Video 126
127. Panchama Veda 127: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin with this mantra tava Kadam rhythm that jeevan KO v be rewritten [Music] Calma sharp 'him ravana Mangalam 3 madam booby green ENT a body dodging aah this is the nectar that this is the teaching practicing which one can become eternal and can achieve immense peace and please so this is why they say kata Amrita katha means the teaching Amrit is that which gives us the eternity we had already started all many pages and last time we were discussing about love different type of love for God this is some eartha then some and Jessa solder a knee different varieties of grades of devotion to God when the love for love's sake that is called samartha then mean that particular condition is called samartha and where a person is loving God expecting nothing the love for love's sake there's a wonderful condition whenever we come to God whenever you look at that God go to shrine or church any holy place we have a prayer and if we notice that in the prayer they have so we are having so many things as a demand to God please do these this for me these at least please have mercy on me or please love me or please reveal before me so all these at least there there's a very high type of prayer no doubt but still that's the list of things are there with you you're asking but someone is there with you who is loving God only for love see that is a unique condition of the mind and that is called samartha prema that prema the love for God is not expecting anything from God then summon Jason solder Oni we can understand so mostly we practice we follow majority of the people they follow sad irony that is the love for God respect for God but in exchange we want the protection we want these and dad now today master Michelle is giving an description as a wonderful description of love of the Wannsee Ramakrishna for those who love God so that is master Masha is recording it was ministy November 28th 1883 and today is November 29 only one day missed so this November 28th right from the two o'clock in the afternoon master Masha aim was waiting for vagabond see Ramakrishna who came at about 5 o'clock so look at this the devotees eagerness to meet his own guru his own preceptor is guide and eagerness to listen to the holy words inspiring words spiritual instructions so he is waiting from sir a 2 o'clock we're just in front of a shop gender Shane's house it's still there in Calcutta this is called circular road in front of Lily cottage this Lily cottage is the name of the house where catch a fish to live Kisha chain he was seriously ill and he was awaiting the arrival of sri ramakrishna Kashyap illness had taken a siesta and there was very little chance of his recovery since the master loved Keshia dearly he was coming from Dakshina sure to pay him a visit that was he was describing then he described on the east side of the circular road was Victoria College and north of the college was a spacious garden house inhabited by an English family there was there had been a death in the family there was the commotion and master MA she inquired there was a death in the family now the master mantra is pondering over that inside the house where they will enter there's a Keisha who is awaiting death and just now he noticed another death in the neighbor's house and he is thinking whether where does where does the soul go leaving behind the mortal body pondering the age-old question aim waited about five o'clock a carriage stopped in front of the Lilly cottage and C Ramakrishna got out with lar two and several other devotees including Rock Hall Prasanna he came pushin as a devotee he came to receive the master and master was very eager to meet the key shop then and there he wanted to go inside but in those days even now is much more the people they always follow some decorum you have come please wait over here and he will come out meat and all mah Salam o Krishna he used to love cash of so much he was eager to meet him and whatever the purpose that should be the first that was his mental attitude so he wanted to go inside the cage oh he is sick why should I have to come here I will go but they told no sir please wait etc and master become a little angry and sit go away it is you who are making all the first let me go in then Prasanna began to talk about Keysha in order to divert master's attention and he said Keysha is now an altogether different person like you said he talks to divine mother he hears what the mother says and he loves and he cries moment he said that the the ketchup talked to divine mother master became the went into deep into Samadhi the master was in a state of intense divine intoxication in the meantime they put on the light and all those things and here master was talking with the divine mother he was telling oh hello are you here then sitting himself on a couch he began to lost consciousness of the outer world and looking around as if seeing someone he said hello mother I see that you too have come this is very important he has gone to see the an ailing person and dear he is feeling the presence of the divine mother how you were showing off in your sari don't bother me now please sit down and be quiet you look at it and hear the benasi shaadi the Indian Willems dan is a special kind of the women address and mother wearing that burner see sorry waiting dear I was wondering why the Benares is shoddy the mother as she was wearing at that particular time she has come to attain the ketchup to see ketchup who is going to die and coming with all these dresses and sri ramakrishna noticing this it will don't make any problem sit down quietly let