Video 124
125: Panchama Veda 125 : Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
begin this Pancham aveda with this prana mantra Tabaka Tom rhythm dr. G venom caribe item calm asha pom sabana mangalam srimad artem booby Glennon te borre da jana we were listening to bhagawan sri ramakrishna in the last time he saved and over that we discussed as a very important sentence that he saved in course of discussion man becomes pure by repeating the name of God in the Christianity we find that it says a blizzard of those your who are pure in heart but how one can become pure by repeating the name of God that is what the yunkish disease and this reputation of the name of God is called mantra in Sanskrit mana not try at the repetition of the name of God is called mantra this mantra again it has been defined mana not again and again repetition and pondering over that try at a try at amines it saves sex from war there's no worldliness temporary things and that is the conception of spirituality there is a permanent that is God that is Brahman that is Othman and in this world the manifestation which is temporary now those who have understood it trying to reach over the air to the permanence that is called religion that is called spirituality and how to do that the simplest way is the mantra and we find in the Vedic time even they compose the mantras in the earliest scripture there's a mantra is there and now mantra is now present in the Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Sikhism and the Austrian ISM Taoism Christianity in all the religion mantra is there even in Japan there's a in Japanese they call it sink on sink on I don't know the real prana actual pronunciation but according to the English sing gone it means mantra there is a tradition of repeating the mantra but mantra has a very special role in the Tantra in Hinduism we have the three main paths leading to the God one is by dekhe another taun trika another is bush nabha now bushna was of course they have the mantra and vedanta vedika also having the mantra mantra that we know Gayathri mantra is a very famous mantra that we chant and Tantra of course is very very special stress has been given on the mantra tantra mantra yantra and tantra they say that triangle mantra yantra and tantra so here the mainly the mantra is based on the Tantra see Rama Krishna who was evident in who practiced the Brahmin the realized Brahmin he practiced in bed antigua also practice tantric we all practice in the position of away so he is the master experienced all this and he said all the three paths are leading to the same goal but the simplest things impressed way to practice it by taking the mantra in here he fine omise also considers the mantra now mantra has a bj Beecham is the seed the seed is in the beginning they give and then at a street another name of God though very simple most of the things people didn't know but he says the great meaning why because that mantra has been practiced by a guru and then he is transmitting it to the disciple and if the disciple with the complete faith goes on repeating the same world that will save his mind how it seeps now mind is the thought flow of thoughts it goes on so many different thoughts are coming sometimes it is good thought sometimes it is tormenting so I anxiety and all those things are there now when we are repeating the name of God with a concentration trying to understand the meaning of the mantra concentrating on the meaning of the mantra what happens the flow of thoughts of the worldly thoughts the thoughts that were creating problem in my mind that stopped I cannot stop the mind with a flow of thought to stop that another flow of thought I am sending inside the mind and that is called mantra so constantly repeating that name it helps me to go beyond these miseries so mana not by constant repetition try at it helps me go beyond this and that is called the mantra and in Tantra bija mantra is very very important raghavan see ramakrishna he said that this is the mantra if you'll beat we know the another mantra ausa Tomas sad gamaya we call it prayer but the prayer also becomes the mantra asserttrue from that which is totally false us asset asset means not existing from that please take me to the surfed which is existing that is the main purpose of the spiritual life asset and suck are such means that which is temporary and which is going to change such means which is permanent now we are trying to go to the permanent why because the moment we can reach over there to the permanent then it becomes a complete circle and we all become very happy over there and temporary I am getting this and then I am afraid somebody else will come and take it away or it is going to be changed constantly going on in this way and if we look at the world everything is like that everything so that is why assert to suck that is the prayer asset oh ma mom is us sat gamaya take us to the permanent that is also the mantra the vagabond see Ramakrishna said if you go on repeat this mantra then one can become pure because we are repeating or praying constantly for a permanency and that takes us beyond this temporary worldly thoughts what he would that worldly whatever the temporary whatever is a test with the selfishness according to the Hindu views that is impure and whatever exactly opposite to that a pure so that is called purity mind becomes pure here we find again today's discussion the ceramic ISNA is telling all doubts disappear after the realization of God it is also a very wonderful statement what happens up to God realization so naturally people they ask what happens up to God realization now you people talk about God constantly you people talk about making the mind pure and for that so much of things that we have to practice and we do after that when we really make our mind pure and then realize God what will happen that is the question what will happen after realization of God one gentleman came I think yesterday and then he was asking that I practiced meditation but after that it is becoming so much a mental problem for me so what to do I have stopped meditating I have stopped reading all those things now what shall I do and he was experienced he was narrating his experiences after meditation so some