Video 111
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna read by Swami Atmajnanananda (10/21/22)
foreign [Music] Souls they are praised by Poets and remove all sin they are auspicious to hear wonderful and exalted those who spread these words throughout the world are truly giving Souls welcome everyone to our class on the gospel of ramakrishna I'm trying to get the pictures in the background so you can all see the shrine okay hmm we're still on the chapter Emma dakshineswar part one and it's Monday December 24th 1883 and shurama Krishna has been staying with M has been staying with shramakrishna for the past couple of weeks this is the longest day that he had the induction ishwar with Krishna so this is a very special special period in his life we're in page 360. huh Amit dakshines for part one mostly he's talking to m they were together in the Pine Grove just going for a walk foreign stood up they were silent all around Disturbed only by the general rustling of the pine needles and the murmuring of the Ganges the master went to the panchavati and then to his room talking all the wild with m the disciple followed him fascinating fascinated at the panchavati surama Krishna touched with his forehead the raised platform around the Banyan Tree this was the place of his intense spiritual discipline where he had wepted bitterly for the vision of the Divine Mother where he had held intimate communion with her and where he had seen many Divine forms this is a panchavati this is the Grove of the five different trees that takur himself planted and I he had his vision of the Divine mother but also most of his other esotenas except for the tantric that took place in this area uh when Toto party came that Hut is right next to this panchavati so this is uh considered very very Sacred by the devotees of shramakrishna and we know that uh takur was he was not one to uh to be too formal about things because they would have picnics there and then have food there and everything so it's not like everyone had to feel such a sacred holy place that you you can't laugh and have fun and there were big creepers that would hang down that the boys could swing on and they would sit there and dangle their legs over the side and everything uh now unfortunately uh of course I haven't been there for a while but I know that all the trees had died and the remaining banyan tree that it was falling apart there was a fire at one time and I think they've tried to plant something now and but it was uh impossible to maintain something like that they they tried but any of that area where the puentevity was is still considered very sacred the master in M passed the cluster of buckled trees and came to the Norbert hazra was there the master said to him don't eat too much and give up this craze for outer cleanliness people with the craze do not attain knowledge follow conventions only as much as necessary don't go to excess the master entered his room and sat on the couch yeah this is something called that we see in the lives of uh one of holy mother's nieces and others were constantly worried about purity and constantly having the bed and sprinkling themselves with Genji's water and always worried are they getting polluted by the touch of this or that and everything and takur used to say three types of people will have difficulty realizing God one those who have bankamon that have a crooked heart some something crooked within that's uh not very honest and straightforward and those who are constantly questioning things some shayatma those who are very skeptical by nature and you as soon as you say something say I don't believe it those type of people and people have this UTI that are always worried about the external Elder cleanliness and Purity and things like that so Tucker didn't care for uh all of these very strict rules about things sarama Krishna was resting after his midday meal when Surendra RAM and other devotees arrived from Calcutta it was about one o'clock while Anne was strolling alone under the pine trees Harish came there and told them that the master wanted him in his room but this was living with ramakrishna at this time someone was going to read from the Shiva samhita a book containing instructions about yoga and the six centers M entered the room and saluted the master the devotees were Seated on the floor but no one was reading the book the SRI ramakrishna was talking to the devotees Master the gopis cherished ecstatic love for Krishna there are two elements in such love highness and minus yeah I end mine and we can say this uh a homemade mama and uh this is the feeling that Krishna will be ill if I do not serve him in this attitude the devotee does not look upon his ideal as God now this is one of the instances where the path of devotion and The Path of Knowledge I look at things from my opposite point of view I won't say they contradict each other they look at things from completely different points of view that I and mine are the two main obstacles in spiritual life for the gyani this feeling of I is ego and this feeling of mind is possession I own this this is mine it all goes back to the body Consciousness and everything wants to have that feeling of our eye and one step Pride the Johnny can't have any Pride if he wants to be proud the krishna's mind the representative of God and possessive that yes this is my gopala like mother you showed it they'll have that that attitude the same with namarufa we've seen this name and form I think Yani has to get rid of all name in Forum Deputy loves Naaman for okay so different paths have different ways of of looking at all of these things we're trying to go beyond name and form one utilizes it and one dispenses with it same thing with I and mine we want to go beyond this ordinary scent of I an ordinary sense of possessiveness the one does it by just saying nothing is mine and this ego is unreal the other does it by identifying with