Video 10
11. Panchama Veda 11: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Oh let us begin with telugu amrita tachibana copy video rita calma shava shava namaha sri medaka Tom coming aunty who lead Ariana in our last class we were discussing that important topic of religion browser this Shanga it a utility and the benefit of the solitude living in the sodium and there how we can develop the spiritual spirituality and we have got it from different scriptures how we can develop it and here in mahabharata live under the same thing very wonderfully they are mentioning additional options coscharis taka some Hashanah sada or darshan if you don't see anything except their nature or some special if you are not having any touch contact bits of anything worley some passion and data even not exchanging are having the dialogue talking with anyone if siobhan doing is opening so Sri ring that Abram then he is going to achieve the highest being the table baha so this is only you had to leave alone now as when box so that they discussed suppose we leave alone there are so many people living alone but they all gratitude in his God or the given capacity is having to realize God is it possible there are many people who are those who have done some mystic some crime in the prison they keep them in a small small step so there they are living all alone do they realize God just because they are living alone and there is no one to dog no one to see in one to judge now it is not like that because you have to avoid the company means worldly company but main thing is what meant in his mind mentally we're constantly having that contact they use that this is so what do you have to do we discussed that we have to develop the obtained devotion but God so that our mind goes to God constantly think of God then only it will be beautified muita are not know you again bhakti of baby Jeremy is using the word Lord Krishna is using the word of Demi chuckling not going here and there not everything from this and there some ocean there is some portion I don't do hundred percent devotion Victor they say with them are at the Asian isms of the year also our freakishness telling living victim and he should say she's a victim lonely place is living all alone he is living but alone means in the company of God he is not the mind is always there and it is in the company of God beneath the Dean Cecilia are a teenager a subsidy and not mixing with others in the elevator near alamo Kenisha they are giving a definition onaka it says assad samsara vishal ye what is the girl and selfish worldly person's company warning person who only person constantly say why adding selfish some people are there in the majority of the people are in the world we are all in the world we're thinking of the world and without that we cannot survive unless and until they realize in God what else shall retain this is obvious but selfish they only think about themselves they only think about the a benefit if we are in the head company so obviously that type of God will also come there are some people very clever and then we pretend in such a way that they are really very good people and these people are so nice or now has the call it sweet down people and then they know how to speak you know how impress people and that way they are impressing people and bringing them to near to them and that we even bringing different type of thoughts in their mind this is one and secondly sometimes some people will be talking about so high ideology and just because of the hydrologic we could really go near them and what happens afterwards they are bound by that we see the armed struggle in different places they have given the hydrologic before and so many young generation became and afterwards you cannot go out because the same group will punish you kill you that way so this is the corner of Awesome samsara we shall some circa even lock that this is very clear so we have to be very very careful about it right from our childhood our parents our seniors the guidance because if you are having a wrong association you were born to be like that and then so Allah hear this again they're asking Kousaka saga satsanga circle none of her the companion but assa be sharing some circuit swagger is also compared to success what is your son this is a very unique thing that we are discussing for such a long time because this is most impor otherwise you can go on reading the book there's nothing wrong but just by going reading the book own helpers one single word is some small word that strong 63 Ramakrishna is telling over there sharma vivek of distilling we can develop their phone user fee on each and every word you can develop the fuse of your house this is the thing varying on the company where you are going the moment you go over there very few people at their can resist his own thoughts majority they are influenced by others maturity when there was a in India suddenly along when I was a young gamma certainly a thought came everybody's excited what is it the Ganesha is drinking milk everywhere you go and put them in canisius ticket is it really know why certainly Ganesha milk and then afterwards stop it the Lord Ganesha is taking me and Tom's and terms of milk was sold and they went to the different temple very with it is agony sherry all ladies mainly do this a type of emotion is it possible but it's not want to be person it's a billions and millions they are going how because one is influencing another and suppose nothing is happening they're feeling shy to tell it and most of the people they are carried away with the thought that's why it is very very difficult once say Ramakrishna hearts not in there are young man of 1820 suppose all the whole the water people all people of the world is against you and telling that you are wrong what you will do you said I don't I know that I am all right then he was telling our teacher lay with her then Caputo not so much but when you come