Video 8
Oh leaders from the unreal to the real leaders from darkness unto light leaders from death to immortality good morning this is the final session of the retreat and I think it is gone many more or less I at least I feel what I wanted to cover not being able to cover let us come to the last verse of the chapter the 65th verse of chapter 1 of punch addition I'm going to read it out in conclusion and then we will see the sixty-fifth fifth verse goes like this it don't worry become the Daiya with even malice Samaha big Anita some sweet even de trop know if our own bottom neurone a cheetah what does it mean in this way discriminating the reality within with the method of the analysis of the five sheets which we learned having discriminated that reality that I am Brahman settle your mind on it how do you do that to the two forms of Atlantic meditation certainly sit down and close your eyes and meditate see that you are brother but also the tie is open as you go about the business of living keep this knowledge at the back of your mind that I am Brahman that everything I deal with is Brahman all actions that I perform are random they are all appearances in me like the forest in the late yes I took a picture this early this morning because it morning the lake is many calm and so you can see the forest very clearly then what happens result we girl into some sweet even huh the bondage of samsara drops away from you more precisely some sweetie means the cycle of repeated birth sentence that comes to an end and how what happens to us then from no different padam one attains the supreme state he translates it here at the supreme bliss so he attains the supreme place actually we have now understood did we have always in that state but we do not realize it we do not pay attention to it so it feels like you have attained something and initio something very new that is the supreme state neuro natira this person who is doing this us natural meets without any delay immediately not after many many years lots and lots of preacher practice to be done then I am brown no you are wrong and right now if you always bear right now you are and forever you are not after dead not going to any other place not having some particular spiritual experience then I am proud now I know all you need to do is to claim it claim your birthright claim your your cosmic right that you are Brahman the fact is that your problem this is the takeaway from the entire series this one take away great say that thou art so that now art is what the teacher says to the student what is the students take away I am from a humdrum Hasmukh repeat with me from Nasik repeat after me I am yes you might say I don't know it yet all right don't worry about it what is more important that you are brother or that you know that your problem that you are Brahman is the important facts and that is without any doubt if you know it if you realize it you get the benefits from it the benefits will flow until that time we don't we suffer but the fact is that you are wrong man right now now I want to quickly summarize what we have done what what does this chapter contain I'm going to give you a verse wise break up of the chapter so if you write it down and you keep it and this being recorded anyway it helps you in future study so this is chapter 1 and J machine there are 15 to teach at 40 more to go this is about a medium-sized chapter some are much bigger twice the size of the size of this chapter some are tiny with the smallest one in 34 th person it can be done in one session chapter one verse three to ten one into our invocation sanitation to guru and God three three to ten most important of all that we did remember the first mission what is it what did we do its essence of it all I am Brandon if you intellect says wait a minute how go back to this verses 3 to 10 read it the arguments the arguments are there with you what it is painted it's recorded awesome so Clannad go over those arguments a few times the arguments themselves are not so important in other chapters of the of controversy in other things you find different arguments different approaches for the conclusions are important what is important is the third stage first stage hearing it second stage argumentation reasoning and if you remember two interesting point that Shankara makes yesterday we read about it volume the the strangely that means not just reasoning about it not just getting it through augmentation but trying trying it out in America innocent you have a car salesman will tell you take it out for speed it's on the house this Advaita but we are studying here verses 3 to 10 10 take it out of her spin every day don't worry every day there will be plenty of opportunities to dry it out little irritations bigger problems once in a while desires temptations difficult people situation and the whole of the oblem of living there be existing shinai externally it's always there so there's enough opportunity to try out without if it works we're a good if it doesn't work even better because until you're invited we have to make progress so if it doesn't work immediately Seductor analyze what went wrong where was I am able to apply it at what point did I lose it so a sensible answer and then the rest of it is details the first detail you remember is Maya ignorance how does cannot explain autistic if BR I am Brahman then that should be the final thing but it is not I have not only searches out in the better but we look at the world haha I have a body I have a personal history I am an artist to play off I have the shoes all of these where do they come from if I have such enough from so the action is in the next verses 11 to 14 here we go take try it out yes 11 to 14 ignorance you're not speaking about ignorant some general here is speaking about my Harbinger my eyes don't see my eyes the appearance of God God has the ignorance my eyes the power of Easter and of India is