Video 123
124: Panchama Veda 124 : Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
TV and watching is a great deal for America and also for the whole world the counting is going on because American president is not only for America its effect is on the whole world in the whole society so everybody is excited so I was also observing and since you have come and I'm very happy that at least we will have this reputation of God's words today in fact is a very important topic thats ramakrishna initiated that will come let us begin with this mantra tahoka Tom rhythm dr. G venom kobe VI rhythm calm o Shah Bahama Ravana mangalam srimad athim booby grinning de bourrée dayani we find the ceramic ISNA is telling over here about the monomer link and other devotees are there he is talking with them and he mentioned man becomes pure by repeating the name of God this is a very important the statement because they're human life every few very very few they have understood that the realization of God realization of truth that is the main thing in a human life majority of the people they think the religion means a little bit of protection divine protection majority of the people most of the religious people so-called religious they think in that way the divine protection very handful they only think the goal is to find that truth realized that God how it is possible simplest method now there are four so many other methods are also their yoga karma dianna bhakti but see ramakrishna say man becomes pure by repeating the name of God in the Bible again and again we hear the blizzard of those who are pure in heart for they shall see god what is this purity how it is possible to achieve sri ramakrishna gives this straight statement the purity means thinking of God thought of God and not thinking of the worldly things that is the why what the things are not bad only if we think that as a permanent the wording whatever it may be is all temporary today the election is going on after four years another relation again the same thing will be repeated temporary so similarly whatever we see in this world is nothing but the temporary there must be something permanent and that is God that is the consciousness that is the Brahman arc mangi ova but the or when different names they say but that permanent thing when we can keep our mind on that and that is called purity mashallah the money Davey said what is tapasya Baba he called vava this my dear child what is the pusher somehow to keep the mind at the feet of God whether you are singing the pageants and thinking the meaning of those words or you are meditating or you were working cooking for God cleaning for God making the girl and for God are going to visit the Holy Temple holy place all if you are repeating the name of God and thinking about God that is called tapasya y la bestia tapasya means austerity tapas means the warmth why he said like that because it is very very difficult to come away from the clutches of the worldly things there are so many different ways is all dragging the mind over there very very confusing we do not understand whether this is correct or not controlling the mind keeping the name of God going on so that is very important that is called tapasya austerity man becomes pure by repeating the name of God therefore one should practice the chanting of God's name bhagavan sri ramakrishna say this and we find in the tantra all sir it says the mooladhara and sahasrara we know in the yoga alsa the mooladhara and the sahasrara sahasrara means at the top of the head malaga in the beginning of the spinal cord in reality our one in the tundra they say mooladhara and sahasrara in reality our one still there different why in one the primal power remain as Latin supa it is there but not manifested you have to force it to awaken Iago Markkula Kundalini Kula Kundalini Kundalini means in a circle way a cooler the route so that we have to awaken and because all power is there but Latin not manifested you have to force it then when it comes to the sahasrara on the top most of the Haid center of the head that eased another is the awakened consciousness when that two are uniting immediately all bondages gun and the highest form of religion is achieved that is called Kundalini Jagran mantra awakens the primal energy when we are practicing the mantra repeating the name of God it awakens the Kula Kundalini sometimes you do not understand those who are practicing the yoga Yogi's they practice in a different way but the bhaktas are very simple they need not to bother about all those things simply repeating the name of God what the Guru has given that they are going on repeating we doubt stopping and that we went to elute they were organizing the 150th are ten years of sister nivedita and there he find the sustainability Swami Vivekananda he said sister nivedita do not stop repeating the month these will burn all the obstacles all the barriers of your path only repeat the name of God so see Rama Krishna is telling that cheat gonna cheater jagratha that is the Sheba and the Shakti is coming and meeting the Sheba this too when United then everything is achieved that is the ultimate of Tantra but to awaken that Kula Kundalini only the way is mantra practicing the mantra The Awakening is known as mantra Chaitanya the mantra becomes leaving and when we repeat that mantra it becomes leaving we can see the mantra sometimes sometimes you will see that in the movies the devotional movies a person is meditating and going on repeating the name and that mantra maybe um cara or something is going from the heart coming out of the heart and floating and going to the heaven this because in the movie they have to show how it goes that is the exact way it works when we are repeating the mantra