Video 138
139. Panchama Veda 139- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin our today's discussion after chanting this wonderful sloka Tabaka Tom recommed dr. G venom Co V theory rhythm calm of Shaba hum Ravana Mangalam srimad artem movie green ENT a gory garden ah we were discussing about what happens to the Gani after the realization the experience of bhagavati ramakrishna that is unique and he is experiencing in a completely different way at the last class when you were discussing about the brahman the ceramic richness a the Brahman is having two different characteristics one near guna without any qualities without any Appetit another is so guna with qualities now this is a unique way to explain the whole universe the Vedanta always speaks about the one without any second and how that one can become so many we cannot deny that there are so many in this universe the varieties our existence when you are pinching our own body we are feeling pain we cannot deny that we are leaving we are dying everything is so very real and simply if it is ever comes and said it is not how you explain that and the Vedanta sees no the same Brahman is a ring two different epithets the ceramic isne was discussing about that and the conversation turned to the Vedanta let me read from the page 345 of the gospel of the ramakrishna by Xiaomi Nikhil Ananda why should the universe be unreal sasame Krishna is asking this question that is a speculation of the philosophers after realizing God one sees that it is God Himself who has become the universe and all living beings the way the ceramic isne is putting it Ramanuja is also talking about almost like this but Quran o Krishna is not following the philosophy of ramanujacharya which is known as vashisht advaitha we are also discussing about this philosophy in our Sunday classes that you know and most of you know about the philosophy of ramanuja this is vashisht advaitha special advaitha means one not there is no - there is only one or do either and Shankar Acharya is presenting the Philosopher's presenting that is the only one now the problem is how you explain this universe if the reality is one how you explain these universe you are there you are filling hungry you have feeling thirsty so that is also true you cannot deny that to explain that Shankar Acharya introduced Maya whatever you see it is there but how as you see the mirage in a desert it is there very much there as long as you are ignorant about this reality so that is the mirror when you go to the porn that you saw over there from distance the water was the air people were there everything which is supposed to be but when you reach to that place in the Mirage you see there is nothing so how that is possible there similarly this world that you see is nothing but that mirrors this is in one word you can see in brief we can see Shangri see you this is a Maya ramanuja he says no is the getting separation from the one this has come but it is having the same quality and he is giving the example of the fire and the sparse and madhvacarya say is completely different which is mainly followed by the semitic religions God is different to here different God is pure we are impure God God is all-powerful we are weak God is permanent and we are temporary whatever we feel right this moment that has been imposed and they said this is this so three steps three varieties of Vedanta so basanta as these three different schools do it in the disturbed waiting odd vacant Serano krishna is a three thing but his explanation is a very very different way and that he is mentioning here the divine mother revealed to me in the Kali temple this is important one without realization just by calculation speculation reaching to a truth decision we are not realizing the whole thing it is not revealing unto us but we are calculating and this calculation takes us to a decision that one everything is one otherwise he cannot explain all these things that must be something one somewhere from which everything has come but see Ramakrishna stilling divine mother revealed to me in the Kali temple that it was she who had become everything we must remember the Serano Krishna saved whom you call as Brahman I call that as ma mother so when he is mentioning as Kali it is the same Brahman she showed me that everything was full of consciousness the image was consciousness the altar was consciousness the marble floor was consciousness all was consciousness I found everything inside the room sought as it were in bliss the police of shut Chidananda the very nearest expression of the brahman is such cheat on under such means is existence eternal cheat means knowledge eternal and on endure that is the please eternal so succeed on under that concept of brahman it is impossible to express rewards because it is beyond time space and causation and we all know that you can never explain any thing without this three time space and causation so obviously this succeed on under this Brahmin is beyond this I saw a wicked man in front of the Kali temple but in him also I saw the power of the Divine Mother vibrating this is oneness so I was observing this the began to teaches oneness there are two different ways to see this one one means without any second la ilaha illa llah in islam also they say it is one and not two of course they explain in a different way I am NOT very much sure about that but here it says it is one and not two or do either all means negation negative twenty means - it is only one why all the time stress has been given on one God is one why one because the moment there is - there is a fear of clashes so obviously the where there are possibility to get the clashes it may break God can never break God can never die so obviously there is something one and the tweet awarding that dwellest they say God is the only one he has created us all this but the vedanta says no this here where you are sitting is abaddon the society is the Association of the people who are following the ideology of the philosophy of the path of Vedanta and here we are worshipping we have the images and that this coming 30th that is Friday evening we will be observing a