our ignorance the same thing but it applies his ignorance to us and as power to God how does that work if we have a little bit of it it's ignorant if God has lots of it he should be totally ignorant but God is only skin-deep all the week does God build that his brother auditor we do not wanna be around now how does that work same thing in the case of God is the power of God and in our case it's our limitation which ties mr. samsa straight on which gives the beautiful example he says a Cobra as all of the poison in its mark in the glands actually and when it bites a mouse our are from a little bit of the question it injects and that's enough to kill the Frog are the mouse but all the poison is in the amount of the Cobra doesn't do anything to the program not only does it not do anything to the Cobra it's the power of the Cobra so in the same way all our little petty occurrence is taken together is actually the power of God to clean this region of the world but we are struggling in this illusion that's why if we are under it under the influence of the spell but it's like a magician we are the influence of the spell but the magician is the wielder of the spin so it's the power of optimization ignorance then next we have a description of the world do you remember with the power of prakruti Ishwara creates the five elements and with the five elements subtle elements creates our subtle body intellect mind the five senses powers the five bottl organs are five products on your body 17 parts and then with the five gross because those subtle elements become gross are not explained how it's there in the judgement is skipped over that so with the fire your sentiments Ishwara feeds our bodies and what we eat and drink and these words that we live in not just for thought is not a new word there are many words that we live in and all of that this universe is created by eeshwara' so taxing verses 15 to 32 and description of sons artists not only how is it created but how do we get stuck in it that's all to display to describe in a little world being whirled around in the reverse side so how does that happen so the 52:32 first Jeeva Jerrod he sure don't make the terms fight with you we wanted to discuss them Jeeva is us Java is this universe each for exit out what are they really problem because of my the brother hello it is a gol televisiĆ³n my immediate priority because of that appears just as the link itself appears in the forest the lake has not become a first rather than is not become you or you brother have not become Universal brother has not become this universe Rama is not becoming issue ax run his brother activity it appears in these mobs not only achieve as a traditional but also fine but it's it's our condition now remember some song is very different from after entitlement you individual after enlightenment after realizing that you are random you will still see the individual and other individuals would still see the word I'm Anna stealthy most directly the presence of God knowing all of them to be Brandon so this way disappearance will continue but it will no longer be some solid samsara some solid this condition some solvent and the word burden some solid not synonymous samsara can go away for the enlightened person then that person can live in the same word and see it is a place of joy and bliss because he or she sees in this problem no problem at all synonymous to recite this little verse in Benghazi he would say that the deep that the person was seeking from the seeker sees this world as a place of deception and delusion this world is a place of deception and delusion for the seeker and for the person was found random this very bird is the palace of mirth in Bengali to Karthikeya and then he finds the teacher so verses 33 to 48 the teacher teaches for daily teaching the method of the five sheets it need not be the better of the five sheets the teacher could see there are one of them the concept of Veda Veda is a form of shiva or it they are sometimes middle is a companion of shiva then in the hindu mythology these Vedas are usually fierce deity's and it all depends on by Robert Nava opening his eyes or closing his eyes very reminder the main aspect really is the female aspect you know Sri Ramakrishna's teacher in Tantra Haga by gravity now opening and closing the eyes opening the eyes and the pale Rama is the creation of the universe closing dyes of the Moraga is destruction of the universe you see that sounds awesome you can do it now right now you want to see opening and closing the eyes not literally what you do is like this I tend to this look at this disc can you can you see the letter you can see the lecture what is it you tell Lecter can you see it as good she just would not yes see it is electro now yes when you see it as work that's the destruction of the electron where you see it as Lecter that's the creation of the Lecter what is destruction in what is creation from cause material cause from material cause to effect creation from effect back to material cause destruction from Gogan you make a necklace creation many down the necklace back to world destruction but what we not the points out is that the material cause is all the time present in effect the material cause is all the time present in the effect in fact the effect is nothing but the material cause with a new name and form what is necklace it's nothing but gold it a new name necklace have a new form a new use so the gold is always there healing the table in the lecture the wood is always there when I'm touching it what were you say us a touch lectern or touch wood touch wood we are recognizing it's wood true and true it is what 200 is nothing here except wood now you will say yeah yeah what's the point the point is this this universe is from with the new name of our universe it is still Brahma through and through see it is universe your the universe see it as Brahman you've destroyed