something spiritual the scent of mind is not with regard to their house and their children and family and everything is with regard to God so both of them are achieving the same type of thing transcending ordinary binding scent of iron Vine but with two different methods now this is interesting in this attitude the devotee does not look upon his ideal as God now the gopis not know that SRI Krishna was God is an interesting question because uh in the Narada bhakti Sutra we have the other point of view that those who simply have this loving attitude and thinking of some of this human being it's ordinary type of love there has to be this feeling that God is there the gopis it wasn't that they didn't know the divine nature of Krishna they didn't care so much about that it was The Human Side this uh I I mentioned every time the Swami that I am reading his commentary on the gospel he makes a Long Point about the importance of the human side of the avatar more important than the the Divine side the ishwara side is Left Behind in the and The Human Side is emphasized and when God takes human form he makes a very long uh very beautiful point about that so the same thing here that is this human personality that is that source of Attraction with them and not that they didn't want to realize that he's Divinity itself but this idea that uh he has with this Divine manifestations Warrior all of that and this they didn't care for they wanted to either just to see that their their object of their love and uh mother yoshoda for for loving child who was defended upon her for everything so this was their attitude minus is to feel that the Beloved is my own the gopis had such a feeling of mindness towards Krishna that they would Place their subtle bodies under his feet lest his souls should get hurt you showed the remarked I don't understand your chintamani Krishna to me he is simply gopala chintamani Krishna I I am not familiar with this term but I'm guessing chintamani is is this type of stone that if you touch it sometimes it says if you touch it then your desire will be fulfilled so it means they don't don't care for Krishna who can fulfill desires who's like the common thing of the witch fulfilling tree they they want their simple Krishna there may be some other technical meaning chintamani Krishna but anyhow this is the feeling that we get that this is with divine power that he can fulfill any desire they don't care for that they want the Krishna that needs them to serve him not that he can do everything for everybody yeah yeah I don't know there must be some incident or something but it simply means that if even the physical body to to lay in front you know the story the incident in the life of Swami uh that they were he was with holy mother and uh wanted this Ox card or something going on in the village road and it was night time and he saw that there was a big uh chunk of road that was that was gone and he knew that I either the card would break or it would disturb holy mother's sleep something like that so we got out he ran ahead and he laid his body there so the card would go over his body it wouldn't disturb her so fortunately she woke up and saw and and wouldn't allow it to happen of course but this is that same type of feeling that such love that they're willing to a physical body or subtle body you know that they want to do something so that the Beloved is not Disturbed in any way so the point is just that feeling of love I don't know why special he's a subtle body foreign yes everybody the copies also said oh where is Krishna our beloved where is Krishna our sweetheart they were not conscious of his being God that means they didn't keep it in their uh awareness that they that would cause some feeling of Separation some feeling of shyness or some feeling uh that they have to stand at a distance something like that they they didn't want to focus on that it is like a small child saying my daddy if someone says to the child no he is not your daddy the child says yes he is my daddy God incarnating himself as man behaves exactly like a man so this is the point that Tucker makes over and over again now exactly like a man but of course different in so many ways exactly like a man that means also has to sleep and eat and drink and and answer calls of Nature and and we'll have some good days and bad days and will sometimes feel some sadness some a little bit like that of all of that otherwise completely different and would leave no attachment to anything this uh enjoying that Bliss of God consciousness sometimes aware of his real nature as Divine sometimes not there's another interesting point that when and how does the Avatar understand that he's an avatar and is that Consciousness always there so the strong reputation on the East he says no sometimes they'll have that awareness that it'll come at a certain period in life and that it won't always be there otherwise it's hard to live in the world and mix with people and everything so they also accept this limitations of being a human being they accept that and they understand it and they live in that realm otherwise we couldn't relate to them this is called another Leela this is that play just like an expert actor he'll give that example God incarnating himself as man behaves exactly like a man that is why it is difficult to recognize an Incarnation this is actually one of the signs of an incarnation a few people recognize them during their lifetime documents this is one uh we see it in the Life of Christ the life of Buddha they had a handful of followers and then when after they'd passed away and increased increased increased we see that power growing and growing but how do we recognize most of the people thought he was simply mad he was that they really couldn't understand and even even those who appreciated him not all of them understood him to be an avatar of course this is a little different stay with the swamiji and