Video 5
5. Fragrance of Vedanta: Narada Bhakti Sutra
their devotees and friends today this saturday the first saturday morning the hindu temple of greater chicago layman we are supposed to go over there we don't know when we will go maybe after four or five months everything will be normal by the grace of the divine mother but now we are giving the discourse as we are supposed to give over there the last 20 20 we have studied a great book ashtavakra samita you know that that rishi the great rishi he took us through the path of knowledge and in a place where we feel that we need not to bother about god worship and praying nothing it is only me and me and nothing left over there there is a great teaching and this is the specialty of the hinduism so many people among the hindus also some controversies are there doubts are there misunderstandings are there thinking what is this hinduism suppose you go and you feel you see that a person is worshiping a stone and he'll be saying with great devotion this is my god this is the shiva or the krishna and sometimes they'll be worshipping the animals or the trees or the big hills like that the sky the sun so like that they'll be worshiping then there are so many varieties of gods and goddesses the images and the same god having different type of forms also the goddess durga in the eastern part of india having the ten hands and the same goddess durga known as shere wali in the in the northern part of india having six hands but the hindus is okay for them they will go to 10 hands durga they will go to six and durga but there is no problem so this is the way that all the hinduism so there is a lot of confusion but the hindus they start worshiping a stone thinking that is god and the same hindu ultimately reaches to a place a point where he says i am that and he never says that i am god he says i am that that is the consciousness the consciousness that is everywhere so this is the way we have to understand and when there is a knowledge we call it consciousness we call it brahman and the same thing when another approach is there through devotion we call it vishnu the god the all-pervading god are all pervading consciousness friends the from the beginning of this year 2021 and i should say happy new year to all of you and let this year we begin with devotion bhakti and another great personality narada he will be teaching us the bhakti the devotion and we will study narada bhakti sutra i will mainly follow the book that is by narada bhakti sutra by shami bhute shanandaji and this has been published by the advocate astrum calcutta these copies of the books are available from our the vedanta society bookstore online you can place order and slowly slowly page after page aphorism after prism we will go mainly 84 aphorisms are there not much but it it will take long time to explain and this is the devotional path we will follow that was the path of knowledge and this will be the path of devotion the bhakti and before starting every time we will chant this mantra yeshua's [Music] yeshua's marana matraina i bow down to that great lord the visnu the great god just me mere remembering his name remembering him one become free from all the bondages yeshua's marana matrina smarana just remembering and matra immediately the moment you are remembering immediately you are free from all the bondages janma samsara bandhanath janma and samsara janma means the birth and samsara that which is constantly changing then if we are having that constantly changing means birth and then it goes for six changes and ultimately it is death so birth and death the two ends and there are so many changes in sanskrit it says then it is the growth then the decay and all that six different changes and this changes because of the change there is no true happiness it can never be but by mistake all the time we are thinking that we will be happy if i get this if i achieve that if it is possible to reach over there and so many ways after coming over here in america and coming in contact with different people as because we are monks so obviously we see the every works of life all people and i find the people the very highly qualified people and they were so successful but still not happy after coming reaching over here in america but in other places the developing countries are underdeveloped countries they are if you go and say that it is america they think it is the heaven even after reaching to this so called heaven and after completing and when we come over here particularly from india they're all after successfully they have to complete some of the courses then only they are coming so they are not taking the asylums they are coming as a student to their professor and after the different positions but even after coming over here i have seen the many of the indians are suffering why the achievement we think that if we get the achievement and and we will get joy no why this is samsara this is the system whatever we try to get and it is going to sleep out of my hand that is called samsara and that is the reason this religion why religion then suppose i am very happy i have studied i achieved a job and our business i got money or everything that people they need i am having those things then i am supposed to be happy but still people are not happy why that is the question and from that christian religion begins only and only realization of the god will can give us the happiness of nothing else and how to realize god that according to the aptitudes according to the temperaments the hindus have given the four paths it's not only one way the only one coat is there whether it fit