Video 136
137: Panchama Veda 137- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
easy rhythm calm Asha from subhana manga gamma3 Madhava Tom Bobby grinning da ba da da da na sai Ram Krishna his conversing with the devotees and three ma master Masha is giving the account of Sunday December 16 1883 say ramakrishna was treated with aim on the semicircular port of his room at about 10 o'clock in the morning the fragrance of the flowers just mean roses and other flowers filled the ear the master was singing looking at him thou must save me sweetest mother unto thee I come for refuge helpless as a bird imprisoned in a cage immediately after this he winked into that mood and he said but why why should I leave like him barbed imprisoned in a cage fie for shame he was suggesting himself the wind we are singing the song the most of the time the idea of the composer or the singer it comes here the person who is singing it mentioned that he has composed his song helpless as a bird imprisoned in a cage he mentioned in that so please come in help Ramakrishna's close liking it and there's another song is a very famous song in Bengali cally Kristen and there it also says that all my desires have not been fulfilled and this world cannot love me etc etc so Oh God or God is pleased at me like this so as a young boy I used to sing like that after the joining the order when some of the senior Swami's they asked me do know singing can you sing a song so in those days there was no TV of course and maybe a little bit of radio so obviously people themselves is to sing and that we entertained themselves they here they asked me to sing and I was singing amar Shah Don Ameche lo Barton Nepali the etc shockula FRA Jima in translation Oh mother goddess my life is coming to an end but all my desires are still there I could not fulfill those desires Samish anthropology was bare it wasn't challenging and he immediately told don't sing this song this is not for you some people may be having this idea maybe they are praying to God to fulfill all their desires but you have got all the desires you're free you don't have any desire except one the god realization you don't get that oh yes don't sing this song because moment you are singing that song and understanding the meaning of it naturally the impressions will be in your mind and the subconscious mind when that those things will be there automatically it will surface and make your character in that way so what should be so careful about even the thoughts the sadhana Krishna the great master the wonderful teacher and he is the greatest guru so he is always conscious when he is singing this song naturally the afterwards the people his devotees the followers OHS Cucuy sang the song the dealers using most of the songs that ramakrishna sang and recorded in this book have already been sang and recorded by the singers mostly so that's why he is very very cautious even mean that one should not in the subconscious mind also there should not be any weakness but why why should I leave like a body imprisoned in a cage fie for shame as the master say these words he went into an ecstatic boat his body became motionless tears streamed down from his cheeks after a while he said Oh mother they he is teaching the right thing how to pray what to pray to God he is praying Oh mother make me like schita completely for good for forgetful of everything body and limbs totally unconscious of hands feet Saints organs only the one thought in her mind where is Rama so that should be the prayer that should be the attitude and that is called the aspirants they're trying to realize God understanding God so obviously this thing should not be there was the master inspired by the ideal of schita to teach him master moshing himself he doesn't know what other thoughts are going on in the minds of the others other words our people are thinking he himself was thinking in this way is this for me how to because it just we have rain in the last class the he was inspiring him teaching him to be attentive and here just like the sita forgetting everything and only one part that is very sama the yearning that a devotee should feel for God sheeta's very life was centered in JAMA completely absorbed in the thought of Rama Sita for God even the body which is so dear to all so when people think that I am going to realize God these are the teachings had already here at 4 o'clock in the afternoon mr. Mukherjee a relative of prana fish now those who has read the back the filthy Ramakrishna did know about these people Ramakrishna was very close to the artists he is to come again and again he was a rich man but he is to come to see Rama Krishna consciousness to teach him in a different way and this gentleman mr. Booker ji has come his relative in the company of a Brahmin well versed in the scriptures so in those days people is to read lot of scriptures particularly bhagavad-gita and all that and this to visit the holy people going they came to see Rama patiently this mr. Mukherjee he also may be that master Martha was not knowing his name that's why he didn't mention that and he only mentioned the the last name ma carotene and he is telling like this Mukherjee I am very happy to meet you sir the usual curtsey immediately ceramic richness required that is the uniqueness of the Ramakrishna not even a single moment he is on we're immediately his people God dwells in all beings he never spent any even a single word unnecessarily immediately succumbing to me no you are coming to God then you see the next line God dwells in me all being he is the gold in all in some places it is more clearly manifested than in others I have I am happy to see you Sarah me - Sarah maybe it is a God dwells in every be part in some places the manifestation