to them why because this is very very essential you have to judge or you can they can give the suggestion to judgment is yours decision is yours you have to dictate that policy now this is all right for me and I'm not going to anywhere guru kagami taiga market but Abu hindi they say why when we were at the feet of your guru once you have taken initiation and then you have to be with that guru just humble like a car either be team or whatever you have to be there so this type of temperament if we don't then we cannot develop the attitude proper attitude and when we are finding like this the swarga and naraka there's a wonderful stories that we always find another means what then they will picture of neraka almost thing if Elvis is something right horrible the moment they say he'll Nara and in what do also they say dokin or something like that I forgot so like that as a terrible picture comes in our mind which might be like this they are boiling the people in the words come the oil and then putting in the fire pitting name is it like this there's a story one person he used to write against the god constantly why he is to complain that God always take them to heaven who you need and then give food to them so like that and them and those who are not like in God or not offering food to God God will send them to the earth and wanting God invited him come why unless earlier talking like this come and see what is hell and what is Evan what is naraka and what is her go this person went over here then the god said what did him to see frost hell you like to see you looking then he went to the hell it needs and clean and that was the time for lunch or people are sitting in a long dining table and wonderful food different type of dishes are in front they were all ready to eat but only one peculiar thing a long handle spoon was tired in the air and the moment they will rank like our romana immediately they started eating but how they can they can't for the head because the long handles own his tongue over here and we didn't mini-tour so it really became help this man said I could Stan they are doing the for beating others shouting loud crying so abusing because they are hungry so the and food there but they can't eat so naturally did so he said I can understand that this is the hell and what that is given the next room he went to the head saying he was in a be same dining hall same thing but the people who they are sitting over there that long handle spoon is also tired they also can't move they also can't afford their hands but the rating enjoying the food chatting with each other laughter all amusement is going on out there helping each other the person who is sitting this side of the table feeding the other one the other one from the end fitting this one that's all purse forum Hawaiian castria forum about Sutter that is called heaven if we are helping each other here in heaven if we are appreciating each other we are in heaven but if you are criticizing constantly trying to find out Falls then we're in hell because the burning is within our mind it is not know where he'll try out the same twenties within us it is written on so needy so this is the bodacious a victim resort and solitude is good all the thing all the T means shunning providing the people Jenna some Saudi come the people but only avoiding people who do you have to develop a positive attitude and they suggest Munem one of in silence the many people they'll be practicing this moment where why because we have the nature to talk the moment we say something we say something wrong just way fun also we can say something and that comes and creates problem one day I only asked on gentlemen how are you good morning how are you that was their only that much but this person after 23 hours he came to me and say is it a good morning I'm then I think um all right to do so keep but after three hours he came not my door and see you never see this before ha how I am and then the good morning etc so many times in making the morning why serving you today I don't know I don't remember whether I say today but today is just came in mood and perhaps I say in anything wrong no I am sure even a good person ignore somebody has provoked you and that's why you are no nobody told and what is wrong good morning how are you this is the hour you how r why you are asking her how am I am all right do you think I will never see a thing it was so much problem it continued for 23 days and somehow I have to wyd the person and whenever avoiding clean also thinking if you were everything super just by saying one word is thinking so sometimes people do not understand the you know we grew up in one situation the family society sir jokes and way of taking these things are so natural and normal sometimes unknowingly we hurting some people may be one person who are sitting by my side I was from Calcutta to take a rose green he is a chart that I was talking with him but his reply was always on high-pitched ok say oh he was shouting and then we were sitting only side by side and then it is a plane he sent the plane we're aircraft we are talking then he understood he said magyar guna it need is the Eldorado I was about attaining our top then he see a diablo ahora Cian tip near sundre vitamin a partaker team I'm nokia Sulu got a galley they can't attend catalytic so would the galley to Jessica say I'm control can do i watch considerado I cannot control myself but in you is that abusing word that we use in every sentence somehow I am so he was very good person is a mea personally you was telling so this is the way we have grown up we do not know anything else so when we are judging a person with him to understand the philosophy and psychology of each Society family so this is also important how I am do that Munem if we are silent the mass of the money daily she is telling listen to all see everything keep in mind but don't open your mouth that is the secret the moment you are