Video 113
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna read by Swami Atmajnanananda (11/11/22)
foreign [Music] Souls their Praise by Poets and remove all sin they are auspicious to hear wonderful and exalted those who spread these words throughout the world are truly giving soaps welcome everyone to our class on the gospel of Swami Krishna we are on page 368. this is the chapter M Edition part two and the day this Thursday December 27th 1883. the uh chapter this both chapters and it took sentence for part one part two uh contained a lot of different things there's a long long stay with them but he goes on different trips with shramakrishna on that particular day they went to ishan's house and last time we started the conversation and you may remember that tacor was introduced to ishan's son srish and he was told that he was a an attorney lawyer and somehow a cockward seems to have taken to him he seems to recognize that a nice young man with with a good qualities and everything and some serious questions and uh is a long conversation just between Charis and shivami Krishna actually talk with the answers some of his questions and so most of this chapter would be uh takur and his conversation with Suresh the son of uh Isha ishan oh that's interesting ishan was uh very very devoted to sriram Krishna and somehow we read that swamiji was very close with one of ishan's sons I don't know if it's this one or not or maybe somebody else and swamiji was very very uh confused in his praise of the ishan for his uh charitable nature he said every bit is charitable as vidyasagar was so takur was talking about the the streets had asked the question it is extremely difficult to proceed toward God while leading the life of a householder not a question but a statement and then talk with this is part of the long answer that he gives a man may lead the life of the householder after retaining knowledge but he must attain knowledge first now what do we mean by knowledge here if we're talking about the highest type of knowledge of wisdom then very few people will be able to do that so we have to assume that this means some understanding of what is the goal of Life what is important in life what is lasting what is of substance in life something like that at least that much and some idea regarding the real nature of the self some idea regarding the nature of God something at least if the milk of the mind is kept in the water of the world they get mixed therefore he should turn the milk and occurred and extract the butter from it by turning it in solitude then he may keep the butter in the water of the world therefore you see spiritual discipline is necessary so now that we see the different steps and not just attending knowledge but the first thing is to do some spiritual practice and go into solitude takuro like to combine these two things and going into Solitude just for the sake of being in solitude is not enough we go in this other two to do some spiritual practice without any disturbance from the world and this is how the mind becomes strong and uh we don't get so much of it attachment and the mind doesn't get so much affected by other things this is what it means for the milk of the mind to be turned into butter and then when it's resting in the world it won't mix with it so therefore you see spiritual discipline is necessary when the ashwatha tree is a mere sapling it must be enclosed by a fence otherwise the cattle will eat it but the fence may be taken away when the trunk grows thick and strong then even an elephant tie it to the tree cannot harm it so Taco gives this illustration many times that uh we we want to be a little bit protective of ourselves in the beginning of spiritual life now this is always a question what do we mean by the beginning of spiritual life or when do we reach that stage when we're no longer beginners in spiritual life right when we're pretty high up the ladder so we we can all consider ourselves beginners and spiritual life if we understand the end to mean God realization so we're all beginners but uh when when we're young especially and when just starting in spiritual life we have to be especially careful as we get a little bit older then we're not so much affected by things that if necessary we have to mix with it people for work and everything we're not too much affected but in the beginning we have to be very careful with regard to company that we keep with regard to even the types of enjoyments and entertainment and literature and movies things like that the more we can keep this this fence around the Mind keep these externally outside worldly thoughts from entering into the mind the safer it is the big mistake in spiritual life is to think that we reached that stage where uh we can't be affected by anything where their mind has become so strong that we can mix with anybody do anything and uh that we won't have any negative effect we always have to be a little bit used to say oh holy man beware be a little careful you want to eat rice suppose you sit down somewhere and say wood contains Fire and Fire Cooks rice can saying it cook the rice you must get two pieces of wood and by rubbing them together bring out the fire by eating City one becomes intoxicated and feels happy but suppose you haven't eaten the stuff or done anything else with it you simply sit down somewhere and muttered siddhi siddhi well that intoxicate you or make you happy you may learn a great deal from books but it is all futile if you have no love for