Video 151
152: Panchama Veda 152- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
we'll start over the greed the gospel of sri ramakrishna the hookah Tom written dr. G venom Kaviri rhythm calm of shabam stubborn among golem 3 Madhava tongue boobie grinning de bourree dodging aha sin e facing utterances the utterances that is recorded over here in the gospel we say that it is seen he facing utterances what is the same ignorant narrowness desire and all those attached with that particularly with the ego when we are reading these passages the conversations the words of the Quran say Ramakrishna slowly slowly the thought is coming in our mind what is they for this human birth and a wonderful human body I have a brain which can think which can discriminate forward and I look around and I find all the animals the birds and insects every one is doing the same thing what I am also doing say am I just like them a little better no that is wrong the human birth is precious and that is why when the God observed that the human being is forgetting that particular thing that is his discriminating power his he can develop the concentration his can be concentrated on a particular object theme an idea that is absent in every other beings but the human being not utilizing that particular wonderful gift of God it's just spending his days and life thinking this body is the ultimate and one day dying very dissatisfied then the God comes manifest himself as a human being leaving this world along with us are just like us and then we look at him and think oh he is just like us but so different that is the reason this words the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is so very important today we'll be studying from the page 381 of the gospel of sri ramakrishna the conversation that was recorded it was in Dakshina sure and the mainly sri ramakrishna went into Samadhi that is a very special mental condition he is living he is in this world his body is over here but suddenly his mind is going somewhere else completely different and he is merging in super consciousness and really is coming back when he's talking his words are so important so highly spiritual so that is the reason it says that see Ramakrishna went into Samadhi master was in Samadhi he began to come gradually down to the normal plane absolutely impossible thing that he did ramakrishna did so normally natural so one professor professor John Hastie he was the professor in a college where Noreen Donna Donna used to study to explain the Wordsworth the poem that transcendental experiences he mentioned there is one person in the Schnee sure very close to Calcutta he is having that experience at a weight he is imagining and here is a man he is really realizing it this is possible from his mouth only Noren will not came to know our surrounding this is a special type of person he goes into that unique Samadhi if we really judge earth can we control our mind no and you control our emotions most of the time No so these are the things already we are so low and we are going to judge a person who goes now and then into Samadhi we read in the book about the Samadhi we read in the book about the concentration we read in the book that one person can go beyond all these things and it is possible in standing over there and master ma che was blessed and he saw that see Ramakrishna is going into Samadhi and coming down by that time he could understand that slowly the master is coming down his mind was still filled with the consciousness of the divine bother in that state he was speaking to her like a small child making the demands to his mother the ceramic isne is talking with the divine mother mother why happened you revealed to me that form of yours the form that these witches the whole world I pleaded with you so much for it but you won't listen to me as if sometimes when we are talking with our mother spreading for something demanding something he's talking with same way with a divine mother and he went on mother one needs failed agree with this wretched reasoning let it be go gone one needs faith faith in the words of the Guru childlike faith now many of the times you always say the reason but how do you reason because we have the small capacity we do not understand what is what why it is happening like this the chemistry of the physics when they are discovering something majority of the people they do not understand very few can understand how the things are happening we accept it because it is within our reach how it comes to over within reach time space and causation within his frame the time frame and the place and the cause is there the cause and effect I am thirsty I am drinking a glass of water and I feel ok direct effect is there I want to go and smell a flower I go and smell a naked yes this follow flower is like this I can see the color of the flower stiction of the flower everything so I can believe in that way if we go to judge the supreme it will be so they say it is not possible because that is subtlest thing to see ramakrishna when he is telling this history you should have failed why unless and until you believe in the words of your guru your preceptor your master you can even make any progress guru said this I will do this and I will make the progress but of course before accepting the guru you should see that whatever he is telling our guiding is firing is it going to harm someone if their I am NOT going to do that if it is the beneficial for somebody else nothing wrong if it is giving me regular joy peace happiness that is the path that I must follow so cool is this so that way one must have the faith and here see Ramakrishna stood talking with the mother but those who were coming close to that listening to him they cannot see the mother they only see the conversation sometimes some people they'll be talking over telephone and one-way conversation we can understand oh yes you