of the things that they made and then meditation he practiced it really got solved experiences but his mind is not ready to get the experience you have mine should be ready otherwise out so that is the thing unless and until our mind is ready we are ready to accept that knowledge how it is possible so if we send a young boy at to a university and the university gives him a certificate what happens nothing he is totally confused but if he goes to the school and slowly slowly from his own classes one after another every year learning a little more little more little more and one day he becomes the professor himself so similarly in religion also fast and former steam is the mantra mantra should come from a qualified guru just they picked up the name oh that's a good name I like and then I repeat it don't help that boy came and he was telling about the meditation his mind was not ready his mind was not pure and certainly by some system he got some experience now he is afraid of that what is the result he paid so much for that meditation class and then he practiced also sincerely then after he was telling I started it at the age of 20 21 whenever's very young and now I am 40 20 years I am trying the result is now I am afraid I am angry on myself I am angry of those people who are teaching me the meditation and they have taken so much of money I had to work so hard to earn the many money to pay to them I was so much interested to learn laughter learning what happened this is the process that's why Raghavan see ramakrishna is very practical and he is telling that you have to go on repeating the name of God receiving it from a proper guru make your mind ready and everything automatically will come one after another and ultimately will take you where that is the question answer he is giving what happens after God realization he says all doubts disappear after the realization of God whether we are practicing religion or not does it always doubt in our mind what is going to happen to me tomorrow so that is also so the recently one lady came and she was telling that one of her relatives he died of cancer terrible pain but suddenly in that pain when or so many things were given little food and all that suddenly in the last few days to three days she became all right why he remembered the name that is he from the Guru and started repeating that he started loudly he was repeating and as because his voice become feeble this ladies and other relatives who were very nearby and she's a very devoted lady she started singing that what he uttered that mantra he started singing she started singing and that gave him a lot of solace and slowly slowly they removed all those things they understood it is not necessary and when do all those things were removed and little in the injection something or the sleeve just they were giving in the body to keep it they removed and he became relieved and he started repeating the name of God they also chanted and slowly slowly he passed away and that is the power of mantra he forgot the table pain even at their ordinary man not that he practiced religion all the time but the faith was the air within his mind and he took the mantra nobody knew Wayne and apparently used to show that I don't believe in God etc as is there mostly the people that do but inside he had a great faith and he was going on repeating the name of God and at the time of his death that came up helped him saved him and he was very peaceful when he was closing his eyes then this lady because as she also practices and she told him you go to your new destination with peace without any anxiety what he were are there in their family your family we will take care of them and that gave him a great detachment he could take out his mind and he could and that she was narrating explaining in a wonderful way so that is the final transition from the body the soul is going somewhere else where it is going either is going to take another form and to repeat the whole thing once again or it is going to the source mixing with that never to come back again so that is the whole of religious purpose and see Ramakrishna said all doubts disappear though you are taking the name of God we are visiting the holy places we are reading the holy books are listening the only people but there is a doubt really God is there so like this but when one realizes god no doubts and we find it in the Mundaka Upanishad the second chapter instead of eight sloka it says big daddy who they are grunty she don t server some shahe she on the Georgia karmani thus min Drishti / robbery para and aburro para abirami is high and low they are giving in a wonderful redeeming Sanskrit it mentions the highest truth what happens after realization that the filters of the heart are broken all doubts are resolved and all what seems to be a fruit when he is be hailed who is both high no the person who has seen are realized understood who is the high and low that means everything then they mentioning para para para means the highest and avarra means the lowest that means everything that comes in the gamut of the whole thing each and everything is nothing but the manifestation of that artman the god the brahman so when one realizes that what happens all doubts vanished and all the result of the work that in the past he did and in the present life before the realization he did all our burn to ashes it will never give any fruit that that is it says in the katha upanisad also why we quote punish it because they are the basic thing of realization long long back thousands and thousands years before when this civilization almost was nowhere these people they realized not with the help of any external apparatuses they realized it within their own soul and whatever they have recorded kept it now in the present day also those who are trying to understand that they're realizing the same thing like bhagavan sri ramakrishna said all doubts that vanished or dogged out disappear same thing has been saying in the Mundaka and we find what is they call fetchers what is binding in the catawba nishad it explained again yada survey promote shanti comma Y hacia reddest Rita comma in the Indian language the common ah barsana in Sanskrit comma that is the only thing that is binding a human