Video 153
154: Panchama Veda 154- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
with the gospel of sri ramakrishna with this preneur mantra Tabu Kadam rhythm dr. G venom Kaviri rhythm calm Asha Abhiram stubborn among golem srimad atom booby green and de bourree dodging AHA the complete satisfying to the hearers the last they say the complete satisfying to the hearers so this is what is called Kadam Rita kata the words Amrit the nectar again and again we remember we say the only these words that is giving us the nectar what is this nectar when we drink this there is a conception that nectar is liquid when one drinks it it becomes immortal how these words can help us to become immortal because the moment we understand this world that is transitory and truly we seek for which is permanent and then we Marge's with that permanent we become part Maneri become eternal and what happens when we become eternal they say is the abode of peace we become completely peaceful that is the goal today a group of people came to meet me they were asking about the religion I will please tell me what is the goal of religion while you are talking about religion where you are practicing religion there are some small small goals that should be very happy I should be protected no harm will come on me like this like this but the ultimate goal of religion his peace Marcia is Imani Devi the holy concert of Avanza Ram Krishna she is still telling in this way very simple if you want peace then these are the things you should not do so peace is the goal and again the other one serum Krishna himself said the goal of every human life is God realization that means realization of God equal to eternal peace and peace is the happiness whatever we do in our life only for that joy only for the peace now when we are here in this world all this travel then naturally the question comes why we are here who has brought us over here one gentleman a devotee is asking this question to Bhagwan see Ramakrishna why has God put us in the world hist Ling why has God put us in this world God has created this world so that was the discussion if God has created this world that means he has created us and he has created this jaggerth this universe and then he has put us over here and we are suffering why in the first place he has put us over there you know the very interesting question though obviously we know about the two existences one is this world another is God second we can same thing we say in the flesh and the spirit that means one is inert another is non inert is leaving however Gita is terming it as a wrenchy dragon Chaitra the field Chaitra dia the one who can understand this field this body and the soul we understand very clearly and also we say atman and brahman the brahman is the creator and he has created this individual being living being and that is called earth man Brahman is also sometime you say it's Artman jivatma Paramatma sometimes this type of terminologies words are also used but so many different words have been used to only to express this thing that one which is inert one which is temporary another is permanent who has created the permanent one the Brahman the god the Chaitra Jia he has created this so this way not from the viewpoint of the physics of course the creation when you are discussing is not from the viewpoint of the physics of the science but from the metaphysics another viewpoint of the spirituality so this is what we say in the metaphysically we explain God has created this universe and Semitic religion they say God has created this universe how in a very beautiful way it has been expressed in the Bible let there be light and there was light the God just wished let there be light and there was light in the our sanatana-dharma by DK dharma now known as Hindu Dharma they also say in the same way the Brahman one day as if tired of being one one without second he taught Iike hum Bohus Yama he he I am one I want to be mainly just wheezed the moment he wished everything started happening so how the creation science is giving different way they are also still not perfect in their answer is going on but the religion see that God has created and what is that God all-pervading consciousness all-powerful and if it is so then how it is possible just by will just by wish iike humble host Shama be now a very important question comes God created out of what out of himself that's because there is no anything else except him so he created it now those who are attending the saga of the soul in that lecture series we are now discussing about the philosophies every philosophy is trying to give the answer to this question how God has created it who has created how he has created why because - for the creation two things are necessary one is the intellectual cause another is the material cause we can understand God is the intellectual cause then what is the material cause is a very tricky question the how the God himself out of himself created but that is the answer God has created and for that the Philosopher's differ do they say God is created in this way they say God at least in that way Vedanta Advaita Vedanta Shankar Acharya and his teachers they said the creation is not there at all we will be discussing it in the coming Sunday and the pure of drita Iike me word Whitham so