in your scripture so like Christians they were talking and from the different denominations there was Buddhist also and the American lady she was representing Hinduism maybe that she has read books I went it what the era he was sad I was listening to them so this conception obscene usually people in the beginning of their life they are thinking about that way but who in through the grace of God devotion and ecstatic love are awakened in his heart then he altogether forgets virtue and sin that is called spirituality and from their religion begins that's why if you read the books of the Raja Maharaja our brahmananda ji he says the religion begins after realization of God Swami Vivekananda said religion is realization when you realize that God is there or otherwise is all just the beginning of the religion so religion when you go to the churches go to the temples go to the mosque it is just like visiting the schools and listening to them hearing them noting down so these things goes on and slowly slowly when we are going on practicing about the religion understanding religion and then only we can feel yes we are religious how we will feel love will come tremendous attachment to this type of holy lives it will come you will feel joy continuously reading those type of books so that is for above all the small moral values don't tell lies don't heart others they're the basic so when you are going to study the higher subjects all these basic things are already there when you are going to the university they will never ask heavy past class five standard have a first class ten standard a it is expected that you have completed all those and then you are coming to so they're sanatana-dharma Hindu Dharma the ultimate it takes to that right there only he says there is I don't read when through the grace of God devotion and ecstatic love are awakened he from the point of view of the bhakti he's a devotion to God ecstatic love for God and there is no other thing in this world except God that type of love is there in his heart then he all together four gates virtue and scene then he leaves the scripture and their injunctions far behind thoughts of repentance and penance do not bother him at all so how we will know that we have made progress the feeling will come that that tremendous feeling will come when you were going to the king other people they're so careful but the grandchild of the king he never bothers about that you were just playing coming touching and eating from the same plate because the Association because the love there's no fear at all so that love and without any fear it is my own why should I not so that type of mentality when it comes that is called spiritual life and Saddam o Krishna as usual giving an example then in the next paragraph is telling in the beginning of spiritual life one goes by a round about way round about way means through following different type of rituals slowlyslowly you have to proceed one has to suffer a great deal but the path becomes very easy when ecstatic blob is awakened in the heart so beginning and the end both he is describing from his own experience so he showed it in his own life he's to cry for God day and night praying to God day and night rubbing his face on the bank of Ganga those days those who have read the biography of the Ramakrishna didn't know people wonder how it is possible we do not know how Jesus practice austerity because at 12 years in his life that is absent and we expect at that time he was practicing austerity some say he came to India visited India learn the yogic process with antique views accepted or so many other discussions are there and some say he went inside the deep some secluded place and there he practices spiritually all that Krishna we don't know Sri Ramachandra we don't know chaitanya mahaprabhu to some extent we know but most of the time he we should saw that he is in ecstatic mood but ceramic Krishna step by step we saw how a human being is growing up he was just an ordinary person as if and then he slowly started loving the everything that is God that is divine and he started worshipping his own deity the family deity Raghuveer and that'll be that Sri Ramachandra and from the air he is coming to Calcutta and accepting that job of a priest and slowly slowly slowly slowly he is proceeding and finally we see the seems damn kishna he was not talking with anyone he was not eating from the others food and he was only cooking for himself and then we find how in this position he comes so whole gamut of spiritual life is displayed in the life of ceramic wizna the whole history of spiritual life it is available in the life of Sri Ramakrishna so this is the beauty and he says the path becomes very easy how when people can become like him then the only love and no other things then Manilla to master well what is the rule for concentration where should one concentrate the Monon all who was listening but he is asking but very important question he asks a very important topic erased that is what is the rule for concentration that means the process of concentration where should one concentrate now you see see Ramakrishna is a devotee as if after outside externally but is a great yogi depth of his knowledge about the yoga when you understand that you marvel how a person can be in such a depth he is the heart is splendid place one can meditate there or in the sahasrara heart or in the sahasrara so where they should concentrate this these are rules for meditation given the scriptures Patanjali yoga darshan that we have read over here so there we have found that there are many places but these are the two places heart and on the top of the head sahasrara on the top of the head majority of the people they will teach you go and meditate over there it becomes easy but unless you start from the beginning and slowly proceed to that without controlling your food without making your lifestyle different if you are practicing the yoga Diana you are winning yourself