involving anything immediately this problem comes I can remember another that recently when I was traveling back from Bombay to Calcutta after the interview visa interview I was happy that interview went up well as a threat cetera and I got two companion one is a Bengali gentleman from Bombay and others had a Bengali gentleman from Calcutta and suddenly they picked up about being all politics and started discussing will you believe to our step or continuously without any solution and when we were getting down then you they were unknown to each other only they meet over there and then they were discussing forward exchange awards they went down all people said please regard what is there but then that way they were excited when they are getting down they were challenging i will see that what will they only they begin with something and these were this man was telling about his view and this was telling about this view and suppose you keep your silence then no problem I was not involved then I was appreciating myself because somehow I could control the Mona I also talked it not much create problem for myself that is also true but at the same time that day I became very happy that I could control my time otherwise I'd ramp in the third person you know that were to happen in there to get across is sometimes people recording because it is so Russia's so much thought that people were called to 12 persons they were twirling and and one person suddenly say if you are talking like this I will beat you in such a way so that you're 62 tips i will become then another person suddenly from this heart back man is a promoter no no man have only 32 i know but i have already calculated yours also i knew that we will join so 32 32 64 so it goes like this why can't we control our thought because we think that whatever i am thinking is correct why we think like that because of ego i am thinking so the Mona religion why to abolish the ego where am I to talk like this Who am I to give them a try says Who am I to involve in this way if we are charging the original the wrong business telling that you go to a solution but we do that you must have the company of holy people first second third we were reading first you have to have the company of bully people political means the book that I'm reading the Virgin America become read the gospel of ceramic Krishna there we are getting the company of advanced in artistic Aneesa and from there we are learning the aim we are going to solitude and there what we are doing pondering over the top there we are thinking deeply and this way slowly which are we go along shastra Shira would God Gras he done with her something to abortion ah this last what is a if you can give up the desert that is what all of us picture after lot of discussion experimentation they are telling if you can't give up the desert why we are thinking like this is there what is the desire by thinking my God my decision should be correct that's all and nothing else and that is the first song if you can remember that Swami Vivekananda sand to Provence Adama Krishna mone holo major Nick attorney oh my mind let us go back to the original abode and this is not our place suppose we go to a friend's house or relatives NAS they are not involved we see many things but we never comment we don't see any involve also in there why this is only a as a guest and I will be leaving after one or two hours so that they are due so if we can keep this attitude all through over life everywhere every this is the secret so here they still in practice silence beginning of our desire otherwise it won't help you and this monomer I'd also say there are four type of sinful words are there are not be very very careful about it for type of sinful words but a dead one is partial on the dummy chamber when shooting of job is a lavage aha awesome Bunga relevance cha Beom miami star children become there are four tables gentle rhythm is for what are the first is polish your hearts words sometimes people can't say anything that can be said in so many different way but they use harsh words the harsh words departing the others are invincible marshall other monasteries telling suppose somebody is lame you should not bluntly say pehlay man come over here what should not select that so this is the way first thing we have to learn how we don't parting others we can select this on return je veux false words we say wonderful thing wonderful words but it is false and when you go to somewhere else pink event other way there should also be not should not watch shutter do that then Petronas Joffe criticizing or shooting us means of criticizing others that also one should not do and unrelated discussion as i was telling in the flight two persons they involvement two hours the core unrelated what is going to happen in the politics they have only ordinary person they have nothing to do with the politics and you will always of those people who are in the politics they are very calm and quiet they develop them they will leave a comment have you ever noticed you'll never go our prime minister the president of America that's the first quality to develop not to come in here and there or this way that we what he will be tailing after Lord of thinking at least 141 quality to develop like they're so awesome of the palapa prahl up unnecessary worse but this is called the four types of sinful words so fast is the hard shoes second is the false third is British criticizing and forties unnecessary words so these four things if we can control then the whole not otherwise i can remember dep tender immediately after receiving my sannyasa net almost all our sannyasis the goal I got an opportunity I went with mother has stayed in a small bathroom there and they provided me a small room that was wonderful just a big in a mind admission envelope our destination adjoined there's a poor young man in chair apology and the room was allotted to me is a bedroom as to call