that is there will be discussing Shankar's view the creation is actually super imposition of our ignorance etcetera etcetera so these are all the explanations the philosophers have given Raghavan see Ramakrishna is going in a simple way and he is telling God is created why and he his answer is very simple to perpetuate his creation it is his will his Maya he has deluded man with last and cold this is his answer he is giving the answer from the point of view of Vedanta at Rita Vedanta in the Advaita Vedanta Shankracharya has taken the help of the word Maya to explain this creation on explicable but we can feel that power the power of God which one cannot explain but can understand but can feel that is called Maya and that is the superimposition see ramakrishna is telling is his maya and then he has deluded the human being with his desire and enjoyment so last and gold they again and again in the whole complete works so many times he has did like that we know in the bhagavad-gita that famous words of Arjuna he was deluded man like Arjuna he was also deluded what is this delusion moma in sanskrit say mahadji he he donnagon attritional the tunnel dhana means the world Krishna the desire all are trying to think that if we get the wealth will enjoy the go to the wealthy people and ask said you have so much wealth are you happy no why I need more I need more I need more I need more so when the stories are also there to teach the human being to say it cannot give you happiness there's a famous story that one person who was praying to God please bless me so whatever I touch become gold the moment it becomes gold naturally it will be costly I can say Lee they can become breed each quarter okay he touched his food it became gold and it was so difficult for him to him to eat but the pathetic thing happened in the story when his little daughter came the man for God that the God has given that boon whatever he will touch will become gold he touched the daughter she turned into gold so this is the then the story they say the last the desire that gives us always this problem whatever we want we get be satisfied with that that is the teaching of the religion Arjuna is telling when when he saw that the God the Krishna is nothing but the God and Krishna is with him and Krishna is leaving just the life as originally is leaving so simple even people are criticizing Krishna insulting Krishna trying to kill him to just normal but the same Krishna he is holding everything then Arjuna said after realization of that the famous the quotation of Arjuna the words of a Georgina Nash - mwah smelt eloped ah that Posada Maya a tutor Oh a tutor Achutha means there's something which never changes except that God everything is changing so a tutor is that never tutor never changes so you are that God even though our tutor because of your blessings grace not to move are all the delusive power your power so your grace it has taken away all them I have understood now Nostromo hospital lab t'ought is the smithy real knowledge Smitty means the real knowledge smithy lab de Todd Prasad art because of your grace sometimes we read in the newspaper very pathetic thing now the people that become in different parts of the world people are really becoming just terrible no patience they're losing the patience anger is so much they are killing people even though the wife when this husband is sleeping killing them one or two incidents may be very real incidents not that all happening happening why desire if I can kill him maybe I'll be happy if I can kill her maybe I'll be happy whatever happiness so that's why I was asking those devotees they are greatly devoted what is the purpose of God realization that is exactly what Bhagwan see ramakrishna is telling nosh to Mohan you know a great person but he was also deluded he loved his wife so much so much that the wife went to her parental home only for few days on the other side of the river and suddenly he failed I must go to my wife I cannot leave even just a day without her it was night he came to cross the river there was no boat he plunged into that river and he was trying to cross he became tired suddenly something was floating before him he hold it you know in our country in a previously and nowadays I do not know if a man is dead by snakebite they do not burn or burry they leave that body on a float so that type of float was there heat the help of the float it was terrible smell and even he couldn't feel that smell bad smell he was so happy God is helping me to cross the river he took that and then cross the river he himself started smelling in that bad way then he reached to the house of that in-laws all the doors and windows are closed because it was night everybody was sleeping only he could guess that this must be the the room had my boy fees and he found that a rope is hanging thinking imagining my wife waited for me she's waiting for me and she has kept the rope hanging like this so that I can climb through the okay and he climbed and afterwards when he climbed over there he found it is not a row but is a big snake that was hanging in that way somehow he reached into the room of the wife and then wife told a fly on you only for this body you were so much a test you never cared to cross this river in this way and secretly you have come only