Video 33
34. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 2 Review
let's start with the chant ohm bhadram Carini Vishnu Yama Deva petrm posh a moksha here yatra steerer Ranga ystos toboggans Austin OBE via Shima Deva hittin ya da who swats Tina in rubric - raava swass Tina foucha Vishwa vida swass Tina Stark show air Astana me Swiss Tino brhaspati Dada - boom Shanti Shanti Shanti so we were studying the Manduca tariqa we have just completed the second chapter so today I wanted to give you a sort of a review of the second chapter to see where we are now the Manduca Upanishad itself was the the focus of the first chapter you know the four chapters of the manga carica the text itself the text itself is built around demand okay open issue and go to father wrote verses on demand okay open a shop which are called monocoque Arica and these verses are organized in four chapters chapter one is called a gamma pre karana the chapter dealing with the Upanishad itself the original text so chapter one is built around the open ocean Upanishad is embedded india in the first chapter the second chapter is called y tertiary karana the chapter dealing with falsity not that the chapter is false but it deals with the falsity of the universe the the universe is an appearance it's not true in itself so and then so the aim in Chapter two is to demonstrate with the help of reason and experience that this universe is not as we see it to be white Atia literally is an interesting word instead of saying false it is straight out the Sanskrit word for false it is mithya to white Athiya the Sanskrit word if you literally translated it means not as such not the way you see it way you think it to be not that way not that the universe is not quite that way then the third chapter is called advaitha prac Arnim the chapter on non duality the open Ishod claims that the ultimate reality is a non dual reality that there is only one reality without a second can we prove that with the help of logic with reasoning that is the focus of the third chapter and the fourth chapter is a bit of a miscellany it's called a lot Ashanti pure karana the chapter with literally it's a very poetic title the the quenching of the firebrand allow the Shanthi / karana this reason for that name will come see it when we come to it but it has a miscellany of subjects inside in that chapter so the second chapter which we have just completed is called white Athiya karana the chapter on the falsity of the universe see the two central ideas of advaita vedanta that there is only one non dual truth brahman and the second idea is the world is an appearance of that it's not a reality in itself brahma satyam jagat mithya brahman alone is real the world is an appearance and what are we we are that brahmand that ultimate reality so these these two ideas you find in the Upanishad itself if you remember when we studied the open Ishod the seventh mantra the open Ishod was the most powerful mantra which dealt with the nature of Turia the the fourth we remember the basic premise of the Upanishads itself that if you analyze yourself you will know the truth because according to Vedanta the self itself is the ultimate reality so if you analyze that the self yourself you will understand the truth of this universe so how do you analyze the self we measured the peculiar method of the soap initial is we remember the analysis of the three states waking dreaming and deep sleep so these three the open Ishod said that the self has four aspects three are waking dreaming deep sleep these are the ones which we know our entire life our self is the Waker the and the baker's world the dreamer and the dreamers world and the deep sleeper and the blankness or darkness of deep sleep this is what we experience ourselves as this is our life and opener should claims these three are appearances of a fourth these three waking dreaming and deep sleep these three are actually names and forms playing on our reality underneath the fourth literally the word Turia means the fourth Turia chatted forth so waking we know understand what is meant and what is the waking self we know the dreaming the understand and we know what what the dream dreamer is like and the deep sleeper we know we understand it but what is this Toria what is this ultimate reality about ourselves the open issue talks about that there was this subject of the seventh month of the open issue we studied it in the seventh mantra two words came up one is propanol Pasha mom remember prop enjoy Pasha mom Shivam adieu item prop enjoy Pacha mama repent choppa Shama the world itself is very poetic it means the cessation of the universe the silence of the universe the ceasing of the universe in our in more general Advaitic terms the falsity of the universe that the universe in itself is not real that that word and another word is ad vitam non-dual the next to these two chapters chapter 2 and chapter 3 are actually entirely based on these two words chapter 2 is an explanation of that word prop enjoy pochamma where is that word seventh month of the opener shop which we studied in the first chapter from that word has come this second chapter entire second chapter is an attempt to demonstrate what is meant by the cessation of the universe or the the the falsity of the universe the non real nature of the universe demonstrated how on the basis of reasoning and experience Upanishad said it openly surely scripture scripture said it fine but can we logically understand it it's an incredible claim that this universe which we are experiencing is not a real well then what is it so that is the claim so can we experience it with reason that is the that's the project in the second chapter so how did he proceed in the second chapter the second chapter is entirely the composition of gohda father the first chapter is not entirely the composition of God our Father the first chapter contains the Upanishad which is much older than gora father and gorup are those commentaries on the OP initialed but the second chapter consisting of 38 verses 39 verses how many 38 verses is entirely the composition of God our Father so how does God a powder go about demonstrating the falsity of the earth of the universe see the two are two sides of a coin the non duality of Brahma nocturia and the falsity of the universe are two sides of the same coin this multiple pluralistic dualistic universe if this is an appearance that it is at least an appearance nobody can deny who can deny we are experiencing it a greater never denies what you experienced so we are experiencing it as a plural universe who can deny this this is obvious we are experiencing it but the claim is though you are experiencing it it's not as you think it to be it's not a reality in itself there is an underlying reality so to prove that the falsity has to first to be proved a rope is mistaken by some as a snake those who don't know the rope in darkness they think as a snake other person sees it as a garland discard it from a temple another person sees it as a crack on the ground caused by an earthquake or whatever now to demonstrate that there is only one that there is only a rope to demonstrate that that rope the Rope is the only truth you have to demonstrate the ds3 or false that there is no snake it looks like a snake but it's not really a snake it looks like a garland but it's not literally a garland it looks like a crack on the earth but it's not really a crack on the earth these three when they are shown to be false automatically the obverse side of this is the rope will be so shown to be the only reality only reality another word is non-dual there is no second why no no second because it seems to be that there are three there is a snake there is a some say it's a garland some say it's a crack on the ground if those three are denied the they are underlying one and non-dual reality the Rope will be revealed another be aware of as we go on along we'll see I'll give you more examples so what did God a powder do in this chapter to demonstrate the falsity of the universe big project to wipe out the universe so what does he do he uses one striking example the example of our dreams he uses it to great effect that's very important to understand that for the rest of the chapter so he first of all starts off in verses 1 2 & 3 he makes sure that we are on the same page regarding dreams regarding dream sweets is not interested in what you are dreaming about that your therapist might be interested but guru pod is not interested in what you are dreaming about he is interested in showing that whatever you are dreaming about the objects of the dream are not real we might say that why there's time on that we know the dreams are not real we don't take dream serious we said it's only a dream the very phrase it's only a dream oh I dreamt it oh it was a nightmare a dream not real in itself so we understand the falsity of the dream but God our Father wants to make sure that we understand it thoroughly otherwise later on they might be confusion so he says dreams are false when you have an experience and a dream and then you wake up and then you say what do you say oh it was a dream it wasn't real it was a dream just a dream you say why would you say that the order father says let's analyze it we say it straight away but why would you what what philosophical reason what reason can you assign for the dream why is it false why would you think it's it's false you have a question you overall the question until we cover each each section of the chapter so why would what the dreams be false now remember I'm going to go fast because we are we've done all this so just quickly recap in the first three verses God a father gives a couple of reasons to consider to say that the dreams are to demonstrate that dreams are not real in themselves dreams are not real again remember he is not denying that you experienced dreams obviously you can't deny that all of us we dream but what he's doing what he is saying is that the objects seen in the dream are not real the events which happened in the dream did not really happen the people you met in the dream you did not really meet them so what is the what are the reasons he gives two reasons say you cheated Dasia Kalevala that means of lack of consistency in time and space lack of consistency in time and space what does that mean it means you dream very vividly that you've taken a trip to Mumbai maybe and then suddenly you wake up and here you are in your apartment in Manhattan now is it that you actually went to Mumbai last night and you came back and now you're lying in your bed not possible not possible within a span of three or four or five hours not possible you couldn't have gone there sufficient space is not time is not there sometimes many years seem to pass many things happen in a dream which it might have taken many years and when you wake up you see the whole thing was dreamt in the span of not only one night's sleep they say that within one night we actually have many many dreams allow each lasting a few minutes so clearly they couldn't have occurred we imagined it or we dreamt it because time is not consistent another reason is space is not consistent you dreamt that our I dreamt I was walking in Central Park and a lake and the city