Video 141

142: Panchama Veda 142- The Gospel of Sri RamaKrishna

good evening let us change this mantra and we will start studying the punch of ADA the gospel of ceramic Asia tava Kadam written dr. G venom Co V very rhythm calm of Sharm struggle among golem srimad Artem booby greed and the a Borah dodging aha now here you find that someone is asking Bhagwan C Ramakrishna he's asking in this way to dissipate 353 and we were discussing about a different type of spiritual thing that ceramic is 'no explained when a person asked how does one obtain love for god and their ceramic isne he mentioned how does one develop or obtain love for God and he is telling you go forward you have to move forward then only it is possible otherwise you only realize God only asking question on do that is is main thing go forward the king dwells beyond the seven gates you can see him only after passing through all gates the question is a very valid question we can develop the feelings for someone we know we talk we mix with then only it is possible now about God we do not know him we never see him we never can come have the conversation with that God or anything how can you develop the love for God love is the last first understanding then liking the in love now here because the question is how to develop the love for God answer is unique you need not to bother about that it will automatically come you just go on practicing what the Guru has sent to you here see Ramakrishna is not specific but he is giving that way just move on the god he is after seven gates the keaney's after seven gates choctaw guara usually one after another gates you have to cross the null to go so unless and until you move and try to pass and cross those gates how can you reach to God so when we think of how to develop love for God the last stage of emotion so how it that is possible without knowing that person you will know but now on the basis of the words of the Shastra scripture and your guru believe on that and move forward see what happens that is the idea when Saddam or Krishna is asking him you have to go and much for then he said throw some bait into the water then the fish will come he is talking about those who are getting the fish they know unless you give some bait the fish will never come so devotion and ecstatic love are like the baits devotion and static love well I have the devotion I am asking for God crying for God praying to God for anything and everything there is nothing but God when I am not feeling well I am talking with God complaining to God why are you all these things to me so that way when we can do then obviously we will find that you will do develop the devotion that is the idea here it says always we have to give the bed then the fish will come you have to give the devotion then the God will come so this is the unique way Salaam o Krishna the gods pause in the world as man now he is giving and wonderful idea God sports in the world as man he Internet's himself as man as in the case of Krishna our modulite anya and the greatest manifestation of god is in man so the God and the the Shabbat are does we know that there are 10 different type of incarnations and the traditional people they will be giving much stress on the Shabbat era but the ramakrishna is telling the greatest manifestation is in man when the god has manifested in the form of god the form of human being man why because we can understand that person when he is talking when is move when he is leaving everything is so much known to us we can understand that the bra Avatara Karuna Vdara we do not understand you only be able to give actually why that form got to that is a different question different idea but here now we are lucky so that is why I see Ramakrishna indirectly indicating I am God he is not telling that he said is like the Krishna and it's like the Rama is like the Chaitanya he incarnates himself the question was how to develop love for God then he said continue when you are continuing proceeding forward with the having faith in the words of the Guru and the scripture till the time will come automatically God will reveal and he will have that love what you are asking for now unless you give the bait the fish won't come you have to give your devotion and your love you have to cry on the basis believing the words of the scriptures and the Guru God is there so that is the bait so you are here I know somewhere and ceramic is giving the example the deep water fish you cannot see them it's not the fish that we can see on this although all those of the surface of the water the deep water fish to catch them you have to give the special type of bait then only it will come similarly you have to give that love then only the God will come Maura the money Navy in our own simple way she said when you are preparing the flower garden you are going on handling the flowers naturally afterwards you will find the flower the beautiful fragrance smell in your hands your hands your palms will smell like the flower so that is the reason you have to go on believing God praying to him and whatever happens it is because of you so that we can go and then he is giving the indication it is better to love an incarnation of God which is manifested in the human form because easy to understand so you can see you can talk you can understand now suppose the Ramakrishna the incarnation