for this body I wish you had this type of desire to realize God to get the great blessings of Sri Ramachandra I'm really ashamed to have you as my husband nurse thermo hospital data that rebuke of the wide the beloved wife for whom this man took so much of risk immediately his Mahad the delusion broke yes from now onwards every moment I should devote for the realization of Sri Ramachandra my god you know who is that man Goswami Tulsidas is the gachami ism and this is the Tulsi does the famous person he became completely changed because of that otherwise what happens the people are going on marrying thinking if I marry that lady I'll be happy again again when you are going to break that Mohan that is the teaching of the gospel and because of that people say this is unwritten this is the nectar this is the eternal teaching so see Ramakrishna he is making this and he's telling to see Ramakrishna one gentleman is asking why do we not feel intense with restlessness to realize him he is talking about the restlessness to realize God why do we not then the gentleman is asking ceramic isness answer is very to-the-point he said a man does not feel restless for God until all his worldly desires are satisfied so that is the reason until all the desires are satisfied one cannot restless for God there are grades we love God we come to become a devotee we'd like to realize God we pray to God our intense restlessness that's where eternal mahaprabhu depicted a character that is Radha intense longing for God and never cared for anything else but God that is called Radha and her mind was always every moment full with God that intense restlessness because there no any other desire so that is the reason he said he does not remember the mother of the universe until his share of the enjoyment of the world is completed a child observed in play does not seek his mother but after his play is over he says I must go to my mother then is cinema Krishna was a very very keen observer he is to observe everything around him and from there he's to take the examples and he observed a young boy of reader Omri Jeremy's nephew his son he came to dictionary perhaps and he was playing ceramic is not observed in he was playing with the pigeons and it's calling them come come he was trying to feed them to catch them as the children they always do and when that was over he was satisfied after playing started crying I like to go to my mother no one could console him giving the other things then a stranger came and said come with me I will take you to your mother usually the children they never go to the strangers but this case the child was so eager to go to his mother he never hesitated unhesitatingly he climbed on the man's shoulders and was off so observing these the ceramic isne he is telling you should be like that when he were calling for God whoever comes and say I will take you to God people like to go like that so this way only those who were eternally free do not have to enter worldly life their desire for enjoyment has been satisfied with the very birth just before our sannyasa ramakrishna mission usually gives an ass on the that too a lot of certifications are necessary you'll have to stay in one Ostrom for first three years as novices then you registered in balloon mart and then afterwards two years training nowadays they are trying to make three years training then again another three years like that nine years you have to complete and after that if the in charges or the inter-gender only where they're give the good certificate is a good person good boy then only the authority will declare that he will get the sannyasa so some of us we were in Calcutta publication Department uptight Ostrom and from there tree or I think three of us so we were given that opportunity we were ready to go to the little mark just before that evening Ranganath on the jama'at scheme we used to sit after the night food used to sit and discuss different things that was the tradition still that is continuing then we asked Swamiji tomorrow we are going to valu-mart and will be best orator sannyasa please tell us something about sannyasa what is this real sanyasa in one word he said those who wear the king of God's Indra the king of gods he only can become real sannyasins he meant that all the desires forget about these worldly things even the gods their desires when that is also satisfied there is not an iota of desire then only you were really capable to get this any answer to be truly sannyasi no desire so that was is a trice Bhagavan see Ramakrishna is telling you cannot have that desire and he is Ramakrishna is explaining that you cannot have those who are having that they cannot have this then afterwards those who are eternally free nobody few like our all these Swami's the direct disciples of God wants the ramakrishna he chose them from among all many people the game he chose them in that way they were all free right from the bird did themselves were not knowing perhaps but serum Tichenor knew because he could read their minds is the first time writing in the right place this is the desire a totally free it was five o'clock in the afternoon dr. Medusa then arrived the name of the doctor was Madhu Sudha while he prepared the bandage for master's arm we know that in the last class we were discussing that