there are so many examples in this country many of the people they tried to practice in that way they never knew what is going to happen to them they have lost their the brain you know that one young boy sometimes I mention I like him so much so I really feel for him he lost his mental balance just by practicing that devil why you practiced now I will go get I was thinking that supernatural power I can control the minds of others and these are there and suppose you get that power what you're going to do so this without knowing anything just as a fashion and curiosity they try and then the whole life of that young boy who was in a good job he lost everything it is happening like that so this is we have to understand properly sadhana Krishna steering there are rules for meditation these are rules for meditation given in the scriptures but you may be treated wherever you like every place is filled with Brahman consciousness now he immediately jumps to that higher since that just called gianna Marga every place is filled with that so why not anywhere you can meditate anywhere you can think about God is there any place where it does not exist Narayana is Bali's presence covered with two steps the heavens and the art and the interspaces is there then any place left uncovered by God so we know that Bali and that Nara and a guard the bow mana Ouattara he came he's referring to that story is that God is everywhere all places he covered and there is nothing left anywhere you can meditate but again and again in other places he said if you like to start with the meditation better to try to think God within the heart it's a very good place concentrate your mind on the heart bring your mind on the heart I sometimes say place here all the fingers and give a little pressure over here bring the mind over here and then you visualize imagine that God is sitting over there and meditate on that and before the meditation as a preparation you can do some Manas abuja the mental worship these are all prescribed slowly slowly slowly mind is withdrawing and he was enjoying the presence of God and then only you are developing then he is telling it is said that the whole creation is the Bharata the universal form of God then in the Sunday will be reading the bhagavata in the bhagavata it will they'll be the explanation of the creation how the creation came etcetera this is the Bharata the God who is all-pervading without any form he is the consciousness but then again the same God taking a human form to help the human being why because he has created the human being and he was the human being should understand him the highest manifestation of God is in human being and when he says that the human being is behaving exactly as the animals so he comes down and it takes the human form penny helps so this is the circle is going on siamo Krishna will tell about that and in the bhagavata we will see in details in the next week when you will discuss about that now he is telling two kinds of meditation one on the formless god another the god whit form one is formless God another with form this is the beauty of the Indonesia they understood it very well and that's why the God without form as if he started thinking I should be many so he became many who became many God himself because there is no nothing was there extra a Thursday so he became human being he became animals he became Birds a manifestation is ease and it is all reflection but maximum reflection is the human being they say the sunlight is reflecting on the wall and all the also the glasses similar way same way but in the glass reflection is more brightness is more but in the wall seems unlike Darwin people don't see that reflection so this is the way all the beings are having the same reflection of God but the human being much more so he wants to develop the human being giving them their he himself has given the capacity to discriminate the good and bad and slowly slowly this is developing and when the people human being how do go back just by meditation concentration what is spiritual life going back to the source how you can go back to the source through meditation there is no other thing the spiritual life is nothing but perfect meditation and what is meditation concentration on your real nature and how we can go do that then the Hindus offered four paths gianna karma doctor yoga whatever appeals to you if you wants to withdraw the mind and concentrate day after day 24-hour selective practice as a yogi well you can do that or you can go through the path of devotion you have tremendous emotion so utilizing the emotion you are proceeding to the same place you have the sharp intellect so you're going on discriminating the one lady she was doing very sharp when she was telling and one of the Swami's he was explaining the meditation time lose your mind give her your mind just as the mother they asked the children to go and play but keep them there the where they're going and what they're doing the watch so that is going on and slowly slowly she knows the time will come I will go and tell enough let us go back and that boy will go he will be quiet so similarly you go but first you seat allow your thoughts to go out let them play and then slowly you go and say enough now come back the mind will come back satisfied with all the activities now slowly slowly it goes into that quiet the mind now she was asking when you were thinking about the God that is also thought when you were thinking about the mind going out what mind is also thought so if when I am thinking about God and is also going out I cannot control then what about that see these are the questions because the intelligent mind he wants to understand it totally properly then only the ghost but others they'll simply start thinking okay like that so this is intellectual mind they always go for Gyana yoga why they understand that better it's not for all ceramic Rashmi is telling that there's two types of meditation are there formless