Video 127
128. Panchama Veda - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
sravana mangalam srimad autumn boo vegan on da Giridhar jana in this 2016 number 29 before the winter vacation we read from the 15 chapter of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna which I have given the name Pancham evita it was the last visit to kesha because after that Keisha passed away so that was very important and that conversation so this time winter was very mild of course and not much snow the most of the people are very happy that there's no snow and sometimes I saw that our neighbor he is going on in a freedom with the two authors drawing that and sometimes the young people are bicycling all this they were enjoying but some people are not very happy because they didn't get the job to the arm and extra money but he moving as they call white gold by removing the snow they get the money the white gold was not there so they couldn't do but we had to follow the routine so we couldn't continue the class so we began studying the Pancham aveda on April second 2013 and to this 70 the apron second 2013 we started and it is continuing and already five CDs are they're ready every CD is continuing 25 lectures that means it is 125 lectures completed and at the same time it will be the 125 hours of talks but still not much so that is the the punch of aveda is an eternal mine of supreme knowledge that is the speciality the eternal mind of supreme knowledge unless and until we listen to this we read these we try to realize this follow these then those who talk about the spiritual life I don't know because their idea are unnecessarily they'll be thinking in different way and just totally wasted that this is the time this is the age and this is the opportunity those who are really interested to develop the spiritual life and by that way really like to go beyond this but then deck circle really want to go to the realm of eternal peace happiness joy 14 this is and mine of knowledge of spiritual knowledge we began explaining the verse that we all reside in that second april 2013 we started with turbo khatam rhythm taba means your guitar is the words um rhythm is the nectar your words are just like the nectar Oh God your words gives us eternal life if we translate it in a free translation it gives us eternal life amrit I'm become this connector that gives the eternal life but who will understand it that is the question and that immediately the second word used in that words dr. G burnham who has really understood that the futility of this life the futility why will attain because we see that every time things are coming staying for some time and then changing changing changing going away constantly nothing remains not even our years is also falling and people are becoming naturally old and all our tight the schemes are becoming again lose all these things in the body and then when you look at the world the society all around we grew up somewhere else we are now somewhere else our friends our relatives so many relations all the time changing everything is changing nothing is permanent even then we think next thing if I am going to get and be very happy i was reading in the newspaper someone that's published the reporter the 70 years continuous life in a marriage life 70 years and when they died has been done wiped at the same time they will seek they were admitted in the hospital and i think 45 minutes apart both of them they passed away so that is the news it has been published that is good both of them the naturally they are not having the death suffering that's okay but what is the choice that are also temporary we do not know what is going to happen after that life so we have to think about as we are studying the philosophy in our Sunday classes the all the time what is the next where we are going to go that is the question the thoughtful people must understand that what is happening in this life someone we are passing but the miracle of the Maya so intelligent person he understands so many things he understand everything almost if you go and sit before him when they are opening their mouth and talking about the subject they know so many varieties and so in depth knowledge is there but only one thing they are lacking not understanding that this life is very very temporary unless and until we understand that I understand that very seriously spiritual life never begins all that we see in the name of religion in the name of spirituality is nothing but a short of emotion and nothing else very very as they call skin deep nothing is there so Serrano Krishna's link as long as man is associated with the bodies that they're in the 319 page that we stopped over there he is telling that as long as man is associated himself with the bodies this is the life the constant changing and he came to keshab with that Keisha the famous person and that man he was respected everywhere at the end of his life his trembling he gonna stand his mother is requesting bhagavan sri ramakrishna to pray for him and the kisha was understood that the last moments are approaching a chef is so eager to meet government with Ramakrishna why because he understood this whole world is nothing but so very temporary so he came the case of came the expression they if the Ramakrishna was waiting over here and when this corruption the game he old Islamic and i am here said i am here said he was telling he was holding the hand of saddam o Krishna and slowly she was uttering like that I'm here say i am here say he took see ramakrishna's left hand and stroked it gently but the master was in deep Samadhi