Video 147
148: Panchama Veda 148- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
good evening let us begin this pancham of Veda today by chanting this mantra Tabu Kadam rhythm dr. G venom curvy rhythm calm of Shaba straw burn among golem srimad artem booby green de bourree dodging aha in our last tuesday we heard how to example Raghavan see Ramakrishna explained that a person can perform all worldly duties at the same time keep his mind on God this teaching is very important for us because all of us in different sphere we are engaged in the worldly things worldly duties responsibilities we cannot say no to these but at the same time if we are not putting our mind to God then what will happen to us if we have the faith that there is God there is the existence of God then obviously we should have to have a process a method a spiritual discipline so that we can put our mind to God how saramakan is giving the example and we read that example last time he was mentioning about the lady how did from the daily things how he picked up the example and gave it nowadays of course maybe in the modern society it will be difficult for them to understand that but the religious they is to have the husking machines and the two ladies used to press at the back of the debt asking machine and stuff all on a particular hole where their days to keep the rises and is to get flattened one lady will be sitting over there and constantly changing the position of the rises inside the world with heart on hand now once you make a mistake the rhythm is going on if you make a little mistake then obviously that everything will come on your hand Sri Ramakrishna is giving the example that lady was nursing the baby our baby and at the same time the customer has come she is talking to the customer at the same time our mind was so alert that her hand doesn't get heart so this is called constant remembrance of God when we are working in different position a part of our mind should be towards God constantly remembering God I saw one Swami ji he was highly respected in our order and he was in Patna Bihar he was in charge of that place I went I saw in the morning the all around the neighbors are coming to meet him he is sitting under a tree and talking to them but I noticed that her hand is going on fingers are going on counting the name of God not that he is not listening he is listening responding but at the same time going on taking the name of God repeating the name of so that way keeping his mind constantly remembering God and this is the reason that the system that they developed induced the developed particularly in the Tantra and also the bush novel the mantra diksha it goes on helping us guru said you'd only repeat the name of God that's all and he is going on repeating the God when he is talking his other the moment he stopped somebody is responding somebody is declined he is listening but a part of his mind goes to God so this way it is going we heard this teaching from the mouth of Shri Krishna Raghavan Shri Krishna is also telling to Arjuna a man like him a hero and what he was inspiring Arjuna to go and fight in the war field and he said mom a nurse mother Giudice sure Yami's and you should remember that you are doing my work you're fighting against your enemy as if but that is my work I entrusted you to do that so in that fashion in that way when our mind is at the feet of God remembering the name of God and God and God's name as him the God's name and God is the same if we can go on taking the name of God it is God that we are remembering so mom Anu Smurl youth toucher that is ceramic isne he said and end in 369 page he is asking 3sh that famous person he was first class first as a very intelligent person neighbor stood second in his life and in those days that was the highest position in the society they used to feel to become a lawyer so he became a lawyer because that was the India was under the subjugation under the rule of the British errs so obviously if you are a lawyer then you can feel little freedom you can go and argue you can court the law you can coat the books that written by Dame the law framed by them so that way that lawyer is to have little respect in the society so most of the intelligent people boys there is to take up that profession so he was a lawyer and he was talking with ceramic ashiness Ramakrishnan liked him he's tailing to because riche we have heard the street she's arguing we don't have time to take the name of God so Serrano Krishna is telling surrender everything at the feet of God now he is giving another option - okay you don't have time to take the name of God to meditate on him no problem surrender everything to God mom a New Smyrna youth the jaw is also the same remember me constantly and go on doing your duties these are the spiritual discipline of course when we are getting up early morning bathing in the holy water sitting in the temple offering puja and oblations to the Homa all that is spiritual discipline chanting from the holy books everything but this is also in the whole day we are working forgetting God just in the morning for half an hour 15 minutes we have remembered him and in the night time no rather whatever you are doing just surrender it to God so that you were remembering God constantly God you have kept me in this position so this is my responsibility it is my duty whatever I am doing I am giving it to you surrender it to you so that way he