God and no desire to realize him a mere pundit without discrimination and renunciation has it his attention fixed when lust in Gold the vulture soars very high but its eyes are fixed on the Charnel pit that alone is knowledge the which one is able to know God all else is futile well what is your idea about God now he's telling all of this to this sris because he's a highly educated young man in the very least we know to be a lawyer is not a small thing a lot of education and Western educated so he's trying to uh impress upon him the need for direct experience and to show the relative importance of of theoretical knowledge but also that that's not the goal that we have to have some type of direct experience and in order to do that we have to do some type of practice you know this this idea nowadays people talk about being spiritual but not religious if the time it means they don't do anything really it means that no you go to a church or Temple or this and that it's something no but I'm spiritual what does it mean it's not religious yes yeah so I it's nice to to feel that we're not bound by just conventional religion this is a good thing swamiji says it's good to be born in the church but not to die in a church that we want to go beyond the the limitations of conventional religion but if we want to think that we're on a spiritual path we have to do spiritual practice spiritual life is nothing but spiritual practice with some goal they're trying to achieve some goal so he's trying to impress uh on this Charis this idea so then he asks him well what is your idea about God sir I feel that there is an all-knowing person we get an indication of his knowledge by looking at his creation let me give an illustration now this is this is one way of uh deducing the existence of God through anumana that we use some logical reasoning that if we see this universe and every the effect has a cause there must be an ultimate cause so we do this type of deductive reasoning okay and we can come to the conclusion that yes if there's a creation there must be a Creator this type of idea highly theoretical there are many different Western philosophy you'll you'll find one philosopher will come with five proofs for the existence of God they'll be all different types all logical things but for this is okay but it's not it's not the same ideas as having that realization God for God to be something living so he says sir I feel there's an all-knowing person we get an indication of his knowledge by looking at his creation let me give an illustration God has made devices to keep fish and other Aquatic animals alive in cold regions as as water grows colder it gradually shrinks but the amazing thing is that just before turning into ice the water becomes light and expands in the freezing in the freezing cold fish can easily live in the water of a lake the surface of the lake may be frozen but the water below is all liquid if a very cold breeze blows it is obstructed by the ice the water below remains warm is funny I remember I took physics in physics class when I was in the 11th grade and we had this old it probably was only in the 60s seemed very old a very crusty kravajin type professor and we were talking about this the fact that uh water gets heavier as it gets colder but just before if you crystallize and be so I I asked him and he looked at me and said do you believe in God I was so surprised that he would give any time to the answer like that but the point is that people will take these types of things to point to uh this this idea that uh everything seems to be planned that there's a some intelligence behind everything this word is called uh creation and intelligent creation no anyhow uh so this this was a uh one of one of the proofs for the existence of God that we find in many Western philosophies and indeed philosophy also that if we look at nature and we see this intelligent design intelligent design which is really a kind of it's not exactly what it sounds like intelligent design is a little bit of a creationism type of thing but anyhow this idea that if we if we look at nature we see that there seems to be a plan say for example we take camouflage and uh how do we account for the fact that we have certain animals that have the color of their fur or their skin or something is such that they can be sitting on a on a leaf on a tree or something like that these little tree frogs and things like that and the other animals won't see them they'll blend into the background unless there's an intelligent Creator this is the theory huh then what happened and Darwin came along and upset the whole apple cart yeah he said you're saying that there must be an intelligent Creator who did all of this because these are the things you see but you don't see all of the creatures that didn't have enough of this camouflage and died out so this what did they call that the natural selection a natural selection so this is a big blow to a lot of these religious thinkers that argument was very much I looked down upon by it very religious peoples wow what will happen to our idea of God and everything like that so takur is saying okay these are okay these are all nice theories they're just theories they have some positive thing to it some negative thing to it you want to really know what's the proof of God God can be realized he'll always go back to that is the ultimate proof everything else uh it sounds good it's a nice Theory but we can have somebody who comes along like Darwin and and say yeah