Video 122
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna read by Swami Atmajnanananda (02/03/23)
foreign [Music] Souls they're praised by Poets and removal sin they are auspicious to hear wonderful and exalted those who spread these words throughout the world are truly giving Souls Welcome to our class on the Gospels ramakrishna we started last week chapter 19 the master and his injured arm this was Saturday February 2nd 1884 and now we're in the middle of that chapter on page 389. you may remember what happened that's ramakrishna was outside walking uh along the path near the ganga and they went into an ecstatic mood had some vision of jagannath and somehow felt that he went to embrace it and he fell down and he broke his arm so this chapter begins with that it was a very very painful type of break and they they wrapped it with some gods and bandages and everything and it some type of compound fracture probably the pictures you can see his arm is a little bit crooked and everything so he goes back and forth between uh kind of moaning and groaning like a little child and complaining and going into ecstasy and laughing and making a play out of it so this is this is the way this chapter began he had been visited by mahima chakravarti who had a number of hymns centroid verses and Things Remembered it memorized and Krishna used to uh request him to to chant these things I don't know if it was half to humor him or to be nice to him but uh he took the attitude of agani and like this this the path of of non-dualism and everything so srama Krishna would speak to him uh according to his spiritual attitude so we stopped uh where mahima was about to read the sixth standards on Nirvana one of the very famous hymns of shankaracharya um another mind intelligent ego nor chitta neither ears nor tongue nor the sensitive smell inside nor am I ether Earth fire water or air I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva I'm neither The Prana nor the five idle breaths neither The Seven Elements of the body nor it's five sheaths nor hands nor feet nor tongue nor the organs of sex and voiding I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva neither loathing nor liking have I neither greed nor delusion no sense have I of ego or Pride neither dhanaman nor Moksha neither desire of the Mind nor object for its Desiring I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva neither right nor wrongdoing am I neither pleasure nor pain nor the Mantra the sacred Place The Vedas the sacrifice neither the act of eating the eater nor the food I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva death or fear I have none nor any distinction of caste neither father nor mother nor even a birth have I neither friend nor comrade neither disciple nor Guru I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva I have no form or fancy the all-pervading a mind everywhere I exist yet I am beyond the senses neither salvation am I nor anything that may be known I am pure knowledge and Bliss I am Shiva I am Shiva this of course is the the attitude of the gyani but this is really more uh the experience of the god realized soul following the path of non-dualism we we sometimes think that everyone's experience will be the same we if everybody gets to the roof we're all taking different paths to get there but the path that we take will really inform the type of spiritual experience and mood we have after the Mind comes down a little bit this is how we can have those God realized Souls who only care about devotion and those who only care about uh this absolute Oneness with with the Brahman so this is the attitude of the of the gyani because they have the kind of experience the if everyone has the experiences it's it's an experience without any particular content as it's explained to us of course we have to have that experience to know but it's not it's not the type of experience that is going to make everybody come down from that experience uh with the same type of transformation and this is why srirama Krishna says some come down they keep this ego of devotion some deep it's the ego of knowledge so the experience itself gives this ultimate transformation would become free Souls but it doesn't determine exactly what our spiritual attitude will be that will be more determined by the path that we take to get to that type of realization took all different paths when he came back down he could he could remain in all different moods but for for shankaracharya this was the main mood now we we also have some devotional hymns and things so we know that even for someone like shankaracharya he could he could have some devotional attitude also all right but the main point is that those who follow this this type of path and and these hymns are both almost everything that we've that we find uh in in this spiritual literature uh is both for satana and both for Satya it's for it's for uh spiritual practice to attain the goal and somehow it's also the goal itself so uh we if we want to follow that path we do this as a spiritual discipline to try to feel that we're not this body mindset isn't everything but after God realization that will be something certain that'll that'll be something unquestionable after that experience of nearby samati the the devoteeb will not have the slightest feeling of identification with the body that ordinary people have so this is this is both all right a beautiful description of the of the mind of the god realized soul and also a path for those who follow this this and Ghana yoga we find this uh for example State Department section of the bhagavad-gita that it looks like it's just to give us a description of the god realism but it's a it's a blueprint it's a map for us that if the God real us all has those qualities