Video 126
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna read by Swami Atmajnanananda (03/24/2023)
foreign [Music] [Music] Souls they are praised by Poets and removal sin they are auspicious to hear wonderful and exalted those who spread these words throughout the world are truly giving Souls welcome everyone to our class on the gospel of Krishna some of you know that we had to cancel last week because a little touch of of covet that and now I seem to be pretty much over so uh I apologize that we didn't have class last week anyhow we're on the chapter rules for householders and monks this is Page 406. and it's March 23rd I already done yeah March 23rd 1884. surama Krishna was sitting in his room after his midday meal with rakal ram and some other devotees he was not quite well the injured arm was still bandaged but in spite of his illness his room was a veritable Mart of joy and he the center of it devotees thronged there daily to see the master spiritual talk went on incessantly and the Very heir of the room vibrated with the Bliss sometimes the master would sing the name and glories of God and sometimes he would go into samadhi the devotees being amazed at the ease with which the master freed himself from the consciousness of the body Iran no I should make a little comment about this is uh this is swamiji's uh Uncle I don't remember exactly but uh very close but if you if you follow very carefully all of the things that he says he's a troublemaker huh he'll make funny little comments and and uh yeah and talk about people behind their back and I don't know why if there's something funny about him anyhow he raises this issue that he knows will be a an issue as if it's nothing wrong there is talk of narendra's marrying Mr armitra's daughter he'll know all of this because he's a family member Narendra has been offered a large dowry now when uh when swamiji's father passed away and they went through all of that terrible period of the poverty and everything it was always lingering in the background One Way Out was getting Narendra married to a well-to-do family with a good Dowry and everything and that was all always in the background a little talk about that and everything so this issue would come up at this particular time Master smiling become a leader of society or something like that he will be an outstanding man whatever career he follows and then very quickly it says the master did not much encourage the conversation about Narendra now this is an issue that is actually has come up and it was a little bit of a controversial issue at one time I won't mention the two swamis but two of our very early swamis in this country they kind of feuded over this question is it possible that Narendra ever could have married and could have become a lawyer and and a big man in society and everything big political leader something like that takur says here if he had followed that path it would have happened on the other hand is it possible that he ever could have so this and was srama Krishna really was he really concerned these are interesting questions because uh when takur a in in that that state in Malik's house and after all questions about his future and his mission why he came to Earth all of these things and was satisfied that everything agreed with his vision of Narendra and everything then there should be no question that impossible for anything to happen otherwise almost as if uh SRI Krishna was really worried that Arjuna would not fight in the battle and that their side would lose it's a kind of predetermined something like that on the other hand Krishna as he said so many times as the Avatar he has a human mind and he has concerns and worries and doubts and all of those things so uh I think it's possible that uh in the back of Tucker's mine is oh my God what will happen if he gets have been married everything will be spoiled something like that a little bit that idea you know could have been there not impossible yes said yes he'll even pray to mother that this the these talks won't go through and there was another time when takura knew intuitively that Narendra was thinking of of renouncing the world uh and going off on his own and then that time Taco also you know he's saying that beautiful song I'm afraid to build something to believe my Krishna is here or leaving something like and uh I mean that also to to spoil that and then if I remember correctly elicited a promise from Narendra that he wouldn't do anything like that as long as taku was still alive something like that so uh yes I think it's quite possible that takorb being both Divine and human from The Human Side to thing that really they're talking about it what if this is that he feels he has no choice for the sake of his family he's willing to do it because it actually happened with mahaprus Mirage that for the sake of his family for the sake of his sister he agreed to marry they didn't have much money and they couldn't afford to get his sister married uh but there was a proposal that there was a young man who would marry the sister if he could marry that man's sister so a double marriage brother and sister marrying your brother and sister and he agreed out of love with his sister and understanding that otherwise she might remain unmarried her whole life so he agreed and then somehow Maha perusman and his wife died very young shortly after they got married and Jurgen also just uh because of the tears of his mother is he agreed to get married so it wasn't something completely unthinkable that one of the Disciples of shramakrishna even that could have possibly gotten married although in retrospect we think no it never could have happened right but anyhow this is that proposal and it's very clear that the taco is not very happy about this on this line of discussion so just very simply it says that the master did not much encourage the conversation about narender it's not like he told Ron why did you bring this up he's nothing he just didn't