Video 119
120. Panchama Veda 120 : Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
let us begin this Pancham of ADA by art ring is wonderful mantra tava cottam rhythm dr. G venom kobe v rhythm calm asha a poem sabana mangalam srimad Atum to begin andy murray dodge ana and last time we were reading from that particular portion where ceramic ISNA was talking the instruction to bush Navas and promise so he was having a conversation with master masha and other direct disciples there is a big difference he said between a scholar and a holy man we have already discussed in our last class why because one believes and practice what he says that another one only says maybe that he is not believing not practicing so whatever he is telling just a bookish knowledge from the book he has read and he is telling little grade difference so whatever we say that must be our practice then only it is possible in the spiritual life a scholar says one thing and does another ceramic ISNA observed and is very clean observed keenly observed that this type of people they say something but they do not do the words and action of a man who has given his mind to the lotus feet of God art to gate all together different because it is a at the center that God is there so when we are talking about the spirituality these are very very important thing that we must remember the wear whatever we say that we must practice otherwise it is very difficult to make progress in the spiritual life cinema Krishna by that way he is giving the instruction and we also know that they SAT there whatever that is truth that must be stick to and that we discussed now he is giving a description when he went to Banaras he made a monk so he is giving the description in Banaras I saw a young sannyasi who belonged to the sect of Nanak nanak Ponte so the sector of Nanak he was the same age as you so my yarmulke schnaa was telling to the m-master Marche as you he used to refer to me as the loving monk his sect has a monastery in bananas I was invited there one day I found that the mahant was like a housewife the mahant means the in charge maha an takuna yes easa mahanta they say untuk arena whose heart is feeling is great so he's a mahant in Bengali the people they usually call each other with respectfully maharshi maha are shia asha he means where the god is deciding so maha Shia that means within the heart the God is deciding is a great person so like that mahanta this mahanta he was just like a very kind-hearted person and he I asked him see Ramakrishna arts team and usually that is the traditional way to talk to the Swami's in the Uttarakhand in Banaras in the northern India mark but I a in Hindi they say what is the way please tell us the way we means how to realize God ceramic is not asking him what is the way then he replied for the Kali Yuga the path of devotion as in joined by narada this man is telling that depa enjoyed by the Narada there are many different type of devotion and that description is already there in the bhakti it says pooja di rogga ET par acharya we have already discussed in our previous classes when the pooja the performance are further doing the the worship and paresh raja says that is devotion if you can with a devoted mind you can perform this the RT and the puja and all that is called the devotion gege another rishi he said cathodic sweetie gege but if you were taking the name of God described describing about him reading about him that is the devotion art Murthy Bureau Dina it is chandelier atma pretty then at marathi if you are having great love for your own self then shandilya he gives this definition of of tea but nor other says in a different way completely different he says that arpita akela Archer oughtta that the bish ma rainey para ma ba coolatta ET that means that god of the brahman or pika aquila archer oughtta to dedicate all work whatever we do at the feet of God and then when there is a Baku lata the pang that you feel when you forget the God even for a second that person or that particular action is called true devotion according to nada and this Swami said so this is the this time in the Kaliyuga in the modern age at present days that one should try to practice the Narada octi again the Narada what EEZ whatever work that we do we should offer it at the feet of the God and we should say that whatever responsibility you have given to me I have performed now the result of the work is yours I don't want I want your blessings only this is one and secondly constantly taking the name of God and living in the company of God the moment you forget there should we should feel a pang because he's the one who we love so much how can you forget him so that is the idea and ceramic ish nuh said he was reading a book when the reading was over he recited bishnu ease in water Vishnu ease on land Vishnu ease on the mountaintop the whole world is pervaded by bishnu and at the end he said peace peace peace abiding peace slam Krishna's observation he was not acquainted with this type of thing now in the modern age even in Bengal we find this type of practices shanthi shanthi shanthi etc and this type of discussion on Doc tea and Ghana etc but cinema Krishna the days in the ceramic wished it was not that much even the brother of swami vivekananda his he has mentioned in one place that the even books were not available the Gita the