God and God with form but meditation on the formless God is extremely difficult in the bhagavad-gita also shri krishna said the same thing it's very very difficult why how you're going to concentrate now in ecology some people Lister take the subject comparative religion and the they are supposed to go and talk with the people of the different religion and the questioner is there fulfilling that you have to get the signature of the person you have talked the last Sunday three ladies came the young lady is that student but her mother and also grandmother all the three they came they were very happy and grandmother was very happy and after the talk I went to the office she also came she was asking all these things and dear she was telling who is the god over here Idol in the center position so then what about without God they heard about the Hinduism without God and all I told that is possible Hindus the belief without God but it is very difficult then I was giving the example suppose you close your eyes in the temple and then try to concentrate on which you what you will concentrate I went to a mosque there he a young lady in the Middle East which mosque the young lady she was showing sensuously at the hearing meditate on which you meditate then she was confused really on what then she looked at this here and there there was a picture that milk and honey is flowing from the top from the heaven to the heart it's a symbol she told on that we meditate and it's not but they're actually anyway that young lady she told like that that means some symbol is necessary otherwise you cannot say on which we are meditating a symbol is necessary a figure is necessary and that way slowly we can proceed the Serrano Krishna Sterling is very difficult in the hack meditation you must wipe out all that you see or hear it's so difficult all that you see or hear everything should go away no sound and no sight nothing should be there then you complete you contemplate only the nature of your inner self and you have to understand what is the inner self the nature of your inner self the inner self means what pure consciousness the inner self it is not mind it is not having any personality is not having any thought so what is that pure consciousness and what is that pure consciousness we don't have any idea so obviously we go to a light a lamp is burning a light is there so we think that is the pure consciousness but that is not again you are going to a symbol maybe a light maybe our own car but that is not Brahman so it is really very difficult meditating on he inner-self Schieber dances about so who can do that the master of the yogi Shiba the Shiba is dancing meditating on the inner self we just read we just hear try to understand what is the inner self then imagine oh this is the light not that unless and until you have a glimpse of that inner soul it is nothing but pure joy and it's so much joy that's why the she would start dancing he started dancing because the create joy within to express that is dancing physically that is the expression what am i what am i that he goes on repeating this is called the Shiva Yoga Shiva means the knowledge the Sheba yoga usually the some of the sannyasis they go for mostly they go to Shiva what is that knowledge and that knowledge at manana and Who am I Who am I that is the the constantly to go on and this type of yoga the true the path of knowledge that is called it is not knowledge actually it is a yoga instructor Shiva yoga while practicing this form of meditation one directs once look to the forehead he is telling it is on the forehead you're meditating see how advanced one should be to meditate on the forehead that means in between the two eyebrows now without any practice without controlling your body and mind if you try to concentrate on these in between the two eyebrows so what happens naturally different type of reaction comes one young boy after having the company of the different wrongs direct disciples of ceramic Krishna he felt that I should also practice meditation but he was not under any proper guidance so he himself started meditating on the top of the hate and after a few days he developed a tremendous headache he don't go no medicine could help him so ultimately someone suggested you better go to mother master domine devi when he went to the mother this is the this Siddha yogi whose mother she knew everything immediately asked my son where you are concentrating your mind see other people couldn't doctors couldn't but the mother asks this question why do you where you are meditating then he said on the centre of my head no you should not do that that is the cause of your headache you bring down your mind on your heart and this is the best place to meditate he started my meditation on the heart he changed the process method everything was alright for him he became a realized soul Peter J Ananda ji Maharaj and he was the direct disciple of swami vivekananda afterwards he became the president of the ramakrishna Morton mission so that's a great soul video John and the G there is a book written by Swami of John and the long back and the direct disciples of Swami Vivekanand if you read that book that's in Bengali originally he wrote at the feet of Swami Vivekananda in English maybe available this great Souls their lives you will get and you know so many things happen in their life this Ramakrishna sterling Shiva yoga this is the Shiva yoga and they are practicing on the forehead it is meditation the nature of one's inner self after need eating the world meditating on the wands the self one's own self and negating the world how neatly neatly pedantic we know et neatly not this not this not this not this constantly they're going on telling the mind no I am NOT going to think about it the mind is going inside inside inside and going to that ultimate the moment they reach over there near to that place how they feel that I am near to that my goal joy great joy comes and they don't like