is born so maybe that within me the manifestation is so humble Ramakrishna is not doing good that you have come I bless your neighbors so that humbleness he is telling it is good that you have come but God dwells in every being and in some places the manifestation is more than others God dwells in the worldly-minded no doubt but he is hidden dear like the gold on the deep layers of the claim the gold is there in a maybe in every being that means the swami vivekananda divine and the goal is to manifest divinity within so we never coming back from Dallas Texas the one lady was sitting just by my side and she was reading a lot maybe the story book I don't know and I was reading a philosophical book on Vedanta per se noticed it was to our slide what to do and only one cup of black coffee they would supply a nothing nothing else so okay so we were reading that and he noticed and then said what is this exactly the writer Elizabeth antha and began to what is Vedanta I told it is Hinduism actually here she has heard the name into isn't the word englishdom and not very clear idea about the hindus so what is this Hinduism I told it is bad answer that I am studying and in one word began to eat each soul is potentially divine their song that is Vedanta visa under the knowledge of the whole Veda is only half a sentence each soul is potentially divine here also Shami we become this mentioning that and he is telling the goal is to manifest the divinity within what should be the goal of every human being wanted to manifest that which is there within that divinity so cinema Krishna is also mentioning this and then he said Mukherjee is telling say what is the difference between worldly and other worldly things whoever comes to me I say always read gospel why because so many varieties of questions and the wonderful answers you will have a clear idea about the spirituality religion and spirituality and then of course other books so this ceramic isne is immediately giving a wonderful reply what is the difference between the world and other worldly things around business business while striving for the realization of God the aspirant has to practice renunciation applying the logic of mainly mainly not this not this not this not this but after attaining the vision of God he realises that God hello has become all things so that is called began Ayana began so he is not only is conscious about the God he is conscious about each and everything is nothing but God it's very very difficult to not only to understand but to accept to why even the young nor in turn are of course he was I think 18 19 years old by the time he could not accept this when C Ramakrishna told you see this temple this goddess Kali that cat over there and the lady is standing outside each and everything all the utensils that are used for puja purpose worship purposes that is also nothing but God so it was very difficult for him to digest so he came and he was having a nice fun with another gentleman and Pratap Chandra has rock and he was telling oh my god what this man is telling even the utensils are also God you know that wonderful incident that happened that time sasame Krishna came and touched Shami be vacant they're not in Granada he didn't touch the other person who thought he only does not enjoy because no doubt was there but his mind was pure and he was not bound by anything because of the moment it just immediately all transformation if you reach the right property of Swami Vivekananda three days and three nights he was in that mode enjoying the hot water everywhere nothing but the consciousness can you imagine no one will be able to even if Ramakrishna comes and gives that knowledge to us how many of us will be able to understand that digest that and leave with that it is impossible so the operation is necessary so here Saddam Oh Krishna stating that while striving for the realization of God as parent has to practice renunciation but after the realization he will see everything is nothing but the same God then he is giving the example there butter milk and the butter he is giving the examples how the Ramachandra he was thinking to renounce the world then their family guru Vashisht he came and he told to a do it me where you are going you're going out leaving the home where you are going in this world or seclusion age and everything is nothing but the same God how it is possible that you will go beyond any place where there is no God so that is a wonderful idea and afterwards that not in Dennard who laughed hearing the words of sri ramakrishna and he was commenting oh this man has lost the mental balance he after the realization his old realization he wrote in everything there is nothing but God to say hum name dilka legaia UJ so to hear I have attained your my mind with you and then I see even everything is nothing but you you who J so to hear not in the Nadi's to sing this song but he is never to accept the meaning of it see Ramakrishna Hitler used to sing this song and you are not accepting it so God has become everything this is the wonderful idea the conception they stood difference afterwards when sister nivedita the disciple of swami vivekananda she wrote a wonderful mastery forward at the the complete works of Xiaomi VIII vehicles if you read that for world written by sister nivedita the complete works of Xiaomi be wakened in one place she is mentioning that in him for to him the secular and sacred no difference sacred means we sit over here with his pooja and all these beings and secular that I am driving and working in the field or I am doing a business or these and that all secular things not what godly things the worldly things for him there was no difference why each and everything is nothing but the manifestation of God