and we want to become God realized then we try to develop those qualities so this is a beautiful type of him to to remind us that we're something beyond all of these the easiest way of understanding it is that we're the witness We're The Observer of of the mind we kind of see this body uh we have all different ways of doing that but anyhow so six standards on on Nirvana the state of the god-release all but also a way to attain it now uh for Sri ramakrishna all of these were spiritual attitudes nothing was was a final fixed uh position that anybody had to take and depending on his mood sometimes he would like this sometimes he preferred uh that more of a dualistic attitude and very often uh he would he would warn the devotees along this path of Ghana yoga that there can't be any self-deception along this path we can't claim all of those things and then it will go about living in the world uh running after our desires and the name and fame and all of these different things that we have to really follow these things so we see that it says each time mahima repeated I am Shiva I am Shiva the master rejoined with the smile not I not I Thou Art knowledge absolute now is this a contradictory position right is not a contradictory position it's a different position it's looking at it from a different angle if if we have this uh we take in any of these maharakes or this soham uh I am that or the thou art that word one with the absolute Brahman then uh we can understand it by either getting identity between that and one identity between the the individual soul and the Supreme Soul or we can get rid of this supreme Soul this concept of God outside of us everything is the self or we can completely eliminate this ego and say God Alone exists that alone to us with him three options in order to get Oneness we have a equals b b equals A or B alone exists or a alone exists four options we can say something like that so none of them contradict each other mathematically right we substitute a for B we substitute B for a it doesn't make any difference mathematically they're all the same not too much right yeah so Jeremy Christian's attitude was more that mother alone exists now is it it's if we for example we look at this witness Consciousness within is this witness an eye or is it a though am I the one who's witnessing there's no I within it it's impersonal there's no ego within it is it a thou there's no separation there neither one is is really a good description but we can look at it from either point of view devotee will say that God Alone is the witness dwelling within the heart the Gianni will say it's my own higher self sometimes swamiji says who am I praying to I'm praying to my very own self now he doesn't mean just to the mind he means that a higher self but still uh if if the absolute reality is impersonal then it's wrong to call it either an i or a thou either he or a she is a Beyond person there's no personality to it and yet if I say that it's that or he or she it gives a sense of distance to separation if I say I am that it gives incentive of the ego that I've identified with that so this is why ceramic Christian generally says this ultimate truth can't be expressed in words very well but he liked this this attitude not I and I see two two main attitudes one was devotee is there the devotee is is like the vehicle and and mother is the operator of the vehicle or the devotee the mother alone dwells within either she's impelling so for sure either she was providing the words for him to speak or she herself was speaking through him much of a difference a slightly different but it's not that the process is different the description is different and depending on on how much of it of incentive I a feeling of I that the deputy has and I'll explain it a little differently so not I not I Thou Art knowledge absolute this is to get rid of any sense of ego ordinary person who is instructed that you were one with God they'll misunderstand the average person will misunderstand because the center of our eye has to be absolutely purified some children there's there's a concept where uh we have to like a good editor he'll get rid of all the mistakes in the text so there's perfectly perfectly well edited and there's there's nothing else everything that's extra wrong commas this and that they have to remove everything that was perfectly pure you can say so this has to be done for both this this I so that there's no trace of of the ego there's no traits of identification that's what this hymn is all about no traits of identification even with our personality this is the big problem not so much identification with his body about identification with our personality we know the body is changing we know it's we're going to look different when we're young young children and old people but we have some sense of strong identification with our personality and this also has to be seen as an object for awareness for the witness that I'm not even that personality if I want to understand how can this I be one with Ramen it has to get rid of even that it has to be the pure witness which is perfectly impersonal everything personal within Consciousness belongs to the object and not to Consciousness itself this is the idea that we have so anyhow astronomy Christian laughing because he knows that two things one one is that mahima he likes this attitude and two he's not qualified for it he's not qualified for it if he if he really were he'd be a god realized souls he actually was a very proud person very proud of his learning and showed off of it sounds good verses he knew and everything so suramic Christian knows that uh it's not really appropriate for him and this other attitude uh it's the attitude that you remember Christian life but it's the one that