to come out of that that is called Shiva yoga there is another form of meditation now he is giving another so this is a unique chapter that these few pages are really very good those who want to know about the meditation see another way known as the Vishnu yoga Shiva yoga then the Vishnu yoga the eyes are fixed on the tip of the nose they put they they look on the tip of the nose and they meditate you'll find many of the people there meditating they become as if they're squint I like that they're constantly pointing to this the fix the eye on the top of the nose and this way they're all is the tip of the nose that where they are meditating have the loop is directed inward and the other half outward the first one the Shiva yoga there's no outer look only there is no sound there is no form all neatly neatly not this not this but here half mind is going out and looking at the world and seeing this all are nothing but my god manifestation of my god the flower that we see created by God fruits created by God the sky the river than everything in this nature they go on appreciating it is a creation of my love beloved so that we half mine have man goes inside and meditating on that god this is how one meditate on God wait for the Vishnu form this wait see Ramakrishna going on explaining now he is explaining the secret word own in only a small paragraph he spoke on the ohm are so important and the true knowledge of Brahman and the state of mind after the attainment of Brahma guiana master ma che is giving this commentary the here the cinema Krishna explaining about the Brahma guiana and how concentrating on the own cara master the sound ohm is Brahman is very clear how he said that the sound ohm is Brahman ceramic Ishta himself said no one can explain about Brahman and here he is telling the sound ohm is Brahman how it is is its symbol he will say ohm is not the Brahman ohm is the symbol through which you can reach to the Brahman so he said Brahman the Rishi's and the sages practiced austerity to realize that sound Brahman shabda brahma in the Kotaku Nisha refined when Ana Chiquita the young boy he has gone to the Yama the god of death and he is asking tell me about the art man how the Yama will tell that the first he tried to virtually no no no why you are asking that question and then finally when the young boy won't leave now you know both because he was standing on the threshold of death and life Yama the god of death so he knows they both you tell is there truly a self which is immortal the Yamato yes then how to know what is it that the Yama is telling ohm ET Brahma only to know these the Rishi's they are meditating Yogi's they're meditating and only that much Oh God ohm ET Brahma sound from a shop diploma when Xiaomi began that came over here he addressed the gathering in the parliament of religion you know the one hundred twenty-five fifty year is approaching the September that will be 125th year before Xiaomi G came and addressed them what is said address sisters and others of America anywhere in any school in India if you go and immediately some of the students will immediately say be waken the sait sisters and brothers of America it is so popular among the Indians and he didn't say Omkara he didn't say any other thing he said English only if when he was addressing that gathering that he said only English how come there's a book the ancient oh that the original person he wrote three volumes at the history of the problem to religion there he is mentioning vain he addressed that the seven thousand people stood up the best minds of the world is not only Americans from Europe also many they came so the best minds of the world they were gathering over there and the student clapped four minutes why it is the only English word Swami Vivekananda used shoved up from through that he touched the soul a heart of each and everyone and immediately they failed yes we are all brothers and sisters that family feeling that attachment the student with great joy as if something very close and our love has come they never failed that he's a different man from another side of the globe not nothing like that so that unity came through shoved up drama it was not the English word but he the yogi be waken and there instead of telling the oh he said shove the Brahma sisters and brothers of America I explained in t2 otherwise there is no explanation why the seven thousand people listening to that address they will get up and they'll clap with so great joy first second another direct disciple of sri ramakrishna historian and the ji maharaj is a great yogi as a born yogi if it is possible please read the letters of Xiaomi three Ananda full of Vedanta history literature Vivekananda if you read you'll understand Vedanta very well he came here and every time before giving the address before giving the Salman his to stand and go on himself going on chanting Oh home like that at least 5-10 minutes he'll go on telling that someone told why unnecessarily you go on telling the ohm car at the only word for such a long time you know the people they get their thinking why he's not talking is simply going on chanting the own car you know the reply he said to whom I am going to tell this what they will understand the mind stupid into the samsara how do you'll understand the Vedanta so by giving the sub the Brahma using the shove the Brahma i purify their mind and take it out so that when I am telling something they understand it and for their own benefit the some people who in the talk the mesmerised the whole audience they have that capacity is God's grace but turian and thus she bond and the brahmananda when they speak their words and nothing birds words of God it is for the benefit of the human being who ever will open his mind immediately they will get the benefit and that is the reason we find in the the west coast so many people still now the Americans family of the family they're attached to the Vedanta Society so much donation they have given