when I am talking with a person I am talking with God I mean the presence of God when I am eating and sleeping I am doing can you imagine that is called the presence of God in every step so here see Ramakrishna is encouraging then he is mentioning what Rahman is cannot be described in words why he's talking about the Brahman because he is not talking about the God he is talking about the Brahman and it cannot be described in words everything has been polluted like food that has touched the tongue that he is everything has been described in words but no one has ever been able to describe Brahman we have read this thing again we have been the before also again and again he is mentioning these the Brahman cannot be described why it is beyond the time space and causation whatever we are understanding we all understand the name and fall without the name and fall and the time we cannot understand anything if there is no name a star or something which we see if there is no name we are confused and that's why immediately after the discovery of a star or something immediately the scientists they give an mean a number so that we can remember it and go watch it this is the number we read about that or this is the name we don't read about that we know about it otherwise something which is unknown even sometimes an animal coming over here and we cannot understand what is it is it a cat cat like sometimes it comes so immediately we think oh that is a something confusing I don't know that particular animal the feature is known to me but it's not the name so I am countries I ask people so then when they give the name oh is it like this okay so the name and form and the time that is in somehow in such a way in our conception we cannot beyond go beyond that and Brahman is beyond that so how to describe from one the all-pervading consciousness is the base of the creation is the base of the sustenance is the base of again going back a dissolution so Brahman cannot be described he said but the knowledge of Brahman cannot be realized if the S parent is worldly-minded just now he was telling everything is nothing but God whatever we see we have to be very very careful about this whatever we see is nothing but God but if we are asking of King on a test for these worldly things but is philosophically we can say nothing but God but if we are attached to that you cannot go to the source that is the main thing if you have to go back to the source then you have to cut the bond or attraction or attachment or desire of all these things that's a manifestation of the God but that is not God if you read the flames of Shama Vivekananda there is one poem as a very nicely as in English that point one lady she was listening to Shami G on the bed anther then afterwards she wrote to show me G that is everything is God right so we all have God right that like there she wrote that letter to Shani G then Samedi told C one gentleman was explaining the Ramayana and after the whole description and the death of the Ramayana then one person raised hand and asked who is schita is like that you are asking this question after listening the whole Raman visita god manifested in all like this but all are not God this is the important thing now this light it is giving the light but it is not electricity the electricity with the help of the electricity this light is burning giving the light but if we say this is burning because of the electricity that is moving that fan because of the electricity this is creating of the found that is because of the electricity so all these are electricity is correct obviously not so that is the reason we have to understand God has created because of the God everything is surviving but these are not God that is the Buganda we'll come to that in little little details so stay ramakrishna sterling but the knowledge of brahman cannot be realized if the asperities worldly-minded even in the slightest degree he succeeds in acquiring this knowledge only when his mind is totally free from lost and gold otherwise it is impossible the last and gold again and again so many times in the gospel every page is almost having these two words the last end goal in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna he is mentioning to Arjuna tamil eesha cruiser Asia these are the two they are the enemies mehar tional maha pop now between I avoid enum what he means enemy if you like to realize God if you like to realize your own self we would like to know who you are actually doing the two things you must be very very careful of this two comma Isha's screw the edge of gamma and grow the desire the last and closer anger because that desire is not fulfilled unfulfilled desire generates anger and Salama krishna is telling the same thing in a two different words that is lost and gold white gold because without the gold or the money you cannot satisfy all your desires so he said in this way he is telling in there that only thing the totally free from that then he is telling addressing mr. Mukherjee Sri Ramakrishna said this is very interesting is telling you were rich but still you call on God this is very good indeed it is said in the Gita that those who fall from the path of yoga are born in the next birth as devotees of God in rich families and here mr. Mukherjee is quoting the line from the bhagavad-gita who can quote what is called a telugu visually is not here very beautiful look good so this this is that who sees that the yogi when the original was asking this question someone is trying to realize God but unfortunately he could not realize in this very life so naturally he could not enjoy this life and he could not reach to the other life also to God or to heaven so total life isn't wasted isn't it the in Sri Krishna stilling know