only the moment you open the tote it is a big and there is no other space so you have from the door itself we have to climb on the bed and then you have to save you have to lie you to read whatever so I give the name bedroom so only one blade was there here it was bigger little bigger than there but i found is so difficult to be all alone my personal experience and telling him at least 17 days auto gritty our nature they would drag some people of their very quiet by nature but i am not like that so obviously i had to add a lot of ride with myself so reading book singing bhajan and then reciting hidden myself and not talking with others so this was going on on and on then after say five six seven days slowly i was enjoying being silent not involving in anything in the dining hall the devotees and the blue materials and other strong Swami's they are discussing sometimes they will be hot exchange of words because of the idol origin or Gordon ideological but I could enjoy being totally and they knew that I am NOT going to talk so they never to be involved from distance like a shark she just observing just saying it was wonderful this and then ultimately just don't think either than me rato what happened I like tea or coffee to dream and their food was so meager so I used to take the cough here and then one day I thought if I could get one or two Ross it would have been very good with the tea and they're the very famous rust you can get to be one type of cookie biscuit then I thought I drank the tea and then when I opened the door going to the kitchen I saw the packet is hanging do somebody may be handing over here they never die no going back he will pick it up and go so I didn't touch it I closed the door a trend came back and I found it is hanging and in touch next morning when they open it is still over there the old age is there and then what if I thought what is there that I open it or ask I don't know how it came and you believe all to the 30 days I was there the moment it is over as to throw the bracket in her and then next day again in one pack of his hanging you say it is near Advil or somebody was helping me that was but anyway it was there at least for the roster at least but the pookie we can try to practice on let's to see that it comes or not but after the moon'll what happens Lord Shiva is stealing a car keyless triage Santa Bonnie conclude the gun para cada una hora Shami karvonen mula Shawn way garnish African they say hello let me move without anything not even having even a tumblr or a class my hands are there with this I will drink with this i will take the food whatever that covers that is sufficient for me but i like to be all alone with you so that is the player while dr. burry he was the team he was telling to the asian who I long to be all alone without caring for the food clothing having any duty responsibility to swami vivekananda also we know they used to roam were here in America but at the same time all the time longing for diligently solitude the moment ago just to here in Chicago America by the side of the Michigan link he SAT but there are thousands of people every day going and sitting over there enjoying the scenario and Vivekananda when he said when he went deep into meditation and it'll become personality it is so difficult for him to come out because that vastness is a lake but at the same time it seems like ocean and there he said so this is very important for us is not only ordinary that elixir that Michigan laid over there is a pilgrim centre for us the moment we go over there if remember somewhere here show me we began the sack and he had the Samadhi think of it as if we are going to the himala and here again we find shopping become and the longing to be all alone and he is also playing and ultimately after completing all these things because it was a mission what is the relation are no stefana what is the Karma to make people aware that they are you angry they should not behave like this they have a body they have in mind but they have given in DVD we have to manifest it that's all first and foremost that we have to be aware about our divinity and of course it is so difficult every day there will be problem every day every moment we are forgetting but every moment we have to recollect with divine pooja are some drama bajrami be back on the road giving the definition of worship is a constant fight something wrong about Sandra means war fight ha constantly every movement and every moment you're defeating saga Raja but don't be afraid of you eat every moment we are getting defeat in the hands of the nature of a samskara every moment we're telling lies we are criticizing people we are using harsh words but still we know that we have defeated every moment because of work samskara of our impression of our nature every moment we have to take the resolution I know we have that divinity and I must have to express their and this way slowly slowly we have to get our self express ourselves to that divinity ultimately since swami vivekananda is writing another plane je bouge just accepting the power of the 10 additional raghavan see ramakrishna gave in muhammadi and lyrical for samadhi when he was very young at kashi pool and then go see this key is with me we have it tested it you wanted but not now i will give you afterwards the key should be with me it kept the key with him and asked him to work he went on working and then ultimately when he got back turkey he said joy prabhu joy and coming my lord and coming as if the Lord was calling him all duties / no attachment and now sorrow that I couldn't do that the enjoyment that I have been successful nothing I have done my duty now I wash my hand and I go to my god so now this is to complete your realization what we have to do frost is full of the big regard the glossy or tea with the cross purity body the desire for name being physical come for public praises we have to be free from office so the one