all Americans they have given the donations big big land property they are given so that way to yonder G used to live their minds using the shop dub grandma that'sa Ramakrishna is telling what will you gain now he is asking some rishi is asking what will you gain some sage is asked by merely hearing this sound he'll go on Omkara the dunny then what he will gain you here the sound the roar of the ocean from a distance now see Ramakrishna he is explaining when you hear that the roar of the ocean from distance we have not seen the ocean but hearing that sound we are going to that direction by following that sound you can reach the ocean as long as there is that sound there must also be the ocean by following the trail of all you attain Brahman the going on repeating the home kara you reach to the Brahman and similarly the mantra diksha that we give the mantra diksha is nothing but symbol just by following repeating repeating repeating repeating without your understanding you do not know how the things are happening if someone sincerely going on repeating that also will be discussed in the Bhagavata this is a book of love and book of devotion and this type of things they have discussed so clearly if you go on repeating the name of God obviously you're going to get the purity surely yes that is the power of the name of God you will gain that purity raghavan see Ramakrishna in one place he is telling there are three different type of devotees the Raja goony they feel like we will sacrifice a goat and offer the me to the God then we will do these we will do that and that all tamo-guna people and they will do in such a way so all other people will appreciate oh he has done so much you know how much money I've spent $10,000 have spent on that they go on telling about the money and what about the spiritual benefit God will know but I have done this he is very happy to tell that and they feel great you see they have spent so much and so much and so much the distal mikuni Raja Guney people they like to offer food to God in eighteen different way they will cook they will offer and they will ask people look at these I have offered the God sixty-two items seventy five items etcetera etcetera but seppuku nee devotee for the Saturday nee devotee taking the name of God is pooja he won't do anything else only going on repeating the name of God and he feels that the name of God everywhere in every limb of his body everywhere that is going on vibrating so that vibration that is protecting that devotee constantly on the table and below front side back side right laughter everywhere that in the Chandi they are telling protect me from a brick side he is going on repeating repeating repeating repeating and when he's repeating slowly slowly with the name comes the Nami Nami Nami Nami means the person at a scripted name and that is God and God means so many good qualities and those qualities are manifesting into that devotee so heat transform the ceramic richness telling through Omkara those in the path of ghana they slowly go to the Brahman word is symbol now he is telling he said sound ohm is Brahman sound ohm is Brahman in the same paragraph he is coming and telling world is the symbol it is a symbol that Brahman has been described by the Vedas as the ultimate goal he had to reach to that goal why because that is the brahman how they can say go to Brahman and what is Brahman they cannot say so obviously they are giving in just idea a symbol this is Brahman go over there but such vision is not possible as long as you are conscious of your ego gianna you is very difficult majority of the people surveyed so one lady she was she wrote to me I am going to learn this the Gianna Markey part at the path of the Gianna from so-and-so Swami no one should drop in between no no one is going to drop only you P hundred twenty five and then you can go so our said that our the retreat she's very eager what she is going to do to follow the path of ghana how she is going to do with great ego the result I am NOT going to I don't know what will happen but here they say that unless and until you are completely free from your ego very humble you won't be able to do that one young boy at the age of six he went to guru Clea according to the tradition in those days at the time of the Veda and after spending 16 years over there he came back and he was roaming around the father was watching him he failed that whomever he is talking his coating from the scripture and trying to prove that he is a learned man now his father was also a teacher he's teaching that Vedanta and he observed his son and when he came he asked my son have you learned that after death where the soul goes then you say no my teacher didn't tell that that maybe my teacher was not knowing that see this is egoistic the teacher understood that he is not in paid that label to understand so he didn't teach that but this boy immediately blamed the teacher teacher perhaps never knew I like to go to another teacher to understand it so curiosity grew in him the father told you better go to that teacher again he went and slowly slowly and and the father also taught and we learned that he became humble that's why in sanskrit is a big dia de ngati Binyam the be no bina means the humbleness didn't President of India dr. Abdul Kalam so he was to visit our voluma temple so obviously it was open for him all our great senior Swami's they were waiting for the president to come as the president the first citizen of the land naturally devil wearing with all respect you know that president is not coming suddenly they noticed previously any VIP is coming before that the police car will come with the siren and these that so many things he had nothing suddenly they notice that one gentleman very quickly coming but from distances is the good look like that president he said president walking no it is not possible then after some time they noticed yes this is the president then they asked oh my god why you're walking