said surrender everything at the feet of God what else can you do give him the power of attorney let him do whatever he thinks if you really if you rely on a great man he will never injure you so the faith on God that he is my Creator my father whatever I am doing I am giving it to him and with that faith if we can do the great lives that the air the very inspiring life and this is meerabhai so many things were going on happening in her life she was a lady and so many he are very close relatives where against our creating problem for her but she was going on continuously remembering God not criticizing anyone whatever is happening all around is okay she was going on praying to God and God and God who remembers to selective's those who were creating problem in her life those who are reading very seriously they may be coming into that but we are not appreciating but so many hundred years have passed anyone trying to realize God through bhakti remembering her because she was a torch alight for that went on surrendering everything surrender everything at the feet of God then cinema Krishna is continuing it is no doubt necessary to practice spiritual discipline but there are two kinds of as parents as parents those who are trying to realize God thinking in that he told me there are two kinds Ramakrishna is telling the nature of the one kind is like that of a young monkey and the nature of the other kind is like that of a kitten the young monkey with great exertion somehow clings to its mother likewise there are some as parents who think that in order to realize God they must repeat his name a certain number of times meditate on him for certain be dear and practice a certain amount of austerity and as parent of this kind makes his own efforts to catch the whole of God that's a path a different type of mentality it depends on that type of person and the Khitan of itself cannot cling to its mother it lies on the ground and Christ mumu it leaves everything to its mother the mother cat sometimes put puts it on a bed sometimes on the roof behind a pile of wood she carries the kitten in her mouth either and either the kitten doesn't know how to cling to the mother experience who cannot practice spiritual discipline by calculating about japa or the period of meditation they are like this if they depend on God but to become a kitten is very very difficult the attitude of a kitten is completely self surrender I don't know anything but my mother is there she will take care it is possible only when someone is not having the ego a little bit of ego though obviously I have to do I must do so that is the reason majority of us we behave like the monkey wait we always go to the shrine and the morning and meditate that is also the way all that dig do is to cry to God with yearning hers God hears their cry and cannot keep himself away he reveals himself to them this is a great bath but it needs a lot and lot of previous preparation complete devotion come first faith then devotion dedication and dependence that is the way the kittens bath I am NOT going to do anything I am NOT going to remember you but I am remembering you through my tears I'm going on crying and constantly remembering you praying for you the musician there's a music arrangement was there he is commenting it is God alone who is both the instrument and the cause Salaam o Krishna with a smile well suddenly if you say like this most of the people we read books we hear then we give the comment and he is commenting before see Ramakrishna the god himself and Serano Krishna with a smile he said yes it's true it is God alone who acts through us he is the doer undoubtedly the man is his instrument the musician was giving the hint that we are not responsible the human being are not responsible because God is making us to do like that he quoted Duryodhana but see Ramakrishna in replies that is true but it is also true that an action cannot fail to produce its result immediately this is the beauty of cinema Krishna it's not that that Jay musician was doing something wrong it is corrected but at the same time karma follow he is also there when we were studying that philosophy and there we found Ramanuja philosophy the be she stood with the philosophy he is a devotee but at the same thing of do eating and he was making this comment karma voila each and every Hindu they believe the karma Paulo the whatever action that we have done the result we have to enjoy who else will do that and in the beginning the first creation when we talk about Hindu says no there is no creation it is eternal when it began we do not know it is projection everything all the time every moment new way as if creating but it had already in the past view something was there so the projection in the past something happened then it went back in a subtle world and it was waiting again came back last Sunday we were discussing about that again in the next class in the ramanuja philosophy we will read that it is like coming out and going back but the karma follows that we have done it t is remaining it is not going to be destroyed and then the moment once again the creation begins from that karma fella comes it is called product prarabdha promise past are of the so we have already done something we is going to have that just because the things are completely closed it is not going to happen no it won't be so it's ceramic ISNA is mentioning about that he is telling it is also true that an