Video 15
16. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 1 Karika 24-29
let us start with the peace chant oh but Graham Carini Vishnu yama diva but romper she mark up here yatra strongest rush to bargain Shasta no V V Ashima diva hittin you who swats Tina intro grid - raava swass Tina foucha Vishwa Vida Sistina Stark show reached enemy he saw steno BRE hospital data - Shanti Shanti Shanti the twelfth mantra we were doing the twelfth mantra so please repeat after me Ahmad Raja - Tom Ahmad Raja tutor Abdi Bahadur abdu'l-bahá prop enjoy pochamma she bored Rita even on God are some vishuddhi Hartman arm [Music] yeah even better the ohm is the fourth the ultimate the ultimate reality the self itself it is the imatra D the silence after the three letters oh ooh and it's the silence beyond the three letters it is the it is beyond our transaction beyond all use it is the the cessation of the universe it is the auspicious beyond all sorrow it is it is non-dual thus is own card the self itself your real self the one who knows thus merges with the real self or some wish of the Atma not manam would be realizes the self by the self so this is the twelfth mantra today at the end of the class since we are concluding the first chapter and also the Upanishad itself and the first chapter of the Manduca carica we shall use a piece of classical music come come where which is sung by a pundit just Raj yes one of India's greatest classical singers Hindustani classical music singers pundit just Raj he has sang demand ochio phoenician so and not the carica is just the opening shot itself so we shall use that for a little bit of meditation so classical music and Upanishads at the same time now this the twelfth mantra deals with the conclusion of the open Isham this as you remember it is the smallest of the Upanishads and the open Ishod has two parts mainly one part deals with the enquiry into the self into what we are and the other part deals with a meditation on home using ohm which is helpful to realize what has been taught in the first part the meditation on ohm is helpful it's an aid a support to understand what has been taught in the first part what is the meditation on ohm we have a toll that ohm has for math trois means letters but actually three letters O and closely approximated by the English au and M and beyond that the fourth one is silence the silence into into which ohm emerges disappears so for R and silence corresponding to the four aspects of the self which we had talked about earlier you're the Waker and the waking universe the dreamer and the dream universe and the deep sleeper and the merged causal universe of the deep sleeper beyond that the one pure consciousness which actually appears and is experienced as these three waking dreaming and deep sleep now can you map them the open e sure taught us that you map them in this way match ah a to the Waker ooh to the dreamer and mm to the deep sleeper and in this way when you when you do when you go through this exercise what you get is ultimately this silence will correspond to D when the silence will correspond to pure consciousness how does that work it's like this here is the key to understanding the twelfth mantra the twelve mantra comes to the this this part how you match the silence with pure consciousness it works this way the the key to understanding this is like this words are connected to the objects they reveal each word corresponds to an object the word book for example corresponds to this object the word light corresponds to that object so words correspond to objects each word corresponds to an object now in the same way what has been done here is we have been taught to associate the letter R with the Waker and the waking world the entire waking world whatever you have and you the Waker all of this we have associated with the letter as if the letter A is the name of this is the word for this let us see now to understand how this works go back to the example of the gold and the ornaments three ornaments we take three ornaments a necklace and a bracelet and a ring and gold and we note that it is gold alone which appears as a neck necklace a bracelet and a ring the sense of the necklace is gold essence means the substance the reality of the necklace is gold the reality of the ring is gold the reality of the bracelet is is the same gold so gold alone gold is the reality come now when we examine these ornaments with respect to gold we realize that these ornaments are not a second entity apart from the gold is very important the ornament does not exist exists does not exist in what sense apart from the gold so you cannot when you say gold and we use the word necklace you used two words gold and necklace you are not actually referring to two things remember words refer to things so each word refers to a thing but now you have two words which refer to the same thing the same golden or necklace you have two words gold and necklace what does gold refer to that thing what does necklace refer to that very thing but which is the thing which refers to the substance itself to the reality itself the word gold refers to the reality necklace does not refer to any specific thing this is something we must understand this is the crucial concept at least intellectually one must grasp that necklace does not refer refer the word necklace does not refer to any substantial thing in Swami then what is it that you are wearing when you wear a necklace what are you wearing what when you ask what the substance is gold necklace refers to the gold with a particular name and form and and and a use so necklace does not refer to a thing now when you see that the gold is the substance and the ornament is not a substance then the word for that ornament does not correspond to anything it does not correspond to any reality do you follow what I'm saying this is the secret the if you if you grasp this you grasp a gas the meaning of this mantra we do not rush this the whole thing will appear mystifying the word gold refers to a substance the word necklace does not refer to a substance when when gold is in the play when you have got the word word gold which you are using when you are looking at the substance gold then what does the word necklace refer to nothing it does not refer to anything it does not refer to any real entity are you with me on this not all of you are on the same page at this point someone might say I don't know what you're talking about I prefer my necklace and we will say that all right those who get it they'll say give me the gold yes it represents the gold itself the necklace does not represent anything else other than the gold yes not considered to be a thing in itself apart from the substance apart from the the the material practically when you look at it and make a thought experiment take the take the gold away the where is the necklace you might say that it refers to a name and a form when I use but if you take the gold away where is the name and where is the form and there is the use none of them will stay without the gold right you must viscerally feel this therefore without the reality without the substance the name necklace or bracelet or ring does not refer to anything there is no reality left in the necklace without the gold now this that the that the ornament that the ornament is not real apart from the substance the gold this is in Sanskrit there's a term for this it's called padartha Ishida the negation of the object negation of the object what is the negation of the object the object remains as it is it's not that the necklace is going to disappear but you realize by clear thinking by analysis that if that the object is nothing apart from its substance from it form from its constituent substance from its constituent reality it's simple enough simply enough concept but this is called negation of the substance and with which what it means is that the ornaments the necklace the bracelet all these ornaments the ring none of these ornaments all these ornaments are negated with respect to the substance gold when the ornaments are negated the names no longer stand for anything necklace does not stand for anything bracelet does not stand for anything ring does not stand for stand for anything if it stands to something pointed out you cannot point it out apart from the gold so it does not stand for anything if it does not stand for anything then the names are also negated in Sanskrit the technical term for this is pada Nishida mother means word and padartha means object so the pada the word is book and the padartha object is this the in in the philosophy of language recently this distinction there's a famous incident of the professor Wittgenstein the great philosopher in the 20th century in teaching in where did he teach in Cambridge or Oxford Cambridge it off in Cambridge I think yes and in Cambridge in a class he was writing with a piece of chalk and he showed this what is this and he was talking about the word and the object pada padartha he showed the chalk and he asked what is this and the person was - one of the students said why professor it's a piece of chalk it's a chalk and he threw the chalk and it hit that guy he said chalk is a word that thing which hit you is that a word the word and the object are two different things the object is negated come the object is negated when you realize that it is nothing apart from the constituents material the substance the word is negated when there is no object corresponding to the word so the words like and then like the moment the the ornaments are negated realizing that they're not nothing other than gold then the words necklace bracelet and ring are also negated in Sanskrit