is known Shuchi naam shri mataji yoga prestige eiope he is born in shooty and 3 3 means those who are having the sufficient money and others so that they can support themselves then you know to go every day out to earn money and this is a very difficult life when they will put their mind in meditation and calling on God so Shruti and 3 these are the she means cultured they understand everything and they know that we should not heart others we should help others we should try to understand there's we should learn how to live with others with all the different opinions that is culture and three that is also their Szczecin arms three vadym gay with Ramakrishna mentioned then Mukherjee quoted that particular line then master see Ramakrishna with a smile what's wrong in that now this is another thing like the God if he so desires can keep a Gani in the world to see Ramakrishna is mentioning God if he so desires can keep it Gani in the world to now understand that this is the important thing the Salam o Krishna is just mentioning it Gani also can stay and can live in the world because of the will of God this moment he is telling these worldly things are all temporary if your mind is there in this world then you will never be able to realize brahmana he never said God Brahman now in the next crystalline but even a gang II God sometimes keep the Johnny Ganis means those who are realizing gunmen those who are realizing after it is God their buckler's because the goal has been termed named and different way the devotees is a God for the Gammy's is the Brahman Hartman / Hartman so this way it goes so the gaining also after this realization of the Brahman for him this world is nothing but even then he can leave over there the world and all living beings have been created by his will H capital that means the God but he is self will the God has created it and self-willed out of his own if the free will you cannot ask question why you have created like this you could make like this you could make like that no it is free will the Mukerji with a smile just is asking this question how can God have any will does he lack anything will means it shock that is the desire but the God all wheels or desires are fulfilled there is no desire at all in the mind of God then how can you have a will immediately see Ramakrishna's answer is what wrong in that water is water whether it is still or in waves so god when it is not acting are not expressing any will not creating God but when he is doing that's also God the film Krishna's the way he is giving the examples are so clear and what is wrong in that the snake is a snake whether it is coiled up motionless or rickles along a man is the same man with a sitting still or engaged in action the same man how can you eliminate from the reality the universe and its living me now here ramakrishna gradually but very carefully mentioning a very difficult philosophical question so over these Ramanuja Shankara and they all debated and thousands of pages have been written on this point only how can you eliminate from the reality the universe and it's living being if you do that it will lack is full weight you cannot find out the total weight of the bell root if you eliminate the seeds and the shell Brahma is unattached one finds good and bad smell in the air but the air is selfie is untainted Brahman and Shakti are identical it is the primordial power that has become the world and all living beings in different words is mentioning like this but unless you have the philosophical background you will never be able to understand this point here see Ramakrishna what is wrong in it is the same man with a sitting or still engaged in action who is has created in the badonk the philosophy we all know in the basanta this is the last part of the Veda there is a knowledge part but in be Dante again the small word with anther they are also again the three schools of their three major schools in total there are six schools but major tweeter vicious Teresa and advaitha the ether completely they believe that God is completely different God has created this universe including us and we can in no way reach God if we are going on praying and trying to please God it may be something he can ask me to go near him stay near him and bless me with some other things that much but I can never become God that is the idea and the Semitic religions are also following the same majority of the people they think in that way because this is very easy to understand and very easy to conceive there is someone who is creating and someone who is giving the punishment or reward and someone who is looking after all our actions very easy to understand and so the most of the religious religion that grew up in these wavy ism here we find see Ramakrishna is telling like this and Shankar Acharya it became very difficult for him to give the answer how the God has created this universe you all know those who are attending regularly our philosophical classes that the three answers are to be given who is the creator what is this creation and what is the relation between the creator and the creation though obviously or God has created it and don't question just accepting believe it is not like that in the Hinduism every scale you have the right to ask question when the people are asking question if God has created these universe this whole world what you see in this world everything is dying some day or other the trees and other animals the insects the reptiles the human being the birds each and every creature as the beginning and the end does it mean the God also has the beginning and the end does God die so that is the question so to answer this Shankar Acharya he is using the word Maya what is there in the phoenicians I think she says