then he said show me what you say this is the land where Swami Vivekananda walked me Abdul Kalam how can I walk on this holy land with sure my neighbor neighbor it is not possible so he fast he went inside the ascent our temple prostitute before the God he started meditating and meditating so deep it became so difficult to tell that other routines are there you have to go and visit this place and that place how you'll explain that he was such a large net person he was the president not a router of ego so that beat da da da TB nyam humbleness he knew everything but he was humble the ocean of knowledge so vast whatever we have learned is nothing nothing at all so that see Ramakrishna is telling is such a vision is possible as long as you are conscious of your ego and our conscious so that we a man realizes Brahman only when he feels neither I nor you neither one nor many so that oneness think of the Sun and then he is giving the example this is the beauty of the ceramic is whenever he loses something immediately he will say something to explain it not sometimes story sometimes some example this time he is giving that as an example some tea in jars at the air full of water and there is a Sun the Sun is afflicting on those water now if cetane Suns over there so different different different now you break nine Jers what remain only one jar and that one reflected Sun and the original Sun there's there now a person comes he sees that reflected one and then he turns his head up towards the Sun and finds the original Sun giving this example he said that jivatma when he sees I am also like the Sun that purity that knowledge that everything that the Sun is having I am also having the reflection of the original consciousness what is a jibon this began that it teaches reflection of the consciousness on ego that is giba and what is Ishwara reflection of the consciousness on Maya that is Isha that is the difference between ishaara and the Jeeva both the same reflection of the consciousness one on a big big big Maya is called Maya on the Maya that is reflected on that and another is small one same Maya same it's called ego reflected on that so giba and Ashura the same remove the ego you see the issuer you see the god your own self the ceramic isne is teaching like that the Masters described his own state of mind he was indeed weak and then he explained about the big gyani Gani means he is having that knowledge and Wayne is having the knowledge he wants to prove it all the time so that and people can understand he has learned about it and when he has learned anywhere he goes he wants to prove like that s called Ghani he has understood it but he who is there the beginning he becomes God so there is nothing for him to prove he never says like that when they were judging Jesus Christ and the one that lady came and she was asking do you believe Jesus that logo go and see we are worshipping em every day this picture is here so you follow Jesus and Jesus is the eternal religion but when you think that following the Jesus means the way that the churches are asking no we don't we believe in Jesus but not in the church unity the way they stipulated and explaining and asking that you should believe like these and behave like these to become a Christian we don't do that but we love the original source why you know when the judge was asking are you the Son of God have you noticed the reply of the Jesus he never said yes I am the son of God he said you said so but they were determined to kill him so they didn't either they didn't understand the reply that he gave and wonderful reply ego completely ego free see Ramakrishna stilling when he is telling something does not mean it's not this inside these whatever the consciousness that is speaking so this is the way the understand unless and until mind is becoming refined free from ego free from the attachment and bondages how can you understand that is it so easy the sadhana Krishna is talking about the big journey who has completely understood and absorbed that and transformed into that condition that is called bikini and there is no differences no marks are at the money day be just to one example and I will close the veins Swami be vacant and that Margaret Noble she came to Calcutta following Swami Vivekananda her guru and wanted to dedicate her life of the service of India Shami she told that's okay you have come and I know that you'd be able to do that work but you have to go pass through an examination if mother accepts you then only you will be able to stay here otherwise not Masaru domine Devi when she saw the Margaret immediately called her and she told Margaret Elizabeth novel mother told I won't be able to pronounce such a long name can I call you cooky the little girl cookie then immediately she said mother that's a beautiful name and every time she's to write cookie when she ever whenever she wrote later mother accepted her why there is no ego she was ready to dedicate herself mother understood that but other doors and windows were closed why the lecture lecture means not belong to our caste not belong to our religion so when she was coming through that particular locality called bug badger the doors and windows are all the people they were closing on her face but mother why sama deshita she immediately could realize she was born in in London or she is a Britisher is these or that language was different it doesn't matter anything inside that core and that is called big gianni understanding and accepting the original consciousness not differentiating anything else and that see ramakrishna is a big journey so thank you we will discuss in the next day about the human being there serrano kishna is describing let us join disprin our mantra any need ingénue [Music] Ananta bum Bob Donna compound Drita big remember each Avatara Purusha medium Tom Ramakrishna Shira sonamoo Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry Hume that's earth sri ramakrishna [Music] our eponymous too