Video 145
146. Panchama Veda 146- The Gospel of Sri RamaKrishna
good evening let us begin this wonderful scripture that we are studying the pancham of Veda the gospel of semana de Vaca Dom rhythm dr. G vanam cadivi rhythm calm Asha shravana Mangalam srimad artem booby greed on da porra dajin aha this a wonderful teaching the book means full of teaching and the teaching is very high standard of spirituality so when one reads or hears slowly slowly the moon mind also start acting on that reflecting on that and by that way Col Masha the seen what is seen the seen is selfishness the self associated with this particular body and the body mind that complex associated with the society family society this present situation wrongly we think this is permanent but that is wrong so that way with the pages after pages when you go through we become more and more convinced and more and more we try to get out of that selfishness which has been termed by Shri Ramakrishna as ego the moment we are free from that ego free that selfishness we are becoming pure and we feel the joy of spirituality that is the speciality of Bhagavad Gita Krishna and specialty is this he is not sitting in one corner in a remote corner not talking with people not mixing with people not at all he is going out mixing with people socializing but at the same time wherever he goes he takes with him that flavour that idea whereever he is meeting the people talking with him how are you what is your idea what God is asking and then he is discussing about that helping them we will find it over here and the serum of Krishna's guru this is the page 360 and onwards will be reading the 63 today we are going to study he mentioned in one of the conversation the Kundalini is speedily awakened I repeat speedily awakened if one follows the path of bhakti imagine the concept of Kundalini that is completely yogic concept you know in the Hinduism there are different type of approaches to God and one is the yoga yoga is withdrawing the mind withdrawing the senses from the sense objects and from their directing towards the higher goal and when you try that a power Latin power that's called Kundalini Shakti Shakti means power and as because it is coiled up they mentioned is as Kundalini coiled up and that such up goes upwards that is the conception of the yoga ceramic is not mentioning that through bhakti through devotion one can awaken that power Latin power very speedily the Kundalini is speedily awakened if one follows the path of bhakti then he is quoting Ram Prasad a famous tantric sage of Bengal India he achieved perfection perfection through singing and there is very interesting that was usually the spiritual practice means that you have to be like this you have to practice like that one person who was fond of singing and all the songs he composed and sang only for God his expressions of devotion his expression of Prayer only through songs so it says Ram Prasad achieved perfection to singing one obtains the vision of God if one sings with yearning heart this is important see how the spirituality our goal is to reach to God our goal is to realize that peace happiness joy eternal and go beyond this limitation of selfishness the limit that I belong to this particular family or this society this country they all go beyond that is very very difficult majority of the people they feel proud that we belong to these and these and the human society fighting for thousands and thousands of years just because of that and we are proud to say that we are patriots and in each country each nation each people they are practice that patriotism and segregating themselves from others becoming enemy to others and for no reason this is very peculiar the moment some people are living together they are giving a boundary this is our area and whatever we think we will do over here we won't allow these people you won't allow that people and that way and we are so proud pages of histories of all with this type of people stories of these great Patriot great you know he killed so many people but for what that is the question the spiritual person could beyond these bondages limitations how by knowledge what is that knowledge that soul is belonging to each and every one and the moment he realizes that a kind of love affection comes they also suffer when you saw that mothers may be in different country they speak different language they eat different type of food they wear different type of dresses all things are different than me but when I see the baby crying and the harm of the mother is the same picture I see in our country - in our society - so that is the common thing everywhere but here he is ceramic esteem is telling that you have to realize that how by raising or Kundalini how through devotion what is this devotion 1.8 prayer to God I want to see you I want to talk to you I want to mix with you that is called spirituality how in which language I am doing it doesn't at all but the emotion the arts the yearning that is the main interesting thing over here that is most important so this is called spirituality religion means list of do's and dont's a religion is nothing but the lower schools the children are going to the lower schools they have stipulated routine you have to practice you have to follow you must the audience are also supporting that teachers are also encouraging them and they are guided through that routine but when they get that knowledge and become a knowledgeable person nobody is going to give any rules and you have to attend the class in that and that you have to attendees you have to do this nothing is there is the knowledge wherever you are same knowledge will help you spirituality is the Summum bonum of religion the spirituality is nothing but the culmination of religion and we are so proud of religion we never talked about the spirituality and how we can become one when we understand this small thing the religion is my school but spirituality is a universal