us wait let him come as because the death that we think of it is totally different I was just reading a few books and I found the human body has five sets we know the kosha puncher that means five kosha means different cover first is the Annamayya that is the particular name has been given the external body is called as on Maya then next come pranamaya then mano Maya big Annamayya ananda maya so these are the five of the five the under Maya portion of this body when it is perishes the first the set the cover when it is perished then it is called death the last cover that is called ananda maya the first is Annamayya the last anandamaya in between there are three pranamaya mano Maya big Gianna Maya they call it Sushma Sarita subtle body one is gross body Annamayya then certain body pranamaya Monomoy a big Annamayya and dinkum karana Maya causal body and that is ananda maya that is the cause for all these this Sushma's reader the subtle thing it never changes it is there always so when we die either the body or the burn the external cover of the person that is called Annamayya and that we generally call as mirth to the depth the Catawba Nishat we have already read it just recently no chiquita was asking this question is there anything that survived after death and in answer we know that Yama the king of death he said I will tell you what is death and what is liberation Mukti yes here a big Jana JA Moran improvi there is a knowledge knowledge of eternity without knowing that when one dies that means gives up the body and his subtle body that tree pranamaya Minami a wig Annamayya they survive and they again continue to search for another new body they go to dead body then again it takes birth again they go according to their karma whatever the impressions were there in the mind again they give up that first body that is anime Akasha and if they are not knowing the truth the knowledge the god the realization of the supreme then again they travel travel travel and travel it continues and that is called breath - and here it says very clearly without knowing this truth if you die that is called Rito but the triva sama Bunty aunty now would come aunty breather and Nirvana should say but suppose you have realized that there is no going up and down that is the end of it so we are traveling again and again the certain body is traveling again and again and every time we are taking a outer cover without the outer cover we cannot perform our duties the rat is necessary though the outer cover has nothing to do like a car the engine is the main all the technology that works inside the main but outer cover is also necessary otherwise it won't move the outer cover is the body though it is not very important but that is also necessary to move and activate it by pranamaya mono Maya with Gianna Maya and in the pranamaya there are all impressions of their Manu Maya that is holding all the impression activities are going on it continues but suppose we realize the truth then there is no go so all this for under my arm pranamaya mono Maya VG Annamayya they stopped functioning only one thing remain on and the Maya and that is called the Mukti knowing that other bodies merges in the source and no more creation means liberation so this is called the master Masha was wondering so where does the soul go this is the - condition one they call again in another place they call it they go to Petri Luca following the part of the moon and another they go to Surya Luca following the path of God so Devo Jana and p3 Jana following the path of the moon and the part of the Sun in different expression different way they say the two movements a one who is moving towards the moon the path of moon they go to PT loca means again you will have to come back you go and take a little rest when all those things are over then again come back why because immediately after happening all those things we get disgusted oh this is the light I don't like to leave so that is the mental condition then as if the God gives some healing time go and take a little rest so he go and then slowly slowly we come down again all those impressions come it becomes strong and again we come back again take the body it goes on and on like this but those who realize God they go to devil oka why Surya Luka because the light it is not that this son only the symbolic original light the light that is the symbol of knowledge the knowledge that I am one and I am NOT to Raghavan see Ramakrishna he's after these he is talking to you he was seeing to himself soliloquizing still filled with the divine for our body and the soul these are the two things the body was born and it will die body annamaya kosha and the soul the three other cautious pranamaya Manu Maya big Gianna Maya the body was born and it will die but for the soul there is no death so it goes on traveling but if you know so he says as long as man has to sweet himself with bodies as because he is in the cache of house and going to meet the kiss-off already calm and seeing see Ramakrishna in a loud voice he was telling I am here sir I am here the Keshava was telling but Sri Ramakrishna was in a different mood he was not noticing that way that Krishna has come and he was going on telling these as long as a man associates himself with the who bodies what the bodies or all these things that we associate ourselves I am a knowledgeable person I am a rich person I know so many things I don't know so many things I am poor I am rich I am man I am a woman and all those things whatever you think is nothing but going on an impression on that that is called uparti this is the name that is original but from that name again and so many