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1. Panchama Veda : The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
i can't see okay name our dear devotees and friends from today we are going to discuss about the pancham veda but usually in our sanatana dharma we know that it is there are only there is no founder in other religions there are founders who has founded it the rishis how they have founded it through the discoveries they questioned they inquired and they went deep down just like the scientific research scientific discoveries similarly that was done after completion of the problems of food clothing shelter etc then the people started asking where from have i come started asking question then some people they went inside the jungle and in a very solitude place and there they started meditating like that they were examining the external world all that in the atmosphere then they found that this cannot be true because there's changing anything that changes cannot be the truth so for that something static must be there to find out the static what they did they went inside their own mind very intelligent people what they did they sat in one place they wanted to know the self and for that what they did a very peculiar thing they didn't go here and there they closed their eyes and that's why after closing the eyes what did they do actually only one why is mentioning all the five senses why because from the five senses we are getting information and that is going to the mind and mind in mind is getting the impression and according to the impression it is working and that is why all the time this problem is coming we cannot control so they control the senses the moment they could control the senses their mind became tranquil their mind became quiet all this in details we'll be discussing in the coming sunday class where we'll be why we meditate why you should meditate on that we'll be discussing and in that mind they found the truth so they are not the actually the rishis they only discovered the truth they didn't create the truth that's why veda is called it is nothing no one created this then it has been created by god the almighty that is the idea the veda means knowledge so what is the basis of all the hindus knowledge veda and then this veda it didn't come to only one person so many people in so many places at so many different times and so many ways to discover it and slowly slowly by discovering all these things what they did they gave it to the disciples they were keeping it then one person came we the vyasa visa was very intelligent with the help of his disciples he collected all those knowledge sometimes the knowledge is given in song form are in different type of forms sometimes stories all that he collected and then it met it in such a way so four main this name has also been given by a poet now this panchama veda is what the gospel of krishna amrita gatham so it's called gospel of syrah means what again veda means knowledge and knowledge cannot stop here and no further it's no father it go so many so many so many knowledge is there you cannot say this much and no further and this knowledge once again was given to us by god himself the god himself for why because he loves us he loves the people why he loves the people this earth why god unnecessarily take the trouble to come take the form a human form and roaming about here and there the law of jesus he was crucified by his own people everyone said krishna was criticized by his own people at his own time other one buddha was denounced by his own people at his own time but why then they came in these forms because the lovers why they love us that is a wonderful thing because sometimes we observe the mother they will be asking the toddlers just they have learned to walk she'll be asking come come come come the toddler is coming somehow today when we were sitting in the office the social security office today went the two small baby came and the mother was asking one baby was walking and she was giving encouraging the boy and the little one was coming somehow felling down once again coming up but from distance one may think why if the mother wants to take him in the lab she can always go and take him the lab the child in the lab no mother was that it should come by walking too hard only because mother loves the child why because just before the part of the child mother and child was one they were not two they were not separated so oneness is the cause of god the god created us before the creation we were one with god we are not separated and that is the reason god loves us so much does he love all things yes he loves all being but spatially human being why because the human being the capacity they have developed god has given that is the capacity of thinking capacity of judgment capacity of discrimination that's why it is said in the man was created out of god's image even the islam also is saying the god man is the highest and in hinduism also the man is the highest because he can think if he can't think he may be having a body human body but cannot be called as man and this man when with this all capacity goes to the other thing what is that god again has created this universe this world this temptation this fear lovely things we find in this world so whenever we cross we see big a everybody is looking at the name and finlay going over there so why because the temptation everywhere temptations appear again same god history don't go over here don't accept it and when the people they do not understand it they grow in groups almost all of them particularly in the 18th 19th century we know the condition of the whole world what was happening particularly in the place in india in the place where all this knowledge came up where what was happening over there so that was the condition and in that condition god advented now here we always see bhagavan they say it is bhagavan etc so why god comes sankaracharya he says foreign he's just assuming the world we don't have anything to do over here only out of love is coming we have seen the mothers all through the day when the children are there inside the school will be sitting outside passing time gossiping or reading or doing something but so that they can again pick up the child and go back you need not to go to school but they are going to school why out of love why again and again i am giving this instance of the mothers because tremendous love so abu bakr this time worship god as mother this mother is doesn't mean the one