you or not you have to put it on not like that this is there is a path of knowledge and we have started the whole 2020 is all in the youtube if you are interested you can go and many other xiaomi's have also given the talk on that astra bhaktra samitha the great path that leads us through the path of knowledge and we cannot imagine this when there in the scripture it says why should i have to pray why should i have to meditate why should i have to do puja oh my god is this any religion denying everything and that is the highest spirituality because then you have merged with that consciousness the disciple the janaka he was a king he had to maintain the worldly attitudes also because his kingdom means the administration but at the same time that janaka that person he reached to that point why the most of the time they say if it is a monk he gave up everything all attachment there is no bondage no responsibility maybe it is possible for him and that is why they gave the example of the janaka the janaka that was the one who was having the great responsibility of a king but at the same time his mind was completely withdrawn from all the saints objects and he reached into that highest so these are the points these are the things that we should learn it is possible for anyone any moment any time to reach to that and what we achieve after reaching over there two things one fearlessness there is no end so why should i be afraid there is nothing that i am going to achieve or to give nothing to afraid of the completely fearlessness and the same time full of joy full of please not depending on any object anything of this world for that joy or the pleas so it is within constant joy and that fearlessness and the joy gives complete satisfaction santosha in sanskrit they say santosha complete contentment i am very happy and all the time you have to say like that i am very happy so this feeling of containment i don't have anything to achieve i don't have anything to get i don't have anything to do nothing is there by that way he is completely contained and he is happy and that is the ultimate of the spiritual life the most of the time we think the spiritual life means is it sort of a security it's a sort of insurance that after the death you'll go to heaven and there will be a comfortable place for me and whatever we are having over here and ten times hundred times more joy and happy happiness and all merriment will be there in the heaven it is only the temptation that the scripture they always offer for the ordinary minds to go like that the parents always say to their children and if you're studying well going to the school every day then you will get this you will get that that young mind is not very aware about the about the knowledge he doesn't know or she doesn't know what is going to happen in the school and only because of that that father told if you are attending this and become fast then i will give you a bicycle and for the temptation of the bicycle they are studying and slowly slowly they develop the love for knowledge and they understand so then they those people become professors teachers scientists so this is the way it goes in our ordinary life and the same way also they will say if you are doing good work and slowly slowly he will reach into a place where he will get all the joy and that place is known as heaven in every but ultimately what and they say ultimately you have to merge with that ideology that is called god that is called the holiness so friends we will study that path of devotion how the path of devotion will take us to that and we will at this part different there are many other teachers also but we will follow the steps of the narada aphorisms of the teachings of sri narada bhagavan sirama krishna said in this age particularly in this kali yuga in this age when our minds are constantly running outside if you have noticed each and every place if you go where people are waiting they're not talking with each other they're not looking anywhere they're all looking to their palms because there as the smartphone is there he's going on chatting talking listening hearing the mind is always outside father has asked the children to go out because he is not happy with the children they are not listening to him he said go out of my house paranchikani bhatrinath sayambu who is that sayambhu the self created sayamhu and that means the supreme lord supreme god the brahman and asked the children that is all our senses the i the nose the taste and the touch go out of my place the father said and all these five children they have gone out as if they can't come back to their home so that is the way the the description [Music] in the cutter finishes beautifully it mentioned that the father has asked them to go out but some of them those who are very contented very calm very composed have understood the foley of this world they close their eyes they close their eyes to see within paranchikhani bhatrinath sayambu they only go outside and see the other objects of the outside not inside but someone questioned sometimes someone will sit in one place close his eyes withdrawal the senses and go to that place and that is withdrawn and he understands what is the truth so that is we have to withdraw our senses sense organs but to the part of the bhakti the devotion that we will do so bhagavan si ramakrishna said [Music] is the best application if we have to realize god try to follow the path of narada why because we will come to those the narada is teaching us all the three together devotion knowledge and action karma and the dhyana and bhakti all come together of course you