of God we have got many books about him those who lived with him they have given their accounts their opinions their views at their experiences so it is easy for us to understand how particularly the gospel of ceramic dish nur where the master Marcia is Rima is giving the detailed account how he is walking how he is sitting how he is talking with whom he is doing so not that how can I develop love for sri ramakrishna because i have not seen you can visualize aim through the pages of this book the every description is there and immediately it is so easy for us to understand because the human life so that way see ramakrishna again and again he is telling the greatest manifestation of God is in man if you seek God you must seek him in the Incarnation if you seek God you must seek him in the Incarnation please remember it so that is the reason in the Hinduism even the ordinary people they are religious why it becomes very easy for them to understand religion why because the Ramachandra he kept his words and just to keep the world of his father he took so much of sacrifice indeed they understand it and the relation between the brothers relation between the others that is all just like our family life they can understand it but at the same time the greatness of Sri Ramachandra is forgiving and he is protecting his own friends and followers so that way we can understand God much easily than someone we have not seen just an idea so this is he said if you think God you must seek Him in the Incarnation and in this age Raghavan see Ramakrishna who never altered an untruth who had no desire in this life name fame his to hate he never hanker for money or physical comfort and that person will be saved on Noreen he who was Rama he who was Krishna has come in this life as the ramakrishna country believe it should we have to wait for some miracles that he has shown even if you that there is also so many miracles he transformed a servant into a great sage very ordinary servant he was completely uneducated person not to maharaja whom book afterwards amoeba vacant and the named as of the Bhutan under his and it is so difficult to explain him and he knew all the scripture experiences of the scripture when the Brahma cherien's and the youngbeom is to study the scripture is to say yes it is true I have seen it that level he went to the level of the paramahamsa is this is not miracle what has been miracle Ramachandra in his time did something Krishna in his time did something sadhana Krishna's time the miracle was completely different he transformed the guinness goes into a wonderful devotee he transformed the tonically and devotee into a devotee these are all miracles he did excellent evil and the greatest miracle is Swami Vivekananda he himself said he began himself say he's a graduate of Calcutta University and he became the world teacher now almost each and every one the great educated people they are quoting Vivekananda this is not miracle then what is miracle so that is the ramakrishna incarnation if in this life in this modern life if we have to develop the love for God is better to choose the incarnation that is Saddam occasionally vine Jesus is telling I and my father in heaven are one again he is telling he who has seen the son has seen the father he who has seen the Sun as seen the father exactly what see Rama Krishna is killing not the Rama Krishna was not made this statement of Jesus but he said from the same point so that is the reason we considered Jesus Christ as God he who has seen the son that Jesus has seen that God problem is immediately some people will close that to get nothing Jesus is the only way that is the problem Avatara the power of God the incarnation of God at different ages in different places for different people in different situation they came they manifested that is the power of God it is his choice but the beauty is they are telling in the same line only we are misinterpreting I like Salama Krishna I like you or shall I have to say that you must have to love see Ramakrishna to realize God by if you love drama if you love Krishna if you love Jesus the manifestation of the Chaitanya that is also the to see Rama Krishna Satan is a Citadel divine play and the divinity can do anything the divine mother of the universe manifest ourselves through this three and a half cubic man the Divine Mother of the universe is manifesting one means spiritual practice in order to know God and recognize the divine incarnation the Jesus he shows so many miracles that time to prove that he was not an ordinary person though he looked like that but he was not an ordinary person but they killed him why they were chile's as there are so many people people were attracted to him his words were the truth and the people's mind naturally goes to the truth so we were attracted to Jesus as some other people who was thinking that they are propagating or promoting the religion they feel jealous and killed him at the planned and in such a way so why they could not recognize god they could not recognize that God in that Jesus over John and imamura bond ashamed o Newmar suitum so we can have a discussion on the avatar of one day's Eiffel retreat we can discuss all that is a real eunuch about all his Abu Turin is coming down of his own so this avajananti mam mudha hear the word the toughest word in Sanskrit has been used only