everything that was because they're looking at it from a different philosophical point of view yes the same hunger thirst disease grief and sometimes even fear Rama was stricken with grief for Sita Krishna carried on his head the shoes and wooden stool of his father Nanda in the theater when an actor comes on the stage in the role of a holy man he behaves like one and not like the actor who was taking the part of the king he plays his own role once an impersonator dressed himself as a world-renouncing monk pleased with the correctness of his disguise some rich people offered him a rupee he did not accept the group he was a fair amount at that time it's not like today he did not accept the money but went away shaking his head afterwards he removed his disguise and appeared in his usual dress then he said to the rich people please give me the rupee they replied why you went away refusing our president why do you ask for it now the man said but then I was in the role of a holy man I could not accept money likewise when God becomes man he behaves exactly like a man when we look at the life of Sharma Krishna we say exactly like a man but who could be like that he's such a high standard that is impossible for anyone else but we know what he means the same hunger thirsters and ups and downs everything at rindavan one sees many places associated with Christmas life Surendra we were there during the holidays visitors were continually pestered for money the priests and others asked for it continually we told them that we were going to leave for for Calcutta the next day but we fled from vrindavan that very night Master what is that shame you said said you would leave the place the next day and ran away that very day what a shame now before we start thinking too poorly surrender I wanted to read a little bit about him because he played a very very important role in the life of ramakrishna and the life of the ramakrishna order and uh sometimes uh when we read sections of the Gospel we don't get a full picture of these people if if we're not careful we can get it get a very bad uh conception of uh always trying to get a raise get a bigger job interview but we forget what a fantastic Liberty how much he loved shivami Krishna how many times Taco went to his house we forget these ishan he gets a big scolding that one chapter advice to ishan that we think that the poor old man that he's done nothing in his life and still uh wants a little uh importance and everything but he was they say equally as a generous and charitable as vidy asagar who was legendary that way so the same thing with this surrender he was a little bit of a complicated person that generation marginally at the same time yeah this is one incident where he says to srama Krishna people don't understand that some people can give away money easily some it hurts them to give a little bit something like that but he was so generous anyhow let me read a little bit about about his life he was born in 1850 and died in 1890 so lived a short life only 40 years uh he was householder Deputy of srama Krishna and one of his the taco said that there will be certain people he's at four who will be the ones who will look after my worldly need Supply suppliers of of uh of my needs and uh matar Babu of course was the most important and uh and then maybe he was half that's why he said that anyhow so he looked upon him that way so he it says he was one of the book that he was very straight talking he didn't mince words with anything what he felt he said so that way he was very honest in his early life he was an atheist and uh let's see Ram Chandra that was his friend for about 30 years and Mitra who was also related to ramchandra and they were very enthusiastic about taking this non-believer of ishashi this surrendered this atheist taking him to dakshineswar to me it's ramakrishna this will be before the direct disciple started coming but as soon as he heard these nectar words of srama Krishna then he was completely overwhelmed and at that time he always all of his waking hours he spent thinking of srama Krishna he went to abduction this war many many times and uh takur also went to his home many many times in shumulia and uh and and blessed him when he went there as a result of all of this then peace came into the life of surrender but we find that uh different times uh he felt people didn't understand him he was very sensitive when he had to put in his house if they didn't come uh one time he gave him Allah to srama Krishna and he took it off so very sensitive that way but he looked upon takur as his Guru and in his home they used to do this entrepreneur they did that one time and it was at his house that tirama Krishna saw swamiji for the first time uh everyone knew he was a good singer so whenever there was some type of uh get together at the deputy's house they would call for him so he would come and sing that was the first time that uh takur laid eyes on him and the first time he saw surama Krishna but uh it wasn't the significant meeting that would come later yeah but it was the first time that it happened and he used to spend a lot of money on all of these things but it it brought him great joy to do all of this when takur was in kashipur then he bore The major portion of the expense which was a large expense there was a lot of people who were staying there they had the rent they feed everybody it was quite a large expense uh so this is why Taco called him one of his restaurant does and uh he used to spend a lot of money to celebrate sriyama Christian's birthday even while he was living and then even afterwards and uh after tapu died of course we know that story that he had some Vision or dream I don't remember where Taco said that look these boys they have no place to stay and everything and so he said the little money I used to give for takur kashipur now I'll give for all of you it uh so they used to say bless I don't