Video 115
116: Panchama Veda 116: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
let us chant this mantra and start starting the gospel of Salaam cocina de Vaca Tom written topped achieve annum Kobe be rewritten Cal mashaba ham shravana mangalam srimad artem booby Glennon de bourrée dahiana the last time we were studying about the different type of cities that comes after the god realization or after the practices of austerity a different type of spiritual power supernatural power now today the three amo krishna it is the page 286 he is telling to the master Marcia nothing whatsoever he is achieved by the performance of worship Jabba and devotion I repeat nothing whatsoever is achieved by the performance of worship Jabba and devotion without faith isn't it isn't that so he is asking to the in the faith aim say yes sir that is true then the master is giving what he has observed in the society I see people coming to the Ganges to bed they talked their heads of about everything under the Sun the wii dude aren't says without me they cannot perform the durga puja that means i am so important in that household I had to look after even the smallest detail again I have to supervise everything when there is a marriage festival in the family even the weight of the bride and groom so she is sticking as they called ear that she is telling in such a way that without me nothing can be there but she has come to bathe in the Ganga without faith what is that faith that moment I took a deep take a deep in the Ganga his holy water I am free from all seen and I am going to see God realize God feel that joy of seeing God no that is nothing nothing in their mind they're thinking in that way and am master Masha he's in a different way supporting why should we blame them how else will they pass the time the ordinary people they have not heard about God what to do the master with a smile some people have their shrine rooms in their attics the women arranged the offering and flowers and make the sandal paste but while doing so they never say what about God the burden of the conversation is what shall we coo can't we get good all these things then em said yes sir it is so in the majority of cases as you say can one who has passionate yearning for God continue formal worship and devotions for long so this is the conversation is going on so ceramic rishni is one sentence he said about the faith the faith means the conviction that there is God faith means the determination that I can realize God at Masada and shastra sorta shastra are the words of the realized souls and they say there is God so I am believing conviction that there is God it's called faith second determination that I will realize God in this very life in the Buddhism naturally as a offshoot of Hinduism it says accepting Buddha as an awakened one is the faith they are giving three steps faith means fast accepting Buddha as an awakened one second trust in his teaching spiritual teaching this is Dharma the buddham sharanam dashami that means i am accepting the Lord Buddha as one who is awakened second her mum Sharon am gotcha me I am accepting and following all the teachings that the Lord Buddha is given to realize God that that is in Buddhism of course there is no god but the teachings of the Lord Buddha that is called Dharma and complete dedication to the spiritual community that is shungo the buddham sharanam gotcha me imam Saruman shahram gotcha me and shangem sharanam gotcha me this three things if you are accepting then this is the faith according to Buddhism Baha'i faith is a fraction of the Islam they say the conscious knowledge it's not just somebody has said something and I am accepting it now I must judge myself and then I should accept their self conscious knowledge first second practice of good deeds if you perform good deeds you will surely have the good result that is the failed and thirdly account faith according to the Baha'i acceptance of the divine authority of the manifestation of God the God is manifesting sometimes in a human being or maybe in different form that you should accept with great field and that is called Fang acceptance of the divine authority of the manifestation of God according to bhai then the Christianity of course the faith in the particularly New Testament they say faith means belief and also fate me the trust they are thinking in that way that New Testament they say some Christianity believe in God and His grace that his faith if you are believing in the existence of God and His grace that is faith according to some of the Christianity and some other say just not believe but to understand fast in whom and what way they should have faith in whom we are trusting what way we are going to realize that that is the main thing then only you should believe and that is called the faith the greek word peace tease used for faith in New Testament and as they say in that Wikipedia 240 times they have used this weight the world in the Christianity faith comes after experience Jesus did so many miracles to develop the faith in his disciples to accept Jesus as the Christ the Son of God so when they saw again and again they experienced did then they believed that Jesus can do it and Jesus there was a dead person this has brought back the life into him Jesus walked on the water he says fade the multitude with a small piece of bread in all this so that always the thing if you can perform some miraculous thing then only I can have faith in you recently from the Calcutta the Mother Teresa they have canonized him now she is a saint she did so many good things all through her life helping people and all but that won't be accepted you have to show some miracle after your death then only it can be accepted and that too they were they used to take hundreds 200 300 years to declare someone as Saint because if other things are coming for for heart only not much time but anyway this is in Christianity that you must have some miraculous power and people are accepting you as a religious person and that is