Video 9
10. Fragrance of Vedanta: Narada Bhakti Sutra
namaskar good morning dear devotees and friends this saturday we will be discussing the first saturday of the month we'll be discussing as organized by the the hindu temple of lemont narada there's a fragrance of vedanta that's a series that we are discussing that previously we have already discussed the ashtavakra that did the gita astra sammita now the narada bhakti sutra maybe we'll be completing within this year but let us begin the narada bhakti sutra by remembering the lord vishnu yes yes i bow down to that lord vishnu great god whose mere remembrance makes one free from the bondage of birth and death the goal is not the heaven the goal is to go beyond the heaven the birth and death that is called mukti the liberation so this is a beautiful way it has been put the following the path of bhakti the devotion following the path of knowledge we can reach to the same goal so we here we are taking the help of devotion we have already started there and in the last month loki bhagavat guna srabana kritanath one must listen even while working the divine play of god and sing the glory of him that means constantly remembering god why now two things are there is a one mind and mind is nothing but the thought waves of thoughts are going on and there two things usually we think that is about this world about this material world and the spiritual life the when we are thinking about this material world we are bound bound means we have to come back to this life once again after death again we have to go and circle again again and again when we have understood that this is unnecessary then we think of god that's all just changing the thought first is when you are thinking about the world we are bound when you are thinking about god we are liberated liberated from where these bondages so here the lord our the narada he is mentioning in the 37 aphorism bhagavad-gita when you are working constantly remember god think about his divine play and try to have his own companion the constant company of god third only we are constantly thinking about that if you think about the worldly things you are in the worldly things if you think about the divine you are in the company of divinity and more you are thinking about the divinity more your mind is purified this is as simple as that but the problem is maya the maya will all the time try to cover our mind it will try to influence our thought it will try to drag down to different tidbits of this life the small little things but we are so serious about that and then whole mind is thinking about that and when we are constantly thinking about all those things we are bound by this world even sometimes the the wonderful things like helping others serving others bhagavan si ramakrishna said suppose the god reveals himself before you what you are going to [Music] ask from him that oh give me the money so that i can develop this village or develop that country are you going to ask that so i can dig the well in those days there was no not proper system of drinking water so the rich people they used to dig the well or the pond for the villagers for the poor people are you going to ask for that are some pumpkins you were asking from god so like that he said we are going to ask for liberation moksha the constantly thinking about god singing the glory of god remembering his divine play that gives us liberation those who were living in the holy places like kamar pukur jairambati and many other places where all these divine incarnations they were born they grew up and all over they did so many things those people if they constantly think of that oh this is the place where the god was born in the human form and these are the places where he used to move used to go so that will give them liberation they need not to meditate they need not to do anything else just remembering that that is what the narada is instructing us now here this devashi narada they taught us three practices to develop the devotion what are the three practices he said first by renouncing all objects of sense pleasure that is in the 35th the 35th the aphorism is said by renouncing all objects of sense pleasure by con constantly worshipping god how we can worship constantly by remembering him taking his holy name and that is the worship taking the name of god is also is the worship so that is why the particularly the vaishnava said and the tantrics they have introduced initiation if you go and take the initiation from a guru he will give you a god or goddess name holy name and just go on repeating that's all third hearing and singing the glory of god so these are the practices the human effort we can say human effort the practices are these three renouncing all objects of sense pleasure now i have to every individual they should they should have to work out what are the things that is dragging their mind particularly taking it away from god they should note it down then they should renounce that sometimes some people are very fond of money some people fond of name and fame some people found a power some people found a family companion all those so one after another there are many things almost all those things that they are present in every human being but still there will be something which is more powerful so we note down and then try to come over that when we discuss some people will find that they are constantly remembering their families their ancestors even the monks and nuns oh my father was this then my mother was this and then the i studied in this they're there all these relations constantly in his mind and he loves to talk about that he thinks about that and that is the bondage friends this one thing is very clear we are trying to realize god this is the first thing if you are not just reading the book no problem just read the book and forget about it but if you are sincere serious that we are going to realize god in this very life then this is a book this is the scripture the narada the great soul he is teaching us and is giving us very clear instruction you have to analyze your own mind and you have to understand what are the points what are the things that is dragging you down to the world and you have to snap