being in this world yada survey promote chant a comma y hace el distrito ah Otto Marta Humberto govandi at abramo Simoes no de otra here Brahma the highest that realization then summer snow day after realization so this is fatal means desires what is the binding is a desires all that is the desire and what are the desire I like to be these I like to be that Eddie's goes on the desire goes on increasing and increasing and increasing then that desires bind to fulfill the desire what are the desires mainly the Sri Ramakrishna said that Carmona barsana all this in the Gita also bhagavati on Sri Krishna said only two enemies are there on the path of God realization what are they kama Asia grow the Asia the two enemies for a spiritualist parent that is one his karma when that comma or the desire are not fulfilled grow the anger and when the anger come what happens I forget all that was the air in my mind because the anger that suppress all other emotions and forced me to do after which after committing that I he moves and I say oh i am sorry I did it so that is the anger we're from it comes because my desires are unfulfilled so unfulfilled desires gives me the anger and that is said over here when that desires are gone then you are free and what happens karmani she and the karmani the work that we have done in the Hindu philosophy we know whatever we think is a karma whatever we physically do as a karma whatever we say also karma very very difficult so subtle so in the Karma everywhere is giving us a result good or bad so that results are coming the work seems to be a fruit for them who has realized God Raghavan serum Krishna sees suppose is a small little baby on the lap of the mother and he is going on uttering something or throwing the hands sometimes we have seen a baby it was sitting on that the lap of a mother then another person came they wanted to talk to the mother and the baby suddenly takes their glasses out of that and it becomes so difficult to get the glass out of that hand of the baby but the person is not angry the baby doesn't know what is it it was glittering it attracted his attention a hold it and all this this karma this action has no result for suppose a little grown-up boy or a girl knowingly they are doing to destroy their respects or the glasses then they get the punishment from the parents so the action when done without knowing the result of it completely ignorant about that that there is no reserve but for the human being they do it knowingly so that result comes past Karma previous birth that we have done certainly sometimes some people are so happy and some people are dejected why you certain no previous actions were there the result is coming so we in this life do not understand this thing so we think oh this is a wonderful thing and sometimes we always look at the sky and say thank you to someone who don't know to God as something like that but this is our own karma it says she auntie Tosha karmani and that karma becomes completely burned and it becames free and the Karma that I am done just before realization also will that continue it says no that will also be burned but the day and three ma ma soeur de money Devi she didn't read any Scripture she couldn't read anything because she was not educated at all but through hard practice spiritual practices she developed the same knowledge and when someone asked mother how can I realize God by doing jappa by doing meditation by doing other thing she told that will help but if you become completely free of all desires you will realize God this moment so that is the thing completely free of all desires so this is what see Ramakrishna say and living soul however on account of his total detachment from the body and mind is not affected by any kind of karma so now what happens after realization to summarize all doubts disappear where the doubts go and what about the desires how that drop up is a doubts but what about the desire how the drop up they buy knowledge when I understand these all that desires that goes also and what is called knowledge the knowledge of oneness as has been mentioned in the issue Upanishad again in the very fast loca isha russian Edom serama that is the knowledge all that AC is nothing but the manifestation of I told that young man who came and he's coming after driving nearly three hours from a far distant place he saw that our website and somehow he felt he came only with question or shall i do i tole you meditate this no problem only thing be conscious be aware what is your goal what do you want you want the wealth in this world prosperity name fame physical power all that can be achieved through that meditation but if you want peace of mind then it's a totally different thing the same meditation that will also help you but you have to go through this processes etc so this is called ceramic ishness aid repetition of the name of God makes the mind pure when the mind is pure one realizes God and when he realizes God then all doubts and desires are totally clean and that exactly what we find in the open ishod's now here we find in the description that the master Masha is giving in the November 26 1863 this is also November and in 1863 in November 26c ramakrishnan was attending a program at function it was arranged by the Brahmo Samaj and it was in the house of mud moneill al-maliki little waldek was a very rich man so in those days that was the thing that days to do and brahma samaj became very famous a very popular why because they were in between the criticism was going on about the image worship there's two called all shipping even the window not eager also he wrote in his plane to look at these full foolish people they are giving prana the consciousness to you Oh God who is full of consciousness because in the Maltese in the images we give the prana prathishta we do the prana prathishta so there is nothing one of his point he wrote but slowly slowly of course he understood afterwards and Saddam o Krishna going to all these people because they were very genuine people they wanted to realize God they wanted to develop the spiritual life but they were not that way clear about what is God and how to realize it the Brahmas were educated they were wealthy they were interested to practice the