know they surrendered blessed is he that so that they had great uh great love and respect for him and he was played a very important role in the growth of the order and everything because they had nobody they they had nobody who really cared for them or or they all thought what did these young boys doing they should go home now they should get jobs or to finish their school and everything so with very few swamiji used to say there was there was only one who really believed in all of us yeah you remember who and she was a woman holy mother yeah he used to say she was the one who really uh but there were some others of course so this Surendra uh he worked in an office now this is another interesting thing yeah they mentioned the name of it I don't know but uh he was in some type of business I thought that you you remember auction auction ah yeah yeah auction okay and uh this is another very nice nice uh incident in his life when shramakrishna said to him once then this curse in another place he said look at this surrender surrendered normally I can't take the food of people who earn their money by telling lies and things now Taco had this this idea that people who did things in business they had to tell lies a little bit and even even this idea of making a profit on something struck him is a little bit not pure honesty or something you buy something cheap settled expensive something like that this is why when the marwaris who we respected very much and he said real Hindus and everything but he couldn't eat their food so he said to this Surendra normally I can't touch the food of people who earn their money like that he said but you know why I can eat your food because you're so generous you give away more than you get so he'll scold them for being miserly but he praised him for how generous he was then he gives a very beautiful illustration he says when the farmer is bringing water into his field he he digs the the canal the channel there and every once in a while he'll make holes in the side so that when the water comes the rush of the water isn't so strong it breaks the wall completely it can leak out in different places and he said where that that leaking out of that water allows the rest of it to get to the field and the when it leaks out it carries a tilt with it and the area around that that channel is very good for agriculture also so he said this is what charity is like he said those who try to keep all of their money that will break the banks they won't even get to the field those who give away then even what they give everything becomes very fertile for them so he used that illustration with regard to this surrender so uh very very dedicated and uh is his life really see there's there's several beauty schools of course we know Surendra and uh and what was his name I can't think no that either they were drinkers or they went around or they had no faith their lives were completely transformed Kali Krishna College yeah so there were several like that and he was one of them life was completely transformed and very very dedicated so but he's going to get a good scolding here this is this is just to defend him a little bit so the master what is that shame you said you would leave the place the next day and ran away that very day what a shame Surendra embarrassed here and there we saw the babaji's in the woods practicing spiritual disciplines and Solitude now Tucker's not going to let him go Master did you give them anything surrender no sir master that was not proper review what should give something to monks and devotees those who have the means should help such persons when they meet them I went to vrindavan with mathur Babu the moment I came to the dhruvaghat that mathura and the Flash I saw Allah crossing the yamana with Krishna in his arms the footnote there's a bathing place in the yamana where according to tradition vasudeva the father of Krishna crossed the river carrying the newborn child through a stormy night one evening see he is not really scolding and he's not really angry and Surendra took it very well sometimes he'll soak and go in the corner and salt but he also took it well now he's telling him about his experience in vrindavan one evening I was taking a stroll on the beach of the river there were small thatched huts on the beach and big plum trees it was the cow dust hour this this uh I I remember my very first trip to India I went to vrindavan and no no I'm sorry it was my second trip and I remember uh How Sweet It Is when you go to that area the the jamana in most of the area it's it's completely dry especially at that time of year the time of year that I was there and it just is full of dust it's like cake and when the cows come you can see that the Sun is setting so it's kind of hazy a little bit and the dust is being raised by their feet and villagers everybody who's walking there everything is really quite an atmosphere there I loved it we love it hey so it was the cow dust Tower the cows were returning from the pasture raising dust with their with their Hooves I saw them forwarding the river then came some cowhorn boys crossing the river with their cows no sooner did I behold the scene than I cried out oh Krishna where are you and became unconscious I wanted to visit shamakonda and radhakonda so mathur Babu sent me there in a palanquin see takura he his feet were so tender and he had no physical strength all those years of austerities he had to be carried in the paliquid when he went to places like that we're a long way to go food was put in the palanquin while going over the meadow I was overpowered with emotion and whipped oh Krishna I find everything the same only you are not here this is the very Meadow where you tended the cows Fredo he followed me on foot I was bathed in tears I couldn't ask the Bears to stop the palanquin see now he just said that he behaves like an ordinary man who who will have these types of experiences I