everybody should talk about the Maya Maya be in this type of world that they're in the police so he's using the Maya what is that Maya a magical power the Maya the word uses a magical power here the chancre is telling that tremendous power that is there in the god with that he is creating everything when you look at the magician his mesmerizing thousands of people just in front of him hello when a person is coming and he's showing his hand there is nothing suddenly out of his palm comes out to be gions and flying the living pigeons how could you do that the people are appreciating that and when what they see they see it but is so difficult to believe it because of the bare hands with nothing was there suddenly the pigeons are coming living pigeons and flying all around how it is possible has God created this universe like that power so that is the question so Maya is considered as the will of God for God Maya is only the will to create the appearance it does not affect God does not receive him as the once Ramakrishna was mentioning though there may be smell bad and good smell in the ear but here by anyway is not affected by that it just slow and where there are bad things it takes the bad smell and go the gain the good things flower garden the good of good smells so like that it goes it is no none no way is attached to that similarly God is creating those who see many objects instead of one Brahman or God for them Maya is an illusion producing out of ignorance called of India Shankara he is giving this example to justify to philosophize that you have to give the reply everything that we see in the creation is temporary if it is so if the weather the Creator is also temporary like the carpenter and his woodwork whatever the woodwork that the carpenter does that also gets destroyed carpenter he also died is it like that that there is a end of God someday God will also died that is absurd so obviously from the philosophical point of view it is completely absurd so he says like this those who are seeing many things instead of one for them Mayan is having two gifts terrible gifts one of gana with double function Maya is creating the Afghan adoring the new signs and he's having to double action double functions what is that one is considering the real nature of Brahman and seeking making him appear as the world this is the perfect answer to the big answer we follow a doing the Vedanta in began three schools we go for the best one Advaita do hug once the Ramakrishna is talking like these everything but he is a not breathing show me we began the compose that beautiful the him about tea Ramakrishna a toy us at the Somali to Chetan his mind is fooled with the knowledge of advaitha the oneness and again Marche horizontally baby she also said when there was a controversy Xiaomi Vivekananda he established an ostomy with the help of his two British devotees captain and mrs. Saviour a beautiful a sermon and under Evalia a deer and the gossamer he said this is for a blade those who are capable they should practice mostly the European disciples who were coming to India following Swami Vivekananda they will not have acute it with so many different varieties of gods and goddesses though I don't wash even all that it was terrible for them so for them mainly and also for those who can conceive this idea one nothing is there and that one is within you and that is your consciousness that way the one brahma jury it was difficult for him too he was posted over the earth so he was working in a de casa and he started worshipping the picture of Salama krishna inside his room not in a shrine not publicly even then when Shami become the was visiting he entered into that room saw that picture and said my god why you worshipping here he didn't say anything to that young Ramachari he scolded the in church over there it will it is your duty to tell them to teach them that this is advaitha some of them they were confused Ramakrishna is Vivekananda's guru how come the dividend is asking stopping us to worship him so they wrote to mother Mara the money Devi who was in relation was the wife of the Ramakrishna and she was a great devotee but she wrote your guru that is Ramakrishna is an updating and you are also advaitha Advaita the dis advisor here it mentioned those who are not able to see one for them the creation is nothing but Maya and from the statement like that as Ramakrishna is mentioning how can you eliminate from the reality the universe so if you do that you will all get the total weight like the bale fruit that if you like to wait not only the kernel but also the shell and the seeds and many other things which you are not going to eat that you have to wave otherwise how it is possible so this way some people the thing that see Ramakrishna is following the path of Ramanuja a pishy star Drita because Ramanuja he is telling in this way he is also accepting Maya he is also using the word mire to explain the creation for for ramanuja the Maya is God's wonderful power of real creation this is the difference Shankara is appearance Ramanuja real creation both are using the word Maya one is telling the Maya is a Gianna a big dia rama history no is a real power Maya is eternal unconscious primal matter which is in Brahman and which is in real transformation into the world so how God is creating this world through the Maya and what is Maya according to ramanuja it is eternal even though the things are changing forms and names are changing but in reality it is there in different form and different names and it is unconscious it is not conscious and it's the primal matter with which God is creating this universe this idea is known as marine arm of other polynominal it was the milk before and it has become the yogurt completely