those you have to cut all those first and what the mind will do when you are not thinking of the world the mind will want something to do because mind cannot sit idle so you have to give the idea of god so therefore we have to read the biographies of the great personalities like swami vivekananda sri ramakrishna maharaja and shankaracharya when we are reading those all those will come into our mind oh this happened that happened this is the day that is the titi you will find in the hindu calendar there are so many titis are there that means that is the time the stars and the planets they were present so that is the time he was born and then he grew up in that situation then he did that he did that so when we are leaving the reading the biographies that helps us that is the first thing second constant worship of god constantly by taking the name of god or if it is possible sitting idle so we can go on doing the manusa puja then i am the washing the holy feet of god and then decorating there with the garland and the flower burning the incense sticks waving the light offering the fruits and sweets and praying to god worship we can go on doing suppose i am sitting alone we can do that manas abuja and third hearing and singing the glory of god that's why they developed in almost in every tradition the beautiful hemes and songs they'll be singing about the god and glory of god and by that way if you most of the people the hindus they chant ramnam what is that ramnam the glory of the rama then krishna nama so many names are there and each and every name is depicting some of the special qualities of the god and same way others also why we do that just to help us to constantly keeping the mind in thought of god so these three are the first three steps of human effort to purify the mind then comes another three that is 38 39 and 40 these aphorisms it says the grace of a great soul satsangh so this is very very difficult to find the satsangh the grace of a great soul and difficult to achieve but result is infallible that is connected with that 38 and 39 they are connected it says fast you must and must have the company of a holy person and secondly know it for sure the that company the result effect is infallible your mind will surely be purified and 40th it says only through god's grace holy person grace is possible so this is divine grace the human effort three and divine grace comes through directly from god or through a holy person that grace is coming it's very very difficult to realize god but god's grace flow through the holy person this abutara the incarnation some people they don't accept the incarnation theory the how can god take the human form and somehow they will say no this is only maybe the god has seen his messenger or his son or like that like that but they are also the same through them also the god's grace is coming but the hindus accept that this is a scientific way if these are the things someone is practicing at the jesus practiced or the bhagavan buddha practiced if the same thing is practiced by anyone tom dick had anyone sincerely he will also become the same as lord buddha so we have every right to achieve buddhahood said buddhahood means that position of that knowledge that particular knowledge what is that knowledge knowledge of oneness whatever we see is nothing but the one though we are going on telling we are reading we are hearing but it is not in our realization how so many things can be won but when that comes to that then it is done that is called the buddha means knowledge anyone can become buddha by that way it comes through the god's grace and most of the time through the grace of holy person and this means how it is possible a holy person and god are same yes in 41 aphorism the maharishi narada he is telling tasmin veda of habaat the sometimes we call him maharishi sometime we call him devarishi so this narada is a great soul and you will find the influence of the narada almost in every everywhere in indian scriptures the he was a very pure soul and he will tell about his life in the bhagavata as we are reading we come to that this narada is telling the holy soul means what he is talking only about god he is thinking only about god so he is god this means therefore thus means into that person particular person the one who is purely holy the realized soul veda bhava there is no difference between god and him here friends you must stop and consider what is god if a person is god does it mean that he is god is having that particular image most of the time we think in that way but it is not that particular form it is the qualities that the person has developed it is not the particular form when swami vivekananda came to america and he was spreading vedanta talking about the vedanta vedanta that has been propounded by bhagavan sirama krishna the sudama krishna practiced realized and then it taught that particular vedanta what is that vedanta l-o-b-e love for each and everyone and when you are loving fear feeling for all others praying for each and every one maybe that he is your critic maybe that he is your enemy even then you are feeling concerned that is called the pure piranta real vedanta you don't see you don't find any difference and we are going on talking about vedanta quoting from the vedas upanishads and then we are telling or he is my enemy i should not go to him talk to him any help him then even not a vedantin vedanta is a realization a realization of the one and that gives you what is the effect of that realization just try knowledge no the effect is love love and concern for each and every one and obviously that is possible when you are purely unselfish when there is an iota of selfishness you like to are concerned about you so much you cannot realize that oneness you can talk about that you can read about that you may be a great professor but realization is completely different the moment you realize that you become god yourself that's why swami vivekananda said unselfishness is god and moment you become unselfish truly unselfish you become god yourself so what is god we talk about god we have millions and millions of temples and churches of the holy person god god and god but what is god only this much so that's