Video 46
47. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 3 Karika 34-36
before I start am i you'd ask me a question about avert switch Swami Vivekananda had chanted at the world Parliament of Religions one verse which says as all rivers flow into the ocean yeah that is the verse from the Shiva Mahindra stotra it's a very beautiful verse it goes she had asked a question about this particular verse you find in it's written that Vivek and I said that every boy are a Brahmin boy in India chant said that as the different rivers flow into the ocean so do all beings go to D so what was that verse the actual verses from the Shiva - tatra which goes like this try honking yogam pashupati matam vishna vomity probe in april tony almeida mother tell me teacher routine on vici triode region cootie learn on a portage from Minami cogema stroma supernova so what it means is three three three the three Vedas actually three vedic forms the RIC sama and you Jews which also includes the Iturbide that means the Vedic philosophies the Sankyo philosophy three Sankey yoga philosophy the Pashupati madam which our professor Nicholson spoke about pashupatinath we are wasting about the version of philosophy all of them Raveena Pastrana the different philosophies different paths to speed of spirituality they are all there are all different paths to D and why are the different parts routine arm ratchet thread because our tastes inclinations mental makeups they differ some like something and the others like other things so routine am widget rot non opportunism so they are different paths which are selected by different seekers according to their likes and dislikes and they all go towards D like all rivers rush to a rush to the ocean that's a very beautiful metaphor pious amar neva Eva are neva means ocean you are the ocean to which all beings rush in different ways sometimes in winding ways the scenic route kou Tila or sometimes straight Riju but they all reach you in the end that's the worst yes yes it would be different even when you said I am Brahman that also might not be true depending on a path one might feel I am eternally in the presence of the infinite that could be a dualistic approach yeah yeah it could be or it could be a complete withdrawal and the witness of this entire game of life like a Sankhya current consciousness and material nature or it could be the non-dualistic thing I alone and him indeed all of this and the one reality of which the entire universe is an appearance that's the I am Brahman thing and depending on that it may differ some maybe draw entirely from the world some may choose to enjoy the world as a manifestation of the divine could be on a path of knowledge or could be on a devotional path the entire world is the play of my beloved was it in this class or some other class I mentioned I think the gospel class I mentioned at India hideaway where the entire all of life is seen as a beautiful metaphor the dance of Radha and Krishna of God and his beloved so you are the beloved of God and so the dance has three levels one is that the transcendental level it is rather and Krishna that that's the attentive head of it philosophy at the material level it's the dance of the entire universe from the Big Bang onwards to everything that the dance of the galaxies and stars down to the individual electrons whirling around the nucleus whatever it is that dance and at our level it's the entire dance of life from the beginnings of life the individual souls going through animal bodies and evolving into higher bodies going to other worlds and coming back this entire arc of life until enlightenment that's all that it's at at our level so our three levels this dance goes on what a beautiful vision of the cosmos and the level of the material universe it's a dance the physical movement of the universe and the level of our lives it's a dance between you and God entirety of life each life is think of each life as a as a nice movement in the dance and at the level of the transcendent Krishna and raava so that is that's the way that they look at it that's one colossal thing it will be different yes certainly it will be different in fact I'll come to you in fact Swami Gambier Ananda he talks about the three attitudes a person of realization enlightened person can take towards the manifestation this universe after enlightenment and that too from a non-dualistic perspective do come on in the space here we really haven't started yet so in an in a non-dualistic perspective even there are three possible attitudes he talks about he has an essay called he save our yoga thing there he says it could be that the enlightened person is absolutely not interested in the manifestation and wants to remain absorbed in the non-dual Brahman no interest in name and form so that person would even when the body is there that person would say I want to remain nearby culpa Samadhi but if you remain too much in here achill to Samadhi body won't survive it doesn't care because he's seen a reality beyond the body and that's what America in the first asked when Ramakrishna asked him after what do you want to do I want to remain there good that's his real nature as the one of the story goes of the seven sages who are eternally in meditation so he said I'd that's what I want that's one attitude and this is a very great so Ramakrishna criticized him thanks to him that we got all this but but from the highest non dual perspective all of this is just manifestation it's just name and form so to remain absorbed in Brahman is no small thing is a very great thing that's one attitude the second attitude could be that this manifestation is one of delight so Sri Ramakrishna talks about this monk who has an enlightened person who came to Dakshina schwer people thought he was mad he just came and stayed in his Hut all day and night and meditated and meditated in meditation never hardly ever came out I never spoke to anybody but one day they were storm clouds in the sky over the river in the city so it became dark as it does in Bengal during the monsoons but then a strong wind came and blew the sky of clouds away and this monk came out of his Hut and danced and with joy and clapped and said bravo Bravo Wawa and Sri Ramakrishna asked him what happened to you today please give me a place to sit sit dead and don't block this what happened to you today you never come out and he said look how the clouds came and a strong wind came and blew it all away this is Maya this is how Maya works you know the whole of samsara appears before you what you think of your terrible life and whether it's a glorious life or a terrible life or a mixture of both but there are masses of clouds over the the vast blue sky the strong wind comes in it's all gone again so that's the second attitude that it's a delight it's a delight so there are crazy men of God in different traditions of wisdom traditions you have who seemed to be mad from our perspective but they're mad with joy mad with delight there was another man who came was Sri Ramakrishna said people thought he was mad with dressed in rags and he came but he went to the temple of Kali and then he chanted I him to Kali and the description is it's as if the entire did huge a temple seemed to vibrate with that chanting and he seemed to be mad children threw stones at him Oh children chased him and and taunted him and he ran like a madman but Sudama Krishna to her said that he's an enlightened person so realize Jarama Krishna's nephew went out to seek advice from this enlightened person so and at first I think read a thing that meant threw stones I'd realized to chase him away but when read I persisted and said how do I know I'm enlightened that man suddenly looked at him is a Wild Eye person who seems to be crazy he said to him look the water lady Ganges the holy river Ganga and the water of this drain when the two are exactly the same to you you will know that you are realized - uh same to you that means Ganga is not Ganga the drain is not drain it's Brahman that that's the I'm giving the explanation he didn't give any explanation he walked off that's the second attitude an attitude of delight of wild delight because the one is appearing as the many look like you're watching a movie a circus the third attitude is one of love and compassion where you feel that I am Brahman and I myself in all these forms I am suffering look then I'll try to help them out of suffering so all the the great avatars and the Buddha's and the prophets they are like that this third third attitude you had a question yes we take one step forward who or what is Brahman here then who is God here all of us in your dream when you saw so many thousands of people you are also there in your own dream so who were you in that dream all of them certainly but specially you are there the one who is dreaming you aren't there in a particular you yourself with a character in that dream so you are the reality of all of those things so here what this is saying is man do cure the real you tutorial is the one projecting all this including this person you are not a projection of God's dream you are the the one who is dreaming then type this entire universe but no you did not say that do you remember your own language what you said Freudian slip ma'am so why see we are we are often we are heavy hesitate to say it's my dream do you know why the acetate too sits my dream because we do not let go of our