it goes to the god and connects me with the guard with that only that name it's called mantra chaitanya chaitanya chetana consciousness the mantra the word the name it becomes conscious mantra source is burnham allah am quoting from the tantra book this varname means alphabets in India in the Sanskrit we know from all the server benjin burner up to the be circa the this Serena and benjin Bernard be sharjah this is 52 sometimes they say is 53 so it goes all these mantras our mantra all these laterz are nothing but the mantra and that is called barnamat rica berna means the alphabets matra god that is the shotty power the quality and the roof of the form are created from burner the Baba and the form baba means now suppose I say that is a cow immediately the idea about cow the power the idea about cow immediately reveals in my mind and the rupa the form of cow comes before my eyes or at least in the mind when there is no cow if we say there is a cow immediately we can imagine sometimes the they say green cow and what is this green curve the mountain lion we went to San Francisco that retreat they were tearing be careful night do not come out there are mountain lions are coming the what the mountain lions are they look like lion no then why is a mountain lion because they are more powerful in this mountain so the lion is the king of all animals and this particular animal is the more powerful so it is the lion at because it is remaining in the mountain amount or something that they say so then moment they say the name we thought that it must be a form of a lion that were the name so that is called the mantra the burner that creates the power the quality and the roof of the fall jaya sri wrong that is a mantra the moment we say jay the glory sri all-powerful rama we don't think about Krishna we don't think about Shiva when you talk about the Rama we take the name of Rama we have not seen the picture that very moment the picture is not they're all in the image but we can immediately visualized particularly those who are acquainted with this God what is Rama though there is no picture there is no image how it is that we are imagining that barber and rupa are coming from a burner from the alphabet rah mah this to alphabets these two laters they're giving us creating a Baba and rupa the similarly wing cream clean swing cling these are the seeds of the burner tantra mantra actually in the tundra and that tantra has been used because it's a very powerful method what is this method only so the bush neighbors have also taken this method the help of this method they also repeat the name of God and the bead on things pure bid on things of course they do not but we ramakrishna mission raghavan see ramakrishna was the Barrentine at the same time to help the people the followers he has taken the help of this because the mantra the pure Vedanta only bechari d & 9 they'll be thinking about I am NOT the body I am the soul whatever I am doing is just temporary etcetera etcetera you know the in the bantha way constantly discrimination but that is very very difficult see Rama Krishna said is very difficult so you better take the help of the Tantra also the way of banana the knowledge of big Anthony it becomes very useful we you will find that he is telling the perfect intonation or the pronunciation of these mantras and meditation up to reveal the form of god and goddesses now see Rama Krishna has a mantra Krishna has a mantra Rama has a mantra Kali has a mantra Durga has a mantra why different because the Baba and the rupa idea and the form are different so that is the reason it always it's changes but what we can the word this is a burner there are so many other severe can everything is a mantra to Psalm they say whatever you pronounce his mantra nothing but mantra because the burnham Allah they are present in whatever you say joto show nishabd o Shah be my mantra wotty joto show no corn no booty shall be my mantra wotty whatever sound that you hear through the year is nothing but the mantra of the mother why the burner but that is very difficult so specifically they say those are the words which helps us to go beyond this limitation our mantra in Sanskrit they say mana not manan manin means reputation along with concentration mana not try at a it takes us out from the bondage et mundra those words which helps us to go beyond this limitation that his mantra mana not by limitation or by pondering trial tea it helps us to go beyond the limitation that particular word we can say mantra mana not riot AET mantra repetition with concentration removes the barriers and reveal the truth Patanjali we have studied the whole patanjali yoga darshan there he said for the concentration many people they come and say we like to meditate we like to learn concentration meditation but they leave in the world which is so fast the life is so fast from Monday to Friday they're working so hard morning to evening suddenly Saturday if they come and see it and try to control the mind it is possible one of our Swamiji used to say when you are driving the car in hundred miles speed certainly if you give the break there's a possibility to make the accident so you have to give the brake slowly and it controls then only you can stop it completely so that is why slowly slowly you have to contend that how it can help patanjali yoga darshan he is the master in meditation he is telling that jabba that Arthur bhavana that means that Java the dirt problem that means God his name or her name japa repetition again Todd that Arthur meaning bhavana thinking when you are thinking that imagining that at the same time going on repeating the name dad gives the best when we repeat the name of God suppose we are sitting and then as we usually do we are preparing