completely intoxicated with divine love a stream of wars came from his lips as we talked to himself and the devotees listen to him spellbound that is the master mature a very good observer minutely he saw each and everything how the fissure is gently stroking the hand of the Ramakrishna he wanted to inform the ramakrishna that i am here but the ramakrishna is not looking at cache of as kasia see Rama Krishna is saying that eternal thing and he is in chama V and he is killing as long as a man associate himself with who bodies so long he sees the manifold such as keisha prasanna Amrita and so on look at this he has gone to Keisha normally the what the people will do how are you what are the medicine you are taking what the doctors and it will be all right and I am at least those two religious people say I'll pray for you like this it goes see now how kitchen is not bothering about that that very moment de when he was trying to give the knowledge to case of generation because he loves keisha because he loved k shop so he wanted to tell him that this is forget about yourself this body is very very temporary why you are associated with hoop are these what are the bodies ego now here we know in the body means we are associating ourselves with so many other things first when you grew up all the time the parents they say your name is this your name isn't the children they come when I asked them what is your name then they say so that's a small at something name immediately the mother of the father will prompt the complete name is a complete name so complete name is this much and then the surname and all the associated with the family particular then the more they grew up this is my school that is my college this is my family that is my society I know these I know that and the more and more he is getting all those is a big list let's kalu bodies we are super going on super imposing on that and we're from it begins jeevers and nothing but the shivers they say gee Bob from Havana opera that is the strong statement by shankaracharya after realization of the truth he said each and every individual is nothing but the Shiva Brahma itself but so unfortunately do not understand that we are constantly thinking that we are so very very humble person we don't know these don't know that we I am not having these I'm not having that so many other things are also there why because I am associated with this body and momentum associated so the name and form this is the form and it is associated with the name and I think this is so very real and obviously this associated with many other things and I am thinking I am happy or I am in misery so that Saddam o Krishna why do you think like that what you can't understand that we are the Brahman we are the eternal joy we are the eternal purity we are the eternal consciousness why can't you understand that because our ego it is disassociated from Brahma because of the ego so they say consciousness associated with ego is a Jima ahankara oppa heated Jaden in Sanskrit deseo paleta associated superimposed on what consciousness now I see the white light I see the yellow light I see the green light is the lightest change it's not as it is there only thing before that when the world is burning before that I put the green glass are the white one or the red one of the yellow one so what he was the color I put that color comes out and i think this is this and similarly anting am a doctor I'm an administrator I am a minister am so am so all that one of the another we have put and from that it is coming we have to remove that this has a sweet Oh home car Oh Paquito chaitanya jayden the consciousness is there it is bright but we have made it that different type of color and associated in that keeping before that and thinking this is true not the one which is at the back which is original source of light the original source of light we are forgetting we are taking only the cover and thinking that cover is the main that is the original theme fighting for that particular cover and when you get there to throw this nothing whatever the ruins honor he wrote whatever I want I wish that is a mistake jaha chai a bull courage I whatever I wanted that was in yup I thought China who and whatever I got that I was not praying for so this way the life constantly I was thinking if i get that particular job i'd be happy when i get the Java joint over there i find the boss is different all the other colleagues are also different type situation is different for which I was constantly preparing myself to reach over there after reaching over there it becomes a painful that is the thing you have to understand and what to do here we find in the previous classes we have already quoted from the BB a catcher our money trains those who are regularly attending this class you know I always try to code from different scriptures so my speed is slow and I take all the words of Saddam o Krishna page after page the most of the time as because it's the big book the Swami's and the others they pick up only one idea and over that the whole lecture that is over but what I am thinking in future maybe it will be useful for those seriously readers of the gospel of the Ramakrishna every page they will get the references it will be then here you find in the DVD Romany it says shankle poker jai the smart sabha under taqaddum server on earth carnem khurram it is the cause what is that cause desire is the cause of all these difficulties sarva on Arthur Arthur has a meaning on Arthur has no meaning that means the difficulties that word is used for the creating problem what server all