pursue what at all just changed the topic but if he had whatever Narendra would have done we know he had this special type of leadership skills that whatever he touched that he would have been successful at just we can imagine him doing anything other than what he actually did master turam well can you tell me why I become so impatient when I'm Ill sometimes I ask this man and sometimes that man how I may be cured you see one must either believe everyone or no one at all now this is also we we may say that Christian has all knowing and the Avatar why asking this person and that person and he himself gave the answer many many times he says mothers kept me in that state of a child he talks about all the different states that sometimes take a Madman sometimes like a drunkard sometimes uh completely inert like a ghoul all of the different states but generally he was in that state of a child and the child is is very guileless and naive and will accept things and everything and he didn't like this idea of people just being Skeptics you say those people people who have the very skeptical nature don't believe anything they're very hard for them to realize God so the better to even have some simple simplistic type of beliefs than none at all it is God himself who has become the Physicians therefore one must believe one must believe all of them but one cannot have faith in them if one thinks of them as Mere Men yeah there were some that he liked more than others there were some doctors he didn't like well they do is poke me press my tongue like I'm a cow things like that and this medicine doesn't work and why do you criticize that doctor and he also had his own opinions about things shambhu was fearfully delirious he lived very close to the Chinese said that the delirium was due to the strong medicine asked the doctor to feel his posts the doctor said let me see your eyes oh it is an enlargement of the spleen while he said he had nothing of the sword but Dr madhu gives good medicine so anyhow he's giving little opinion about doctors he also talks about I think it was also shambhumalik was it that when the doctor said that don't worry I'll cure you and then takur said that this is one of the times when God laughs the doctor says our Courier doesn't he know that I've already decided that he won't live after this Ram the medicine by itself does no good though it greatly helps nature now he was a chemist a chemist uh pharmacist chemist so probably he knew a lot about Western medicine also and this of course is a theory that many people hold on to that uh the no real cure but it strengthens the system the system itself will cure something like that Master if that is so why does opium cause constipation so his own simple way of saying that these are chemical things we're adding to the body they'll have some direct effect also draw me for Decatur sends death rum you were right you said that a gardener uncovers the roots of a good rose plant so that it may absorb the Dew and grow stronger and healthier the words of a holy man have been fulfilled no this is also a curious thing I I always I think I always misunderstood this that when tackle said that he was going through that terrible illness it sounded almost as if he meant that this is this is in order for there to be some type of cure and that he'll recover from it but now I think it didn't mean that at all and now I think somehow he meant that uh this is this is the way that uh that soul is becoming completely purified so that when the body is gone that he'll have his Liberation I don't know what do you think about it is a curious thing he said that there's some roses that uh they'll actually shake the all the roots so that there's there's no dirt around it at all leave it out so we'll get to do in the early morning and somehow that will if there's any disease or weakness in the rose that that'll give it some invigorated so they can be replanted it'll be a good rose plant something like that gives the impression that it's for the physical body for it to continue to grow but keshop died shortly after that and takur knew it in case everybody knew it so it sounds like it's this other way it's a final preparation for the ultimate liberation master I don't know about that I wasn't calculating when I said it it is you who say that Ram now let's see he'll continue he's troublemaking the brahmos have published something about you in their magazine so almost as if to raise a response Master published about me why why should they right now I eat and drink and make Merry now he says why should they do it now I think that means after the passing of keishab and after the split and all the controversy and people leaving and everything they wrote about it much earlier there's no point in writing more at this point why should they right now I eat and drink in McMurray I don't know anything else I want to ask Kesha why have you written about me he said that it would bring people here Taco was never happy I won't I won't say completely unhappy because he knew it was the will of the Divine mother and he knew that there were different people who would be instrumental in uh allowing his mission to take shape you know of course with him he knew it narended another but on case up in the Brahma Samantha they also had a role to play so I think he understood that but at the same time he didn't like this blazing he didn't like this uh publishing things in in their magazine and everything and sign boards and that that type of stuff that he definitely didn't like so he said I want to ask Keisha why have you have you written about me he said that it would bring people here but man could not teach by his own power one cannot conquer ignorance without the power of God at one time two men were engaged to wrestle one of them was Hanuman Singh and the other a Muslim from the Punjab was a strong Stout man he had eaten lusterly of butter and meat for 15 days before the day of the wrestling match and even on that