things goes on happening the Graduate then one thing be aiming then master then these then that goes on adding with the name so it is called Bhupathi associated and also in that our Indian language do body means the surname that is not actually a by name my name is different but the surname is associated with the family so that is called a body the surname Sri Ramakrishna is telling here this particular associating himself with the bodies means when a person is associated with the Angara with the ego that I am these am DS and I am DS then he is telling the as long as you are associating what you see so long he sees the many folds so many different themes such as Keyshia pression hombre all these different names different forms different other histories but on attaining perfect knowledge look at it what the bureau there no coupon assured said that exactly singing things Adama Krishna is telling that when he attained the perfect knowledge he sees only one consciousness everywhere the same perfect knowledge again makes him realized that the one consciousness has become universe and it's living beings and the twenty four cosmic principles this is the cosmic principles that means how the creation was created according to the samkhya philosophy Sanko philosophy it says that there are twenty-four causes for the creation I am NOT going to discuss about that this hunk of philosophy they say twenty-four is mentioning twenty-four cosmic principles but the manifestation of divine power are different in different beings again he is giving another immediately this is the uniqueness of the RAM kishna he always gives the complete idea whatever he says whenever he says he always concludes now he says if you are associated with the eyeness the ego you see many and when you see many so obviously there will be anger there will be love there will be association there will be this association and all those things will go on so sometimes it is happiness sometimes it is misery it will continue if you see the one that is the perfect knowledge from one everything has come sometimes people call God has created sometimes we say assure sometimes we call it Atma Brahman Raghavan so this way all the creation but one it is nothing to and then you need not to bother about the second birth it goes on now the creation inside the creation we find someone is very intelligent someone not so there he says it is he undoubtedly who has become everything God has created all these different things but it is one this is one knowledge again another step ahead the God has become everything God is one but the same one has become so many see Ramakrishna said that is big Gianna Gianna and big Jana what is ghana ghana is the god is one and pagina the same one has become each and every one that we see that is called big Gianna so in the big Anna in that knowledge of the particular spiritual science when we know that one has become many there comes a doubt and that exactly what with the Shigure Express that doubt he said can it be true that God has endowed some with greater power and some with lists' because we see that some people are having greater power they have different type of capacities some people can understand things so easily and clearly very fast some people cannot even if you keep some money and ask them to do some business the only and some people without money even they start doing this and become very successful there are so many rags to riches stories are there and how it is possible because of his convictions because of his efforts and all why not others this is the difference there are so many people they are singing but one or two became so famous why the cause the manifestation of the power of God is more so that is the way the reduction and the one lady came to some of our monk and say Swami ji I like your lecture very much to attend to your lecture so he was happy naturally if you come and say like that then she explained that was very terrible she thought because in your lecture there is very few people again so I can look at it the Dashami told the second portion you should not have said anyway so there are some people win the speak there is not a single seed back end the at that capacity and that is the power of God manifesting through them that is sure but the problem with that person if he is not understanding that it comes the ego then once again go back to square one and then again from the scrappy of to stock it goes on like this so that is why the last that they say that you heard address the last hurdle for a monk who has leaved the holy life all through his name and fame the last hurdle raghunathan and the G location the G days to tell us all the time that is the last hurdle the name and fame when the people are coming and appreciating you constantly following you then slowly that ego comes be very very careful always go and pray to God but one see Ramakrishna when many people started coming to him he ran to the divine mother ma Kali and said mother don't give this external thing to me give all that power inside so that was his power when see Ramakrishna wanted to give he tempted young man not in there not I will give you all this power to you will you take it he was really a shisha and immediately he said is it going to give me the god realization and no but you will be very very famous in the whole world and you can do so many things with this spiritual power he refused I don't need that so that is the test and here see Ramakrishna is explaining undoubtedly who has become everything but in some cases there is a greater manifestation than in others with their target questioned in reply see Ramakrishna said