ourselves for the puja raghavan see Ramakrishna sig asurane naam ka darwaja when you are taking the name of God that is the worship what else what other worship we need to do that is only for some people who are still in a very primitive a primary way but them it is nicer but for those little advanced students in spiritual life only taking the name of God is salvation in Tantra and bosh nabha etc vedanta i am not talking about this is the in the tundra particularly if you are going on taking the name of God and visualizing the God is within your heart and then you are showing the light and then you are burning the incense sticks then you are blowing the conch then you are arranging the flowers all mentally what happens slowly the mind is transported just in an instron in the shrine and you yourself is going on worshipping your own God where there is nothing nobody but when I am performing it I am going on taking the name of God and then offering the food God is taking the food / taking the food then I am sitting keeping my head at the feet of God all these imagination going on doing and going on taking the name of God my god whatever the personal God the Guru has suggested me this is your god this is your ideal I just go on repeat the name and in the imagination the God is there then slowly slowly that external even external the theater men tell you you are doing that also become only that form sitting within the heart and I don't find myself I find the god only within me like that in the Ramayana annawan that is only than the story form and he when you opened up his chest people didn't see anything except the Rama sitting over there there is an exceptional way to make people say that this is nothing but the name of God so this name of God is going on taking the name of God that is called ceramic ishness aid taking his name he still miss pooja that is itself is the worst shape you need not to do anything well even you take the name of God that becomes purified is a temple when the people are coming and sitting meditating slowly that Morpheus changes you will find that the old temples you go atmosphere though it is not maybe it is not very clear clean that the people and all that but the moment you enter there is an atmosphere ducks nature hundreds of people all the time and pushing you all the time but still when you go and at least see though that form the Kali immediately you think Oh ceramic dish new worship this Kali you forgive the people are pushing you just look at the field look at the mother's eyes the beautiful eyes looking at me you are transported into that condition and that is called the puja you forget all around and your mind is within that ceramic Easter is to go into Samadhi why forgetting the external world going so deep into that particular condition which we cannot fathom we cannot understand that's called Samadhi how by taking the help of God taking the name of God taking the form of God suppose I don't take the form and I try to meditate and I after long practice to some extent i can control the mind and another person taking the form of God taking the name of God reaching to the same goal what is the harm my only purpose is to go to God to realize God to see God then why not they thought the japa that's why he said that the jabber thought art of arnhem he has given so many ways how to control the mind so in sometimes our mind is creating the different type of problem so how to remove that he has given one after another that you must remove all those obstacles and sometimes you feel jealous about someone so you did you know he so advanced so good so doing good so I must appreciate when you try to appreciate the mind becomes cool calm controlled so that way only constantly we had to make our mind purified and the best way to hold that the chopper named Arthur Havana that is important that jabba that Arthur ha bonham repeating the mantra along with the meaning pondering over his meaning that develops the concentration and this is very very important Raghavan see Ramakrishna also said repeating God's holy name but thinking all worldly things that will not help that here in the ceramic richness aid in Bengali tar naam could see into calm kanchana moon she taught aqui hoy pseudonym karachi came to come kanchana monde which are sometimes some of the devotees they asked this question suppose I am going on repeating the mantra but not in a concentrated way Willie tell it will help because in the beginning naturally we are not that way interested or concentrated as you start our study so in there as a baby as a child slowly slowly we start loving the knowledge in the beginning just a repeating then we develop the love for knowledge that is the ultimate then we need not to guide its no guide is necessary we can do mind is ready for that that when we are going on taking the name of God may be there sometime mind is going here and there but we have to bring it back again again it is floating out again you need to bring back that goes on and on and that is called samudra manthan what is the samudra manthan the churning the whole ocean what is that ocean ocean is the mind and that mind we are churning the sometimes he is going to bad sometimes going to good and constantly when we are doing slowly slowly all good things and start coming those who are taking the name of God little people like them they will be going to them talking with them they like to have those things so this way slowly we can understand that that paavana that power of God is coming humans call hanging as a girl and from the neck of mother Kali at the symbol of burner at the mantra the great khali Sedaka tant rica como la canta he expressed this through a question to divine mother when there was no creation where