those who are not having any intellect they do not recognize me Manu seemed to none African who has taken the human form because they cannot judge and their idea is completely concealed they are thinking this only should be otherwise not and their ego is so much they're thinking I know everything and when the God was so close to him he could not recognize so that is a virgin and Imam I always give the example of the sea do the sick - well and person who was trained and relative of three mom have you ever heard of sick God sales sedation or three do afterwards no but he was the person who first brought three more to see Ramakrishna both of them came to Daksha nation both of them are the same age almost like same educated education background they came to the room of Segawa krishna both they saw and hard ceramic asana and unfortunately the see drew he told interesting the conversation of the words and the person it will let us go to see the flower girl is outside and three more he came for different purpose he was not knowing see Ramakrishna he was not knowing the temple and his girdle he came he saw immediately he felt attracted so one is mood or confused person attracting to the worldly beauties and another is Gianni the devotee the moment he saw the God immediately the devotion opened immediately the attraction game so that what he said one needs spiritual practice in order to know God he didn't say the religious religious procedure no you have to practice this thing or that thing or fasting are going to beating the holy water or to do these and that gram Krishna is not mentioning that he said spiritual practice what is that spiritual practice means really longing for God for the truth and practicing truth honestly its life and his desire and his word are all same to spiritual man so the spiritual practice I want to see you God I do not know anything by that way one is crying day and night spiritual practice it's not this visiting any temple he is not going to bathe in the holy water he is not going for pilgrimage or he is not keeping the fast even then he is a spiritual why he is praying to God sincerely so that is the spirituality difficult to give a definition but the feeling is this so here we find one needs you'll practice in order to know God and recognize divine incarnation and the moment the divine incarnation gone.they recognizes and vain they recognize the love so that is there is a battery milk but one must churn the milk to get it now he is telling you to have the same sense we to all of us are having the same divinity within us but there is butter in the milk that is true but to get that butter you have to go through a process which is churning there is a special process otherwise you won't get the butter and second there is oil in master seed but one must press the seed to extract the while correct pressure has to be given on the seed then only the oil will come otherwise not the each and every human being is having that divinity forget about the manifestation of God of incarnation of God the human form God himself has come even within yourself that forward thing is there but if we are not doing anything how can you do and how to practice this now the question comes though it is not connected over here first is as the Ramakrishna said faith in the scripture and the words of the Guru and who believe can be the Guru who only speaks about God and nothing else he who has felt that realized that and then directing you that is the Guru and here it says again the devotee is asking the jen has got four are all easy formulas we have come across this question again and again you know why because the socio religious background that time the Hindus they developed a wonderful system that is the symbolism and the God is in everything and he is every moment there all the time present only you have to prepare your mind to realize that the someone who like the God to see God in a human form or animal form or God's form or insects love anything Hindu said okay no problem concentrate concentration is the main thing you have to concentrate on that then you will find in the couny shall define the stories a brahmacari has been entrusted by his guru take these cows 100 calm and when they become 1,000 then you come back without any question I have come to use that to learn scripture and you are asking me to disable keeping the cows taking care of the cows how when and how I will learn Scripture he didn't ask anything no question no doubt guru has asked me to do this I will do this I'm sure I am going to get the the knowledge for which I have come and he takes two scarves and then he sitting all alone cows are grazing is looking and slowly slowly pondering himself there's no instruction nothing is there only the field I will surely understand the scripture and realize other frames they are living with the Guru they are studying regularly but guru has asked me to do this let me follow let me go and slowly slowly smite is becoming calm and qui and composed all alone he is leaving and constantly going on thinking how to realize the truth and one day he heard the bull is telling hey my friend we are now one thousand let us go back bull and immediately we can say oh that is all nonsense and bull story no you can hear the voice of God from anyone then immediately he believed it and he came back guru looked at his