he liked it never thought better for most devotees that is the safer and he is more easier to understand and easier to to follow this the path of non-dualism requires uh from the very beginning perfect Detachment from the world and perfect Detachment from this this lower self and the tremendous freedom from desires all sorts of things uh that most people don't have or at least don't have to that very high degree mahima read a few more verses and also a description of the six psychic centers of the body he said that in benarus he had witnessed the death of a yogi in the state of yoga this state of this this must mean in in samadhi that actually to witness the death of someone in sarati uh is virtually impossible for us to know the difference between being in samadhi and and just the body being there this is why when Sharma Krishna passed away they couldn't tell for a long time hours they didn't know if it was just a very very deep state of samadhi or if the piranha had left the body because the prawn is hardly functioning in that state of samati but uh if if somebody is in that state of meditation after a while if they've left the body the body will become stiff it'll get cold it'll start to Decay something like that they'll they'll know eventually I remember many many years ago I was my first trip to India somebody told me that some Yogi had come and just you know it's not that uncommon if somebody has a garden house they'll just kind of set up in in that garden house and they'll sleep there and they'll meditate and they'll go and beg their food and everything so they said that the yogi one day sitting in meditation never got up from that seat of meditation somehow passed away in that state and they had a photograph of it uh you know legitimate or not legitimate but these things can happen so this is what uh what he's saying he had witnessed the death of a yogi in the state of yoga magma they're fine passages in the ramagita Master you were speaking of the ramagita then you must be Aston to vedantists I don't know really much about this ramadita anybody know not sure where this is found if it's part of ramayana at the never mind or anything I don't know now starting to vedantes for ceramic Krishna means non-dualist I've mentioned this many times that the followers of madhua and ramanuja or they can say we're also made out this everything is based on you upanishads and and Gita and everything so that they have a claim to it but because of the shankarachary's influence generally made on to most people take it to me in Indiana yoga then you must be a storm to be an artist how many books of that kind the sadhus used to read here in the taco had two different places actually when he was growing up in kamarpukur that was somehow one of the ways that that people santus took on their way to pilgrimage to to Puri this is what we read anyhow and there was a wealthy family the lahas and they had built a little place for sadhus to stay in the feeding place and place to stay and surama Krishna as a as a young boy would hang out with him and he would hear all their discussions and and everything this was one one time and then the early days induction is where before all the devotees came so many satus came and they had a place where they could stay and they could get their food there so it was a very hospitable place for the Sawtooth and they would hold all these discussions and wherever uh there was any public type of discourse on the scriptures by any of these pundits ramakrishna would go it would have fried take him to these places so he really and we know about his memory so he really had a very good background in some of these scriptures they don't take scriptures and things we know was the one in particular that he she was very familiar with and he liked it very much so many times and they'll be uh little Expressions that taco uses that will be an indication of all the things that you know for example he sometimes he'll talk about uh the wave belongs to the ocean the ocean doesn't belong to the waves the famous hymn by shankaracharya that he must have heard at one time it could be coincidence but some of these things give us an indication of how vast his knowledge was not just his experience but also uh how much he knew of scriptures even though he very rarely quoted anything he didn't care to like pundits to be reciting Sanskrit and everything but he had the vast knowledge of these things so even this Rama Gita he must have heard about mahima recited this the description of om it is like the unceasing flow of oil like the long peel of a bell this unceasing flow of oil we read also as the description of the Mind in perfect meditation that there's no break if you pour oil from one vessel to another you see it kind of disappears into the into the oil I was thinking the other day about these tea wallets in India when they poured tea or coffee and they'll go like this huh and and you'll see in the Stream there's not any break uh there there are no uh what are this this flowing and nothing it's perfect stream huh so it's like that that the thought there's no Gap in it there's no break there's there's no uh veering off in a different direction this is the definition so here identified with their own so this is like our manduki upanishad and description and the long peel of the Bell now SRI ramakrishna also used to give that example Donald huh when he was explaining the the meaning of the OM he used to say oh you like to say Uma I like to say Tom this like the sound of the because the hearing that sound for sure like the sound of Our Own that it indicates that mind that witnessing consciousness of mine which is present in the states of waking dream in deep sleep according to mind occupanisha this is how a home is described