object negation is called padottanasana and word negation is called Vardhan ishida pada padartha Nishida when the objects are negated the words also were negated object negation means they do not refer to any specific thing you cannot point out a thing apart from the constituent substance and word negation means the word does not refer to anything the word gold refers to the reality but what does the word necklace refer to what does the word ornament refer to what is the word what does the word bracelet refer to or the ring so this is clear in the same way now when you look at this this is this is how you applied it all of this was an example gold and ornament and all of that was an example for this ah is the name of the Waker and the entire waking universe who is the name the word used for the dreamer an entire dream universe hmm the letter R in English M is the letter used is the name used for the deep sleeper and entire the causal universe the deep sleep universe but now let's go back to the first analysis which we did come come let's go back to the first analysis which we did that it is one consciousness which alone which appears as the Waker in the wakers world it is that same consciousness tutorial which appears as the dreamer in the dreamers world it is the same consciousness which appears as the deep sleeper and the deep sleepers causal universe in that case the Waker in the waking world the dreamer in the dream world and the deep sleeper in the deep sleep world are nothing apart from the Torian this is what we realized in the first part of the open Ischl you say when did we do that go back to the early earlier classes you are that consciousness which appears in these three pairs hence these three pairs these three universes and their nodes are not apart from them so this is the padartha shader the negation of the object hence the names also do not refer to anything as the Waker and the wakers universe is nothing apart from pure consciousness then what does are refer to nothing nothing so as the Waker and the wakers world are seen to be nothing other than pure consciousness as appearances names and forms in pure consciousness so the word uh has no reference left it merges into silence the silence here as the dreamer and the dreamers world are seen to be nothing but names and forms in pure consciousness substantially nothing but consciousness then the letter ooh the name ooh also merges into silence because it doesn't refer to anything as the deep sleeper in the deep sleep universe are recognized to be nothing other than pure consciousness then the letter M which is the name of this state also merges into silence why does it merge into silence why does a oh and merge into silence because they do not refer to anything what is the object corresponding to them nothing this is called pada nischala negation of the the word negation of the word negation of the object just as the entirety of the experienced the three pairs and nothing other than pure consciousness and this is understood just as the necklace remains as the necklace when it is understood to be gold your waking world remains as the waking world when it's understood to be pure consciousness it appears to be the same and it works everything works as it is but you realize it is pure consciousness then what happens you remain as pure consciousness and it is referred to by the silence why by the silence because the other three sounds oh oh and the names they've all merged into silence why because they do not refer to anything what is the thing that they referred to so this is the basic logic behind the twelfth mantra now if you look at the twelfth mantra if I explained it in maybe too much detail the simple idea behind it is words refer to objects if the word does not refer to an object then the word word is meaningless objects do not exist apart from their constituent substance so the object has no existence apart from pure consciousness just like ornament has no existence apart from gold hence these names do not refer to anything substantial they merge into silence yes now let us look at the twelfth mantra we did a little bit of this last time I think imatra Matra means the letter so properly speaking ohm has three mantras three letters are oh and ma the silence is not properly speaking a letter that's why it's called imatra not bara not letter but it refers to silence imatra chatot raha it is the fourth exactly like pure consciousness is a fourth aspect but really we know pure conscious is not the fourth aspect it's the only one aspect which appears has the three aspects these three aspects are like the they are if I even if I don't say illusionary they are experiential but the stuff of that experience the substance of that experience the reality of that experience is the consciousness which you are you alone experience yourself in the waking state as this you alone the tour iam you experience yourself as this in the dream state you alone experience yourself as the deep sleeper in the deep sleep state but are all true just like the gold in each of the ornaments you are just this pure consciousness so this silence refers to the pure consciousness forth just as this is the forth here also the silence is the forth a mattress chatter to the silence at the end of ohm is the forth remember however this is another important thing to remember this silence is not the absence of noise I mean I'm speaking and there is there is sound if I don't speak if I don't speak it's an absence of noise the imatra is not an absence in that case the self will become nothing soon iam the void know what this silence refers to is the pure consciousness how does silence refer to pure consciousness when the all sounds fade away into silence that silence you remain as the witness to that silence you remain that consciousness remains as the witness to that silence so basically this silence is silence consciousness consciousness as the witness to the silence so silence does not refer to a physical silence the opposite of noise and then this silence can be cancelled by noise and also it's basically the two problems if you just think silence means no noise that's all it doesn't mean that because there are two problems with that one problem is if there is noise oh that means the silence is gone that's one problem and the second problem is simply silence the absence of noise is an absence it's nothing it's not a positive something and the self in that case will be avoid nothingness rather the silence is consciousness itself the silence represents consciousness the witness consciousness which experiences silence the silence itself is known by consciousness if you chant ohm Oh [Music] the oh and appeared to you the consciousness and the silence after that also appears to you the consciousness right I hope you won't fall down again alright alright time the silence is the fort it and pure consciousness is the witness to that silence the silence what I mean is silence means this pure consciousness it does not mean absence of noise and therefore that silence continues even when uh-oh and are there behind them in the background of oh and that silence is there yet witness consciousness silence is there now about this forth certain terms are used you will see they are exactly the same terms used in the seventh mantra which were used for to diem in the seventh mantra which talked about Torian do you remember non to pradyumna misra diem know where the francium narayana Kannamma progam like that one that seventh mantra similar term sorry exactly same terms are used here up the aha ahá non-transactional speech all of these a transaction when you speak it is transactional transaction means use right when you are using sounds you're using it but the silence is non-transactional I give you the example if you have a person speaking in Spanish if your person speaking in Chinese another person speaking in Hindi it's all sounds different alright you can hear it you can see the difference then hear the difference but suppose they keep silent the Chinese speaker the Hindi speaker in the Spanish seeker is the Spanish silence and Chinese silence and the Hindi silence earth can you distinguish between them no you cannot it is non-transactional up the other Harlem silence cannot be transactional you cannot distinguish then prop enjoy pajama ha so silence corresponds to this pure consciousness where the three universes are not there prop enjoy means universe the causal universe the dream universe and the physical gross universe are not there in Torreon pure consciousness similarly in the silence no words are there so preppin geo pajama means the silence of all languages basically basically the absence of dictionaries that's what it means but a poncho pochamma silence of the universal silence of language Shiva auspicious it is in the seventh mantra it meant that the studium is beyond suffering beyond all trouble and that is true silence is golden that's beyond all trouble it's speaking which gets us into trouble so silence silence generally does not get us into trouble so silence is golden Advaita non-dual non-dual all of these three are not different from this witness consciousness silence they arise from it they do not exist differently from it and they appear different but they all merge back into it again see note that just as these are not different from that pure consciousness these words also when they have nothing to refer to they merge back into silence so the silence is non-dual with respect to or oh and even Ankara at Maeva in this way ohm the holy a sacred syllable a word ohm is the self how is this om self hero means the silence beyond or when so this silence