called the faith you can say in Hinduism of course as Ramakrishna said without the faith nothing can help you the worse she the meditation the japa nothing can help you without the proper faith and what is that faith according to Hinduism it is Radha it is confidence and the soda can be translated again into English as confidence and how in according to Shankar Acharya he said shastri shoe guru ba kayo shut tha booty abode harnum the shastra these are the word shastra are the words of the experienced one is not anybody has written any books they have written a shastra scripture means only those who have realized it and then they're writing that is called shastra the Shastri issue and guru a person who has also dedicated his life realized that truth you can say that is his words also how we are taking septa booty serta means the truth it can cannot deviate truth sattar Buddha Oh Buddha ranam we are accepting that as the city of the truth shastri shoe guru ba kayo SATA boody abu dharr annum ha ha da and Shami be beggin on the added the cirque de means self confidence and he said in the previously the old religion is to say he who is not believing in the existence of God is an asset non-believer but the new religion says that means his own ideas he who is not having faith in one himself is an accessed the one who is not having or believing the power in oneself is an artist so this is the faith in islam it says Iman sometimes the old the word most of the Indian people they understand Amanda Amanda means a faithful one this Iman means the faith and their Iman is that you believe in God this is absurd Mahmoud himself said these are the five things you must have otherwise we cannot accept you as the Amanda iman is that you believe in God he's angles his books his messengers and the result good or evil that comes on new so that is called Iman whatever comes good or bad I believe that it is because of the God God wanted that I should suffer I am suffering so that type of belief Judaism of course they do not accept the word fate and but they use the word emunah similar to faint and this immune amines trust in God so that is very specially in almost all the religion we find that the faith now the master is asking sir if it is God Himself who has become everything then why do people have so many different feelings there's a very wonderful question there's three more master Masha is asking and there was no one else so he got the opportunity to ask open up his mind to ask the question to see ramakrishna to understand he God Himself who has become everything we know as the Hindu all our scriptures they always say everything that you see is nothing but the manifestation of the same God now the question is if that is so then why so many different feelings so obviously God is within the feeling of different people must be same Serrano Krishna's answer undoubtedly God exists in all beings as the all-pervading spirit but the manifestation of his power are different in different beings so that is the reason that there is so much of difference from one person to another person manifestation of his power he is there as the spirit but the power that is the difference sometimes some people having more powers on sometimes not in some places there is a manifestation of the power of knowledge and in others the power of ignorance in some places there is a greater manifestation of power than in others don't you see that among human beings there are cheats and gamblers to say nothing of men who are like tigers I think of them as a cheat God of the tiger God so the god of course they are but the manifestation of power God and his power Sheba and Shakti when the ship t that differs but the existence of God is of course there at cheetah Shakti that is called the consciousness this is a wonderful very clear conception now he says master em with a smile we should salute them from a distance if we go near the tiger god and embrace him he may devour us master he and his power Brahman and its power nothing else exists but these in a him to Rama Nora de Sade Oh Rama you are Sheba and Sheeta is bhagavati you were Brahma and Sheeta is brahminy you are Indra and Sheeta is in Ronnie you are Narayana ashita is Lakshmi Oh Rama you are the symbol of all that is masculine and Sheeta of all that is feminine so God and his power and in Indian concept they have depicted God as a father and the mother Mel and the female so it is very easy for us to understand because we are constantly leaving in this to conception so that is the reason we can understand it so well and aim sir what is the spirit form of God chinmaya rupa sometimes the Ramakrishna is to say where is min my aruba Marin Maya means matrika metrica is the art our gods and goddesses are made of the art or sometimes the stone so mid-may aruba made of stone and all and chinmaya consciousness and here aim is asking this question said what is the spirit form of the godlike chinmaya Rupa ceramic esna reflected a moment and said softly because it is very difficult to explain shall I tell you what it is like it is like water 1 understand all these through spiritual discipline and one of our Swamiji who was in the San Francisco he was the deer Xiaomi ashokan and the G he was a strong began team and in one of his lectures he mentioned then when he was a young boy the place where is to leave sometimes these two had the high tide and there the flawed everything is water and water and nothing else though their house was in a higher place so they were safe and he is to come out and to sit in the open place and to look at the water as to margin that because of the vastness vastness and vastness sometimes when you go to this Shami be wakened is to sit by there by the shore on the sword of this lake michigan lake the vastness though it is a lake it's like ocean so vast everywhere there is nothing but water and that is oneness water is the symbol of formlessness chinmaya and ashok analogy say i stewed practice that and slowly slowly i could separate my body from a