day all thought he would be the Victor Hanuman Singh on the other hand clad in a dirty cloth had eaten sparingly for some days before the day of the match and devoted himself to repeating the holy name of mahavir this is just a they say Patron deity of wrestlers so this is standard we have some masks there yeah we're being a little cautious with the mask because there's a little covered around lately yeah on the day of the match he observed a complete fast or thought that he would surely be defeated but it was he who won while the man who had fasted for 15 days lost the fight what is the use of printing and advertising he who teaches men gets his power from God none but a man of renunciation can teach others I am the greatest of all fools all left the work that Kesha did was attack were appreciated queso and I don't think that he felt that there was anything uh non-genuine about gay job he really he really had a very sweet close relationship with him but this was a strong conviction with sarama Krishna that uh at the heart of of spiritual teaching there has to be a very strong Spirit of renunciation uh not that everyone has to renounce but the ones who talk about it have to do it and not just for nothing anything that uh unless one practices what one is this practices what one preaches we use that expression Takara said it won't leave a lasting impression on people it just won't and we know that some sometimes we we hear different talks uh different speakers different swamis even and some of them are not very eloquent really sometimes their English isn't very good but something something stirs Within and and we feel how genuine and simple they are and and it's because of their life it's good to be able to speak to be eloquent there's no harm in that both are necessary but uh it's really character that speaks more than anything else and uh we we see we feel that now that's Keisha he was a tremendous orator but he was also very very sincere and swamiji of course we know that he had a great Divine gift of of oratory but even if he hadn't had it he had that personality and that tremendous spirituality behind it everything but there's one particular thing this idea that those who want to be the teachers those who want to give lectures and things that they have to practice Everything 100 so he always felt that uh no matter how great a pundit somebody was or even how spiritual uh if he said it in secret they enjoyed lust in Gold then how could they talk about the pronunciation of these things so uh he was very strong on that that those who were to be really teachers of of men and women should be people of renunciation a devotee so then he said I am the greatest of all fools all the deputy then how is it that The Vedas and the vedanta and many things besides come out of your mouth Master smiling during my Boyhood I could understand what the sadhus read at the laha's house at kamarpukur although I would miss a little here and there now he easily could have said these things are like fruit in the palm of my head I've experienced all of these things but he's he's trying to tell them that no I I didn't read these things but how many things I heard many times she would say that how many things I heard no the lahas they were the one wealthy family in in the in Kumar pokor and they had set up an arms house and a little Guest House a place where wandering Sauders could stay and when ramakrishna was a young boy he would he would go and spend time he would hang out with the southerners there and when he says I could understand what the sadhus read at the laha's house that uh I would think that the vast majority were Hindi speakers generally these sadhus would were from the up country that's what they used to use that expression you pay your something like that and uh when they're talking about Scriptures it would be Sanskrit now uh Krishna we know that you know a fairly good amount of Hindi partly because of the totapuri I would think and partly because of this contact at that time with these wandering sados and partly because he just he he had a brilliant mind with regard to certain things not mathematics but language very good with language that you could pick up things easily so I always thought it very strange sometimes there would be a conversation with the uh Hindi speaking sadhu it came to Tacos room two of them will be speaking in Hindi and taco would be translating into Bengali for those who sitting in the room all these Highly Educated people you would think they would all know Hindi uh swamiji must have known Hindi huh geographically very very close this is true this this is this is true so there'll be even linguistically there'll be more contact with with Hindi words and things like that a lot of us know not too far from Bihar and then yeah but I would think I don't know uh seeing swamiji's family a a well-rounded education included Persian even and swamiji's father was was an expert at The Virginian and reading this Sufi poetry and things of his and the others like that and Swami he couldn't master you know yeah I am yeah it sounds like that yeah yeah although so much because it was so much of a western education also yeah funny how it was interesting he says so anyhow talk was a little bit of modesty here he could have said yes don't you know I'm a perfect soul but he said no I heard so many things when I was a boy during my Boyhood I could understand what the sadhus read at the laha's house at Kamar prakur although I would miss a little here and there if a pundit speaks to me in Sanskrit I can follow him but I cannot speak it myself I was once uh uh in the presence of of two pundits and one was a Hindi speaker and the other was a Bengali speaker and neither one knew the other language and neither one knew English so they said they spoke in in Sanskrit to each other but uh it was a type of Sanskrit that almost anybody either hit Hindi or Bengali speaker would understand it was yeah very few verbs and things and