knowledge the cinema Krishna is talking every page of this book the gospel of the ramakrishna full word spirituality and he is telling see in whatever way as because he is talking with the Indian group of people they understand this so he is mentioning about the bhakti devotion devotion to God and whatever food I am going to eat I must offer to my god because he's my beloved without him I cannot think of anything else what even I am doing the first thing should be my god that is called devotion in the night in the day in awaken time in the dream and sleep each and every moment go on thinking of that God the full of love compassion and that devotion Rises the Kundalini and the effect of yoga I get another is just singing D and 90 is singing I cannot live without you that Ramprasad also singing and see in among the Hindus there are so many varieties of gods and goddesses Meera Bai she was the devotee of Krishna Ram Prasad was the devotee of Kali and some people they say in a Kali and Krishna was totally different Kali is terrible goddess Kali's killing Krishna is best Krishna is so good Krishna also inspired for do not do kill it is not the killing and all those that is different thing there is only the stories that goes but the other thing is Meera why through singing through devotion she reads to that Godhead Krishna merit agree the real all Distronic away I do not understand anything else but my god and whatever I see is nothing but the manifestation of my god and Ram Prasad in the other way he was the devotee of Kali and his expression was only goddess Kali he realized the same knowledge as Meera Bai only I feel that when I am looking at the Krishna I feel attracted and whole mind goes to the Krishna I'm concentrated so whatever I do I do for the Christian Kuwait that is your God that is your bath but don't criticize others that is what Salama Krishna is teaching don't criticize others because the God is also manifesting in different form and when you are criticizing that particular form you are criticizing God so he said God you are manifested that is your thing where you will go how you will bless the people that I don't want I want only to see you in this form please come to me in this form that's all God is omnipotent omnipresent all powerful all merciful so that what see Rama Krishna is telling and he's telling but one thing one person is telling the grief and distress of mind is appear if one has this experience experience of God realization of God the grief distresses the go away Islamic history is telling this is true distress of mind disappear for ever I should tell you a few things about yoga he is telling to his disciple master Martha I shall tell you a few things about yoga the mother bird doesn't break the shell until the chick inside the egg is matured he's talking about the Yoga Yoga means Union is not meditation the moment the ceramic Krishna is using this word yoga I am going to tell you something about the yoga this yoga means the union union with God and how one can become United with God that he is mentioning and he is giving the example very easy example for particularly those people who used to live in that natural atmosphere and he's telling the mother bird doesn't break the shell until the chick inside the egg is mature the egg is hatched in the fullness of time it is necessary to practice some spiritual discipline the Guru no doubt it does everything for the disciple but at the end he makes the disciple work a little himself that is important unless and until the disciple himself is the practicing time tree this is unless and until one is practicing the disciple is striving trying the Guru cannot help we must have to do something the spiritual practice then he is giving another example and very wonderful example when cutting down a big tree system Krishna never did all these things but he observed very keen observer anything in the world all these things that people are doing the moment is to see is to see with the concentrated mind the observation is so perfect he saw how the people are cutting the big trees cutting down a big tree a man cuts almost through the trunk ding he stands aside for a moment and the tree falls down with a crash and they'll be cutting in his knives such a way the sight that he is standing or he wants to fall the tree that side he will cut in that way only that's the technique that they know and ultimately the ultimate thing he lives over there in the drum and automatically because of the heaviness of the tree and the year it falls that is the try of the disciple tribe disciple should try to ultimately to do that and he is telling another way a farmer bringing water to his field through a canal from the river here I have seen they are giving the water in the field as a huge thing but the country like ours they don't have that type of machineries so these two bring the water from the nearby canal and we'll be digging a small channel that will come to the ultimately to his ground he is mentioning in that way he stands aside when only a little digging remain to be done to connect the field with the water then the art becomes soaked and false of itself and the water of the river pours into the canal it's the curd its torrents from the canal the water is coming to the field automatically but the last part he doesn't dig to connect it good but he just leaves the side it becomes soaked and falls dad the disciple should try he should meditate he should practice and this is a lifetime commitment this is not just we go to a school and learn something and get some information no there's a lifetime commitment life after life it goes why because so many lives induce the belief so many lives we leave and all the impressions are there in our mind so obviously slowly slowly you have to educate those things you are constantly you have to tell yourself I'm on the right path I am going to receive God realized God I'm going to receive the blessings I must live what what