small personalities that's why as a small personality to say that this is my dream it's dishonest and we are aware of that that's why we hesitate to say this is my dream that's why stick to this this method will work only when you listen what are the trade telling you they're telling you that there is one basal consciousness which appears as the Waker and the wakers universe which appears as the dreamer and the dreamers universe which appears as the deep sleeper and the deep sleepers darkness that one reality are you you as the Waker you cannot say that this waking world is my projection but you can say that this waking world and the dream world and the deep sleep world are all projections of I the turian the featureless consciousness beyond all of this that we must try to grasp if you don't grasp that we are losing the central benefit of this good to hear all this which is losing the central benefit that's why this is they feel if you grasp that then the path to enlightenment is direct and short if you feel no this is God's projection then then what do you do what what's next then tell me that means yes well very good then very good so we are on track good now let us chest out the class chant ohm Bodrum Carini Vishnu Yama Deva petrm posh a moksha Birgit steerer Ranga Yost becomes Austin OBE yashima Deva Heaton Yahoo s Weston Andhra Pradesh raava swass Tina Busia Vishwa vida swass Tina Stock Show or astronomy swass Tino brie hospital das auto home Shanti Shanti Shanti [Music] so we are doing verse number we did 33 last time a Kalpakkam mahjongg yharnam gaya vin number check shot e Brahmaji imagine atiim a Jana John we would data for a very powerful tremendous session now let's go on ahead what is what is being said now is in these verses Imani hawa no mind so what is this no mind in the terms of Advaita Vedanta duality is samsara causality is samsara and freedom from samsara is non duality freedom from samsara is non causality advaita miss freedom duet is samsara duality non-duality is freedom adwaita miss freedom are Jung unborn unborn means non-causal that is freedom now this whole thing about non-duality it boils down to seeing non-duality how do you see non-duality Atmos at Tiana Bowdoin by realizing I am Brahman I am the non-dual courier which appears as the dualistic Waker in Baker's world which appears as the dualistic dreamer and dreamers world which appears as the potential dualistic deep sleepers experience but I hand the non-dualistic non-dualistic in what sense like you look at the ocean ten thousand waves but how much how many if you count water how many one when the waves are ten thousand in number how much in water terms of water one when there are no waves suppose it's an entirely still thing how much one yes so one and not two whether you see the waves or you do not see the waves it's still one reality so in the same way whether there is a waking world or a dream world or no deep sleep world no world at all to be seen but it's actually one reality which is to reom now the question arises which will start nor thirty-fourth words here wait a minute the experience of non-duality if that is freedom but in deep sleep the experience non-duality do we not experience non duality in deep sleep but what that means is there's no duality of I and this writer him imagine what was it like in deep sleep blank even the fact that I am in sleep that you don't think about it you don't even feel it there it is all reduced to one lump of featureless blankness isn't that deep sleep but that's non duality there's no duality there how is that different from this non duality you're talking about in Vedanta how is that different this is the question so how is deep sleep different from non duality you're talking about Advaita non duality but deep sleep is also a kind of non duality must be non dual it is with no difference there you it's all seems to be one blankness or you can extend it further nirvikalpa samadhi there to the process of Patanjali yoga you erase the experience of the world you alone remain as the witness consciousness you erase they know no particular object is experienced because the mind is shut down yoga chitta vritti nirodh aha' yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind how is that different from this non duality are talking about so that's the question specifically how so should be different from this Advaita knowledge you are talking about verse number 34 Negrita Samana so heat a Samana so near a vehicle pursuit e Mata nirvikalpa Sidhe Mata Prasad so to begin Prasad citavi gaya sushupti ano natsu maha so Shakti unknown that Samaha the mind which is controlled that means which is which is settled on wisdom the creator here means literally means controlled but controlled in what sense settled on this non-dual wisdom which sees no difference anywhere the mata means the one with the with the knowledge D here is the the knowledge or intellect DeMuth are the one who has this knowledge of advaitha who sees no difference in reality even while seeing ten thousand waves he says one water even after seeing ten thousand people in the dream she comes a bit awakes and she says it was one dreamer similarly even while seeing this entire world of plurality seeing this you can still honestly say it is that one consciousness in which all of this is a appearing so the nature of this realization is different from deep sleep it they are the two are not equivalent not that Samaha the two are not equal how are they different deep sleep sushupti we fall into deep sleep overcome by tiredness by exhaustion we are overcome by Thomas Thomas the quality of darkness inertia we are over canned and in deep sleep we are shrouded by ignorance I know nothing I know nothing in deep sleep even I myself I do not know myself even I do not know that I know nothing that also I don't know that only I can say after after coming out of deep sleep but in in enlightenment when you realize I am Brahman at that time it's not that you'd know nothing you know exactly all that you know right now when you are when you know that it is one water at the same time you can say that yes there are thousands of waves the difference between you and the ignorant person is ignorant person says there are 10,000 waves where is this one water you are talking about doesn't understand what water is he around millions of people living beings and non living beings where is that one Brahman you are talking about enlightened person says don't you see it is that one reality which is appearing as so many to you so even by seeing everything hearing everything smelling and tasting and touching thinking understanding remembering all the functions of life go on he sees that golden thread of unity underlying the whole thing this is very different from deep sleep not only that once enlightenment comes in deep sleep there is a kind of non duality because there is no apparent duality and also as long as deep sleep last there's no suffering also naturally who is there to suffer what all the good things and bad things of life they are not being erased they have been put under a shroud of sleep so but in deep sleep Beechum the seed of all is a unearthed of edom this leader is the seed of all samsara the seed of all unpleasantness and misery is there because it will come back the moment you wake up it will come back you come back to the limited existence of this body mind separate from this world but for the enlightened person it does not come back even when that person is experiencing our waking it's still one reality Brahman - through that person even when that person is experiencing a dream it's still done when everything is Brahman to that person and when it is not experiencing anything of deep sleep it will be deep sleep of an enlightened person who is equivalent to Samadhi Swami turian and there was once asked or somebody asked about Swami Torian and this deep sleep this is Swami I think Sara Bergen and a salver guitar and they had asked and Nisha and the who was in in Concord in those days he said yes the Swami to Ireland is to stay here and there was a story he told of how there was a mad elephant which came and Tory Anji woke up just in time and said and he said because you see he was an enlightened person and this young person young monk asked asked him so does it mean the enlightened person has very light sleep does his residence he said no he sleeps but not quite like us and he left it at this that that not quite like us means his sleep is equivalent to Samadhi so anyway whether it's in deep sleep whether it's in dreaming or waking everywhere it is the same reality for the enlightened person so this is the difference between deep sleep and enlightenment here in enlightenment notice don't forget that all the activities of life can go on in deep sleep none of the activities of life can go on in Samadhi also none of the activities of life can go on this is the amazing thing you can perceive all difference and you can utilize all difference you can see this is a glass this is water this is a body you can pour the water into the mouth all of this you can see and yet know that all of it is Brahman this is the amazing thing about about advaitha Jana the realisation of non-duality in one place a non-degree one of the commentators gives a very beautiful example of mirror and reflection I open my eyes imagine sitting in a barbershop mirror and reflected mirrors and reflected