saw the holy men living in small mud Huts facing away from the road lest their eyes should fall on men they were engaged in spiritual discipline one should visit the twelve Grove what is that huh what does it say s that is wrong I don't know what it is anyhow this uh this is the type of setup that the Swami Brahman and then Swami turian they stayed in uh and for months on end and Swami too no do some Lake that's it yeah they just stayed in one of these Huts they stayed in the different huts and uh Swami turian he would go in big food and and bring it for Swami ramananda and not to disturb him he would leave it in the corner of the room or outside the door and sometimes he would come back the next day and saw it was still there meditating the whole time and everything a very holy atmosphere these places I went into samadhi and decided the image of panku bihari in that state I wanted to touch it I did not want to visit govindaji twice see sometimes remember Christian would have a desire to go someplace and would be fulfilled no need to do it again at mathura I dreamed of Krishna as the Cowherd boy krito and mature Babu had the same dream to Surendra you have both yoga and Boga see we see with srama Krishna it's called somebody then he'll be especially nice to them also now that time he took them all and he put his on his neck and danced and how happy surrender was and everything you have both yoga there are different classes of sages the ramadasi the devarshi and the rajashi sugar Deva is an example of the brahmarshi he didn't keep even one book with him an example of the Devar she is devoted to selfless work these are all just different types of Highly realized Souls that come from different ways of life or one can one can be a great rule I saw it as a king and one can be one is a poor government what could be one uh with Narada he was he would go back and forth from the Divine realm to uh to to this world he was like like a devil the devotee of the Divine mother attains Dharma and Moksha he enjoys our ten commas well these are the four different names of life the this is why we we read in the chundi and other things how we pray to the mother for anything that the householder stage of life is r10 comma or legitimate this is this is the very curious thing that uh Taco is always talking about comedy conscience and yeah these are the two things that are considered uh necessary and useful and helpful in the householder stage of life that we should fulfill our desires and we should earn some money and have some property so that we can be good contributing members of society so that stage of life one can pray to the Divine mother for those things also when he's talking about uh God realization is the only goal of life we shouldn't pray for anything but pure devotion he's talking about a high class of devotee those who came to him were also weren't Ordinary People so the devotee of the Divine mother attains Dharma and Moksha Dharma is necessary throughout life and Moksha of course will be uh some type of God realization he enjoys art and come as well once I saw you in a vision as the child of the Divine mother this is Surendra he's talking about you have both yoga and Boga and we see that he did this so he was a devotee of the Divine mother you have both yoga and Boga otherwise your countenance would look dry the man who renounces all looks dry now takur is talking about a certain class of santu and and also these ancient riches and everything that didn't care for anything but their own Liberation and everything and didn't mix with people and everything he's not talking about uh of course these are all renouncing monks that the disciples will become once I saw a devotee of the Divine mother at the bathing heart on the Ganges he was eating his meal and at the same time worshiping the mother he looked on himself as the mother's child now this of course is a is a real No-No to be taking food at the same time doing worship that you're breaking a lot of different rules and of course eating with your hand and not washing and putting in your mouth and everything and doing it means that such an intimate relationship and looking upon oneself as a child child doesn't care about any of these things so I will start the eating with the right hand and switch to the left hand and and mix everything together and and then even offer somebody else's plague give the plate of his friend they don't know about any of these things so this is that attitude because some some of the worshipers of the Divine mother foreign he looked on himself as the mother's child but it isn't good to have much money now this surrender he had a lot of money but he gave it away a lot of it he gave away now he's talking about like Jadu Malik is different he had a lot of money and wasn't so generous and was always trying to make more and a rather worldly man although he loved sravakrishna and appreciated him but not really it's the spiritual inspiring I find that Jadu Malik is drowned in worldliness it is because he has too much money nobody too has both yoga and Boga I saw him and his son waving the fan before the image of the Divine mother at the time of the Durga Puja surrender sir why can't I meditate we saw that he's a straight talker that whatever is on his mind he'll say other people would be a little embarrassed or they would put on the front and try to make it look like they're good meditators everyone be impressed with them he's not like that he he had that kind of innocence and the various straightforward so he didn't hesitate to say that why can't I meditate now all of us can ask that question I've yet to meet the person who says oh yeah meditation's easy and if they do then they're just there's just big talk right who can say meditation is easy the constant struggles throughout their lifetime so why sir why can't I meditate Master you remember God and think of him don't you surrender yes sir I go