is the spirituality this knowledge how by practicing they call it tapasya tapas tapas means constant practices what type of spiritual practices that you should do the moment we think that spiritual practice very simple immediately we think that we should return the forest we won't talk to anyone not like that everything that we do but at the same time time stipulated time should be there to get up then get ready come and sit practice meditations on what one hour if possible two hours without any pressure and then reach some holy books chant from the holy or scriptures that's all then normal you are going and taking the breakfast attending all your duties again whenever the little time is there open a good book and read from the earth and go on pondering on that particularly the spiritual holy lives how they realized God inspiring lives and then we are reading the Bhagavad Gita or some scripture like that constantly so many other things we are going on doing at the same time if you have received the name holy name of God from a particular holy man go on repeating that that mantra is called his mantra the Sanskrit word mantra mana not riot a et mantra Manav means constant repetition when you were going on repeating that mantra while you are driving while you are working while you're walking just go on repeat that small half line God's name that so with the faith with the belief this is going to help me that's all and when you are going to bathe in the night just take the name of God remember the name of God and lie down God today the old days over I couldn't practice much please help me pray a little and go to sleep regularly this routine slowly slow you will transform you how you won't understand but then you will feel your behavior your nature and your thinking capacity discrimination capacity are changing that is called spiritual practice it's nothing miraculous not nothing mystical very normal simple thing so this way he is telling that you had to go on a man is able to seek God sin a magician is very clear about it as soon as he gets rid of ego hunger ah-ha-ah-ha means I and that are Cara that is taking the form are Cara I am I am that but what is this I immediately I associated with this body mind complex but this is temporary after some day I am going to die the people will bury me or burn me then where my hunger will go but at that - maybe if I am famous if I'm having some money there will be some statues here and there some of the pictures will be hanging or maybe I will make one house completely dedicated what I have done etcetera etcetera what is there is they're all very very temporary how many kings name the famous that the kings how many names we remember nothing they're all gone in the pages of the history those who are reading history or searching on that they may be reading that's all nothing is permanent then why we should spend our so much time on that impermanent thing the salami Christine sterling god alone real and all else unreal the world is illusion that is the ultimate thing of bernardo Advaita Vedanta God alone real all ills unreal unreal means it is there of course there but temporary that is unreal it's not that it is not there it is there there are some philosophical discussions they go that this is not there this is there like that we are not entering into that it's because we know as long as I have the body mind consciousness well as long as I feel hungry as long as I feel sleepy as long as I need some frames to talk to I need the society to help me so long this society this world everything is real but as for not permanent is temporary so this it says call God alone is real and else all else unreal the world is illusion that is the discrimination which are discrimination now how to discriminate one who can do it perfectly become very happy not that you will leave all the his work not like that you're believing working but at the same time he knows I am should not become associated so much this is not the ultimate goal of my life whatever I was having I it's okay now now the limit the time limit some no more that long life is the air so I must try to realize God within this short period of time so they go on praying and practicing that is what God alone is real all else is unreal the world is illusionary that is the discrimination one cannot assimilate spiritual instruction without discrimination unless and until we have this type of discrimination we cannot assimilate the religion really video I do not understand at all some people they go on supporting a person who is completely immortal his lifestyle his behavior and whatever we he talks need everything is very very worldly how can he talk about God and not only that he's to claim that I am God myself and whatever I say you must have to follow now it has been proved that he is completely a false wrong person and not only he is - he is involved in killing people and careless behavior if I cannot discriminate at least this much how can I expect that I will get the blessings of God no if I cannot discriminate this much then I am not to be called as human being human being is that who is having the capacity to discriminate between the good and bad real and unreal a religious man means this he can never associate himself these temporary things but he loves the people and helps them to understand these so he comes to them talk to them guide them inspire them yes you must have to study you must have to stand on your own feet you must be armed something to support yourself and the society and your family but at the same time my friend you should not be completely attached to this so that is called the spiritual guidance proper spiritual guidance some people are telling we are only true others are wrong so go and kill them wrong they cannot be spiritual they may be political there may be political leaders and all but not spiritual leaders spiritually dissol is guided by love affection and discrimination cinema krishna's