skyline and people all those things I saw and I woke up I in my room and I realized I saw it I saw it only in my mind it was all there here only that's because I'm in Miami in my bedroom clearly there is not a space enough here no matter how empty my head might be not enough space for Central Park and the Manhattan skyline it's not there so lack of space lack of or inconsistency in time and space demonstrates that it couldn't really have happened we never mean you have a question yes yes yes right so did that really happen you you're saying that why couldn't it happen our souls travel at at night even if our souls whatever it is souls travel at night isn't it all imagined in the mind when you are sleeping with bodies shut down for sleep and the mind is churning of in itself internally you are imagining it isn't it the counterpart of imagining right now that I go to Mumbai and come back I really did not go and sitting here in the class just now no I didn't go I was just imagined it isn't it that's what happening in a more vivid form in your dream and suppose let me give you let me give you what the reason God apart is is is saying that you're saying why can't it happen in an instant I can go to Mumbai and come back so why isn't there time for going to Mumbai in an instant you can think of Mumbai and going there and coming back but in an instant can you actually go to Mumbai and come back you know why not the soul can go okay let me give you this test case you went to Mumbai and you met your friend whom you haven't met for 25 years and you had a nice cup of tea chai in Mumbai and then you're back here in Manhattan so I said why not call your friend we should we share we shared a cup of tea last night no you didn't we haven't met for 25 years yes yeah but all of those things why is it relevant here it might happen coincidentally but see even if that happened but you are you hired a kind of experience which matched with somebody else but does it normally happen in our dreams does it normally happen does it always happen in your dreams that whatever you dreamt of is matched by what happened in the waking world every place you visit in the dream you actually have the tickets for that when you wake up on your table every person you met confirms it yes we met in our subtle bodies all right but your normal dreams are they like that are they all decay turn out to be real of course not which means it's quite possible to dream something and not have it happen in the external world is it possible or not all right but even if that does happen you see what would happen is you had an experience and you say it matches with somebody else's experience somebody else said that it happened it does so would there be three or other for persons who saw yes we saw you in the restaurant together in your slightly ghostly bodies no notice one thing even if another person replicates your your experience what you are saying I I believe you entirely but those both of your experiences still would not be corroborated by the public would you we went and had a child with somebody in a restaurant with the cameras in the restaurant we have recorded your presence no so it did not happen in this waking world this world we are inhabiting it's not an event in this waking world clearly this is this is a G that's why gora pada is it's important to did to make it clear otherwise you'll have objections like this coming up halfway into the chapter there will be a disaster afterwards so clearly we can have multiple experiences in our dream worlds which are completely falsified when we wake up it did not happen we put in we crack categorize it as a dream experience it seems absolutely common sense but still God up other wants to make it clear that there is an inconsistency between our dream experiences and our waking experiences hence there is not part of the same world clearly not all right now after having established this established what the falsity of the dream not only that even people who claim that the dream experiences are somehow real you may claim that you may say it you don't behave like that in the world here you actually don't if your friend gave you a hundred thousand dollars in your dream and he corroborates yes in your dream I put one hundred thousand dollars in your account do you immediately go out when you wake up and buy a fancy car no you don't even you are smiling you don't why wouldn't you if you suddenly got a windfall of one hundred thousand dollars in the waking state you would you would go ahead and spend it but in the you got it in the dream why don't you go out and spend it in the waking state if it is real if it's if it's really did happen in this waking experience of course you don't even if you claim that even if you argue for that you don't behave like that okay down now the next having established a falsity of the dream objects events not denying that you saw the dream not denying that X things happened in the dream but denying that they actually are real in comparison to your waking denying that now God Apophis says let's consider the waking the second part of this the second point he wants to make in this chapter is just like the dream is false in comparison to the waking similarly this waking world is also false here is the main point of the chapter the falsity of the world what we considered to be the real world this world we normally don't consider the dream world to be real we consider this world to be real and God our Father wants to say just as you consider the dream world to be false this world is also false but but his the important writer with regard to what the dream waking world is false a dream world is false with regard to the waking not in the dream perspective but in the waking perspective and the waking world is false from the perspective of Toria the consciousness back the background consciousness the self one consciousness in which appears the Waker in the wakers world the dreamer in the dreamers world and the deep sleep deep sleeper in the deep sleep experience of Darkness now why what reason just as you gave reasons for the dream world being false the waking world does not seem to be false so what are the reasons this is the core of the chapter let us say the Coke or arguments basically two reasons God Apothic gives two reasons first he says because of the well known reason what was the well known Shankar Acharya explains the Rushton drishya very interesting reason normally we consider anything to be true because we experienced it it's here that we experience it therefore it's real follow this reasoning according to advaitha according to the reason given here it is false because you experience it why whatever is an object to consciousness is in some sense dependent on consciousness whatever is an object see in dreams you saw all of that but it it all manifested because you are seeing it all the people and the events if you had not seen the dream they wouldn't have been there moment you stop seeing it they are not there anymore it's gone similarly in the waking universe again whatever we experience we experience in consciousness whether you believe in God or not it is teased in consciousness whether they're doing science or religion or art or politics or just watching TV it's in consciousness everything is experienced in consciousness is presented to consciousness guru father makes a big deal out of that whatever you see the object of seeing object of hearing smelling tasting touching thinking whatever you do all of that without consciousness it makes it there is no proof of its existence so if it is it dependent on consciousness it has no independent existence apart from consciousness this is not having an independent existence is what is called falsity by gora pada no intrinsic existence has no independent existence apart from consciousness therefore it is not real not real in the sense not that it is not experienced just like dream objects are experienced the waking world is obviously experienced not that it is it has no use of course you feel thirsty drink a glass of water it will work just as it will work in the dream it will work here not that you can't do things there you can drive a car in your dreams you can drive a car in no no in waking oxr so all kinds of dealings are possible use utility is possible what else transactions are possible and of course experience is possible you can see all of that and yet it does not have to have this intrinsic existence which it seems to have in dreams when you wake up not there similarly it seems to have an intrinsic existence of its own but when you think about it here you waking up means not that you wake up into another state remember Turia is not a different state from dreams you have fallen asleep that's why you are dreaming the way color falls asleep therefore the wake of the Waker is subject to dreams in the dream state you wake up from sleep that is waking up from dream into waking but waking up from waking state into Toria is not a kind of psychological thing which happens when you suddenly wake up into another kind of state rather it is I is the Waker subject to this idea this is a real world because of ignorance dream was a product of sleep this reality of the waking world is a product of ignorance ignorance of what ignorant of our real nature astoria by this analysis by the what is called Vedanta which are Vedantic inquiry the truth about ourselves is revealed that is waking up it happens here in the reckoning state itself in fact only state in which it can happen is waking may be very arguably in a dream maybe some people can get coming to the intuition but generally does happen in the waking because it's a waking only that we have classes and the Vedanta Society you can come here but so now in the this state itself through of this philosophical enquiry you awaken to the real nature about yourself so one reason is because it is experienced it is it's dependent on the experiencing consciousness consciousness is the experiencer think about it this way on what does Vedanta is it is becomes easy if you connect it directly to your life right now not to your preconceptions or prejudices connect it to your life right now what you are experiencing out what you might have read not on what you might believe what you are literally experiencing at this moment how let me ask you if say a certain certain people outside in the indoor on the street if they didn't exist at all would you still be here yeah I don't know what you're talking about somebody may or may not be there I am still here all right if in this room itself other people were to disappear would I still be here I guess I'd be alone but I'm still here if I close my eyes I cannot see anything this empty room also I cannot see but am I still here look yeah I'm here I can't see but I'm here if I close all my sense organs if it's possible and there they have sensory deprivation tanks so would I still be there yeah I'm still there I can't sense anything it would be a strange experience but I'm still there I am experiencing strange experience but there must be an experience of for even a strange experience body if it is not there am I still there so how would I know that you know that your very dream shows it in your dream you don't