Video 109
110: Panchama Veda 110: Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
good evening let us begin tavo khatam rhythm dr. G venom Kobe be rewritten Calma shop ahom sravana mangalam srimad artem boo begun on da hora da jana today is a very special day today's the ratha-yatra in India particularly and that Orisha the state pulley the particular city where the temple of Lord Jagannath is situated there is a huge crowd millions they are assembled and they're pulling out the Rotter this is very interesting the Lord Himself has become daruvu da da room means the wood he has taken the form of the old the image is made of wood daruvu the Murari they say Murari the God the Lord the Vishnu he has this time taken the fog of that wood and system is not the god is supposed to make people go but this time it is just opposite devotees are taking him out on their lab and then putting him in a chariot and then drawing through a halt to the city they will go and the god is sitting wherever the devotees are taking him and this is very interesting the god is sitting and he is allowing the devotees to take him wherever they go and they are pulling the chariot to a rope this rope is the faith and love for God the faith and love that drags the god draw the God bring him down to the hearts of the devotees and what is that rutter do the bee danta itself do not accept the conception of incarnation they do not believe that the God is having any form but even then they are particularly the Upanishad catawba nisha giving a wonderful example of the chariot which is nothing but the human body the human body is the chariot art manam ruthenium BTW kott Oh Ganesha says no the self as the master art muharram the individual self as he called Shabbat ma ruthenium BTW that is the master of the chariot shreeram rat amoeba to and the body is that vehicle durata so when we are thinking this human body it is a wonderful germ if we can understand that we always think in a different way more elaborate way but unless and until we come back to the philosophy and see this truth and then enjoy concentrate our mind we will never be able to utilize this wonderful birthday human birth for the self realization of the realization of God the human body is precious very very costly very very godly and this human body is the chariot inside that is sitting the master which is the self would deem to charlatan with thee now it says it's not the mana is the birthday but the means that intellect the decisive faculty of the mind that's called with thee but deemed too sorry Timothy intellect as the charioteer mana Braga hebei mature the mind is there the rain the brittle we have to control the mind and with Howie whom you are controlling actually then it says in riani indrayani higher nahu our organs are the horses and we have to control these horses the five horses the I the nose the year the tongue the touch and all this venture indriya the five senses that is creating problem for the human being and that is the reason human being cannot realize God so we had to control and how to control that through mana sits perfectly yoga the skull the Vedantic yoga its union with the god with the Earthman how by practicing this in riani i am now organs are horses be shy Anstey to go to run as because the horses where they go they go through the road and where is that road be shame the objects objects other rules are the men Rio mono yoga now who is united with the yogi discriminating people at min 30 minus y de vocht esta who managed in aha what the menisci nuh the disc we native people they call that win the self the injurer when it is associated with the body mind and all and sometimes people they try to kill the body without eating a lot too much of austerity they try to give that suffering to the body but that is not a hi dear idea is totally different that three things the body mind and the organ sense organs should be in tune I am utilizing this sense organs I am using the body I am using the mind and then it is taking me to the goal and that goal is the Earthman so today when the ratha is going the chariot is going millions of people and people get mad they will come from far away places only to touch that rope and they think again in a gross way if I am touching that robe I am getting bless it that's true it is a faith but at the same time the moment we know that rope is nothing but the log then immediately we can understand it is the love is not that physical row but the love and where is the God sitting within my heart and this body is nothing but the chariot and that year that Earthmen is sitting this is the way the Hindus in a symbolic way constantly giving the high teachings of Vedanta to the ordinary people and last time when we were discussing the gospel of sri ramakrishna the grated full of knowledge spiritual knowledge we came to this Serrano Krishna's let me ask you not to disbelieve in the forms of God ceramic ISNA is emphasizing on this particular line let me ask you whom he is asking the master Marsha this master Marsha he is actually not only writing he's the Allies inkaar so the steepest him the wonderful teacher the master the Guru he is guiding him in the beginning when the master she came he didn't say this he inquired what is your path whom your life with formed the god with former we don't fall he said without form ok now today he is