talking about through the practice of spiritual discipline one attains perfection by the grace of God so this is what the ultimately is telling the practice of spiritual discipline what is the spiritual discipline understanding the truth then the guidance of the Guru and continuously lifelong practice when he came we were young and we loved this ideology but we are not very clear they gave us some books we first read then if you decide to become a monk living your heart and home dedicating your life for the service of God and the God as per Swami Vivekanand see Ramakrishna propounded the practical Vedanta the God who lives in the temple the same God lives in human being also in other beings also the living gods and goddesses so you have to go and serve them are you ready and when you were doing it should not hanker for money name fame or anything so this way the life years two years between dawn and on and on and on so that Wade goes that is constantly chill practices so here see Ramakrishna stilling through the practice of spiritual discipline one attains perfection by the grace of God but one must also labor a little the in one sees God and enjoys the beliefs then he says vision touch enjoyment first one sees the vision of God it may be through dream and it may be in a different way the vision sometimes we see God in the air and there because you are practicing and suddenly you see somewhere with Buzzbee so that with great joy comes and that is not the end even you can go and touch God you feel that you have really touched the feet of God at the hand of God that is true and finally conversation enjoyment you are talking with God living with God in the only company of God tremendous encouragement and that gives you joy so that is the ultimate and he is asking his disciple master Marcia isn't so much demarjay say yes master Masha is a very educated person is a yes sir then the ceramic is not continuing he was silent for some moments as a pondering then suddenly he broke the silence by telling these those who are my own will come here even if I scold them that is a suddenly he mentioned days those who are my own come here even if I scold them scolding means the sometimes when we get all attention and respect and love we feel like going over there but when the Guru is scolding you maybe that he is not talking to you that means you have to break your ego and then still continue going over there because the ideology that you are going you're going to the GU room is going to an eye to logic and it's not the person person may change that ideology will continue it will remain on ever so obviously you're going to die to logic and getting the benefit so he is telling those who are my own will come here what is the here means idea and ideas about one see Ramakrishna then he is mentioning about Shama Vivekananda his pre monastic name was not England nor Indra is perfect from his birth he's giving an idea about why suddenly a young man there were so many other disciples were also there why he chose Narendra as the leader and he asked him you to guide you should lead because he is by birth perfect or the perfection he was not having any attachment to this worldly things can you imagine a man of twenty nine thirty years when he came over here from a country which is completely unknown to the civilized world India to this if modern world they never knew about India rather whatever they knew is wrong information he came over here and all the doors of the rich and mighty opened unto him wherever you went they all welcomed him allowed him to stay with them and they feel proud that Swamiji is staying with them a group of people constantly accompanied him and helped him all over the world at all each and every place in America that Tang he had to go and give lecture because people are eager and he was only that time twenty nine years he came three year four years he lived in this country so that much in 35 he was world famous and when he went back to India even the Kings they were walking and keeping him on the the horse carriage removed the horses and did himself drag the famous King Raja of Raman armed he didn't he never hesitated and he was feeling so happy can you imagine that but be waken and there was completely unaddressed to that no Highness know that you as constantly he was telling this is only that you see this body this is an instrument someone else is working through this instrument and that is so powerful the power of God that if he wants that he can make hundreds of Vivekananda like me from the dust of the road so that is the humbleness because he knew completely ceramic isne could see that he said nor in the is perfect from his birth he is devoted to the ideal of the formless god it is not easy for all people cannot do it form this car but for this another disciple who was talking with him the master Masha he was the householder he asked him do you practice fasting in the Ekadashi so he is asking Ekadashi the lunar fortnight one should fast on the eleventh day of the fortnight that purifies the mind and helps one to develop love of God he is inspiring him his attitude was like that so this way the master helping and now we see the another description and that is December 26 1883 see Ramakrishna accompanied by monolith Malik master Marcia and several other devotees was in a carriage going his way to Rams new garden and this garden is known as nowadays as you go done Yoga means union with God good gun means the park this is the park a place of joy where you can very easily get connection with God you got done the garden which ROM had recently purchased was next to Shri Indra another rich man Rahm was a doctor he was a rich man is the devotee of sri ramakrishna and Shri Indra was also a rich man and they had the garden houses all rich people this to have that type of garden houses after the world is to go over there but nowadays all those places are very very close to kake'land that is Calcutta now the bigger