there's a reason why uh it looks like all all these animals are camouflaged and have natural protection and everything because the ones that didn't they didn't survive survival of the fittest that type of idea anyhow this is this is his understanding talk we're not going to look down upon it it's uh at least he's he's not saying I don't believe in God or anything like that he has some some idea all-knowing so this intelligence this God has some plan for the universe now you remember what swamiji said what do you say this planet of the universe devilish he said I could have created a better Universe yeah if we look at all of the destruction and everything that takes place an equal amount good and bad and everything so there are pluses and minuses to all of these theories master that God exists may be known by looking at the universe but it is one thing to hear of God another thing to see God and still another thing to talk to God so he's going to make that big distinction in there then uh some averted milk some have seen it and some again have tasted it you feel happy when you see milk you are nourished and strengthened when you drink it you will get peace of mind only when you have seen God you will enjoy Bliss and gain strength only when you have talked to him now there's a talking to God is something that takur mentioned many many times as uh one of the signs of the vignani that after God realization coming back down again that one didn't see God one can talk to one can have a personal relationship with God these are mystical types of things unless we have that experience uh we're hard for us to comprehend what it means we heard we assume something internal God dwelling within the heart something like that but how to hear it through the mind uh external life is very hard to understand these things but these were so real the talk were experienced uh and the other great saints that we can't dismiss it Swami do you like to dismiss it in the beginning these are all hallucinations wonderful the the solution to hallucinations of your mind within swamiji later became convinced of all of that so Taco is emphasizing two things one is practice and the other is there was some direct experience in between we can say Guyana that this knowledge I'm going to take as some discriminative knowledge of what's real and what's unreal what's transitory what's permanent what's a real value in life uh I don't think it means it's from beginning the highest type of wisdom that's that's what we're aiming for of course so then Suresh he says we do not have time to pray to God now he's uh a lawyer attorney and that means that is probably his time is fully taken up with all of the work that he has I don't know much about him if he's married family or anything else but anyhow for most people this is true most people especially younger with family and everything before that retirement age that they're kept very busy with their work and with social obligations and family and everything else how much time do they have mastered with the smile that is true nothing comes to pass except at the right time so we can assume a little bit that when we're fully involved with the world and we don't have that much Spare Time perhaps if we had that spare time we wouldn't be able to utilize it perhaps that when the time is really right Taco says Divine mother herself will lessen our duties like the the daughter-in-law in the house who gets pregnant mother-in-law month by month reduces her duties nothing comes to pass except at the right time going to bed a child said to his mother mother please wake me up when I feel the call of nature my son said the mother that urge itself will wake you up I don't have to wake you yeah so many times we also we we wonder uh is is it time to give up everything is it time to take initiation is it time to devote myself fully to spiritual life that when that time comes that question won't it won't arise in the way that that makes us really wonder about it we'll have some conviction well there's some feeling that uh yes this is the thing I have to do this uh we we see this very often uh those who take the monastic life or those who really are ready to to give up everything in uh that a little conviction has to be there and that happens not because we want it to happen it happens it may be circumstances it may be just Karma it may be mother's will we don't know but it'll happen so this this idea when Tucker talks about uh giving giving up everything and devoting the full mind to God to hold on to the world with one hand and God with the other hand and so you can hold on to God with both hands and we want to know when how do we decide is the answer is always it happens on its own you know the example of the scab we we scrape the hand and and it uh it bleeds a little bit and then the scab forms and somebody says well how do I know when it's time to when it's healed underneath that I can pull this cab off we don't decide that when it's healed underneath the scab falls off from the top so this is Method not to pull anything off but we can do things of course if our goal is to renounce if our goal is to hold on to God with both hands there are things we can do to to hasten that and to make ourselves ready for it but if we're not ready then it won't it won't be much available uh then Taco makes a very interesting statement it is all decided beforehand by God what each one shall receive no will find this uh two theories which uh either can be seen as conflicting or