if that were not so how is it that one man may be stronger than fifty if that were not the case again how is it that we have all come to here and to see you with - a girl here's a very famous man educated person so we have come to you for what that meet the special power the soul through which gods pose is endowed with special power the landlord may reside in any part of his state but he is generally to be found in the particular drawing-room the devotee is God's drawing-room God loves to sport in the heart of his devotee it is there that his special power is manifest see Ramakrishna is in a very simple and unique way he says now the king is everywhere in the kingdom what is his kingdom he may be anywhere anytime but people can go and meet him in a special room the drawing-room where he likes to see it his more presence is there similarly God is everywhere his presence is in being right from the hand after the dinosaurs everywhere we can just see like that the smallest and the biggest but his presence is more palpable in the heart of a devotee who is going on meditating and remembering God how we will know the devotee because he will not have any consciousness about himself or herself only about the God God and God so we were goes to that person he feels about the presence of God hears about the God what is the sign of such a devotee Salaam o Krishna is giving asking the question and answering what is the sign of such a devotee when you see a man doing great works you may know that God special power is manifested through him the primordial power in sanskrit it call it a dr Shakti the primordial power and the supreme Brahman are identical now again he is shifting to another philosophical question if brahman is inactive how these things are happening in the Hinduism they always say everything is coming from the Brahman and Brahman is inactive Brahman has no desire in that case naturally the question comes if the Brahman all-pervading consciousness is inactive where from the creation came the answer is the primordial energy our dr Shakti the power of that supreme Brahman it is coming and activated at the two different no they are same see Ramakrishna is telling like that you can never think of the one without the other they are like the gym and the brilliance one cannot think of the brightness without the gem or of the gym without the brightness again it is like the snake and these and eve's wriggling motion it is the primordial power that has become the universe and its living beings and the twenty-four cosmic principles it is the cause of involution and evolution I was giving a talk and that an Ann Arbor University about the Hinduism that is naturally is very difficult to explain about Hinduism why the vastness why because the wonderful way it has been explained and so difficult to understand if we say God has created his universe it becomes so easy and we know there is a person who is the maker and this is what he has made clear now here we say it is the Brahman which is the source of everything but inactive now again is a Brahmans power that is creating sustaining destroying it has become everything and again it goes back to the Brahman and again comes out involution evolution difficult to understand but this is the truth otherwise it will be very difficult to answer the philosophical question anything that is created is having two things one who is the creator and with what he is creating with the iron with the wood with the mod what so obviously a material cause and intellectual cause if you say that God is the intellectual cause what is the material cause out of what the goddess made oh there was these there was these there was these he D be there before the creation of God all at the same time of God obviously two entities the moment the conception of to comes here comes the fight and if one is going to be destroyed so obviously philosophically you cannot say the God created out of nothing how it is possible something cannot be created out of nothing there must be something now we come back to the same question we have no doubt to believe that God has created but Sir out of what here the bellend the gifts that answer it says out of its own self but how it is power and the power and the God are different then is giving the example like the brilliance of a gem the gem and the brilliance are one but at the same time they are different suppose we put a lamp over here as a dark room the the brightness of the lamp lighting the room and the lamb are one but at the same time they are different so this way we have to understand that they are different this universe and nothing but the creation of God but they are not God Shami we become though he wrote a wonderful poem he explained this the God has created everything but at the same time all these things are not God but it was a bit confusing so one disciple lady disciples she wrote back to Shami G so I have understood you now everything that I see is nothing but the God right so God has become everything and everything is God right then to reply how from eg wrote a wonderful question and there he said by the side of Ganga one pundit was explaining Ramayana and after explaining all these things when he stopped after two-three hours of deliberation then one raised his hand and said I have understood the Ramayana but only one question who was schita I have understood the whole of Ramayana but only one just quick question in this country they say quick question what is that who is the sheet Arab Sita without Sita there is no Ramayana but if you have not understood the Sita then what happens this Swamiji wrote just like that a wonderful point if you