about the characteristics of samanti he read the man established in samadhi sees the upper region filled with Atman the nether region filled with Atman the middle region filled with Atman he sees all filled with art the master and departed so this is really the end of that day we're still in the same chapter at noon the following day after his midday meal srama Krishna was sitting on the small couch when Ram Surendra and a few other devotees arrived from Calcutta they were worried about the Masters injured arm the arm was bandaged and was present so these really Ram Surendra and M uh these are three of the of the very very closest Inner Circle of householder devotees valderrambles will be added and some others also but these are some of the very giddy some of the very very important Ram of course uh was one of the early ones that calls ramakrishna uh in Avatar he was a relative of swamiji's and uh his house was like an open house that uh this uh Tarak later Swami she went on the state there is uh stayed there for some time other devotees would stay there also and Surendra was uh very generous even though he generous but miserly I mean he he knew the value of a coin he didn't throw he didn't waste anything but very generous with ramakrishnan and of course I helped these young boys with the Veronica Mart so these are all very very uh the wonderful they would be part of the Divine Play of srama Krishna when we think of the Inner Circle then we have to include these household devotees also it's not just the monastic devotees Master to the devotees the mother has put me in such a state of mind that I cannot hide anything from anyone so this is that mood of a child very often said that God realized soul will have this this in the paramahamsa they'll have the mood of the child they like to keep the children near them yeah the five-year-old boys for some reason that age that suits their their uh their mentality and looking upon God his mother but this was very natural for him that uh he would act like a boy small boy now depending on who was there if uh gopalarma was there he would be like a almost an infant like the baby gopala if uh others were there he could take a different type of attitude uh he would be like mother yashoda when rakala was there he would look upon him as a child so he had different moods but this was very common for him to to act and behave just like a child that means with freedom not it not attach to anything the mother has put me in such a state of mind that I cannot hide anything from anyone mine is the condition of a child Racquel doesn't understand it he covers my injured arm wrapping my body with the cloth lest others should see my injury and criticize me we have to remember that at this time 84 that they're still young that they're into Rock Hall they're just 20 21 something like that they're not they're not uh in those days I don't think people grew up so fast especially from in the village of course they're from the big city and everything but uh so this Raquel he was very jealous at some time and very protective of srama Krishna and we see that the renderer also that he could seem like a wise guy a little bit and and a little bit cheeky and they were young and taco didn't mind he plays with him he's and they would also get into a mood when they were with him Raquel also sometimes would really just be like a small child we could hardly imagine the the scene to see him sitting on Tucker's lab like a child would sit on a Mother's lap and everything these these things took place though he took Dr muthu aside and reported my Illness but I shouted and said hello where are you mother Sudan come and see my arm is broken I used to sleep in the same room with mature and his wife this matar Babu this of course was the son-in-law of Rani rashvani at one time surama Krishna was practicing this mood of the of a maidservant of the Divine mother and would stay with them and uh almost like one of the of the household but dressing like a woman and thinking of himself as a woman and all of the other women also felt that he was another woman there were no shyness or anything there again very hard things for us to imagine uh but this was part of his spiritual practice with his mother in order to have that type of experience that I am the Beloved and God I am the lover God is the Beloved and it can be done as a handmaid of the Divine mother with all of the others or of course as Radha with Krishna and shurama Krishna he liked both moods so I used to sleep in the same room with mature and his wife they took care of me as if I were their own child I was then passing through a state of divine Madness so this isn't something that one can just decide one day that they'll do it really the whole personality has to undergo some type of transformation Mata would ask me Father do you hear our conversation yes I would reply once mother's wife became suspicious of his movements and said to me if you go anywhere sorry and said to him if you go anywhere he must accompany you meaning shramakrishna one day mother went to a certain place and asked me to wait downstairs he returned after half an hour and said to me come father let us go now The Carriage is waiting when Mother's wife asked me about it I reported the thing correctly I said to her we went to a certain house he told me to stay downstairs and himself went upstairs he came down after half an hour and we left the place of course she understood the thing in her own way see he's living with an avatar and has tremendous respect for him and love for him and reverence for him and everything and still he'll go to the different places like that a partner of Mother's estate used to take fruits and vegetables stealthily from the temple Garden when the other partners asked