city it is ROM a dude master as an incarnation of God he visited Saddam acacia frequently addiction Asian monologue Malik was a member of the Brahmo Samaj Manila Malik was also a landlord and he used to live just observed adjacent to the Dutch nation temple the Brahmas do not believe in divine incarnation but Manila one leek used to respect and love see Ramakrishna so in his garbage ceramic is namaz going along with devotees so from this description we can understand how salam o Krishna is doing his ministerial job he is going to visit different people in different places inviting others and talking with them again from there to another place like this is to spread here the message in order to meditate on God one should try at first to think of him as free from a body's limitations he's talking to monologue monologue is a member of the Brahmo Samaj that time in the society there was a confusion how God can have the form different images God is all pervading everywhere so obviously and Hindus were having hundreds of images and the Muslims and the Christians they were not having so influence of those two civilizations and the religions that was very strong so naturally the intellectual group they were having the debates continuously the God is having the form of without for the majority of the people thought it is better to go for the without form because then you need not to explain how God could come into that image stone image or art an image and something like that and the traditional Hindus they also closed their doors and windows and said no we are not going to talk to you but whatever we feel we will continue so do two groups educated people they opted for and they formed one Brahmo Samaj in the eastern part of India and prarthana Samaj in the western part of India and the arya samaj in the northern part of India like that small spoon of group they form and same Hindu but we doll for us because this money lalamon be he was a member of the brahma the Salam o Krishna is talking about the Brahmin and he said in order to meditate on God one should try at first to think of him as free from a party of the limitation obody is a Sanskrit word uparti means different type of limitations the God is having four hands God in having the God is having there nothing completely free all pervading and then he said God is beyond this limitation so parties he is beyond speech and mind but it is very difficult to achieve perfection in this form of meditation anyone can try to meditate on God without any image and can feel it is so hard because our mind is trained to capture or to concentrate on something maybe it is sky maybe it is ocean maybe it is a color maybe it is a sound or whatever it may be some form of other then it is very easy for us to concentrate without anything how many can meditate on that concentrate on that it is almost impossible so see Ramakrishna is telling it is possible but very difficult not for all but it is easy to meditate then he is telling it is easy to meditate on an incarnation god bore as man he's giving the hymns and he is telling it is so easy why because just like a human being is talking he is behaving like as we do so obviously it becomes easy for us to associate with that and when we are associating with that particular person the God in the human form Jesus is telling who has seen the Sun has seen the god father because the father means the expression of all kindness goodness and same thing when you see in the human form human being where did you accept him as an incarnation so that manifestation is possible in any human being but the Christendom immediately closed that he is the only begotten Son and no one can become like this that is the problem the why not we can also become that like him so this he says in this way it is very easy to meditate on an incarnation God born as man yes God in man is giving the stress repeating to twice God in man the body is a mere covering then what is actually that God then in the bhagavad-gita 16 chapter the first three sloka 26 wonderful qualities has been given by shri krishna that divine qualities those divine qualities when manifested in a human form human being he is God the God means the qualities so that is the reasons Ramakrishna is mentioning when you see those qualities into that particular person why can't you call him God he is the incarnation of God he is like this the body is a mere covering then he was giving an example it is like a lantern with a light burning inside see Ramakrishna sat down in the house which stood to the south of the lake ROM offered him a plate of fruit and sweets which he enjoyed with devotee after a short time he went around the garden when we are reading this book that particular place it comes before my eyes I can visualize because it is still there that room that seat where see Ramakrishna came and sat and that particular bond the lake small lake that is still there each and everything is there and after reading this thing after using these descriptions if one goes to that particular place and imagine that the ceramic Asian is sitting over there and he is taking little fruits and sweets from the plate talking with the devotees imagine and terms go into that particular time the wonderful meditation and ceramic Esna he is sitting in that and taking next see Ramakrishna proceeded towards Sri indras garden she walked on food a little distance and saw a shadow sitting on a coach under a tree at once he went up to the holy man and joyfully began a conversation with him this is the specialty of see Ramakrishna he was highly respected and we can see all the rich people and whose and whose of that society that they used to worship him respect him as their guru but ceramic issue the moment he saw a lone shadow sitting over there nobody knew him but she donkeys to be in to talk to him Sri Ramakrishna is asking to reach order of monks do you belong he's asking that monk because in the hindu sannyasis there are