action cannot fail to produce cannot fail to produce its desert your stomach will certainly burn if you eat hot chili it is God who has obtained grief they ordered that chili will burn your stock if you commit a sin you must beer its fruit that that's why Shammi become is asking this question why should I be model if I can somehow manage to hidden society cannot find me cannot catch me no one will know what I am doing why should I not do whatever I want where should I have to be so moral it is not that way immoral sinful act hurting others creating problem for others disturbing others but just for my own sake only to be happy I am killing others cheating others looting others that result is called sinful Act and I am going to suffer for that either in this life and maybe in future like that's for sure no one can stop that so that is the reason he is telling like this that which you have already aro that you have already shot but T is now moving you cannot stop it you have short that I row but now it is beyond your capacity to stop that it will go and heat create problem so that is called prarabdha the past action that we have done so what we should do must be careful about the future so the sanchita and another sanchita and egami these are the two since it mean already stories there it has not opened acting that can be burned that can be stopped functioning by the prayer but the blessings of God by the good karma I was supposed to suffer much more but it has not started that I can stop that is the reason one should be spiritual one should be moral one should be cooperative and good so that is the main reason we do not understand this as because this is not a gross thing we cannot see it it is so subtle we think nobody will know it but when you look at the history when you go through the pages of the history all the time it has been repeated again and again but we do not remember it the person the moment he comes in power he thinks I am going to be and no one is will be there to punish me and we have seen that in history all these great kings and the rulers and administrators they suffered so that is the reason one should be very very careful if you commit a sin you must be its fruit then he is telling bought one who has realized perfection realized God cannot commit seem an expert singer cannot sing a false note so any action that we do it will make create problem but when you are surrendering to God the God will take care of it so that is the reason he's telling you have to have that then the conversation with the shri continuing it was about three o clock in the afternoon master was seated again in the ASEAN's drawing-room in Harish all three all the way there the master continued so this is called the spiritual leadership wherever they go the spiritual people to always try to utilize each and every moment with the betterment of others and this we find the ministership that they call of course the the Christian conception of ministers they go and help in their social things also but the Hindu concept of Ministers that is the spiritual leaders they don't know they will simply talk about the spirituality they'll go on helping you constantly making aware we see the same thing in the life of see Ramakrishna how much important see is giving this man is very intelligent suppose he can understand this very good for him so he is going on what is your attitude towards God he's asking trish and he is telling i am he our master and servant what is your attitude so this is the question is asking because in those days and now also you will find most of the people they always think about the iana marquise and those who are talking about that they like to listen to them they like to read those books nothing wrong it's good but see Ramakrishna is giving the caution as three Krishna also gave in the gita be careful this is very typical path you want to develop the spiritual life that is most important so he is telling I am he that is the part of the knowledge I am he that Thomas see that all these teachings and or master and servant what is your attitude is asking that young man then immediately he is giving the this instruction suggestions for the householder it is very good to look on God as the master the householder is conscious of doing the duties of life himself under such condition how can I say so the practice of that I am he how can I say that to him who says I am he the world appears to be a dream his mind his body even his ego our dreams to him therefore he cannot perform worldly duties so it is very good for the householder to look on himself as a servant and on God as the master so see this is called the spiritual guidance he's all the time to asking us telling us what is good for us the most of the people will be teaching in different way and then they forget the one boy who is now in connection with me he want to take initiation then the one person he told I will teach you the yoga you need not to go and take initiation from the this ramakrishna mission Swami's they are not that way sannyasins I will teach yoga and by that within a few days few months your Kundalini Shakti will arise and the whole this nature will be under your control and all this the poor guy practiced he himself told me recently two years continuously he practiced the wrong way and what happened you know he has lost his mental balance now under treatment now I am going on telling him in this way this way this