day / problems what is the root for that sarba on Arthur some color what is this uncle desired the Sun culpa whatcha eight so therefore debug all desires the smart too therefore the smart means therefore why because that is the root of all difficulties and what type of San culpa the desire we have so many varieties of desire but even that is for the benefit of others if that is dedicated to God being that unbind you again in the third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita Krishna asking us to work intensely and he is arching Arjuna to fight because that was in Dharma that was his duty as a Kshatriya as they one year he is supposed to do that bhagavan sri krishna is arching him to do why but at the same time he is telling you remember me and fight you just go on remembering me offering all those things to me whatever work that you are doing not that Hinduism is teaching that you must simply sit idle and do nothing not like that you must have the desires you must have the energy to work and you must have the capacity to perform but at the same time detest me what is the detachment is all temporary whatever I am making is all temporary 1930 when the one Swami came Ganesha Ananda the very handsome he was young handsome very good looking very intelligent he came to America can you imagine 1930 he is coming to America and that time there is no Indians almost so he came and then he took that courage to come to Chicago where there was no base at all and he hired a room and then started giving the classes the classes which was impossible for people to understand because completely new the topics when new subjects were new terminology said new ideas and nuke the way he is explaining everything was new for them even the knee continued slowly the next one he came he also did that these two go and collect the licorice leaves and boiled that eat and they couldn't survive for a long time and he died very young then this way it goes on and on and on and on and vedanta slowly but steadily moving why because this is the truth and swami vivekananda Ramakrishna said you must go and tell people and that is your Dharma we can always go retire in a jungle you can always leave alone and that is very simple life only what you need a little shelter and one or two clothings for the whole year and the two square meals that's all but why did these people are here learning a foreign language and then reading books and trying to explain it in a way that the people can understand why all this because we have believed the words of ceramic esna this world is temporary and all our problem because of our desire so go and tell people we ever can understand you depress it sankalp overjoy 8 the smart therefore give up the Sun culpa beak of all this desires and what only for the god can I do this you have to ask God you get the inspiration you take up their job you will find that all the help is also coming from all around on know it for sure that God is behind you and that after doing that every day you have to go and offer it arpana us to I am offering it to you and not taking anything hello wish I on boom sir bhagavad-gita it says in the second chapter 62 and 63 words it goes on giving steep steep how people are getting entangled first he is looking at the thing in the world and getting associated with it Dario though and that is the be sure that is the object boom sha the human being the moment you look at that immediately you get all this problem i was giving the class in the hindu temple the lamont and also the same subject i speak there in the bengali association that is in the eternal is also continuous as the series of lectures going on now we are studying the characters of mahabharata and in the Mahabharat a very famous character is Bhishma how come the richmond of that stature he was on that so when we studied the his life we came to know the Vishwa was a bassoon the demigod very powerful but at the same time he was not free the God was the earth his wife they all came eight brothers austinmahone with their wives that is the description they say that came to have a nice time then suddenly the junior must the basu his wife saw a cow and she wanted to get that cow for ha this purchase could immediately understood that that God cow belongs to a very famous Rishi the rishis were spiritually very powerful and they told it is not what to get that curses of the deletion but somehow as because the wife one day it and the shoe said okay the junior must Bush went and grabbed the cow brought it the left the place afterward got the curse and when they came and beg pardon then the rishi told the junior one he did it and who all his brothers you only supported he will take the birth as a human being and next moment you'll be free this thing will continue but for him he has to leave on this Ark and he has to leave as a human being for a long time he suffered people criticized and on his face even a very ordinary person like Drew Johanna so we know all the story is that who you were discussing where from it only a desire of his wife for that cow and then these as a husband supported that wives desire so that is either tired to be shy on whom sure if that wife didn't come to that particular place didn't see that cow didn't get the associated and desire came to grab that get that one it was all free there is no problem of course we perhaps didn't get the character like Bhishma but anyway that it is the desire so that is your team cheetah p sankalpa nauru duque de mud chatty as a very famous yoga vashi straight A's just inch it a peace uncle path if you have a little