is the self this is what it means which self the pure consciousness which you are a rom ankara at Maeva the one who realizes this realizes what who realizes all the implied meaning of ohm the the final meaning of ohm what it culminates in that witness consciousness silence one who realizes omen in this way some vishuddhi Atma hartman 'm merges into the real self by the real self realizes consciousness by consciousness in the gospel of ramakrishna I found sri ramakrishna is saying that how does in the final final analysis how does one realize that one is such Adan and the existence consciousness place it cannot be done really through the mind so the consciousness as it where realizes itself as pure consciousness in the Manduca carroca also in the third chapter there is a section where this topic comes up where it is said that that the mind seizes the mind can only work with reference to these three with a waking world and the dream world and the deep sleep world the mind can only work with reference to these three when these three are not there the mind is nothing to work with so the mind gives an example like Shankar Acharya gives an example like a fire without any fuel it ceases to burn fire without any fuel ceases to burn in the same way the mind becomes still because there is nothing specific for it to think about in that case the question is then who realizes that I am pure consciousness the sodium and the answer is consciousness itself realizes itself that is the that is the condition of the mind that pure consciousness alone shines in the mind that is the state so that is what is meant here some bisciotti Atma not madam one as it where merges into consciousness by consciousness I said as it were because there's really no merging you are that you realize yourself as that even the word merging can be misleading I am merging into Brahman I'm merging into my real self how can you merge into yourself you are your real self real self so as if you merge into pure consciousness this is the meaning of the twelfth mantra and that concludes the Upanishad now we shall see to explain this twelfth mantra Gorda pada right some beautiful caracas verses to conclude the first chapter we shall see these verses 24 to 29 all of these verses are about the 12th mantra and what is the 12th mantra a meditation on silence why a meditation silence because it's the fourth letter or fourth aspect of ohm and why should we meditate on the silence which is the fourth aspect of ohm because it correct corresponds to the fourth aspect of the self what is the fourth aspect of the self pure consciousness which is distinct from waking consciousness dream consciousness and deep sleep consciousness and yet it is the foundation of all three right so that's why we are using ohm the silence beyond ohm to meditate on pure consciousness how do we do that what is it like some beautiful verses are mentioned here composed by God a pada 24 to 29 let's take them up one by one um Karim father show Vidya uncle Amparo vidyut para maana some chakra some Shia umm Caramba - oh god ah umm Caramba - oh god hua knocking Jade a peach in tight knocking Jade the peach in tight beautiful verse contemplate on the ohm quarter by quarter by quarter there are four quarters right so one two three four contemplate on the ohm quarter by quarter matching the quarters of the self template on it contemplate on earth as this view the waking person and your entire waking experience contemplate next the next quarter ooh as your dream world and you you in the dream itself this one the second quarter match then contemplate hmm as the end of ohm where it emerges into you close your lips contemplate that as the deep silence and stillness of deep sleep consider the remarkable experience of deep sleep because we do we think it's a blankness we don't pay any attention to it but if you look at it as an experience it's a it's an experience spaceless timeless object less you see in our entire experience of the universe our life is is like a stage and the stage is time and space and the characters are objects so time and space and object is our life look at it here now this is the space the time is from 4 o clock to 5:30 and the objects are all of this this is our experience but imagine an experience where there is no object not even you and those no time and no space you might say how come they why are you saying that there is no time or space in deep sleep and I sleep for a few hours and I and the space is the bed I sleep in no your experience right when you talk about deep sleep dreaming it is your own experience how do you experience you don't experience three hours or four hours passing you don't experience that you are in the bed nothing even that I am an individual being sleeping that is also not experienced right so deep sleep that is mmm and then contemplate the silence following ohm as you the pure consciousness pada Martorano some shy with conviction now some Shia without any without any doubt make this firm connection the letters of ohm are the four quarters of the experience who is experienced your experience what experience all experienced just think about it all experience of anybody who has ever lived is within these home Caramba the show gatva having known ohm quarter by quarter culminating in the silence you as the witness of the silence culminating in that knock into the pitch into it do not think of anything else it's an instruction for meditation remember do not think of anything else if any other thought comes into the mind it will either be a shock thought about something in the waking world or a thought about something you had experienced in dream or mental world or a blankness right it will either be a physical thing which you see your experience outside or a mental thing or Nothing blank it comes within these three immediately merge it back into the pure consciousness the silence it corresponds to all who are bring it back to silence again stay there don't think of anything else thus you stabilize yourself in the witness consciousness which is the silence beyond our uma which is the consciousness shining upon waking dreaming and deep sleep so very beautiful in once one verse he has summarized this know you are that silence the the silence this this silence is not just the this silence ism is an objective silence is the silence which is where there is no noise but what we are talking about is the subject the pure consciousness shining in that silence you have to bring it back to that exactly so you again go through that if any thought comes up or suppose you think about how warm it is here this warmth isn't it a physical sensation it belongs to uh the baking world go through that Oh and this waking world dream world deep sleep silence and the consciousness back again stay there any other thought comes up don't think but suppose it comes up it will come up of course we have untrained Minds so it keeps coming a bubbling up it'll either be something about the world outside or something about our internal worlds or just a blankness all three do not correspond to any reality thus I'll then so they all merge back into silence and you are the witness of that silence yes very important question what is the difference between deep sleep and this silence deep sleep is one state what is the difference between em and silence mmm is still a sound silence is not a sound right physically you say Oh [Music] can you see the difference it's it's a silence and it's the and it's a sound the sound mmm has a beginning and an end it is a beginning an end the silence is no beginning and end this silence similarly here deep sleep is a state right right now you are in the waking state you are not in deep sleep State so the deep sleep is a limited state it has a beginning and an end you go into deep sleep and you come out of it it's a distinct state quite different from the other two states but this consciousness here is different from the deep sleep it is that it is that which enables you to experience the blankness of deep sleep the world of dreams and the world of the waking it is this very consciousness now which is enabling you to hear see understand think feel in the waking State it's the very same consciousness which lights up your dreams it's the very same consciousness which gives you the experience of deep sleeping so this dis consciousness is very different from the deep sleep as this silence is very different from it's a sound it's not a sound it comes and goes it does not come and go here it's a particular state of the mind it's not a particular state it is the light behind all states yes this question will be taken up later also what is the difference between Samadhi and deep sleep sushupti and Samadhi later on it'll come in the third chapter of mundo Cocorico 25 all these are very beautiful poetic verses 25 all of them are about this silence yoongi the prana Vegeta Eun ji prana Vegeta Pranava Bramha Nehru poem Pranava Bramha near Byam prana Vinita you Casilla Pranav in ETO na xie na my immediate equal cheater nyam vidya take watch it yunji top renovate ahah focus on Pranava means ohm pronoun is the name of own pronoun is the word it's a name for many boys pronoun sopra never means ohm focus your mind on immune jitta means connect or yoke yoke your mind to ohm by chanting by thinking by meditating upon or basically means meditate on ohm focus on ohm why Pranav o Brahmin venereum this ohm itself is prominent ohm is Brahman in what sense in two senses ohm is Brahman in two senses what are the two senses one is all ooh ma what does our stand for wake a baking world and be a baker in the baking world if you take the cosmic maker that's what our