telling him let me ask you not to disbelieve in the forms of God so when you look at this jagannatha moorthi sometime people think what type of image is this there's no form at all but there if we believe we can understand that God is everywhere God is all-powerful the God is all-powerful everywhere that conception has come in that image which is made of wood and which is named as jagannatha now this incarnation with the moment we are thinking about the images the garden form then that is helping us to take towards the formless aspect of God that is why the sea Ramakrishna again and again requesting a technique as if requesting the people the devotees believe in this believe and then you will see the miracle what is happening here in yet the soul become restless for God when one is true with the enjoyment of the worldly things when all these experiences has been complete then the soul become restless for the god or otherwise what happens it goes on chatting and goes on enjoying so many other things is happening but actual Joy's not coming because that love has not come the love for God then we find in the August eighteen eighteen eighty-three is a page 272 very small that paragraph here ceramic ISNA has come to Bala Rambo house and he is telling that in order to bring people spiritual knowledge an incarnation of God leaves in the world in the company of devotees cherishing an attitude of love for God he is giving a hint about which so many different type of religions they have so many varieties of opinion incarnation of God now he said that an incarnation of God leaves in the world in the company of the devotees why to show them that God realization is possible to show them how to train the mind for the god realization how to live in the society God Himself comes down and then takes the human form and different form and then guiding the human being even then we cannot understand we do not believe it is the unfortunate and ultimately it goes for suffering suffering and suffering when you talk about the Incarnation the only the religion that we can see is the Christianity and the Christianity it says that God the Son and son of the father taking on a human body and human nature was made flesh when we read these then we find a little doubt SAT there ideas are not that you are very clear but at the same time majority of the Christians all denominations of the Christians they believe that Christ is the son of God and the Son of God means what what is the definition of song so this we find in the church's Council of Chalcedon it defined that the divine nature of the Sun was United but not mixed with human nature is a council afterwards is not the Jesus is a council that they SAT together and then discussed and they decided to accept in this way the Sun was was United but not mixed with the human nature Jesus Christ was both truly God and truly man so this is the concept of the Christianity and the particular this word has come from the lateen Caro means place and then it has been prefix in in karo nation in is a prefix Caro means the flesh so to make into flesh incarnation means something divine taking the flesh the term is drawn from the Gospel of John and the Word was made flesh and this word they say the second hi that of the Trinity the second position that was the word what is a Greek at the greek the city's word and I'm the logos the logos and the world and they so that actually took the form and debate continued for long time in the Christianity centuries after centuries mainly the Jewish Christians then Gnostics the followers of areas and Pope Alexander of Alexandria the fast for centuries they debated to define the Sun what does it mean father son Holy Spirit these three referred to in the New Testament and we find that and 325 AD the fast council of nakiya a 9 SI ay ay they are deciding then afterwards again 431 another council again 451 the third council we can understand that debate how it was going on they were totally confused the moment we say that the God has taken the human form how can he explain it because the human in the concept of the the faith is all sinners and how the God can take that human form but at the same time they were not able to deny it so again and again all the leaders they were sitting together and discussing to solve this problem so that once for all we can accept this the 325 AD after the date of the Jesus then 431 451 the three councils and afterwards did it clear that Jesus was born full God begotten from and not created by the father begotten but not created by the father and fully man how that same the God became man now they say taking his flesh and nature from the Virgin Mary so it was impossible for the Christendom the Christian world to make a conception of the Incarnation the god taking the human form so human obviously so many other things that they're so how God can have those so that is the main reason I think so and they were discussing these he was a full God but at the same time we got the flesh and the nature of human from the mother meanie so this is the Christian idea but they accept in this way there are many other forms are also there some people they protested and all these things you know the last time we discussed that then comes the very famous religion Buddhism and being non theist did not believe in the conception of God so naturally Buddhism do not