face and embraced him you have realized the truth and those who are living with the Guru serving him regularly listening to him studying and taking the nose they may be afterwards but this boy because the faith and confidence so that constantly we go on doing that here the moment the Ramakrishna was bringing home a point immediately why is this because those days in the society a group of people is to say you cannot realize God by worshipping the image you know even in the life of Narendra not afterwards from a Vivekananda there's the same question came he was also doubtful and most of the young people they were influenced by that and some people like a chef Jen Roisin and all they formed a separate group Brahmo Samaj we are Hindus but without worshiping the forms it is only Saddam acacia one gentleman came from Bombay and he wanted to make a city like the Ramayana and Mahabharata in the school the TV's videos and he told Johnny I want your I don't see if you really doing it many many movies have they're made but we don't know how to really put it before the people modern people they don't know anything about this when they are born they say everything is good but what was the society why is amo Krishna is so important so you have to understand that history sociology the condition of those people the mental condition economical condition political condition social condition being only you can understand the contribution of serum occasional masters of Vivekananda why it is so important so here we find the ceramic is nur he is not agitated he's not angry because he come across again and again this point this question but he is worshipping goddess Kali on the bank of Ganga not very far from Calcutta a colleague you cannot imagine in those days the people they used to go against even after Slama krishna twin sister nevada 13 and she after reading the Hindu scripture she was a great orator sustained a very girl and Vivekananda inspired him and the European lady she spoke the first lecture in Calcutta and that too in a light the hall Calcutta Hall and he she spoke about goddess Kali and the person who was shouting against heart was the doctor of ceramic dish not the doctor chakra he came to see Ramakrishna for so many you know that the Ramakrishna we knew biography the Circa he came in so many times he had the conversation with thing Salaam o Krishna got the touch of God he heard the words of Saddam acacia the God himself even then the doubt didn't go and because the tremendous ego I am scientist I understood the world God cannot be in the image and he stood up and shouted you lady when we are trying to go beyond the superstition you're imposing that encouraging us to be superstitious very quietly sister Nevada to give the answer then afterwards she came back morose and he came to her guru Swami Vivekananda heater but I liked that lecture that you had given a good wonderful poems you can read the book is available Kali the mother by sustainability' of course the English not like Xiaomi we become those English added different type of British English but then afterwards again she was invited by another group of people they liked it you know though that they were the landlord and the owner of the colleague art Kali temple and inside that kalman deal there is a small place where she again once again get the lecture on mother Kali goddess Kali three thousand people came if you go to Calcutta to the Kali God if you see that place before coming to America they invited me to speak and I sat on that exact place where sister elevated the site and give the talk and I was feeling Maha God Sami ji is arranging all this for me sister niveditha spoke for goddess Kali she realized that why because of the guru Swami Vivekananda the field and European lady never heard about the Kali and how she developed devotion and real knowledge about that Kali and she spoke 3,000 people gathered over there you can imagine if you go and see the players you can imagine how the people crammed together to listen to her that is system visitors contribution and suddenly inform and without form the question came she's our focus now he is not agitated or angry but he is asking that boy wait wait something I am saying you have to understand and again you are jumping to another question we are not understanding actually sometimes he will find in the in the law lawmakers they put the custom in the parliament and when the minister come to give the answer the man who has the question he's upset he is only ask the question and not never bother about the answer like this but see Rama Krishna here is immediately telling wait wait first of all you must go to Calcutta then only you will know where is my god Madan is a very open space place like a big Park and aesthetic society that was the in the in the very beginning the Asiatic Society is a scientific society to make people aware about the scientific knowledge and the Bengal bank there was a famous bank in those days bingo that unless you go to Calcutta how you will know now whether God has formed all his formless he will know it immediately you realized God then the God Himself will reveal to you that means unless and until you realize the truth doubt will always be there so that is the reason so practical he said you must realize God then only it is possible for you to know about God otherwise how