is dovetailing he wanted the will of God the other Karma either we say well that all decided before him this is our proud of the karma that we come into this world and there'll be certain things that uh will be part of our destiny somehow however we understand it and others will say no whatever happened to the will of the mother then others will say well this is how the will of the mother works so we'll see we'll get to this conversation a little bit later so it is all decided beforehand by God what each one shall receive of course we can take these as spiritual attitudes also that whatever comes to us is what we deserve through either through Karma or God's Will and that that gives us surrender and acceptance we can take it that way also a mother-in-law used to measure rice with the dish for her daughters-in-law but it was not enough for them one day the dish was broken and that made the girls happy but their mother-in-law said to them children you may shout and dance but I can measure the rice with the palm of my hand foreign surrender everything at the feet of God see he won't say these things to just anybody and he was so close with ishan he was quite elderly at that time so close with ishan and probably I fell that closeness with the sun and everything so he's really giving you beautiful advice surrender everything at the feet of God what else can you do give him the power of attorney see what else can we do sometimes we feel helpless we feel absolutely helpless because of external circumstances or the nature of our minds external circumstances sometimes we feel this we're being smothered and crushed then what can we do so many obligations and this happens and that happens and the parents look after children to raise so many different things happen somebody loses a job we have to go and find some other work so many things that we feel crushed sometimes and then other times we don't have all of that and the mind doesn't cooperate so what can we do the mind doesn't cooperate we also have to take that that's also an external circumstance on some level internal of course but we can also practice surrender with that now surrender doesn't mean that we don't try to change things it means that we do our best to change it but we have to accept things in the long run otherwise what do we do we beat our heads against the wall and we beat ourselves up we say oh why am I like this and I have so many bad Tendencies we have people like that good wonderful people and they're too hard in themselves criticize themselves too much so we have to practice surrender with regard to ourselves also this is the way I am what can I do I don't like it I'm trying to change I happen to have a bad temper I happen to be a little lazy I happen to get annoyed at people sometimes I'm doing my best not to but this is the mind I've been given what can I do I accept it try to change it but accept it both so this is a beautiful surrender everything at the feet of God what else can you do give him the power of attorney let him do whatever he thinks best if you rely on a great man he will never injure you now what do we do this is this is the the real difficulty with his attitude suppose I'm faced with the with the decision to make by the good job offer that takes me to another city I'll make more money but I'll leave the center what do I do now somebody says let God decide so okay [Music] oh do we get a letter in the mail I mean what happens how do we how do we do that let God decide give the power of attorney so somehow we have to try to make the best decision try to think uh what what is best for everyone in the long run try to eliminate all the selfish ideas try to think what what will give the best spiritual environment for us try to come up with with you know the most sensible type of answer uh because for most of it God doesn't talk to us we may look for signs many people look for signs huh they may come they may not come they may be our own mind and we don't know any of these things so how do we decide this is always a big question that how do we know what to do and what not to do we'll get that famous state moves Toyota okay what whether we know it or we don't know it as uh okay God is the indweller yeah see we three different ideas God is the indweller as the suction suction won't tell us what to do right God is the indweller uh in terms of the under Yaman the Adriana can guide us God is the indweller as the Carta as the agent God Alone is doing everything three different points of view three different attitudes that we can take now there's something in in Western thought called conscience what is conscience there's a belief that there's something inside of us which will tell us right from wrong which is a little independent of any temporal or cultural biases or anything whether it's true or not hard to say so uh you know there'll be a society that says okay in in war it's all right to kill people and War and there's a few people will come along and say uh yes but something inside tells me that no sir under no circumstances is it right to kill people we call these people conscientious objectors and we give a little bit of absoluteness to conscience that it's not a relative type of thing whether it's true or not I don't know to a large extent I think it is to a large extent that everything the mind tells us the mind will tell us do this this will be fun you'll enjoy this some inner voice inner voice seems to say that's not really the right thing to do now how much is learned