accept the concept of incarnation we were a ceramic ishness giving that expression incarnation the incarnation of God he comes and leaves with the devotees to teach them the devotion so dead here we see that the Christianity that conception Buddhism totally they are rejecting but Buddhism accept rebirth theory punar janma vada rebirth theory and because the souls are taking rebirth reborn again and again and endlessly it is going on and Tibetan Buddhism however believe this is an interesting the incarnation of an enlightened spiritual teacher wiska Lama Dalai Lama panchetta llama these are the llamas they are the in reborn who has reborn like this they say an enlightened spiritual soul he has come to become the teacher and when we go to the Islam we find that completely rejection of this idea of incarnation however there is again we find as a another sect is there and that is called agha khan agha khan was the related to the imam ali and Fatima Ali Imam Ali was a son-in-law of the prophet and Fatima Ali was the daughter of the Prophet their son de agua con and in one place it says that hazrat Muhammad himself is telling that the eye and the alley are from the same nude hear the word noon has been used as a light the light of God I and Ally this Ali who was the husband of his daughter here the Prophet categorically mentioned that we are from the same light of God though obviously afterwards their son de agua con who was also the spiritual leader he demanded the same light is descending on me too this is miley group they accept this new conception then we come to the buys another sect of the Islam they are the followers of bhai to LA and that reflects that attribute of the goddess is creator of the world and totally independent they believe in this way and the world eamon it's from God so this bhai Tula they also believe in the nude theory Judaism totally rejected then comes the Hinduism in Hinduism of course we find Avatara or some kya avatar the incarnation is innumerable so many hundreds and thousands and millions that mean each soul is the incarnation of the same God so that is the conception of the Hindus so when you read where the differences these are the philosophical differences when the Hindu believes that anything whatever has been created it's nothing but the manifestation of the same God why because God has created it out of work out of the God Himself the God has created this universe out of himself so obviously each and everything of this world is having the property of God so each and everything is nothing but the incarnation of God but maybe that some people sometimes some creatures are not that way manifested but the human being the discriminative Faculty is there they are concentrating understanding controlling the senses and manifesting that human that divine power padeen and there are stories of the dasara Bottari that the vishnu particularly he took the Avatara is the saguna brahman Avatara means the saguna brahman again a little in a special point of the Hindus this a Brahman is not having any form the Brahman is all-pervading consciousness and the same brand Munson out of his own will accepting some of the attributes some of the qualities when accepting the attributes that means the gooners and also the qualities it is becoming saw guna Brahma and the other part is near guna Brahma so near guna Brahma and saguna brahman same brahman when accepting these qualities out of his own will nobody dictated that it becomes saw guna brahma brahman with attributes and from that comes all the avatara's the O in the avatar comes they say it is the Vishnu avatar and that is why in the Vagabond see Ramakrishna when who he was in the deathbed in that condition when his best disciple Beloved Disciple he was only thinking he never expressed in words in this condition if this person can't say that he is god I will believe because at the job death people cannot do anything except his own nature cannot express anything except his own nature so that is the reason he was thinking at this moment if this person can say immediately without listening to those words he was only thinking immediately surrounding replied the same drama saying Krishna in this body dim he added a second sentence but not through your bed and why this bed and he added these because in the conception of the Vedanta there is no saguna brahman there is only need guna Brahma so Vedanta means advaita vedanta not all the Vedanta's we don't again Drita wish to Drita Drita here it says he mentioned sidamo Krishna wait mentioned Madonna it is a Drita Vedanta and in this conception he fine there is no vitara is all pervading the consciousness the moment he talked about the incarnation the Avatara we are always thinking the saguna brahman now again the Avatara and incarnation are the same that is also that there are debates at their incarnation is different because the in the Christian theology the definition of incarnation is little different but in the Hindu philosophy Avatara means one who is descending out of his own will he is descending and when he is descending his coming he is doing a particular job and that establishment of the dharma establishment of the dharma righteousness why for the betterment of the humanity the ultimate manifestation of the creation is the human and that human having his dis community faculty and all other wonderful