mirrors and multiple reflections stretching away this way so many of you that way so many of you that but you don't feel here are 100 more customers there are 500 more customers there it's all I stretching our way to infinity how many are there how many do you see endless countless how many are there one who is that and the amazing thing is that one who you claim is real you can't see notice think about it in a barber shop all the people you see I mean except the barber all the people who people you see in the mirror all those reflections you see in the mirror they are not really there true or not and the one who is really there you sitting on the bubbles that the chair you can't see yourself I mean your own face you can't see because you can only see a reflection a everything that you see as an object is an appearance everything that seems different from you and different from each other they are all appearances of the one which is the reality and which is not an object and hence cannot be seen there's a very good example I wonder if they had barbershops continue our own degrees time he gives this example it didn't say barbershop he says you reflected in many mirrors that's what he says it's like that but not just people living things nonliving things they are all like reflections of you Brahman the advantages these reflections can be seen they can be seen heard smelled tasted touched they can be thought about understood dealt with transaction loved hate everything can go on and yet you know it's one bond reality that one reality in itself is not transact able you can't do anything with it because it's not an object it's a very good example so that is the between sushupti and enlightenment sushupti deep sleep when sushupti everything goes away into a non duality into an intern on into a advaitha it's a kind of a joy to darshan and non-dual experience deep sleep is a kind of non-dual experience so in that sense we all have non-dual experience but it doesn't do us much good it's nice it's relaxing but it is not enlightening we come out of it we come out of it there's no awareness it's all hidden in darkness there we come out of it it starts and it ends there is no awareness there or there is no at least no thinking there this awareness consciousness is there but not thinking not reflect not self-aware consciousness and the second problem is all the problems are still there though they are not experienced bija means in seed form I think the commentator means Shankar Acharya mentions in his commentary no no sir overprotective Ave hear the word Nana when Eva says in the in this in Sanskrit coming to it means hey wait a minute it literally means but if I say but suppose that's the meaning of that serve effective have in the absence of all cognitions yeah the Rashaad soup Tasya - aha Procera Tod just as in deep sleep the condition of the mind in deep sleep the same weighted ratio the same will be the condition Terri Schiavo knee root the CRP but Thea bhavish a shot when the mind is controlled and established in non dual knowledge this enlightenment so what you call it is it something like that then deep sleep deep sleep or Samadhi and the answer is not at all settle down here so not at all this is what is called sahaja hasta by many Yogi's Rama nama she called it to sahaja yoga even while talking walking and apparently dueto darshan in the apparent experience of duality you can still say non dual when you look back you you woke up from your dream after waking up from your dream when you look back upon the dream and seeing so many people and so many experiences can you not say it from your awakened point of view it was all me yes okay very good yes the moment you awaken the Swami says that that thou art whatever exactly whatever you see in the dream you are in the same way awakening here does not mean that you will sit up in some other brim bed somewhere in brahmaloka here it means you awaken into the realization I the consciousness alone and I'm appearing in this way it's right here and now and you'll be able to say although they all appear different from me now this body and all those bodies they all appear different from me or the mind appears different from me they're all nothing but me I alone with a name and form and this mind I alone with the name and form of this body I alone with other names and forms and are these bodies and minds you will actually see that yeah hold on no questions now okay statement very good very good that is that is very important hmm that is very important that awakening takes just awakening takes just an instant five minutes as she said one moment that flash of breakthrough how long does it take for you to wake up from a dream the story about Narada who spent twelve years got married had children went through samsara so many troubles and then finally the disaster of the flood where he lost his entire family and then he suddenly sees Krishna standing there you have been away for half an hour that moment TC is Krishna there one moment which is more powerful 12 years of samsara in the dream or that one moment of awakening which is more powerful one moment he may have been practicing lot of spiritual practices in his samsara all those practices but that one moment of awakening yeah yes you are yes you are team dr. supportive of Isha Kim the Trivium so the question is asked that this doesn't seem to be any difference between deep sleep and what you are talking about non duality you're talking about non duality deep sleep is also non duality so what's the difference scheme to through begin what's what's worth knowing here and the answer is naive um no it is not like that yes mastership de Annie approach ro the nature of social T is different what is different about about deep sleep avi diamo Ultimo under lien under Lina on a car not a prob with TB Java sauna bath ah - ah what is deep sleep mind mind itself becomes involved goes inwards overcome by ignorance darkness with all the potential hard-disk still there computer switched off sleep mode but all the files are still there moment you switch it on to come back again that is the nature of deep sleep that's not a nature of enlightenment what is the nature of the Enlightenment earth Masaki on abode haha by realizing the truth about the self what is this what is the truth about the self waking self is not the real self the real self is Turia not the Waker not the dreamer not the deep sleeper the two years then what happens who Tasha we loop who Tasha we plush Taj with plush star blue stav atia are not operability be gesture Neruda SIA Ava prashanta cervical Aisha rajasah certain interpret are quite different certain interpreter are quite different unique is the nature of enlightenment whereby the realization of that I am Brahman all of ignorance with with all its effects is wiped out like a fire which come which is extinguished which is extinguished so like that then next verse he says the smart Regan he concludes therefore it is worth knowing the difference between deep sleep and non-dual enlightenment yes then he further delineates difference between deep sleep and non-dual enlightenment verse number 35 Liat a he so shocked Aten Liat a so shocked a tan Negrita maleate a Nagri hit Amalia t-today nearby Umbra ma nearby mhmm welcome Samantha you know Samantha her beautiful difference he says Lia th update on the mind in deep sleep merges back goes back to a potential state basically goes into hibernation stops nolley okay this is an important distinction the mind does not stop in enlightenment this is very very interesting otherwise many people would say yeah we are not talking about sushupti here we are talking about Samadhi but in Samadhi also you stop the mind the cessation of the mind the cheat ability is it ceases it subsides through practice of meditation here it is the mind can function body functions mind functions all of it functions remember what he is talking about is an important point he's talking about no mind Amani bhava and what is he saying the mind is not merged in deep sleep the mind is merged blank no functioning of the mind in no mind he says the mind is not much very clear big difference Liat a thought sushupti in deep sleep mind is madly at a means leaner means becoming merged it becomes merged into its seed state which we experience in deep sleep or unconsciousness was what so called unconsciousness but eaten when the mind is controlled controlled means established in wisdom this is the meaning we are giving it here because the control can have to bless where scholars are a little there is a there is controversy over this no mind if you look at the scholarship there are essays written on this papers have been written nowadays 1400 years after God or father there are scholars in the West writing what does this no mind mean and the two views are one is it means analytical person body one meaning another view is no it means the mind can function it means that all the time you know that it is Brahman you know you are mr. X or MS Y and you don't have to when your mind is functioning you're talking walking driving you at the same with the background of your mind you know who you are in the same way the knowledge of non-duality is there no matter if you are working or doing something it does not matter it does not have to be stopped so no mind does not mean stopping the mind it's very interesting that we have been I've been here for more