way this is only a mental sickness as we are physically sick we go to doctor we take medicine we go under the all those things again we become alright similarly mind will also be alright it is subtle so it takes time to heal so be careful it will be alright then he disclosed all these things it happened look at it where is that man now now he is somewhere again destroying somebody else so just to become a guru just to become a guide that is my ego I am guiding someone but destroying them so one should be very careful am I really helping or disturbing them destroying them so the young man I don't know what would happen in future so this is what the Ramakrishna is telling one should be very very careful to choose the path I told him you took the path of yoga you should have read the Xiaomi Viveca in this book if you were sincerely trying to practice that you should have to give up all other thing because you have to restrict your diet your food your lifestyle your all everything should be restricted and then only one can practice the yoga little bit of meditation little bit of other things it's okay but if you are sincerely doing it gianna yoga also you go here the live the lecture you like that conversation argument is okay but if you take that path as your spiritual path and started practicing there's the Ramakrishna is coming and dealing then you have to give up everything because you are telling that I am God and what is this worldly duties are naturally they won't be there you have to give up everything so this heat says if you are just for the academic thing you go okay no problem but for a spiritual practice if you go this is the teamwork he says then he's giving an example Hanuman had the attitude of itself and he said to Rama he was a teacher he was having attitude of his servant he served in that way the great anumana we know the devotee whenever we talk about the devotion awana and what he said to his master the who budva the also humph when I feel this that I am this body then I am your servant you're my master look at it this is the way of knowledge through devotion through service the who boudoir darshan I feel that I'm your servant I'm here to serve you when when I feel that I have a body I have a mind so I am associated with this naturally I am your servant then he says jiva-bhutah tadam shocker see the madhvacharya then it comes ramanujacharya he says Jeeva budva Tod am shocker when I feel that I am also that soul but apart so obviously I am your part you had the whole I am the part but I am also same like you though tiny as a soul Jeeva would what unshackle Dean is it art no budva Tamia Oh Rama I am you I am that I am he there cannot be two there cannot be anything else but I there cannot be the existence of this world nothing can be there when art no boudoir that is called the path of knowledge that is called the part of guiana and there remains no two only one and that is myself so that Bhagavan see ramakrishna is giving that example in the state of perfect knowledge one may feel I am he but that is far beyond the ordinary man's experience Raghavan see Ramakrishna if you have read the biography in the modern time anyone of any sect of any religion if they are really interested to know about the spirituality should read the biography of genomica Sheena should read this particular book the teachings of John Krishna before reading anything else why he's an example of all this he started worshiping goddess Kali and the time came he started telling mom you want this - for me to eat okay I will eat a little then you also eat can you imagine a person worshipping the worshiper he fast eating and that food he is offering to God or goddesses can you imagine that we do not look at the before offering it to God we covered it then when you offer we open that cover then he say please come and take it fast anything that like to we cook and then like to offer first few little portion we take offer this should be given to God then the other thing we can eat that much respect you always do everyday beauty they do but here the ceramic is not the worshipper he is talking with his own dating mother Kali and peeping like that the garland that was supposed to put on the mother that image in the chin Asia he said you want me to wear it okay then he like that and we were was watching the other people particularly the owner he saw and he said this is something unique something special something divine we must respect him and protect him we should not disturb his way of sadhana that he that is called the purity I am he but that is far beyond the ordinary man's experiences the majority of the people who try to follow that the pretend and become a great hypocrites so that is why Raghavan see Ramakrishna asking then streets is telling that is true the attitude of his servant relieves a man of all his or ease the servant depends entirely upon his master the history she is telling from the other viewpoint but is telling this to the master he is telling well what shoots your taste God with form of the formless those who were studying that the gospel of ramakrishna they will be coming again and again this type of discussion God with form and formless God wheat attitude without attributes and this whether the God can be approached the ganimard the Karma mark or the bhakti marg these things again and again because he's meeting different people in different times and he is giving them the instruction