who is giving birth to the children no mother means all the kindness all the blessedness service and unselfishness and pure love pure love means only giving never expecting anything that's from love so that's that's why the mother this god again he's ajobi i i'm not explaining details because some other time will do it he don't think and he never bhutana he is the master of all this that is created and he is made there continuously his neighbor neighbors time when there was no god it can never be always there was god should is very pure here the purity we always think that if we are putting all that club which is washed words and taking part in the ganges particularly for the hindus yes to some extent the mental satisfaction comes but what is actually purity what does it mean by purity unselfishness purity means unselfishness and this son out of his own maya he is coming and creating the knowledge and action that's called contra we by mistake we think so many things about the country it's not like that is very simple and then manifesting same in the tantra same also in the vedanta of course in the bhakthi with bhakti sastras the god is coming everything is called now this god many times we find the people they are talking about god talking about god who we can call god in india they say sri sri lan and then to give a special you know three or everybody's three three somebody now to give a special then they put sweet sweet two three song three and when i went to nepal that time this little king was there five sleep and to go on telling about the five three three three that would be very earlier so they have made three parts is all present now when we say all present the naturally gold these these numb the other treasures are there that will come afterwards we serve yes yes really chairs the many things without the mental power nothing can be done why the difference between this person and that person mental capability so that's called yesterday one who is having this six with him he is the god another person says this what are the wish areas animal one of it is sufficient some people who are becoming famous a little of excessivity first that's all assumed thousands will go and follow him all the eight if one is having but simply say by getting all those things am i going to realize god no but that will help you to work in this world and he will praise you just like this he said because i don't want it look at it let's go down viraga viraga means completely denouncing i don't want it even the whole world if i get me and some people they sat all together and discussing whether he's a very good person he's a god or avatara and krishna also sitting over there and pushing the next man and asking some time hey what is the conclusion like they're just playing because he knows what he is so this is the bhagavatam this bhagavat having all the power the teacher who was actually knocked down and then you know lord master master mahindra an excellent person he was knowing sanskrit english bengali and his memory was a photogenic whatever he saw and heard everything was there in the mind he never noted down there when suramar krishna was telling only a few points that too some someone is telling that majority of the time he used to take at the end of his the the piece of cloth that he was wearing over that used to write a little bit of this thing then he will come back he will say you will meditate on words and visualize to everything all the conversation given to you this is the beauty of the qatar and this is the first time in the whole world everyone demands that our the religious scripture is the best and it is having all the truth that's true but what if we see the history i'm not going to discuss about it but look about this sri ramakrishna he himself is to inquire from the master that's a what i did say over here and master told you no no i didn't say that then he was i said what do you think that i told over there what whether it was all right master is trying to explain no i didn't mean that he was directed by correcting why holy mother afterwards saying when this book was published and she said my son as if as they called lovingly kept all these things to you so that in time which should come out why the piana the veda and that should be spread it all over the people whoever will listen to it and be blessed even those who are studying those who are practicing of course they will be blessed even those who are listening to it because in your subconscious mind it will be there you know that sometimes the subconscious mind one swami is in the main command he's our friend what happened he was a very highly qualified person he joined the nation and when he joined the mission he was thinking that you'd be given the job of a professor as some responsible job but the insurance from me told him hey every morning you sweep this clock he got sweeping the floor but that has come over here there are so many people to respect me they know who am i these people who don't know anything asking me to sleep the world i won't do it tomorrow morning i'm reading this also so he decided in that way and he naturally half of the mind was thinking that i need to continue as a brahmacari and then half mine was thinking i should believe what type of job they are doing this week suddenly he remembered one story that was told to him the very old swami long back somewhere in the car and that story it was like this there was a sannyash in the truck and he used to sit by the side of the road small heart was there and we used to say early morning you will get up he'll take the bloom you will sweep the whole road that is leading to the shiva temple in that area do you think we were coming and going to the lord shiva is my god whoever is going to that see my god should not get any heart there so he was swinging the whole door then will be sitting inside the room keeping something you know the baking bowl outside that too we got looking at the faces of the people that we were passing will be sitting and keeping the face inside keeping his back outside like that that story he said love for god love for the easter and so you are being the savage because your god will be happy and from the subconscious mind it came to the conscious mind immediately he took the decision only this month i will save the whole astronomer so that is the reason when you are listening to these right this moment you may not find it but sometimes in some difficult time maybe suddenly this course will come and