bhagavata and the chin d it is so difficult to get a copy of the book only the sunday we were discussing the life of the aveda and the chi he found a copy of bhagavad-gita you wanted to read that so how much he had to do only to read it the bhagavad-gita so copies were not available only the Bible were in plenty swami vivekanand of those days how people is to behave what was the society there is a unique with a very wonderful way we can understand that society here ceramic is new and he observed and he's telling that this way in the asama they were doing and in master mache are not shadows of this class follows the bed anta the master Masha he has raised the Veda so he was asking had the not practice or read the openness of the Vedanta then the ceramic is yes they are but they also accept the path of devotion the fact is that in the Kali Yuga one cannot only follow the path laid down in the waiters there are two things in the Veda we find karma Conda and a onaconda the knowledge portion it is so difficult even in the bhagavad-gita which it is it is it is say that the Gita ADA is the condensed form of Vedanta bhagavad-gita is the condensed form of gibbehhh danta dear also we find that the krishna he is telling that it is so difficult to follow the path of knowledge path of ghana why constantly discriminating and there are every moment as upper that possibility then one will say something and will not practice that when you say the jug earth is not there the world is not there it is only appearance but at the same time when I'm hungry I am behaving totally different way when I want to do something I am behaving totally different way when I see somebody is doing good better than me I me feel jealous because some people are clapping for him I am feeling jealous so obviously these are all false things I say that jagged is not there then why should it be able ike that so when we are practicing the path of knowledge at the same time we cannot practice that properly regularly every moment in our life our energy that we are putting over there flicking away we cannot proceed so one should be careful that is why I ramakrishna again and again so careful to tell this not that that part that path is not good it is of course it is but we talk about baranda we like to read about vedanta and when we discuss about baton that is so wonderful because it is intellectual thing but at the same time in practice it is so hard so difficult because you have to completely eradicate the ego all desire should go away but here we can give the that desire the same desire we can turn towards God that is the simplest but easiest way we need not to eradicate the desires we need not to completely eradicate the ego but as the Ramakrishna said in different places that you can turn it towards god I love God I'm the son of god daughter of god we are the children of god that is the ego the why not add this again I want God and I must do it that I is there but at the same time that is taking me and all the energy that i am putting over there is properly utilized to realize the god so see ramakrishna Kali Yuga one cannot only follow the path down in the Vader so this is the guiana karma you have to perform yangjia and in the performance of the younger you have to organize so many things which is almost impossible then you have to be very very perfect in pronouncing the mantras there's also so difficult last year when Shami kebab ananda came he was giving the teaching you the coma how to organize the OMA and also the puja many of you have attended that retreat in the Ganges have you seen when he wanted is there the something the ingredients that is supposed to be given to offer and our devotees there oh no it is not available it was there in that ass tamil forgot to bring okay with the flower he said so in exchange that I'd offer a flower I offer it that here also you have seen we don't get the bill early where you will get the bill live then you have to bring it again from Florida there is so difficult so problematic so we offer the petals the flower petals in exchange a builder lives so this is the way and we expect that we will get the result from the young young how it is possible there are so many wonderful ways you have to measure the everything before arranging the the woods before leading the fire position of seating and all that so he said beta he is just simply say Ramakrishna said Bay that doesn't mean actually this to the karma and Ghana are really very difficult very difficult once a man said to me that he would perform the purest churana of the guy Gayatri now the Gayatri is a long mantra and that says that we should be totally free from ignorance as a prayer a long prayer a wonderful prayer Gayatri o mooga Versha exit Exeter is a long way now sadhana Krishna said I said we're going to do that according to Tantra in the Kali Yuga the discipline of Tantra is very efficacious the discipline of Tantra is very efficacious salam Krishna himself at practice Tantra and in the Tantra the of course there are so many varieties are there but the cinema Krishna introduced a most easiest thing and if we follow that it will be so easy this month I think twin 21st 22nd 23rd these are the three days we will have I am trying to make it through that with the help of the pictures projected on the screen want to show the devotees will be attending there