read that religious book that a few poems are there wonderfully written back and if you read the original then that that's in English so you can read that and can enjoy so it goes back to the same square one here also we have to understand and keep it in mind that each and everything is nothing but the manifestation of God but they are not God why because they are temporary within that that is a wonderful thing that is called the soul that is permanent it goes back to the source now in the modern times is it has become very easy to explain now we see so many lights electrical apparatus differ different sometimes the fans sometimes the TV sometimes the heater sometimes the bulbs and the tube lights so many varieties of names and forms but one thing is common and the bhagavad-gita it says Sutra monoghan IVA the money's all the different jewelry's that are all different different shape different shade different color but inside that there is a sutra there is a trade which is holding everything and making a girl and similarly all these things that we see within that there's electricity but if we think that particular bulb is electricity wrong electricity is there present but this bulb is not that electricity isn't it so this way we can understand that the gods power is present in every being God has created every being but that cannot be God within that there is a soul which is that goes back so in the primordial power that has become the universe and it's living being and the 24 cosmic principles it is the cause of involution and evolution when you put up the switch involution the electricity goes back and when we put on the switch again evolution it comes out so the modern science it has become very easy for the pedant to explain taking the help of the science and why do we feel so Restless for Rakhal Narendra and the other youngsters now he is explaining you know every time the contemporary people do not understand the great Souls because their behavior is certainly different type so hasta once asked me hasta Marsha almost all of us we know him when will you think of God if you are always anxious about these boys Kiesha when others the smile because ketchups spiritual attainment was very high they understood immediately that worried me greatly saddam equation is telling when he put that question you are thinking about these worldly people and you are not talking thinking about the god what will happen to you he is asking ceramic ceramic is not just like a very innocent boy he became greatly worried and he went to the Divine Mother and arks mother see what he fix I mean hosta scolds me because I worry about these young men afterwards I asked bholenath about it bolon art was also very spiritually and also scripturally advanced person he said to me that such a state of mind is described in the Mahabharata how else will a man stablished in Samadhi occupy his mind in the phenomenal world after coming down from Samadhi this is important a person whose mind constantly practicing meditation and concentrating his mind on the God becomes very circle now after coming down when there is a very gross expression of the worldly things it becomes very difficult for him to cope with that it means a little higher a little certain thing suppose a painter if you talk about all the time guns and the war and the politics you say sir okay thank you you know so many things but I don't know much about it I like to talk about painting do you know anything about the painting the painting that's the wastage of time don't do that so how you become the frame so we know we have to have someone who can understand my views my ideas I talk to them in that way so that is essential that is necessary a man is known by his company in English they say so you can understand that particular person seeing his frames his company some people are different type so you can understand oh that man and some people who loves to hear about God listen about God different type of philosophy different type of views they'll be running here and there when I was young as to in the at the time are starting in the college as to see in the newspaper advertisement about spiritual discourses and wherever there is a spiritual discourse near our residence I used to go and listen sometimes one hour to over something not all the speakers were low quaint so it is a little bit of boring sometimes but anyway I still enjoy you know one person was delivering a lecture then one lady is sitting just in front was snoring then he stopped talking and asked a young boy his grandson who was sitting and playing with something he said a boy actually a grandma to wake up then he said you have put her into sleep now it is your duty to so that is so that is there sometimes some people who when they are talking the art is actually a torture all moisture so one hour is not a matter of job to listen to that type of talks so one should be but still nice to go and love to listen to all those things why the samskara was there so like this we go according to our past impressions and whenever there was a monk is coming list so that way and he is telling this is also that and when you feel that those people are coming who is having that taper so naturally these people who are whose minds are highly placed with God they like them it's not the differences I like because of the not like that so here they say why do I feel so Restless for Rakhal Narendra and he's a mother see what he fix I mean Ezra is Colding than Bala not said in the Mahabharata it says how else will the man stablished in Samadhi occupy his mind in the phenomenal world after coming down from Samadhi you know when see