from childhood how much is is uh is really some inner voice that's these are very hard to say they're hard to to be able to understand what this indwelling presence means for the gyani uh is really the Delight of Consciousness and the Observer and everything not telling us what to do the anterior these will be more devotional people they'll say yes and God is is within directing us okay because they'll make us me speak yeah yeah now discrimination is is our way of trying to decide what is the right thing to do but this idea that everything we do is the will of God we'll get to this these are also these are fascinating ideas the attitude is comforting but is it real see if we can fool ourselves also well let's we'll get to doyodhana yeah I think we'll I hope we'll get to it here but yeah this is uh uh even even the the Mad Men even the murderer even the religious fanatic has that tremendous comfort that this is God's will that I'm doing God's will so we have to be cautious with this type of idea so this idea of power of attorney this is one way of everything we do we see Yiddish he learned this from is every time he was about to do something he had to ask himself am I doing it out of this this wretched ego okay if I can eliminate The Wretched ego and this desire for enjoyment and pleasure and everything and then I can feel that the Tucker's will or God's will or if we have an ideal see even in Guitar we have this question how do we know how do we know what to do what is the right thing to do so SRI Krishna says we need standard we need a promana the scriptures or or the behavior of a great soul they set the ideal that that be the ideal that we can follow then we have some sense that we're doing something we can say God's will we can say you remember holy mother when she was young she used to pray mother make my will one with your will that was interesting huh we can at the same time say oh everything is God's will but she had that understanding that I can have some selfish desire for something that I can't say is God's will that I have to say no it's my will now how we work all of this out philosophically it's a different question but from a practical point of view we can make that distinction we can talk about children who are very willful some are obedient we'll feel obedient they'll be the two opposite sides obedient means they're not always doing things just because they want to do it they'll do it because they're told or asked to request it or they know it's the the right thing to do willful I don't care what you say or who you are or anything I want it and that way so anyway let's let's uh uh let's go on because we'll get more of this discussion so let him do whatever he thinks best if only we knew wouldn't that be nice if only we know with some certainty tuckworth's case was was a different uh he he was so devoid of any ego that there was nothing inside but mother to whatever ego was there would be directed by mother that child ego the perfectly pure purified ego it is no doubt so the conversation change continues it is no doubt necessary to practice spiritual discipline but there are two kinds of aspirants the nature of one kind is like that of the young monkey and the nature of the other kind is that of the kitten the young monkey with great exertion somehow clings to its mother if you've been to the zoo and you you see it even with big apes and everything that they'll be underneath and they'll be holding on like that and the mother can jump from places mother doesn't have to do anything and they'll just cling and they won't fall it's really remarkable to see the young monkey with great exertion somehow clings to its mother likewise there are some aspirants who think that in order to realize God they must repeat his name a certain number of times meditate on him for a certain period and practice a certain amount of austerity okay so this is the like the monkey and inspired of this kind makes his own efforts to catch hold of God but the kitten of itself cannot cling to its mother it lies on the ground and cries it leaves everything to its mother the mother cat sometimes puts it on a bed sometimes on the roof behind a pile of wood she carries the kitten in her mouth hither and thither the kitten doesn't know how to cling to the mother likewise there are some aspirants who cannot practice spiritual discipline by calculating about Japan or the period of meditation all they do is cry to God with the earning Hearts God hears their cry and cannot keep themself away he reveals himself to them okay now which one is better which which one should we follow which one should we practice yeah I don't uh when when talk words Clearly say that the second is better he's clearly saying that and that we have to reach that stage but is he saying that we can just start out like that he says there are some who can these will be rare people I take this domain that the first is the illustration of this is is for beginners and we already decided that most of us are beginners that we have no choice if in the beginning we simply say no I'll just lie here I won't do anything I'll let mother do with me what she wants well either nothing will happen that we can't practice that until the time comes this is what taku was saying until the right time comes that means that all these examples about you know the scab for me and everything this has to do with it when right Deepak the ends and when this anuraga begins at that point we don't decide I don't have to do this