help us so here when the master mahashaya shri ma has taken a wonderful sloka from the gopi gita and the beginning of this book this is all the papers are in your hands you can pretend with me i will read foreign and recently only a few months back they have completed that yoga and thousands and millions the critters show on the earth they call it millions and millions of people will be going over there taking the deep at the right moment because because there is a story you know about that story the gods and the demons both they went to the lord and the lord said go and churn the ocean they churned the ocean and slowly slowly so many things came it came the moment you take a drop of a rib each life you get and now people are all going over there to get their tournament and for that i'll also go into once and it was really an experience one should grow at least not for any other things but to see the faith of people millions and thousands they'll be coming over there villagers are coming they do not know how to walk with that and naturally they'll be tying one to another so 30 people in one go from same village they are coming so the leader will be in the front and wherever they go this people will be looking here and there but they are not going in the mixed up with others the rope is there guiding their west and they will be following so like that the people goes very simple people do it with their dream if i go and can have it deep over there immediately i will get everything that you want without proper conception about um suppose i gained a long long life everybody is dying all around me i am only surviving what will happen difficult even my grandchild will say thank you thank god you goodbye my friend is also going and i'm still over together that was terrible even in the thing like that that is not the life that thought of eternal life means the life of lord with the life of lord jesus life of sri ramakrishna look at this life every day every moment people are remembering history will be remembering them that is called eternal life and what that means what we have to do is to realize god and then find the krishna the very first thing that he's doing the goal of every human life is nothing but to realize god not only go to temple not only become a good person be god yourself an excellent idea then excellent goal he has fixed what we have to do that he is teaching what are the things that we should follow that we need to teaching that's called this knowledge is coming from that old knowledge realized by the rishis in a very new form in a very new way in a very lucid language your words which are just like nectar but to whom even not to all even very successful they never care for god why but i am so unsuccessful they're so happy once in west bengal in one place called in the industrial commission i was explaining what is going on here and i was telling when the whole world would feel like the burning and then only you go to the guru and then guru will say don't be afraid i am here i will save you and the whole when one lady that hand then yes ma'am feeling like the world is burning so i don't find like this world is so charming to me when i wake up when my grandchild is crying or this that sound it seems to me the cheapening of the words the birds are calling so it is so nice to me i think it's not for you now you need to listen to all these things right now who was delivering a lecture then someone said i don't think i can accept all these things you can't which is not true the next person said but i think this is correct you then this is perfect so the words of god when the god is telling that you have to realize god and for that you have to renounce this world who has experienced the life vanity of life and who have understood this nothing but before to continue in this life to whom those who have actually realized that this is the futility of life to be the seers they are amazing why they have realized it so they are amazing and all the time they are telling if you follow this you also get peace what is the goal of our life when you are very young in schools they used to ask us to write the goal that what do you like to be and then most of us is to write doctor etc etc and i of course had a very peculiar dream i don't know i is it true doctor engineer i have seen a doctor from london he went to calcutta every day he used to come to arduin to purchase books and sending it to a particular actress almost same books every day and in those time he was spending 500 as far as can remember then once i told him he said every day in the same entrance you are sending the same books now you know why then he said his so i cannot exist so much of pain within me so being even a doctor they know different type of life so many things to know about the body but still we cannot contribute one has to understand and that is why this telling kavi will really come because only the seers who have realized it amazing the moment you are listening it reading it and pondering over it all the scenes are going what is the same again unselfishness is the purity selfishness this thing the more you are selfish the more you are going down down and down so you have to be answered all the time we must have to keep in mind unselfishness in the life of ma devi we will find so many incidents even those days the ladies they were done today evening after something very uh then fill the things that i have to go and get all these things and then bathing will be very difficult in this cold winter the mother was telling me if you don't believe then come and touch me only thing being in your mind how can you beat that unselfishness the moment you become uncertain your mind is becoming god you are enjoying of all the joys that people are having krishna once screamed he saw some of the people drinking and making men and he came out and then he was shouting enjoy the joy that is the thing that drinking the joy of god that you have to reach this is very very simple thing very low you have to go go go go towards god the moment he did that we see everything this morning there are so many wonderful conversations between vaikananda and the german philosopher so here kalama pahang means is eradicating removing the scene in islam they call it is the same and what is the gonad then they will making the picture if you are doing this this will happen you will go to hell and they will burn you they will beat you they will put you in the boiling oil and people are afraid if you are going on