qualities when they are dwindle and going towards the world things that the god comes yada yada hi dharmasya glani bhavati bharata we needed the Dharma the righteousness the path to delays God is confused people are forgetting then I com descend that's called a baton his Avatara means a baton is coming down as you wear from his coming down here is only the expression but the God is everywhere he is only taking the human form and he is taking different forms in the traditional Hindus they say dasha Avatara the chimene stain and the same new to this matzah Avatara when the whole world was full of water then he came as a fish then the Cooma than the baraha the bomb on ax and if we see and we find that every time the creation slowly slowly taking a proper form the God is also changing the forms first first it was the fish then the korma that authorized it can go on the soil and also can leave in the water then baraha then come bomb on a human being but in his tour form small form then come narsimha it is like half animal half man human then parasurama from here the completely human form and then giving their direction constantly asking the people to behave properly SWA dharma his own responsibilities must be followed that is called parasurama then the perfect came Sri Rama then came Krishna afterwards Buddha and they say it will come the Kalki Avatara dou C Ramakrishna when he was born according to shammi Vivekananda once again the SATA yoga has come what is this at a yoga we may discuss it some other time that this another part another way of thinking when most of the people are trying to manifest the divinity that is within that is called setae yoga the most of the people now when we look around what you see exactly opposite naturally we can think how come the swami vivekananda said like this the sector yuga was where it's at the yoga is completely the human soul is ruined is it is only the scheme dip when you look all the incidents that are happening all around the world of course this is very very painful but it is skin deep maturity of the people are understanding now that we have to express the divinity what is the divinity again love concern some people died faraway place in Dhaka and here in America people are mourning and remembering and praying and helping them that is the love the love is the bond born for the whole humanity and that is crossing the border no language bar no religion is embracing the and is this not the expression of the divinity so that is slowly coming people are getting United they are becoming conscious about the manifestation of the divinity doh maybe majority of the people are not very much aware through emotional way of expression but this is also the dawn of this saturday yoga ashram EG said it has come so this is the incarnation and in the modern age raghavan see ramakrishna claim that he is the incarnation of god he is the God Himself and so many ways they tried to understand is it true now we find again sri ramakrishna is telling an incarnation of God leaves in the world in the company of the devotees cherishing an attitude of love for God all is the love for God that we can understand in in his life what is the love for God because that truth is a lab truth is the God and to the truth it goes always when you see the complete manifestation we see the ramachandra truth we see the Krishna the truth we see see Ramakrishna the truth the truth they that they are holding and they have a complete loves Ramakrishna said I can give everything except the truth that I cannot give so that is the incarnation the Avatara but why can't we understand it in the again in the bhagavad-gita Sri Krishna himself who is the god himself he has incarnated as a Krishna for me said a bhajan auntie mahmuda Manu Shinto numerous rhythm Manu Sheen ternoon asked rhythm ashrita that is the word he has accepted the human form for us we are bound to take this form different type of form sometimes luckily in the human form luckily that we are trying to understand the religion and the truth that is our real lock and in the previous life we have worked hard that's why they are dragging us over here and to the holy places to the holy words to the holy books so that is but still it is difficult to understand Avatara why Manu she in turn Omaha stratum you behave just like the human being when they are behaving just like the human being it is very difficult to understand but if he behaves like a very special way sometimes he is lifting the whole Hill or walking on the water or doing these at that then we can understand how it must be a superpower is having so we can accept him but when he is being so normal way is very difficult in the Krishna also they couldn't understand when he went to the court of the Duryodhana he was then talking on behalf of the Pandavas they couldn't understand him they were rather misunderstood him doubted about so naturally he said the secrecy krishna bhajan aunty mam mudha mahak gusta is more ha with the Maharashtra mark breasted those human being they think that this world which is constantly changing whatever I am trying to hold is changing as if like holding the year in the fist or taking the water in the palm I cannot hold it it always goes away but still I think I will hold it I will get it I will have it I will enjoy they r mohan gusta deluded mohan we can translate as delusion