stands for what does is stand for the dreamer dreamer in the dream world if you take the cosmic mind here in Agartha and what does moon stand for deep sleep and the deep sleep darkness take the cosmic deep sleeper Ishwara so if you take the cosmic fakir cosmic mind and cosmic deep sleep Viraat here in Agoura Ishwara then o Umar the sounds together taken together the own sound itself it stands for saguna brahman brahman with qualities brahman with attributes what is Brahman with attributes at the physical level it is without at the mental level it is here in Agartha at the causal level it is Ishwara basically the sound ohm the word o stands for saguna brahman what's the approximate English word God so all stands for God and the silence bhai beyond Oh stands for the attribute list Brahman near guna Brahman so own stands for Brahman saguna brahman God the God of religion whom you worship adore Shiva Kali Durga our Father in heaven Allah Jehovah whatever you call it the god of theistic religions the God of attributes omnipresent omniscient omnipotent loving just the helper the one who listens to your prayers that is the our Ummah and the silence beyond ohm it stands for pure consciousness which is the near goona brahman attribute list brahman so when you're chanting ohm the first three quarters stand for saguna brahman and the silence the fourth quarter stands for nude guna brahman what are you what are you don't you don't have to be doubtful remember always keep your mind here I am the fourth the seventh mantra said sir Atma that is the self if you see this itself but what am i self means you good for the self but what about me self means me you yourself so you are - Liam you are that pure consciousness so at the level of waking dreaming and deep sleep you are an individual and there is a cosmic dimension you're tiny and this is huge right you are one individual here and look at this world if there is a consciousness associated with the entire universe that's what we will call God that's the v-rod so at the waking level dream level and deep sleep level the difference between Jeeva and saguna brahman God and the individual is clear we are never saying that the individual being you see yourself as I this person am God that's megalomania ought to be locked up but what you're saying is when you do not consider yourself to the waking body or the the Dreaming mind or the causal body beyond beyond that the causality beyond that beyond all three you are that unchanging consciousness isness consciousness bliss that is also need and their jiva and Brahmin individual and cosmic are not there even in your deep sleep you do not feel any difference between part and whole so ohm Pranav o Brahma ha all these Brahmin and what what is the drummond here it nearby um beyond fear the attribute list Brahmin need guna Brahmin is said to be beyond fear beyond fear means where there is no duality there can be no fear where there is no second what will you be afraid of you are afraid of attracted to fearful of anxious about a second thing a second person but if all is one where is what is there to be fear who will be afraid of what so Neal guna Brahmin the the silence the consciousness corresponding to the silence that is beyond fear so Brahmin is said to be Pranava o Brahmin Ibrahim Pranava is ohm that ohm is equal to Brahman and Brahman is equal to Nerium ohm is Brahman is is fearlessness in fact enlightenment is equated to fearlessness when Janaka the emperor attained enlightenment is Guru yoga Valka told him and oh hi my proptosis Annika you have reached fearlessness Brahman is fearlessness there is no death there where is that what dies in the waking world the body dies the mind changes body and mind are continuously changing subject to death old age decay disease but pure consciousness is is a witness is not affected by any of them nearby him yes yes how might so if Brahman creates right it's a very good question in fact you should come to the talk the no mind talk which I'm going to give in the first week of June but let me give you that I the answer here your answer is coming up very soon let me ask you a question has the gold created a necklace if you say the gold is created a necklace is there a duality are there two things duality means two things at least so are there two things gold and necklace why are you saying no really but yes the golden necklace is true but it is gold and necklace can you can you give me the gold and keep your necklace when you say there is something called look at the language some thing called gold some thing called thing called necklace is that true if the necklace is made of gold are there two things there can you count them here is one gold let me set it aside then can you get the second thing called necklace the necklace is not a second thing follow the language the necklace is not a second thing apart from the Constituent Gold will you agree with me though it looks different what this one's saying I'm in fact answering your question you must follow me that is the necklace a second thing apart from the gold literally speaking a second thing no right you just said no so not to no second means not to so the gold is non-dual with respect to the necklace non-dual which there is no second thing if there is no second thing can we say the gold has created a necklace you say why has gold created a necklace if you ask gold gold says I didn't nothing the necklace is not a second thing apart from the gold what then now you might ask you can push the question okay so why is the gold appearing as a necklace right absolutely no no no she is right this is the question yes and not only half of them are suffering and half having a great life half of them and those who are known as the question should ask this and understand it thoroughly those who are having a great life will very soon be suffering and those who are suffering but some of them might have a great life afterwards there is no end to that now why is this happening Somerset Maugham asked this very question he went to meet Ramana Maharshi and then he writes in an essay Somerset mom you know the one who wrote the razor's edge Larry the story of Larry it set off a lot of quest for spirituality in America so he writes about the creation of the universe brandman projected this universe of Brahman created within quotes projected through my or whatever and he writes I felt Brahman could have let well enough alone why at all do it why not sit still her question and the answer is it does sit still here in deep sleep it you sit still there's nothing there's no creation what you mean by sitting still is that there is no difference no change no no manifestation nothing that is what you call that's called deep sleep in the in the cosmic level it is called cosmic dissolution pralaya and that says state that the universe goes through we all go through it every day no difference think about it having a great life or suffering in deep sleep does anybody suffer or does anybody have a great life nothing so you go through that now your question will be okay why not remain sleeping all the time but think about it we have asked this question earlier and answered it all so why don't notice an old question and this is the eternal question why does studia appear in all of these forms and the answer finally go to pada gave multiple answers I've given you many many answers divine play Lila it's fun that's why why didn't if you ask why I have fun why I have fun there's no further question if a child is playing and you ask why you play so because it's fun after that you don't ask any question because fun is an end in itself for us so that's one answer in waits it's not convincing doesn't matter it's an answer and it was convincing for many people in the bhakti Shastras that's the last answer you get karma caused an effect because of a beginningless chain of causes and effects this is what - dia appears at this point and causation will continue and give you different forms names and forms but at every point it is Turia Malone whatever the form of the duel it was a necklace earlier melted down made into a bracelet melted down made into a ring right now it's a ring next time it might be a tiara or a crown or something like that but Advaita says all the time there is no harm because it is gold alone if it only would recognize itself as gold alone if only you'd recognize yourself as Turia no but I'm giving you dancers one answer is is play one answer is is causation cause-and-effect you have set into motion a cause it will give an effect then another answer is because we are going through this process to realize ourselves as deuterium we need to go through all these experiences it's something convincing for some people another answer is Maya that nothing has actually happened to him has not appeared in anything but it just looks like that you see the difference is this something really happens and you are in in misery somebody treats you badly somebody inserts you that's one situation that's one situation compare it with the situation where you suddenly wake up and sit on your bed and think realize oh I was dreaming nobody insulted me I alone divided myself into the insult or insult e in my dream now does that make the situation better it does because really there was no harm done at all it was a dream that is the answer given by Maya that's one answer I've already given you for there's a fifth one which go to power himself Gibbs what is the fifth one it's the very nature the gold can be in some form it can be a gold bar it can be a necklace a ring in fact all ornaments are potentially there in the gold why not be an ornament it's fun when you