religious life but they were confused people so they made as because they were criticism was for the image worship so they denounced the image worship and they didn't accept the other religious paths but developed a new one basing on the Upanishads and the Vedanta etcetera v this Saddam o Krishna used to attain those programs this time November 26 1883 he is attending and master martial giving a wonderful description the worship Hall was beautifully decorated and devotees we're eagerly awaiting the worship their enthusiasm had been greatly height heightened by the news that see Ramakrishna was going to grace the occasion with his presence keisha bj shiva not they are the leaders of the brahma samaj and other leaders of the Brahmo Samaj held him in high respect now master Masha is why because his God intoxicated stopped state of my his intense love of spiritual life his burning faith his intimate communion communion with God his respect for women whom he regarded as very table manifestation of the divine mother and a pop your character is complete renunciation of the world talk his love and respect for all religious faiths and his eagerness to meet the devotees of all creeds attracted the members of the Brahmo Samaj and they all came there was a one very famous person those who are related with the Ramakrishna the this the Ramakrishna movement they know a name he never was in the ramakrishna mission but salam o Krishna used to love him very much he was the Brahma leader and afterwards they transform into a bush nabha so ceramic is now used to love him his name is bj krishna goswami dashami is a surname of the devoted people in the bush nabha bj krishna goswami he always is to come a little early of the programs that song krishna lightly himself wish to go in those days even today the Indian Sun are not in the habit of keeping times salam o Krishna used to keep the time perfectly is to go little early but never late bijoy kishna also used to counsel am Krishna liked him because Erick Vijay Krishna had many other good qualities that attract its Rama Krishna and his to like him he was talking with him the master asked if she Vinod shivnath another leader would come to the festival the Brahma devotee said that he had other important things to do and was not coming then the sea Ramakrishna said I feel very happy when I see shivnath he always seems to be observed in the police a bhakti further a man who is respected by so many surely possesses some divine power but he has one great defect and this is the master the ceramic ISNA he never hesitated to rectify to make people aware of the difference though he was a great leader in those days but still see Ramakrishna and among their devotees is pointing it out say he said but he has a defect he doesn't keep his word once he said to me that he would come to dakshina sure but he neither came not sent me word that is not good and then truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline this is called the spiritual master the spiritual master is always guiding the disciples and what is good for them the truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline we talk about spirituality we talked about the advancement in the spiritual life though anyone takes the appointment and gums and they say so many realizations about them their spiritual growth I have seen light I have seen these I have seen that but the thing is do you really follow the spiritual path these are the small small things but that shows whether a person truly spiritual or not truthfulness if a man clings dinner sheĆs lead to truth he ultimately realises God without disregard for truth one gradually loses everything in the spiritual path the first and foremost anus truthfulness and in the hindi also they say about the ramachandra regularity saddaji I prana yahoo group bachna joy the button the word that I have given I must keep that that is called truthfulness after my vision of the Divine Mother I preet were taking a flower in my hands mother here is the knowledge and here is the ignorance take them both give me only pure love here is the holiness and here is die unholiness take them both mother and give me pure love here is thy good and I righteousness good and here is the evil take them both mother and give me pure love here is the righteousness and here is the unrighteousness take them both mother and give me pure love I mention all this but I could not say mother here is the truth and here is the falsehood take them both I give up everything at the at her feet but could not bring myself to give up truth so that is what see ramakrishna's teaching sometimes the people ask or is the speciality and serrano krishna district fulness that you have to hold who the truthfulness whatever comes i am not going to go that the i am not going to leave the truth swami vivekanand afterwards said everything can be sacrificed for the sake of truth but truth cannot be given up for the sake of anything in this world so that is truthfulness and that is the main pillar of spiritual life then the soon the service began according to the rule of the brahma samaj and the preacher he was seated on a dyers and from there he was chanting from in chorus Brahman is truth knowledge and infinite it shines as please and immortality Brahman is peace bruh sickness the one without a second it is pure and unstained by seen all this prayer was going on see Ramakrishna went into deep Samadhi when they were telling this mentioning these he went into deep Samadhi he SAT there transmitted transfixed and speechless after some time he opened his eyes looked around and suddenly stood up and says Brahman Brahman and immediately the dad joy touched the hearts of each and everyone who were seated over there they also got up they started dancing and singing so the guests and the devotees were enchanted many of them drunken sweet breeze of God's name for God the world the happiness of the material world appeared beated to them at least for the time being after the Hilton all set around the master eager to hear his words then Saddam o Krishna said it is difficult to lead the life of the householder in a spirit of detachment in a very practical thing he is mentioning unless you are detached from this worldly things it's