diluted why deluded because the discriminative capacity is not working properly so they are totally covered the disc immediate LT is not there at all so they are they cannot realize God they cannot understand the Avatara and that is why it is like this it is like going up and coming down the stairs after having once reached the roof which in a bottle he was climbing the stair reached the roof and again came down he didn't stay back over there for eternity he gained came down to the the base to help the people to show them the staircase to show them and tell them it is safe you can also climb just climb climb like this that is the work of the Avatara in order to reach the roof other people should follow the path of devotion as long as they have not attained knowledge and become free of desire so very clear instruction of Sri Ramakrishna there as long as you have the desire then following the path of knowledge is impossible many people they talk about vedanta they're very proud of speaking on the vedanta they claimed that he had understood vedanta and they think that they should also teach to others the vedanta but ask yourself standing before a mirror am I having any desire then if you have the desire then you are not the student of knowledge and then only way is the devotion the ceramic ISNA is very categorically in order to reach the root other people should follow the path of devotion as long as they have not attained knowledge and become free of desire what else he can say how clear he can be so those who were sincere they're trying to realize God is this not the perfect instructions what else the shopkeeper does not go to the bed before finishing his accounts we observed it the similarly one should not stop unless and until he or she realizes God constantly every moment praying to God and when you complete that you can do anything he goes to sleep only when his accounts are finished m-master Masha giving comment a man will certainly succeed if he will take the plunge success is sure for such a man Master Marsh I constantly feeling that I should give away all these worldly duties and I should plunge completely a hundred percent in the pursuit of god that was his desire but serrano krishna axed him no because children your children are still need your guidance you had to add money to support your family you should not leave that those duties so constantly whenever he talked he talked like that but salam o Krishna was a very good master it will know you have to complete your duties then the time will come time came after the passing away of the great soul thus Adama pitch nuh this master marché he became really a very good teacher of spirituality he started writing this book whatever conversation he noted he started writing people started coming to him he's holed 24 hours he was devoted to this thought well what do you think of the worship conducted by keshab shivnath and the other brahma leaders ceramic esna his examining his devotees the people go to different places as usual here also now also we go to different whenever we hear oh that man has come we will go and listen these that and sometimes they're impressed also see Ramakrishna was choosing his own people who will understand his philosophy will understand his teachings properly he chose master Mercia and every moment he was examining him is he really understanding or not so that's why we find in many places he's asking the question to him and here well what do you think of the worship conducted by Keyshia she Bernard the Shibboleth cache of the are the Brahma Hamas leaders do we know the Brahmo Samaj ease they were not satisfied with the Hindu way of life so from the Hindu remaining as a Hindu they started another path that's called Brahma and they were not accepting the form of God and that is the reason see Rama Krishna was imposing almost giving the order to the master Marcia we add that inclination towards them it's not good for you don't go over there and now we see there is nothing remain so the path that the incarnations are marking that is the true path following which easily surely we can realize God but if we don't understand that ok we have to move around again and again so he said master ma che he said they are satisfied as you say whatever they are doing they are satisfied with describing the garden but they seldom speak of seeing the master of the garden is a very wonderful way master measure observed it and he is telling that these people they are very satisfied describing the garden the God has created these God has created that God is all merciful God is all powerful all these things they are going on telling and satisfied and feeling that we have understood God but not talking of seeing the master of the garden describing the garden is the beginning and the end of their worship Serrano Krishna very clearly appreciate it you are right our only duty is to seek the master of the garden and speak to him the only purpose of life is to realize God this is the philosophy of Ramakrishna mission this is the philosophy of the Vedanta societies the only goal is to realize God and for that we must try and we should not add just with others okay just to bring more people let us do these and that no that is why the more spread increase the number the quality goes down the ultimate truth it will be mixed with something else Ramakrishna the only