Ramakrishna himself after realization of through different paths he traveled and then he said everything is over all paths are leading to the same goal I realized it my now everything is over why should I live in this body the moment the bodies their hunger is their diseases their pain is there so many other problems then from the floor a white smoke came out still that room is there if you go I really feel scared to stand on that because then itself it came and he saw that Rishi who told him you must live for the betterment of this world you have to spread this message but you should live in Baba mukha if you read the great master you will find this world and the big chapter on that baba mukha that means in the threshold living on the threshold of the Eternity and also the phenomena so ceramic is not lived in that way every time used to go into Samadhi and coming back when mother mosques are the Munni Devi after the passing away of ceramic isne she was thinking what for this life now why should I survive then the cinema Krishna appeared to know you have to live here to work for these people look at these people how they are leaving the Richard life constantly thinking about the food and the body and nothing else they are living a life of animals you have to give them the knowledge mother told that is not my job I don't like to that then see Ramakrishna created that Mahamaya the rowdy the rowdy Radha that that mother she was not insane but gave a birth of a child the girl and the girl was crying and crawling on the floor and trying to follow the mother the mother was there that mad so naturally she was not paying any attention and holy mother Marshall addabani Devi sitting in one place looking at that couldn't restrain herself went and took up that little baby baby girl immediately Salam occasional manifested and said this is Maha Maya I am giving him heart to you keep your mind on heart and survival so this she created so much a problem when you read within a my god why mother is to keep heart if she was not there it would have been very difficult for mother to keep her mind because it is constantly troubling back to the superconsciousness the moment it goes to that level you forget about yourself you forget about the body and obviously body needs food needs care if that is not there it will die so that is the reason they these people they always keep their mind on the Holy Souls and Hara is not to blame he told hasta is not to blame during the period of struggle one should follow the method of discrimination not these not these and direct the whole mind to God but the state of perfection is quite different after reaching God one refrains what formerly was denied and that is called big yaya basta now at a time of reaching to that position people said don't come don't come like that they deny and but after reaching there there is no problem see Ramakrishna also said in the beginning you must give a protection for the small sprout that is coming up but when it becomes strong tree you don't need to do anything even the elephant cannot do any harm to that tree it has become very strong similarly the spiritual level you must have a guru you must have a guide you must have a one philosophy and follow that slowly slowly when you become stablished realized your feeling within that this is the path that has given me the solace my peace the any of you visit different places no problem for you because you will see the same oneness in different but in the beginning if you go on reading comparative religion then it will be very difficult and usually the mind where I also started writing from different religion comparative religion then my god that the senior gokula and the Gemara stole not now when the time will come then you can read all this now only read those things which has been mentioned uttered written down by the realized people the dear words carrying the spirituality like the brahman and the ji brother Lawrence in the Christian too many books we read fellow Kalia all the Russian Saints Christian saints but their realizations are so same to the Indian realizations and the lives of the different core are saints and sages so that gives a confidence so if they could do I can also do if they have realized I can also realize so that way you go on then take one path one philosophy one idea one teaching continue in that reach over there then you are free to understand suppose I am a few six months I am reading with chemistry then another six months plus philosophy another six months something else something else jack of all trades and master of none so like that even sometimes completely ruined brain he cannot do anything so that is the reason see Ramakrishna is telling like this it is necessary not these not there this is not God this is not God it goes on like that a time comes everything is nothing but seeing God one Swami Swami preeminent the G he was a vegetarian and he never touched fish and all it was very pure and he was also coming from at their background that which never background the last day of Swami Vivekananda he asked women on duty to sit by his side at a time of lunch and he asks for a fish a big piece of fish and he took that fish and give it to Bremen on the G just left on his plate and he was smiling what Premanand did you will do without hesitation Clementi ate that why you have touched this it has become Rashad is sanctified and I don't care what I am eating I know that I am eating touched by God who we bacon under he was his brother disciple but he knew we become there's nothing but see Ramakrishna so that is the idea the moment you have that idea there is no problem he was very