you will know the one person you are doing ramakrishna mission Swamiji they never mix with people the very egoistic they will never mix with people only chosen few they can go except to Exeter that will have you ever try yes I went it is all closed at what time you went oh it will be 130 or 200 is the time they closed when they open in the early morning at about six o clock wouldn't you go at that time and when again reopening in the afternoon why didn't you go at that time early morning they go for meditation they are not ready to talk evening again they are returning to meditation they are not ready to talk and the known time is the routine and to take looking rest how can you say once only you are visited in a wrong time and you are going on telling this go and see then only otherwise unless you know it how can you so this is the wrong thing to come into a conclusion that this is this you must try whether God has form or formless it is only after visiting God you can understand otherwise how you will know it that is why he is killing wait wait first of all we should go to Calcutta then he said why should it not be possible to practice the discipline of the formless God but it is very difficult to fall to that path it is possible to realize God without fall but very difficult and that is a Hindus past discovered what Brahman and what is that Brahman bringeth eet Brahman is constantly going on expanding all covering all over the consciousness all over you there is no limit is all formless but how many people could understand that very handful people now suppose the a physicist come and giving all the technical words using if he goes on talking about the physics how many of us will understand no so what he does he gives the example so see how this is happening how that is happening that way slowly it makes it easy for us ordinary people to understand the similarly after realization then they if this is this knowledge is not benefiting the common masses then what is the use of this the knowledge of spirituality that God the supreme consciousness is everywhere how he will know unless or until this is really you are using it ordinary people otherwise how so they slowly started thinking about developing some symbols first they started the eungeum and the fire-god then these then these baby slowly slowly slowly that's why in the Hinduism so many millions and thousands of gods are there gotta say that their expression of the divinity in different forms are there but did you all go and Margit one what is that nirahara mirakuru Lupo the Rupa what is that Rupa where is that form near our car no acara there is no form that is the wall and in the one song they say about Kali soccer a car mira god soccer you have a formed occur again the mom or the own collar that is also there and then need a car without from all are you owe me t brahma in the canary sales the ohm is a brahman but is it really means that Ankara that symbol does it mean that that is only the Brahman it looks like this no it goes towards that it is not that when you are pronouncing all more it goes very close to that then this is such cheat on under saruba such means the eternal which means the knowledge and Anand the means the bliss eternal close to that you cannot say it is over so see Ramakrishna that is very difficult not very easy for all people but suppose you are cooking food curved for for God and you are going so careful about cooking for God constantly thinking with a God will partake it except my food whether it will be alright I cannot taste it I cannot judge it but I have to prepare an offer so whole concentration and the devotion goes in cooking no not about the food but your concentration and devotion that is engraved and then you are going and plucking the flower you are choosing and you are plucking those floor which is really fresh and then you are picking it out and bringing it then giving the some other things also so that it smell properly you cannot smell an offer so you are holding and then you are also putting some other things so that smell properly then you appear that there is no insect or the ants inside the flower which may go on the body of the god you all check that then you place it in a very nice way proper way to God it's not the flower use your devotion and with the devotion your concentration you are forgetting everything else in your all concentration into that he's not helping you that is the way see ramakrishna stilling why should it not be possible to practice the discipline of the formless god it is possible but it is very difficult to follow that path one cannot follow it without renouncing the last and gold this is very very important sometimes some people say my guru came is a wonderful guru he was showing us bees he was giving us that and he has come here to Pakistan in the university and then he wants little money so us so you are collecting fund to support guru nothing nothing wrong but if you go according to see Ramakrishna she is not the teacher for earth we the Vedanta that one should not die like the knowledge and then the bees this is all emotional so what happens the progress in spirituality just because of the wrong chosen path we have seen some people the young bright student his father is very fond than my father son should become doctor but he don't like to be a doctor but the son father