special puja performing special puja and also remembering our the Swami ji the last president of Ramakrishna Martin mission sumit Swami atmost Ananda ji all rituals that also you are following why because that is necessary to prepare your mind for the ultimate one so here the Brahmin can be that one has been termed as Brahmin from the point of view of the objective point of view that is so that is Brahmin that has created out of that everything has come and the same Brahman has been termed as Earth one from the subjective point of view the Brahman is there one from the objective point of view and one from the subjective point of view same Brahman as Artman two names have been given to the same thing and these osmond is presenting everything that is exactly what Raghavan see Ramakrishna just explained over here right from the images even the floor and to the cat also the gentleman each and everything is nothing but that and what is that consciousness that is important it is a consciousness that is present everywhere Jagadish Chandra Bose he proved scientifically that even the plans the herbs the trees are having the life that also we know we can feel and sometimes we think that this is not having the life this moved the stone and all but induce the belief it is also having the life same consciousness but it is covered under so many things that it is not manifested at all so we call it infancy and it is not that sensitive but the science says no it is all the same material made of everything that we see of the same material so here we call it consciousness Masaru de once say about the ramakrishna that is vedantam a tree the vedanta and he believed in that reality one without any second and also the known as truth so something which is one which is consciousness which is all-pervading eternal it has been termed as Brahman from the objective point of view it has been turned as Othman from the subjective point of view and it has been termed as a truth from the philosophical point of view and it has been termed as reality also to explain the original thing here Serrano Krishna is giving a wonderful example and Raghavan see Ramakrishna realization of the brahman and the explanation is unique we are the model revealed to be which we just read over here then he continued that was why I fade the cat with the food that I was to be offered the food that was to be offered to the divine mother that was why I fade a cat with the food that was to the offer to the divine mother can imagine in the Hindu society and so Orthodox society and anywhere in any devotion when you are preparing the food for God you are supposed to be very very careful you should not look at that even forget about eating you should not look at that and know other people also should not see that it is covered and when you were bringing that from a preparation room to the shrine sanctum sanctum sanctorium dear you must be careful and someone is sprinkling the holy water Ganges and then slowly they go so much of care has been taken that food which is supposed to be offered these are no krishna feed it to the cat it's not from a human point of view oh I love cats oh the same thing not like that is from the realization some people they always talk from out of emotion oh why not that man what is there everything is same this emotion is not from the emotion it's from the realization that cat is nothing but the same consciousness as the divine mother in that stone image it is not a living being when we go to that same dictionary it is the same image standing over the earth the image which sadhana Tichenor worship is this everything is as it is but we feel that is the thing see Ramakrishna not only failed he realized this song and it is so breed it is so truth so he says I failed the cat with the food that to be offered the Divine Mother I clearly perceived that the divine mother herself has become everything even the cat the manager of the temple garden wrote to mater Babu saying that I was feeding the cat with the offering intended for the divine mother so obviously the which we always see it is from our point of view and we always feel this the food which is to be offered to God should be very carefully taken - and before offering to God no one should touch it and it is not a human being he was feeding a cat so obviously the manager the poor man how he will know what is happening over there he wrote to mother Bravo but mater was blessed he could understand he could realize so immediately but Mathura who had inside into the state of my mind the wind the things are happening the mother had served the divine power that also makes people around you in such a way the some people will always understand and always else that is the divine way sometimes people talk about the miracles this is the miraculous can you imagine in those days the landlords they were so powerful and there was no the rule of law so obviously that landlord could kill that brahmin so you have done this wrong punishment is dead he could do that without his relation but instead that Mathura Babu realized something special in this man and he protected him he said no one is going to harm him whatever he wishes he should do how the mind was changed by the power of God on around people many people were against but some of them they were protecting the Mathura who had insight into the state of my mind he wrote back to the manager let him do whatever he likes you must not say anything to him can you imagine today we are reading over here only one line as if nothing but in that situation if you transport over there and understand that society and the a man is feeding the food that is to be offered to the goddess Kali to a cat what was the situation everything was just normal what'll baba protected see Ramakrishna and phenomics narration he had the inside so you have to understand so it depends on the people how they will understand Vedanta the majority of the people they never like it because they can't understand it even in literally the intellectual understanding also so difficult there is God who gives punishment and also reward is very easy to understand because there is a king