to sleep repeating the word mother now takur likes this very much this is a very nice habit that when we fall asleep to be repeating them until doing Japan at the time fall asleep while not not formal Japanese to ourselves now this uh uh ah master that is very good it will be enough if you remember God and think of him this Sharon morning this is something that is very uh hopeful for us it gives us a feeling that uh if we can do this uh intense type of meditation that it'll be enough if we practice this this really goes back to this idea of Lila this idea of villa if [Music] we constantly fix the mind on this Divine Play of Swami Krishna holy mother the direct disciples all of them or if we're device numbers the players SRI Krishna and the gopis ITA any any all all of the different types of worship in India will have some type of Lila with it even if this Leela is in the Recon towns and kailash thinking of that play between Durga and Shiva and all of the events that we read in the puranas and everything this will engage the mind and who works on magic on the mind and will keep the Mind from thinking worldly thoughts so if if we can do that it's it's not with the same intensity of meditation but uh it will it will definitely Elevate the mind and uh this is something that is very very important as we get older because as we get older it's harder to sit for a long time the body aches uh his mind with wanders and everything so if we can simply do this type of uh [Music] we have constant remembrance of this and Divine Play and even sit in the shrine with eyes open we read a beautiful thing last night that takur was saying that when you go to the to the Divine mother that some people sit there they'll close their eyes in meditation he said no when you're when you're home and you're not in her presence you can do it now enjoy that that Vision huh and then let the mind the Revel in that Divine Play and everything we can also do that sometime I I know that Swami's Furniture used to tell the people sometimes when when they would say I I can't meditate or say open your eyes look at the picture of a Krishna holy mother swamiji now think about them it's not meditation but it's better than the type of meditation that that is is just uh completely mind is completely wandering that we've lost it is thinking about all sorts of things this doesn't have that intensity but uh this this uh something joyful about it and if we can get it into that habit uh I've spoken many times about this Lila dhyana this meditation actually uh I was asked to write an article on Lila chintana it wasn't really supposed to be about that type of meditation it was about just letting the Mind dwell on this Divine Play it doesn't have to be with eyes closed in meditation and it's something that can be subtly there throughout the day that part of the mind is thinking about that Divine Play say uh mother has a newborn child but she has to go to work so he has somebody look after the child she goes to work throughout the day doing her work but most of the Mind the hold is just a dwelling of thinking about the child at home waiting to go back home that so we can form that habit if we do then it changes things we we don't get too involved with external things that becomes more real bad Leela and we start to feel that this Divine Play is not imagination I I like this idea of the relational idea this native this idea that this play with Krishna gopis is going on now and some subtle level that taku is still enacting his play induction is why with his direct disciples the holy mother and everything even now all we have to do is think about it and we can be there and if if the mind is there then it's not here now people will say just imagination and uh that this type of escapism and everything but it it has a tremendous effect on us it can bring great joy and peace and transform us also so it's very very important it will be enough if you remember God and think of him now will he say this to Narendra and the others no he'll say you you dive deep in meditation they had that capacity so everyone is different it's not that it's easy for anyone maybe narender it was easy or about it but for most people it's not very easy but we have to try so we do both if we if we can fix the mind a little bit on this in meditation then throughout the day it's easier also so we we have to try but really when we when we look at the list of disciplines that takur talks about when when people ask how to realize God we know he has a list he he changes it around every once in a while mostly it's a holy company and then Solitude and then prayer and then meditation gets thrown in some place but it's not that like he'll say I dive deeper Medicine of course he says dive deep dive deep doesn't have to be dive deep in meditation it can also be uh dive deep with the tremendous longing of heart that's also diving deep foreign that's also a type of diving deep it's not necessarily the sitting with body unmoving and mind perfectly still and uh not wavering and everything this is very difficult but we shouldn't give it up because it's difficult but at some point we'll understand that we're reaching that point where this constant remembrance and recollection of God in the Divine Play will be better for us we're more suited for us as we get older especially foreign so master that is very good it will be enough if you remember God and think of him ceramic Krishna had taken surendra's responsibilities on himself why should surrender worry about anything it was evening the master was sitting on the floor of his room with the devotees he was talking to them about yoga and the six sinners these are described in the Shiva samita now to remember that's why M went to the room earlier that Hadis told them that they were reading for that but they weren't at that time so now it comes are the three principal nerves this is the center and the others go around in