are coming okay these that we do not know what the other person is talking similarly when used to talk with the divine mother the most of the people all around him couldn't see her the given divine mother but he used to listen to the words that math master see Ramakrishna's to say model one needs faith and what type of faith one needs faith faith in the words of the guru and childlike faith we find here faith in Sanskrit is called strata and the Shraddha it says in this way Shraddha God Rishi in sanskrit the conversation goes Sardar failed God Rishi what type what is that Shraddha trishy means what type god machine what type then the answer is Guru vedanta bhakti she wishes our guru means the preceptor then Vedanta is the scripture back issue the injunctions of the teachings which was faith faith in the words of the master the Guru the teacher the preceptor and faith in the words of the scripture different religion are having different Scripture without the scripture there cannot be any religion religion means experience of some of the teachers exalted soul they have reached in such condition they received that experience they get that experience and these experiences are beyond our reach why our mind is bound only in this three triangle time space and causation go beyond those who could go they experience it then they come down then they say like this if we believe in this world how can we believe that person is good by looking at his character there is no desire for name fame money no no desire like that but there is only love there is only compassion there is only concern for the people when we eat something good leaving a good condition neat and clean place when you go and see some people are not understanding that they are leaving in a very almost in the dungeons dirty places we feel like telling them asking them to come the come and see I have experienced it show me awaken the visited Japan very neat and clean place almost all the houses are having the beautiful flowers the roads are also got the sides the beautiful trees and seeing that he remembered the India that was under the British rule and Britishers the rulers the foreigners they were ruling on India the neighbor wanted them to live in a comfortable way how much he told had I if I had money I would have bring all of you to visit this country so beautiful so that you could go back and develop in that way so when the people are visiting some place they come and tell their friends was a beautiful place and so wonderful people so cooperative so smiling so helpful so all these people go towards the good debated and they say go to the light and the ultimate light is the Sun so go to the Sun this all illogical they say what is that means the best life so ceramic ISNA Jesus Buddha all these are sons so our soul should travel to dad how failed Trust is the failed the visvasa I had the faith in the words of this person because he was not having any ego he was not having any desire he was not having any other thing in his mind the back of his mind only thing that you are having love and that's why he was coming down to us again and again those who are torturing disbelieving throwing stones and then criticizing him even they was going on dueling can you not take the name of God believe the God is there it will be beneficial for you you will go to heaven this beautiful place why do they say that to get a boat or get some money or the name on Fame Notting for that so that is why it's Ramakrishna sterling mother one needs field otherwise in the path of spirituality is very very difficult those who are treading the path of knowledge constantly discriminating they should have the faith in the words of the scripture the scripture says except the Brahmin except the consciousness the thing is there I have the faith in that everything is nothing but the consciousness and they say there you put your hand on your chest and say what you are then I will oh I have the consciousness I have a conscious mind I can think I can understand also I have an inner body so the body and the conscious mind mind is conscious then the Guru will come and say again you must discriminate the mind is also changing day and night is changing in the morning time you are happy in the afternoon you are not happy so many times it is changing anything that changes a temporary it cannot be the permanent and very logical words that is true anything that changes that means it is mixture of something else anything that is mixture of two or more is going to break the mind is also going to break it is it cannot be permanent and what is permanent so they go on so believe in the words of the scripture they develop devotees but the path of devotion they go to the guru and guru say this is the name of God just repeat and go on praying bringing green believed that he will come we go on to him like that so one boy so there was certainly heavy heavy snow everything was covered and those who are trying to go out they were dying that that young boy he was just having the the school that two programs were there some of his friends they went to some place in one place it will don't move let us be here and my father told wherever you are I will come and reach to you don't be afraid with that frame the father told that I will come he started staying over there some of his friends also were there they waited waited waited then one day after almost 4-5 days then suddenly the boy are the voice of his father son are you there with a very feeble because that there was no food there was no water it was cold so he said father I'm waiting the father with the help of some other people he reached to the boy are you not afraid why should I I knew that you will come you told her even you are I will come to you faith just because of the faith and it is a true story it happened in the um so obviously that type of things are happening if I have the