why he is telling tasmin tajjani be the abhava there is no difference so how to realize god god realization is the goal how to realize god to develop the divine qualities the sudama krishna very clearly he said seeing an incarnation of god is as good as seeing god himself seeing an incarnation of god is as good as seeing god himself lord jesus also said jesus christ he said he who has seen the son has seen the father masharadamani devi gave initiation to a young boy afterwards he became a great sannyasi of the ramakrishna order and he became famous as swami birujananda and his name was kali krishna he went to mother he took the initiation then he was sitting and talking with ma sardamani oh mother i am so unfortunate if i had come a few years before i could see lord suramar krishna bhagavan sirama krishna mother heard it once twice and thrice then he said no you are seeing god you are seeing him that young boy was not understanding what the mother said he said no you are seeing him he could not understand the mother him herself was siddharma krishna how it is possible because of the all the qualities that the sudama krishna was having mother was having the same qualities it is not the form it is the qualities and when you list down the qualities it is only come to only two words love and unselfishness these are the two words and these two qualities is a god only friends is it not so simple can't we develop love the love is already there with us but it is so much we keep it in the casket we don't distribute we only within our frame of me and mine we don't go out just break that me and mine embrace each and every one feel for each and everyone think about each and every everyone that is god so that is very unique when the mother a lady and she was telling a woman and she was telling you are seeing sri ramakrishna when swami vivekananda came here the same way when they were telling you they never talked about sriram krishna there their devotees they were complaining to swami vivekananda you only talk about vedanta ceramic swamiji said do you think suramar krishna only this much this picture this form is the ideal the vedantic idea so that is one who has understood that to realize that and living up to that is god himself on this world that is why he is stilling in the apparitism does mean it is that then in the 42nd aphorism narada is telling try to get the company of holy person try to get the company of holy person todd eva saad yatam that is really really interesting in the bible shankaracharya also mentioned that three things are very rare one is the human birth manuscript second desire to become free mumuksuttam and third mahapurusha-samastraya the company of a holy person that we always get confused and go to different people and then [Music] this type of people they are very good in mesmerizing others you know they can talk in such a way then they will never allow you to go so their your mind is caught into that nate but that is unfortunate for you why because you have to understand am i truly getting joy love freedom in the company of this person that is the way am i really developing love for each and other people and feeling for other people am i those teachings are making me the catholic broad-minded otherwise it is opposite so when it is narrowing down don't go and mix don't do this don't do that that means something wrong so we have to understand and emphasis on what on holy campaigning in reply to the question how to realize god sri ramakrishna suggested our shankaracharya said three human birth desire for god realization mumuksuta millions and trillions people are there on this earth go and if you can go and take the interview of each and every one do you want to realize god most of the theme will reply what is god they go to god but only for some protection divine protection that's all and nothing else oh god give me bread oh god save me oh god protect me when we are in trouble we need someone to help her that much but to realize god to love god to give everything for god very very rare but forget about that whoever is having that they are blessed they should understand that at least some desire to understand desire to realize god has risen within my heart that means i am special and by god's grace and but my by doing good work sometime somewhere in my life i've done it so this effect has come human birth i have got i have got the desire to realize god this too has come now find out a holy person and try to get the company of a holy person krishna is also in another the four steps that he has suggested to realize god when he was asked sir how to realize god then he said only four way what are that holy company living in the solitude discrimination and prayer first very fast is the holy company sadhu sangha in in the in indian language and particularly in sanskrit this is a great word sadhu-sanga so what you are doing so sometimes you know when you are young the brahmacharyans then we used to just all the same age group when we were chatting each and drinking some coffee or tea then the senior president maharaja will come that advaitasram president he will come and say hey brahmacharyans what you are doing then one for brahmacaris answered maharaja we are having sadhu sangha then he said oh good but first become sadhu they have the sangha we have not become sadhu itself so we were just making fun sadhu-sanga who is the sadhu holy company living in solitude that is also very very important nirjan basa nirjan bas you have to go somewhere if it is possible alone and then without talking without mixing without looking at anyone if you can spend at least a day one day bhagavan sri ramakrishna is suggesting at least one day that will give a great power within and if it is possible two days three days sometimes we go we take our family we take our friends that is a vacation okay that is nothing wrong but that is not spiritual pro development you either you take one or two person who are also of the same attitude they will go and they will make you will follow a routine you're not talking anything of these worldly things oh have you heard this has happened you know that he told these and that and she was telling these if you discuss in that way everything