you go this human hates brahmanda chillona jokin mundo mala could i paly munda means the eight mala the girl and where you got the human skull when you got the human aid there is no creation at all so he is asking the Kali that means that's all the burner so another Sedaka he said ramprasad Kali punch each otha Bernie Bernie Bernie Prakash carry all these burners so this is called the mantra and this mantra helps us raghavan see Ramakrishna he is asking a lady Joe do Mukerji's mother jetta Mukherjee was a very rich man we know those who have read the biography of ceramic ISNA they were very rich man he his mother salam o Krishna so that lady is good but at the same time constantly thinking about the other thing so he is telling in the hour of death you will think only of all the things a family or children and execution wheel and so forth the thought of God will not come to your mind the way to remember God in the hour of death is to practice now the repetition of his name and the chanting of his glories if one keeps up this practice then in the hour of death one will repeat the name of God when the that is he is giving that how why we should go on repeating the name of God sometimes when the people they ask why should have to continue sometimes that people will say the 108 the I read one later the long back so when we were in turning center used to go to the President Ma Jun reads our letters used to come and there is no computer so the barber chair used to go and different languages some is to go in right in d and telugu tamil kannada key bengali so all these different language bra mature is there to go and the latest is to write and etc so i got a later they're being all you later i used to write president nicely in the bengali and i got that and the gentleman is asking the devotees asking sharmaji you ask me to repeat the name 108 times but i don't have time to do that can i make it twice 54 plus 54 and then so so I do I hate it before the sharmaji and somebody laughed and said is a child's try that will do now there are some and some is going on under date is so small number can I increase the number there are also got some people they go on repeating the name increasing the number and that is the minimum 108 so that is the way if we are repeating jadu Monique's mother she is the landlord's mother so obviously she was all that I am thinking about the many other things so salam o Krishna told repeat the name of God that only will help you and then he is telling in this way it is good to prepare for death one should constantly think of God and chant his name in solitude during the last years of one's life that is the reason there is four steps of their premature jugadas the bond of pristine sanyasa now one of our swami ji he wanted to have the bona prosti over there and he had a dream that the elderly people they will go into solitude they leave over there etcetera etcetera in the Michigan the Ganges but there are some practical problems at the iboga the elderly people they need constantly the medical care so it it was not that plan didn't work out but the planned in that we so the elderly people will terminal some people were asking me today also the show me you why didn't you develop that will come and stay etcetera I told for that we need a lot of preparations other things so that is the people are coming in the beginning but in the modern society suddenly we cannot expect that they will forget everything and only repeat the name of God it is not possible so the practical way slowly controlling their mind the people living around and they are coming and attending and slowly that I was really very happy to see the Hollywood center that Swamiji he purchased all the houses around whatever the collection came of course the west side I i heard the people at generously donate a lot all the houses they gave English and that was given to the devotees to leave and they will be giving the rain at the same time no American devotees they're all coming and attending so in the someday they will have 24 hours nama sankirtan a group of people will come and sit right from the morning five o'clock and it will go on next day morning five o'clock and imagine if we ask our devotees to sign for that how many will come myself and the team except this too there'll be no one so that is the the gate that opportunity and these people are also coming then there will be Kristen there will be something else there will be something else so all the time there is an atmosphere they have created it's a wonderful way the first rami Robin and the G key organized it that way why because the situation was very good now it is heart of the city Collier so obviously people are leaving all the benefits are there at the same time they are going and preparing their name mines so this way if we can do his name in solitude in the last years of one life if the elephant is put into the stable after its bath it is not soiled again by Todd and in the bhagavad-gita as it says the last moment whatever you will remember that will be happened to you where is it the mind mind is closing down in the issue phoenicia also we have seen the last two month less own kraatos muricata goons Mara grottoes Mara critter comes mother go on remembering what you have done what you have done what you have done and you need not to try automatically it will come in the mind so why people should think positively because in the last moment only that positive thing will come if they are going on thinking in a negative way when they hit it thing will come because the mind only the mind it is floating in that way all the oil that is there on the water resolve on the surface similarly if you try to take out the water Leela also go so that mind whatever thought we are