than 2 years and so many videos have been put up on to talks on Sundays I gave one talk called no mind and that shot right up to it so that's the most popular video I think it has got more than 150 thousand views or something like that no mind people are so interested in that everything else it beats everything is it talked about this this subject only this third chapter of Manduca no mama neva hawa but no mind does not mean what most people might take it to me yes it's it really transcending the mind you have found really something beyond the mind you realize I am NOT the mind and you are really free of the tyranny of the mind and at the same time you're free to use the mind like an instrument you're free to use it you're free not to use it you're free to put it down when you don't use it so and somebody gave in a comment there I had shaved my head just before the talk somebody gave a comment so does no mind mean no hair that reminds me the monks in the Himalayas they have a unique sense of humor come come who has got a seat in a free next to them raise your hand yeah yeah their unique sense of humor so there was a monk you know the novices have what is called the sacred tuft sheikah so the sacred tough tough they'll have a tuft of hair like this and had a pretty long one long it went up to this so so we used to call them antennae with Jewish the job the enter it which enables you to catch spiritual transmission signals and the monks they would be completely shaven so we still call that dish antenna this was everything and I met a monk there in the Himalayas who was called antenna bhava Y antenna bhava because he had a dish his boar begging bowl which he would he would eat then he would wash it thoroughly and clean it and then he would put it on his head like a helmet and then tie his turban over it so he had like a dish literally had a dish antenna and he would get he would joke of course that he will get information about you know TV transmissions from the different worlds the celestial worlds Indra locavore una loca and it would all be stories about where the next big feast is so that's one thing that monks navel is always worried about well the next big fish stays where he was a very good soul I still remember him very simple it's a simplicity and spiritual life are connected very very simple person I still remember being we would sit on the chairs and on the cot and discussing Vedanta although he was elderly I wouldn't then all of us he would always was insist on sitting on the floor and he would I still remember him sitting there and looking very very unkind lessly he would listen to what was being taught and one of the monks advised me I used to read a lot surprised but I and the monks advised me don't read you'll spoil your eyesight read in the morning and and meditate at night that's so don't try to read at night you'll spoil your eyesight this I still remember this antenna bhava he took me outside I went outside and other Hut after the class and he followed me and then he whispered to me what what you are doing is right what you cannot understand there that means in the plains of India you will understand here so read read what you cannot understand there you will understand here and you know what I was reading there ashtavakra yes but I had first time I was reading this Manduca reconnoiter pressure on exactly this what we are studying for the first time I was reading this book anyway so why did I said dish dish antenna yeah now this is called sahaja está ramón Amash used to call it sahaja asta even while functioning walking talking and all of that you know it is one non dual reality that's the difference between it and and deep sleep yes not really blue yes yes yes in sleep apparently nothing but what happens is the difference between us and agony is in deep sleep we are overcome by ignorance and we have the seeds of samsara in us when we wake up it will still be this ignorance I am different from everybody and that is potentially there in my mind in deep sleep the mind is involved in deep sleep is resolved into deep sleep but with these seeds this idea BJ that BJ's not there for the invited person no at that time we will not know we also don't know that that time you will not know that's why without that potential for duality if you go into deep sleep it is equivalent to near occult or Samadhi when you come out of it you see it is the same same reality so the mind does not function there so he will not know that I am Brahman there - no I am Brahman you need a mind to see your reflection you need a mirror yeah so this is the difference beta yeah did you want you want you to see something [Music] and that's what he said a few weeks ago What did he say a few weeks ago right right now you see this is important it's not that the dreams themselves are telling us if the dreams were telling us you wouldn't need Manduca everybody would know what is telling us is this Manduca is telling us that's the role of this Shruti of the opener shop not even when we wake up only when you wake up with the knowledge of mind okay yes that asked that points you back towards your experience of waking dreaming sleeping and when you reflect upon your experience of waking dreaming sleeping you realize beyond that EULA you are the one non dual reality the Toria that's what Manduca tells you so with the knowledge of man dukhia when you look back upon your experience the possibility of enlightenment is there otherwise if the experience itself waking dreaming deep sleep itself is telling us this everybody would be enlightened all the time okay [Music] to some extent that is true to some extent that is true because person who had dual so2 for a person who's enlightened you see the nature of our dreams depends upon the contents of our minds our dreams are based on on of some scars our conditioning enlightened person is basically a person who has done a lot of spiritual practice for a long time and has gone through a process of purification so the contents of the mind are to a great extent cleansed and he would expect this person to have better dreams Swami Vivekanand have said why are you so worried about dreams he said I would look at the life you are leading right now that also is a dream and then he says that you know in one of his poems he says let all vision sees that means awaken awaken into what into this non dual reality into the reality and the reality that I am Brahman that means right here in this life awaken into this this is what he's talking about or if you cannot hear the interesting thing what we're a kinda says or if you cannot dream but better dreams which are eternal love and service free very powerful advice be enlightened right now realize I am Brahman that's the game of life is an end at an end now it'll still go on but you'll be an enlightened person but you say I can't till that point then what do you do I have never heard a more powerful straightforward and beautiful sublime advice it's still a dream then but if you must dream if you cannot break out of the dream dream but better dreams which are eternal love and service free so what is eternal love it is unconditional and it is to everybody all those you meet in your dreams good or bad in Hickel to you friendly to you unfriendly to you indifferent to you your attitude is one of love why because after all this study you will you realize I am all of that no matter how they behave to this person I am some newspaper editor in Lahore somebody was writing against Swami Vivekananda and so I'm Vivek Kundra at that time is touring so he was praising that editor and then somebody said Swami but he wrote against you and Swami said just because a person is critical of me can I not appreciate his good qualities right so that kind of greatness how do you get that greatness you expand beyond the little self this body and mind soul of eternal love forever so I'm living on the right sin and letter to one of what an American lady here he says whether you stay with me or not whether you continue in Vedanta or not do whatever you in love will you will in life remember I am always with you I am always with you so he says in life or in death I am always with you but what a great commitment so whatever happens in life from now on I am always with you now that is eternal love and then service free not a conditional service I do this for you you do that for me no I will give and not look back for whom for everybody what kind of service whatever I can when all the time where everywhere so service free and eternal love so unconditional service these are dream but better dreams yes true that's what we are trying see whether you are in advert or not Gemma disregarded yes but what he means here dream but better dreams he does not mean our dream state he means this light living this life yes not much not much but there is volition in the sense that as you cleanse your subconscious over time the quality of dreams will be better otherwise it doesn't mean much you're right yes time disappears for you psychological time stops what did I say what does the watch measure if you love this class and time flies just like that oh it's already 5:30 it's over and another person is bored to tears by this class when will it end it's just half an hour now is your watch and his watch is running of course not talking about a sleeper that Bala biologist can tell you but if you ask a Manduca from from the got about