marked everything destroyed so not a single sentence of that so how to keep the mind if it is possible constantly under the thought of god and if it as swamiji said there are three levels spiritual level intellectual level and physical level a physical level of course it is necessary you have to sleep you have to take the shower you have to eat okay then afterwards intellectual level read holy books and at that time not the scripture but the biographies of the holy people and that will inspire you how they have tried how they have learned so that way and then third be alone and constantly think of god and pray to god pray with your tearful eyes god please i am i'm unable to do it help me help will come so holy company living in that solitude discrimination and unless and until you are discriminating there is a possibility to become a narrow-mindedness i should not eat this i should not touch that i should not talk to them that becomes very narrow that is not religion maybe the beginning in the process is okay but that is not religion religion he is accepting each and everything as god and that needs a strong mental power that needs the broadness of heart to embrace each and every one whatever you like you eat but don't criticize others so that is discrimination is god this much no what is god then you are dis because you are already hard because you already read because you are it is already there in your subconscious mind discriminate analyze and analyze your own mind then finally you have to go to the god and you have to take refuge at the feet of god that is called prayer shisha's as the arjuna is telling oh lord he is the friend but he said oh lord i am your disciple please help me shishas who can be considered as a holy person as shankaracharya he is asking this question and giving the answer i will quote from that shankara ke santi who is a holy person he is giving that again akhila bhitaraga please note that who is a holy person a brahman who has completed the scripture and only hindu and only he was born in india and only he drank holy water nothing like that the question that the sankara has raised who is a pure soul and in answer he is very clear akhila be the raga one who is completely free from all desire when the desire comes when we accept this world as true i need the house i need these i need that and all this then slowly slowly all the gross things are over then subtle things what are the subtle things i must be acknowledged by the society people should appreciate me i should be followed by hundreds and thousands of people they should listen to my talk only they shouldn't read my book only so that is all desire akhila each and every desire there is no desire except one the company of holy people and the realization of god they're both the same so akhila beta bhita means giving away gun raga desire so who is the holy person who is not having any desire first second apost there is no delusion when the delusion means when they give you then opportunity do you like to do this then you will get this immediately is it so let me have that let me have that that means moha is there delusion is there no delusion at all oh sad you have tried 40 years to realize god you have not realized god come and then take charge of this office and become a ceo of this company and you will get this ah that's true okay because i tried 40 years to realize god actually now i am getting this that means you are mohawk grastha that means delusion is there no delusion god is there and nothing else swami vivekananda and his brother disciples vivekananda was 24 25 years old and his brother disciples of those the same age maybe one or two years senior junior and he was the leader bhagawan krishna gave the responsibility on his shoulder you must keep all these boys together and lead them towards the religious life that that was so difficult they were not having any supporters no money swami vivekananda in one time in america he disclosed there was the only one person who supported us at that time your holy mother mashara damani devi and no one else so they were doubting what these young people are doing and sometimes the brother disciples will also come and tell naren we are meditating 24 hours but no there is no revelation we are not getting god realization what to do and reply of vivekananda was biblical reply and he said if we cannot realize rama shall we go for shyama no ashish they say who can realize god once i have taken the name of god i am going to die that is the end whether it realize or not that doesn't matter i am not going to give up this is the path i have chosen this is the mantra that our guru my guru has given i am going to go on that's all so this is called sriram swami vivekananda said if we cannot realize god shall we go for the worldly objects so apostle no weakness and finally the third according to shankara who is a holy person one who is not having any desire completely free from delusion he is very clear about his ideology and then finally he is living in what shiva tattanishta shiva means auspiciousness shiva is love shiva is sacrificed shiva is service we always think about shiva shiva is doing these and that no no no so we are only just because in ordinary people to attract them they we say like that shiva means purity shiva means auspiciousness and that is the reason the story that goes about shiva when they were churning the ocean and the vedam came the poison came out no one was there to save the world except shiva shiva was ready to sacrifice his life for the life of others so swami vivekananda is one of his asthotra is mentioning about the lord shiva so that is shiva always ready shiva tattanishta is not that particular form that image that we have imagined that a snake is hanging from and he is meditating the bare body not that shiva shiva means the quality quality of sacrifice and one who is ready to sacrifice for the ideology pure ideology which is love for all that is shiva now guru bashist also indicating to sri rama as bhagavan sirama krishna said who is a holy person whose mind body thought everything has gone to god moon prana atma in bengali he said moon prana antarathma that means the whole personality everything is nothing