very very simple straightforward it was it was yeah that's the other thing well he's talking about as a boy here but but still that we talk with must have known Sanskrit quite well to be a poojati yeah that he had to memorize all of these mantras and everything and he studied that his ramkumar's elder brother came to Kolkata to open a Sanskrit told school as well as to do pujin in the area and everything and uh takur was was kind of his assistant at that time so he must have learned a fair amount yeah he attended all of those things that the law has placed and before all the disciples came in the chiniswar even then whenever any Pandit would come he would go anyone would come into the Kolkata he would go and listen to them and everything he had tremendous uh curiosity about uh what people uh what they wanted to learn what interested them in spiritual life this was a new world for him when he came to Kolkata and these Western educated people huh the great curiosity I think the partly all this mixing with the Brahma samaj was to to learn how these new creatures actually think that these people who are more interested in English and reading Condon Hegel then shankarachary and Romana so what it must have been such a strange experience for him before he had left Kumar pokor I doubt if he had ever seen people like that at all just simple Village People I don't know maybe they saw a few British people and the government people who had to come for post office or something like that but not much growing up to realize God is the one goal of life while aiming his Arrow at the Mark Arjuna said I see only the eye of the bird and nothing else and not the Kings nor the trees nor even the bird itself now to realize God is the one goal of life this uh we had a nice discussion of this on the Sunday talk it was probably about different different there's this I think really requires a little bit of of of uh reflection this statement to realize God is the one goal of life first of all how many people in this world will accept that as if there's there's no question about it huh now what what exactly what exactly does that mean I often thought about this first of all you'll have how many millions and millions of the valley Buddhists who don't even think in terms of God realization but they have this idea of enlightenment so uh and is is this not a little bit uh one-sided that everyone has to accept the same idea in God's realization so how do we understand this year what does that mean exactly sometimes I think that a better way of understanding this is as a destination that this is the ultimate Final Destination and that we may say that yeah this person there's a whole goal in life was to be a good person the next person whole goal in life was to be charitable next person whole goal in life was enjoyment next for the whole goal in life was to help the social fabric all different goals of life but according to vedanta that until they have that ultimate realization of their true nature and Oneness with God something like that they won't reach that final destination of realization we can take it that way otherwise there are many many uh wholly legitimate aims of life we we I I I encourage everybody to go back and listen to last Sunday's lecture it was a very nice discussion we have the different stages of life we have different aims of life and they're all very important there's this Dharma has to inform everything we have to learn that at the very beginning and that has to stick with us throughout until the very end when we may say we can go behind Beyond tournament if we want otherwise that has to be in the goal of life and then a common art these are legitimate goals of life to have some enjoyment to have some wealth to have some property these are legitimate aims of life during the householder stage not ultimate not ultimate so and with Dharma ties everything up together and uh mukti as as the final one uh takes that or that bundle together and gives it a final destination so the relationship between these these these four aims of life it's something very interesting then the hanuma has to has to lay the groundwork for everything common art they have to they won't be helpful unless there's harm but behind it unless we we practice honesty and righteousness and everything that we we want property in order to sustain the family life that we want money in order to be charitable and help others a little bit of enjoyment of course because this is this is the one opportunity the householder life to uh to see what is there in in enjoyment and I it's not it's not that everyone will say uh it's worthless but we can all understand that uh it's limited because I'll never say that uh good healthy enjoyment is worthless that we we learn so much from it and we get to understand the way the mind works and we get to understand is there's a higher state is is there more uh contentment from reaching a state where we don't desire anything where we're content with what we have this is what we do in this householder stage of life so we get to experiment with common or to but within the limits of the Dharma and with the ultimate view of muktis as the final destination or goal of life so that we practice common art with the view to giving them up at some point and that's when we reach this monopostale stage of life when we we take the retired life and then uh at the end to renounce everything the life of sannyasa how many actually followed this this game of life we don't know was it more theoretical uh was it just for this uh educated Ramen families and things we don't know exactly we of course we see reference to it the upanishads and everything but it doesn't matter as a system it's a beautiful system and just to reach that retirement stage of life where uh interest is really leading a spiritual life husband and wife together side by side fine taqwa says if the husband or the wife if they have to go begging their food all day long then why not stay