not possible to develop the spiritual life as he is mentioning these difficulties and giving them the solutions it is difficult to lead the life of a householder in a spirit of detachment is there then no hope for householders is asking certainly there is they must practice spiritual discipline in solitude for some days it's very practical on the side I have mentioned is a practical instruction the householder devotees they must go into a solitude and practice the spirituality all alone he is mentioning very clearly thus they will acquire knowledge and devotion the massed practice spiritual discipline in solitude for some days I am really very happy sometimes I find the request later coming Sammy J likes to go for a personal retreat in the Ganges I always allow them they'd go they still were there they cook for themselves there is no one around only one person looking after and he is also busy in his own duties and he is reading the book sitting over there looking at the sky or just walking all alone no sound no sir nothing to see that way at least 24 hours they are spending the night is so come but they are spending there are people they are doing it so that they say that if they go they must practice spiritual discipline and he says mast spiritual discipline in solitude for some days thus they will acquire knowledge and devotion then it will not hurt them to lead the life of the world but when you practice discipline in solitude keep yourself entirely away from your family and he mentions that you must not allow your wife son daughter mother father sister brother friends relatives near you so that he is making very clear while das practicing discipline in solitude you should think I have no one else in this world and god is my all those who are very sincerely practicing this for them this you must also pray to him with tears in your eyes for knowledge and ocean one young boy he always talks to me over phone and he says I am interested what I can do he has taken initiation then I told you better go to Ganges spend some time over there and in Ganges we have a wonderful shrine as big shrine is there at the same time in the library the small room is there that has deep diverted into the converted into that into a shrine the picture is there and one of our great Swami came and he meditated over there so this boy wait this time the last weekend and he SAT over there it's a very good place Ganges itself is quite at that particular place even you will forgive their there is something outside the world so there if one can spend a few hours that is very very good I feel like going but you know again I am bound over here with so many duties I cannot leave so that way always in every time you have to practice you must also pray to him with tears in your eyes for knowledge and devotion but at the same time Saddam equation is very practical very very practical he's simply most of the religious teachers they do not understand the problem of the world the people they have the responsibilities they cannot simply do whatever we like as with the monks they do so he is again after telling these immediately stealing if you ask me how long you should leave in the solitude away from your family I should say that it would be good for you if you could spend even one day in such a manner then he says increasing three days at a time are still better one min leave in solitude for 12 days and the month three months or a year so he's increasing slowly one should not be afraid oh my god one year all alone how can I so he said one day then say three days then to one week then it increasing in that way fast for one day get that joy then you will get no this is I can spend for three more days so this is so practical I understood in my own life I went to a solitude in Himalaya and I Spain for one month without talking and these in that first ten days it was so difficult because the mind is accustomed with talking mixing it people hearing the sounds and all that when you go into the Himalaya no sound nothing except the sky or the surrounding the green valleys not a single soul so first ten days it was really difficult but then the last 20 days it was so good and the last 30th day when I am I was supposed to come back I was pulling if I could get some more days to leap over there so obviously see Ramakrishna is very practical he has practices himself and he knows the psychology of the people so accordingly he is telling okay one day three days till days a month or a year according to one's convenience and ability this is important they suddenly if I go most of the people who are in problem I like to go in solitude Exeter and don't go rather always go and visit with your frames being a company talk to them reach some funny stories or watch the movies because ordered the mind in a very difficult situation and if it is there all alone and no support to help that mind it is terrible he or she may lose the mental balance Sosa Ramakrishna is telling and then as usual as his own after telling all these things is giving an example an example is if you break a jackfruit after robbing your hands with oil then it's sticky milk will not smear your hands in the village is those people who have tried this they know it be turning to gold by the touching of the Philosopher's Stone first you turn your mind in such a way is just like gold you know what is God you know what is the spirituality first you turn your mind in that after that you may remain buried under the ground a thousand years when you are taken out you will still be gold so when you have prepared yourself go to the world mix with the people listen to all those things live just like them but nothing is going to happen to you because you'll never be a test so fast it have to be very very convinced after the practice / yes now I am ready so turn yourself into the gold the mind is like milk again another example is giving first he said the jackfruit then he saved the gold thought he said mind is like the milk if you keep the mind in the world which is like water then the milk and water will get mixed and that is why through spiritual discipline practice in solitude turn the barter of knowledge and devotion from the milk of the mind then put the bottle and then butter can