and sometime the same person he is meeting repeating because they forget so to engrave that instructions he is telling again and again in the Shastras in the scripture when you read same thing again and again the same it is nothing wrong in it in the scripture it is a wide repetition so many times particularly those intellectual people once they hear they understand they don't like to listen to it again when repeating the same thing to them the field is an insert I've understood it why you are telling again sir here's the Ramakrishna is telling and the his but personal the helper that his own diarama his nephew once he said maternal uncle why you tell the same thing again and again Sudama Krishna told that is my thing you need not to worry about that I will tell what is that to you because he knew that this person needs to be there going on repeating you should not do this you should not like the mother telling the children all the time every time same type of thing we here then at that moment we don't do if you can remember our young days so many times the mother told you don't do this you should not do this like this it went on then slowly slowly drained into our mind subconscious mind when you grew up automatically those instructions came into actions now we are giving the same teaching to our juniors so this way cinema Krishna is telling the attitude of a Arthur he's telling well what shoots your taste God wit form or the formless reality but to tell you the truth immediately he is telling to truth he who is formless is also endowed with for when you read the gospel of ceramic isne as if it is no problem but you know this is the problem because of this so many organization scheme came up because a strong idea came in the society God is omnipotent omnipresent all-powerful everywhere present how that God can come into the picture or in an image how it is possible so obviously the ages long tradition of worshipping God through the images it came into question many of the people educated people they were under the confusion what we will do Sadam Oh Krishna is solving that problem very easily again and again he is putting up this question raising this topic analyzing and giving the reply he is telling it is like a great ocean you know an infinite expanse of water weed out any trace of shore the water has no form but again here and there some of the water has been frozen intense cold has turned it into eyes just so under the cooling influence so to speak of the proctors love the infinite appears to take a fall again the ice melts when the Sun rises it becomes what as before just so one who follows the path of knowledge the path of discrimination does not see the form of God to him everything is formless the ice melts into formless water with the rise of the Sun of knowledge but mark this form and formless belong to one and the same reality form and formless belong to the same reality there are great philosophies the the religions are there constantly even today they are going on to link God cannot have any form those who are worshiping the form they looked upon them with oh they are not that intelligent to understand what God is and sometimes possible they will go and break those idols and thinking oh this is going against God but they don't stop and think a little suppose the God is powerful all-powerful how is it that God cannot enter into this image long long back in our punitiveness in our scripture he said baktun 'm eluc important brahmana Rupa Kalpana look at it Kalpana is all imagination why because the devotion the devotee he or she wants to see God in this form got tool okay because of the devote devotion of that particular devotee he is Anu compar his compassion and he is coming and taking that form at the dust the master was ready to start for - nature he stood on the South porch of the drying room talking to each on mission was a very famous person in those days someone remarked that the chanting of God's holy name did not always produce results he shan't say it immediately salam o krishna was listening someone commented he Xiang it was the house of the Ishaan he was there he shine because of the company of the ramakrishna by that time they have learned immediately he replied how can you say that the seeds of an ash wata a special kind of tree and now no doubt tiny but in dim light that germs of a big trees it may take very long time for them to grow look at it how the devotees also learn and then develop and that is the reason I always inspire our devotees we cannot reach to you every time we cannot talk to you every time you better start small small grow under this title that began the study circle and be dontoh is inclusive of all the three dweller wishes that didn't Advaita so all type of mentalities they can come they can see they can read they can discuss they can meditate now in different places people the devotees are coming together and someone is inviting other friends maybe 10 12 people will be gathering in one place they're reading the book this gospel and then slowly meditating on that particular they don't read much two three pages and then they close their eyes and meditate what actually meant then afterwards that way mother's booked in the sharmaji school they will meditate and read then they will sing they will discuss and slowly-slowly when they go out in their offices in their societies among the relatives and other frames when this type of topic