who gives punishment also reward but that is an ordinary way of thinking about God and there is a heaven we do not know but conception of heaven is if we go we will be happy later he soul go to heaven we say but we don't have any conception what is heaven we simply think that even must be a good place I told that one young lady came and he asked me to read a book it's a different religion so I told but why should I have to read this book we will go to heaven if you read this book then jokingly I asked her have you visited heaven she told no then how do you know that heaven is a good place maybe there is no electricity maybe there is no water connection may be dealt with other other problems so we doubt knowing how can you promote that place you better go visit get satisfaction come back then announce like Jesus so this is the way with answer says you have to realize and when here now right now you chase a babies at a subcommittee otherwise it is just like committing this moment here in this very life you have to realize that you are nothing but the consciousness Brahman all pervading all that you see and theme that you or me or he or see is nothing but mistake all mistakes that we are doing that is called pedantic conception and that Ramakrishna is dealing after realizing God one sees all these alright that it is he H capital who has become the universe here sasame Krishna's pedantic approach is more humanistic and traditional pedantic approach make you completely segregated so all this is Maya illusion wrong so I am NOT going to be bound by this Maya thinking that hundreds and hundreds of years thousands and thousands of Hmong they went into the caves secluded places in the jungle and they meditated may be that they were enlightened only one or two souls or what about the society the society which helped them to survive when they were meditating a group of people were carrying water for them to drink food for them to eat clothings for them to survive what about them have I done anything for them no even when Lord would say this jagged dip come on this whole universe is nothing but full of miseries you have to explain for those who have not felt like that it is not not for them but it is just for each and every one so the ordinary people not understanding this I am very happy why this man this people are telling this jogger is mixta why they are telling that is full of misery I don't understand but if I don't say along with them then they will level me as a sinner very bitter to tell like that hypocrisy ketene the hypocrisy I don't feel what I say in the society so bhagavati ramakrishna made it completely different way and he said maan Moke act kora whatever you were thinking and whatever you are telling that must be the same and that is the sadhana that is the austerity never evilly heap of cream Shami be wakened after a sane I can stand everything but hypocrisy when the mature Babu came as he was a drunkard man and with the drunkard friends Sudama krishna never hesitated to talk to them to welcome them to sit with them because they will not hypocrites they were not hiding anything what they were they came as it is but a person came covered with a wrapper which shows that is the holy man in our country there is a different type of wrappers are there if you are putting on that that means you are declaring that I'm a holy man he came like that and with other symbols also as the Hindus they do but see Ramakrishna couldn't touch the water from his hand that he was offering to see ramakrishna couldn't take that offer he couldn't drink that offer water why hypocrite afterwards the young Narendra not who inquiry he found that the man apparently shows that he is a religious man but he is a corrupt man characterless man so the hypocrisy see Ramakrishna is telling you did not do bother about their just say yeah I love this what to do when my knowledge will come then it will come the children do not understand the philosophy of the religion so they are not very much attentive they love please in the game they love reading the love go here and there so give up them so we allow Allah Allah then afterwards when they are mature gain the understand but we bring them to make them here because in the subconscious mind all this thing will be there and when they grow up and think they can understand then this thing will success in their mind and the yes that was correct that guidance will come but a matured man so that after realizing God what happens one sees all these all right that it is II who has become the universe living beings twenty-four cosmic principles that is another philosophy they say all these things that we see is a manifestation of twenty-four cosmic principles but what remains when God completely if is the ego there cannot be described in words here he hinted about that as long as the press of ego easier to sub unibrow mo Brahman that consciousness with attributes but when there is no ego I become you I and my father in heaven are one and there is no God then there is the father the God is me I am one look like this from the Twizy point of view the Jesus who said God is nearing the Haven and I am over here but when as a son I am emerging and becoming as father father becoming son I and my father in heaven are one not two with that condition no one can explain what remains a man sees the thing in one way through reasoning philosophy there are six systems of Indian philosophy we are studying in the Sunday's the six systems in six different views they are explaining the same truth what is that who is the creator that is the first question and all the searches researches a for to get the answer who is the creator then second question is what is the universe we are my four days what is the relation between the creator and the creation so these three questions on the basis of this all philosophy but the approaches are different so this is a man sees a thing in one way through reasoning and in another way different way when God Himself shows it to him that is the revelation that is the realization there is a completely different you don't need any reasoning you know this is this see Ramakrishnan