spirit and that is the meditation in here he is mentioning I think the kind of meditation I spoke of having was meditation on brahmana that is to say on God without form the formless I did not try to see any form I tried to feel the presence of his one being in myself and in all things around me I like doing that and I think I succeeded to a little extend so that is one way you can meditate and after a time you will find that you have become separated somewhat from the body you no longer feel that you are physical you feel that the real being is within you and not only within you but in others as well you will perceive the same being in everyone in you in me in everything human beings subhuman creatures living and even non leaving you can perceive that he but means everything so that is his feeling he expressed in one of his lecture and that was the last lecture from your chicken and veggie after that he passed away so when the mini becomes one that is the title of the lecture and here bhagawan sri ramakrishna is trying to explain how this chinmaya rupa one can understand there is a beautiful song and the ramp raha the shamash angry it says John Inori moon / mo her own Shem Omashu do me know oh my mind you do not know what amo Karan Karan means the reason the highest reason the Shah mama the goddess Kali is not only a girl she may hear Oberon Korea darin sometimes she is accepting the color the hue of the cloud and becoming Mel to cocoon a cocoon of purusa hoy so this way is a trying to express that the finest of that and ceramic ishness during one understands all these true spiritual discipline then he said to him believe in the form of God it is only after attaining brahma gana that one sees non-duality the oneness of brahman and is Shakti Brahman and Shakti are identical like fire and his power to burn when a man thinks of the file he must also think of its power to burn again when he thinks of the power to burn he must also think of fire for the Brahman and Shakti are the like milk and his whiteness water and his witness the cinema Krishna in this modern age is giving the advisor conception but in a different way there's sometimes some people there's to have some problem that it is to say the ceramic ISNA is the devotee and some said no is a giyani then this question that was asked to Mar Sara domine de vie as because show me you know that those who have read that Swami Vivekananda's biography then they're the Xiaomi G he made one asama advocacy mean my abbate maybe some of you have already visited is in the Himalaya is a beautiful place from there you can see all the snow capped mountains the deer only nothing should be there except meditation room the people can go and see it and meditate when he visited that they found that one of the Brahma charians skipping a picture of ceramic Krishna see Rama Krishna is guru Swami Vivekananda's guru he is I do but still he said oh my god the old man has entered here too he used to call like that ceramic richness to love him so much so he said the old man has entered here too then he asked the in charge of the Tacoma he said you must go and visit every room and see ideology of God way the Vedanta should not be broken over here if they cannot perform weed out the meditation without the image they should go back to belair mud the balloon wat has the image of God and many others are sama there should be at least one Center where only pure Advaita Vedanta should be practiced so the Advaita Vedanta means without anything that is so difficult to concentrate on that particularly those who are very sincere if they cannot consent their mind on nothing on the absolute very difficult there was one choix me I think I told you once and he was a complete devotee we can say and kundan Ababa vandana that song I to in the evening when I cannot sing that particular song the container I feel restless and he was so much so but inside that campus of the ostomy you cannot sing so he used to take the kundan a book that song the book you stand walk almost six miles six kilometre and add miles it's kilometer then going out of the boundary of the advocacy ama sitting under a tree is a huge plays only the forest and who nothing is there is to go and sit under a tree is to sing the content of our Vandana and the evening time and then is to come back so that is the Advaita sama and ceramic ISNA is telling that you must practice this with the image the confusion so that that brahmacari hero related to Marsha the money Debbie and he challenged Swami Vivekananda as because he went to the west perhaps he got this idea that Carter is not other that we should not even worship see Ramakrishna what is it so he wrote to Marsh are the money devi now in that as the jag attic Drishti from our point of view we can say mother was the wife of ramakrishna so obviously the wife if she thinks that her husband is going to get the worshipers God naturally she'll be so happy but mother was the shakti pure knowledge immediately she wrote back ceramic ISNA was advaita himself you too who are the followers of advaita ceramic ISNA are also a greeting what is the conception of advaita consciousness in avery being now the saddam o Krishna is asking this process for those who cannot go beyond this that is the beauty of ceramic esna he is giving as he said the mother knows who can digest what type of food so she will prepare accordingly some with more chili and very hot some very light some only boiled some DS and some that she knows it so this hour in Hinduism some are advised him without any form some do a thin wit form see Ramakrishna he has said to master Marcia is the householder devotee and he was having some other responsibilities too and he said believe in the form of God it is only after attaining brahma gana that one sees non-duality oneness a Brahman and his shakti when he meant thinks of fire he must also think of the power to burn in the Shankaracharya though he was at waiting he was the exponent of the Advaita Vedanta he fought with the Buddhist Theo