how the yantra so many varieties of genres how the yentas are used what are the way they go home so this is the Tantra at least a brief idea about Tantra will come that would be if we are going over there so this Tantra see Ramakrishna said what is the Tantra performing what is the performances that he will say again and again here is a spruce charron what is the purest charron police churan means now many people they do puris chillin in the Navaratri it has already started and the nine nights the whole night they will go on taking the name of blood and they say we will start in the first day you will start one thousand second day 2030 3000 and the ninth day nine thousand and the completion 10,000 Jabba will do some people start with 10,000 then they will increase so like this is called purush karana what happens after puris charron and they control the food and all and slowly slowly body and mind become tuned with the idea its and naturally other thoughts worldly thoughts are not supposed to come so they are constantly every moment going on taking the name of God and that we call procedure on a ceramic is advising why not in the Tantra and that is very efficacious it was extremely difficult to perform the rites and joined in the Vader's at the present time people lead the life of slaves and here the life of slaves means we know that time the India was under the subjugation of the British errs and whatever the British are saved all Indians because we were the subject so we had to accept that we have to say yes sir whatever you say that is correct and slow slowly slowly that has gone into our psychology and we have become a hypocrite we know that we don't like this what did shibe that British are person the gentleman he is asking us to do or saying something we are not accepting that but at the same time outwardly we say is there by that way we are losing all our originality and that is called da sulla manasa gotta Xiaomi vivekananda in one place he say he owe in DIA do you think by having this type of slavish mentality you will rule the whole world the slavish mentality also comes along with not only hypocrisy but also jealousy if anybody is doing something good immediately we had jealous maybe that I won't be able to perform that maybe he is singing well and people are appreciating that i am not a singer i cannot compete with that still it is burning know why not my daughter could sing or someone someone something or some wrong we will find it that that is called slavish mentality with that it is impossible to practice the gaana yoga Sosa Ramakrishna he say that it is not possible is extremely difficult to perform the rites and join in the Vedas at present time people lead the life of slaves and once a pedantic monk came here now he is given a description how he is living his practice he used to dance at the sight of it cloud he would go into an ecstasy of joy / rainstorm he would get very angry if anyone went near him when he meditated one day I came to him while he was meditating and at that made him very cross he discriminated constantly Brahman alone is real and the world is illusory since the appearance of diversity is due to Maya he walked about with a prism from its end earlier and in his hand one sees different colors through the prism in reality there is no such thing as color likewise nothing exists in reality except Brahman Sri Ramakrishna why he is giving the this description because if someone wants to practice only the path of Jana so this is the way that person is to do he never mixed with anyone he never talked to anyone and at the same time 24 hours discriminating and discriminating to remind him constantly used to use that prism in his hand and he's seeing different type of light but he knew all these things are wrong outside the thing that I see originally is not of that color because that is coming through the prism I see this color just like the Maya so he was discriminating but there is an appearance of the manifold because of Maya a goat egoism he would not look at the object more than once he least he should be deluded by Maya and attachment he would discriminate while taking his bat at the sight of the birds flying in the sky he knew grammar he stayed here for three days one day he heard the sound of a flute near the embankment and said that a man who had realized Brahman would go into Samadhi at such sound cinema Krishna almost elaborating the daily life of a Yanni practicing any he is practicing practicing the path of knowledge and that is so difficult if we are we are we are thinking that we are following the path of knowledge only path of knowledge and nothing else then this is the way we have to follow so that salam o Krishna while walking about talking about the monk the master showed his devotees the manners and the movements of a paramahamsa the immediately he is going beyond this is a paramahamsa wheezes paramahamsa the gate of a child the face beaming with laughter ice swimming enjoy then he again to kiss it so he was showing in this way because paramahamsa is above all this you may know that ramakrishna mission the sannyasa paramahamsa sannyasis where the life should be completely free and no bondage but at the same time leaving with each and every one in sir in those society so that's master is tailing mastered to him I learned with antha from my guru and he's