thinking in a positive way that is coming so one must be very very careful Bala roms father mana Malik's mother Bonnie Paul been appalled and all other elderly men did the master give this instruction specially for their benefit because the elderly people Sosa Ramakrishna was talking in that way why do I ask you to think of God and chant his name in solitude he himself is asking the question living in the world day and night one suffers from Horace haven't you know noticed Brother killing brother and they for a foot of land the sheiks these two they said to me the cause of all Ori and confusion is these three land oh man and money a forgotten the in the hindi almost or do they say jahmene guru and the last one I forgotten money was in Hindi so that jahmene Giroux and the money and what is that do you remember hmm Nana jahmene is jagged Giroux is the woman and money done but it is should we jaw something anyway so that these three things are the problem for all human being the shiksas to tell him so that is the reason the cause of all orion confusion you were leading a householders life why should you be afraid of the world when Rama said to the shartha that he was going to renounce the world it worried his father and the King shut the Council of vashisht her which is to say to Rama vashishtha was his guru Rama's guru Rama why should you give up the world reason with me is this world outside God what is there to renounce and what is there to accept nothing whatsoever exists but God it is brahman alone that appears as Ishwara maya living beings and the universe Bella's father now the bala roms father he is telling is very difficult said we know that is correct salam o Krishna stealing and this is very very important i mucked it over here they're spirent Sedaka while practicing spiritual discipline looks upon the world as a framework of illusion look at look at it framework of illusion in the baganda they always teaches that there is nothing actually you are creating the whole universe how the classical illustration they always say there is a rope you are thinking that robe as snake so obviously there was no snake snake was there within your mind you are projecting that fear of snake on a rope and getting orient you are suffering because of your imagination you need not to suffer in that way everything is nothing but the same Brahman but after attainment of knowledge the vision of God this very world becomes to him a mation of Mirth somebody was telling that this is a half glass of water half glass empty another set of glass full now if you see the half glass full this positive way of seeing things and half glass empty this is a negative way of seeing things according to the condition people behave according to the situation the people they system is green up so all these things we have to understand and then only we have to go see Rama Krishna is telling the farthest parent in the beginning this world is illusionary we don't like to go we don't like to mix we don't like to have this etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera then a time comes that I see God is in everything in every being so obviously there is no problem for me to accept each and every one that's why Shami Vivekananda in one time before coming to America he said when he made a brother disciple he said I don't know whether I have realized God or not but my mind has become so broad I can even accept a veal if such a thing is there why he could say that because there is no difference sister nivedita the disciple of Vivekananda she wrote in a wonderful way for him there is there was no sacred or secular this Pavitra ana Pavitra that was not the sacred or say cooler this is worldly and this is godly there was naught but that is the condition this condition slowly it comes it grows then only it is possible otherwise not why all these systems that when you go to the temple you must be it and then should go you must have added washed clothes then you should go you must prepare yourself and then you should go in the beginning it is necessary otherwise in whatever way we go and then whatever way we think we can do no one cannot do like that so that is very very important in the beginning you are preparing your mind and slowly slowly when you become one with that God likessee Ramakrishna himself he is to go and take the food himself a little and then putting the same 42 in the mouth of the goddess Kali why there is no difference so that is a stage when we reach up to that then it is all right till then we have to be careful so that is the reason all this it is written in the books of which neighbors God can be attained through faith alone faith alone if you have the faith the viciosa the wish never said and then it gives her about the description about the Christian of lee shore and he's going on talking then describing about the Chaitanya singing a song about the Chaitanya then each on each and as a very famous person he was an educated man he came to see Ramakrishna master was seated still in a spiritual in a mood he was sitting over there after the while he became engaged in talk with ishan it was a chance desire to practice puris churana of the Gayatri porous churana that is called that when you are taking the name of God many people they do at time of Durga Puja navaratri so they will start from panchami and they ain't in the sushi sashimi or be Jaya ekadashi they will repeat the name of God thousand time next day 2000 next day 3,000 like that go on increasing and they will take only little food or maybe little another milkers something like that go on repeating the mantra mantra they go on increasing that is called porous churana and he was thinking to repeat the mantra of gayatri as a very famous by dick mantra the