he fell he broke his hand dr. Madhu show them from Calcutta he came and he was getting ready to give the bandage salaam krishna laughed like a child and say you are the module suden of both this world and the next you know the medusa Don's the name of Krishna another name of Krishna is Madhu Sudha is God so remembering the Krishna that guards the Ramakrishna are there making the jokes this is the speciality of ceramic is not just normal any other person dr. Madhu shootin has come he is behaving just like a frame he's cutting jokes with him while you are mother shootin of this life and the next also mother shootin replied there ham eva the Madhu shootin aboard this world and the next dr. mother showed on his smiling he said I only labor under the weight of my name the Medusa then that the krishna i only carry that name but I have no other qualities ceramic richness smiling why is the name a trifle thing God is not different from his name then he is giving an example story in India this is very seriously they accept if you give a name of a child properly particularly another olden times the people is to go to those people who could calculate the position of the stars and accordingly this to give the name of the baby name of the child and dad they used to be a particularly those names the all the time the characters to develop in that way now it is any name if you give the problem is is not correct here see Ramakrishna the name is not ripple this is also helping and he said Satya Hama one of the wives of Shri Krishna tried to balance Krishna with gold and precious stones he made this is also a old custom that they will put the God in one side and all the costly things jewelry is etc in the other so to make the balance so he shut the Hama asked the krishna to see it in one side and she was going on weighing the gold and other things but could not do it always krishna is heavier than all those ornaments go the gold etc then Rukmini came she put a tool she live with the name of Krishna that the devotion is the story but immediately the scale was equal name of God and the god himself equal that's why this that repetition of the mantra those who have taken the mantra the moment we are taking the mantra internally remembering the mantra immediately our remembering God so this is the easiest way to remember God somewhere I went and they were asking someone my forgot how to remember God all the time this is the easiest way and for that you have to practice a little and then it becomes so normal and they have given the name those who are very much they practice it it becomes a job algebra or Java you need not to practice what is going on automatically coming up that name Holy Name when you are sleeping the moment you are away the name is going on someone inside going on taking the name of God just name of God elaborately we think what is it but that clears all our other thoughts impure thoughts thoughts that will take us to the attachment the God's name very very powerful cinema Krishna is making then doctor was ready to bandage the master arm the bed was sprayed and the floor and the master was laughing so we can understand it so painful in those days there was no anesthesia and the doctor is to come and people is to hold and best to make a bandage in a very difficult very painful even then cinema Krishna is laughing and talking with the other devotees in the evening after the worship of the temple was over a few minutes later author arrived he was a magistrate the other in those days it was the British that they chose the native to become a magistrate it was not a matter of job although the magistrate but he was very simple used to come to see Ramakrishna and instead of listening to his dog used to sleep over there it was so much of tension in the office used to come and used to lie down and sleep see lamentation used to say is good for him don't bother about everything him to listen to these words this will be alright the presence of God he's to come and looking at the ceramic nice to feel so joy and comfort is to go forth now he's talking with the other other arrived from Calcutta to see the master my immature and Rakhal and aim the person who is noting the conversation where in the room the beauty of these gospel is he describes everything whenever he was present not that everyday record is this whenever this master marsha 3ma was present used to record it in such a way as if he is taking the picture everything where other said where's the Ramakrishna was what he ate what was happening even in which side the water was flowing in the Ganga how was the breeze I was the way there everything is described so that the devotee after reading it can meditate on this take themselves into that transforming presenting yourself into that particular situation other came he was asking must be he heard that ceramic kitchen has broke the hand so he came to enquire and he was asking and telling over you other is asking the master sri ramakrishna Ceylon Krishna affectionately look here how my arm arts and then he was smiling and said you don't have to ask how I am this is very important people they always think about how are you how are you all this this is just not there is a love this is a cut see so you need not to bother about that the relation between you and me you are