realize yourself as gold when you are not harmed at all see who is not harmed the enlightened person is not harmed at all because the enlightened person realizes I am such children and let whatever happen at the level of body and mind number one the unenlightened person is also not harmed why though then like everything seems to be horrible disease and death and loss but ultimately if this is true is there any real disease or death or loss no because you are searched on and all the time it's like saying why are these terrible disasters earthquakes and King Kong coming and smashing the Empire State Building and and all of these things terrible aliens landing and conquering the world or killing all of us you will say what's your problem it's fun it's Hollywood from the point of view of the movie screen no harm the new movie screen will say what alien what King Kong what earthquake I'm alright the worst of earthquakes aliens King Kong has not touched me at all now you are that screen you are that - Liam so the answer might be you're asking why at all appear as anything oh why not it's it's it's the infinite potential for all everything in the universe is within you you can appear as these things this is the final answer given by God our Father yes yes yeah absolutely that's quite possible note that what he's saying is interesting because note that this is this is this is a question which we ask a person who's enlightened never ask this question not one person who's enlightened who has actually realized God in whatever tradition in in the in the tradition of Guiana or in in in the tradition of bhakti or whatever none of them ever asked this question so that means in knowledge this question is not there in knowledge there is this question is not there this question is there only in ignorance right [Music] yes didn't tell me it was actually it's actually published in in in promote devoureth welcome to you it was published in trouble demerit among who followed the philosophy of who followed the philosophy of agita wada that there's no creation then how do you explain the world that was the question as to that monk he said what world and then the questioner was asking him this this thing don't you see it can't you see it hear it smell it touch it taste it you know about it said oh yeah oh this you mean this you to brand mckillop lopata this is this is yes she's asking why at all this brahman is such an under then why at all this yes imagination diversity plurality why isn't there fun we are back to fun again having fun so anyway so these are the multiple explanations offered you will see some appeal to some people some do not appeal to others some may be too subtle did not quite you don't get traction on what they're trying to say some may be poetic some may be logical the law of karma is like and trying to answer it logically some may be metaphysical some are very epistemological like the Maya theory is epistemological that it's an error it says some may be the ultimate thing is it's that there is no need to ask this question it's a very nature of Tori M to appear in these ways yes no no no no I never mentioned that this is what we have been discussing from the very beginning look it says the Upanishads says look at yourself the self Atman you experience yourself in four ways in in three and four visits these four aspects of the self three of them are these you have you wake like you're awake now and you have a universe breaking universe so the Waker and the waking universe and you dream in the dream you have a dream world so the dreamer and your dream world and you have a deep sleep experience you fall asleep and blank these are the three ways you experience yourself isn't it what Upanishad tells you is these three are part of your experience but what opening shirt is telling you is that you are actually a one consciousness which appears or is experienced in these three ways that one unchanging consciousness is to reham so what I said was turian alone appears as the Waker youth and you're waking universe as you the dreamer and your dream universe as you the deep sleeper and the merged universe of deep sleep what is the deep sleep universe basically there is no universe there where did it go the way Upanishad sees is it that your waking and dreaming universes are all there in deep sleep but they are merged in darkness they are not experienced separately that's what we studied in the first quarter second quarter third quarter of the self do you remember all right let me just go ahead a little bit I'll come back to the questions again prana venutian abhayam with the attack watch it the one who constantly focuses on Pranava on ohm constantly focuses in what way I am that witness consciousness to diem which is signified by the silence at the end of ohm that's how you focus now I am with the attack watch it that person will have no fear no fear where no fear in the waking world dream world or deep sleep world nothing in the waking will faze you nothing in the dread deep sleep no nightmare even if you experience the nightmares there's no problem for you and debt or deep sleep also will have no terrors for you because you know there all you alone you are not harmed at least by anything that happens in the waking dreaming or deep sleep you means that to reom that consciousness corresponding to the silence not you the Waker the Waker can has many terrors the dreamer has many terrors and the deep sleeper may not have any terror as such but the seed of all terror is there the latency potency of all terror is there but you the pure consciousness on whom these three play you know absolutely no problem you can happily exist in the waking state in the dream state or switch yourself up in the deep sleep state all three states can come and go you can be relaxed the game of life the drama of life you will enjoy it all of it somebody said actually one Swami I'll tell you in Hindi and translate powerful application of this how you can be fearless throughout life it says he said at the weight we have a hard commit attorney adwaita non-duality does not wipeout viajar is a term which which means your transactional experience waking dreaming deep sleep does especially your waking world it does not wipe it out add weight waver hard come the Mitanni adroit up kava harmony robot car data adwaita makes you limitless in transaction it loses all meaning if I translate it into English what it means is advaitha makes you absolutely free effortless relaxed fearless in day to day life that's the meaning advaitha does not erase your experience of day-to-day life you see why this question arises at all is sometimes people think spirituality means I will not experience somehow I will be rescued from the mess that is my life and it will all either it's going to become perfect if it's going to become perfect that's called heavens work the heaven concept that's what that's what that is the concept of heaven it's going to become very nice it can become very nice but that also is strictly limited it will again as the Buddha said all compounded things decay work out your salvation with diligence so even heaven the perfection which you put together that will also decay and collapse one day so it that will not work another way is people think in deep Samadhi I will not experience the world I will not experience the body and its problems I will not experience the world ends problems I will sit still in Samadhi that is wiping out your transactional experience that's wiping out day to day life but adroit is not that that that master said advaitha makes you fearless relaxed and happy in the midst of transactions in the midst of day-to-day behavior you can go shopping you can go work you can bean relationship you can transact with the world do your very presence will be a blessing to everybody you have no problems with anything and anybody in the world any situation in the world so that's what a traitor does yes right yes now that blankness if you reach a blankness if it's a peaceful blankness from there just the turn is necessary to the consciousness which shines upon that peaceful blackness once you grasp that consciousness you will see it is the consciousness which shines in and through all these three it can be but practically it may probably it is not because we are not getting to it correct so does it erase the world from you does it erase your life very peaceful world gone universe gone life gone no other way that doesn't do that advaitha actually doesn't change anything in the world the world remains the world appearance it remains as it is but you realize that and you are that one existence consciousness which bliss which you really are so you have no problem with it you're absolutely no problem with anything anyone anywhere it's it's a great piece it's a tremendous break - it's like a enormous load of your shoulders forever and ever but if you find the load interesting you know fun then don't be in a hurry for enlightenment take take your time stuff you know misery suffering struggle anger hatred ups and downs he'll go through that wait and let me just go a little further now prana beneath us here one who is constantly focused on Pranava connected to the pronoun become connected means to that I am that silence consciousness that person has no fear anywhere at any time the whole universe may collapse no problem absolutely no problem so what do you mean no problem because nothing really has collapsed if from the point of view of the gold if the gold is melted the necklace is melted and coined into bracelet gold is the gold if the wake water you know the wave crashes into the shore into spray from the water's point of view