this point of view in deep sleep where is a body which will age you must you must appreciate the unique approach of the Manduca it's an entirely subjective approach what is meant by subjective approach your experience in deep sleep do you experience a body which is lying on the bed you don't even in dreams you don't experience the body which is lying on the bed that's so a waking state perspective you stick very closely to your experience in - in order to understand mind ok that question which you're asking is completely irrelevant from the Manduca perspective do you see that does the waking body age more slowly when you are in deep sleep when you are in deep sleep there is no waking body has it aged more that's a question you have to ask only after coming back to the waking stage you will say that the deep sleep body we can measure biological markers to see that whether the person who slept a longer time the body aged less and the person who's awake body aged more probably would we have all the science fiction ideas about putting people into hibernation and going across to different planets you know for centuries traveling in space but a man Dookie would say that's an entirely waking state problem the body which you are talking about is a waking state body it's not there in deep sleep if you say no no it's there it's on the bed it's sleeping then you're not even the first step in mind ok have you not taken is to take the first-person perspective right there is an interesting question but from Manduca perspective it's an interesting sign scientific curiosity but Raimondo key perspective it's of no consequence at all yes no it doesn't from a Manduca perspective or update the perspective time is the gap between two thoughts one with T and another with T if there's no rig T's there's no time for you it's only when you come back into the waking state and take a look at the clock oh so much time has passed I my it's time for me to wake up no time for me to get to get to off or something like that but that's in the waking State take the purse it's not difficult it's strange for us to think in that way because we are so firmly set in our waking state we think this is the reality and what is dream in this reality when I fall asleep my brain does some funny things and I get a dream that's also a waking state perspective in this reality I fall asleep in my brain shuts down I mean still doesn't shut down mine does not function anymore that's deep sleep but that's not your experience you do not experience dream like that you do not experience deep sleep like that there was did you hear the questions an important question as we study more and more this question will keep coming back how do I sustain that one begins to realize that understanding is very vital to make a breakthrough in Advaita Vedanta and making that breakthrough how do you sustain that that is what in Gita we are doing Stata pranking of sustained wisdom of stabilized wisdom there are three things to be done here one is first of all that wisdom you have to notice something about that wisdom this understanding is in the mind right it's a mind which certainly understood oh it's like that but then you feel it went away or it faded to the background of my mind now let me ask you one question you who experience that mind realizing I am the one reality which appeared as so many in the dream and you who now say that understanding is faded away that you is it constant or not has it faded away no you the witness of the mind having that instantaneous breakthrough and you the one who are asking me this question now are you the same you an easy dad is that the real you the real you does not fade away so no no I am asking how to maintain the wisdom about that real you know you're not asking that you see this this very understanding which I've told you now that is the wisdom to note that non-dual you never fades away it's always there I'll let me put it this way let me put it this way you ask the question how do i how do i sustain that wisdom follow this carefully who is worried about this is are you worried about it or your mind is worried about it mind is worried about it sometimes the mind is not worried about I have got this brilliant understanding will be guaranteed within a couple of hours the mind will be worried about it I die it is going away it's a mischief played by the mind you need not worry about it this realization that I need not worry about it it's the mind playing a mischief that is the deepening of that wisdom our clarity will come there that step one Street has three steps I said step two is staying with it making a conscious effort to suffuse the mind with this wisdom you know that word marinating soaking it in so I have a kind of would say assimilating this I wish fades away I am that I am that whenever the baby mind says no it is fading away is it that light which shines upon the mind which says it is fading away is it is it fading away it has to say mind us to say no it's as bright now as it was then stay with it stay with it and for that so many methods with antique meditation and all that we do that meditation meditation is for that that is called needed the asana Vedantic meditation second step third step is the overall work project of spiritualizing the mind letting go the anchors which tires to our samsara purifying the mind all the little worldly problems which we have stuffed the mind with what will happen to me body ill health relationship problem world has this problem so many things thoughts and all of them are generated by the mind that spiritualizing the mind is is so i'm we have a Condorcet eternal love and service free that's a very good principle but all the advice given by the great teachers in gita you will find long list of qualities to be culty cultivated among it to a madam with two amma hang saw Shanthi raj arjavam be the humble be straightforward honest be self-controlled all of those practice of the spiritual virtues that's the third step which prepares the mind so that it will never again complain that it has gone up it is enlightenment so three steps no listen to this three steps very important I'm giving you concentrated wisdom about what you asked three things first clarify that wisdom that it never goes away actually won at least intellectually you will say no it's there always it's the mind which asks is it coming is it going I'm getting new insights it has gone away all those the mind is doing in the light of you the constant consciousness that enlightenment once it comes to the mind it will never go away again this first step is called tucked Organa the second step is to stay with it as much as possible morning evening using different ways of meditation second step is called mono Naja this in this corabeth's term it is called a money power a money power no mind spiritualizing the mind third step is called vos anak Shia purification of the subconscious erasing the worldliness basically you seen in terms of Manduca worldliness is in something that roots you in the waking state as this is the reality yes not rationalizing yes yes first one is using reason and insight second one is repetition practice stay no that's why that's why that's why I pose the term rationalizing remember your say using realization does not come from reason it comes from within within what within the mind yes yes and there are exactly and so there are three things to be done with the mind I would follow but not necessarily but that's the primary thing purifying the mind Chitra should be then focusing the mind akkad rata and then knowledge removal of ignorance see Advaita Vedanta says there are three problems impurity of mind distraction of mind and ignorant Malevich shaper hour these are in traditional vedanta Malevich shape our mala means dirt conditioning of lifetime life times patterns of behavior and thinking and unquestioned you know worldliness this is this has to be cleansed and all our spiritual practices are for that the second one is distraction our mind set so difficult so much and this flickering is connected to the impurity more impure the mind the more it'll flicker the more pure the mind it will focus immediately in Uttarakhand one sadhu said in here I said Samadhi is easy I'll give you some Adi in two minutes but the condition is get a purified mind get a purified mind Samadhi to asana aim at Megiddo minute Meopta Samadhi LaGuardia shut hey search it should the halacha that purification of mind that condition that is a lifetime's work so that's that's the that's very important I said definitely and focus is important and knowledge is important here true true true true true true but also notice that you can be jeevan mukti vivek it says that there are people who love these three steps there are people who do all of them and proceed in the traditional way they are called frito plastic the classic example is sri ramakrishna who demonstrates each of the steps to its maximum possible extent but he said there are those who buy he says by the grace of Guru or by the grace of God make a breakthrough and they realize I am Brahman it's that it becomes very clear and then then wait-wait-wait-wait realize I am Brahman and becomes very clear then the problem is that if there is there anything left to be done for those persons and we in vidya arena swami in jeevan mukti wake says yes if they have not completed the other two steps to a certain level they