is in imitable way he said a person act hard about milk someone explained milk is white in color milk is liquid milk is like this like that he too knows about male give you up he can write milk is like this maybe through his imagination he can draw a picture to some extent about that some people have seen it and they are more correcting explaining but those who have drank that milk and becomes strong benefit they have got out of that milk they are completely different so that is the realization and the stress has been given again and again on the realization you listen good that is the first step then you have to go alone in a secluded place quietly concentrate your mind what you have listened and then assimilate that idea in your character in your behavior in your thoughts regularly assimilation then the revelation the realization will come and you can say it is truth so that he is telling gianna and began a-- in the words of Salam o Krishna the Gani and the gianni ganga is philosopher he has a complete idea but on the basis of the speculation reasoning and the realization is completely different and in the language of cinema krishna altogether different the way when god himself shows it to him totally see Ramakrishna's one of the Guru's krishna was having different gurus and from the different set totapuri was the baton team and he risked to that point when one can go to midweek alpha and then he was thinking and that was correct in his way that everything that we see is nothing but the maya but is that is the process he followed maybe neatly not be is not this following that this cannot be God why because this is temporary that cannot be God why the his temporary I cannot be God this body cannot be God because the body is temporary so if this way it was going nah 18 ah if he not this not this here is to that that was his knowledge but he could not come down to that truth that everything that we see is the manifestation of the same knowledge so the Brahman he realized but she was lacking to understand the Hartman in a subjective way an objective way it was alright for him and he used to cut jokes when Saddam Oh Krishna his wonderful disciple the moment he gave the mantra and asked him to meditate immediately he reached to that need be culpa stage for three days and three nights and the Guru himself was telling what this miracle how it is possible to reach to this stage I did to forty years of my practice austerity and this boy sitting over here just I told and you used to that as if in no effort three days and three nights Ito he was in there but after coming bad the same wonderful disciple about whom his guru tota body was very proud of was thinking and taking the name of Goddess Kali that guru didn't like what is it after realization of brahman why you were taking the name of God why mother Macaulay and in his way the other in you P in the northern part of India when they prepared the food the roti the braid and midbrain they always make it on both the palms and in Hindi zc8 cure roti talked fo the wing he was clapping both the hands and in the name of God I cannot rotate of the way of trying to prepare the roti the handmade brave ceramic is huh why you are talking like this my mother is also true Mazel that stone image over there you still think so the difference between the disciple and the Guru and one day it so happened when the Guru was meditating and suddenly he is the stomach pain it was so acute you know who those who have read the biography think that sannyasi taught this it is not going to be cured and it's so painful and if I am here maybe I will faint and other people will be trouble to take me to the doctor and all these things let me go because my purpose of this life is over I am realized Brahman I need not to bother about anything so what is the purpose of this body it's like a vehicle as you're supposed to reach a destination I have already reached so I can throw this vehicle out I don't need that vehicle anymore so let me destroy this vehicle so he went into the water Ganga water again another miracle the power of the Maya the same Brahman which attributes working there is no water at all in the whole Ganga when the water was full supposed to be full there was nothing needed water and the huge man the big man he could not get sufficient water to drown and kill himself then he was shouting standing over there itself the what is this miracle and he found that his disciples the ramakrishna standing on the bank clapping his hand and he whittling it is okay for you you should now accept that there is power power of God and that is Saguna Brahma and that is acting heal the similar way another guru way to be brahmani she was her approach was from the devotion she never liked advaitha the God is one without form she'd ever liked and she tried to purchase Ramakrishna don't think about that the ramakrishna also taught her made the complete so one should understand the both aspect of the same brahman that is the approach of ceramic dish now he is telling the whole thing in a nutshell ease you are talking about the Brahman weak and without epithets Grumman from the point of view of the objective the Brahman has Artman from the point of view of the subjective so then here it says the whole thing in a nutshell is that one must develop ecstatic love for satchitananda the word that he is choosing ecstatic love for God he didn't think many places he said God many places he said mother here he is mentioning shut cheat on and why Shetty Donald because the closest expression of Brahma that we know so he said the whole thing in a nutshell is that one must and there is no other way and there is no other way to understand the truth the reality the Brahman the Artman without the ecstatic love for such eden and you will wonder Shankar Acharya he was the profounder of the Advaitic vedanta when he is giving the definition of devotion he is telling these love for your own self is devotion what is devotion the love for God and many others are telling in different ways but according to Shankar Acharya love for your own self is devotion and that self is not as we think this ego no let-up yourself