faith in the words of God he said that he will come why you should not be must so that way always all the time if we are having this and ceramic richness telling the master was weeping and crying to the mother in a voice choked with emotion so that is the way bring the casual way when you were traveling oh yeah okay so like that we are going that is not the prayer here means opening your heart just like a baby just like a small little child I don't know anyone else except you so where should I go I do not know anyone I don't believe anyone except you so the child when you see is all the new faces he is afraid and suddenly he notices that his mother is there he ran into the mother why I believe my mother that face that person I know I can believe and he jumps on the lap of the mother same way if a devotee is going to the mother divine mother and trying master is weeping and praying to him to the mast mother in shock twice in an emotion he said mother meet those who come to you have all their desires fulfilled his praying my devotees please notice this prayer what he is telling mother meet those who come to you have all their desires fulfilled this is the prayer of the God to the God in the form of a human being but once Ramakrishna who is God himself he's praying to God and give us the faith why the God is praying for ourselves to court the supreme those who are coming all their desires should be fulfilled why otherwise they don't believe and many of the people who go and ask them many many many they will say I prayed like this and it was sir my prayer was answered many times but immediately forget because some other program comes other problems are there and we start thinking about that and you forget that we were saved in this particular how you say I we do not know we do not believe oh yes some people came and they did like that all these things arranged by that Divine Mother me those who come to you have all the desires fulfilled but please then he is asking please don't make them give up everything at once see Ramakrishna understood that this world is very difficult owes what in this world is very very very difficult for them to give it up when I became a monk just before that he one year before that I never thought that I will give up my mother my brother is my sister my family my friends I never could think of that certainly something happened that it and now I think white up other people I am NOT doing it but it is so difficult see Ramakrishna understood it and he said those who are coming to you let their prayers be answered fulfilled but at the same time don't take away everything at once then suddenly he understood I am praying to mother I cannot dictate her then is she telling mother well you may do whatever you like at the end so it is all depends on heart desires if you keep them in the world mother then please reveal yourself to them now and then again he's think thinking if something is not yet they are not experiencing then how the faith will so practical way is telling please reveal to them now and then otherwise how they will leave how will they be encouraged if they don't see you once in a while at least some time you must reveal yourself see Ramakrishna explained but he never say those who are coming to being blessed them no he never say please only those who are worshipping you in the form of colleague no he never say please those who are only Hindu no ceramic richness mother is Brahman all-pervading consciousness the God in different forms that this is the speciality of Sri Ramakrishna and so when his bring is brief or all devotees everywhere they are concentrating their mind and going towards God taking the help of different names different forms in different times that is ceramic ISNA is the embodiment of Parliament of Religions so he is praying like this he said otherwise how they will believe how will they be encouraged if they don't see you once in a while but again he is telling you may do whatever you like in the end I cannot dictate the god but I can pray so we are learning we had how to pray to God we cannot dictate we cannot pressurize you can say whatever you will everybody what do you think that will be but at least please do like this the master was still in the ecstatic mood suddenly he said to aim the master Marshall look here you have had enough of reasoning so he is telling to the master Marcia and then afterwards we'll understand why he is telling like this look here you have had enough of reasoning no more of it promise that you won't reason anymore then the master Masha his disciple and he with a folded hand he said yes said I won't see ramakrishna again you have had enough of it the reasoning and reading and all the elaborate enough of it when you came to me the first time I told you your spiritual ideal I know everything about you do I not see Ramakrishna in different times disclosed about the master Masha look at the person he is not an ordinary person because he was also having so much spirituality blessings of cinema Krishna that's why he could present us this book the gospel of see Ramakrishna each and every word that he recorded was verified by master domine Devi the divine consort of Rama Krishna who knew everything of ceramic is by sharmaji by other disciples and other people who about whom we are we are reading now not a single word that master mache I did not a single world so master Masha about himself is also mentioning like this and see Ramakrishna in a divine mood is telling I know all about you so when he is telling you should not reason you just have faith and pray and then he is telling why I am telling because I know you then master marché yes sir this kishna emphasizing and thisis the proof that he is God himself see Ramakrishna sterling yes I know everything what your idea is who are who you are your inside and outside the events of your past lives and your future do I not