thinking they don't understand but if you make them afraid of it to some extent they will do something good there's no such thing like that once so happen now it is a advertisement uh age or at the pastor the wonderful advertisement is coming the people are telling me if you are purchasing my show you will be just fair within two days etcetera and one person he was very very calculating and he has done fifty percent good and fifty percent back and after his day when he went to the yamaha then his office if they were confused what to do for fifty percent good he will go to heaven for fifty percent back you have to go to hell you have to send it into your mind then you must say give him the option for 50 15 you have to suffer and you have to enjoy well what do you like to have first then he said unless i go and see the heaven and hell i didn't have any experience of it how can i choose let me first go and visit the place so he was taken to that uh ever people are quiet calm sitting in one place and doing jakka somebody's chanting somebody is doing the puja and wonderful quiet atmosphere oh so many people jumping twisting drinking eating and loud music is going on everyone is shouting he said this is the help yes oh if i give the option of the fifty percent of my heavens days to help this beauty and so you can do but you have to give in writing that you will never complain yesterday this is okay i need gaming writing i like to spend all my days over here in hell this is beautiful next day he came with all the luggages he entered into that and then they took him pushed him to their place black door with great sounding open he went inside very this stinging snail was there and there is so in distance one man is just uh his legs are tied upward and putting him in there while in water what is it why it is hell hell then what is that then that man said that is our advertisement department unless you advertise in that way nobody will come to help this way we are all the time a whole world is giving the advertisement come to me come to me and this is the challenge and nothing else we have that power in us only that we have to listen to god with faith that's all and slowly slowly we will develop the tremendous mental power some of the media is god we will also get the tremendous power mental power again and again vivekananda he had his family he was having the cows and all those things as a village person had he was so happy then the yamenda landlord he said you'll tell one truth false for me and i will give you so many things whatever you want money and all of the things i mean he said no even on temptation he said no and then he said if you don't do that if you are not helping me then i will throw you out from here then again he said you know i will speak to the truth i'm not deleting from that that is coming that is called mental power not only he is his wife says only because of one uh word of falseness if you can retain the whole thing why not you go to the court and say that what is there then they may be again quoting the life of yerishtira even ridiculously like this in the world why didn't you go and tell them now she also supported her husband matter what happens to us when we know the life they all came out and they were walking with all the children one thing only they carried that is the god they used to worship with them and nothing else it's not the story this is not micrologic it is not just imagine imaginary things still there our devotees their purchase that land the village is called tv this is a few kilometers away from the kamakura people still listen to the bear still here and then what he got he got the nectar what is that nectar all over the world people are now when they're reading the life of sri ramakrishna they're living the life of his father one of our devotees they know the name of the father of sriram krishna suppose he told that suppose he lived over there thousands and millions the moment you hear it naturally you will get excellent result in your time right this moment you may not think about it but slowly slowly he will understand even the people just casually may be sitting somewhere now this uh thing they have organized the life it is doing some people looking through the tv and they're listening it with a cup of coffee all these things just in some casual way but that also will help why because one or two words may not be all the work that's a very attractive music means a great effect and here they say those who will spread the message of god to all the looking organs and progress of the world to all the people will be considered as they will give all the blessings and all the good qualities of a daughter one who has donated many many things like him this person who will be spreading the message of god will also get the same thing so this is the wonderful way this message has come to us now we will read from the method but we hope that again let us chant this mantra tava kakarta and here master marshall is writing this book the first meeting in the first meeting mastermind he was not knowing about the sri rama doesn't know about the life of master master he was a teacher not only teacher he was a principal of the school in those days it was a big rant though the salary was not that much as none of us but the respect was there in the society but he had trouble in the family because perhaps his mother and the wife and for that he was suffering and he was a very quiet type of person very courteous and gentle he thought the problem between these two only for me and suppose i go and commit suicide then there'll be no problem my wife will be free my mother will also think they all have the but somehow his wife could understand there's something serious he's going to do she didn't leave she thought i would also go along she came along the mastermind and with the wife how can you go for committing suicide so he was finding somehow some relative of friend where he can keep the wife and then he can go and that way slowly slowly from here there he came to one person his name was sidhu he's related and friend and they spent the night of the dear next morning master mashay was going to visit different uh you know that places we can say bhagavan body as they call in binary this means very decorated places where the flowers will be there garden will be there certain houses in those days used to go now these two friends they were roaming here and there and suddenly he's praying safe there is a beautiful garden house is there