but god that is holy person and shankara gave this now we will conclude that bashish what he said he is telling o rama how you will know that a holy person yasha tanutanu dinam bhabhit yatha sastra here he gives that a little more expansion the one who is performing swan's own duty according to the injunction of the scripture and one who is free from the greed having no delusion and therefore no anger that is a holy person the first one who is performing one's own duty truly a king is supposed to rule the country so he must think how to rule the country in the ramayana we find that the three ramachandra asking question to bharata when the bharata went to meet him in the jungle and pursuing him to come back the rama told okay okay we'll talk about that afterwards but now tell me are you taking care of these these this this the friends there are there are many i have only shortlisted 12 questions so pertaining to administration even the modern day administration and that is the king's duty the king is going on doing the temple and then these and that not caring about his administration that is not a king he must go to temple according to his religion he must he can go he can practice that no problem but his main thing is to see the betterment of his own people that is the king so sir karmashu and the teacher must be careful about the students how he is going to teach and an administrator the same way each and every one everywhere must be very very careful about their own particular job that they have accepted saw karma so that you must do each and everything but within a detached way why the test way because the day will come you will return every time a time will come when you have to give up that get ready and if you think i am the only person i should survive and nobody else and it is always in the mind of everyone i should do it that is the problem that is that is creating problem so the spirituality we need a holy person company of a holy person who is a holy person who has already realized god and living and how he will understand that he is not having any greed he is not having any delusion confusion and he is not having any anger roosham why the anger no anger because he is not having any desire when the desire is not fulfilled then only people become angry the holy people not only live an exemplary life but also inspire others to follow the effect of holy company can be noticed when the desire of worldly things dwindle now how i will know that i am in a holy company because of the talk and the teachings and the life and slowly slowly you will also develop love for others concern for others feeling for others and attitude of sacrifice then you are sure that you are developing into that if not that means something wrong suppose you go to a good teacher how you know that you you are in the comp under the guidance of a good teacher you will also learn that subject very clearly how you will know that you are in the hand of a good doctor and slowly you are recovering you will be suggesting these that and slowly your ego that that means the physician is good the same way each and everywhere the holy company means you are thinking about god and what is god love and narada now says you are having the holy company at the same time bad companies no it cannot go together so he is telling in the 43 the aphorism he says that means the bad company one should shun unholy company by all means what is the unholy company those who always think about the body they'll be always concerned about themselves that is unholy company oh you know this is my house and now it is the then the sun then the grandson then they they cannot think of anything else except that particular and they'll be constantly going on writing about them i did this i did that this happened to me that happened to me no they are all it is better oh keep them in good humor otherwise the all problem will come but at the same time for the spiritual life don't be with them so that is this sometimes the examples are there very strong examples like the caitanya mahaprabhu's disciple so if you read that you will understand when one moving towards the spiritual life must be very very clear anyone weak in that okay hello hi that's okay but don't get influenced by those people don't have the company of those people because somehow with their talks with their things slowly slowly you will also be get into that's why in our when we are preparing for the life particularly the monastic life they always try to keep the brahmacharyans and the the novices young novices completely separate from others why this is the time they are slowly developing like as the bhagavatam krishna said only the seed is germinating and the plant is coming you have to protect it and slowly then when you develop and become a strong tree then it's okay even the strong wind also won't be able to do anything he knows there is no delusion no more i know that this is my goal and i am going to get that so many people will come so many suggestions they will give and a different way they will no nothing like that so that is the s identify the unholy people now holy people we have already discussed and how we will know bad people unholy people in the bhagavad-gita 16th chapter first three verses the lord krishna has enlisted 26 divine qualities those who are searching for god should read those qualities and try to imbibe those qualities develop those qualities don't get confused about god god is having ten hands or four hands or six sands or sitting on elephant or tiger don't that okay whatever you think it is all right but try to develop those good qualities otherwise we'll be nowhere and then you know the lord himself the krishna himself is giving a complete description and he is mentioning to arjuna don't worry about it you are very pure but let me tell you what are the bad qualities that you should shun you should never have the i have just taken from there first is ostentation arrogance self-conceit anger rudeness ignorance falsehood immoral and utterly selfish so these are the bad qualities if we find in some people it's better to from distance here to say uncle how are you that's all don't unnecessarily provoke them if they are angry they they