are they are not yes or no there they have degrees of purification degrees of concentration a certain minimum is required unless that has been done what will happen is this even if you made a genuine breakthrough and what is the characteristic of a genuine breakthrough it doesn't go away you have no doubt anymore you will not ask how to sustain it how will it stay it comes and goes no there's no doubt it's like a constant Sun which never sets you just have to look inside refer to it yes it's there but then dissident this person is enlightened no not yet enlightened this person according to given Mukti be awake I says Advaita Vedanta what is the goal the goal is Jeevan Mukti enlightened while living you must be able to enjoy the full benefit of this enlightenment what's the full benefit what was promised to begin with when you enter all of this what's promised overcoming of suffering attainment of ultimate bliss all on the property Dukan everything can you honestly say at least to yourself all Saro of my life are gone and I am at peace permanently can you say that without any hesitation if you can say that and it will be reflected in your face in your activities you'll be literally be a saint if that has not yet happened then you are not yet here and enlightened by living Jeevan Muktha the dear Nia Swami says it this way if these people who get a genuine breakthrough like this what he means not just a flash of understanding genuine breakthrough and generally their lives begin to change very fast after that but this genuine breakthrough what will happen to them day at the end of this life will become liberated they will never come back to this world again Mukti is guaranteed to them but while living they may still be affected by the ups and downs of life generated by their past karma now that is not fulfilment of the original terms of purchase where when I purchase wadn't it said it will remove all my sorrows here all my sorrows are not going away I suffer death and disease and failure and shocks of life make me suffer in the pinch I say ouch that should also even to that extent it should go away so how did what what is to be done yet that person should this person who has had that huge breakthrough tremendous breakthrough that person should immerse himself or herself in intense spiritual practice what spiritual practice the same once he was doing earlier but there will be a big difference now what's the difference earlier you were seeking now you have found it now you're trying to stay now you're trying to immerse yourself in that absorb it there will be difference earlier bhakti devotion for example was for trying to realize God I am devoted to God my Ishta devatha my Krishna my Kali will give me the vision of God and I'll be full of bliss so that is I am seeking a vision of God and therefore I am doing bhakti here the bhakti is without any reason because I know it's there so automatic bhakti is there for earlier I was doing Karma Yoga for purifying my mind now not for not so much now the Karma Yoga is because I realize all of them are Brahman and why should I not serve them so all of this now becomes a all spiritual practice becomes in one sense alive now lit up by that breakthrough but that spiritual practice has to be intensified you see that in the lives of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna one thing I've noticed among the many disciples of sri ramakrishna the young boys who became monks these 16 here after Sri Ramakrishna passed away they all plunged into intense spiritual practice and they were asked why are you doing all this sri ramakrishna gave you live i canta canta difficult for Samadhi in that lifetime of sri ramakrishna many of them we have records of how they had visions of their Ishta devatha during the lifetime of sri ramakrishna so data in one sense in the sense of most people of the world they would say yes these are enlightened people and yet why are they doing so much so much spiritual practice in mountain caves in forests wandering over over the plains of India in the mountains and in deserts begging for their food meditating day and night why and the answer Swami Brahma and that gives the same answer so I mean Shiva and the gives the same answer what he gave us we are trying to make it our own basically the same thing stabilizing it another even in the most simple way the holy mother masha'Allah does she puts it this way she gave mantra diksha to a initiation to a devotee and her way of mantra diksha would be amazing mantra diksha there you had the chosen form of the deity and the mantra is given to the guru guru shows you how to repeat the mantra and visualize the deity and the goal being as the mind calms down in meditation the visualization becomes more and more real and finally you have actually a vivid experience the deity becomes alive and gives you that it's called savikalpa samadhi Samardzija of the divine form but when the holy mother would give you initiation she would say here is your mantra and see my child this is God in your chosen form and you would actually have a vision of God inside that moment maybe for the only time in your life all the practice might not bring you to that and then the first time she gives look here and many of them they said we actually had the vision of God in that particular farm but now do it yourself so one person asked suppose I don't do it I've taken the mantra from you now suppose I don't do anything I have taken mantra from you mother I do I need to do anything and she says no my child you don't at the end of your life she would modestly say tarkov Shri Ramakrishna will come for you at the end of your life which means Mukti liberation but then she adds but if you want to enjoy bliss in this life by living you need to practice this is the answer to your question we need to practice even after you see you all this might seem intellectual but what holy mother gave was a direct mystical experience after that also she says rest of your life you need to practice to get that joy to sustain that otherwise it won't come sorrow will again sweep over you but remember it is done for you you have taken mantra diksha from me at the end of your lives it will come with the arunya swami says if you have got that breakthrough and you do not do anything else still life will toss you up and down maybe less than anybody else now you know the other person doesn't know but still you will be tossed up and down but at the end of your life this is your last life with the erroneous is what he says in philosophical language holy mother puts it in very simple homely language what else what did I want to add mm-hmm so this is it my point here is a breakthrough is actually possible many saw doctors get it and all of us to some extent we have got different breakthroughs of different strengths and we will keep getting it after that breakthrough also spiritual practice is necessary and that breakthrough can come without complete purification of the mind sometimes the clouds part and array of the purest sunshine comes through and then gets covered over again we need to remove the clouds over time yes who I think I am at the moment right now is pure dream and the teaching says is nothing for me to do because I'm already perfect if you're already perfect if you feel that you don't have to engage in a journey why would you engage in a journey from perfection anywhere that you go will be in perfection right because they lose yourself fields a problem and if it's a real problem that they lose very self feels then the illusory self needs to take an illusory hike right if you don't need to then you don't need to really what sri ramakrishna would say what Golda power would say to that if you honestly at the depth of your heart you feel that and you are at peace with it what else do you need if I honestly feel not that the book tells me I am perfect I feel completely imperfect but the book tells me I'm perfect then we need to do something about it but I really honestly think that in my real nature as Brahma no it's true right now it's true in my real nature as Brahman which I'm beginning to understand it's perfect it is all right nothing has to be done there there if you try to do anything you'll go away from perfection any change you make to perfection is imperfection isn't it so that is true but the answer would be that as long as you feel honestly within myself there is something lacking something yet to be done I understand this I will say intellectually understand it but I am still troubled by temptation I'm still troubled by it fear the two great problems rugged Vasia attraction and repulsion I'm still troubled by it even in the least degree then there is something to me let's be honest let's do something the shoe pinches I know where the shoe pinches it has to be worked out and Vedanta allows for that there's a whole range in which you can pinpoint where is the problem is it a problem in the conditioning of the mind is it a problem of focus with the mind I cannot stay with it is it a problem in understanding how am i perfect how am i Brahmin what is Brahman that's a level of gear on a problem at the level of knowledge there's a problem at a level of focus that's the solution will be meditation there's a problem at the level of conditioning of the mind so illusion will be purification of the mind true wait let me just go ahead to what a patoot oh that is at the level of