for which we are surviving so that shut cheese on under Sir Reuben how to understand him search cheat and on under what kind of love is asking how should one love God that you have to forgive and he's quoting Gauri ma Cohiba was a great lady in those days she was very beautiful but she refused to marry because in those days girls were married when they are very young but she refused to marry and she went all over the India and afterwards it she came back the Ramakrishna's to light us so much this garima the Gauri is to say that one must become like cheetah to understand Rama how simple way to me to understand Rama one must be like Sita and then like bhagavati the divine mother to understand bhagavad-gita one must practice austerity as bhagavati deal in order to attain Shiva one must cultivate the attitude of prakruti in order to realize Purusha the attitude of a friend a husband or a mother these are the approaches to understand the truth I saw schita in a vision to Ramakrishna's mentioning he saw the schita I found that her entire mind was concentrated on Rama she was totally indifferent to everything her hands her feet her clothes her jewels it seemed that Rama was had filled every beautiful life and she could not remain alive without Rama many people now from the just ordinary point of view they'll be criticized ram chander the why the rahmatan the banished hard wife all this they will say but they do not understand that God has come with his own power a part of the God himself in the form of a lady as a mother and then that mother that lady who is playing now as a role of wife how twenty-four hours every moment of her life concentrating on God she see God and Radha so why they are there only to teach like this they but the God is not giving all everything good - are banishing her and she is in great difficulty inside the jungle even then there is no complaint not a single word of complaint that is of type of law when we go to some friends through a relative's house if they are welcoming us they are good and we also will come them back to our place please visitors return visit this goes on if that person is not behaving well with you how do you feel I am NOT going to go again not going to keep any relation with them you always do like that many of the people they go to Temple and if they are not properly behaved by some of the people in that asana or in the temple they stop going over there one gentleman he was very fond of going to a temple then one day he came and he said I am NOT going to visit that temple anymore why so and so they behaved in this manner I I felt insulted so I am NOT going to visit there I told when you first came to that temple did you know those people know why then you came because of the God has the God been removed from the temple know it what is the problem now to go to God that is the question in between you develop some relation with the people and he started feeding the ego so again and again I remind our devotees and while reminding I remind myself that we are at the feet of this God say Ramakrishna we bring so many things we do so many things but for him when you were coming over here you were coming to Salaam o Krishna one lady is really like she never liked me a little bit harsh but even then I liked her an appreciator it's one day particular day she's surely coming sitting meditating and going away she never liked to touch our feet or offer penomet our but that doesn't matter at all she didn't stop coming because I am NOT talking with her I have no objection to talk because she didn't like but it is looking whenever i see heart i think joy because this is the true devotee never cares are the people who are there and looking after the temple she had a great love and she is following our routine coming sitting playing doing everything without disturbing anyone so that is the attitude it should be I love my god with her the people around Oh would be is not like me or not and there is no objection to come anyone can come the door is always open of course always means not in the night so this is a time is there from morning 8 to evening 8 all the time it is open anytime you can come you can see it you can meditate that is no problem the night you cannot keep it open because of the secure reason and we have to give we treat the God as a human being so naturally he also wants to take rest we feel like that so this is what Ramakrishna is killing the whole thing is this in a nutshell one must develop ecstatic love for the church it Ananda and love as the love was having in schita for Rama etc and he said it was a man cheetah was man mad with love for Rama Master Masha who noted the conversation he mentioned that and he mentioned over here M in Bengali it is more Bengali is the original the he neighbor wanted to say that it is me so always hiding secretly mentioning and masters that means the Ramakrishna's is mad daddy is the world in a Bengali is a beautiful song is there's actually a prayer song and a great seed he is writing composing that a mighty mappable curry this makes me mad oh my mother the divine mother there are so many different people appear they are mad for so many other things name fame power and all this I want to become mad for you so this always this conception mad that is the world what is the way mad the mad people did never think anything else only one thought is going on brooding in their mind they cannot come out of that thought it's like that I want to see my mother the divine mother the Kali the Durga like that constantly everywhere every moment so that madness one must become mad with love in order to realize God one must call on God with a longing heart so these are the conditions to realize God and then he said a man gets rid of all desires when he has perfect knowledge this is the gearstick how we will know that this man has become a perfect man realized God realized soul that he says over here a man gets rid of all desires when he has perfect knowledge he becomes like a child sages like the taqueria and Jorah Virata had the nature of the child why the child because they don't have any bondage bunch ever cheb all of our as a as