word to say and if we're analyzing we go so many things are there we only hear about the purity and purity of our trust is the gross purity and what is that purity that we should be very very careful about the name free and physical component all these things one person the moment you become popular is very very difficult for you the moment you become popular if you are having the support of the organization to some extent it is good because there are so many people looking at you caring for you guiding you and you know there is rules and regulation for an organization I cannot do whatever I want but it is a one man he is the only person and all people are following him what happens is very difficult and we just recently so many incidents so many trees are there who will control and now afterwards what what it becomes hundreds and thousands of devotees they will start we don't know in what is pure religion just to make it a name and fame to the clapping of the people till between these and that that is the problem there's nothing to do with that name rain and all these things have nothing to do with your spirituality so the first and foremost is gloss priority second subtle priority subtle design within our heart there are certain desired oh let this beat is that this be there must be careful of it only design one should have that is the desire of God amali followed tomorrow veena in Bengali there there's a song this make me the instrument in your hand and let me play as you play that's all I'm grateful to you oh god please choose me as moily te ha ha guru neighbor me the marker purpose of the sergeant he is asking God is asking to the Sunnah I have chosen you because I love it I like you and you are nothing but me and that is the reason he has chosen or Juna I history name game all will come to you but I want to see that you were successful and here also unless they have there I have no other desire but to show me we make another traveling the length and breadth of India meeting the teams between the rich people between the educated people to get the sub 0 only to make a temple for serum edition what is the temple that's wrong that temple young people will get education and what is that education only one you are divine go to the world tell people make them aware they are about their divinity my philosophy can be seen in two sentences that make people aware about their divine nature and help them to manifest it that's all so this way one desire should be there and what other desire to be given away what is sukshma purity circled the oddity suks Nevada prada trust is gross then serving then awesome understanding the root cause of the bondage why I am bound that is the root cause we have to need a big deal what is our bhatia ignorance they say are the wrong knowledge but it's the wrong knowledge that I always considered myself as a body wine complex I'm a body I have a mind are some thoughts and I think this is me what is my personality this no this is wrong totally wrong I am NOT this body every time on every Sunday morning when you begin into meditation course class we always chant that famous local Shankar Acharya one over the oncology da da da you're not that that is called from the air if we can get out together three type of the priority we have to develop fast and from the circle thing road we have to go that is called cause of purity one thing is very sure in this world that I have a divine me that issue but I don't know it right this moment I can understand you right this moment it doesn't matter it is for certain because we are safe because all spiritual people have seen to those who have realized i can believe them this is one thing and for second years I should go and see my mind is there any subtle desire because I know the momentum we desire there is a bondage so I have to cut the root and after me free so DC spirituality is it so easy very difficult but if we must have to do because that is our goal we have to reach and totally gross purity name being all this so from there we have to that's why hansi Ramakrishna's clear some of you who have here in the evening every evening we are offering the prayer to romance ramkrishna and the prayer is composed by swami vivekananda a homogeneous rocket remains the power seen mucha he is the only the god is the only thing we can do it when one practicing after being inspired by the instruction of the holy persons sub-genre silence the Mona in a secluded place an asiana what one should do this is the question here it comes first from holy company one should learn that God is real and everything else on here if again and again we should ask us chance and get clarified and then the decision is this yes this is all right second then one should go at least for some time to a secluded place in general why near Jenna because so many things are going on if we are here we only able to concentrate majority of the people by our students then we starting in the dead of night after to talk to a 13 one o'clock know the parents they always say you better sleep but Dave because they can concentrate better some of the people are like this so the name Jenna means where my mind is no other sound no other conditions I can control third in the seclusion one should avoid four simple words but the bouchard we know the Cappadocia what occurs and then practice Mona now other question is can really practice moment can you really completely back into our time without any thought no constantly towards her running flowing is going on so fast it is so difficult to control almost impossible then you want to do our experience we know that we cannot control them at the first teaching of ants in artist repeat the name of God now the flow is coming we have to stop it by heart in there are much younger say too they say and many people they believe that it is true and in the name of the ramachandra is to write the name of our agenda on the stone and the moment here