experience a body this body because this body is sleeping under the bed you have a dream a body in the dream clearly the waking the body which you use your in your waking state is sleeping or under on the couch or on the bed and you don't experience it and yet you have a vivid conscious experience of dreaming and doing things so arguably you could exist as a conscious being without this particular body it can continue so there are thought experiments suppose a person is uploaded into a computer and did not does not know that this thought experiment stuff or they call it a Biv those philosophy students know about it brain-in-a-vat brain-in-a-vat thought experiment is suppose your brain is the source of your consciousness so if the brain is taken out and put and connected into all sorts of sensory devices and inputs are given to it the brain would still think that I'm in a body because after all the according to number in neuroscience everything that you are experiencing right now you are not directly experiencing anything everything is supplied to your senses the senses gather all the information and through the nerves and all it is taken to the brain to the various centers in the brain the neurons there and there at that level there is no there are no people chairs light sound nothing is there in the brain except minut electrical activity of the neurons is it true or not can anybody doubt it no nobody can doubt that that's the literal physicalist interpretation of what's happening therefore something happens in the brain will those minut electrical interactions between neurons are suddenly reconstituted into this glorious multicolored multimedia experience we are having now which means in principle if the brain we're somehow put in a kind of biochemical VAT we kept alive and given all the right stimuli it would still think I'm alive in them I'm in the body and I'm doing all this why did I say that even without a physical body it's possible that you're you as a conscious being you can continue that's all I want to say and science fiction says if you are uploaded into a computer all the data of your brain you would still think that I am a body and walking around and having an experience all that would be in a virtuality even that experience would have to depend on consciousness all of these experiences have to depend on consciousness you still continue as long as consciousness continues where am I going with this here here is the point I am dismissing one by one everything and you say no I still exist in a strange way maybe but I still continue I feel my own existence even without the world even without people even without senses even without body even if you consider the dream mix of deep sleep experience with the mind also shuts down in some sense I exist because I come back again so I was not wiped out so all these things experiences come back now in contrast to this here is the point in contrast to this think if that awareness that consciousness of you you're as yourself that conscious everything is here now that consciousness is switched off then then what happens to your life your experience of the universe nothing lights off exactly lights off I am telling you what I bought what did I just say keep the consciousness as it is slowly one by one take away everything people of the world the cities outside this people in this room take away your senses eyes ears shut down all of them one by one as long as the my disfunction you can have a dream existence shut down the mind also in some sense you continue as a witness of the blankness but keep everything this entire universe just take away that that awareness which it of insight in some senses imagine what would happen even to imagine that you need consciousness you just everything disappears in sanskrit they call it jagged on the oppressing the blindness of the universe would result without consciousness is fundamental without consciousness there is no proof of anything else with consciousness all other things can appear and go so the proof of our of our external world is the consciousness we have in the waking state proof of the dream world is the consciousness we have in the dream state the same consciousness illumines the absences of things in the body deep sleep but what we call deep sleep and if there are other states suppose there are go to pada just takes the common waking dreaming deep sleep suppose you have mystic experiences and you said out-of-body experiences astral travel mystic experiences chakras Kundalini awakening whatever you can say we'd many one aren't and we have a doctor here who was the job is to daily treat people who have ingested all sorts of substances so they have all ranges of experiences starting from drug-induced experiences to the highest spiritual mystic experiences including Sri Ramakrishna seeing mother Kali all of that depends on what consciousness can you think of the any kind of spiritual experience which does not depend on consciousness it does depend on consciousness you have a question wait wait whatever-whatever trying to show I'm trying to show the primacy of consciousness so I have you noted everything whatever is possible to experience in this universe in your life it depends on your consciousness and everything may be there but without consciousness it just blank nothing less than nothing deep sleep is a kind of nothing and without consciousness less than nothing not even it's inconceivable actually because the externality of the world an external separate existence is inconceivable without some kind of consciousness to conceive of it they say that the universe now is at this point universe has no real existence apart from consciousness that's the point without because it depends on your consciousness yes you understand that right what did you say I understand that I understand that the experience of everything is dependent on consciousness right God a father would tell Sweden of Krishna your experience of the Divine Mother is dependent on your consciousness correct Angora father would go on to say your experience of God here is the question then the experience of God is real or false experience in itself is experience what God our Father is saying the objects of experience are appearances now your question would be clearly far Sri Ramakrishna of any experienced Kali as the Divine Mother it was an object mystical object but he experienced Kali as an object that objective aspect of Kali is obviously false it has to be false no yes we we will but I will just make one comment it's a very deep question I also make one comment didn't go ahead one is that notice Sri Ramakrishna in Arabic ALPA Samadhi when you attain nearly culpa Samar he was unable to go lead to know the story of difficult or samadhi of sri ramakrishna he was unable to go into nirvikalpa samadhi because every time he tried the blissful forms the divine mother would come that's the last thing he could experience everything disappeared but Kali is there then throw Zipporah says take the sword of knowledge and cut Kali into when she appears before you and that's what he did and then the whole structure of experience subject and object disappeared into oneness so there was no more form to be seen that's also an experience according to God upon the Nira Michalka samadhi is also an experience but it's no object at all it reveals the reality of consciousness in itself but it's also an experience why it came and went okay my point in narrating this is remember Sri Ramakrishna also in his own words he went to a higher state of xperia x perience where he transcended the name and form the objective aspect of Kali God has two aspects the reality which is your own consciousness plus a name and form which is imposed that name and form grown up either says in the highest analysis from non dual perspective that name and form is also false we accepted it it's a bit shocking but but it's actually if you have followed so far I'm not saying anything very new yeah I know so remember what is what is false according to god a part of the world the world what is the world according to the in the language of Manduca what is the world use the language of man dokyum the language of man Duke is always waking dreaming deep sleep so what is the universe according to man Duke here it is the external waking universe the one which is which is called the gross or physical universe experienced through the senses it is the subtle universe experience in the mind in dreams it is the potential universe causal universe experienced in deep sleep all three are false according to the order father they are all appearances to consciousness tutorial what is God in God upon the stream we discussed all this last time what is gardened in the Manduca structure God is viraat urania Garba Ishwara that consciousness associated with the totality the causal universe the subtle universe and the gross universe is called bharat then that that same consciousness associated with the causal universe and the subtle universe is called hidden Agartha yet same consciousness in its causal aspect associated only with the causal universe or which is Maya is called Ishwara this is the concept of garden in in Manduca here just as the three worlds are false these three conceptions are also dismissed but does that mean God is not real no what it means is after all according to the way the Vedanta are you real or not yes what are you Toria if you are real is God not really yes the reality of God is Turiya reality of God is truly the reality of God is not a name and form called Kali or Vishnu or a formless with quality idea like say Father in heaven or something like that none of them are ultimately real because those aspects are also objects of consciousness but it does not mean God is from God is false god the core of the idea of God is pure consciousness which you are that's the meaning of Ambrym ask me that was the mahavakya of Mundaka Upanishad I am Brahman anyway to the first cause which go to father gives the first raise reason or hey - why is the world and appearance drishya to art because it is an object to consciousness whatever is an object to consciousness is dependent on consciousness you are the reality of which the Union your universe is an appearance this universe is your appearance you remember the story of the princess of Kashi I have told you that this is the first first reason given for the falsity of the universe the second reason is God upon himself gives an idea he says because it is it comes and goes it is subject to appearance and disappearance he says what was not there in the beginning what appears now and what is not there in the end it does not exist now also what does not exist earlier and will not exist later on does not exist now also what is the reasoning behind this we have gone into it that if something is subject to appearance and disappearance birth and death creation and destruction then it has borrowed existence to remember the distinction between entrance the story of the with the example of the boiling potato the potato is not hot in itself it has borrowed the heat from the boiling water the boiling water is not hot in itself it has borrowed heat from the pan the pan is not hot in itself it will borrow would