Gianna Gianna dr. Ghana at the highest level yes wait now now let us go on to verse number 36 and 36 an important work that's why I want to do it now he's talking about Brahman Turia the ultimate reality which you are he's talking about you here folks thirty-six agem need drama Swapna Majnu drama Swapna m-- UNAM akamaru pokum UNAM akamaru become sacred v-bottom server geom secrete v bottoms our work Jim no pocket anjana no Posada cotton China one of another very beautiful verse in this chapter your real nature Turia what are you the self-realization is talking about what are you a young unborn on it drum beyond sleep a Swapna Beyond dream an Armour come on Aruba come beyond name and far so what does this mean our germ means birth relates to the physical body so a germ means and not the physical body unborn what is born the physical body is one if I am unbond and I'm not the physical body one a Swapnil dream dream relates to the subtle body so the subtle body has dreams if I am beyond dream I am NOT I do not have dreams then I'm not the subtle body two on each drum no sleep sleep really relates to the causal body deep sleep car inertia reader if that's so then I am NOT the causal body I the self I'm not the gross physical body subtle body causal body being no but no dream no sleep then what am I I am the consciousness in which these three bodies function and give rise to these experiences born dreaming sleeping this is in one phrase unborn no no birth no sleep no dream he sums up the entire man Tokyo Phoenicia what was the man do key open assured what does it say that there is the Waker and the wakers universe with this physical body I interact with the physical universe this is called waking state then I fall asleep in my dreams in the mind itself i generate whole world in my mind I have a world of dreams that's the subtle state and then that also shuts down it retreats to what is called a seed state causal seed states causal state blankness but it's a seed because everything will come back again it'll sprout so that is called causal state and beyond all three you are the fourth the so called Turia the consciousness which experiences all three right here right now you don't notice it just it promises notice that you will be free so this is what he's seeing look he just said it straight away a young money drummer swapna on our maqam Rupa come with beyond name and beyond far beyond name what is the name gross do you remember this physical universe the name is a subtle dream universe what is the name ooh and the causal universe what is the name hmm put them together uh ah Oh Mia we are very good you remember that is the essence of the entire first chapter Oh anar become and then what are you are you are you or none of them you are the silence beyond the ohm on are mahkum and what these names refer to way color and bakers were dreamer and dream world deep sleeper in deep sleep darkness a Rupa come you are beyond all these also they they are not beyond you they appear in you and disappear in you in ignorance you think you are that in enlightenment you realize you are the one in which these appear play around and disappear leaving you like the vast blue sky unaffected by the presence of the clouds by the disappearance of the clouds the sky is unaffected right then then what am I and remember unarmed akamaru pokum this is Maya nama Rupa is Maya you are neither you're not Maya you're beyond Maya then what are you very beautiful phrase sacred by bottom ever shining you are ever shining what way what does it mean you're very shining face no your consciousness your light your consciousness you are the done changing consciousness not the changing body not even the changing mind but that unchanging awareness you are yes Swami when will I become that it sounds nice you are that you are the one who is asking that that unchanging awareness sacred wave hotham this imagery is very beautiful sacred means flash but it's not a momentary flash imagine a flash of lightning which is eternal not flashing continuously just one flash ever radiant secretely bhajatam sorry Wacom server game normally means Omni Omni tient all-knowing server diem means all-knowing but here it does not mean all-knowing it means service gesture you are all server how as existence everything that exists must have existence everything that is and golden ornament must be gold gold is all the ornaments how because it is the reality of all the ornaments clay is all the pots how it is the reality of all the pots you are all how your existence are you not all that there is in your dream whatever you see in your dream are you not all of that server you are all and gear gear means knowledge here it means consciousness you are awareness and your existence that is the very stuff of the universe of experience sorry vacuum no bechara cotton in China and in that that forth there is no transaction no vichara means no transaction no lending and buying and selling knows no taking and giving no enjoying and suffering no birthed and a debt no give-and-take nothing there is transaction in baking there is transaction in in dreaming in deep sleep also transaction comes to an end transaction means any kind of deal any kind of activity comes to an end but deep sleep has the seed of transaction it will come back again but you the basic the consciousness underlying it there is no transaction there but you say it Swami all these waking dreaming deep sleep they go on in you so those transactions are still in you know they do not go on in you they only appear to go on in you you just said to go on you it's like the movie on a screen you can watch the movie on the screen the characters may be there they may be loving fighting talking driving whatever they're doing and yet you are while watching all of that you are justified in saying there are no characters there and there is no love and hate there there is no one in peace there there is no activity going on there are you not justified in saying that from the point of view of the screen there is only screen and light from the point of the view of the movie it's all there but without the screen there is no movie without the movie there can be a screen screen can exist as a screen no movie similarly from main you the consciousness the dream of this life waking dreaming deep sleep they are all dreams in fact guru father says there are only two states movie on movie off moving on he calls it waking and dreaming what you call waking and what you call dreaming for him it's dreaming dream is also a dream waking his offs were waking and deep sleep is sleeping movie off movie on movie off in both case movie only what he's pointing is you're neither of them are important important what is important is the background you the background now we enjoy the movie no no I don't like the movie switch it off but why don't you like the movie it's only when you consider the movie to be real you might say this is great let it go on this is horrible stop it but when it's a movie even the horrible movie the more horrible it's done especially if it is well done you will say great let me see another show isn't it then even the horrible and the good both become art to you yes so that is possible that is called no bechara Catanzaro there is no transaction it is it refers to the this whole thing is a summary of the seventh month of demand open Ishod non-top ragam novice program not the not the deep sleeper not the dreamer not the not the Waker up d'Ivoire arrium beyond all transactions so this is the meaning now this atom unborn on it drum beyond sleep I swap them beyond dream this has a deeper meaning what I gave you was a simple meaning rajim means not the physical body or the physical universe an interim a swapna means not the dream subtle universe an interim means not the deep sleep the causal universe but a deeper interpretation is given by Shankar Acharya who says a germ means avid Dianna mid-term Heejun murdered Jews ARPA but it evolved achamma such AA vidya search of idiot Sakana at misaki honorable dana Neruda yet Oh Adam he says birth is due to ignorance because of because of ignorance of the rope you can see the snake has been born but the ignorant has been removed removed by what by the realization I am Brahman because you have you have removed the ignorant by the realization of other time I am Brahman then Adam unborn what is unborn Brahmin is unborn not only you the physical body but the entire universe is unborn without being born it is there without being born if it is there then it must be Brahman only without being born if the snake is dead then it must be the Rope only you see that is the deeper meaning of a jump then on it drum beyond sleep or with the election our ally Abbott dialects honor and all the Mayan it draw what is sleep the beginningless Maya is called sleep you are beyond that Maya so an interim these are very the more profound meanings given by Shankar Acharya then a Swapnil so apart prabhu doe Adria so rupena at mana at aha Sapna you have awakened from the from your dream into the reality that all is Brahman hence you are beyond dream this basically you are awakened you are enlightened the word Buddha being a Buddha that I'm awakened yes beginningless Maya means no not in the sense of being real Brahman is beginningless Rahman is endless but Maya is beginningless but it has an end it's like when you go into deep sleep or when you go into a dream