I don't it falls off and why don't we have to repeat the name of God a certain number of times because automatically we're repeating God or thinking of God day and night without effort if if we try to do the first it's like trying to jump to the roof without climbing the snips so I look at these as two different stages now there'll be some because of goods some Scholars because of Grace somehow uh they've been born already at that higher stage and that long is so tremendous that they don't have to worry about these other things otherwise we have to we have no other choice but to follow some rigorous routine spiritual practice day in and day out and this is how my God's grace one day we'll reach this other level so we can say they're two different personality types and one is for the one for you we can do it that way but I look at its stages I look at it it's that neither one is better than the other but one follows the other you can also look at it slightly differently yeah if we want we can say that the the first one is or for the for the gyani or for the karma Yogi somebody who who with the effort and everything and that the other uh not see the path of devotion you'll find that the buck does they'll do more of this jumper than anybody else and they may have lots of rules and rituals and everything that they follow on the path of devotion but this are two different things now we're talking about this when that comes this passionate Divine love of God then we don't have to worry about any of these other things they'll fall off on their own so uh it's not so simple to say yes I'll follow this this kitten devotion and that I will give up all uh effort to do spiritual practice that I won't bother about repeating a certain number of times it doesn't matter if I sit in the morning or afternoon what does it mean I will end up sleeping late in the morning ability to cook for that Network itself may be Grace is the young he doesn't know okay let me see if I can repeat this the gyani may think that he's the baby monkey the the Johnny may think that he's the baby monkey and he's doing everything you know with to his own effort yeah but that ability to cook for that but the ability to put forth that effort is also the grace of God and he'll realize it later yeah see of course this this desire this desire to realize God in the beginning will manifest itself as this longing to do spiritual practice that's how it will manifest in the beginning there's this the tremendous desire in taqwar's life it manifests Itself by weeping and wailing and rubbing his face on the ground but still spending a whole night in meditation and prayer well episode but the first four years before he had that the mother colleague The Experience interview yeah [Music] we have this the stage Theory which is very important this uh for those who want to reach the first stage of yoga those who want to reach that then karma karma then we have to act we have to do our sadhana we have to work very hard and then uh yoga for one who's reached that level that level of yoga doesn't mean God realization then today then uh removing ourselves from from the world this practicing surrender they have this classical vedanta teachers say when the stage of karma is crossed then it gives you the qualification for the higher rate on the practices for for Ghana yoga does this is the way shankarachary will explain it first Karma Yoga then Yana yoga and the other way of understanding it is when we reach that stage of yoga it talks about yoga then the scented ego was gone then who was there to do the spiritual practice but we still haven't realized God after this so so they'll take the first part as preliminary this is the Guyana yoga this is shankaracharya this is that preparation will become a Ducatis for Yana yoga once we've reached that first level and we do that too our spiritual practice in in satana but these things work both for the path of yanu yoga and for all the different yogas that on the beginning we have to put forth tremendous effort and gradually through every path the center of the ego starts to to wear away and when that starts to wear away then there's nothing left but but surrender the Gianni won't call it surrender exactly but at that point his eye is gone so the Brahman itself will will fill us in something like that so different ways of explaining it but this two-tier Theory works for for every spiritual path for the the time will come when uh this need to to do a certain amount of Japan prayer and and Puja and everything we'll just drop off on its own a type of divine Madness will come upon someone they won't be capable of it anymore Tucker was incapable of doing Puja in the Kali Temple after all of that they had a different pujarati and everything so that that would happen [Music] is not really like this idea that Karma Yoga alone can take us to the highest goal don't say this Karma Yoga will will help purify the heart and that will allow knowledge to Dawn is he has a very simple Axiom that if ignorance is the cause of bondage then the only cause of of Liberation is knowledge that'll be the real cause but I think it's it's not such a big distinction that uh if if we have to purify the mind to have the highest realization and we do through Karma Yoga why not say karma yoga is also a cause of liberation it's a little bit of a logical thing it's technical yeah a bit of a technicality but during shankaracharya's time it was necessary because there were so many ritualists the momsicles and