have to have the yoga otherwise how can you concentrate your mind you have to make all your indriyas one pointed and you have to go over there so dear friends their devotees we will continue in this way and as swami vivekananda said i am you are the maker of your own destiny we are the makers of our own destiny and we have to choose a path path of knowledge okay but very difficult very very difficult and mostly we always try to depend on someone sometimes we need the support of the people support of someone maybe parents maybe teacher maybe god and also like to go and say to someone that these are the things happening so this this is the normal easy way but the path of knowledge no you cannot depend on anyone and you cannot blame anyone you cannot the everything is only you is really really difficult only few people can do of all the the disciples of bhagavan sirama krishna swami bibekananda was the perfect aspirant for the student for the gyana bhagavan srama krishna taught him the gyanamali but all they were exalted characters but even then they were they taught that you should go through the path of devotion it is easy very natural normal so we will develop that and we will study this narada bhakti sutra and this is the sanatana dharma we will follow krishna means this percentage what is the specialty of the kali yuga it says all speed and grabbing if you see that the kali is sitting on a horse as if this is my explanation kohli has different explanation and swami vivekananda said the days ramakrishna was born from that very day sat the yuga the dawn of satya yuga has come slowly it will change it takes long long time to change it's not just our the morning and evening it's a yuga yuga is a long period of time so naturally it will take but slowly it is going to change but the at present is the speed because the symbol of kohli is the horse and then is going on the knowledge tremendous knowledge is going on cutting the ignorance but the difficulty is grabbing it wants everything i want this i want that i want to reach out there i want to reach out there and everything now the businessman previously they were so happy doing little business in a small group and then slowly slowly they started visiting the next city and the next country and now all over the world some of the companies they are having everywhere i wonder who is the owner of the company they've everywhere they are and grabbing the whole market not completely unsatisfied all the time i have to get everything that is the kali everything is to grab exactly opposite we have to go and that is called everything giving up i don't need anything to realize god only thing that we need is to the capacity to give up everything i don't need i don't want anything the worldly mind means i want i like to possess i like to grab i like to have and the spiritual mind means i like to give up everything in swami vivekananda said give everything whatever best you have and in return never ask anything so that is the way the spiritual life that is the spiritual life but practices may be from the gyana from the bhakti from the karma or from the yoga there are four paths that has been offered by the hinduism but the sanatana dharma that will take you to the goal you can practice one or you can club all the four ramakrishna mission particularly swami vivekananda bhagavan sirama krishna is clubbed all the four paths gyana bhakti karma and yoga if you see the symbol that was drawn by swami vivekande himself you will find that all the four yogas are combined there and it is taking us leading us to the goal of spirituality and now who is leading us at this moment it is narada this sri narada and where from we get the the idea about the narada it says the chandragupta describe the narada a young man he is going to sanat kumar a great teacher and this young man is going to the teacher and telling him sir i have started everything but i am not at all happy i don't know why i have studied the art the science and the philosophy the scripture the music but how come that i am not happy the knowledge i am having still i am not happy this is a wonderful question what is the goal of human life to become happy but most of the time in particular in india and the eastern country they always say that you have to become somebody in the society so become a doctor become an engineer become a professor become a scientist so they will always inspire the children to become someone they're okay they will become someone then afterwards no joy no happiness so we have to teach the children try your best whatever you can learn but the goal is to be happy the boys and girls they should learn to be happy they should develop how to live together how to adjust with others how to accommodate others otherwise the ego conflict and suffering and when there is suffering then only the psychiatric people they are earning and the lawyers because the breakage so that is the way is this the human life no the wrong thing that we are doing the religion means it takes our mind to a correct and right directions and we have to teach our children the happiness is the goal of life and that happiness you may get from some of the external thing of the world but sometimes you have achieved some success little happiness and you have got that little happiness but the ultimate happiness will come from within so that is called religion don't have any misconception about the religion what we do in the temple in the churches in the synagogues and the all the places religious worship places they're external but real religion means it is joy and happiness within so that external things