desire then neuro Duquesne image jetty the human being will be in the deep trouble that creates or a little desire becomes the cause of great sorrow not kimchi division called bad sukam Akshay I'm a Snoopy if you don't have any desire to come Akshay the eternal joy eternal please that is the and then ramachandra is asking but how to be discriminate then he is doing walk without any selfish motive is good see Ramakrishna said miss karma karma malo work without me selfish motive now the question comes then in my profession I am giving the service does it mean that I won't draw the salary no it's not like that in the profession I must have to take the salary because I have to maintain my family and that is I am giving the job I am giving the service and in exchange of that I am getting and not desiring something else other ones the ramakrishna us you're the God himself and he has completely detached from everything even then to teach us this truth it took the job as a priest in the temple duction Asia and he used to take the salary from the dictionary temple authority every month and of course is to saying he's made the nephew to collect the salary and if Britain used to us Tippett with you and when some a mountain with their accumulated tell me I want to purchase Utley goal to make a or the bangle for Marshall a domani baby the lady whom he married his mother see Ramakrishna's mother promised that my son will make the golden bangle for you and he was going to keep the words of the mother to completely disassociated if we read the biography of Saddam o Krishna all these doubts are removed when we are working we must get some money to maintain myself and also to maintain the family and also to keep the promises there is nothing wrong so he says like this Rama SWA atma-vichara I am Who I am ceramic earu baccarat cheater do drama we just said the honey Donna's mighty yoga vasistha or arm discriminant we are mine but the seed of desire ramnavami this is the time of the Rama at this time the Rama actually the he worshipped Goddess Durga and that was all the stories the goals so Rama that we are remembering the rama and rama is getting advice from his teacher spiritual teacher this is the Boshy stir the passage demonee is teaching him DS rawat discriminate who am i and burn the seed of desire to burn the seed of desire Who am I i was born in such a such place they were my parents and they do they're my brothers and sisters that was our family then that was all the society Dean I am moving moving moving all the time and now I displays I'm here and all those people with whom I grew up none of them around all new faces new people but I am very good with them let me said the thing is changing but at the same time if I don't have that type of desire I'm happy some people they always still deserve all the thinking that oh I am a disassociated from mysociety some people unnecessarily the creator and the wider you are here one gentleman was going on today I don't know I I feel so sad that i am in America and in our society people are suffering but I am enjoying and was due to enjoy you also go and join know that I have to earn money and I have and then where you were crying no they're poor and yaki go on their poor you cry and when you are crying again say that I supposed to hold on in this way and there are not many people really very qualified people socially well established if you go to his house the big cows very big house and I was wondering why so many places that another for the fitting and here is a big place all people can see there's a small place another medium sized play so many rooms I don't know how many bedrooms are there but at least minimum so many other rooms are there where people can go and see it and how they'd like I don't know but this type of unnecessary thinking is there this is a short of an emotion just to say I am also feeling for you but are you doing anything for them know that I can't know so this way always we think but here the very clear advice is this every moment you have to burn burn the seed of desire I can help our country can I know how can I know that is the thing I can't pray for them and whatever the responsibility comes before me if it is possible and surely do so from the desire you have to come out otherwise it is impossible by spiritual practice come divine power from Italy bacon de Sade again working for the others without self-interest is the spiritual practice so it goes like this somebody is telling by spiritual practice you grow that power divine power and what is the spiritual practice helping others so this way again wings you are helping us how you're helping others without expectation X edition of anything so that is the spirituality that is the religion that is the spiritual life we are thinking that if we leave like these not talking with others and then walking bear food and only eating one time a day all these are minor things you can you don't like you don't do but the main thing is this there is no desire but the only thing is this I want to burn all the desire how I can do that by helping others on what happens when I am going to serve others then blows of the blues comes different type of people will comment in different ways your ego will be passed and then you develop the strength and that spring to the spiritual power completely disassociated completely free but at the same time table does lab that grow that is the practical way we can develop the spirituality so we find over here even the Shankar Acharya in his famous book divx Romany he said the shank elbow must be berjaya the desire must be