everything and those who were insisting no even that you should never give up this this keeping the ritual fire and doing young and all of that so there was a reason for it during his day uh even takur when he talks about Karma Yoga very often he's referring to the performance of ritual very often every once in a while he'll say yes doing everything's an offering God there's also Karma Yoga it's very good but this idea of just doing formal worship and practice that has to be transcended at some point even the gyani at some point he transcends this Vitara [Music] is also very clear that this ego uh it can get refined it can get transformed it can get ripened but uh it doesn't disappear except in the stage of uh samadhi or there'll be times but it comes back so it it comes back transformed though and that we utilize it is very practical the taco is extremely practical with all of this the reason why he instituted all this this is because that will be following us may not be able to spend all their yeah yeah so this this is a question um many people were asked why swamiji started if satus is supposed to practice a Path of Knowledge and they're supposed to withdraw and everything why so much of Social Service work and all of that now there were two reasons one of course is he had this love of the country he wanted to uplift the country and help people but he also understood and there was a conversation he told us he wanted his brother disciples that uh and holy mother also used to say the same thing you direct disciples we know you can go out and live under a tree and every these young boys who are coming they're not in that same caliber and unless they have some constructive work to do then the mind will wander and everything they need this Karma Yoga to to purify they need to do selfless work and selfless work also develops the heart working for other people this is also a devotional thing's point is the moment you use the word caliber then it automatically means that Karma Yoga is Preparatory and yeah but everything is Preparatory and then Grace comes that's why this Vitara is Preparatory this this always analyzing what's real and what's unreal that uh all of this is just to lead us to that point where the Mind merges in something higher where we come free from attachment to things and that's also Preparatory in that way everything is Preparatory to direct experience and that state of Oneness the palm leaf drop in that that doesn't really mean uh signify a realization no but it means a stage has been like it means it's this stage it's been attained all of these things yeah when we talk about the scabs rolling off this this doesn't mean the roof this means we've we've we can leave behind the lady bhakti and go to anuraga and that we can practice this kitten type of devotion if we want to look at it from from that point of view so did I finish this and likewise there's some aspirants who cannot practice spirits who cannot practice spiritual discipline by calculating about jump over the period of of meditation this was takur this is a rare thing all that they do is cry to God with the earning Hearts God hears their cry and cannot keep himself away he reveals himself to them so this is the end of that particular conversation at noon the host wished to feed the master and his devotees SRI ramakrishna was smilingly pacing the room now and then he exchanged a few words with the musician see how m is always hanging around it's ramakrishna whoever he's having a conversation with he's over here getting ready to write everything down musician it is God alone who is both the instrument and the cause O Lord Thou Art seated in my heart I act as thou makeest me act oh is he the one who says it all right do it he does it himself huh let me see we'll just talk with say it again later oh let me see and you know this is a very famous statement this uh I know Dharma huh I know the harma but this I don't know how to perform it I know the right thing to do but I don't know how to do it I know the wrong thing to do but I don't know how to desist from doing it so this is saying to Sri Krishna that is so I do as you make me do seated within my heart now I'm not an expert on this Mahabharata story I was trying to find out what is the context of all of this because this can be understood in so many different ways he could be saying don't blame me for anything because not the same as a talk we're saying is your mother as you make me act I speak as you make me speak we hear that this is this is the attitude of the god realized Soul can take and nobody else can take so what is doing uh you have to speak loud so they can hear you [Music] okay oh okay yeah so anyhow this uh is he having a Moment of clarity that he knows that this is the real truth is he is he just trying to get out of all responsibility or is he trying to say that you've made me like this you dwell within my heart you're giving me these these Tendencies to do evil things what can I do about it how to take it and that he has a role to play ah yes uh and this is the other one that this is Lila you've given me this role to play that I'm the one who has to do all of this in order for this Leela to to be enacted properly I also have my role to play I'm doing what you want me to do I have to pay the bad guy somebody has to be play the villain huh that's the same verse not talking about the car or anything it's just my mind that in my mind I know what's right but there are two versions of that verse no no even if