comes they can answer they can reply they can talk to that and that way unknowingly they become missionaries missionaries of true knowledge missionaries of spirituality and that is the side effect they are doing and talking among the people and a direct effect the result transformation of his own or her own mind the devotee is getting truly devotion transforming and then the time will come a continuous if they are really sincere trying to develop they'll surely you will get that blessing and that will bring great joy and that is for sure no frustration only joy will come and that is the speciality of God's work but in the name of God's work if I work for my ego God is not responsible so this word see Ramakrishna say and he was talking to someone and see Ramakrishna immediately supported this person and ishani said yes yes it takes a long time to see the effect when a person is going on taking the name of God and after some time he says no I am thinking that I will change this course because it's not happening anything how you will know how things are changing slowly slowly it changes one person came naturally we like to see the defect so the majority of the people they go for the meditation without knowing why they're going for meditation actually they they are going for peace mental peace and happiness and some they're green thinking that if I can control my mind by that way I will have the supernatural power magical power so the IKE will do something control the minds of others wrong it's not possible that way you won't be able to so unnaturally they get frustration but if you are patiently going on taking the name of God for sure result will come unfailingly the master is taking SES it takes a long time to see the effect see Ramakrishna said to Ishaan you are living in the world as a mud fish living in the mod is happy the Ishaan's but because he could see the mind of the person so when he saw the Ishaan so he was a rich man here's a well-established into society but slowly in the company of C Ramakrishna he was developing the spirituality he was there in the household life but his understanding was getting clear the moment your understanding is clear so obviously the flow of your attention devotion concentration will go to that light which is God he said you are living in the world as a mark fish leaves in the mud it lives in the mud but its body is not stained this is the beauty what happens to a person who is developing spirituality he lives in the society not that he has to leave the society he lives in the society without being affected stained by the society and that is called jeevan mukta when he is leaving he is completely free no one abnormality nothing at all pure religion and that gives tremendous joy compassion love so that is the way it is possible there are both with their and obedia now he's giving the hint of this world there are both Vidya and NVIDIA a victim is new science ignorant and Vidya true knowledge what is the true knowledge God only exists or there is only brahman and nothing else and a big deal ignorance thinking multiply all this thing and thinking that they are true so this is the only awareness one has to keep all the varieties that I see is nothing but the reflections of the Brahman all the reflections of God that is the way in this world of Maya it is bitter and a big de who may be called a paramahamsa there is a terminology in Paramahamsa we called Sudama krishna not we actually the great souls they gave him paramahamsa Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa [Music] he who likes his swan Barama means great amsuman Swan the great Swan he who like his Swan can take the milk from a mixture of milk and water because there has a special capacity only me milk it will take sleep not the water so that is called the way they will leave in the in the world only take the good thing nothing bad so they are paramahamsa leaving aside the water he who like a hand can take the suger from a mixture of sugar and sand so difficult to find out when it is get mixed the sugar and sand but and can do it that is the specialty similarly the high spiritual person it takes only good from this world and he knows that this world is not all bad it's a mixture of good and bad I will take only the good that the bad remain over there and leaving aside the sand it was evening see Ramakrishna was going towards from Calcutta to Daksha nation and that was in a hired carriage it was so troublesome look at it that God going to door to door to the different devotees who every know and he is going and stopping over there sending that I'm coming and naturally he used to ask the devotee better call some of the neighbors and your relatives friends every time is to go over there meeting them talking to them that is the way this ministerial job see Ramakrishna used to do and see Ramakrishna green it came to Rama Rama Chandra it was his disciple he went over there and he went to her to the drawing-room and there he engaged in conversation with the Mahindra Goswami who was a boy Schnabel and he was a neighbor of the Rama Rama and then Rama Krishna was fond of him though he was a wish number as the good very good person now you find that how the Ramakrishna all the time connecting the devotees master the worshipers of Vishnu because is by Schnabel so the worshipers of Vishnu and the worshipers of Shakti will all ultimately reach one and the same goal the ways may be different