so close devotee you need not to practice that card see anything happened immediately we have to say in the cards in this country this is the habit anything happened you are enjoy a happy card you are in grief than another type of card so only Carly st. and our duty is over and they also go and sing oh she they have sent the card except Exeter they will be keeping a it's only external when I know you I feel for you I pray for you the external things are not necessary so here see Ramakrishna smiled and replied and said you need not to ask how I am and then he asks the other to stroke his feet this is a very special blessings Salam Krishna never allowed all to touch his person holy person only a few sometimes used to suddenly used to say this time he's asking order please stroke here gently he showed his feet and other was placing his feet not that it was necessary only to give him the grace master conversed with the Maha Maha Charron my mother and as we have already those who have reading the gospel of cinema Krishna you know this person learn it person he always used to read Vedanta which is the fashion in all the time because intellectual thing the people always think if we can discuss about this intellectualism is good so my Maturin used to study by Dante is to discuss about Brahman Hartman all this ceramic is nice telling Maya margarine she is a real guru real master he's trying to help us what is the purpose of this religion only to have the conversation debate understanding things in a very subtle way and expressing it and then getting the expression a appreciation from the people no this is only to realize that is the main thing life is very short we do not know when we will die why to spend thing in that way ceramic is nice telling master is conversing with the my margarine I will be it will be very good if you can practice unselfish love for God unselfish love for God then he is explaining a man who has such love says O Lord I do not seek salvation even Mukti I do not seek salvation name fame wealth our cure of disease none of these do I seek I want only thee O God I want only you that is called unselfish devotion to God when the people they come with all desire and that is the reason sometimes some people their desires are so worldly the ceramic it is to say don't touch their things sometimes is to distribute to others or to throw in the Ganges because that they are giving a little bit of things maybe a food but with great desire if the Swami eating these fools o my diseases will be cured my god what you should think like that but people were thinking that there is no love there is just business I am giving this to you in return I am getting this - from you so Sarah Marcus Nasim no I wish you should love God with an unselfish way then is quoting from Scripture Prahlada had these unselfish love this pure love for God without any worldly in this arena Kapoor and a prelada that story you know a prelada was born in a nassima a very peculiar how the things go if you read the story his father hidden akashi-kun neighbor like gods and particularly vishnu the name the moment the people is to say the Vishnu is to be irritated who is this wisdom I am most powerful and now when his wife was coming from someplace and she was pregnant it was time for her to deliver there was only the place available on the way she had to stop over there and she gave birth of this child in the asuma of the Rishi's and it's little boy he was growing up among the that Rishi's early morning until night he was going on listening their discourses the music the song the chanting so he became naturally a devotee devotee of Vishnu look at it how God plays so the son became so much devoted and that the father was completely against those who have read the story as a very fascinating very unique way and we have the books for the children also with the pictures and all so the Vishnu is nowhere father and the son father never likes the God and the son is so devoted but devotion only for God it was a small child he was not knowing anything else but he's to love God that's all so ceramic each name is mentioning proloft had this unselfish love so when we grew up we developed many desires and that age when you go for the devotion of God at the back of our mind we keep many other desires also prayers also please give me these please give me there but if you pray for the others benefit of the others but the good of others nothing wrong nothing bad so always if we can go another thing is Ramakrishna in one place is telling go because it is the father and the mother is nothing but the God I do not know anyone else when I am in distress I mean problem where to go go to God so that is also pure type of love I do not know anybody else and you have kept with this world and I need help whom to approach you are the only person you must come and help me that is also another type of faith God is there he is listening to my prayer he will come and protect me complete faith so here is Ramakrishna is mentioning if you are practicing some way to realize God is better to practice in the way of prelada now let me tell you something that will agree with your mood we know that we have to understand the person his mood worst gana Margy the knowledge so different people are having different type of mood but