tempo is there one paramahamsa is also there particularly in india everybody knows about this paramount would you like to go there in ascendant and they they came then when they entered they found him seated three rabbit christmas room straight when they came it was dust and they saw that sri ramakrishna is sitting over here on a wooden couch facing the east look at it it was dust but that is very very special in his character usually in indian character we only gain the special thing when we heard this thing etc etc but we never described the person only the americans that described about swami vivekananda he was well made it was days he was there in indian description it is absent like this that everything they were they have noted but about the person about the place about the people because the historical sense is little less in us that's why this is the problem master version was having this historical sense now ramachandra sri rama in trouble whether he was god whether he lead the law that is all in the hands of the supreme court judges speak why because our people they have written so many things about drama except historical facts who have the nearby people how just like this like this some of the evidences that is lost that is he is giving all the evidences and still that couch is there because it's called caught still there in that nature on which cedar officials to see there are two on which one just little small over that is to sit and give an instructions and another a little higher than that almost the same quality little higher over that has to sleep so this too and nothing else was there people used to come and sit on the floor but they came and masturbate the room was full of people all seated on the floor drinking in his words in deep silence now in mainka the swami is just to go and say oh in my nature there are so many people 300 500 and then has to speak there there will be nearly 1 300 1500 that is the crowd now the food people masturbated obviously when six seven eight ten people appear crowded the mastermind says stealing the room was full of people all seated on the floor drinking look at the world he is using that means with graph attention just listening drinking his words in deep science why he has mentioned beauty only otherwise it would say that they were listening with wrapped attention no drinking the word he has mentioned means they were as if drinking institute their speechless and looked on it was as if he was standing where all the only places met once only he went is the first time the moment he entered over there this thing that impression is coming that thought is coming in his mind as he is standing there where all the holy places met and as he shook him himself by speaking the word of god we were getting from the between over here about the sugar and it was a pure it is considered of all the great personalities spiritual personalities suka is the purest because he has no body sense at all the purity means no body sense at all so that's why there are so many students there about sugar believer and he was talking about god god who has no bodies the moment i feel this is i this is my body immediately all things start going this wrong child if you are asking the name don't bother to say no you don't say don't you when they grow up they like to see their names everywhere why the body there and the name nama rupa now they are fighting sri ramakrishna never could say i used to say but that is the main thing of meditation coming out of the body since here he is telling as if the sugar himself are speaking the word of god or has he sri chaitanya we're singing the names and glories of god with great devotion when sritanya we can imagine when he used to sing the name of god the people used to just become man just to dance they will be rolling on the ground like that to me so master is having the two feelings look at him first time he's going why his friend never had that feelings no explanation of that so many people they went they never prayed like that what he felt we will see asking a very peculiar question to him when hearing the name of arena once you share tears and your hair stands on him then you may know for certain you do not have to perform such devotions as the sangra anymore only then will you have the right to renounce rituals or rather rituals will drop away of themselves then it will be enough if you repeat only the name of rama or harim or even simply o in looked around him with wonder and say to himself what a beautiful place what a churning man how beautiful his words are what means the moment you see it cannot resist back to love but if you attract it that's called the when people are getting attraction hundreds and thousands of people coming to him listening to him that means god has continued the rama ramayana krishna is attracting the master master after a few minutes he thought let me see the place box then i will come back here and sit down so here we find the intelligent people always grow and they know about the thing what is here what is there he had that type of notion sometimes you know what happened in our majority days and it is our custom to offer the seniors in the particular day when the march on his birthday and the bad things of their disciples the senior people and we used to go to the but still and that was the mother's ditty puja 80 of us 80 minute challenges we went to offer our pronoun and pointing to the temple he was sitting in his room those who have gotten the little party more he was sitting in his room pointing to the mother's temple he said what she is wearing now the color what type of saree the color and then you are so much ashamed then he said he came in here all the individuals we saw we came back and reported she is very like that decorated like this recently that means when you see we don't see it from our mind observation that is a different thing seeing is different observations to become religious we have to observe be very careful everything you have to observe carefully and then you have to take only the good things that it mean for me so here master michelle is going around and again will come then we will see what kind of conversation goes on but we wrote that let us see how thank you every day i mean every day means every tuesday in the meeting before starting the book reading the book they will chinese so please try to give this one hope you can memorize why because even through this we gave a lot of good knowledge only to this one or three words you