heat from the fire fire is not hot in itself it is okay okay you have been listening carefully the fire fire is hot in each term it is not borrowed in heat from anything else notice then the heat of the fire does not go away as long as the fire is there it will continue to be hot because it has not borrowed fire from anywhere else intrinsically it is hot but all the others they gain heat and lose heat because they borrow it from elsewhere it does not belong to them now this is just an example what am I trying to show if existence is gained and lost then it must be a borrowed existence what do you mean by gaining and losing existence we don't normally talk that way the common way of talking about it is but ten death creation and destruction appearance and disappearance so it must have borrowed existence now look at the things of the of the waking world and the dream world in fact the entire all the states waking dreaming and deep sleep all the states they come and go they appear and disappear the universe is created and it is destroyed so it does not have intrinsic existence not having intrinsic existence is a sign of falsity because it's again dependent just as Italy we saw it was dependent on consciousness on chit therefore false the universe is dependent on such existence therefore false it borrows existence from what from the forth from you the witness consciousness it is your existence which is reflected in the universe again the dream example is very nice all the people you meet in the dream all the places that you visit all the events that happen in your dream their existence depends on what on the dreamers mind they have all borrowed existence from the dreamers mind as long as the dreamer is dreaming those things they are there for you to experience when you stop dreaming they disappear they have no independent existence the pizza that you are eating in your dream time to wake up the alarm is ringing I can't really do rush to put it in your dream fridge so that the next great big you know it will disappear the moment you wake up because its existence depends upon you dreaming it similarly the existence of all things here in this universe depends upon the Toria in which they are all experienced this is the second reason so two reasons are given this is the core argument the let us say the core algorithm of the entire chapter because it is an object of consciousness one reshipped work second because it is impermanent clearly these two are observed in everything in the universe whatever you experience in the universe is impermanent whatever you experience in the universe just because you experience it must be an object to your consciousness therefore the dramatic conclusion they all are dependent upon you the one existence consciousness the one Turiya for their so called ik existence with so called existence dependent existence is called because of that so it's contrasting that we've got the father's thing which is that it's completely an illusion is it completely an illusion or is it a physical manifestation which still conforms to non duality because everything is the two the two are the same let me ask you a part made of clay what would you say is the pot and entirely an illusion or is it a manifestation of clay which has come into being exists now and one day will become play again what do you what would you say would you say the latter gada pada would say the first one go to power would say the first one that it's a completely an illusion Advaita Vedanta Shankar's Advaita Vedanta we'll we'll just see this is the thing our common sense mind tells us that something has happened a pot has been produced out of clay we discussed this endlessly I know we have discussed additions that we we have answers have been given well let me give you the answer again once again and again it will come again in this third chapter this is the great theory of agita that non origination of anything the question is you look at the language you used pot and clay so part is something that has emanated out of clay but you see has been made out of clay has been made tested out of clay now exists in itself and as clay also no doubt but one day we'll go back to clay again right so what god apollo would say that truly has anything been produced is there a now a new entity called pot what is this pot apart from clay when you touch the pot you are touching clay when you weigh the pot you are weighing clay I'm ignoring that water has been mixed with it and all of that when you're using the pot you're using creat self-named and farm and use our new clearly the name pot was not applied to a lump of clay it's a name clearly the form of the pot was not there in the lump of clay it's a new form clearly the use which you put the pot to you could not use the lump of clay for that you can't keep water in a lump of clay but you can keep water and milk in a pot so named farm and use a new so we say this is what I'm saying but girl father remember I'll do it is always very strict when he logically have to be little harsher we are talking about reality and reality only what is the reality of this name farm and use clay without the clay the name form and use cannot be used how do you know why wouldn't you say that name farm and use are something in themselves they are obviously so important in our practical life you know practical life granted everything is a I mean we use it and it has tremendous importance but philosophically speaking metaphysically speaking from the point of view of reality what reality do these name form and use have what reality does the pot have apart from the clay apart from the create disappears if you say there they are something new which has come then the question will be show me with the new thing without the clay show me the part without the clay you cannot it is the clay alone which is appearing in this form of course very useful of course you can give it new names pot jar whatever you can call it it looks the friend it it's used differently but and it named differently but the reality behind it is still the same and unchanged and the pot in the clay the clay in the pot the water in the wave that is the reality the wave is something the appearance of the wave the existence of the wave and the disappearance of the wave all are from water and in water as a manifestation of the clay let's I have already answered it again but let me narrow in again all right we'll we'll discuss it this this let's see if we can come to an understanding here why deny you said why deny the existence of the pot as a manifestation of the clay nobody is denying the existence of a part of the manifestation of the clay they are denying the existence of a part in it as a thing in itself nobody is denying it who denied it what what is your meaning of manifestation what is the difference between manifestation and illusion is would you call that call the rainbow and illusion or a manifestation something can be measured so can you measure the pot and I'm going to take the clay of it can you measure the pot in itself it cannot be so it is not measurable it's so it's no it's not real in itself see the word manifestation you cannot but you can remove the clay from the pot destroy the pot clearly means right we are not saying anything different what are you saying see you are using the same language is called overseas I know that something rankles in the mind that's the our tendency our in inherent tendency to let go of the reality of the world we are fighting to the last inch to somehow claim some reality for the world goroh pada says I'll give you a hundred percent reality of the world but the hundred percent reality of the world belongs to consciousness you are saying is the dream a man if an illusion in the dreamers mind or is it a manifestation of the dreamer spine which is it dream is an illusion of the dreamers mind in the same way consciousness is an illusion in in conscious above what universe is illusion in consciousness it takes some shift of it it's a huge paradigm shift to look at it that way yes and it has to be one has to confront it because after all this is Manduca it is it is the non-dual truth needs most concentrated form and more than this if you won't have to go to ashtavakra there of course you will not be given any reasons you'll only be told this again and again indicate is the last one which tries to reason with us so yes whether you call it a manifestation but what I'm saying is can you claim that it's a real light reality a second reality apart from the comb clay you were saying clearly not that's what got apart is saying the universe is not a new thing produced a new thing thing it's not a countable thing see if you let's see the in fact if you see the the language of the bandook itself it becomes clear what God a pod is trying to say gana pod is saying the first three Waker and wakers universe dreamer and dreamers universe deep sleeper in the deep sleep causal universe are these countably different from the Toria are they really three no they are all appearances and disappearances into the ER the you cannot count them separately from Korea I'm asking is the golden bangle necklace and ring are the three ornaments yes compare it to gold are the three elements now no and saying ten thousand waves in that lanta koushin ten thousand how many of the 10,000 not one not non-dual the ten thousand now compare it to water how many are there one I would rather say not to not to look at the beauty of the word term not to if you say one its water but clearly then you say the waves are something right would you be satisfied if I said all those ten thousand waves are not two with respect to water correct this is up to item this is non-duality what is what is meant by the falsity of the universe let me give you one more example this this one clay and part is the second thing you know that work it is borrowed existence the pot borrows its existence from the clay let me give you an example for the first one the seeing recepttura the objective object to consciousness the beautiful example I came across it in a writing of one his name is singer Michael singer he he was a billionaire and he was the head of this Web MD uh-huh yeah then he had this enlightenment experience and he resigned from it gave it all up also was investigated by a sec I think whatever nobody died I really I think ultimately a conclusion was he had no fault it is not his fault anyhow he gave it all up and he had had a kind of enlightenment experience he gave this example which I liked so much for example he says is sit if you're suppose you're sitting in a movie hall and watching a movie movie is sights and sounds and you are engaged in it you are engaged in it we are really experiencing but also you are aware of your own existence apart from the movie why because you can feel your body and other sensations are there quite apart from the movie you feel your own existence apart from the movie but sight and sound are powerfully presented in the movie and once in a while you tend to forget your own existence if it's a good movie you tend to get absorbed in it now suppose he says one more thing is added say smell is added say sensation of movement is added the chair moves and you get a spurt of smell and