nothing has changed I'm still water I was water in the form of a rushing wave non water it as millions of drops of free spray no problem at all from the waves point of view terrible problem I'm dead I hit the shore and I'm gone smashed into a thousand pieces all right 25:26 another beautiful verse Pranav oh here param brahma prana bow here param Brahma prana worshiper a sweet aha Pranav archer Paris Rita ha opponent arrow by hew opponent arrow by Hugh Anna para prana ba ba ha ha Pranav Oba aha ohm Pranava means ohm ohm is surely saguna brahman ohm is surely near guna Brahman without prior without consequence without cause without consequence not inside and not outside unchangeable is this all very important what remember what it refers to the Tauri the silence consciousness that is the meaning of preneur we had a consciousness silenced consciousness beyond a UN MA but the whole ohm the ooh and the silence after that it represents first of all it represents saguna brahman God what is Pranava it is God it is the name of God aah oh my is the name of God what is God in Vedanta you see these concepts are so simple but it's crystal clear and so powerfully defined so tremendous clarity I find it nowhere else in the sacred literature's theologies of the world try to find out what exactly is God you will end up with mysterious words and Theological theories and speculations nothing here it's very very clear what do you mean by God in Vedanta it means ohm what does ohm stand for the earth stands for the entire physical universe and consciousness associated with that the name given to that is Viraat that's what Arjuna experienced in the 11th chapter of the gita who stands for the entire subtle universe all our minds the cosmic mind put together consciousness associated with cosmic mind just as you inside yourself you feel one mind if you imagine consciousness associated with all minds that is here Anja Garba the costly subtle aspect of God and in deep sleep where everything is merged into a potential for consciousness associated with that potential form imagine the entire universe merged into a potential form consciousness associated with that the causal aspect of God so God has a causal aspect a subtle aspect a physical aspect all three they refer to one God not three gods all three refer to one God saguna brahman so in Hinduism it can be given different names and forms Shiva or Vishnu or Durga Kali organism any good in any form in any name it all refers to saguna brahman OBE is the name of that saguna brahman but that's not real just as not real means that's not the ultimate reality here we are talking about something beyond God that one consciousness where you and God are one you the individual and guard the cosmic or one reality that pure consciousness - Liam that is also ohm how is that home the silence beyond the three is that pure consciousness so ohm as the silence consciousness represents near guna Brahman ohm as the sound our Ummah represents saguna brahman that is the idea of the ultimate reality ninguna Brahman is the absolute in English humor if you want to use the words saguna brahman is God and Ned guna Brahman is the absolute that is all ohm Pranav oh here param brahma ohm is the relative brahman prana worshiper as meta ohm is also the transcendental supreme Brahman then Apoorva on an opera ha okay ohm is neither a cause that means the dead guna Brahman is neither a cause nor an effect do you remember we had done the carry cos that affect the Waker in the dream are our effects and the deep sleeper is the cause do you remember we called it this recede and this is the sprout be jankura we called it what else did we call it we called it the the cause is this one pradya and the dreamer and the Waker are the effect cause and effect we called it the the causal subtle and gross we called it the we called it deep sleep and dreaming sleep and dreaming right deep sleeper is asleep and with dreamer is dreaming Baker is also dreaming so the physical world and the subtle world are the effect and the deep sleep world is the cause but ohm the pure consciousness is neither cause nor effect ohm does not give rise to any universe here is the answer to your question I was saying the answer will come you're asking why does need goon up the widest Brahmin create all this which means you're asking why is Brahmin a cause of all this when you ask why look at the language why why means you are asking a course what is the cause Brahman is the cause of all of this then you're asking why is Brahman the cause of all of this and the answer is being given here up over Brahman is not the cause of anything on a para Brahman is not an effect also so actually the studium is not awake or not a dreamer not a deep sleeper these are all appearances really it is this it's like saying gold is gold all throughout it's never really a necklace even when it appears as a necklace there's no second think or necklace go is gold the cause of a thing called necklace answer is no gold is not the cause of a thing called necklace is goers the producer of something called a bracelet no why not because show me a thing called bracelet there's no sink or bracelet there is no effect called bracelet a pooh-bah an opera these two words means that pure consciousness to reham is not a cause not an effect you the pure consciousness you are not the cause of this universe you are also not an effect part of this universe no you are pure consciousness always again Anantara of i here it's neither neither inside nor outside either inside nor outside means again answer to your question very interesting let me ask you this question the necklace is it inside the gold or outside the gold you tell me why both is it inside the goal one way of saying would be yeah it's inside the code because let's go that's now gold here and the necklace is there but really is there a thing called a necklace inside the gold like we are inside this room there's water in the glass so is there a necklace in the gold no is it outside the gold that that is the right answer there is no thing called necklace what is necklace it's a word sure I use the word there is no doubt you cannot deny that there is a word called necklace but where is the thing called necklace I just use the word call necklace but where is the thing called necklace whatever you can point to whatever you can touch is the gold and gold alone listen no Swami if you're just playing with words look that's particular shape which you put here that shape which you put here that's the necklace that's a bracelet but is the shape a thing it is a form any kind of reality because apart from gold does it have any existence you say no there's a form called a bracelet or a necklace necklace then I say give me the form take the gold you can't the farm has no existence apart from the gold so answer to your question the world you say why does Brahma and produce this world why couldn't it's it's it's silent your question was that my answer is show me the world I will give you the answer where is the world is it outside riddle produced little world stepped out of Brahman I've been produced now no it can't the moment it steps out of Brahman it will disappear this is there a world inside Brahman like a little baby kangaroo inside its barber sitting in the mother's pouch no there is no reality called the world which can be inside or outside from if you understand what Brahman is then you cannot think of a separate reality called the world neither inside non-neuronal bahia neither inside nor outside Pranava ohm that silence consciousness is there any world about which you are asking you might say you show me all the logic you want Swami but I have the feeling that did in the world it requires an explanation the only answer is awaken from it awaken into your Turia nature instead of trying to answer that question he says focus on Oh the silence beyond ohm from that point of view when you look back upon your question the answer will be obvious let me finish and hence because turian the pure consciousness the silence consciousness represented by ohm is neither a cause not affect it has neither produced a world inside it or outside it hence it is unchangeable there is no change all changes in in these three there is no change Abbie are indestructible changeless is this - Liam Rana bow of the air o means unchanging 27 service your prana bow Hardy sarvasya Pranava Hardy madam untasted he watcher madam entity watcher even he Pranav Amjad hua even he Pranava Matra vishnu' teated an interim verse notated on an interim of everything in the universe whatever you experience in your life all of this universe the gross and subtle universe Pranava ohm is the beginning of everything is the middle of everything is the end of everything beginning middle or end in what sense in specially temporary temporary means temporarily means in time in space and in time look at the necklace if it's strung out in front of you and Tiffany's or something at the beginning of the necklace at this end it's gold in the middle it's gold and at the end of the necklace also it's gold at the beginning middle and end it's gold throughout look at your experience every bit of your experience in the waking in the dream and in deep sleep all of it is pervaded by one consciousness awareness alone in awareness you are awake in awareness you dream in awareness you sleep beginning middle and end is awareness again take the gold into in temporarily in time in time this was in space beginning middle and end in time when the necklace was first put there you know came out of the shop of the jewelers at the beginning to begin with it was gold when it was sold and used and