ten different schools small small groups there's called dasa nami sampradaya sampradaya means the group the sameen's team Nami means name ten different names at the air and ceramic richness mentioning to Giri Puli etc unless and until you belong to this team then you are not considered accepted as a sannyasi in India so Shankar Acharya he made these divisions taking all the sannyasis together and giving this small small groups team according to their so that is a different discussion the one gentleman he ranked today I couldn't talk to him maybe that's another day we will talk he said can I get the sannyasa so this is also possible to get the sannyasa that is also allowed after the your life is over then you're free from your responsibilities you can go to any sampradaya they will ask you to practice some of the spiritual discipline and to prove that you are capable then they will give you sannyas for the ramakrishna mission it is not allowed ramakrishna mission it goes as salam o krishna he continued that started that tradition and now it is very rigidly followed then you have to have some educational background a college graduate minimum age should be below 24 and sometimes when higher education maximum 30 and particularly for the european and americans for the 30 you should not have any bondages in the maybe that your mother or father or some family depending on you you should not and you should have a complete devotion and acceptance of the ideology of cinema Krishna Vivekananda so these are the things and you should be free from all any diseases that particular moment then you are physically and mentally your feet you are accepted and after the acceptance one year you have to stay with the Astana in charge and then another two years he will send the name to the headquarters and another two years under observation and after the three years you are supposed to go to the headquarters for rigorous spiritual discipline that's called the training center we call it and you have to study the scripture you have to do many other things different type of examinations will go on and after three another three years then he will get the Brahma chharia and you have to continue for another four years the total after completing nine years on the tenth year if they find that you are really okay to get this blares and NASA they will bestow sannyas why because it's very very difficult to understand this ideology of sannyasa majority of the people they go and they take a gave you a cloud and then they and some of them they are now associated with the politics some they are with the economy selling things having the business some they are doing these some they're doing that people are confused by this and essence are behaving like this was actually they are not truly sannyasi because sannyasa doesn't mean only the cloth that you are wearing sannyasa means the ideology that you are following and that ideology is love to all peace to all without it's very difficult so cinema Krishna is asking this Swami to which the group you belong to and the Shraddha is telling people call me paramahamsa this this paramahamsa is completely beyond all this that is a very high stage Behrami means supreme hamsa means so on so that is the supreme Swan that is a picture that you will find in the Ramakrishna mission symbol that means he is living in the world but completely on a test of this world but there is a very high stage the paramahamsa stage see ramakrishna immediately encouraging him that is good I am Sheba that is good attitude but I must tell you something else see how the spiritual guru he never knew him this the first time he is meeting him but immediately he understood he's under some wrong notion is guiding him the process of creation preservation and destruction that is going on day and night is due to Shakti the power of God this primal power and Brahman are one and the same Shakti cannot exist without the Brahman just as waves cannot exist without the water there cannot be any instrumental music without an instrument as long as God keeps us in his relative world it's so practical so long we feel that there are two if one accepts Shakti one accept Brahman as well if one is aware of night one is also aware of day if one is aware of knowledge one is also aware of ignorance but there is another state in which God reveals to his devotee that Brahman is beyond both knowledge and ignorance it cannot be described in words what exist exist and then the cinema Krishna holding the hand of the sannyasi he was walking and the holy man walking with him see Ramakrishna looked upon him as a frame of long acquaintance they walked army now see master sri ramakrishna he reached the cilinders garden the first thing he talked about is the sadhu he's a very nice man and to Ramachandra he said bring him to Dakshina sure when you come he is really a good man blessed is that shadow of course because immediately and he could recognize the goodness in him and he's mentioning a man cannot recognize a holy person unless he is holy himself from that one that then he is mentioning that there are different type of forms but it comes from the one we will study that in our next class thank you very much new Angela medium onion troop pop town new come Rita Bikram my ish avatar / a mushy medium Tom Ramakrishna Shanthi hurry you that said three Ramakrishna our eponymous do friends you know that the September retreat the coming month will have it the Ganges this time the retreat will be the portion of a way of God realization how the brush neighbors they approach to God and realize so that is the thing that for Friday Saturday and Sunday total the five lectures five hours and every hour is followed by half an hour question answer so if this will be so if you like to register you can go to online and our website we have the beautiful place Ganges we call it this retreat Vivek on the retreat arrangement for food and stay everything so you can come with anyone