the universe that is the beta was opening the eye of knowledge closing the eye of knowledge the technical term used there is opening the eyes is called tari arrestee seeing the effect effect vision or effect paradigm closing the eyes withdrawing inwards is God cholera thirsty cause paradise video so when you see the universe as Brandon that is car and initiative cause paradise when you see the universe you see Brandon as the universe that is effect Paradise you see in the universe it depends on you when you withdraw around seeing the University in needed the asana probiotic meditations I am Brahman and the experience of the external world neighbor from drops away from you you totally absorbed and the mind is stilled in Samadhi that is called cause paradigm the Bhairava has closed his eyes and when you see the world when you talk and walk and go about the business of living that is called effect paradigm the playerwise opened his eyes in both cases the player was seeing the same thing it is one reality be them available so this is one technique from Kashmir that netbook began available wonderful isn't it it's incredible thing but you need an adviser to understand it otherwise it to be imagination world is a is a stark reality and this brown one is something have to imagine no Twitter shows you the world is a reality Brahman is the reality of the reality I'm using the coupon aesthetic terms suggest yes at them the reality of the reality so measure of five sheets from 49 to 53 so this is sherrod hearing first stage of whether the kitchen for 23 Manimal I bases if this I just indicated the attack from the nearest group saying that such a thing as Brandon quality lays an attribute less reality is not possible it's just this word of attribute that's all that there is and the most you can say there is a car what's up that's where the me I are stops they are realizes they are pluralists this non-dual Grundmann is not acceptable to them so their attack that's in verses 49 to 52 and our response to that then 54 to 60 to meditation needed as well and this extra body but they are interesting policy at waist Mellish regarding meditation and it describes the meditation the sitting meditation using the Patanjali yoga sit concentrate your mind to drop the world just inclusion that's the only you can see it's a very neat structure very nicely arranged if you look at the internal structure of the chapter one thing we take away from this I am Brahma in sorrow in happiness in ill health in good health living life as life as you float by on the river of life on the point of death and beyond death all of that I am Brahma in which these are all appearances Ananda so important I am of the nature of bliss every moment I rest in my bliss nature and all of these good and bad coming and going these are ripples on the surface of the lake of Brahman which I am all the time and firm this to yourself even if you do not know it even if you have not realized it Vedanta contest you you are it right now not after you realize it you already right enough if you realize it it becomes real for you and you get the benefits from it but if even if you do not realize it even if you feel that I am NOT enlightened then even then also you are 100 percent brother not a little less you are as much problem as Ramakrishna you're as much Brahman is Vivekananda mother as much prefer the same bra and everybody else is to whatever you come into contact in life is actually Brahman the chanting that we do from Hajj and Umrah Mohave there are appearances of people and things and even it's a good and bad those are all colorings given by the mind those are all creations of Maya but underneath the ground is always drumlin everytime whatever you make from the wood a desk a chair a window a door it's still the same wood you will touch the same foot you're dealing with the same food all the time in the same way we are always dealing with from an outside do what has to be done in black how do you build it what should we do from now on all our lives the four yoga's always hold on to this iron brandon that is yummy yoga I have no doubt at all whatever happens in life I have brother that is gamma yoga second thinking at the level of the mind all these big let us always make a conscious decision that whenever possible as often as possible I will think of my chosen DT and D mantra and repeat the mantra we too can repeat the one 300,000 times a day that is Raja yoga a concept conscious decision not to use them at the level of the mind not to drain all the world too much dwell on the chosen deity and on the mantra they bhakti-yoga let us make conscious decision that our love let's collect it from worldliness from desires and let it flow towards God towards the chosen I said I love my lord my I belong to my Lord and my lord belongs to me and that's it in life there is nothing like my life is an adoration of my beloved living loud we keep speaking about Onondaga in this bliss it will immediately be manifested the moment you fall in love falling in love with God that's it you will live in bliss I think he Perseus Lewis mere christianity look very nice book introduces christianity he says what is religion really and he says is a very unique take on it he says the best way I can put it is using the example of a love affair you fall in love with God try it it may seem artificial we'll keep we keep falling in love with so many things in in the world try it it may seem artificial the moment you try it even artificially at that point you will begin to taste that bliss not happiness immediately all other things your banana yoga and all these things takes time actually but this happiness the result will come immediately and it keeps on coming so bhakti yoga fall in love with God bhakti yoga let's do that and finally karma yoga let this life this body and this mind let it go in the service of others it's going to die anyway there's no need