me asked me about it I told them the exact truth of course Taco was impossible it was impossible for him not to tell the truth but it's just his godlessness and the attitude of a child that he's not hesitating he could easily stick to truth without telling everything they could avoided evaded somehow whether it wasn't his his nature at all that's the end of that day and Sunday February 24th 1884. surama Krishna was resting in his room after his midday meal and money Malik was sitting on the floor beside him when M arrived Mani Malik is another one of these kind of secondary players in this in this big drama taku ahead he came fairly often we'll see that he was around 65 at that time and had been a member of the Brahma samaj and they came to Sri ramakrishna partly because uh he was mourning the death of a son and we find this in several cases that uh somehow srama Krishna and later holy mother somehow uh when people came to them who had lost the child who said grieving over something else how they could lift their grief somehow it was really remarkable we see that so many so many instances uh we'll go up Ma and uh or who was it somebody brought a friend this ramakrishna many different times this happened that one extraordinary case was when the woman had lost the infant child and came to to holy mother she was a poor woman I think she worked for holy mother and her holy mother knew her it wasn't just a stranger and uh jazzed in horrible grief and everybody thought their holy mother would would say something to her that my child this is this is the will of the mother what can we do when holy mother didn't say anything there were people wondering what's happening with holy mother then they saw finally tears are coming streaming down her eyes and yes that was enough somehow to remove that horrible uh grief and warning of the of the devotee so this was the case with Mani Malik and he used to say nobody but takur could have removed my grief like that so money Malik was already there when M arrived and saluted the master and sat down beside money the Master's injured arm was bandaged Master to m how did you come I came as far as alambas are in the carriage and from there I walked he was also a little tight with money and he didn't want to spend the extra money Manila oh no this is M yeah my camera and then from there I walked I don't know why exactly maybe it was just it's yam M wasn't it's not like he was cheap but M also helped a lot of people and gave money to them and secretly the swamiji's mother and other things and and to to later of course to holy mother uh and he didn't make a lot of money so he had to be careful with his money money oh he is so hot Master with a smile this makes me think that all these are not mere fancies of my brain otherwise why should these Englishmen take so much trouble to come here Englishman was the term that shirama Krishna used for the Western educated bengalis and not just Western educated but they would wear western clothes sometimes they worked in in the office for the British people and they they had to dress like that and could speak English and everything so he used to call them Englishmen SRI ramakrishna began to talk to them about his health and his injured arm master and now and then I become impatient about my arm now how can a god-realized person be impatient he had to cover himself with this with his attitude of the child otherwise the mind would just disappear in samati the case was the opposite of ours we're doing everything to avoid of being impatient and everything he he had to do these things uh otherwise he couldn't live in the world so this this is was a little game that he played that uh he never forgot his real nature he never forgot stopped thinking himself as a child of the mother but sometimes impatient this is also the attitude of of the shaktas that they'll complain to the Divine mother we can take that attitude that it doesn't always have to be oh oh Lord whatever you do is from my best I know that no it could be mother how dare you how did you let that happen to me I'm your child I rely on you for everything the very typical attitude for the worshipers Divine mother now and then I become impatient about my arm I show it to this or that man and ask him whether I shall get well again that makes rockala angry yeah Rock call angry angry because uh he's afraid that people won't respect SRI ramakrishna they'll think what kind of holy man is this always complaining and asking people and everything he doesn't understand my mood Rucka now and then I say to myself let him go away again I say to the mother mother where will he go why should he burn himself in the frying pan of the world now actually he did go away for some time it's very interesting that he took a trip to vrindavan with uh with his in-laws yeah and it's very interesting because uh somehow SRI ramakrishna felt that it was important that he wasn't there at that time because he was so jealous that it would have been hard for the other devotees to come and at the same time he was very nervous when he was there because he heard that he fell ill and kakua had this theory that some of these very special Souls the ishwara kotis other special Souls uh this Avatar if they go back into an environment that will remind them of what aspect of divinity they came from however we understand that that they may give up the body there so he looked upon Rocco of course as a companion of Sri Krishna so he doesn't say it explicitly but this is my understanding the slight fear was there that he may give up the body there in brindavan but at the same time as I say I he later said it's good that he wasn't there at that time that he was pulled away just at the right time otherwise some of the other direct disciples he was so