gifted and all it was gold and when finally before being melted down into some other form it is still gold so at birth in between and a debt he was still that to them beginning middle and end in time beginning middle and end in space it is home alone ohm is the beginning middle and end of everything specially and time boys then Avram he Pranava Omkara in this way when you realize Pranava when you realize the Pranava in this way what happens Vishnu taters on aluminum you become identified with it instantaneously when you realize oh malone is everything in time and in space - notated on interim you become identified vishnu t means merge you become identified with it I am that when how long does it take the moment you realize this not slowly now I'm 50% ohm and 50% not ohm slowly becoming more and more like Oh me earlier I was homeless now I'm now I have a gnome know you instantaneously Todd on an interim instantaneously you are on that that silence beyond all the moment you know this realize it that's all then twenty-eight Pranava me schwa remediate Pranava me Schwalm vidya Cerebus yiridi some Statham so reverse VD some Statham served up in among karim saruba in among Karim MOT word here initial chatty but word hero nACCHO chatty the God of religion Ishwara that is it mentions that again specifically what about God we which we worship in religion in Hinduism or in Islam or in Christianity Judaism that is also ohm he specifically mentions that pronoun bomb he issue atom with God no Pranava alone to be our Ummah this part of it to be the God of religion service he already sang Statham that God of religion you see it in the hearts of everybody eminent in the hearts of everybody they everybody here means every individual being like us right here quite apart from all the vedantic thinking right here we are individual beings God is in our heart that God is also all in the Yoga Sutras you get this the sphere Huachuca Pranava trinova ohm is the name of God there what God is mister is being talked about not the absolute not pure consciousness not to diem there is talking about the god of religion so that's why ohm is used in all hindu mantras in all worship the ohm is used there because it's the name of God any you worship the name of that deity is ohm Shiva Vishnu that comes later but first Oh Surabaya P naman Karim home pervades everything motto adhere onus all city meditating thus meditating thus on ankara deira the word used is very interesting deira literally in the sense in Indian languages zero means a patient one one with spiritual fortitude dear you say in Bengali Hindi so one who is patient who is who can hold on persist to the end there's a beautiful saying a like a as an American would say a big shot is a little shot who keeps shooting so the era means a person who holds on to this truth we understand and then we get to go get go out and look if there's other things to do who is going to spend time sitting and doing oh dear who is who holds on holds on to what this understanding hold on to this understanding stabilize yourself in it try to live life in it in the light of that so dearer it requires patience it requires fortitude focus determination sticking to it meditating thus the dearer nACCHO jetty goes beyond sorrow the nor of brahman goes beyond sorrow the whole point of this exercise was transcendence of sorrow and attainment of place the one who knows this one who gets established in it first know it and then get established in it sorrow cannot touch you you see it is I was listening to a discussion a panel discussion on Buddhism on YouTube it was some very I think New York or somewhere and the persons who are discussing there's either scholars or practitioners of Buddhism within the first speaker was an MA second person so clearly from a Jewish or Christian background and now a practicing Buddhist he made a statement which made me smile he said you're talking about Buddhism he said is but this is my religion that was the question and he said look Buddhism some describe Buddhism as a non-theistic religion but I really don't know what that means you know it's an oxymoron to me now it's those who are coming from a semitic religious background Abrahamic religion Islam or Judaism or Christianity where the idea of God and religion are almost synonymous you cannot have a religion without God so when you introduce something like Buddhism it's very strange how can you call it really it's like the heart of religion has been taken out religion is organized around God whatever you call it in different sects but God must be there how can you have religion without God so so to that person who is actually a Buddhist it was practicing Buddhist but he finds it difficult to conceive of a non-theistic religion whereas if you come from a Hindu background you can have a theistic religion you can have a non-theistic religion the the Sankyo philosophy for example does not talk about any kind of God Hindus have lived for more than 2,500 years with Giants and Buddhists who do not talk about any kind of God and we yet we considered them to be pretty religious I have seen Hindu mandates in this country Hindu temples with including a shrine for Mahavira did the number of Indu temples where the Giants also go and worship if you think about it that's very strange if you think about it in a theistic Abrahamic religion context here you have a religion which is about God Shiva Vishnu Kali whatever you call it very very God oriented kind of worship we Hindus do and parallely here are these people the Giants who are coming in who absolutely had nothing to do with God at all and both of them are worshipping in the same temple it's not a problem from an Indian perspective you know that religion can be mystic religion can be non-theistic so Buddhism is a non-theistic religion makes perfect sense from from a Hindu perspective anyway it's just by the way so but here it says the god of theism is also ohm ohm is also the god of theism twenty-ninth worse last one let's conclude Ahmad ronan tomate Rashad Ahmad Ronan tomate Raja do it Ashoka Shama shivoham' dueto super Shama Shiva honk ROV de touhina honk ROV de touhina sir Munir Anita Regina sir moon in a row Janna imatra imatra means the silence Anant imatra the limitless silence look wide limitless somebody asked a question what's the difference between this last one mmm and the silence the room is limited it has a beginning and an end the O is limited it has a beginning and an end when you pronounce it it begins and ends o is limited it is a beginning and an end but silence is unlimited it is there in the background when you are chanting ohm and when you finish ohm it is still there silence has no beginning or end so silence is Anant imatra and that's why it's a perfect representative of the limitless consciousness the waking limited dreaming limited deep sleep limited but the consciousness in which all of these three appear and disappear that is unlimited consciousness Ananta matroyshka and what is this ohm Dwight osteopath Shama Shiva ha direct reference to the seventh mantra it is the cessation of all duality the silence beyond ohm is the cessation of all duality why is it the cessation of all duality because all names are merge into the silence why do they merge into the silence remember because they do not represent any object anymore all objects are nothing other than pure consciousness just as the words necklace bracelet and ring they are they disappeared because they have no object to refer to because all that things they referred to are now found to be gold alone in the same way silence is Dwight us Yokohama is the cessation of duality just as the universe disappears has nothing other than pure consciousness similarly the silence is the will all the sounds disappear Shiva ha it is the most auspicious beyond suffering own car over DITA Yana the one who knows ohm in this way who has realized ohm realized Oh means realized that I am the studium I am existence consciousness bliss cermony nitrogen aha Moony means mana not money in the word Moony in sanskrit means a sage a sage the one who realizes this that one is a sage narayana not others not the ones who give lectures about oh not them not who those who write books about ohm not the ones who have long beards and sitting like we have we used to have comic books when we are kids all the sages would sit under a tree and have long beards and so now heat erosion and not others who talk about it the commentator says not other people who maybe learned it in the scriptures but the one who has realized I am oh I am that silence consciousness so I'll take one not two questions one or two yes if it's an object what is it we here remember Advaita Vedanta is firmly rooted in reality what is the reality of that the reality can only be the substance look at the language you used you cannot show it as separate things can you show gender or justice as something separate from awareness don't they arise in somebody's awareness somewhere can they exist without awareness no nowhere no none of this can exist a number the concept of one two three four numbers they also everything every abstract concept ultimately depends upon consciousness itself yeah in that sense Advaita does not deny advaitha has no problem with with gender justice with religion with ism atheism Christianity Buddhism Islam no problem gota bother will say those the chapters which will follow in our very fascinating in one place guru father will say the Duellists put forth differing explanations and quarrel among each other Tyee I am Nibiru deity this teaching which we have just given has no conflict with any teaching whatsoever it is rather the basis