the true wish neighbors do not criticize the actors in those days the people is to have and the bush numbers will never even look at the chapters and chapters will never at the bush neighbors we will have this retreat and the vision abysm will find how the bush neighbors to make themselves different this to have the different April marks that to prove that I am a vegetable and the Schachter's also developed that they also started putting the marks on their forehead to announce that I'm as shocked so this way all this hair serum Oh Krishna Tolbert paths are different they are going to reach into the same goal and Goswami smiling Shiva and Parvati are our father and mother ceramic is now out of his talk of English words he knew a few English words and master Marcia making a fun out of it he is writing cinema Krishna out of his talk of a dozen English words said sweetly thank you then he added years father and mother Goswami besides it is a scene to criticise anyone especially a devotee of God all sins may be forgiven but not the scene of criticizing a devotee ceramic isne immediately see how in a very subtle way rectifying him master but this idea of seen does not by any means affect all look at it when I am going and pointing out that these are the mistakes that you have done it's not a criticism but help to go forward so he's making in this way this idea of seeing does not by any means affect all for instance cody's such as incarnations of god are obscene three Chayton is an example the issue riccati like we see in the life of jesus he is going to the synagogues the prayer are the temples of the jews and here he is going almost he took up a stick to beat the the priest and he changed them don't make my father's house a business place like that way it's not a criticism not that he will have the scene he is telling like this and salam o krishna is telling i pray to the divine mother for pure love so that is the prayer we should have in the next time he is hinting you should under undoubtably bow before all views see how to develop in the spiritual life you should have to have one not all but at the same time had the devotion for all so at this Easterling you should undoubtedly bow before all views but there is a thing called unswerving devotion to one idea that's called easter nishta true you should salute everyone but you must love one idol with your whole soul that is unswerving devotion and giving the example of anumana anumana could not take delight in any other form than that of Rama gopis had single-minded love for the coward Krishna of brindaban not even the krishna of Dwarka only Brindavan krishna a wife may serve her husband's brother there's by fetching water on in other ways but she cannot serve them in the way she does to her husband with him she has a spatial relationship this is called Ishta nishta this solves all our problem you know that tomorrow I am going to attend the program in the South Korea the Seoul I do not know how they're organizing what will happen over there if we try to solve the problem in a political way I don't believe that it is possible if we try to solve it in a social and economical way it will take long time but spiritual way not religious way in the spiritual way understanding this truth I love my god but at the same time I respect others gods also I took Italy and strictly follow my path at the same time I believe and accept that other paths are also leading to the same goal so this is the only message if the religious teachers they give to the masses whatever I say only that is true that is your the religious teachers ego it cannot be helpful for the society let us see but there slowly slowly the idea Bhagwan see Ramakrishna reaching out to the different society different people they are not very much clear about this but trying to understand it so if we can that I'd always tell our devotees when you give a gift to any others give whatever you like but at the same time give ceramic richness gospel to them if even they go through a few pages just in the front in there in the beginning of the bull if they go through that and if they're really sincere immediately there thought will change they will understand it more better way more clear way thank you very much it is a forever pranaam and conclude need and gentleman atiim on Bobtown come Drita Bikram by ich Avatara Purusha medium Tom Ramakrishna Shira Sarna Monty shanti shanti hurry you that's at $3 Panama's too friends you perhaps know this time usually every three months we publish our emag Azim Chicago calling now the 15th volume has been published and this time we have published a special issue and that is sustainability issue three four wonderful the articles are there about sustainability I think as a token of love for the great lady who dedicated her everything for the service of humanity you can just go through those pages it will be excellent next month in October we will conclude and the Swami's are coming from outside they will be having the talk and we'll have three programs one in the University of Chicago another our fall banquet and meadows club and third and the sunday evening in the hindu temple limit so this easing has been published on 11 September 2 because it is sustainability' and she used to mention Liberator Ramakrishna Vivekananda so we thought instead of third that is published on 11 September the special day for sustainability' the hard copies are available in our