we find over here Salam Krishna is rectifying and then guiding them into their proper channel he said let me tell you something that will agree with your mood according to the bed anther one has to know the real nature of one's own self at Magana know thyself so that he is mentioning but such knowledge is impossible without the renunciation of ego and this is ceramic dish 'no the pedant and see ramakrishna the way he teaches very simple what is Vedanta one of his disciple young disciple he stopped visiting see Ramakrishna and ceramic ish na was incredibly why he is not coming now it is used to keep hide why he is not coming away then he inquired then someone told he's busy in studying Vedanta and he says visiting him is a waste of time because he'll be talking he these are that way so I am studying Vedanta day and nine please ask him to come once I like to talk to him then he came and told what is there my boy what is there in your bed anta Brahma shatter jagat mithya is there anything else - this only is the teaching of Vedanta and you are going on reading the Prok are not granted is granted that grant the pancetta she saw many waha better you practice those are for the professor's they like to code they like to let give lecture on that they need all those informations the quotations and equations and all those things it's not for you don't waste time but realized God and when you realize God and he will get all this knowledge then he told what is the area near Vedanta Brahma shutter Jagan Mita anything else quiet here also see Ramakrishna is telling you'd like to realize your Hartman right because my michurin was a Gani and he never liked the devotees devotees are going and offering food and flower and all that used to stand like that all these are fools they're going Salam Krishna understood that tremendous ego he has memorized some of the slow cars and then one gentleman came and told can you please organize a meeting God inviting your devotees I like to give a talk to them how to realize God I told that is the job we are doing so you need not to do in that way but the moment he said like that is for sure he's so much egoistic and he is thinking he has learned some of the scripture develop the way of speaking the terminology and all those things so that he can impress people but that is not the scripture that is not the spiritual thing spiritual thing is this the Ramakrishna's way of talking he understood the matter and wasting his time he never said this thing to be waken under rather be weakened and the Narendra not was exactly opposite he never agreed with the Vedanta used to say this is blasphemy to say I am God see Ramakrishna is to request him as okay okay you don't believe in that you need not to bother you simply form me read from this book which is Abaddon to book the Ramakrishna is to introduce Vedanta to this young Narendra not why he was the real person to practice Vedanta you have to be completely free of from ego narendra was having that quality so he asked narendra to practice Balanta advaita vedanta you know that beautiful story Mary Burke in her book she is mentioning Swami Vivekananda was ready to give a talk and usually in America that he immediately after the problem to religion he came in contact with their company they were taking him to different places the contract was whatever will be the income and fifty percent will go to the vehicle the 50 percent they will take so they were taking him to differently you know a day they were arranging team lectures can you imagine immediately after this one-hour talk I need a cup of coffee him because there is nothing and they used to take him in that's the horse driven the carriage and it was so cold ten lectures in different places and he was not able to count the dollars and pennies and all that and there's to cheat him afterwards with the help of the American friends and devotees he came out of that anyway in one place he in ten the talk was the people were ready one gentleman came to call Swami Vivekananda now everything is ready please come he couldn't go he was constantly going and standing before the meter what is this sir he was sufficiently handsome you need not to know I cannot remember myself this is Vivekananda and he is fit to practice bed hunter he is fit to talk about Vedanta it's not so easy I cannot remember myself I am this body unless I remember this how can I talk sometimes people will think and love all this is too much exaggeration it's not he was not having the body consciousness at all so this is what see ramakrishna is asking this man money michurin was a householder and he was trying to practice the Vedanta is to propagate the time in the daunting and by that way he is to take lot of ego all the time see Ramakrishna pointing to that is telling to realize Hartman what you need you have to remove your ego renunciation of ego the ego is like a stick that seems to divide the water in do it makes you feel that you are one and I am another now Krishna he's never hurting the man it's a very respected person if he says you are you go stick person if you practice on Twitter this is wrong he never said that this also one should learn how to handle with the people he was a respected person in the society egoistic person and he was a knowledgeable man particularly in