change their skull for Adama it is parinama means the effect so obviously you cannot change the yogurt into milk again that is not possible once it has been transformed the makers transform as a yogurt it is yogurt shankha philosophy is also supporting this view Shankara theory of creation is famous at be birthed about the two world if you can remember one is parinamavada the God from his power that is Maya with the help of the Maya is creating these universe this world which is permanent supreme parinama they are not going back again to the God but Shankara C is known it is B birth the bother you you were creating these from your own mind just you it superimposing according to Shankara Maya is not the permanent character of God but only a free will which can be given up at will so God may create may not create it can take back the creation also so it is free will and it can take back at will Shankara things this Maya is a bumper of the pro creepy but this property and shank appearance of Ibraheem not the same so this one we won't be able to meet to discuss about the philosophy because this coming Sunday I will be in Toronto and the next Sunday again will go for the retreat so like that so next time when you meeting will come to the shank of yourself you will be discussing it in at length of about this is a property having three elements sattva Raja and Tama it is the power of God an absolutely dependent on so it is the Bieber to not paranormal what is this suppose I see a snake on a road the Rope is slow only I am thinking that it is a snake as long as I am thinking that rope a snake the snake exists but the moment someone comes with a light and show that this is the Rope will not need not to be afraid of it is not a snake make vanishes so this is the difference one is permanent Ramanuja said when the Rope becomes naked become snake it will never become ro4 in Arma body but Shankar says be berthed father you are concealing and superimposing something else it was rope all through rope never becomes me it is you who's close that with your ignorance and superimpose on that snake from your idea because of the another similarity so it became snake to you not to all the one who sees this world is a world to him not to each and every one when a small beam little girl is playing with our dolls the dolls are speaking to her and she is clearly listening to those and the doll is telling I am hungry just she is arranging arranging food for the dog and the water for the dog can we the grown-up when you are sitting all around looking at her play we say play she is playing with the dolls but for heart is a complete reality similarly when we are looking at this world and thinking that this is real it is real to you not to surround Krishna not to Jesus not to chasten no Mahaprabhu not to Shankar Acharya why the acronyms how by knowledge so when we are by knowledge Crona then we can think or no this is not like that just now if we say now as because we are reading the Shankar Acharya I deny this world that will be I don't think is real because that is not originally coming out from your experience knowledge that is exactly what the dhamma krishna will be mentioning maya is nothing but last and gold that again there is the coined word a man attains yoga when he has freed his mind from this tomb the Maya is creating this world what is that Maya and according to some if see Rama Krishna the last and goal because the time that he was leaving people were all the time thinking about the money even now the modern society always hankering after money knowing that he is going to die someday even then he would be going on accumulating money in the bank and ultimately he will never give that money to anyone when he dies Bank people are very happy oh as he passed away and let his soul go to God or anywhere we don't want so so that way they will be thinking that bank has got that money he earned he could not enjoy he earned he could not donate he are and he suffered why wrong conception I am going to lovely you that is see Ramakrishna stealing the self the supreme self is the magnet is concluding the individual self is the needle the individual self experiences the state of yoga when it is attached by the supreme self attracted by the supreme self Twitter now this needle is constantly it is getting the pool from the supreme self why you people have come one here today this evening why people are visiting the temple why people are reading the philosophy and the scriptural books why because something within them they are thinking that something is there which is permanent which can give me the beef happiness joy and cinema business killing that is the supreme self because this thought is coming within your mind know it for sure to some extent you are free from the play which is covering that middle and that is the reason the middle toe constantly the magnet is drawing towards it it cannot go the Sadam occasion is giving the individual self experiences the state of yoga when it is attracted by the supreme self or itself but the magnet cannot attract the needle if the needle is covered with clay it can draw the needle only when the clay is removed the clay must be removed then Mukherjee is asking how can one remove it so this question and the answer you will again listen that is very important question how to remove the claim then the next class again we will discuss about it let us offer our pranaam to this great soul the Ramakrishna the God who manifested in the form of Ramakrishna and give his everything in the form of knowledge through this book Pancham Veda need Anjana medium hunter who come botton compa Rita Vikram by Ayesha Dharam for omission is Jim Tom Ramakrishna sheer asana mama [Music] Chandi Chandi Chandi hurry you