putting it is floating and making a bridge even if it is meta logical this name the name of God that is helping us the flow of thought that is coming if we have to cross over 80 we have to put the name of Lord and all the stones it will float they will make a breach so that I can go to the other side and again and again we have to brave all or so much of thoughts are coming I cannot roll it I do not know when I thought I never thought also from the past life it is coming to me even the only person who can help me this way we have to bring and along in the prayer if we can do some Manas abuja the worship mentally and that is why if we learn a little puja that's good worship that we are they are showing the light to God offering food to him washing the feet of the Lord putting the girl named gun the lighting the candle like these letters whatever you do over here meant Olivia tree so what will happen is a good time of God that is countering the other thoughts this way we can overcome but even they to think about God also we need the blessings of God otherwise you can't think this is a very peculiar situation to think of God also we have to get the blessings of God otherwise we won't be able to think and that is the reason we have to pray pray insatiably oh god please give me strength so that i can think of you double for the asian of multi hi please give me dis placings help me in this way so that i can keep my mind at your lotus feet so constantly in the company of god when you are cooking when your bathing when you are running when you're walking when you are talking when you are sleeping that time also you have to go on thinking God constantly and pain and then only at the moment you are doing in few days it will go very nicely those were practiced they have to experience the moment you are doing it everything will be nice circulatory then we some problem will come something will happen so you can never continued why because that's why we say Shanti Shanti Shanti this three dimension D some problem will come because the god themselves don't want that we should get like this then who can help us God Himself TV on Saturday your katana that's when the Lord Krishna is dealing Raja Tom Reed Abubakr Dada me put do gunned down in a mom who we are today what the body gave us good tea that taught the thinking capacity what is like and what is wrong that booty is very rare very rare even the Wendy very highly qualified people you will see they were talking like a child they will of course with all greatness they will say oh this is these this is there but those who have little background with the spiritual science they will understand is of no value at all let me say like that some are many people the devotees we have seen as they call the devotee devotee is very difficult to become a devotee those who are trying to become devotee they are always considered this is this this is that why because majority of the people they are emotional that's why and this is the reason we have to be very very careful only by the grace of God when our taught becomes clearer we can understand what is for these on Saturday of Donna Raja Tom Reed people lookin if we see the life of swami vivekananda see ramakrishna salam o Krishna is taking all nothing but the manifestation of God and at the same time he was feeding he was giving food distributing food among his disciples that this disciples and important era people and Saddam addition of any time he mentioned one of them containing 1000 drama is so pure in heart by the thought and deed so if you are feeding one of them giving little food or clothing any help to them knowing for sure if you are actually serving 1000 brown one of any one of them so he was feeding narendran are young man always a competitive always like to know and to some extent emotional when they were sitting in the bunch uppity sometimes see ramakrishna used to have that type of picnic so go out and sit in the pan charity and then his people will be singing bhajan and then many men will be there but all thinking about the spiritual life constantly in one place seating and taking the name of God is impossible so all these things were there and ceramic is no is a very good master he knew how to utilize this large of the people sometimes we are doing some other place and then doing these and actually young people used to think oh we arrived in the picnic but through the picnic spirituality the one day what happened when this was going on suddenly one person came and sat in the same queue to take full C Ramakrishna he came over there and acts very roughly to that person get up I don't get in for him you cannot sit along with them not in Granada immediately he said why not this is a hungry man and his poor and we were all eating there's sufficient food is there why should he not giving then taco said I will explain it to you afterwards now i am not going to listen to you he must go from here I won't allow you to sit over here why because there are people if we see from outside it is all same but if you see the inside then only we can understand the differences majority of us we can understand inside to ceramic Easter is stealing from outside everything is so nice unless you know what is there inside their mind what what is going on and now you are all young people slowly you are developing the spirituality purity the company of this type of people first is compassion and slowly slowly you are attracted to these people and these people as i was telling they know how to use the words mesmerizing and stood one day now great us all away from the cherry one person came and whole string of blood all over in the morning time us ringing the bell I came down let me say we had an accident over here the main road is little every one block away so I did and all my friends are there they have lost their consciousness it was morning somehow I know that these astronauts waking to you swami ji please give me