Vedanta certainly if you say hey you're a university person you cannot practice that he never said like that he said ego divides that I am separate you were separate but according to the Advaita Vedanta there should know separation and if there is no separation if all of us are the one we're from the ego comes because of the ego if you find the same water as if divided the uniquely Ramakrishna's explaining this when the ego disappear in Samadhi then one knows Brahman to be one's own inner consciousness in Samadhi what is that Samadhi where there is no trace of ego see Ramakrishna Swami Vivekananda in a small two paragraph poem he has written these and he said he's beginning with nahi surgeon I need Jyoti now it has become a song also they sing singers the song singing that nahi Shariah 92t now he sashanka Sundaram now his Surya there is no Sun there is no light there's no moon there is no fire what was there he goes explaining in that way the ultimate condition he reached that he explained what is happening in the Samadhi and then he says the last thing that is holding you back to this world army army army I when that is also broken that also goes away disappear then what happened Bujji prawn watch HR abang Menasha Gooch arum oh- bombed the speech Manasa the mine go cherrim them even the mind cannot understand that cannot fathom that and cannot express it through words Raghavan see Ramakrishna again he has given described this particular position that a doll made of salt when to measure the water of the ocean the salt is made from the water of the ocean and this doll who was made of salt went to measure that ocean what happened he never came back he melted over there and the salt all became ocean itself who will come back to explain to give you the description of the ocean in a very wonderful way the expression is this when you go back to the reality to the truth to the Brahman you become from on yourself how you can come back to explain about that it is not possible but to reach over there to go over there to realize that Brahman the ultimate bondage is ego the barrier is ego you have to break that barrier you have to cut that bondage and it is so difficult to remove the ego it is so difficult everything is possible what is difficult to remove the ego so the practice is ego to remove the ego one must renounce the I that makes one feel I am Maha Maha cheran he's telling the my material one must renounce that I that makes me feel I am immature and Mahima Chakravarthi I'm a learned man and so on but the ego of knowledge does not ensure one Shankar Acharya retained the ego of knowledge in order to teach mankind this is ceramic is not and he is the supreme master he is not telling that you have to follow me you have to listen to me there is not creating any cart he is only given the teachings this is the real problem to realize God God is there one can realize God only problem the bondage is ego I now if there is no I how can you survive anyone can come and tear a this is not yours you have renounced the I give it to me no it's not like that is the feeling the feeling that we can understand anyone dealing anything immediately I am hard immediately someone told that something you have said Amin he comes and say I didn't like that that work immediately on heart go away from me don't come to me why not that everybody has to love you like you respect you why you have some people who will like you some people will criticize you what does it matter those who were criticizing you they are also very simple to ordinary people and those who are loving you are the same borders about all those things but if you have the main mainly the friends it's good that is the way a person is very intelligent but always a nerd that my goal is to realize God the Brahman the Hartman in this very life and the only thing that is binding me is my own ego and how to remove the ego ceramic Isha has given that suggestions also constantly go on telling I am the son of God I am the child of God daughter of God still in giving me all this thing when Hanuman ji went to Sri Lanka they were showing him different type of oh no one was fond of eating and then they were showing other jewelry's also then Hanuman in the beginning he was tempted to eat then he said no my master see Rama Chandra he has given me everything nothing in this world I need I don't care so that is the ego bound with God I am the son of God my father is God why should I care for all these things that is the teachings of Salaam kishna thank you friends thank you for coming today now I can understand really is that 6:00 to 6:30 is the winter time and our the class starts at 7:30 those who are coming to attend the prayer one hour you have to see it as a good time also can utilize by taking the name of God but those who are coming to attend this class and also the prayer for them is a long gap maybe and maybe that from January we have to stop the class suspend the class because of the bad weather January February maybe sometimes March because of the battery that we will see afterwards let us chant this mantra and conclude need and general need [Music] under popped on compa Drita Bikram boy he shall Vitara per a mushy medium Tom ramakrishna sheer asana Oh [Music] Shanti Shanti Shanti Ryu that's earth sri ramakrishna our eponymous