we should not take that that is the final thing and we should fight no that would only help me but ultimate thing is the joy that we will learn from the narada and in his life we find in the situation upanishad that chance of his son chandragya the narada is approaching to his their teacher and he's a great teacher sanat kumar the four kumaras many of you know again and again we have discussed about that the sanaka sananda sanatana and sanat kumar this this four kumaras four kumaras they are the great teachers narada is going to them so we can say this is historical not imaginative narada is a character and it is there in the chandragupta he is going and asking the teacher all these when we listen when we read all the references leads us to that conclusion narada is a historical personality and this narada of course when he asked what happened did they say that there are two ways there are two types of knowledges and this is not the answer of the sanat kumar but in one of the upanishad when the another person is coming and asking this question then he said it has there are two types of knowledge then it gives the list shiksha all this is secondary knowledge it won't continue even the vedas even the knowledge of the vedas there are so many things we have read a time will come and in the old age nothing will remain we won't be able to remember even the name of the person standing by your side the time come but the experience the spiritual experience the god realized experience it will never leave you so pravida then the highest knowledge is they say by which that akshara which never decay that means the brahman the ultimate god the supreme god the vishnu who is all pervading it is always there it will there so these two types of narada he had the first type of knowledge and he said i have started art science music philosophy scripture religious scriptures but why i am not happy then the the other sanat kumar will give him the teaching so this is the again we hear the bhagavata and it narrates a brief account of narada's childhood narada's mother was a mate servant and she used to work in a brahmanas family there many holy people used to visit none of this mother couldn't say that in the brahmins family the maid servants they used to leave but narada never could see his father hard about him the mother never said anything about the father but it was it was no problem so this is our society it doesn't matter the way you were born the witch family it doesn't matter at all but sometime afterwards some people because they like to keep the brahmin thing in the highest so they say no that was the past life of the narada in the next birth he was the son of the brahma so it we need not to bother about that it is not the birth it is the achievement it is the knowledge so naruto was born in that and this is hinduism we should not try to cover up this is the truth it doesn't matter anything the brahmana means one who has achieved that brahman so that is brahmana and that way the brahmanas according to their the working capacity is not by birth again and again it's said in different scriptures and here it says narada said that i was born of a lady who was a med servant i never knew about my father but i had a great opportunity over there because that gentleman that the family where my mother used to work as a mid-servant they used to invite holy people learned people and mostly almost every day there would be the discussions debates so i had the opportunity to go and listen to those discourses i had the opportunity to go with to go to very close to the holy people to serve them and i used to listen to them to what they are discussing and slowly slowly i develop faith in the existence of god and i developed love for god that is the narada and then he was very young one of the and who is that narada didn't mention one of the great soul who was visiting there gave the mantra diksha and initiate initiation to the narada narada was blessed by that and when this was the narada wanted to go out but the mother will cry the narada failed that i should go and sit somewhere and concentrate completely on the spiritual development but the mother was there how to leave that poor mother so when this was happening then one day his mother was going to the cow shed and when she was going into his dark night and suddenly and fortunately unfortunately she was bitten by a poisonous snake and she died over there everybody said what will happen to narada but narada understood the god has taken away the last bondage so i were tied down over here because of the mother now i am completely free i don't have anything at my back so after the doing all those final rides for the mother then the narada went to the jungle sat under a tree and started meditating praying and repeating the holy name that is received from that rishi and because his mind was completely free from all the attachment the mind became pure it become pure what is the purity spirituality spiritual thought what is the impurity worldly thoughts that is the two difference only when the mind is completely withdrawn when the mind is not going to any rupa russia ganga the the form or the smell or the taste nothing it is coming so the mind is completely tranquil the mind is not agitated so that is called withdrawn so in the yoga also they say when you have to meditate you have to withdrawn your mind practice that with drawing the mind but the word they used in the yoga they say it goes and collects the information and there sometimes we think that aahara the word means eating no it is collecting and the collection maybe through eyes maybe through