philosophy and removed all the Buddhist philosophy from the face of India and then again say to replace Hinduism the Vedanta Advaita Vedanta that Shankar Acharya wrote so many wonderful stotras of poems dedicated to the shakti and but there is a stage now see Ramakrishna is telling there is a stage beyond even Brahma guiana unthinkable when he says this stage beyond even Brahma guiana at the brahma gana they say that is the last and syrah no business telling known even beyond that brahma gana after the ghana coms begana brahma big gianna the brahma ghana and then began he who is aware of knowledge is also ever of ignorance that is the wonderful way he is putting it if you know the light you know you must have the conception about the darkness otherwise how can you say this light when some people are leaving insulin in place where 24 hours the Sun is there sunlight is there they will have no idea about the night only one who is leaving where there is both day and night they develop the conception of day and night the small children they don't have any idea about the bad things so whatever they thing they whatever they see only good for them so they don't have the conception of bad so thats Adama Krishna said the moment you have one conception is bound to wear another conception when you have gianna obviously you have ignorance then he is giving an example from the Ramayana vashisht worse was in grief at the date of asanas Lakshmana he was wondering how a man like bashed her he was a man of knowledge how he can cry like that he was supposed to know that everything is temporary why then he should cry and he is asking the lux mana is asking why a man of knowledge should grieve for such a reason he was asking to Rama then three Rama Rama was the student tab Ashish but when vashishtha was beaming like that when the Lakshmana he asked that question to Rama Rama give the reply brother go beyond both knowledge and ignorance he who has knowledge has ignorance also if it torn has entered your foot get another thorn and with its he'll take out the fast then threw away the second also the knowledge and the ignorance both should be given away and that is the reason I always love to call this gospel of cinema Krishna has a buncha movida in every page in every in a bearer this knowledge knowledge and knowledge the Veda means the knowledge is the ceramic Krishna and those who are really sincere student of spirituality this is so clear to them sometimes we go to mostly right sometime most of the people they go to religion only like many other things we are doing we also doing the religion there's nothing bad in it at least they are starting but the deep student very sincere student of spirituality this is a very important statement go beyond knowledge and ignorance it says should one throw every both knowledge and ignorance Master Marsha asking the then the ceramic rishni yes that is why one should acquire big Jana you see he who is aware of light is also aware of darkness he who is aware of happiness is also a fair aware of suffering and he is going on giving then what is big Anna the in Bombay one of our Swamiji he was giving a lecture I was there in the as listening to him then one gentleman told that I don't believe in the existence of god and the Shaam is it dramatically he told i offer my pranaam at your feet you must be the knower of God he said no I don't believe and that is why the Swami replied because if you don't at the conception of God how can you say there is no God because you have the conception of God then only you can say now that there is no God as here in the audience there is no children there is no animal and we can say with the confidence there is no children there is no animals why because we have the conception of children we have seen children we have the consider conception of animals we have seen animals so obviously when we have the conception then we can say yes or no otherwise how how do you know who is God what is God how he can be seen so that is called the argument the fallacy this way one can argue salam o Krishna is giving the argument one who is having the knowledge must be having the conception of ignorance but when there is a conception of ignorance there is every opportunity that someday if the ignorance may come up again as because the conception is already there I day is already there now he's telling become a big journey not only gani go and beyond that become a big journey what is that began he is explaining what is big gianna it is knowing God in a special way the awareness and conviction that fire exists in ode is guiana see the clear conception of salamat ISNA the win we know that the fire is there in the old that is the knowledge but to cook rice on that fire eat the rice and get nourishment from it is Vic Jana that means only concession conception of God on do you have to be one with that you have to be completely that which is known as God so that is called big Gianna to know by once inner experience that God exists is Jana but to talk to him to enjoy him as child as frame as master as beloved is bacana the realization that that God alone has become the universe and all living beings is began the realization that God alone has become it is not the conception the realization the realization that God alone has become the universe and all living beings is began according to one school of thought God cannot be seen who sees who is God outside you that you can see him one sees only one self having once enter the black water of the ocean the ship does not come back and so cannot describe what is experience that the inner olden days days to think and the when the ship is going into the deep sea most of the time they still they're coming back was almost impossible so he's giving it is true sir sayed master Marche as you say having climbed to the top of the mountain the monument one becomes unaware of what is below horses and carriages men and women houses shops and offices are so on one goes up and from there you can see when he fly from