purpose of life is to realize God not describing the garden with a wonderful words I have seen many of the people almost all all of them in India they go they speak a few words about something mostly Ramayana and there's a big group of musicians almost ain't 12 people sitting over there and the Dyess and he is sitting on a chair and then the moment he speaks five mates maybe they start singing and the melody and so redeeming people are carried away with that and chat they're clapping dancing very happy they're describing the garden only so that's why I used to tell and now also I say it is not the entertainment when the spiritual discourses entertainment is of course the air but not only for the entertainment but for enlightenment and enlightenment is possible when the speaker is has also realized something dedicated his life of that particular purpose and sticking to that then only it is possible otherwise not sri ramakrishna his thing our only duty is to seek the master of the garden and speak to him the only purpose of life is to realize God now we found that ceramic ISNA is going from out to house and he is working so hard he knew that it is very difficult his health was also not very good he was not keeping very good health I was dealt so used to complain to the Divine Mother you give the very strong body to the chaitanya mahaprabhu you have not given anything to me i am always feeling sick so i cannot go to the people even then with that failing health used to visit house to house wherever he had any connection used to go he used to talk used to sing used to encourage people to the towards the path of God here after the bala Rambo's house he went to other shame and hear something very special happened then here the religious farber except it was going on and the master was still in an abstracted mood and say to other he went to the others house and he was talking with the other day he was draw a sitting in the others drying room and all other devotees were also with him then he said my son he was addressing the other he was the deputy magistrate at the time he was very in a very high post and the time of the British rule Indian having that opposed is something great that other to him whom he is addressing my son meditate on the deity whose name you chanted other Shane was chanting the name of the God see chanting the name of God majority of the people to do that early morning they will get up if you go to the northern and southern India mostly eastern India they have forgotten for some reason i do not know still they do majority the tilton in the early morning they will get up and do the hilton and all but the western India northern India's southern India they all right from the childhood if you go here also here in America also they always take their children to learn some of the slow kurz they love to decide that majority of the people they will be reciting the whole Gita I know I went to an Astra in Texas when gentlemen is there he has memorized the whole 700 sloka the moment you just ask where is this loci he will tell the number and the chapter that way he has memorized it when he walks in the evening time he goes on chanting the old Gita another young boy came he has also completed that his father brought him dead there so they are the very fond of dream but meditating that is also necessary this is the first stage is good but one of the shops the Ramakrishna's direct disciple used to read only once look up the bhagavad-gita only once look and hold a used to meditate on that shamatari analogy is to meditate on that whole day so that master there's our ceramic ISNA whom our the writer mentioning as the master he is mentioning to other my son meditate on the deity whose name you chanted then he did a wonderful thing with these words he touched other tongue with his finger and wrote something on it then master mache who was just sitting there he is mentioning wondering did the master thereby impart spirituality to other there's different type of diksha the way the ordinary gurus we give the diction in the world and we tell it to the year of the devotee but the great masters like ceramic Esna just by looking they could give that power just by touching they could give that power and we have found though very rare sometimes is to write names of God on the tongue of the devotee sometimes is to touch their body that way is to transmit the spiritual power other was a blessed soul see ramakrishna blessed him but what we learn we learned that in the beginning devotion is necessary along with the devotion discrimination is a must and then finally we must meditate on that particular deity so devotion that will take us to near to God and that will help us to forget the world and then discrimination that will help us to stick to that decision and then finally when the mind is withdrawn from the world when the mind is totally concentrated and very strongly accepting the concept of God then meditation my child my son meditate on the deity whose name you chanted next day you will start another chapter master and aim so this is the conversation will start that let us offer our pranaam needin genom medium on antelope um but on a compa Drita brickell bay he shall vitara but amisha medium the murano krishnam Sheila sana mama o Shah knee shaundi shawndie hurry he owned at Seth Sri Ramakrishna our eponymous to you you