like you go to a flower and it becomes a 3d thing which floats out of the screen towards you you when you lean forward to it the chair sort of tilt so you feel you're leaning forward to it and you sniff it there's a squirt of a scent from the chair actually something like that a theater has been made so this is still possible go a little further which has not been made suppose all your same physical sensations all five senses are now part of the movie some kind of very advanced we are suppose it will become so living for you it's a movie not only with sight with smell with taste with sound with touch ok this is the movie here it will be exactly like this now he says go one more step you have to follow this mentally go it's a beautiful extra startling example he says go one more step forward or deeper insight in word imagine in the movie the thoughts and feelings of the of the character pick one character the hero his or her thoughts and feelings and now your thoughts and feelings you have no other thoughts and feelings the feelings are like you are exactly feeling what that person is feeling the actor is feeling you are thinking what director is thinking you have no more thought of yourself or no more feeling of yourself sensory inputs are longer what will it be like right now like now you are the just lighting it all up all that you're left with you are the consciousness the entire thing is a movie shining in the light of your consciousness this is what he experienced I was when I read this I was reminded I have told you a number of times of the story of this sadhu in Gangotri where he had not seen TV and the TV crew had come when they were taking pictures of the river Ganga and they put up a TV in front of the Swami to show him this the saddest name was wait Lux Lux Mundus so they put up a TV in front of the sadhu and cranked up a generator and pointed the camera at the river and Assad who said to us Swami is I could see everything the Ganga river I could even hear the gurgling sound of the water subject et Mahatma Cal Kalpana Beach soon identity I could hear I could hear the sound of the water gurgling water I could see the river then I said to the TV producer I said sir can you give me a glass of water from the river in the from the viewer from your magic box from a glass of Ganga water Babu is Miss a glass gang upon EDG and the producer laughed and said o Swami it's not there just looks like that he said in Hindi to waha say or bully I remarked Maggio Haney dick Teja it's not there it looks like that and then the Swami turned to all of us who were sitting there a group of monks and he said all of this and there we will just have to imagine the magnificent Vista those towering mountains all around it's just you're like in the Ganga 3 is a valley but it's a valley 10,000 feet high Valley itself is 10,000 feet high and the mountains surrounding it this soared up to 1520 the real Giants so and they are covered with snow at that time but the valley is free of snow and there are these days our forests and the river which is fast and narrow and roaring and at our near near our foot he says all of this he says Matt McGee yes up you dick T hey hey knee all of it appears to you it has no existence it has no reality is it but it appears to you how like this what what Michael singer has said like this movie multi-sensory movie you have no other senses except the five senses presented to you by a movie no other thoughts except the thoughts presented to you by by this extraordinary movie and feelings how what will it be like exactly like this more than five dimension five senses five dimensions plus feelings and thoughts and ideas and memories all of that supplied to you you are the awareness shining on all of that and now having gone this is step one is not even up the waiter this is hung here separation between self and not self next Advaita will ask so it all appears to you the consciousness this movie five dimension plus some more I think nine dimensions or something like that this ninety movies appearing before you what is the relationship of all of this to you what is the relationship what are they to are they something separate and you are something separate and you are watching it or are they in some sense related to you they depend on you yes well how will you argue that because there is no proof of their existence apart from you yeah where is the proof of the existence of any of this apart from you none of them can be revealed without you shining on it they come and go they shine see both reasons apply here their existence and dependent on you the light of your consciousness they are drishya their objects and they also come and go their temporal the temporary both things apply to that extraordinary movie which is nothing other than a vivid description of your life now I like that so much that example has given very powerful yes the example of a movie and you keep on adding more neither neither neither but Sri Ramakrishna's talking about we will keep it aside for the time being it's an extension based on what God is saying first let's grasp what go to policy you know what the gota pada would say to these examples the clay made into a pot and the clay not made into a pot the difference between them the clay not made into a pot is like sushupti deep sleep the clay made into a part is like dream and waking yeah in both cases it is the one claim yea unmanifested manifest unmanifest is called causal karana manifest is called sukshma sulla subtle and gross yeah what and we can all continuously experience it within ourselves what is gross or what is physical this what do you mean by subtle manifestation look inside thoughts feelings ideas emotions desires this is subtle this is gross beyond that if you try to switch all of it up which you do every night in deep sleep that is certain that is causal all three are appearing and disappearing in something beyond the castle walls often the non-dual reality is mistaken to be the causal because you think the non-dual reality must be something like a blankness or a darkness or a featureless light hunter it's none of them darkness blankness featureless light you are all objects okay so in the movie example if everything in the movie is an appearance of the movie watcher consciousness that is non duality that is non duality that is what God about is trying to say okay I will say one thing you can sit for your consideration but more you think about this the more you think about this you will come to this understanding this is a very at least this is a very viable way of looking at our present experience right now not one thing in our experience has to be denied to accept this everything in our present experience is fully explained by this and if you accept it it is liberating it is liberating rather we'll come to it in any other other paradigm if you look at it materialistic paradigm religious paradigm will be something left out unexplained modern sign science comes to a grinding heart at the hard problem of consciousness not out there in the universe not down in the tiniest things in the universe not in the microcosm not in the microcosm rather in the subject modern sense comes to a grinding halt no idea of how to explain it religion comes to a grinding halt when trying to explain the universe every claim that religion has tried to make is now being falsified by science irrelevant means it is explained hard problem is how can we have first-person experiences the answer is this to do this pure consciousness its very nature is first-person experience there is a philosopher looking him up Galen Strawson very interesting philosopher he has is in the UT Texas he has said that it is hard there is no hard problem of consciousness right not in that material assistance the materials also say no hard problem of consciousness even recently Peter carrithers so somebody's written that there's no problem of consciousnesses they are saying it's brain only but Galan Strawson says just the opposite consciousness is continuously and directly experienced by all of us all the time what problem is there he says there is a hard problem of matter which is exactly what Gordo pod is saying in the second chapter you look at look him up Galen Strawson hard problems matter beautifully has put this the thing is modern science is trying to use consciousness to matter desperately if you see the heart from wait wait wait wait the modern science is desperately trying to reduce consciousness to matter because the paradigm of modern science is time space matter energy is the reality if there is anything called consciousness somehow it must have originated out of matter desperately trying to Galan strossen has another si the silliest claim ever he says the silliest claim ever google it will find fantastic si it was published and nothing New York Times or somewhere somewhere the silliest claim ever he says it is this claim of modern scientists that consciousness does not exist it is worse than the worst superstitions stupider than the most gross claims of ancient religions is this the silly claim that consciousness does not exist that which is the very fundamental thing about our experience first consciousness than anything else in the universe that does not exist so this is the sequence of the silliest claim ever and then he says hard problem of matter he says the more we investigate matter the mores are physical ances at its most cutting-edge matter is disappearing before our eyes what is the nature of matter the latest discovery I don't understand it it's very sophisticated very deep but I know from people at least two or three people who are highly qualified in this field two or three who have told me and one or two have seen on the screen this is quantum mechanics multiple interpretations are there the mathematics is the same the results are the same interpretations are many the mathematics is clear what it means nobody knows they give multiple contradictory interpretations of the element of the mathematics what is the nature of of matter energy time space what is the reality of it we don't know then what is physics doing it is showing how it behaves it is it has given us precise mathematical tools to deal with this reality but what is it in reality are they like billiard ball like particles there is a school by idea long science did since discarded so he says hard problem matter google it you see wonderful I say hard problem for matter what is matter another place I read is the Jim Holt why does the world exist at the end of the book he says I just totally define reality as stuff and form substance and and form high/low morph he called it substance so this so for example pot our classic example there is a difference between advaitha and Aristotle at rest in philosophy Aristotle says reality is the substance itself clay plus the name and form which is what these two this is reality adroit the strikes right there and says really name-and-form is an independent component of reality it is not it is entirely nothing other than the substance itself because without the substance you cannot talk of name and form and then they and the substance is independent of name and from you can give multiple names and forms to the same substance same gold