you say that still the second line is I do is you make me do dwelling within my heart no the the Slate yeah there's a second there is right now right yeah yeah I don't know as if someone within is making me do something like that but still yeah so anyhow this is this is right and what is wrong even Arjuna had that question that why do I why do I do why did the person do that and uh what this what does SRI Krishna tell him does he say I dwell within your heart and I make you do it yeah he says it there but here he says that because of the rajes within you you're doing all these things come to that person yes so we'll get to all of this Taco is going to give a decent I like these questions but they have no there's no one answer that satisfies everyone oh spiritual attitude okay so oh Lord Thou Art seated in my heart a act as thou maketh me act Master with a smile yes that is true it is God alone who acts through us he is the doer undoubtedly and man is his instrument okay now this is one point of view the highest from the highest point of view if we see that God Alone dwells within all beings this is the ego with some false superimposition that there's nobody within there is no individual Jesus is just an idea that God Alone dwells within then God Alone is doing everything a very high point of view so if I was starting with this it'll come down to our level a little bit but it is also true that an action cannot fail to produce its result so then why do we do the karma your stomach will certainly burn if you eat hot chili it is God who is ordained the chili will burn your stomach so this is why I was saying that God's Will and God's plan which everything is God's will we can say well uh his will is that we we reap as we sow that we eat actually the stomach will burn that this is the will of God that we take responsibility for our actions now everyone will accept that interpretation this is my point the different spiritual attitudes but takor he's going to point to the other side of things yeah you can easily say that God's was within that's why you're doing all of this but what about your some Scott is they're the ones who are driving what about Karma crota they're the ones that are driving you to do all of these things you want to put all the blame on God when me dwelling within your heart see Krishna could say to him you're going to blame me for all of this huh so it is God who has ordained the Chile will burn your stomach so both will of God lord Karma if you commit sin you must bear its fruit first he's saying that there's no you there's only God dwelling within he's the real doer now are we saying but you're committing sin yeah yeah so this Jiva is real as long as we believe in the Jiva it's a very funny idea when we realize that it's not real then it's not real but when we think it's real it is real and we have to utilize it and work through it we we can climb the stairs to the roof and then find out that there were no stairs the lower bird was higher higher and higher and he realized that yeah so do it [Music] yeah anybody has this idea that to perform action not to perform action that has some sense of Will has to accept their their individuality yeah we have to do that that is the white tacos always say everyone's saying that yeah you're you're doing everything you want and you like and everything and then saying everything is God's will if we want to say everything is God's will we have to completely eliminate this lower selfish uh thick hard ego that's the only way yeah yeah we we there there should be no Theory within the heart no hypocrisy and you know this is very interesting all of this it is God who has ordained the Chile would burn your stomach if you commit a sin you must bear its fruit but one who has attained perfection realize God cannot commit sin now still there's an ego there one who has realized God that's the Jiva the Jiva realizes God but the Jiva hood is practically gone that ego is so ripened and so one with God in such a close relationship with God as a child of God servant of God or even this feeling of Oneness with God that is barely a distinction barely a distinctive at that point and there's a test we can't do anything to harm anybody if we do Toyota if he's if he's doing all sorts of evil things and saying I'm doing as God is making me do within then we have to take it as uh as these samskadas and these Tendencies uh or these Rose this is Lila role that I have to play something like that but we can't blame this uh under Yaman within and trying to direct them to do better things maybe but this is that conflict that this lower mind and the higher mind is a conflict that takes place until that there's purification of the mind gets accomplished so but when it was attain Perfection realize God cannot commit sin an expert singer cannot sing a false note a man with the trained voice things the notes correctly very often he says the expert dancer will never miss a Beat the meal was ready the master and the devotees went to the inner Court where they were treated to a generous feast okay we'll stop here because then he's going to resume his conversation with srish in the afternoon he'll have his lines take a little rest and then then we'll continue with that um [Music] foreign [Music] we bow our heads before sarama Krishna who was stainless of infinite nature whose heart melts and sympathy for his devotees who is an embodiment of the Divine and the Supreme Lord and ever worthy of our worship [Music] peace peace peace Beyond