given up bhagavad-gita warning giving the warning to everyone if you are associated with anything and develop the desired but that then we going on back it is ultimately is a ruin yoga vasistha when he is giving the teaching to sri ramachandra the Lord Himself the God Himself but in the form of a human being is coming and listening to a guru a preceptor is a teachers get also he says not yes kimchi the pitch angle part nor Oh Duke a demon jetty there should not be any Sun culpa and here we find raghavan see ramakrishna is talking to these people and he says that you must do like this otherwise it would be impossible as long as a man associate himself with the bodies so long he sees the manifold such as ketchup pression amrit and so on these are the names of the people has known to ketchup generation then he said but on attending perfect knowledge he sees only one consciousness everywhere the same perfect knowledge again makes him realize that the one consciousness has become the universe and its living beings and the 24 cosmic principles but the manifestations of divine power are different in different being it is he undoubtedly who has become everything but in the same case there is a greater manifestation than in others and that is called knowledge a man who never attended in school a person who neighbors raised the scripture i have from this perfect knowledge game when he was talking with the case of chandra shame he was the leader of the Brahmo Samaj and they didn't accept that 12 concept dwell means with the images so he was talking about the consciousness he didn't say mother he didn't say the god he didn't say Krishna or the Rama he said consciousness because this person he concentrated he loved this conception so that consciousness that consciousness is everywhere and the same consciousness is ticking and having this paper form this is the spatial concept of advanced the Ramakrishna there is no difference between this world and the spiritual world only thing if you can understand and can have the pure the end that is what see Ramakrishna gave that particular term bikini gianni and be yeah who is a gani he who knows that Brahman are the God is the creator but this universe is different from God so we have to live this universe and to go to God Saddam o Krishna said why to leave what to leave because the same consciousness as because it is one without one there is no to naturally this is a pure logic that we're from weekend we came from the problem we came from the God and obviously we too are God's we too are the same consciousness and if I can understand that we go beyond the conception of only God who is there somewhere in the heaven and we always point our finger on the top thinking that somewhere in the heaven he'll be there in the universe but here we didn't mean before me all around me all these beings that I am dealing with talking with mixing with all are nothing but the manifestation of the same God that is the beauty and that is called applied Vedanta the Vedanta means one with our advaitha Vedanta one only but how to apply that one that is here other ones I Ramakrishna is killing but at the same time is very very practical that consciousness manifesting in different being in a different way and that is the intensity of manifestation when it is less useless when it is more it is more dead difference you must have to have you must have to keep in mind as long as you are in this body consciousness so I cannot go and embrace a bad person thinking that he is also God why not follow him he's also God but on to say and that is true and a person true but the manifestation is this so this moment I cannot accept him as my guru when I am searching for my guru my guide my spiritual the receptor then that time I have to understand the person who is not having this narrowness selfishness I was accept him as my guru I must accept his words only that you have to have that Sosa Ramakrishna in the small another some fuel alliances view sentence is very clear immediately he is giving an example even the very very educated people not the ordinary people educated people also have this type of confusions and who he says badash a girl just a big name that those days in india with das a girl Masha he was the ocean of learning so he got that title big dog other his name was assured Chandra then he got this turtle with da saga witness other once asked me can it be true that God has endowed some with great power and some witless look at it the ordinary people made out like that even though he was a Sanskrit scholar he was a big gas auger he was having so much of learning and knowledge even then his conception about God and spirituality was clouded was not very clear that is very this when we read this we understand and the cinema Krishna is very clear about that when with the sugar is doubting and he is asking how come it is the manifestation of God in some people are more some people unless another was there on dr. is to come and say why do you come and touch the feet of this man other people is to comment touch the feet of ugg ivanka ramakrishna and used to protest is a good man of course but why you have should have to go and touch his feet and that doctor is to doubt that it is it cannot be possible they are doctors they're highly qualified people but even then about the conception of God about the conception of spirituality about the manifestation of the divinity we should not listen to these people I with the medical science ok we should follow that doctor about the other things ok will follow with da saga but about spirituality Saddam o Krishna