Vedic mantra Gayathri after that the brahmanas still now the brahmana when he becomes the that takes the young dupa beat they take that mantra they are supposed to take that mantra and which is a player actually guy 3 is a prayer and that the prayer it says to that like the Sun God remove all darkness from my mind that is the prayer and you go on repeating the mantra increase that and then you come down like the whole month it goes sometimes 15 days the Hashanah he was thinking that he will do like that sri ramakrishna to Hashanah follow your follow your own intuition we will think in this way that will give your mind purification follow that I hope there is no more doubt in your mind is there any the path of the Vedas is not made for the Kali Yuga this is also very important path of the Veda it's not meant for the Kali Yuga the Kali Yuga me is the present age why because the body consciousness is too much if you don't want the society will force him to do that you cannot just leave like that the society rules regulation system will force you to do that that is why the path of Tantra is iffy case yes in this yoga the path of now in the veda what is their only consciousness is there and in the tundra consciousness and the shakti the consciousness as a shiba and shakti as a mother Kali and this Shakti is nothing but the Shiva the Shiva when active is known as cali the shiba when inactive as known as Sheba so this is the and the Shiva and Shakti are indifferent so if we can imagine that understand that then slowly slowly we take other systems of Tantra like the Guru diksha mantra all these things helps us but the Veda only sitting and going on repeating that I am the art man i am the art man i am the free that is not possible for many many people that is not possible it is not impossible but difficult for majority of the people so saucy Ramakrishna is very clear and he said the path of Tantra is efficacious the Veda is not made for the Kali Yuga Jean I have almost resolved to perform and attorney attainment price Chitra ceremony price Chitra that is also sometimes whatever we do we perform hurting others criticizing others misunderstanding others are doing something which is not harming others the papa karma so sometimes when some people this to go into solitude and they'll be doing only one one time so Parker they will cook for themselves and then they will eat one time and all through the day either they will repeat the mantra or meditate or reading the holy book and do some fizzy work also for the benefit of others so in the ass trauma if they do that is called price cheetah so master is telling do you mean to say that one cannot follow the path of Tantra that which is Brahman is also Shakti de khali salam o Krishna is trying to make him understand that this is only will do bhagwaan himself is asking you need not to do all those things listen to me but the giba because of the Omkara they think i have understood everything rashanna the gentleman is meeting whom the god himself but still he is thinking I should do this why for the blessings of God the God is there God is telling you take the name of God refuting that we think we have understood everything so that is also the ego even when the god in the human form they come and tell us we also doubt we do not follow why because we think because of our ego we have understood and cinema Krishna again he is telling knowing the secret that Kali is one with the highest Brahman I have discarded once for all both righteousness and sin that is the wonderful way Kali Brahma Janie marma Dharma Dharma shop charity I have given away the righteousness and seen lose everything is nothing but the mother ceramic ISNA again and again giving the hint that this is the way if you only take the name of God that is sufficient sometimes he was very gracious to tell some people blizzard people you need not to do anything you like me you love me yes I think of me he never said like this very few fortunate one he told think of me that will do and in a person in the evening time the people particularly the Hindu people they are habituated force under the moment there will be evening the day is going and the night is approaching Sangha that time they take out the mala and and do japa some people came to talk to see Ramakrishna and suddenly the console blown in the mundi the tactic out there man malas and they started in the jabber they are preparing for that ceramic ich nur sitting there he is telling after coming over here you need not to do that no sir we are Orthodox and we always follow this system look at it now the what is for the system system to realize God God is sitting before you try to understand him instead they're going for the system so this is the problem why it become because our the mentally we are blocked we do not understand what is really good and what is not and sometimes we think whatever I have thought that is the correct thing even the gods words also do not awaken us each on it is mentioned in the heem of the chin d Shannon is a scholar he knows all this history it is mentioned in the Chandi that Brahman allows is the primal energy shetty Brahman is identical with Shakti Sri Ramakrishna said ish on giving the support of the Shasta easterling this master it is not it will not do simply to express that idea in words that is the important ceramic is the game told you are repeating this thing but not understanding it properly you are quoting from the scripture but not understanding it properly it will not do simply to express that idea in words only when you assimilate it will all be well with you so Carly and Brahma this juddered that all the activities that are going on is nothing but manifestation of the same brand man and this manifestation we do