a child of five years old they don't have anything I want that I want that moment you give this place um so then if they gain they will throw it and go no attachment to that simplicity this God realized person also becomes like that one of our great Swami and is began Ananda G Shawn Mirage and he if he was an engineer and he was a group in the construction of the balloon Wat temple he was just like a child the treatment he was the president of Beller Maud but whenever used to find somebody is carrying a pen a I wonder will you please give me that pain he had so many things and he was so fond of keeping them here there everywhere sometimes I find that our brother Anand the Gemara he is also keeping the whole pocket is full with minimum pain pains different variety he uses one or sometimes never but although he likes to keep those things and I see him and immediately remember our big gentleman that you are so fond of that the nostrils know about them no attachment but the fun like the charge the punch ever Shabalala ah yes the Gani gets rid of all desire if any is left it does not hurt him at the touch of the philosopher's stone the sword is transformed into gold then that soul cannot do any killing just so the gammy keeps only a semblance of anger and passion that are they are anger and passion only in the name and cannot injure him it is very difficult to understand again apparently they are very peculiar but inside the full of love and knowledge so that's why the description see ramakrishna says when a man is perfect how i will know that he is perfect when a man has realized god realized brahman realized Earthman realized the truth the ultimate how we know as because he is having these and that apparently nothing the only way you can understand that he is having no desire that that is the way we can understand that the only your state to understand a realized soul this question was boxed by Arjuna to Shri Krishna in the second chapter of the bhagavad-gita when the God was giving him the description of the giana and all ultimately he acts prajapathi yoga Karma - in reply God said I will know who has realized God who is a Gani then in reply the fifty-fifth sloka of the second chapter here also say Krishna say the same thing much afterwards said Amma Krishna is mentioning and Krishna said in a beautiful way in the bhagavad-gita prowl jihadi john' election article jihadi means giving up giveaway Raja heart means pro-christian pro-christian Rubina diamine the perfect way of giving him giving thing everything what is that Raja hottie yada come on Sargon part of a no guitar look at the word that has been used apparently I give up everything oh no God I'm from the mind I am not having any desire in the mind nothing is there and how perfectly 100% it has been done Raja hearty I have given up given up now I am taking some special type of food when gentleman is helping me to kill my body all of this and he said you should take this this is the timing except etcetera without his knowledge sometime I take some things they like of course in small portion but and then I think that I'm cheating him because he sure that this is going to be give a good result and that is for good for me too he wants to see the result and I am going to be cured but still life in a little one spoon and our devotees are also provoking me one school is nothing nothing is going to hesitate as I say you say it okay so like this no no desire at all nothing should be there so progr hatha yoga c'mon serve on birth Domino guitar then what happens I have given up but how the positive art mineva Maharashtra State approach just adore chatty it goes on and on stick approach Gian whose mind is circled so he says Rita drunk young the aha ta-dah Carmen Thank You frames and ceramic is nice mentioning one must assimilate that this is the knowledge that ceramics no give today we must assimilate what is that why the assimilation there is only one truth and that truth from the objective point of view is known as Brahman from the subjective point of view known as admin and the same truth whatever we see is nothing but the manifestation of the same thing and that is the consciousness in different forms and that is the reason Xiaomi be waken the Sade why don't you go and serve the people the poor the down totally literate if you are going on reading the Vedanta and doing nothing what is what is that tree he never liked it Vivekananda's was practical Vedanta one line that you have rate half a line Shankaracharya said Brahma Shakti jagan mithya okay and if it is that this jug earth that is very much present before me just apparently it is mica but this very moment I don't say that why not you go and serve the God in that jug earth Hashem Edom sarvam we read then we say don't touch me don't come to me you are different you are different this is a mockery of Buganda if the haunting must be broad-minded open-hearted and very knowledgeable and then accept everything so that what the Ramakrishna wants to teach us in this way stupid answer from the point of view of see Ramakrishna is an excellent and that helps to develop the human society the Vedanta in a traditional way makes us completely segregated all this is Maya so let us go in a secluded place and only concentrate on that but Vedanta of Sai Ramakrishna mixes as the servant of the worshipers of the Divine in living being completely different that is the reason the conflicts is always there among the monks even the traditional way of understanding and sadhana Krishna we have understanding Swami Vivekananda's is the best exponent of sadhana Krishna he say you have to study all the scriptures from the light of Shri Ramakrishna so I am going to give a talk in one of the place in our asama and there the subject is with anta and humanism look at it this pedant of sadhana busines is meant for humanism for the benefit of the human society thank you very much for coming please come on Friday evening also let us complete with this prayer need onion omnium Anantara bum ba da gamba Drita Bikram by Aisha Dharam father misha medium-term ramakrishna m-- she'd asana mama Jean D Chandi Chandi hurry you that's it