to be afraid no need to avoid that thought it's going to go I am NOT it what does it matter to me I have clipped my nails every day let the body go so many bodies have gone and so then you can go afterwards also why am I so worried not be afraid of death use this body and mind once you've tasted the world we have used the body and mind for our pleasure and satisfaction we see that these this is the limit of the world this is the limit of worldliness Karma Yoga is reversing that let this go in the service of others immediately peace will come we are we are troubled because we hold on to something which is not ours we are thieves in the home of God it belongs to the Lord it is was a lot of purpose we we clean it and we use it for our purposes nobody told us we could do that we try it and we are unhappy try karmayoga will be happy so let us spend our lives in this for I am Brandon I shall clean can repeat the name of the Lord I think of the Lord and repeat the name of the lock Raja yoga I shall love all of my love is poured into the Lord and I see my lord in everybody in love everybody it's not that I do not love human beings I do love everybody because I see my lord in them sri ramakrishna says to tuner him Noreen said you're too much obsessed with me you don't think about me and sri ramakrishna says you food I see now I knew that's why I love you if I do not see now I know I will not look at your face again I see God in you that is bhakti yoga and finally karma yoga a life of dedication and service and concern for others not concerned concerned for this little body and mind is what attracts us in samsara yes you have reactions questions comments we still have a little bit of time yes yes that's the way this awesome has presented it but there are different ways of presenting it just calling Maya and the problem stops but he makes a distinction because Maya has three gunas that's the theory suck two are Rajas and Tamas more of a shock 12 he calls it Maya because it's the association of ishvara I'm crippled by the terms I have to use there's a precise term used in Sanskrit God who pardon in get on that the term is appalling I'll explain that later but first let me give you the distinctions which the answer is given the distinctions are Maya is the Kapadia Ishwara what does that mean because of this Brahmin becomes issue Allah or looks like a shrub and Olivia is the body of the Jeeva us Vindhya has more of Rajas and prakruti is the same thing with more of Thomas and that is what ishvara uses to produce the world so the way this author looks at it is Bronwyn plus Maya is Ishwara Brandon plus cementite Jeeva Raman true prakruti is the universe but we can take a very simple look at it just call it mine there is something an indescribable power which projects Brown whereas all of this you that's it doctor simple we are looking at today now let me explain the concept of who pardon in brief it's a beautiful concept very precise concept is useful what is the body I use the English to associate sometimes in Vedanta textbooks you will find it it's called adjunct not helpful what it really means is this alright suppose you have a crystal clear crystal piece of crystal white colorless and I hold a red flower behind it when you look from that side what will the crystal look like red the crystal looks red why first of all easy trade when there was no flower was it red when they removed the flower will it be red now when the flower is there is it red No in exactly it's exactly the example of the forest in the lake this is the power of my after all the bunch of mushy peas do you have to be precise when the red flower is there you have to say it looks red Swamy but it's not red if you actually went in examine the crystal not a slightest tinge of pressure feel it it just looks red so now what has happened that flower is called the apothem in sanskrit Upali literally means that which comes near you and seems to transference to transfer some of its qualities unto you let's call it Apollo that which comes near you by its proximity seems to transfer some of its qualities unto you though it does not it just looks like that the flower is red no doubt it comes near the crystal and seems to transfer some of its redness to the crystal because an observe things / red crystal but Christian is not ready similarly Maya comes near issue Allah and a Maya comes near brother our buyer is near Raman it wears a figure of speech and seems to make runnin into Ishwara seems to transfer the qualities of omnipotence omniscience omnipresence all creator all loving all beneficial mighty Lord of the universe Epsilon it comes it's near Brahman and it seems to transform Brahman into the Jeeva body my little person mr. and mrs. so I'm sorr Swami so-and-so its Brahman nothing has happened to Bremen Raman has not become Swami serafian under Brahman is Brahman but because of Maya of India now brandman starts thinking of himself as John and John and RAM and Shyam it's Alan Watts story Oliver 18-mile comes because of the proximity of Maya obody priority issue lol appears as the sky and the earth and fire and water and everything world as the world so that's the concept of coupon so Maya is called the body of Ishwara a vp is called the body of jiva prakrti is called your body because of a but I mean if you say body of samsara that or jagat that sounds weird so it's because of property that Brahman appears at this universe's yes so we are done now I pray to Sri Sri Ramakrishna the Holy Mother Swami Vivekananda to bless all of us may what we have studied be fruitful may what we have studied illumine our lives may we be energetic and up and doing to transform with on thing to a reality in our lives in this very life may we all have peace may we all have joy may be all have the deep presence of the lord all our lives may our lives be a blessing unto humanity to the world Oh Shawn - Shawn - Shanti hi Sri I'm a student