smell maybe through sound maybe through touch so these collections goes to the mind and that is called ahada of the mind and of course of the to the tongue to the taste the wind those are not there what the mind will do calm and composed very tranquil and in that tranquil composed mind the reflection of the holy self came but god he saw the dead god and after seeing that god narada was very happy but it says that god said to him o naruda you are you have now my vision but you will not see me anymore now that you have my vision your life will be full of joy go about singing the glory of god so that people become free from the miseries so that was the life purpose of the narada she that we we all know that narada is having a beena a one type of musical instrument and with that taking that bina is going over everywhere and is going on playing and singing the glory of god and this narada in the bhagavata also we find now the narada who has realized that god the illumined soul he's meeting another great personality vyasa the vyasa who arranged the vedas who composed the mahabharata and narada is meeting him why those who have read that we have heard that we have discussed those things and many times after even composing mahabharata it seems and also arranging the the vedas the vyasha was not satisfied he was not feeling joy and he was sitting by the side of a river near to his heart and suddenly narada appeared over there and the naruto told him why was the venerable said he was sitting like this what happened to you the question that the narada asks to his teacher sanat kumar the vyasa asks the same question to narada he said narada i have done so many things i read so many things i composed so many things but still i don't feel joy within what is the why this now from here the devotion begins the devotional path narada didn't say meditate on yourself narada said you better compose srimad bhagavatam the wonderful based on the life of sri krishna the bhagavan sri krishna so the bhagavata is full of knowledge but the taint part of the bhagavata is a sri krishna and the question they are asking the arjuna's family the pandavas family and the answer question answer goes on bhagavata is a pure thing and there the person who is describing is the shuka deva the sukadeva was the son of the vyasa and he heard those from the his father and he went to spread that message shukha was the gyani because he was not having any body consciousness and suka was completely free right from his birth but at the same time when he heard the story of bhagavan sri krishna and about the bhagavata he went and told to a person who was getting ready for the death raja why to get the satisfaction what is this satisfaction because it is a god's love this love is a wonderful thing it's a one pointed love i only love you and i don't want anything else from anyone any and not even from you oh god even if you don't give me anything it doesn't matter only i like to love you and love for love's sake bhagavan there's the swami vivekananda said it's a love for love sake bhagavan sri ramakrishna mentioned about the two great soul many a times and he said one is sukadeva the shukhadeva he was the ideal of the gyanamarga was not having the body consciousness at all completely free so that is sukhadeva another is narada and he is the ideal for the bhakti-marga never ever stopped taking the name of god or singing his glory he was constantly used to see the same god everywhere and when he is to go around he is to serve people help people guide people completely engaged always busy not that sitting in one place and going on taking the name of god nothing like that so the narada's bhakti is a combination of the knowledge and the work unselfish work and why because i only should realize god and other people let them be in the dirt no that should not be so the narada was carrying the mission that was given by god to him o narada you have seen me now you should not have any doubt about the existence of god and you know how to realize god because you have practiced those now you are having all other knowledges of the world that could not give you the satisfaction at this moment you have realized me the god the supreme and you have having that satisfaction and you know the difference between the external knowledge and the spiritual knowledge so now you go and teach this to the world people of the world not of the deed that that means the work unselfish work the monks are supposed to do that dharma dharma shiksha i always say that what is our duty dharma poland and dharma shiksha we should try to practice the dharma and what is dharma keeping the promises and what is the promise of a monk i am not going to harm anyone in this life rather i like to see that supreme lord the god in everything there will be no friend or foe and there is no worldly thing or this divine thing all are same all the time that is called the dharma of a monk and we take the promise we take the oath and we have to keep that promise keep the oath constantly burning within our mind and we have given up given up given up so that is the dharma of a monk we should not have anything of the worldly like the possession or doing these or that no in neighbor in no condition so that is the dharma of a monk and then that is that dharma now we are describing trying to read and analyze the path of bhakti as we did the path of gyana so this is the way we always try to reach out to the different people i am very thankful to the authority of the hindu temple and though the constantly their officials are changing opposites are changing but they are continuing this