won't listen in our country another 16 years 18 years young boy the father is missing him to accept his view and he is admitted into that he is not liking all those means then ultimately he makes a very poor result in his example whose fault is this unnecessarily just to say my son is a doctor that proud father actually read that boy he wanted to become something else in his own way if you could develop you would have been a very famous person so that is the reason in this way also there should not be lost in gold any desire he is not a good teacher for the knowledge one should understand that there must be complete renunciation mark these points to teach and to understand the formless god or the waiter no to formless both inner and outer renunciation is must without that no one can teach all practice at wheat Vedanta you cannot succeed succeed in this path if you have the slightest trace of worldliness so we are the spiritual seeker we are not here as a professor we are not presenting the papers and getting some certificates from the society appreciation from the society our only goal is to become pure and to realize God so that is the reasons Ramakrishna is so perfect and that is the reason structure may be vacant the told him he said among the gurus is the highest guru he knew how to help people so he is very clear his mentioning you cannot succeed in this path path of knowledge if you have the slightest trace of worldliness he is not denouncing this path but giving the complete caution are you prepared are you ready welcome but if you are not then it is better to take the path which is really good he goes on it is easy to worship God with fall but it is not as easy as all that easy to worship God in form with form but not as easy when we are cleaning the photo we consider it as photo and when we are clean cleaning with the cloth we are facing it so hard why because with the photo we have you made the mistake if you really understand that this is my god then how can you do like that then when I have seen the our two juries they is to teach us very soft clothes and very popper Lee wast not a smell of the washing powder should be there very clean and properly up to hell and pop all you have to place and slowly slowly have to do because the taku you are touching really when you are doing it with that you feel in the compañía belong salaam krishna we is a only stone image even if you put a little pressure nothing is going to happen but when you are slowly as if a very soft a very kind my father is sitting over there meditating without disturbing his meditation and cleaning him can you imagine and is to offer the banana and Ramon and the G is to say you should not offer banana in this way a team as a trait like King is there in the banana three four will be there you could take out that too otherwise it may go and create the problem in the tongue of taco so you have to keep keep it in such a way you should not touch the food because taco really eat you have to give it in such a way using the popper spoon why do they do that so it is not that easy to worship God the one person brought the sweets and you know you you open three for the very good sweets but they kept it somewhere so the hands also ain't ate it fu and when you open hands were also moving out just go to God know when you are offering the fruits to God with love but at the same time you to see is it going to be useful and majority of the Hindus whatever the fruits they will produce in the field the first thing they will bring an offer to God why all these things belong to you the first flower the fast food the first anything product this is for you and majority of the Hindus the devoted in those at a time of Durga Puja or in the celebration when they usually go to purchase the new clothings for their family first they will purchase one small piece of cloth for taco ma Samadhi and then offer pay and they will purchase for others that is the love so the love also is not that easy oh we loved her then we kept so many not like that so we have to standees and one bad thing in our ancient the elderly mother the ladies will be going on collecting photos and more images and these and that in the name of god and the whole small room that they dedicate in the name of god is full with that and he cannot clean it also they cannot offer food also there is so difficult keep only one or two there sufficient that is we all right but it is not so many gods and goddesses that you have to only your devotion that is Ramakrishna he is telling one should not discuss the discipline of the impersonal god or the path of knowledge with a doctor a person who is completely devoted through creative or perhaps he is just cultivating a little devotion you will enjoy it if you explain away everything as a mere dream the immorality and hypocrisy that crept into the society of the Hindus and the Indians because of the wrong interpretation of some of the philosophies I am not naming it wrongly divided it is not for all judges mr. jereth did come on for whom if you have understood then it is for you and you have no right to tell each and everyone what is this and that way he loses the interest even to leave and to achieve this side also gone that is also gone and sometimes some people just to get some little advantage of the spiritual life in our country the moment you dong