some money at least one or two thousand rupees a necessary i have to have the regular to take them to the hospital there is no time oh god they will die and the way you are stilling you come think given where Ronnie is coming why is that Lee accident if the accident naturally palatial comes the owner housing thing the way and then some other raw materials and Swami's also came not only me at least five or six of us and we already winter we made it a got some money from our manager Tommy G and from our personal also sometimes people have been giving the pronominal became so from there also all collective two thousand rupees weekend and the moment he got the money he went out in the road changed the dress and of and from from the top when you saw her then we could understand that is simply so these are the people they know how to do it so am naturally is so difficult so one must be very very careful that's why chakra is telling to get the company of a real holy person it depends on your lock do luvn throw in a waiter they wanna prove oh here to come Manu Shifta this you member move shoot'em that is act to realize God and then finally mehar kosher samus dryer is very very difficult that site is weighted to read the books of ceramic is na ma shamim avega and then this type of people who always say truth truth and only truth and not our direct settle of sri ramakrishna who has written the life of sri ramakrishna sargon and the generals and he is mentioning there I have not written a single word which I am NOT realized not a single these are the books one should create we read so many things but majority of the people they are collected from here collecting from there and then we do Peter just teaching and then they have published this big order and the real damn we spend so much of time and your energy after that nothing because there is no part in it why because that person himself couldn't even it so we must read the books written by the realest people then only we get the inspiration and here he is telling even in the bunch of a she OOP arsonist yes hahaha we took 40 of it data through the person through the devotion then ignorance the darkness of ignorance we go and knowledge will dawn and forever kita again says the Asian Ava Oregon bottom of Ghana jajaja nausea Arkham harvester gianna TV in a harsh data Oh Nukem bottom this is a world the God is telling out of sheer compassion for thing ooh what brained him out of sheer compassion so if we always see like this mostly we are devotee so through this if we approach is easy for us when you are green on playing oh god please I do not understand what is what is wrong please be with me hold my hand as a father and take me to the place take me to the person who are really true or who can't get me to you to god you'll surely do it oh no come Gotham God is not just a sound as a world not is really deep too obviously he will surely come and then help us out of sheer compassion 14 residing reading as their innermost self look at this first he said out of compassion and when he's and above the clouds somewhere in the oven no inside residing with him as their innermost self what he does he destroyed the darkness born McDonald's and by the brilliant lamp of wisdom it burns like them that's and nothing else this is that then Priya feels the same prayer peace but what what were you playing there is also important sakana prarthana this comrade we train for the worldly thing this is one indicated of course you will get it this calibration when we are not desiring any worldly things only spiritual develop development that you will also come but raghavan see Ramakrishna they have saved while doing your duties you must be we will play only in the morning and the evening and that's all no he is telling why do we your duties that is morning he says in the early morning money means constantly praying and he'll performing duties and different end of duties but even then we have to go on or in a secluded corner of your house owning in Bengali the same or contemplating in a bootless in a jungle hello the skull morning morning morning morning now only and Connie in the secluded corner of my house or in the war sometimes is difficult because majority of the time those who are either what we have to work to earn money we have to maintain the resort so obviously this thing is morning how we will complete with this money means shackled our Raja model mom the brahmana which is telling when you are going to the office you keep it photo op gurgaon see Ramakrishna the garden right then just see that secretly keep it inside the drawer of your table pray to God you have given me this opportunity only and this is the responsibility it must have to perform I cannot do anything else I cannot meditate hours together I cannot read the holy books I cannot go to the holy company because this is my duty is my responsibility must have to be here but please be with me and what even the work I am doing I offer it to you that is the fair in between when there is a tea break for some lunch break he can you bring draw a picture see brick and when conclusion and we are coming back home when that work is over they'll also you pray to God before leaving whatever I have done I offer it to you Ramakrishna arcana lasted as you always say we are offering it to you please accept it as my puja y mano Mottram Jagger they say that the world is as my mind sees mono mottram yogurt and he came to say or not girl me the other warnings as the mind thinks of it so the way I am thinking that God is with me he is listening to make prayer he is accepting my offering he is accepting obviously so 10 mottram Jared up to this we were today and next again in next class will continue has come offer a program to the ground Saddam additional need anjana nikita anand kerubim haha comba little bit gombe aisha vitara but amisha medium term Ramakrishna she decide oh shanthi shanthi shanthi the EU doesn't sleep you