thing this is the wonderful way they are continuing the great service that they are giving i am only reading and trying to analyze and telling but they are helping me to do that to reach out to the people the same way the many other devotees groups are there they do now friends with that you will study so three parts are there first is narada now we know who is this narada though he was not a great in the in the family he was born of course and of course he was a brahmin because he always they laid the truth he realized the brahman ideal is the god so he was a brahmana by that sense though he was a very humble birth and family background so it proves that it doesn't matter where you are born what type of language you're using and how you're growing up but the thing is anyone can realize god if they are sincere this is first so this is narada then bhakti what is bhakti the bhakti is in one word it can be said bhakti is love of god allah we all know the love of god is not a big big as they always say it's not a big matter we can love god no it is not so easy we love our parents we love husbands and wives love we love our children we love our property our country our nation our language our religion we have love for all this but the love for god is completely different completely different the love for god means it is only one way love we may not get any return we may or may not it doesn't matter i love you god that's all so love knows no barter swami vivekananda say so i only love you and i don't care whether you love me or not i don't care whether you satisfy or give me blessings and fulfill my prayers or not i love you so love knows no barter it goes one way and swami vivekananda he was a very young boy and he used to come to bhagavan's ramakrishna sriram krishna was then a very famous personality uh all great people and the very well known people of the dain society they used to come to srama krishna naren also started coming slowly slowly he developed love for this his master bhagavan srama krishna and srama krishna showed the great concern for this young boy when all others are there and like a mother and he will say this is a very good sweet keep it separately for naren other people will jokingly say why they said we are also here the why you should not give no no no this is a separate thing so we i will give you sweets other sweets are there but this i will keep on like that he used to love norah everybody knew the siram krishna loves nora and sometimes in the night also you will get up and ask the people can you go and ask how is he how that young boy why he is not coming so great love and so much of as if attachment then suddenly just to take the examination now when you are loving then the children are very happy but suppose you are not loving well the children will come to the same way to you no if you are not loving your children the children will also slowly go away if you are not loving your husband and wife the husband and wife is also will separate the same way all relation depends on exchange i will send a card in your birthday and you should remember my birthday also otherwise they'll be fighting this is not love naren was going on getting so much of love and attention affection from that great souls ramakrishna and great people this to come to suramar krishna to get five minutes time a little glance a little touch at the blessings all that and here not in used to get so much suddenly whole months ramakrishna is not looking to that boy he stopped talking about him you stop any no conversation and when he used to come suramar krishna will turn his face and it is com very very prominent that i am not liking you his body language proved it but even then that boy is to come and he'll be sitting over there sometime half lying and listening to all the discussions surama krishna will talk with other devotees but not with that boy but nothing will continue not one or two days whole month whenever there was a chance not enough to come and sit with you after the month or so then suramar krishna asked him hey i don't talk to you nowadays i don't like you also that you have seen then why do you come here you know the answer that young boy he said sir i love you so i come it's not that you have to love me not that you have to recognize me not that you have to give me these and that i love you i like to listen to your words i get inspirations from your words so i come that is called divine love the love in one way so this is the love that we are going to learn and what about the sutra what is the sutra it call one is narada bhakti [Music] is an aphorism a statement that contains a vast philosophy within a few words panini that a yoga sutra that that it says and in the book that i suggested of swami srimasu bhutasanandaji you will find this sloka and it's a sutra few words and it explains everything without any ambiguity and there is no repetition and this contains this the sutra means a trade also that's called in simple one word it will give the whole thing and that is called mantra in the mantra is nothing very simple word but that mantra contains everything and that mantra mantra shakti that is they say it comes down from guru to the sisya the disciple and if we are repeating that mantra every time all the time that goes on manifesting the sutras the aphorism if we read immediately a vast knowledge a philosophy only half a line that will help so this is called the sutra the narada bhakti shooter i think super it is 84 aphorisms and will be reading the very fast sutra we will just read that and we will conclude for today in the next month we will take up the