imagine in the scripture who is God who can say God so there in the in our scripture they say would potential Bernard Sumner the birth and the death would put in the birth finisher death bhutanam a getting and getting everything that past and the future the birth and death bhutanam of the believing being BT one who knows become a big BM sure about his fault and also about his other qualities so much of humanity he is God the old people the value on these Raghavan dad on but one is not just University the certificate that you go and get I'm what they're studying over there for five years and after that graduating from the University and they give me the title a one resume may see him come to PhD not like that you have to have these qualities then only you can claim and people can say yes this is in tourism it is not so easy the neighbor would give this type of nowadays you know it has become very sluggish so they go on telling like this this person is Raghavan that person is one and self-declared bhagavad sometimes on people but here we find see Ramakrishna is telling to master ma che and master MA she was not an ordinary man he was not a person just because Ramakrishna is telling he is accepting known because Ramakrishna told each and everything about his life he is not disclosing it over here but with putting cioppino some gel bhutanam agar Tinga team bt with down a bit yum cha cha means and he knows that would put tea and Bernard would put the bar Bernard dead and Agra team the team and we're from here stung and where he will go after his death everything about become a bit damn sure all his good qualities and bad qualities a Bhatia idea is the bad qualities everything he knows and that person is when a young boys 16 17 years young boy from Calcutta came the two big eyes and long hairs covering all his forehead he entered into the room of the Ramakrishna he stood up almost jumped up and then he said oh my god and from Calcutta you are coming the full of citta and you are not ordinary you are great one day you will shake the whole world to know what you're talking about I don't understand no you are the Great Sage not a Narayana that you are and with the power of one the detain famous person keshavjee under chain with that power similar eighteen powers are there within you that boy told said if you love me it is okay but y-you were exaggerating so much the in Salaam acacia I am not telling I can see it since the past and the present and whatever he said about that boy that came to truth Vivekananda can you imagine the 29 years young man he came and he shook the whole world almost all that time particularly even today the intelligence here all the intelligent world they were talking about Xiaomi dividend each and every one right from Tolstoy each and every one all the great writers thinkers philosophers influenced by the vehicle under and from 29 to 39 only these 10 years that is his missionary life that's all so that is the reason he could see a person and immediately could say this is this so would put in Japan our shelter that is the God and Saddam Oh Krishna is going on telling the master Mercia why he's telling so much to make him convinced that I am God why you sitting like this because it is very difficult for a contemporary person to believe a person has God because he is living with him he is eating his sleeping his walking his talking joking and everything is going on so obviously it is very very difficult for the contemporary person to believe that he is God what happened to the great original same way Krishna the God Himself now we are longing if Krishna even for a second or two if he comes before me and we thinking myself so blessed and Arjuna was roaming around meeting him talking with him with him never thought that his god same thing happened with the mass or the money daily Jerry she undergoes it revealed to him the mass or the money daily apparently a very ordinary village woman and just covering her head in the as in the Hindu traditional way they do covering the face and like that she is to see I'm not very religious more lady but Klitschko's found that she's not ordinary when Grishka she was time when he was very young that time one lady appeared before him young boy something happened and he was going to die at that time a divine personality came in the form of a mother and she sat by her side of the bed and told son nothing is going to happen and she kept her hand on his head and told you were going to survive you'd be create personality don't do it when the doctors told we are sorry the boy cannot be certain he became all right and he became a really a famous personality in those days all over India people is to know about him a great the theatre hero he was greased under gosh and when they one day Greece goes way into mother and mother was covering her face as usual and kiddies Ghosh went and touched the heart field and the moment he just looked at her face she turned that cloth and Giri saw that divine lady when that in his own hardly thirteen or seven or ten years old that time that divinity that mother divine mother is sitting over the singing they bother you you were here but again covered that face from the in onwards get is told she is divine then one degree she went to her brother they were in the village still that village is there I wish I could take you all particularly of my American devotees to those place still they as it is there the history is waiting over there only thing you have to know you have to go and you have to reveal those things so give each gosh went over there and he saw that mother's brothers so they were there dddd in Bengali they called didymus elder sister why you are calling a deity she's the divine mother go and pray too hard for Mukti emancipation and she will surely keep that you are so close to her the brother to see Calcutta people are little crazy we know her very well