this type of cloth immediately you will get food we'll get respect you will get passage money even in the Train here when you are traveling the ticket checker won't look at you or disturb you of course they won't give you the seat you have to see them below so that way you have to travel why why didn't you go and do some work hard for yourself or at least thousands and millions and moms they are roaming around if they truly go and tell the moralities stories of the different moralities among the villages wonderful work will happen inspire them arise awaken stop not till the goal is reached what is your goal brother to do this to educate your children or more do like this do like that leave properly why should you leave in such a way that is religion that is exactly what Sami be waken understood and then he said in that way she asked the Swami's and Yasin for the first time in do bombs he makes the Hindu bombs to work for others without going to Temple go to the villages go to the hamlets go to the forest and tell people that each and every one of them are precious the divinity is within their heart only thing they have to manifest eight following a true path not that they should not have the family not that they should not earn or NIT do everything but with some morality so that is why it was in God and otherwise talking nice things and then going for something else so that Saddam o Krishna could not understand go breathe was a worshipper of the impersonal God he said today's topic was the view of ceramic is about the impersonal God so he said it is possible but difficult and ceramic either here also in the bhagavad-gita also he said that it is saying that sages like dr. Freya and Jonna Bharata did not return to the relative plane after having the vision of Brahman the personalities like docked at Rhea and Jarrah Virata when they realized that Brahman the supreme knowledge they never came back on this claim to claim according to some people Suge they tasted only a drop of that ocean of Brahman consciousness she saw and heard of rumbling of the waves of that ocean of consciousness but he did not dive into it how can you fathom that knowledge of Brahman so he is telling like this and he said the divine incarnation belongs to this class what is the class he is explaining there is a big wall and a few friends a group of young guys they were passing through the heart the music very attractive music so one somehow climb and when he saw that without informing his friends what is exactly there he only said oh my god would wonderful he jumped into that second one third one somehow restrained himself after having the joy that he came back Ramakrishna is referring to that he said the after the realization of the Bromberg ghana the god is everywhere and the joy so very few they come down and he said divine incarnations belong to this class all that I have to say it belong to the realm of reasoning he is mentioning that Brahman alone is real and the world illusionary that is reasoning and the gano Marga what you should do reason what is the beach ro utter Oracle table it begins so what is that vichara what is the discrimination the Brahman is real Brahma secure and this universe this jugger the manifestation is unreal Java's mixed are Brahma Shakti jagan mithya so that is the beach ara and everything but Brahman is like a dream now tischner whatever he is telling one person was telling that I am interested in Jannah Marga so most of the people here that they are all became here after studying science so they feel gana McGoohan stood them so he is going to cry for God so he'll study again America this bechara every time you have to do and he is telling like this everything that you see is nothing but the dream except the consciousness but this is an extremely difficult path very difficult now he used the word extremely difficult path the followers of this part do not accept divine incarnation is very difficult path again he repeated then he is giving the assurance I will just read that portion and I will stop now he said that is why God incarnated himself as man and teaches people the path of devotion he exhausts people to cultivate self surrender to God following the path of devotion then one realizes everything through His grace each capital then he said both knowledge and supreme wisdom by following the path of devotion one can realize knowledge Keanu supreme wisdom began Agana big Gianna aula possible in the part of this man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru in the bhagavad-gita Shri Krishna's telling become my devotee the ceramic is also telling follow the path of God own of Gevaudan arm Manu shimmed Don Omaha Street on a look I of otona man who seem to know my sweetums Donna means the body I have taken this human form why all of Gloria bhutanam and Saddam Oh Krishna is telling that is why God incarnate himself as man and teaches people the path of devotion up to this today and we will study again so there should not be any any doubt about this and if one feels like following the path of knowledge must welcome but you have to understand there should not be an iota of desire in that mind need and genomics kill on until Vong bok-dong gumpa Rita become be he shall Vitara but a Misha medium Tom Ramakrishna she'd asana mama Shawn Chandi Chandi hurry you that sir Sri Ramakrishna are venomous you