in the family situation at least and lead a spiritual life that way so it's uh I don't think it was ever the case where everyone was expected to take this in your house at the end of life and probably for brahmids only because they were probably the only ones who were loud at that time is perhaps sometimes we talk about this this is the three upper castes it depends on different scriptures in different time and everything but uh but this game as a scheme of life is brilliant and it shows that we do we can have different goals of life but the ultimate destination will be some type of of going back to that original Purity and and wisdom and knowledge and and selfhood that our real nature that has to be somehow that we understand it in that sense somehow that to realize God is the one goal of Life the ultimate destination something but we find many very very good people who don't have this as a golden life and yet a very unselfish people and good-hearted people kind people they devote their life to science they devote their life to charity they devote their life to family they lead a very simple type of Life very good people and dharmic people now we we may say that uh still they haven't attained the highest goal of life and this of course we don't know uh what happens at the very end the very final moment of life and everything where the the last few days when all desires disappear and some longing for something higher comes these if one leads such a good Pure Clean life like that then it's quite possible but generally we say there has to be some spiritual practice a lot yeah yeah they won't they won't even even think of God realization Buddhist there's no concept of God that uh is close enough to our idea of God that they'll even use that type of language even even Brahman even for the gyani even the Gabriel yand he won't talk about God realization it'll be self-realization or realization of impersonal absolute Vermin if we think of God realization in terms of personal God then it's restricted to theistic religions so even even the extreme non-dualists they won't have that idea of God realization in the same sense that a devotee will have that that idea now others can argue that the experience is the same that they're just using different terminology this and that yes and no yes and no I mean we we can't dictate somebody else's experience and and and their interpretation of it we have to respect their interpretation of it if they say no it's not God realization we have to be respectful of that I remember uh participating in in some interreligious Council work and the Buddhists were always the ones that felt out of place it wasn't the Muslims or Christians or Jews anyway always the the Buddhists because they think we hear over and over and over again everyone is worshiping the same God only different names and everything we don't feel like that we're not worshiping God we're trying to get rid of this and to attain that state of Enlightenment and everything so we have to be respectful of a tremendous variety of ways of understanding this goal of life for them the goal of Life Nirvana for some the goal of life is just to get out just to get out that may I not be born again and then we'll have these other great Souls may I be born again and again the swamiji but somehow this idea that this life is not simply meant for enjoyment that it will be wasting this opportunity if it's just for enjoyment uh and even if it's for some type of satisfaction and contentment they're deeper and deep and deeper types of satisfaction and contentment that come from transcending this this ego sense and going Beyond these desires and and his passions and things that keep us in some type of state of unease even even the non-religious person uh has that feeling that yeah I'm not comfortable that I don't know always filled with anxiety and everything what to do and it's not always lead a spiritual life a religious life it is some very simple things learn to be content with what you have we have to be mom stickers you can simply say that look upon everything as your own Karma and just accept everything and practice titiksha so there's all different ways of of looking at this this dilemma of human life why are we here what's the purpose of life uh how do we get through it for some people the whole goal of life is to get through it somehow unscathed some somehow with without suffering too much because there's a lot of suffering that comes with it others it's always a very high lofty ideal there's striving food so uh when we when we read this to realize God is the one goal of life we can say ultimate destination of this human soul will be to go back to that from which it came something like that is a very vague language but something like that while aiming his Arrow at the Mark Arjuna said I see only the eye of the bird and nothing else not the Kings nor the trees nor even the bird itself this means that just to have this one goal in life and it ties everything together it doesn't doesn't mean that we don't have any other interests or anything like that huh it ties everything together otherwise everything is just this infinite branches going off in all different directions but there's one thing that unifies everything that whatever we do we do as an offering whatever we do we do without the feeling of ego that it gives a purpose and a meaning and and at one point in this to everything in life yeah the realization of God is enough for me what does it matter if I don't know Sanskrit again back to the Sanskrit the grace of God Falls alike on all his children learned and illiterate whoever Longs for him now we we have a couple of things here one it's this Universal concept of Grace which is almost the opposite of the the high theistic idea of Grace right atheistic idea of Grace is that it's unmerited that is just just out of the tremendous mercy of God whether I deserve it or not and the feeling I don't deserve it at all and why it came to me was