jealous that he made it hard for them a little bit everyone into Robert Christian's presence they they went into a different mood and they played a different role in this leader is it interesting how that worked out so it's interesting he says and now and then I say to myself let him go away he actually did go away for some not for very long but and when when they found that his fever was gone he was feeling better and surrounded Christian was very much relieved he himself never went to to Puri or Gaia these places because his father had the dream that uh when he was in in Gaia that uh would be born to their family and also we had such a strong identification uh with caitanya Deva and he was Rama he was Christian and I mean so so pretty also he avoided those places and that's why when the holy mother went there she used to show his picture sometimes yeah to the to the deity especially if Takara hadn't been there so that she had this belief that uh that somehow the photograph and the person are one in the same that uh then she remember Christian could have the division of juggernaut I mentioned before I I traveled for some time with a young monk of our order a little bit off usually the monks are a little bit off they don't have too much to do and if any visitor comes they'll show them around so whenever I would go to different ashrams and and the monks had to take me to different places they were always a little bit off yeah he was nice a nice young monk but uh he also did that ever we went to the court and if if you go there there are dozens and dozens of temples one after another after another another everyone he would go he would take out his picture talk where the holy mother and hold it in front of them so that they could see it was sweet but it was the any holy mother also did that with with srama Krishna foreign this childlike impatience of mind is nothing new I used to ask mathur Babu to feel my pulse and tell me whether I was ill well where then is my faith in God say this is these are silly questions uh he's just playing with with the devotees that who can possibly question his faith in Divine mother everything was full of Reliance on Divine mother but he just wants them to understand that this is just a childlike mood an attitude that comes on well where then is my faith in God once I was going to kamarpukur in a bullet card when several persons came up to the court with clubs in their hands they looked like Highwaymen I began to chant the names of the Gods sometimes I repeated the name of Rama and Durga and sometimes um so that in case one failed another would work to him can you tell me why I am so impatient um your mind sir see him he would ask him and we'll give the right answer he's pretty sure it's partly to test them but it's also so that he doesn't have to give the answer let em explain and your mind sir is always absorbed in samati you have kept a fraction of it on your body for the welfare of the devotees there therefore you feel impatient now and then for your body's safety master that is true a little of the mind is attached to the body it wants to enjoy the love of God and the company of the devotees ramakrishna had a very strong sense of of mission we can say that his life was not meant just for his own enjoyment that he had there was a purpose to his life that it was meant to be an example that uh Divine mother had kept him in the world for a certain reason this is why he was so anxious for the devotees to come and the the Inner Circle deputies the swamiji and others in the M all of them uh because they were the ones who would uh carry his message to the world he had to to be that living living example and proof of God realization so that we will all know that it's true and possible and he added people to to carry that message so otherwise it would all be in vain his company would be in vain sometimes he would talk like that holy mother also that unless she continued his coming would have been in vain he only reached a handful of people she had to carry this message to so many others uh initiate so many others and uh help look after the monastic order and everything Mani Malik told The Master about an exhibition that was being held in Calcutta he described the beautiful image of yashoda with the baby Krishna on her lap she Rama krishna's eyes filled with tears when hearing about yashoda the embodiment of maternal love his spiritual consciousness was kindled and he wept this this relationship between mother and child this is one of those relationships that works both ways that we can think of ourselves as the child and look upon God his mother or we can think of ourselves as the mother and look upon God as the child so this the division of a tradition it's always mother yasoda looking upon the baby gopala and in the chapter tradition is always the Divine mother is looked upon as our very own mother there's not there's not the same tradition of of some quranic uh ideal where there's one particular person uh who represents the divine mother and one who represents the child advice of a tradition with the bhagavat and everything we we have more specific things or ramayana so this is we have the example of Hanuman and Rama but with his mother worship is any mother and every child is the example is nothing not one particular type so SRI ramakrishna when Raquel was there he was in the mood of mother yasoda when gopalarma came he was in the mood of gopala and both were natural and easy for him and and he didn't choose these things automatically the mind would would get into that mood that was the nature of his mind that it was very susceptible to these triggers said something would trigger something he called it uddipana this is very common we see it in the life of Radha looking at the at the