to call because he is to wear in the traditional way only the coprinus I used to call Nanta the Brahmin alone is real the world is illusory that's all brahma satyam jagan mithya Shankar Acharya also said i can tell you in a half a sentence not even the complete their whatever all these thousands and millions of scripture has said brahma satyam jagan mithya and he said I learnt it from my guru and that's all I know this whole thing that I see is nothing but mekia what is that meter temporary what is that meter whatever I see that is not true so the beach ana goes in that way and by that what happened I don't get attached to these things at us to the world if I say a good building immediately oh this is a very good building if I could have that but it is temporary someday that the building won't be there and when I see something else I always try to grab that temporary but for the sake of the society for the betterment of the people if we am doing something totally unattached is totally different thing in it seems that the whole a whole of life is a long sleep master Magi he is then giving his own knowledge immediately see Ramakrishna said there is another way of looking at it we do not see the sky rightly it looks as if the sky were touching the ground at the horizon how can a man see correctly his mind is delirious like the mind of a typhoid patient so constantly we see with our own eye but do you see something wrong how it is possible because sometimes when you look at a person and I feel oh that is the man my I know him so I call at that man then he turned I look at him oh no he's not that sorry said I made a mistake constantly we do like that why with my something we hear then we make a mistake smell mistake and this way almost all the punch Andrea's giving us the wrong perception and this world is also like that about the Akasha that neither shin they have given a definition of the Akasha it says shabda guna Maya Akasha what is arkasha what is space shoved abouna Maya having the quality to carry the sound and what is the sound it needs two things to create a sound and only that don't do you need a space that space is called Akasha is giving the example definition only continuing the master sale truly it is the state of delirium just see how worldly main call among themselves then the master wash I said I said two key sheree shereƩ another devotee what is relief one feels when this pillow case of the body drops up immediately ceramic ISNA he is telling master mush I had the tendency constantly I should leave this world or i should die because of this body I am suffering also constantly used to thinking this way but luckily he got a good teacher very good teacher the Ramakrishna and cinema krishna immediately correcting him is eight that why should you say such things this world maybe framework of illusion but it is also say that the mash mansion of Mark let the body remain one can also turn this world into a mansion of Mark that is positive way if we see if we say it in the negative way it is constantly the suffering but when you see in the positive way when you see the people they are finding out the subtlest thing discovering they are sending the rocket so many things they are doing and naturally one can feel proud as a member of the human society that we can do it so that is the power the IMP that is that power is within me and at this with the same power if I am trying to realize God I can realize God why not when the little portion I just concentrated on some subject I have become the master in that and the third subtle and subtlest thing we can discover we can find out you can calculate you can understand the tremendous potential t is the air within the human being that positive thing why not only when that thing goes that the same force goes the energy goes to the body level only for the enjoyment of the body and that to creating problem for others cheating others ma during killing others then it is bad but the same thing when it goes out and the whole world they were really feeling so bad when a picture of a little boy was published he wanted to come away from a difficult place to s safety place with his parents the parents could make it but he couldn't unfortunately so the dead body of a little boy it was lying on the shore the picture was that went viral all over the world and all of them people the moment they see it they feel so bad some people are feeling so good happy that they can kill others at the cost of art they also don't know there are many others way they can solve the problem but why to create problem for the ordinary people who only want to leave so different type of mentality if you positive way if you think then the whole world is full of joy a potentiality is there power is there that to turn towards the Eternity and you get the eternal life that is the way ceramic ishness teaching us never see anything as a negative way oh if this body goes away then there is no problem then I need not to go for job I need our money I need not to suffer so do you think that is the end of this love only one body goes another body will come the same thing will continue so that's why he's correcting the aim why should you say such team since there is no unbroken Linda aim he is not giving up his argument is this way yes but where is the unbroken place in this world he is asking Ramakrishna