can be so many ornaments same clay can be so many kinds of pots and jars so stenches reality literally according to advaitha and according to aristotle so anyway what the point Jim Holt makes is high/low morph name and form this is reality and now he says as science has advanced as we go deeper and deeper and we understand the nature of our physical universe we get more and more of form and substance is disappearing before our eyes the materialistic universe where materialistic universe the very word materialistic where is the matter in the materialistic it's disappearing into form and Vedanta would say yes if you seriously investigate the universe you will end up with name and form why is the matter disappearing before your eyes because Vedanta will say very clear the matter is not out there the matter is you the observer the substance is uwr the reality the movie which is playing out there the reality of the movie is not there the reality of the movie is you this is the claim of a greater Vedanta if you investigate the dream the dream example if you investigate the dream you will never find any reality in it you will end up with multiple contradictions name and form of the dream will be there but the reality of the dream is not in the dream it's the Dreaming mind which is not a part of the dream it is appearing as the dream itself okay now let me go on quickly what happened after this very quickly objections came up strong objection says a gorup are they said you are reducing waking and dreaming to the same level strong objections against this if you remember there were four main objections one was on the ground of utility hold on to the dream example you can give the answers to advances to all the objections yourself the ground of utility a false thing does not function does not fulfill its purpose and that which is real fulfills its purpose example real water will quench my thirst but the water in a mirage does not quench my thirst therefore water in a mirage is false real what water in a glass which I have in front of me is real and therefore there's a difference between the erroneous water in a mirage and what I see in my baking state similarly dream and waking are not the same objection is not advaitha it is not God epatha this objection what is seen in the dream is an error waking world is real what is God about this answer same thing can ISM is true of the dream also note that what are your new thirsty in your dream water by your bedside will not quench your thirst only what are you find in the dream will quench your thirst in the dream absolutely utility is on that particular plane of awareness the same thing can be claimed in the dream itself okay the next word out which was raised was that continuity waking world we keep coming back to this waking world but dream world it comes and goes every dream is different so continuity is a sign of reality and that discontinuity you see in the dream that's my dream is dream waking is breaking waking his real dream is false answer this you are saying when coming back to a waking world and comparing the dream with the waking world in the dream no such discontinuity is seen every dream seems perfectly but otherwise the dream you would say oh it's discontinuous it must be a dream no in the dream the entire waking world is forgotten completely there's no question of a continuous waking world in the dream so seen from its own perspective each state is consistent within itself it's continuous within itself the third objection was externality it's the like for example that which is external and public right now here is an eraser now I say there are two erasers one in my hand and one in my mind there are two you will say no no no they are not two there's only one the one which you are holding there which we all can see the other one in your mind is not real it's imagined so there is clearly a difference between an external object and one which is only in your mind similarly dreams are in your mind but the world external things are in in reality waking world is real dreams are just dreams false god of others wrong answer the same thing you can do in a dream in a dream you can hold out an eraser and say there is there are two erasers one is here in my hand one here I'm imagining in my mind and the people in the class in the dream would say no no no there's only one which is in the mind in a hand your hand and one in your mind is false when I wake up both would be false right that is the externality argument third argument is clarity and vagueness it's a subtle argument but very interesting it attacks the very concept of a dream it says see dreams are you are saying it's real but dreams are vague look at this world right now and recall the memory of a dream see the difference between the two this is what you might call industrial-grade reality that is a way thing swat chatez pasta this is clarity every sense organ attests to the reality of this thing and that's such a vague thing so this is the proof that this is real and that is false what do you answer to that first of all yeah exactly but first of all note one thing here it is unfair to compare memory of a dream to your current experience of waking you just said bring up the memory of a dream and current experience of waking no no no no if you want if you want to compare compare the memory of of a say of a bun or a piece of toast you are eaten in your dream and the memory of the piece of toast you had for breakfast in the morning today compare those two memories how do they feel like both feel equally vague don't you see it's remarkable compare memories of your waking and memories of your dreams see how remarkably same they are same means phenomena logically they feel the same neither feels more real than the other both feel vague the only thing that feels will dramatically real is the present do you know why not because these objects are real you are in the present wherever you are that is real those things are not real in themselves they borrow reality from you in fact what the waiter would go for was further and say there is only one time which is the present because all that you experience is the present the past is a memory the future is an expectation and both the memory and the expectation are here in the present and for you there is always present from the consciousness point of view it's always the present what other time is there in consciousness it's only memory that generates past and our ability to project into the future that generates a possible future but when that was experienced it was the present and when that thing in the future will be experienced it'll still be the present okay I know one monk who experienced time and space as an eternal now and here for a brief period of time it suddenly felt to him that he is absolutely still and present and time has floated past him and he's floating past him like a movie he is not traveling through time from past to present to future no time is traveling in front of him he is not traveling in space he was sitting in a rickshaw at that time rather space is floating past him that's an ember that's the consciousness point of view it's only because we are in a body that we seem to be moving through space that will be identified with the body when you are identified with the mind you seem to be moving through time when you identified with consciousness as it is time and space seemed to be new the beautiful example had given when you say consciousness is all-pervading a teacher said in Haridwar then a monk protested serve up via pee all pervading the monk protested how can I be all-pervading I am here not even there how can I all pervading of course he's speaking from the point of view of the body but still see the direct answer given by the teacher the unskilled teacher would say oh you are identified with the body because of your location in the body that's why you think you are there and not here okay mediocre answer real answer the teacher gave what was the answer he said he said I am here and not there how can I be all-pervading Hindu this little room also I'm only here and not there and the answer was ah but here and there are they not both in you in you the consciousness yaja or wa ha don't know top me who and where is this here and there / it could have been perceived in a dream also when you wake up in a dream you would have said both here and there are usually within me and clearly it is being perceived in consciousness from a consciousness perspective you transcend time and space transcending time and space is not like space capsule going out of somewhere no you see that they are all in you they are appearances in you they are not a real medium through which you are travelling like a physical body through space or a temporal mind through time okay what else today so these are the four objections and four are dismissed what are the four objections one is waking things have utility dream things do not have utility but no second one was waking of all discontinuous dream world is discontinuous again dismissed one third one was waking world is clear objects in the waking world a clearer a dream world are like things in the mind again dismissed and the fourth clear means external external and public but that's also easily dismissed the fourth one was clarity dream memory and waking present you should not compare compare awaking memory and a dream memory you will see both are equally vague now after this what happened in the chapter then came so this is God opposes world view then came God a father says what are the rival worldviews 35 theories will be taken up and displaced quickly you remember some of them are obscure now no longer we discussed them but anyway the common thing about all those theories is some object or other is taken as the ultimate reality body is taken as the ultimate reality matter is taken as the ultimate reality and external God is taken as an ultimate reality time is taken as an ultimate reality Braun our life is taken there are all objects there all objects one biologist here in CUNY he was saying that no consciousness will be explained because you see at one time life was mysterious nowadays we have a very thorough down to the molecular level understanding of what is happening in life so one day we will explain consciousness I did not say anything there because it would take a little bit of explanation to say what I am saying because this perspective is not very clear for them you see immediately from a vedantic perspective what's wrong with that answer piranha life is it an object or not it's an object you have now got a deep understanding of cran amines means what you can explain prana in time a or life in terms of other objects organic compounds and all of that you can explain you can explain a complex objective phenomenon in terms of simpler other objective phenomenon that in principle does not extend to the subject you are saying that one day I will be able to explain the subject in terms of the object no no no the movie cannot explain you you can explain the movie okay 35 I am NOT talking about them 35 I counted 35 theory is one after another quickly gotta bother dismissed then he summarizes the whole teaching I think 30 second verse there are two