peacock and looking in the blue sky and then blue clouds and also a caitanya this is when hearing about yashoda the embodiment of maternal love his spiritual consciousness was kindled and he wept if you were not unwell you could visit the exhibition in the maidan boy that's a big open area near the ganga and Central Calcutta they set up fairs and all sorts of things there Master to M and the others I shan't be able to see everything even if I go perhaps my eyes will fall on some certain thing and I shall become unconscious it was also this moidan where he saw that English boy uh leaning against the tree abandoned three places just like the pictures of Krishna and one in this world lost all the outer consciousness then everything is spoiled they have to carry him home if it's a very deep type of samadhi perhaps my eyes will fall on some certain thing and I shall become unconscious then I shall not be able to see the rest I was taken to the Zoological Garden I went into samati at the side of the Lion for the carrier of the mother awakened in my mind the consciousness of the mother herself all of the the different gods and goddesses have their own different Vehicles different different carriers in that state who could see the other animals I had to return home after seeing only the lion hence mother first suggested that I should go to the exhibition and then said I should not mother was very much dear this Rama Christian she was very much attached to him very very devoted to him she was much more spiritual than than her son it was very wealthy man I Malek about 65 years old had been a member of the Brahma samaj for many years and srirama Krishna gave him instruction that would agree with his mood master funded joy and Narayan had very liberal views I visited him once and liked his attitude but his sons were high boots so that means that they dressed like British that they had picked up all of the habits of of the British who were there he told me he intended to go to Menards and live there and at last he carried out his intention for later on he did live in Bernards and died there when one grows old one should retire like Jain Narayan and devote oneself to the thought of God what do you say 65 years old was a ripe old age in those days Manila true sir I don't relish the worries and Troubles of the world Master gauri this is gauri Pandit he was a great scholar and spiritual solo so used to worship His wife with offerings of flowers all women are manifestations of the Divine mother to Manila please tell them that little story of yours money love smiling once several men were crossing the Ganges in a boat one of them a pundit was making a great display of his area Edition saying that he had studied various books The Vedas the vedanta and the six systems of philosophy he asked a fellow passenger do you know the vedanta no revered sir the song Kia and patanjala no revered sir have you read no philosophy whatsoever no revered sir the pundit was talking in his vein in this vain way and the passenger sitting in silence when the great storm arose and the boat was about to sink the passenger said to the pundit sir can you swim Noah replied the pundit the passenger said I don't know the sankya or the patanjala but I can swim Master smiling what will a man gain by knowing many scriptures the one thing neutral is to know how to cross the river of The World God Alone is real and all else is illusory here when whenever I see these these terms I will go back to look at the Bengali because I'm always curious about these translations here is vastu and abastu so I lay substantial and and Hollow like that type of that type of idea God Alone is real and all else is a passing show we can say something that no substance to it SRI ramakrishna had a little bit of this attitude of the Buddhist attitude that don't get too involved in all of these things that we want to accomplish what this goal of life is uh if if we waste all of our time with scripture and study and and trying to know the answer to all these questions we won't be able to to go past the suffering and get to that state of Nirvana sure because I like that attitude while Arjuna was aiming his Arrow at the eye of the bird drona asked him what do you see do you see these Kings no sir replied arduna do you see me no the tree no the bird on the tree no what do you see then only the eye of the bird he who sees only the eye of the bird can hit the mark this means two thing one is uh in meditation it means to be absolutely focused on the object of meditation which of course is very hard but the other thing is uh not to miss the goal of life to to know what we're trying to achieve in life and to go straight ahead a little tunnel vision not to look this way or that way or uh let the Mind get attached to this or that but go straight to the goal this is only only the eye of the bird can hit the mark the alone is clever who sees that God is real and all else is illusory what need have I have other information Hanuman once remarked I don't know anything about the phase of the moon or the position of the Stars I only contemplate Rama yeah sometimes we we get so hung up on these philosophical questions that I I wonder I wonder if we really stopped to think how important it is for us I was thinking today especially this idea that consciousness is it one or is it many so both I have my samadhi you have your samadhi is there only one Consciousness or two different consciences in that state of samanti now the philosophy above the big argument about these things are we think who really cares one achieves that state well life has changed and transformed and there's perfect freedom and and joy and Bliss that where does that question arise from and why did they get so angry with each other no there