why because he has realized he has seen and he has understood and after that only with under personal authority he is telling when vadaj agrees asking immediately this person who never attended in school who was not having any certificate from any institution he said if that were not so how is it that one man may be stronger than 50 if that were not the case again how is it that we have all come here to see you look at the cinema Krishna when he talked with with da shudder he couldn't answer when he talked with cash option Roisin Kashyap silenced used to listen to see Ramakrishna and that is the proof of the presence of God God is all-powerful when that God manifests through some human being and if that human being speaks you must kept to you're bound to listen to him there is no other way vikash a girl when he heard that he couldn't reply if the manifestation is not more how is it that one man is equal to 50 and why we have come to you then there are so many people all around we are not going to each and everyone we have come to you why because the manifestation of that divinities must more through knowledge and big Dasha girl was a very kind and good person is to help a lot to the poor people particularly the the young widows that was a terrible time in the society in our country they were suffering big the shadow stood by their side the soul through which God spose is endowed with his his special power and 320 the page is dealing in those the special power in that particular person the soul through which God spose is endowed with his special power the landlord may reside in any part of his state but is generally to be found in a particular drawing room the devotee of God drawing devotees is that God's triangle God loves to sport in the heart of his devotee it is there that his special power is manifest what is the sign of that devotee when you see a man doing great works you may know that God special power is manifested through him that is the proof sometimes people when they say some of our Swami's we are very very ordinary we are only having a guerra and association of Ramakrishna mission salt and the ramakrishna mission is known and respected in the in india and as some nearby countries neighbors at the Bangladesh Nepal etc I know well how many people didn't know about the ramakrishna mission have begun to society in America very few even those who are from India they have hard the name of Ramakrishna majority of them could misunderstand that and they have lot of criticism and something to say about the ramakrishna mission so many without understanding how we are working and why we are working why should it work so that they don't understand what they would like to criticize that it's ok so this the sadhana location says but we have seen the Swami's the terrible power manifested I cannot tell you one thing that's wrong Xiaomi location and the G he thought that is a dungeon was there in kolkata he wanted to help them as they call it red light area but he wanted to help those poor children so how to when he developed a group of people young people he went used to take them in the particular in the evening time bring the children out and to give them education he was doing that naturally the contemporary people some of them they were fawning why the xiaomi should do like this is the bad people even then he is helping he went on helping and sometimes he said that when i am keeping these young people and this there they were intelligent students from different villages different parts of the whispering august to come and stay over there they call it patria gotta whether that was the famous theme and many of these educated young people afterwards became the Sonia and famous spaniel things and location remember G is to look after them one day there is no money and the manager came and to manager means another student perhaps he came and told Swami we have to pay the taxes we have to pay these and that and we don't have money location he didn't say anything but I don't have anything with me and he was wondering and praying and suddenly when he was thinking what to do he came out of his house thinking to go to somewhere else his known person to get some money from him one gentleman came and told show me can I meet you and he gave a check this is the amount please keep if this is not miracle than what is miracle in my this simple life also i have seen the miracles how people are coming qualified people exactly that time I needed they came the health and then they went away it went on the money came people came big deal and now people say you have done it I'd be going to run the man this time and they always say the founder secretary I found it there and they say you have done this you have done that and I always loved and think that I did I never thought of those things it went on happening how God is working through was why that is real desire that is his play his power manifest with anyone we can do the wonderful thing so what we learn from this humbleness humbleness humble I can't do anything it is impossible they say in the Mahabharata after all things were over when the Krishna gave up his body and he sent the word for the arjuna that the bad people are coming and forcefully taking away the ladies of our clan can you please help protect these ladies Oh Gina couldn't lift that ball how to fight he was so powerful and he was so boastful he was so proud about his power he couldn't lift that bow to fight against that why krishna was not there when the god is with you you do have breathing when the god is not there bulb is there but no current no