the oh here as a beautiful scenery of the whole Chicago particularly in the evening time nighttime is all glittering they have made I think in a planned way some portion the hue light Alicia the all the color of the light so almost like the golden completely whole city's full of gold and the other side some of the places white just like the silver the beauty and slowly the more and more it is climbing up you cannot see anything the big houses and everything vanishes so the mind when it is soaring high reaching to the place of God everything becomes like that the master Mercia he was talking about akhter Loney monument that is in Calcutta and that was in those days the tallest building so obviously when people who still climb up over there and these to wonder who my god everything is so small below the one person in his life first time in his life he was flying in a aircraft so he sat and he was excited he looked down through the window and he excitedly told his next person sitting beyond ballast by his side have you seen the human being looks like the ants the gentle man the second man he was a regular flyer he knew he understood that the first time he is going a excited someone told him if you are in the flight he will see the small human beings become so small like ants so maybe he has so he saw that and said they are real ants because our flight is still there on the ground when you come go up then you can see so like that sometimes we are excited but the truth is that when you go to God all these things becomes nothing so that is the reason our experiences it shows that slowly slowly the more and more we are becoming experienced many many things we see and then we can understand oh this is nothing all temporary phases when the children come back and the complaint this has happened in the school and that has happened then the elderly people or the guardians will be telling them or just wait a few days everything would be over because they knew from their own life's experience he has see Ramakrishna he is telling that you should become the big journey because he himself became the beginning he saw everything nothing but God and it says monster I didn't go to the Kali temple nowadays now suddenly a man who was talking about such a height suddenly he's become just such in law very very normal he is taking the opinion of his own disciple and just like a young boy he is asking I don't go to the Kali temple nowadays is that an offence he used to go and what you Callie now his mind is also high he is seeing things the only in one that brahma gana so he don't feel like going to the Kali temple now he is asking to his disciple master Marcia at one time nor Indra used to say what he still goes to the Kali temple not in there was the young by that time but as because he was associated with bruh bruh maha maje the Brahmo Samaj they used to think that there is no image of God the Narendra also as he was the member of the Brahmo Samaj he told him still he goes to the Kali temple that means he has not gone up so like that so my dream our ceramic Krishna is telling that Dad master every day you are a new state of mind you were in a new state of mind mazda Mercia was very matured even though his book age was only 28 30 at that time but very mature when the ceramic ISNA is asking like that master wish I knew why suddenly he's talking like this as because he's to leave so closely with Saddam o Krishna observed understood so he could explain in this way every day you are in a new state of mind how can you ever often God cinema Krishna someone said to Shane about three day he is very ill please bring two pieces of cloth and a couple of shirt for him now again salam o Krishna didn't say anything he just saw the understanding of master Mercia he changed the subject is telling something else he is telling someone said to shame as a bengali surname as someone he came and somebody requested him because in the devotees when they come he died rom now in our place also in the summer there are also other people like someone goes to the Ganges he met one of our the person who is there read OSH and they sometimes give some gift to the hurry dodge or leave over here giving a name hurry Josh or for Swami visa me see like that someone said Rida rom he was there he is ill please bring two pieces of cloth and a couple of shirts for him we will send them to his village the Shan offered only two rupees instead of all those how do you explain that he has so much money and yet is so miserably what do you say to that he is asking again another question to master master and master my share those who seek God cannot behave that way I mean those whose goal is the attainment of knowledge they cannot behave like that master God alone is the reality and all else is unreal Maya mottram Adam do Adam in our scripture that says Maya mottram Adam do item the two are many that we see is because of the Maya that power of God that is covering the truth and imposing something else forcing us to believe that that is called Maya then now some of our classes where you have already studied what is Maya and that is the cause what we see what we feel sometimes when you grow in experience we understand it was not correct so that is called Maya so that is the reason as long as we will see the to the differences many is for sure that we are under the spell of the Maya so we have to take the shelter of the God because Maya is his power if we go to God then only he can withdraw his power and can give us the light the knowledge with which we can see everything as one thank you very much and next day again we will study the sep tember 22nd 1883 the account that has been recorded by the master moisture if you have any question you can ask or otherwise we'll conclude by reciting this sloka ok let us conclude this neden janam medium anantara bum popped on compa Drita Bikram by yavitt arum para Misha medium tamarama krishnam she'd asana mama oh shanthi shanthi shanthi hurry he'll that's it sweet on a Krishna her eponymous do