has to be one Consciousness can only be one the others say no there are many jivas each one is like a drop it can go into the ocean again and go back to the ocean yeah who really cares I wonder sometimes but the whole history of philosophy not just Indian philosophy is people arguing over these things but then we stop and think how does it affect my life and how does it affect the goal of life I want to achieve that ultimate state after achieving that ultimate state will I care there's the the duelist the qualified non-dualist the the non-dualists they can all have that Ultimate Experience and come back and still argue with each other but at that point who cares so this I think which ramakrishna is saying here is that let's not lose sight of the eye of the bird what we're really trying to achieve in life and not to bother too much about these sometimes there'll be discussions and taco will say that's for the philosophers the philosophical distinction now uh if this idea of Oneness is something that will keep us on the track and we have great faith in that then it's a good thing of course but if it's just a philosophical thing there's a question in the mind is there one witness or many witnesses okay we can make an argument for either one who really cares I want to be established in that state of the witness where I'm not affected by anything where I can simply watch and feel that Grandeur uh we we have the bird on the top of the tree so what if there are many trees and many birds each one has a bird at the top and a bird at the bottom uh we can say Well they're all that one bird appearing as many birds okay how does that really affect me huh this of course is a little Blasphemous this type of attitude for for especially for the non-dualist but uh if we if we really put our whole heart and soul into spiritual practice and and not bother we won't figure out these things ahead of time we find one that appeals to us that's all I also like this idea of Oneness it appeals to me but I can appreciate the attitude of the Duelists and and the qualified non-duals also and they can also talk where it says they can have the highest realization through that this is this is a Hanuman that sometimes he likes this complete dualistic attitude servant Master then that sometimes absolute Oneness the drama whatever you are I am that same but uh the third one then in between one you were the holding on report I'm a wave on on this all the ocean they're all attitudes spiritual attitudes first remember Krishna did not that one is true and the other is false and we don't have to argue one against the other they're all different uh spiritual attitudes and spiritual paths so Hanuman once remarked I don't know anything about the phase of the moon or the position of the Stars I only contemplate Rama now SRI ramakrishna is so uh involved with this philosophical discussion that the next thing he says to him is please buy a few fans for our youth here so that means that he's simply saying things that will appeal now to appeal to Manila not simply saying it these are important things that he's saying but the point is that uh takura wasn't a philosopher in the sense that he's trying to establish one position and he's arguing for it he's so he's showing that these are different ways of looking at it but main point he's making here is this book knowledge is not so helpful and it's it's really uh how can we live in the world it's learning how to swim means how to live in the world without drowning in the world and how to be able to get to the other side that these are the critical things to manilao look here pay a visit to his meaning M's father the side of a devotee will inspire you now this also surprises me I don't know we don't think of them's father as a creativity that he was actually the one who seemed to object to him being too devoted to Swami Krishna and not spending enough time with the family and everything maybe he also went his own way with a devotee I don't know anybody know anything so do I names father we don't hear anything right they accepted and didn't get along with him so well they went back and forth and to him since my arm was injured okay I'll stop here this is a very important thing that I'll I'll just read this then we'll we'll begin with this again since my arm was injured a deep change has come over me so we always say that's ramakrishna he could go one move to the other he could just kind of go back and forth one thing would trigger this one would trigger that no but he did have this little slight change of attitude that he'll he'll he'll explain in terms of this this broken arm since my arm was injured a deep change has come over me I now Delight only in the the human manifestation of God nithya and Leela the nithya is the indivisible and the Lila or sport takes various forms such as the leader of God the leader as the deities the Leela as a man and the Leela as the universe used to say that one has attained perfect knowledge if one believes in God sporting as man I wouldn't admit it then but now I realize that he was right Elijah in light pictures of man expressing tenderness and love okay so we'll start we'll start with this next time foreign yeah if we want to say what was the hidden reason for tuck we're having to break his arm that we can give this type of explanation that he felt Divine mother was telling him don't see God just in ecstasy you'll fall down and break your arm see God with eyes open dwelling within all beings so okay so we will stop here okay [Music] um [Music] we've our heads before srama Krishna who was stainless of infinite nature whose heart melts and sympathy for his devotees who is an embodiment of the Divine and the Supreme Lord and ever worthy of our worship [Music] peace peace peace be it