we grew up with her she is good I know very compassionate and all that but you cannot call it a divine lady nothing divinity is there if you like to say goddess but it's to God that is Kali that is Gerald are three I can understand this is my didi my elder sister how can you say that she is she having ten hands is she having the power like goddess Kali nothing you see then Greece goes told I will beat you if you don't go you must go go and go and pray to and go and say give me the variation in the very life under because the grease goes were forcing the way he went as a mother Oh divine mother give me emancipation mother looked at him and said what happened to you why you were calling me mother I'm your elder sister dead exactly I was telling to Girish gosh he'd never believed and he forced me to come to you no no that is their view not yours you go he was very happy and that is the maha that is the illusion even if I am born in the same family with the same so close relationship you may not understand the divine nature unless and until you are having your past karma antosha about the Christian records Ramakrishna told us only looking at him from outside inside his faith and his faith as big as a ocean unfathomable that that was Greece Chandra Ghosh the one day he was going to bathe in the Ganga and sir-sir Rama Vivekananda was teaching something to his disciple and jokingly he said GC Girish ghost so dc-dc are you going to wash up your sins in the Ganga because they go to ganga to worship the scenes get immediately turned and say no i am going to purify ganga because the ganga they say in the purana the ganga has come from the holy feet of the vishnu and the same vishnu vagabond his hand has touched by yet a more pure than Ganga so I am going to the tremendous confidence it's not just exaggeration the boasting confidence field I am pure I'm the son of God I can do nothing wrong so ceramic is nice telling this is necessary and what are the thinking will also come to pass and this goes on like this the master the Divine Mother and the earthly mother it is the divine mother who exists in the form of the universe and pervades everything consciousness see ramakrishna is telling divine mother pervading everything else consciousness and in the better it is telling brahman is a supreme conscious being pervading all and that's why see Ramakrishna said whom you call as Brahman I could say as mother it was only their change of the world he has given the name mother to the same Brahman the art li mother gives birth to this body i used to go to the samadhi uttering the world mom while repeating the word are you draw the mother of the universe to me so the art li mother are very very respectful to us but at the same time it is the divine mother who is pervading each and everything so see Rama Krishna is telling just by uttering the word mom I used to go into Samadhi the MA the mother that is also very pure word like Oh God so sometimes you know the Indian tradition before admitting into the school the children they come and some holy people should hold their hand and in front of the the goddesses they will first write one alphabet so that is the tradition particularly India there's a fixed time before going to get admission the school previously it was I think it is in from January to December that is the education here and all children will come in January they will get Swamiji please make my child and that a place so I used to hold their hand and write mom usually they write a B as to write ma and when I asked the baby now pronounce it mom immediately they could pass ma and if I ride home they couldn't understand what is it I say say whoa they will be looking at my face without saying anything so I changed it to mom my is also very well award but this MA it doesn't mean the mother who has given the bird is the mother who has created this universe and pervading as consciousness which is termed as Brahman so this is Ramakrishna stealing and while repeating the word are you draw the mother of the universe Gauri once said that one attains true knowledge when one realizes the identity of Kali and go wrong here the American friends may not understand it was a great great thing that the followers of Goddess Kali the Tantra will never turn their face to go round with the part finder of the British novel the Bush neighbors will never go to Kali temple and the Kali devotees will never go to Vishnu temple our this way see the hammer Krishna came to destination and there one lady very rich lady and she made two temples side by side very very unique you see one Kali temple another Krishna temple which was unthinkable on those days the devotees who were coming to the Kali temple you will never turn their face to the Krishna the bush neighbor and here side by side Salam o Krishna came to Dakshina sure he became the priest of that Vishnu Mandi gauranga that is bushnell dear he worshiped then afterwards when his elder father brother who was the priest of the Kali he left a job he retired Salam o Krishna took up the worship of the goddess Kali without hesitation people started moving nowadays it has become so normal all they're going to Kali temple they also go to the Vishnu temple see Ramakrishna is making this unity and that was the time at the time of the Ramakrishna that means 19 century one great scholar was there he was thus used to stay in the core of a king a bird amman that Goldie Bundy he was not only a scholar also spiritually very powerful used to worship keeping the fire on his hand don't try that that is all the supernatural power keeping the fire on his hand used to put like this so that was the supernatural power that go deep and it was a being and this go deep on did say one attains the true knowledge what is the true knowledge God is one God is all pervading God is all-powerful so that is the truth it is only one and it all this differences