the dream is because of your we have fallen asleep so there is a dream and in the dream you see a world if you ask here is a person so say I'm running the example I give I'm running in the forest I'm terrified I'm being chased by a lion or a tiger and if I ask where did this lion come from from its lion parents where did they come from from the egg print the grandparents and so on where beginningless the real answer is they are not come so that ignorant which leads to this thing ignorance is always beginningless not knowing if you ask when did this not knowing began our professor Jane month used to give a very nice example he I remember he gave a simple example beginningless maya sounds very profound or it sounds like a slate of hand or something like that but that's not true any kind of ignorance is beginningless he asked he has the class do you know French you should know so since when do you not know French when did your ignorance of French start I guess at my birth so you knew French before your birth no so ignorant is always beginningless but ignorance comes to an end moment you pick up a French textbook and start reading it comes to an end so that's what's meant by beginningless Maya so Maya is not beginningless in the sense of Brahman being beginningless Brahman is real and hence eternal has no beginning and no end but this is ignorant unreal it has no beginning but it is an end yes don't don't blame me it's it's got a father yes science needs to you're right science needs to redefine itself very badly but they will not redefine themselves unless they come to an insoluble problem and I think I think we are finally at the point where they're hitting a wall the in fact in science you are hitting a wall in this 24 20th 21st century in every field of science that conference we attended some of us recently in the new school conference on unknowability so you had historian you had people from literature we had people from from life science it's a psychologist my most importantly physics mathematics only one who didn't turn up as the philosopher philosophers know-it-all so there's no unknowability no she couldn't come but so in every field you are running into a barrier where you're hitting paradoxes in fact the one who gave the keynote address John Barrow he wrote a book called impossibility that you run into these impossibilities in every field especially most fundamentally in physics and mathematics but let me come to him what is this crucial problem which will force science to redefine itself when you use the word object science is about objects which means there is something called a subject we take it for granted but you know very interestingly science also helplessly because of its orientation is forced to treat the subject as an object you understand what I mean you you think you are a subject how are the science think of you you are a body which is an object no I am thoughts no even your thoughts are generated by the brain which is an object if you if science cannot reduce you to an object science cannot study you science takes it for without thinking science takes it for granted that everything must be an object somehow but science has to be objective and it has worked so well till now but here is the problem what is consciousness so there are four approaches this is not from science this is from a monk in the Himalayas who who gave four approaches consciousness and object object object creates consciousness one approach who says this science there is matter and energy and some of it becomes living matter and some of that living matter developed sophisticated nervous systems and brains which are also matter object and we somehow generate somehow mind and consciousness how don't know yet we will eNOS in a short while but this we will in a short while here is the breakdown this is called the hard problem of consciousness so hopefully you'll dwell on it they are trying very very hard to solve the hard problem of consciousness but all the efforts all the efforts without exception they're all the efforts are trying to are following this paradigm consciousness by somehow must be based on some object living brain what are the objects many ideas there are depending on the speciality we yesterday we saw day for yesterday Massimo so he's a biologist so he says obviously consciousness is a product of living tissue so that's where we find consciousness so brains must be producing consciousness object information scientist double the most promising theory of consciousness studies right now is bio somebody called Tony Tony knee Tony yeah what is it called integrate integrated information theory of thing yes but what is he saying consciousness is coming out of complexity what complexity complexity of information interaction of information something like that object again object if you go to some some physicist someone like Roger Penrose he's his consciousness comes out of some tiny structures in the brain called microtubules so take your pick everybody has an object if you're a scientist because from a scientists perspective there's nothing else except object alright this is one view and this is not a new view no I mean we have enormously sophisticated science now but is in principle this is the exact same view they had five thousand years back in India difficult Achara Bacchus the materialists they had this view then the exact opposite view is held by another group consciousness produces the object ha this is a greater not at all religion theistic religion God created the universe and if you ask all of these religions will say yeah if you ask is your God a conscious God and an unconscious girl everybody say no no it's a conscious God so are every religions a conscious so consciousness produced its objects a conscious God produced the universe theistic religion God produced consciousness produced the object there is a third alternative which is the ancient Sankhya and yoga philosophy which said neither produced the other both are real both are parallel and they interact there is pure consciousness there are pure consciousnesses and there is this entire objective universe and they interact where do they interact it should be interested in the interaction because that's what you are right now all of us we are interaction of matter and consciousness your physical body brain all of that is object and consciousness is there you are that that consciousness that is Sankhya very sophisticated that is in fact what David Chalmers is pushing here he doesn't know he calls it pan psychism pan psychism is actually cruder than what Sanka is trying to say even that is not adwaita the third view fourth view what is a greater view is consciousness appears as its own object it is consciousness and consciousness alone it appears as its own object which it experiences at something apart from it what it experiences it within itself object is an appearance in consciousness of consciousness and I will say in a simple way with all this thing which we have studied it's a simple way if you right now take a look at your experience and stop there you will immediately say this is straight of it true if you look at your own consciousness and look at the objects presented to your consciousness we will see all your life has been consciousness experiencing objects within itself that's what your life has been tell me any different you should no no no before consciousness before I was born my parents were there before my parents and so on before life emerge there was this non living universe and from that story are you saying it's not true no no I'm saying this is also a story within consciousness denied that who is telling the story consciousnesses can you not tell the exact same story in in your dreams you can yes why do you need object because you it is but but how you have to explain at all what are we trying to do here we're trying to explain our experience you are experiencing life as a subject an object right now you are awareness and in your awareness here all this is now you ask the question what is my relationship as awareness to all the things within awareness then all these four will come the scientist will tell you wait a minute your awareness is unimportant this what you see this universe is the reality it produced you and it will snuff you out very soon it is real you are not you're just a product by product you're real in the sense you're just temporary by-product that's one the other one will say wait wait wait just like you there is a big C called God who produced this entire universe and you also the third one will come and say no no no take your experience as it is you are there and the other is there the other is an object you are awareness that is sankyou both are real Advaita goes further so the other is there have is it ever possible to experience and other without your awareness no never the other has always been presented to your awareness in your awareness never apart from your awareness and so this is fourth one will stop here I have another engagement III didn't mention it well you brought it up Buddhism if you say take Nagarjuna's point of view nagarjuna's point of view will say this object objective universe is empty soon iam and so is the subject empty soon iam shown iam but that these are very very very very very very unfairly oversimplified approaches home Shanti Shanti Shanti hurry he own that sat sri ramakrishna Aparna must