easily be kept in the water of the world it will not get mixed with the world the mind will float detached on the water of the world now friends that those were trying to understand the spiritual life all the time everywhere particularly in Indian spiritual practices things are very very clear one is Chaitra and other is Chaitra young according to the language of the Bhagavad Gita the Sri Krishna stealing chaitra and chaitra Gia what is the chaitra this body what is the chaitra this world what is the chaitra all that we see in these all surrounding why chaitra is the field a temporary constantly changing so this is one then who is observing the changes chaitra byung-se yeah means one who has the knowledge of these changes all the stem / airy things then why should he be affected with that i know that i am going to reach to a destination and after sitting in the train or a flight or in a car when the other things are coming shall I cry oh where is my destination where I am going I know the person who is driving over the is taking me there to the right players so that is not it when that knowledge is there i am going to reach over the air and no problem for me one becomes very calm and composed and enjoy the life that travel so that is what it says which i had just returned from the gaia and he has seen the mongs now his mind constantly in calm and composed he has put on a gale were like a monk and Saddam o Krishna is glancing at him looking at him and enjoying and he said let me tell you a parable once to holy mean and he is asking bj bj have you found your room there is a wonderful way they are asking have you found your room you know in the northern India when two monks they meet each other they don't say good morning namaskar they say no more Narayana like to remind both each other I am NOT a humble human being I am the God now on our iono so I am the God within myself there is the purity the god so reminding and cinema Krishna is telling that to be joy have you got your room why certainly he's asking this then he is explaining that there has two moms they they were wondering entered into a city one of them with wondering eyes and mouth a gap was looking at the marketplace the stall the buildings when he made his companion the letter said you seem to be filled with Wonder the city where is your baggage he replied fast first of all I found a room I put my things in it lock the door and felt totally relieved now i am going about to enjoy this world and one and he's mentioned like this after understanding the truth of the world that is all temporary things i am not going to vegetate it but i am in the world I am enjoying all these things that is happening so I am asking you be joy if you have found your room or not whether you have rich to that so it goes in this way then salam o Krishna is telling see about again he is mentioning about the Shibboleth he liked him but the way he was developing his spiritual life that was not appreciated by see Ramakrishna shiho told you see he is constantly busy with so many other things and that's why he cannot concentrate and here he said so there was a person Abu Duda and he saw so many odd things observed and accepted him as guru Abu Duda was having 24 gurus guru means he learned from them and of those there was a kite and he's telling as a kite it souped down and took a fish and started flying but suddenly thousands of crows are following the kite and where didn't go where even it goes they were following and creating lot of noise as the kite began to flee about the confusion no the fish dropped from its mouth the crows at once let the guide alone and flew after the fish does relieved of his Odie's the kite sat on the branch of a tree and thought that Richard fish was at the root of my all of my troubles I have now got rid of it and therefore I am at peace so that is the thing always as long as a man has the fish that is the worldly desires he must perform actions and consequently suffer from Horry anxiety and restlessness but work without any selfish motive is good is concluding and will conclude over here work without any selfish motive is good it does not create any OT thank you very much again and again when you read this wonderful book is a record of the spiritual truth and guidance it's not that someone just practice something and giving some wonderful way some explanation no it is not like that it's the teaching teaching of a person who transform himself into the height of God so again and again we find that in his life we find all those things that one can see in the life of a god or a personality of your God and what is that pure love love for each and everyone even those who are criticizing him he was concerned for them and there is no discrimination is a low and a high the reach our educated uneducated know he was constantly loving each and every one and he was concerned for them why if they are going to this world without knowing the truth they will suffer as the parents they always advise as that the children you should study you should be attentive to your study you should be careful about the other things that is happening all around you otherwise because the parents have already realized otherwise they will suffer as because we loved them so we are concerned about but the same people same parents are not concerned about the neighbor son only the so is see look at that boy he's not studying properly what will happen to him and see these and that but about their own children they are very much concerned why because of love and when the god is coming the form of a human being we are all his children so naturally his love for us and he wants us to be happy and he is giving that spiritual knowledge do everything in this world but with an actor's to be that will help you so let us offer our pranaam to this great god of the 1si ramakrishna and was the perfect embodiment of the eternal truth which manifests itself in various forms to help mankind and is the incarnation of the supreme lord who is worshipped by all neden genom nicktim anantha rupam baktun compa Drita become by keyshia bottom para Misha medium tamarama krishnam sheer asana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry he'll that's earth Sri Ramakrishna her eponymous to