of all the teachings everything in the universe depends on this it has no core does gold have any quarrel with any ornament no all ornaments depend on gold and gold gives existence lends existence to all ornaments one ornament has a quarrel with another ornament that same gold can either be a necklace or be a bangle you can't have both at the same time it can't be a necklace bangle it can't be two that they look different the names are different the users are different but both are nothing but gold and both are given existence by gold they cannot have any quarrel with code in the same way this existence consciousness mr. iam this is the support of everything the good and the bad the beautiful and the ugly D the learned and the ignorant the heights of subtlety and the gross Ness everything depends first this and then everything else very kinda puts it this way it is that existence first then we color it with good or bad you are that existence all right one more question yes why is it pure consciousness what do you mean by pure consciousness here by pure you understand I do not mean something like pure thoughts and impure thoughts you know bad thoughts and good thoughts I'm thinking about Krishna that's a good thought and I'm thinking about making money that's a bad thought I'm being greedy or something no not in that sense pure consciousness means content less consciousness consciousness without any object why is the studium called pure consciousness because all objects are imagined in it they appear in it they have no existence apart from it it is existence it is the only thing that has existence why you're asking a question why why is there nothing at all but you know what is more fundamental then you have your little me to ask this question let me put this question in a most abstract form he's asking why is there something rather than nothing are you asking this so here we have gone come to pure isness pure awareness and in which everything else in the universe they are appearing and disappearing they have no independent existence so ultimately the question reduces to why at all also why not nothing in fact there was a book with a written recently very interesting book by Jim Holt why is there a universe oh why does why does why does the world exist what is the world exist so he asked this question you should read it he asked this question and he goes around asking this question to philosophers to people from theologians people from religion to mathematicians to pour it so you know top people in different fields and he gets very interesting answers why is there anything rather than nothing let me give you an answer from another point of view from an Indian philosophy point of view what is fundamental existence or non-existence fundamental means what what does one depend on if something depends on something else and it's not fundamental non-existence does it depend on existence if I can yes and absence depends upon presence when you say when you say it is not there follow this when you say it is not there you are have to say then what is not there so it's it's like this in the ayah philosophy this has been analyzed in the ayah philosophy one of the categories of things in the world padartha they call it without the things in the world one of the categories is nothing absence so it in sanskrit the word is abhava absence and would you believe it they have they've spent more than a thousand years thinking of nothing literally more than a thousand years and I spent three courses one of the courses was for fifteen days five hours a day thinking about nothing the whole subject was nothing I mean yeah there is Ababa we studied all right and you will see I mean if you if you google it and Google you will not find it it's very very subtle very sophisticated dialectics philosophical arguments about nothing so it's um there have been great naiyaikas logicians gun geisha they were who lived about a thousand years ago in what is now the present state of Bihar in Mithila so he started a new branch of logic by his masterpiece stuck to a Chintamani in that in fact the first person who translated a part of that part of it it's a really tough book he's still alive Jane mohanty I'm going to meet him two weeks since he lives here somewhere so there is something called Ababa vada the the discussion or the the doctrine of off of nothing of absence so we studied that once anyhow the point was when you see some it's not there you have to say what is not there they say up how is sopretty Yoga in Sanskrit subtract yoga which means so if you translate those into English it becomes absolute jibber-jabber of how our sopretty okay you know what the English translation will be absence has a counter positive what does that mean input to put it in simple words when you speak about absence you have to say what is accent if you say not there is absent you see who's absent so the example they used was brutally and they will say who is absent and where is it absent so brutally cut over nasty that was the sentence used for analysis for 75 hours we went to through an analysis of the sentence there is no pot on the table booth Allah means surface basically there's no pot on the table now remember what are we talking about that absence nothing but then we have to say what is absent the pot is absent where is it absent it's not absent everywhere in the universe it's absent there on that particular table so then what is more important presence or absence presence is fundamental when that is denied you call it absence let me answer it in another way this is one one answer another way look at the language you when you asked a question why is there nothing instead of something you use the term Y which means you want an explanation what is an explanation cause right why is it wet out there because it rained why did it rain because of the clouds you're giving explanations why is there something you're asking what are you asking what is the cause of the presence of something that means even to ask a question you must accept causality there must be causation right - if there is causation then the cause must exist for there to be perfect so something is there you say why then you are asking a cause of that nothing is there you asking why then there must be a cause of nothing also even to ask for an explanation you must accept something like causality a cause effect relationship even to ask for it Figg like that yes I was thinking of that also if you if you look at the language an absolute vacuum is it there or not is there so is necessary and in fact this tiem it is called sucked it just means isness in one sense it is no thing it's not a thing in itself but it is the existence of all things the possibility of all things everything exists because of this but it's not a thing just as all arguments exist because of gold but gold is not a particular ornament so you can ask I'm saying that you can ask why this ornament exists or that ornament exists but you can't ask why gold exists because gold is the possibility of all ornaments I mean as far as gold is concerned you can ask why it exists it's a particular element but here it is isn't as itself you can ask why this thing exists rather than that thing or why anything exists at all but why existence itself exists that you cannot ask without the question itself then does not exist so these are different ways you get into paradoxes when you come to enter at this level last very last question so we will use the meditation true awareness of nothing is awareness nothing is deep sleep awareness of nothing is deep sleep that's what deep sleep is you every day you experience it but then I Venice exists otherwise you would not experience the nothing okay now we are getting into a really rarefied stuff we will stop there now very beautifully this man Dukie open assured has been sung it's a long thing hours to get I don't know how many is 4 3 4 or 5 hours so but here we're going to go through five minutes of it only the seventh mantra so giant will play it for us will sit quietly relax and just listen to it remember the seventh mantra which tells you about Torian neither the dreamer not the sleeper not the especially remember not the sleeper and he don't sleep not the waking nor everything nor nothing not something in transaction not the objects of the universe and so on the non-dual consciousness that is what you are let's hear it sit quietly relax if you like close your eyes [Music] though indivisible it can't be divided in three networks corresponding to the three conditions of the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] shanti shanti shanti hurry huge set sri ramakrishna mas next time before proceeding to the second chapter we will have a quick revision we will see what we have got so far we have finished the mando key open assured we have finished the kara cos associated with the with the open Ishod itself so we have finished the first chapter of the mandu cake Erica but remember the text has four chapters so before going on to the second chapter we shall see what we have got so far a revision in Sanskrit in philosophy they have a beautiful term for revision the way they describe it is so poetic sing hava loca nanny ayah which means in a deep forest imagine in an Indian forest a lion was striding along pacing along majestically and once in a while the lion stops and looks back upon the path it has covered so far before proceeding further so that Lions stopping and looking back majestically that is called sing have a look and the lion looking back revision so that's a very poetic way of describing revision so next class the lion will look back it will stop and look back