where is the unbroken please see Ramakrishna yes where is it he is delay he is asking again and then he took him to the Kali temple and he SAT over there bow down prayed ask him to do the same thing then he continued but aim or give up he continuing since there is no unbroken happiness in the world why should one assume a body at all where we can understand what was going on in his mind I know that the body is meant only to reap the results of the past action but who knows what shot of action it is performing now the unfortunate part is that we are being crushed ceramic ISNA if he falls into the filth it grows into P plan nonetheless you need not to bother about that wherever maybe you have taken birth whatever may be the family of the society but if you have done good work in the past the result good result will come to you but still there there are eight bones immediately the master said they're not the eight bonds but eight fighters the faithers means that obviously a loosely tighten what are those eight fighters first is a version greener shame Lajja fear boy doubt shankha discussed jus gupta cooler family then raised jati and behavior due to the culture the sheila the sheila is a culture so green ah laga boy shankha jus gupta cooler jati Sheila these are the eight they say hasta parsha in Sanskrit that means the eight features that is binding the human soul how because when the moment we are having the aversion the greener is the negative way at the reaction that will come the result that will come the same so this ate the mossy ramakrishna is telling that why should you think about all this there are eight features but what if the are these fighters follow up in a moment by the grace of God you need not to bother about Oh achar I have a disavow now onwards I will go on showing the love affection to others no gree nah no aversion to anyone I'll practice how many times you will do that it's not possible individually if you are thinking that you will eradicate that wrong thing from the life that is not possible but if you try to really scarred all this will automatically go all these freighters that is the news is that is binding us not allowing us to realize God if by the grace of God by the grace of Guru if we go beyond this how just with the prayer to God so see Ramakrishna and that is the reason this gospel is so beneficial for a spiritual follower those who really want to develop so that is this is the book but what if they are these faders fall off in a moment by the grace of God do you know what it is like then again is giving the example so that one can remember suppose a room has been kept Dirk a thousand years the momentum and bring a light into it darkness vanishes not little by little the wonderful way is the example I have not done anything I never visited god never visited the temple that doesn't matter anything the moment I resolved that wrong today i am going to be a holy person and I devote my all mind and soul at four to God immediately it will grow the moment I realized that the existence of God all this bondages darkness will go not little by little in a moment it will go and example we have seen in our society in our books we well can you tell me why cash option has changed so much lately he's asking about that Keisha he used to come very often he learned here how to bow low before a holy man one day I told him that one should not salute a holy man as he said being doing he had been doing harish says rightly all the checks must be approved here only then will they be cast in the bank the Serrano Krishna indirectly giving the hint about himself master Masha he is constantly having the doubts the ceramic ISNA is removing his doubt you have come to a place you did not bother about all these things only listen and follow what I say so he is then he is laughing master mache listen to these words breathlessly he began to realize that she don under in the form of the Guru passes the check then see Ramakrishna do not reason who can even know god I have heard it from Nanta once for all that this whole universe is only a fragment of Brahman hofstra is given to too much calculation he says this much of God has become the universe and this much is the balance the Hazara ma che he he says this portion in the the bhagavad-gita also Shri Krishna said that you cannot fathom me so I am this I am teasing that tenth chapter 11 chapter he goes on giving and so many the spiritual power that he was having then he said econ she nasty to yogurt young Shana only a little part the whole universe that is there how can you fathom me how can you understand me and dear the in the chin d also you will find the Brahmas to t he said the mean the Brahma the Hashanah the there is a Shiva and also the Vishnu Vishnu sharee dagenham homme Hashanah a butcher Vishnu got that body he became bishnu because of you o divine mother ah hum the Brahma the Creator I two ish are no a voucher even the Shiva all the three has come from you you have created us how can you understand you the same way in the bhagavad-gita sickish nough said you won't be able to understand me and don't bother about that and to make it clear he said I kangxi nasty to you that only in a small part of my power the whole universe is sustaining has Ramon shy he is calculating how much part of the God has been used for this world this universe how much