may create problem for you so from this distance it is better to say uncle how are you why to avoid unholy company because it lead want to destruction pain and misery first is holy company inspiring all like our yoga bashishta narada sadama krishna and shankaracharya all are telling go to the holy company now they're telling avoid the unholy company now why it says kama he is mentioning because that unholy company will increase the desire the karma the last within your mind then unsatisfied that last is the krodha the anger will come and when the krodha comes anger comes people forget everything then comes the moha the delusion and delusion means mirthi bamsha all the things that you have learned it is there that also is destroyed then failed to judge buddhism so sometimes in the newspaper when you read and there's some person just out of anger something happened out of anger he did something and for that the whole life suffering that the recently i read the one incident one young boy he liked a girl and then the girl was not liking him she was at the decided parents decided to marry her with someone else this young boy who was not having any job but still thinking to get married and then threw the acid on that poor lady then he was arrested then the lady died then he was prison and life imprisonment or the death sentence something will come whole life is lost you look at it just he looked at someone and liked it and that is the last that is the karma that is the desire i should possess and when that was not possible then grow the anger then if i am not having then let me destroy that then it goes to the mohar delusion then when i am going to destroy that particular object i am not going to get what will happen smriti bhamsa he lost all those things not that he never knew he knew the rule of the law land he knew the political artist he knew that he will be tortured he will be punished but buddhism and buddhism means no judgment was there you are just thinking on that particular point i must destroy that particular object i liked but not getting what happened sarvanasha sarvanasa that is the reason friends religion means is a clear understanding and when we clearly understand these then we know what is good and that is the reason we should always avoid the dushanga or the bad company then sometimes those who are making the movies they're the great teachers but they don't understand that they only think that how to get money by selling this and by that way they are influencing so many thousands and millions of minds not for one time for so long period of time if they are showing and encouraging people to do like that the young minds get influenced by that and then they are making the mistakes what is this bad company so this is the way we have to understand shunning the bad company doesn't mean oh look at that neighbor oh he is like that is maybe a bad combination not like that bad company means these whether we are going to get influenced by that or not so this is the bad company now narada asking a question and himself giving the answer friends it is he is going on asking the question and giving the answer there is a series going on there's a beautifully i will read only those things and maybe explain in the next month the devarshi narada is asking the question he's repeating why repeating to insist insisting sometimes the mothers they always say read my son we read the same thing they will go on telling read read to impress here the narada is trying to impress see the maya that is the power of god which is having three qualities satya rajyantama and with these three qualities and two power is covering the original thing and superimposing something else on that five things that is only having and doing the devastating thing all everywhere millions and billions and trillions of people they are highly educated people intelligent people they understand so many things but they are also bewildered by this they can't understand so that is why the narada is asking you have to cross this as if it's a huge unending ocean so you are starting from one side but you do not know the end of that you have to go on swimming that huge ocean who can go beyond that then he said this is 46 he says who can go the great word he is mentioning in renouncing the ritualistic work also means giving up now the last he says cabalam only constant devotion to god as because narada is leading us through the path of devotion the guru bashista he is leading us to the path of knowledge narada devarusi narada is leading us to the path of devotion and in the path of devotion he is mentioning last 49 aphorism kebalam he realizes he himself crossed that ocean then not only that he is surely going to cross the ocean and he will be able to help others to cross the ocean too so let us complete up to the 50th of course we will discuss about in in our next class this is very important and then in the we'll try to complete the book if possible narada bhakti sutra in tisha is there any question here there's one question first question is from abu narek he's saying is there a way to know ourselves when will god show himself to us of course of course you know that is when you will feel love for others when you will feel no desire in your mind and you will feel the calm and composed know for sure that your mind is becoming pure and you are going to realize god so all this that we have already discussed you must have attended this when when we are going on developing these divine qualities they know for sure the god realization will be there if you like to see god in form any form of your choice the god will appear before you in that form and if you like to realize god only the knowledge that will also come but i would suggest go to gita and read the for 16 chapter first three verses and all those 26 qualities see how many qualities you are already having and how many will be possible for you to develop that will give you the answer to your question thank you just one last minute one question here is the answer given by narada seems very likely that what do you think anyway so you know the answer thank you thank you very much thank you let us uh complete by saying uh shanti three times [Music] that's it