important really verses which are very important in this chapter and my favorites to the 32nd verse yes thirty second verse is I gave a full talk on that it's called the ultimate truth the ultimate truth I gave for talks on demand o'ciock Erica so the second talk was called the ultimate truth that's only on one verse of this chapter the maybe the most stunning verse of this chapter 30 second verse was it's basically a summary what follows from all of this discussion now the discussion is over he's summarizing the conclusion and he summarizes in a dramatic like a hammer blow non erode Oh nacho but tear no but donut Resaca namu Mach shorn away mocked up it Keyshia Paramore Tata this universe pot let's take the pot the universe or the pot has no origination no cessation so what do you mean part was created and destroyed again remember from the point of view of reality no second thing was ever created second thing means second reality second entity apart from the clay apart from Turia there is no vapor apart from you the consciousness there is no dreamer apart from you the consciousness there is no deep sleeper apart from you the consciousness in association with the causal body you the consciousness are called deep sleeper in association with the subtle body you the consciousness are called dreamer in association with the causal subtle and gross bodies you the consciousness are called waker which to what I just applaud Jia what about these gross subtle and causal bodies they are nothing apart from consciousness itself just like the part is nothing apart from the clay though it seems to be a part it behaves differently it has a different name different use so no association no origination nobody who is in bondage is the clay bound to a pot now is the gold bound to an ornament no ornament is bound to gold yes entirely dependent upon the gold is the water to a wave if it was in it always be a wave no no but though nobody consciousness is never in bondage NASA Economo mucho since you're not in bondage there's really nobody who is seeking liberation what about spiritual all of us we are coming to class meditating worshipping so many things we are doing so many religions nurse how occur nobody is doing any any spiritual practice what about the enlightened Buddha Shankara ramakrishna nam octa nobody was enlightened what are you saying it thr amar Tata this is I'm telling you the highest truth the highest truth is consciousness itself everything else you say then what is it because we are experiencing it he does not deny that you experienced born universe origination of the universe existence of the universe cessation of the universe it does not deny you experience it it does not deny that you transact in it it does not deny you find it useful he does not deny that you feel viewer by in bondage it does not deny that many are struggling for liberation that many are performing spiritual practices we experience all this nobody does not deny but he says in all of that the reality is only one Toria which you are see if you realize what he's saying here it's done intellectually if you realize it a great peace depend or descends upon you if you vividly realize it you are enlightened right now I was reading in ashtavakra a fantastic verse which said in 18 chatter ashtavakra says ashtavakra is very concentrated he if there's anything more than this that's our star estava Christos he says the unenlightened by tremendous practice or by no practice in no way is does that person find any peace and then lightened just by this knowledge the person is at peace eternally the the unlined lightened if you translated it's like something the unenlightened mood AAHA unenlightened neither by activity nor by withdrawing from activity does that person find peace this person just by this knowledge this knowledge itself immediately is forever at peace does not matter if he's externally active or not active yes there's no time we have to use language of Vidya Anya says to use the language of duality to express any of this all right then so this is the summit summary then follows in the last section of the chapter where he says from verse number [Music] 34 no 35 to 38 last portion a very beautiful portion of this chapter where he says now so what what do I do now okay you have taught us all this remember what we have gone through so far the dream in itself if st proves that dreams are false then he uses that example to show the waking world is as false from the perspective of consciousness then he goes on to deal with certain objections like utility clarity externality continuity then he goes on to mention a list of 35 other theories each of which takes some object and makes it the reality dismisses all of that and then he can he summarizes it all by saying neither origination nor cessation nobody in bondage nobody trying to get freedom nobody practicing spiritual disciplines nobody who is free or enlightened this is the final truth he has concluded and now he says what do you do right now what are we supposed to do after having studied this so in four verses he gives the conclusion the practice and the result what is the practice 35th verse he says ravana maƱana needed the asana listen carefully study it carefully think it through every objection must be answered and to your satisfaction not to your satisfaction repeat still not happening one Swami says very nicely better luck next life repeat that's why we're on has so many texts and so many approaches something might click who knows yes yes shri krishna says that but that is also interpreted next life you can't turn up and say that i attended up to second chapter last time i'm going to start with the third chapter now know what is inherited a tendency samskaras so but that's the really important thing not memory if you memorize the gita or I've got the Bible by heart next life you'd have to do it all over again but you might think that's a lost not really what really powers us in our spiritual life here in this life is our samskaras our inherent tendencies what brought you here what made you and me and all of us spiritual seekers is not really what we have read and all that it's because our tendencies have plugged into those things that's why we like reading this that's why we like pursuing that there are so many people in this world same books are available to everybody same teachers are able they're not interested it was not knowledge itself does not make so much difference there's some scholars the inherent tendencies so when you come back in next life they if if we do not let's get in enlightenment this life itself but if you don't if not next live we we have the whole set of tendencies which make spiritual life wherever we are which civilization we are in whatever happens we don't know but spiritual life will become much more if we will say oh this person she's a born saint so that happens we come with with the proper samskaras the samskaras are important not actually what we read or how many books we have read and all that yes wait let me finish this hold on to your questions having done all of this shravana mallanna then 36 verse says importance of needed asana or do I eat a yoga eats with him keep centering yourself keep centering yourself that Michael singer he said that extending the movie example now that you know the whole thing is a movie the tendency is to get lost in the person who is the person consciousness plus a part of the movie onset of thoughts feelings emotions and one body and I get identified with the character in the movie if you continuously keep centered in yourself as consciousness and keep on acting and doing things in the movie movie will go on let it go on then that is needed the asana he didn't say it's needed the ansan he said you should do that he said that's the best that's the highest practice he also had a very nice line he says consciousness is the highest name that you can call yourself so needed gas and Advaita yoga it's within means it's also practice this is before enlightenment once you understood this keep trying to be centered in it keep trying to be centered you will see it's beautiful in once and once you get the hang of it like riding a bicycle or something you will see everything the universe is helping you to get centered everything every sound reminds me it is an arising in meand awareness everything that I see everything that is pleasurable everything that is annoying everything that is painful everything that is pleasure everything that is joyful all depend on me the blazing light of awareness mind is alert mind is tired sleepy all possible because of awareness he gives a nice practice I mean what he heard about the sales here that Michael singer he said modern form of nudity asana he says any time just start little practice people do they don't like mantras and all that so you just said use hello as a mantra somewhere mentally internally say to yourself hello hello hello notice what is noticing this hello and you're back you are back because he has understood what she what it means if you have not really understood it's not so easy to be back but we get a sense do we not get a sense what we are talking about by this time we'll get a sense if not remember the process repeat repeat then after needed the asana what will happen then you become enlightened for the enlightened person one more powerful practice is recommended in the 37th verse you remember becoming a monk actually becoming a monk if you actually do not become a monk externally real thing is to become monk like internally in your mind that isn't that is a very powerful practice or very powerful environment for practice then the last one I'll change this an end this is the second verse which I find very important in this chapter first verse na near Ozona tooth petite at 32nd verse which I really like in this chapter it's the high point and the second one which I like this chapter is this last verse dr. amjad Makem dished wah that wondrous to buy here that we boutta da da da maha that the prosciutto feet I give a whole whole class on this I think last time so I'm not going to discuss it see the truth within I am the pure consciousness see the truth in the universe outside this is nothing other than pure consciousness either pure consciousness be that pure consciousness be that means you recognize I am that pure consciousness enlightenment is nothing but removing the wrong notion that I am NOT Brahman removing that itself is enlightenment then tada Rama all your needs are fulfilled in that one awareness that one has no demands nothing required nothing can add to it nothing can take away from it you are that forever again forever so tada Rama it is our ARMA literally that is the place of rest and that WOD approached it over weight never slip away from never slip away from that that principle never slip away from the principle if you take it as a practice not yet enlightened if you realize you can never you can never slip away from it nobody has ever slipped away from it neither can you it's impossible how can the clay how can the pot slip away from the clay cannot how can the wave escape the water cannot whatever it is it may have the wrong notion that I'm a wave see they're different levels to this mistake I'm away