no real answer to that Tucker talks about that type of Grace but generally he'll talk about there must be some Karma behind it and more often he talks about this Universal idea of Grace that this is something that is available and open to everyone so nothing to do with learning or or illiterate nothing to do with being a great pundit nothing to do with knowing all these intricate theories this uh sometimes I I hear about this and my head starts to spin there are all these different things they're interesting I guess one time I found them slightly interesting but uh too many theories and not enough simplicity that really spiritual life should be very very simple swamiji how simply put a do good and be good what a beautiful statement and somehow to to know that we have to go beyond this this ordinary human mind and uh the deeper and deeper levels that we can attain to our higher levels however we look at it that don't require uh all the inter intricate theories and everything the swamiji very clear God is not found in in doctrines or dogwoods in temples or churches that we have to turn deep within so the grace of God Falls to like when all his children learned it and illiterate whoever Longs for him yeah this is the key for ishrami Krishna this tremendous longing we have that longing and that's the catalyst in in a very theistic language you'll say and God cannot help himself mother cannot help herself when the child starts weeping and wearing for the mother that she'll drop everything and come immediately thank you [Music] otherwise it's more like I'm trying too long because the full of the mind is filled to the other part of the world yeah I think at some point we come to the realization everything is the grace of God so this grade if we want this desire for longing the grace of God and then when the longing comes grace of God then when the realization comes grace of God yeah now this this doesn't desire this longing for God can also come through tremendous pain and suffering and disappointment in life then we say that's also the grace of God [Music] no suffering to be a special grace of God your holy mother and many of it yeah swamiji has a very beautiful poem called the angels unawares and he talks about this blessed misery and blessed Superstition all the things that that we laugh at and everything that how can this be a positive thing but these are the things that can turn us turn turn The Mind in a new direction or something the very common belief commonly held belief among Alcoholics Anonymous that one has to reach Rock Bottom before one can have the change in life so reaching Rock Bottom is Grace for them so it comes in all different forms the father has the same love for all his children suppose the father has five children one calls him Baba Samba and Samba these lasts cannot pronounce the whole word does the father love those who address him as Baba more than those who call him PA the father knows that these last are simply too young to say Baba correctly since the injury to my arm a change has been coming over my mind now I never did account but it must be at least at least a half a dozen times when Tucker makes this statement that he'll talk about his broken arm and then he'll talk about devaising and there's not a Leela this is it occurs so many times now because he very recently hurt his arm and it's still in the bandage interview since this injury to my armor change has been coming over my mind I've been feeling much inclined to the Lila Now takur talks about the different types devalila what is his devalila then now in in some other realm this the play of Krishna in the gopis is going on eternally in some other realm that uh Shiva and Parvati are sitting in in having some conversation which will turn out to be the scientific scriptures in some other realm oh this is an acting this play destroying demons something like that this is and there's another Leela will be this Divine Play enacted on Earth for those who took human form or all human form taku uses it in both senses it's not a leader for the Avatar and also seeing God dwelling in all all human beings or living beings also but mostly not a this is human beings foreign since this injury to my arm a change has been coming over my mind I've been feeling much inclined to the Lila it is God himself who plays about as human beings now he could say as a human being that God Sports in the form of a human being as the Avatar but this is a even deeper uh they don't take idea that the same one Brahmin is manifesting as each and every individual the dwelling within all beings that's also this not a Leela because he says as human beings not just as one it is God himself who plays about us human beings if God can be worshiped through a clay image then why not through a man his main emphasis this this worship of the Living God the God and human form once a merchant was Shipwrecked he floated to the shore of Ceylon where vivision was the king of the monsters libisina ordered his servants to bring the merchant to him at the sight of him the Visa was overwhelmed with the joy and said ah he looks like my Rama the same human form he adorned the merchant with robes and jewels and worshiped him when I first heard this story I felt such a joy that I cannot describe it Elation of Judd he'll always bring Vice enough children there's vision of Karen and shramakrishna they just hit it off they just had a sweet relationship they they weren't on the same page with regard to spiritual practice he was the leader of these these groups that did some of this left-handed stuff and everything uh but Tucker liked him and respected him somehow and he also was was uh could recognize tuck was greatness somehow so they had this nice relationship they're all before uh talk with real disciples came so he enjoyed the company of all these people they came first then the brahmos came but still he would go up to the roof and cry out to Mother well where are my real disciples come come