fastidious all the time he is to see that everything about ceramic is not must be very neat clean properly kept not used for something else puja vessels one day Shami become this disciple who was from big Bangladesh so some awakened is to call him Bengal say hey Ganga and Donna he wanted to worship his guru Swami Vivekananda and in Bangladesh the system is to wash the feet of that guru here also this time when I went to Detroit I'm having some disciples they wanted to have that or not with water something else so they gave the flour and all that is necessary another boy he was sitting by my side you know why you allowed them to do that why because that is their way of showing their respect if you stop that then they will not understand what to do not evade them generate a guiana karma Sanjana in bhagavad-gita it says when a person is having that much devotion and if you withdraw that from him then where he will go slowly they will understand so wait and see how the develop but anyway that bangle he brought one plate which is used for see Rama Krishna puja and he kept that and that's the Swami ji to put his feet on that Swamiji told my god this is used in that people the ceramic is no pooja if you do that and the preeminent will kill you he'll be so angry anyway he has already started doing so do it quickly do it quickly before Ramananda comes but whenever you think the ho there should not be any Tiger the tiger comes so similarly preeminent the ji came there and Swami ji he said see I did nothing this fellow he brought it and then he is doing I told him that is tacos since what was the answers proven energy that is the spirituality and we behave as if so narrow but when time comes immediately we know that this is the broadness of heart and the thought he said are you and ceramic is not different you and ceramic is newer one are you different he has done the right thing when he is using the plate that is used pass the Ramakrishna that can be used for you to and he was his brother disciple not his own disciple so that was the idea when you know everything is open and clear and this Prime Ananda G he told like that and here C Ramakrishna he is telling that during the period of struggle struggled to go towards the God the people say not these not I should not eat these I should not touch that I should not resist visit there I should not wear these it goes on but the time comes and all these things become nothing but the play of God that is not affecting your mind and he says in this way he is manifested more clearly in others less clearly when if Lord comes then he keeps that is his aunt giving an example and I will conclude then maybe after three months you know I am today so happy when a when I saw that that one so today is the last class and after three months they'll be suspension it's just like getting the vacation another the joy oh after three then three months afterwards we name flood comes from the ocean all the land in deep under water before the flood the boat could have reach the ocean only by following the winding course of the river see how he has observed he's from a village he observed all this when there is no flood when the boat is trying to reach the ocean it is only taking the course of the river in a different way but when he's a flood one can row straight to the ocean and that means when the love for God the realization of God not there we take some courses and he followed that but if there is a flood of love realization and then we see everything nothing but God wherever you go whatever you do nothing but puja nothing but the worship that he is asking us to reach you must do this and be free thank you for attending now friends I try to explain each and every word as far as possible and as my knowledge as per my knowledge whatever ceramic ish nurse aid in this book I try to get the similar things from different scriptures and this is really very difficult because if it is not supported by the scriptures many of the people oh that is nothing anyone can say like that no in the same scripture different scripture different time the truth that came out that is referred by the Rama Krishna who never read scripture but all this revelation came within him directly so we can call him the rishi and whatever rishi says is Veda so I gave the name Pancham Aveda the fifth book up knowledge because it is from the revelation not from intellect not after reading but after realization so it is so true and so strong so powerful but at the same time all the time we try to get it how others in different times they also realized the same thing truth is one who ever realizes in whatever places and whatever time it must be the same so that that is why I try to do it you will be happy some of our the devotees they recorded keep it and then every 25 lectures they put it in a DVD that is also available those who cannot regularly attain like to listen from there the gospel is a wonderful book the one should read and about this rebirth there's also very unique I'll suggest you shut recursion under some ish application under how is a man reborn there's a book like that life beyond death by chamois Ovid Ananda and then mystery of death by some Avedon and the problem of life and death Sammy paramananda and life after death by Xiaomi Vivekananda all these are available in our bookstore you can understand what is there after this body goes now let us chantin conclude needand genom nityam untrue [Music] bhakta compa Drita Bikram by ish avatar 'm para Misha medium tomba ramakrishna [Music] sheer asana Oh Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry Hume that's earth-three Dharma Krishna our eponymous to