whatever what is what I don't know I'm a wave or once it has understood the water what is water it may have that notion yes I understand the water but right now I am a wave I was water but I am a wave now and with plenty of spiritual practice and lots of vedanta classes i will become water again so when you get the clarity but you can never slip away from your real nature you cannot slip away from that you want that it's perfectly all right in the deepest sense it is all right one Swami put it so beautifully you're all trying to have Samadhi and the Yogi's there I've met people trying so hard so in that context the statement is said and he said you have to realize at mattone it clear samadhi may he rot my is in eternal samadhi as our samadhi means pure consciousness some of e means the highest spiritual state but the Atman is always that what else is it at all times so this is chapter two the other side of the coin is non duality falsity of the universe plurality is false this is one side of the coin the obverse of that is non duality that's what he will take up in half of discussion of falsity well let's go on to the truth which is non-dual Brahman reality that will be chapter three adwaita Packer I know that will start next time you had do you remember the questions I'll come to you yes yes go DiPaola would say don't bother you are that some scars don't have anything to do with some scar it is part of the of them of the movie I have these samskaras now I must change these and and add good ones don't touch it with a barge pole let's go God up oddest thing ashtavakra goes even further wherever things he says is almost scandalous he says you are trying to attain Samadhi this is your only bondage you fool whom is he saying the highest Sedaka we're not trying we are not trying anyway so no no no brah so that is God about this point of view but now coming down to more practical the level of the sadaqa yes definitely there is some carryover from past life otherwise interest won't come I have seen you know what happens if there is no samskaara at some time in life due to different blows and suffering a question may arise and what person might get interested and they might get involved in some spiritual practice and they would again I've seen it have to happen again and again they drift away again caught back in the world turn up again 25 years ago Swami I used to come here and your predecessor was there I met him I have come after 25 years and my answer is I don't say it but my internal answer is why why after 25 years but it can't be helped it's the old story in Mundaka Upanishad this man Dookie in the mondo company sure the beautiful thing about the tree of samsara actually it's the tree of the body and there is the two birds the lower bird it hops from branch to branch and picks it fruit and eats fruit when he gets a particularly bitter fruit gets a shock stops hopping around looks up and sees the the highest branch the top of the tree is a shining bird bird with shining plumage it neither eats nor hops about it just watches and this bird is entranced by the peace and serenity and the radiance of that higher bird and the lower bird is attracted to that higher bird and it hops towards that but on the way it sees a particularly shiny nice fruit so in just a minute it goes and picks it and it's a nice fruit forgets all the about the higher bud and then goes here and there and then finally gets another terrible shock then it remembers and in this way finally it makes the final dash towards that higher bird and as it comes to the higher bird something strange happens it is itself transfigured and as it reaches the higher bird it disappears it never was the higher bird only was all throughout who is that higher word is real you who is the lower bird the person you the higher bird is nothing apart from you you are the tired but right now why gorup are the same so shocking he just says you are that higher bird stay there what about the lower bird how to make it stop hopping around how to make it may stop picking this and that the aura palaces let go don't concern yourself the moment to touch that lower but you're trapped in the industry some solitary some self so we say it's too difficult all right the scenic route for you then teach the lower bird don't pick at poisonous fruit peck only at the healthy fruit that is morality and immorality first this is called Lakshman Rekha the the circle of the line of ethics and morality which is drawn around it's a limitation we have a complete freedom to do this and that we have right now I can do all sorts of immoral things but first of all civilization the police the law puts a line around me when my own sense of decency and morality puts a line around me society teaches me the civilization itself teaches me that's the first training of the lower bird then higher that spiritual practice is possible that higher bird is a reality that is a goal to be achieved how do we achieve it you must become unselfish you must cultivate truth non-violence you must cultivate discipline then that higher but who is that that's God believe in God worship God love God and the first is you are not told you are that God devotional practices meditation forget the fruit concentrate on the higher bird don't think about the fruit don't open your eyes don't Mohammed on Yama niyama asana Prophet SAW and continuously keep on attending the Upanishad classes it kept being told about the nature of the higher but you aren't that you are that slowly you begin to realize what am I and you realize that lower blood begins to melt away then he says only the higher bird who was watching this movie yes samskaras are transferred and you one as I said if it was not there you would drift away it takes years if you're consistently following sadhana you are not a sadhaka for one life you have got it from earlier lighters no Dhabi senior monks have told me the people who are consistently especially advaita vedanta ira goddess my personal view advaita vedanta regard is a kind of finishing school for spirituality everything else this I should not say but everything else rituals and you know all sorts of Tantra and chakras and Kundalini and all sorts of things are there devotional practices all very nice and useful but this knowledge I am that is the final end of all of that of all religion all ritual all civilizations everything culminates in this I'm not alone in this in Kashmir Shaivism I was reading the US Army never cooked or somebody who says before starting a whole text on Kashmir Shaivism all sorts of teachings he says the father one who realizes I am that consciousness called Shiva the rest of what follows is not necessary you had a question yes yes yes yes yes as a practical aid if I tell you just be to do so yes I can do it I am that what dowhat do nothing I'm to you that's it if you can very good you don't have to go to the next verse anymore finished you can return your book to the library but it's not easy at all and then comes the teaching what he has taught in the last four verses is what is called Gyana yoga Shravan Amon and he did the asana is Ghani yoga even that itself is the like the highest form of sadhana that is supported by bhakti yoga Karma Yoga Raja Yoga all of those things are there no it is for all of us even for people who have not attained the truth because it's the teaching itself thirty second verse is the summary of second chapter what do you get out of all of this that's thirty second but that's the real state of affairs now you see that yeah I get it intellectually but it's not real to me okay then come to 34 35 36 37 38 this is okay finished nothing more thank you Swami I'm not coming back anymore done that story I told you about aligned with that unholy mother's birthday that young man who came from who was little like bloodshot eyes he'd walked all the way from Vishnu for 28 miles overnight and he asks that sort of tender not is the where does the divine mother live take me to him her says I'm going to come with me what's your name where have you come from who's your family I have no family I have no name I have not come from anywhere nor am I going anywhere Amma he says sacrifice to the divine mother that's the language they use in Bengal their bully that means I'm sect I'm going for being offered to the divine mother sweetings is crazy or what anyway he tells the divine mother that she he tells Masha Allah this is this kind of person is there she calls him upstairs she initiates him she feeds him I think she made him sit next to her and she fed him initiated him fed him then he goes off into deep slumber at that time the holy mother tells this attender not this is his last life people this kind of holy desperation is a sign of last life and that's what happened he'd spend the rest of his life in service and finally in one of the relief activities where people were suffering he was serving them working day and night tirelessly he contracted a terrible disease and as he lay dying the last description is suddenly his eyes open and he said the mother has come let us go and he passed away now this is kind of devotional kind of approach but anyway point is the same all right yes three questions let's do the shanti then we'll hear the questions Oh Shante Shante Shante hurry he owned that's a Sri Ramakrishna now you're mixing up number of things Jesus Christ is an avatar avatar doesn't have karma so all the what da Vitara does is called avatar Lila a divine play off of the Avatar oh so avatar is not born under the compulsion of karma like PR now the answer to your question is that these two are not different actually trials and karma you said trials push me towards spiritual life but according to Vedanta karma the whole system of karma is designed to push us toward spiritual life why is there karma at all why is the causation why is that this universe at all why is this going on this game the whole game is for enlightenment as long as a person doesn't learn is pushed around by causality karma good karma a happiness bad karma misery and it goes on and as a person evolves all the good and bad karma they all come together to push a person towards spiritual life just a trial by itself how would you explain it who does that giving you a trial see the trial would be produced by the car by itself and it is it is for your spiritual evolution yeah if they say that when a person becomes spiritually evolved everything that happens pushes that person towards towards religion and spirituality right and see if you ask go to path the need your good karma not bad karma not the trial you are the only only the consciousness now the thing is my advice would you - would be the what what you said separate keep the two separate this one separate and the Spiritist separate if you care if you mix them it'll confuse you if you mix them it will confuse you okay quick quick quick there right answer answer to that question is yes there are examples of people who would want to come back that's right - a help - there are in fact become the we believe is one such and so so many others the Buddhists have this whole idea of bodies up to of coming back again and again to work for the enlightenment of all sentient beings last don't worry about it all right