book a one sutra after sutra we will read and write explain by this way that great i'm going to explain about the bhakti the devotion now the why this now why utter so this we will explain slowly so thank you friends and if you have any question then we'll be answering it so there are two questions first question is from tanya she's saying thank you for the beautiful talk my question is that it is sweet vedavasa who composed gita then why do we say that gita is lord krishna's advice is it not sage blaster's advice no dania this is a very good question a very pertinent question but even though the whole mahabharata that vyasa he composed he wrote there is a history sometimes some people they say the tania's question you must have heard that she is telling it is the vedav vyasa who composed who wrote the bhagavad-gita then why we say that it is krsna's gita that's a good question but actually what happened veda vyasa only could hear and note and write but it is not his original it is all krishnas and all about the mahabharata the bhagavad-gita is a part of the mahabharata collected all the information and then he has composed those things it is the etihasa mahabharata is an etiharsha it's a history of the india but somehow the europeans came and they told it is like the great book that the our uh the two that um or that the the homers that the two books that this is like that no it is not it is a history the history has a totally different now your question veda the krishna is telling like this now you can ask how could he hear you know the yogi knowledge the power of the yoga one can hear even sitting in a very far place bhagavan sri krishna shri ramakrishna also heard these the people are talking like this sri ramakrishna was so sick he was in a shampoo party and there sitting in that condition in the sick condition he heard that the one of his devotee is talking like this and crying why sirama krishna should not come to me today because i have arranged this puja the surama krishna told the devotees who are attending him that day you please go to him he is crying when they went they found it is true so this is the yogic power vyasha was having that yogic power to listen now whether you believe it or not that is a totally different thing now if after thousand years the people will write swami shatman was giving the talk sitting in the chicago and tanya which was listening it in india and the people will say after a thousand years oh that is all blasphemy all useless well it is it is not possible how someone is talking in chicago and some kind so like that only the yogic power they could reach and they could hear but it was the whole gita was said by krishna and arjuna is that their their dialogue between the krishna and arjuna not of vyasa that's why gita is shri krishna's gita the next question is from user by the name of top 10 he's saying path devotion and knowledge both tell about forgetting self of ignorance devotion tells up to hirano gurva where no individual intelligence does not remain reach up to iran means salvation bhagavan sram krishna he said that that you are telling that the knowledge path of knowledge takes us to the ultimate and path of devotion takes us to the brahma or the and not or we can say the saguna brahma brahma or saguna brahma or the hiranagar that is the conception but up to that only but suramar said it takes us to the root and we can merge into that if we want that is the god that is the supreme god he has adopted his own knowledge his own shakti that is his maya and then he is doing the creation and sustaining and the dissolution he has all power now if we go and pray through the path of bhakti if we go and pray i like to see the your form that is the brahman all-pervading consciousness can't you show it he can like the arjuna when he was asking you are telling that you are the beginner you are the maintainer is it possible krishna you are just of my age you are my friend can you show me that then the vishwa rupa he showed and arjuna believed that same way sri ramakrishna said even through the path of bhakti you can get brahma-gyana thank you the next question is from srimavi she's saying parents love their children but when they grow up they can't understand why no they understand but the thing is that by that time when they grow up they are connected with so many other things previously the children's love was a very close association they will be holding the hand of the mother they'll be running around her they'll be constantly having the company of the mother because there was no other thing then slowly you are asking the child to grow to go to school to go to college university to go for the job then you are asking the child to marry and settle and how can you expect that boy or girl will come and behave like a baby and even if they do do you think you will like it no so the love is there children they love i have seen the children over here in america they are literally crying for their parents now this coveted situation i cannot go how the my mother is they're really really crying trying almost regularly keeping touch with them but they're busy their job they're compelling them to work for 12 hours 14 hours and if you oh every moment of his mother it is not possible and mothers also the parents also should not expect that they should be happy that my son my daughter my children they are now standing on their own feet and i am very happy so they love but the expression of love is little different that's all thank you friends thank you for attending this class let us say shanti for three times and we will conclude [Music] foreign