not know why things are happening in this way we involve ourselves well then we become very these and that we do not know why these things are happening there must be some pre-testing things all are therefore the God what actually we can do we can pray to God whatever is good please do that for me please do that for theme or hard and nothing else one lady dang me today and she was telling I am varies not feeling encouraged for in the life every time I am willing alone except acceptor and she was disclosing then I told why don't you take the name of God and sing the name of God read inspiring things that will be suppose you just take some star actions do you think it will be solved it's not good to think the problem is not going to be solved that much you can do we can pray to God for the betterment of so and so we cannot change anything because so many things are already there you have to understand that then only it is possible so see Ramakrishna is telling then he is giving that example he's telling when the heart becomes pure through the practice of spiritual discipline then one rightly feels that God alone is the tour he alone has become mind live intelligence we are only his instruments that is the ultimate thing so when we think that I am the instrument sometimes in the ravine dinadh used to say Amari koro tomorrow veena veena means that musical instrument that people is to play over that bina the americorps oh please make me an instrument in your hand and play that I am happy that whatever you ask me to do I do so that is the important thing each and every one according to their own karma they are performing so that is God chooses someone for a particular type of job they do I have a another spiritual brother at the monastic brother is a very strong person if you go to India now he is in charge of a assign assure dis heavy very powerful and no one could take that particular property of swami vivekananda so many problems were there one after another charming quaint and then afterwards they came back it's not possible it's not possible in the balloon wat asked him to go over there ye when he SAT over there and all the hooligans came and they were showing even the rebel bar heat ordinary he was in previously he knew all those things it will this is nothing so you better purchase this one that is the good one I was having two with me like that they scared them and then sometimes they came and surrounded him and going on during the inner smoke the cigarette smoke on his face so that he'll be he told oh I am enjoying today after a long time the previously I was a chain smoker not a long time and getting that good so they could not do anything to him then they were using some abusive words when they stop they said he said you know only this much see these are also the hair he said something it was sad you are our guru we are not going to disturb you so that was his personality and he used to go and talk to the chief minister and that was also the company's chief minister but the moment used to Center and talk to them not sad please do with a volunteer in the command what he was sitting over here in a cool room I am suffering over there not giving money for Swamiji like that they went on giving them and can you and we do even if we try we won't be able to do that why because that is the special power the God has given to him and that is a special job has been given to him that is for him so we if we compare that is the difficulty a you cannot do that to like you'll never be able to do that it was I know been for that I have meant for something else so that is the way one should understand this there is something which is working from behind and we are the instruments and be very very happy that I am the instrument in your hand and ceramic ish me he still has a very famous song is there now it is that hold is the elephant in the mire elephant is so powerful but you the goddess more more power than the elephant you can put it in that Meyer and thou that helped the lamb lame man skill the loftiest hill in the punky bug to call up Cory Cory means elephant you are putting that in the mile it cannot do anything though it is so powerful physically pongo a longer giving the person who is lame is going on climbing the hills with witch power so when we sing this song think about this then the humble has come god Eva third world I am only the instrument that is the purity of mind Thank You friends thank you for coming today we will again in the next class but the November only we will have some classes November ministers then December January February I think the three months that will be suspended again we do so now in bird is that I think is the second second first class and will be another to thank you very much there is a tantra that Kali Puja tang I forgot to announce is still laying over here the on the Tantra whatever that our retreat with all the pictures etc it has been now it is ready available if you like you can purchase that and you know that please tell your friends to to come if it is possible every Saturday morning 11 to 12 we are giving the discourses to Saturday's but other than the g to me i am going there so we are giving the discourses on different topics and we have given the name of that particular condo as maybe attorney Bosch is because this is the 150th birthday anniversary is going on celebration is going on all over the world such as name is ethan wragge you can come over there to thank you very much let us repeat the dismal mantra and I conclude need Anjana medium on antelope um bak tonneau compa Drita Bikram by ye chaahat arum para Misha medium Tamra no krishnam sheer asana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry you that's it sri ramakrishna our eponymous to you