that we see is nothing but the manifestation of the same one when then he says when one sees Kali and gauranga same no difference both are same and that which is Brahman is also Shakti Colleen it is that game which assumed the human form has become go longer those who have attended the last Sunday discourse we were just discussing about the nimbarka us to eat our Twitter data is to and at three two one that is his philosophy and there is a the same God same power which is brahmana he manifest in different forms and lastly in Avatara he is coming down the God Himself is coming down taking the human form says ramakrishna is also taking same then he is telling meter and Leela at the two aspects of the reality Nita and Leela nithya the Sanskrit word nithya eternity never changes the anvil of a blacksmith that is there sitting and on that the blacksmith giving the different type of shape to different small small pieces sometimes is a sword or these of that so many things is making on the same angle seeing that iron piece is there so strong he is keeping over there other I don't pieces and beating and giving the shapes so many other changes other things are changing on that particular iron piece but it never changes so it says like that Nakia Nakia means eternal never changes and then Leela Leela means a different type of actions are called taking fall like the ocean it is all in the video if you go no movement but on the top there are so many different type of waves because of the different reason particularly when the air is moving accordingly all the waves are coming so that way it is a Leela the water same water little below is all quite the neighbour changes above that is changing moving and different ships also just taking Sunita and Milla cinema Krishna is putting in this way to aspects of the same reality to aspects of reality what is the reality truth what is the truth Brahman only leaves alone and nothing else God plays in the world as man for the sake of his devotees why the God is taking human form in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna explained India in a very nice way only to save those were good people to guide them those who are good people to guide them to inspire them and to help them to follow the path of spirituality righteousness Dharma the God is taking the human form otherwise he has nothing to do so God is taking that and that God they can love God only if they see him in human form only then can they show their affection for him as their brother sister father mother or child so this is the sometime I am loving the God as my child the great wheel that is the Hinduism what even emotions that the human being is having different emotions are there all the emotions the Hindu they're utilizing to channelize towards God if you sometimes mainly the ladies they like the children okay the Hat same emotion you turn towards God to start thinking that God is your baby child then you are feeding you are taking all care our friend all your father all your mother or your master whatever we all type of devotion it is just for this love of the devotees that God contacts himself into human form and descends on the art to play his Leela the nectar and Leela the meteor is a Twitter nature is eternal nature unchangeable meter is one so that is why it is our Twitter our is negative Twitter means - no - it is only one and Leela Jagat and if we say that this whatever that we see this is nothing is difficulty is there because this has also come from God so it is very easy if you are accepting these as the manifestation of God also so suppose you are pouring little water you are loving the plants you want to grow some flowers and fruits you are going and pouring the water giving the watering the plants same thing you are doing thinking that I am giving the water to God in this shape God in this plant you are feeding birds feeding that animals and feeding the God these forms you were talking with your friends and other people or suppose you were a doctor or a teacher and you are talking with your patients or your students you're thinking that I'm talking with my god what before me just pretending that they are my patient pretending that they are my student I must be very careful respectful and attentively I should perform my duty look at it just by that application of religion completely transform a person and makes him so perfect in the worldly sense and at the same time same way when he is practicing years together same mind becomes so perfect so subtle he can understand all this ability of this Brahman of the car so the Leela which is there before us which we can go he can see we can touch you can smell and we can understand that Leela in free transform to meet there so from the villa we are going to the need there then you find all these things that is to see so many varieties you use only one it's like a confectionary shop you are going just before entering you see in their showcases so many varieties of sweets different form different names different sizes and you've entered in today he'll go to the kitchen where there people in there oh this is only milk and nothing else but before if you don't come out you see so many varieties of sweets and that is called Leela and when you enter into their kitchen you see where they are preparing is only milk Nakia is only one eternal is taking the form and coming before you in different form and sizes and names so name and form is nothing but the manifestation of the same Brahman suburban cell allocation reminding us same reality has become meter and Lila thank you very much friends for coming and attending this and next day again we will try to discuss the wonderful words about once around Krishna let us offer our respect at the feet of Sri Ramakrishna with these words needn't [Music] come tritter big medium Ramakrishna [Music] [Music] Chandi hurry you that said three dollars