he was he knew they had not yet come said to me if a person looks on his beloved as his ishta he finds it very easy to direct his mind to God now what does beloved mean paramour they weren't much interested whether husband and wife or anything like that this uh they were different groups there's a another we don't know so much about them yes there are many of them some of them uh couldn't be traced back to Buddhist traditions of the Sufi Traditions some device tradition some to shock the Traditions but they all share this in common that there'll be some spiritual practice none with men and women together the the temptation of the human mind is great and they can point to this Radha Krishna Leela for all of that they can point to the Shiva Durga they can point to all different things to try to justify it so he says if a person locks on his beloved as ishta he finds it very easy to direct his mind to God the men and women of a particular sect at chambazar near kamarpakor then there's the footnote the references to certain minor sects relationalism such as the karita and the navarasika which teach that men and women should live together in the relationship of Love gradually they should idealize their Love by looking upon each other as Divine eventually realizing that their physical love is also the love of God and then it says this is very difficult to realize so the men and women of a particular sect at chambazar near kamarpakor say to each other whom do you love I love so and so that know him to be your God when I heard this I said to them that is not my way see Taco could respect them if he felt that they were genuine there's there's one section from Leila person the Great Master it's a very nice little Jesus a couple of paragraphs when Swami shot he said that uh when we were growing up as boys not young boys you know when they first came to srama Krishna the late teenagers something like that how we look down upon these people with not just the men and women drinking wine and doing all sorts of things and taco himself would say no no my child don't look down upon them this is also a path but it's not a clean path and don't follow that path but how their eyes were opened how taqwa could even see uh this is a possible path he said like going into the house through you know these these old houses the scavenger would go through the back directly into the bathroom they didn't have to walk inside the house at all they could there would be a back door where the the latrine was and they could go there they could clean after the train and they could leave there's also an entrance into the house but who will do that so he he gave it yes and no he's also a path but it's not a clean path don't follow that path so when I heard this I said to them that is not my way I look on all women as my mother I found out that they talked the big but led immoral lives the women then asked me if they would have salvation yes I said if you were absolutely faithful to one man and look on him as your God but you cannot be liberated if you live with five men Quran now again this is wrong again the Troublemaker I understand that kedar Babu has recently visited the Carta bhajans place see this is kedor after coming to charama Krishna and and recognizing him as an avatar and everything still he used to do go to different places and things like that there's no point in Ron mentioning it in front of everybody but still Master he gathers honey from various flowers again he's not really doesn't want to say too much about it wasn't a very appropriate thing to bring up Niti gopal and the others if a devotee believes 100 that his chosen ideal is God then he attains God and sees him people of bygone Generations had tremendous Faith what faith khalidari's father had once he was on its way of course he could have mentioned his own father and he does sometimes very similar stories about his own father once he was on his way to his daughter's house when he noticed some beautiful flowers and available leaves he gathered them for the worship of the family deity and walked back five or six miles to his own house once a theatrical troop in the village was enacting the life of Rama ikei asked Rama to go into Exile in the forest halidadi's father who had been watching the performance sprang up he went to the actor who played kaikei crying out you rich and was about to burn the actor's face with the torch he was a very biased man I'm not such a Pious thing to do but he was a very Pious man after finishing his ablutions he would stand in the water and meditate on the deity reciting the invocation I meditate on thee of radio and four faces while tears streamed down his cheeks when my father walked along the lanes of the village wearing his wooden sandals this Karam this is kind of a sign of of austerity and simplicity and lack of ostentatious and everything so there's some significance to these wooden sandals the shopkeepers would stand up out of respect and say there he comes when he bathed in the haldar very big pond and so many people would go and wash their clothes and bathe and gather water for cooking so many things the villagers would not have the courage to get into the water before bathing they would inquire if he had finished his bath when my father chanted the name of his chest would turn crimson this also happened to me when I saw the cows at vrindavan returning from the pasture I was transported into a Divine mood and my body became red very strong was the faith of the people in those days when hears that God used to dance then taking the form of Khalid while the devotee clapped his hands keeping time okay let me stop here we get into a little conversation about this Yogi who was staying near the panchavati at that time um [Music] foreign who was stainless of infinite nature whose heart melts and sympathy for his devotees who is an embodiment of the Divine and the Supreme Lord and everworthy of our worship peace peace peace Beyond foreign foreign