electricity so how you burn filament is there bulb is there everything is there but is not working white it is not connected with the current that is the god raghavan see Rama Krishna is telling that what is the sign of such devotee when you see a man doing great works you may know that the god special power is manifested through him then he said the primordial power and the supreme Brahman identical that is they always ramakrishna's this is a special the primordial power that is the shakti and also the consciousness they are saying together always every time as that is the reason the god disdain worship McCauley and we know that the rain drama tender was getting himself ready to fight against the rivanna g worship shakti and at the same time we see in the Mahabharata window or Juna and others they were getting ready for the great war of Mahabharata Kruk Chaitra world Krishna acts told you know to worship goddess Durga to get the shakti ceramic is new again and again stayed the kiss primary power so that is naboo mming this nine nights nine days the people constantly should remember that power and slowly slowly they should try to understand if all these things temporary why should they have to break my head to hold all these things the moment we think in that way and the pale argue will come when the boy kogda has entered humbleness will come ego will go every self-confidence will be there your capacity will be undersold you can work much much more than this moment you are doing but that should have become an astronomy become the sale that power of a lion will come when you are working for the betterment of others so that will come because you are doing God's job Hanuman he did so much with the power of God when people were praising and want he said don't don't do the hat with it is Sri Ramachandra free is sitting over here industry how much endure who wanted me to give this name and fame it is his power that worked through me same way Shami Vivekananda it is ceramic ishness power that worked through me when the the millions of people in calculator they were shouting jaya vehicle and the g KJ glory to Vivekananda he immediately requested them to shout not much not that way he said it is the Ramakrishna the power of se llama Krishna and the ceramic ich nur only has made me be so that God is there and it is God who manifests through someone and he also we think that he is a great person and that groups that God is there thing to friends as a wonderful subject that you all disgust and let me tell you one thing that today is a very auspicious day and I thought that we should offer this to mother this is the bhagavad-gita I give Gita classes the discourses in different places but only in the naperville that is recorded so one of my I'm a very close person and he is not living here the farther away the American young boy he listens to that and he puts in such a way then we can make this a CD 24 discourses of bhagavad-gita now it will continue but this is the first CD on the other words give that in English the today we are releasing it will be available for five copies be there in our bookstore if you like you can purchase it I thought that today is a very auspicious day let me do it ideally when I are from someone of her devotee that mark that is the boy who is doing it so his son is sick he was taking him to hospital but when he came to know that I wanted to release it today the whole 90 worked on that and he said that to download everything I really remember mark and thanking and pray for him because the modern so this is this thing soon remain over here and slowly people with a life they can get and also I like to tell you that the coming Saturday as usually we go to the new beta the navarre that is the condo that we have purchased the height park and I was supposed to give the Gita discuss over there but as it is the rama navami and the 11 jeanty all is coming in the same week so we will do this time as a special the celebration the rom nom only the ram naam and hanuman chalisa the 40 famous locust dedicated to Anna mangy and many of her devotees they know it they will do it I will also join you will also invited come I will send out to all to reminding them to come over there so I think it will be very good and the Prashad will be fruits as because anna mangy like fruits so facade will be dead and we came here on tuesday you will have that discussion on the Mohave the hanuman exactly before that tuesday we won't discuss this gospel will discuss about the hanuman ji there's a wonderful life so unless you and I will know those like we all learn that is the religion in practice in this through these lives the Xiaomi he also said that about this unmon G many of the people more ever even the Hindus also some of them majority of them out of emotion they do it others are not doing they're angry why you should not do that is owned and some people they always thinking or the funny thing that we are worshipping the nomana so it is better to understand who is this or no mana and what is the power why we are grateful to him what we are going to learn from me we will discuss that in the coming tuesday next week tuesday and in between the sunday as because it is a another mahavira but that belongs to the jane so as we are studying every sunday the philosophy so we will study the joint philosophy the coming sunday let us conclude with the same this sloka need engine on medium on anther rupam bak tonneau compa risa become by Aisha bottom but amisha medium tamarama krishnam she'd asana mama Oh Andy shaundi Sean d30 you done Seth three dominant or eponymous to