is still left exit exit the cinema Krishna he is mentioning so that we should not make he missed it by utilizing miss utilizing our energy only for calculation hustla is given to too much of calculation my head x at his calculations I know that I know nothing that is the wonderful I know I know nothing sometimes I think of God as good and sometimes as bad what can I know of him in it is true said can anyone even know God then the ceramic ishness a who can even know god I don't even try I only call on him as mother now this ceramic ISNA said the god realization is the goal of every human being you must have to realize God in the open e shoddy fine yo Jade abideth at the Septimus t nichette yah a beaded wat eva nasty if you do not realize God realize the truth realized the Brahman here itself in this life oh the great destruction because ma te be nasty but you must have to realize then what we are going to realize wide in cinema Krishna is mentioning over here who can ever know god I don't even try I only call on him as mother let mother do whatever she likes I shall know her if it is hard will but I shall be happy to remain ignorant if she wills otherwise my nature is that of a kitten it only cries moo moo the rest it leaves to its mother the mother cat put the kitten sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes on the Masters bed the young child wants only mother he doesn't know how will the his mother is and he doesn't even want to know he knows only I have a mother why should I OD the complete faith certainly salaam Krishna caught aims attention and said touching his own chest well there must be something here isn't that so it is a very personal thing aim is a disciple and ceramic asian is the God Himself now in the form of human being and when the ordinary human being not like a great orator as the cash option not like a great the Ghani like Shankar Acharya the very very ordinary person but he is God sometimes the faith is coming sometimes again the doubt so cinema Krishna will find in the this page's many times aim is doubting and as so kind of his guru the God Himself is rectifying correcting game suddenly see Ramakrishna caught aims attention and he said well there must be something here isn't that so in Luke 21 during Lee at the master he said to himself does the mother Harsil drill in masters heart he said to himself now is it the divine mother who has assumed this human body for the welfare of humanity sir m he is asking to him service ding now look at the life of the grease Chandra gosh he was a drunkard outwardly he was a different type of person and people never liked him because of his rough type of behavior but his girish goes he had a tremendous faith on Cyrano kishna and in shampoo cool when the master Ramakrishna was slowly withdrawing himself and he was seek they took him to Calcutta fast as a place called shampoo cool to hire the house and not that ceramic ISNA was having very rich type of devotees few of them they were giving some money and others they were coming and helping though the hour narinder us father they appear his parents or the Baba Rama or the others they were rich people but they never helped they never like that that you boys should go to him only those who were very nearby a only few so they were helping they hired a house salam o Krishna was there the incident you must have read those who are regular follower absurdum krishna's biography and their ceramic ashna said I went to do the kali puja so these are the things you must procure keep it ready and the time came it was the ninth time and the moment the puja was supposed to begin there was no image there's no photo but salam o Krishna in deep Samadhi then how to ask him this devotees who were sitting near him many of them including the ROM data he was also a great devotee am a long associated see Ramakrishna man like him then suddenly Greece ghost came Ram that the requested him geesh can you please ask the master when to start the Kali Puja the auspicious time is passing of it out what to do there is no image there is no picture how to perform the Kali what was the answer of the grease gosh he said what you are you're fools can't you see Carly sitting over here before us and he took some flowers and said gema gema he offered those flowers at the feet of sri ramakrishna salam o Krishna went into more deep Samadhi and he was the Kali when he passed away Masara domine de we cried not as the husband mother Kali why you have left me o mother Kali so she was the master he's showing it to set up the three mom and all mother Oh embodiment of O Rama Krishna stealing o mother o embodiment of own mother how many things people say about thee but I don't understand any of them I don't know anything mother I have taken refuge at die feat I have short protection in d Oh mother I pray only that I may have pure love for thee thy lotus feet loved that six no return and mother do not delude me with the world be switching Maya I seek thy protection I have taken refuge in d the evening worship in the temple was over serama Krishna was again seated in his room we master Marsha and the next discussion be very interesting so we stop over here it is over disprin our mantra and conclude needin Jenna nityam an entire bum but on compa Drita Bikram be ye chaahat orem para Misha medium tamarama krishnam she'd asana mama Oh Sean