like a figure eight and generally we function with this figure eight thing and with spiritual Kundalini Rises it goes to the center swamiji of course explains all of this in his Raja yoga so these are the three principal nerves all the lotuses are located in the sushumna so our ordinary sense experience and everything uh doesn't utilize this as the Mind goes Higher and Higher and we reach different levels of spiritual uh realization and everything uh is it's through this where these lotuses are located now SRI ramakrishna he understood all of this as part of the subtle body not not this physical body even though uh we do a cross-section of the spinal cord and all of that it seems to show this figure eight in this Central thing and everything swamiji makes a point of that also all the lotuses are located in this ashumna they are formed of consciousness like a tree made of wax the branches Twigs fruits and so forth all of Wax the Kundalini lies in the Lotus of the muladhara so this is at the base of the spine the Lotus has four petals each of the lotuses these are all mystical things they all have different colors they different have different numbers of petals these are meant for different types of meditations in the tantric practices srama Krishna used to do this they would see him there meditating like this and like this and then Emma asks is this the master meditating on Kundalini the Kundalini lies in the Lotus of the muladhara now for sarama Krishna it never was there it would never went below the Heart Center they said once it goes up a certain point it won't go all the way down the lower centers or or all of our passions our lust great pride anger all of those things when it's there in our worldly desires and everything the primordial energy resides in all bodies as the Kundalini she is like a Sleeping Snake coiled up she because this is the power of the Divine mother this is one of the ways of understanding the union of Shivan Shakti the chief relies in the sahasrada a thousand petal laws of the head and this realization the illumination is the union Shiva doesn't move but Divine mother that puts power she goes up in that Union the top of the head this is the samati or the realization the primordial energy resides in our bodies at the Kundalini she is like a Sleeping Snake coiled up Kundalini means that means a coiled coiled snake of the form of a sleeping snake having the muladhara for her Abode to him the Kundalini is speedily awakened if one follows the path of bhakti now generally we associate Kundalini and everything else with meditation all right or this Raja yoga but pranayama careers all of these different things that uh through these intense types of career practices other things like that the Kundalini can be raised for sure it's a little bit artificial they can be raised they can come back down again also uh can be raised to kirtan then it can also come back down but through genuine devotion they say this is the best way to awaken it the the tremendous feeling of love this also will awaken that sleeping Kundalini and make it rise so Kundalini is speedily awakened if one follows the path of Hadith God cannot be seen unless she is awakened now this is just another way of saying that God realization means the mind has to rise to a higher level it's not with these ordinary eyes not with this ordinary mind and this is one way of understanding this mind rising to another level understood in terms of Kundalini Rising I I sometimes think of the Kundalini as a kind of a thermometer that we can try to devise all different methods to get the Mercury to rise higher but all we have to really do is make the room hotter it automatically it goes up we don't have to worry about the thermometer oh how do I make the thermometer go higher the Mercury go higher in the thermometer no we say how do I make the room hotter so we don't have to worry about that if we if we can intensify our spiritual practice or devotion longing and everything automatically it'll go up so these practices that artificially try to awaken Kundalini is especially intense pranayama and everything they may backfire on us sing earnestly and secretly in solitude whose nature is bliss Eternal uh things that's all awake mother awake they are sleeping Kundalini awaken her mother oh Kundalini whose nature is bliss Eternal Thou Art the serpent coiled in sleep in the Lotus of the muladhara Ram Prasad achieved Perfection through singing of course he did spiritual practice he was a great sataka but it was really through the there's not just singing But composing composing these songs and uh that tremendous love and longing he had for the division of mother he was really the ideal for sivama Krishna how many times he said complained mother you revealed yourself to Romford why not to me so he really had had the highest regard for this Iran Prasad the chief Perfection through singing One obtains the vision of God if one sings with the yearning heart so it's not the singing It's the yearning the yearning of the heart if one can sing good if one prays with the yearning heart good m grief and distress of Mind disappear if one has these experiences but once master that is true I always remember that incident in the life of Swami shivananda somebody was singing a song that uh O Lord uh I I've had your vision why do you withhold that vision from me now I long to have the vision again and he got very angry and he said what is this one has the vision of God once whole life is changed her life is transformed there's enough even once is enough so surama Krishna says uh oh M uh grief and distress of mine disappear if one has these experiences but once master that is true the stress of Mind disappears forever now SRI ramakrishna had that highest experience and yet uh when he did his sadhana for other forms again that that feeling of tremendous pain and Agony and not having that realization that's a different thing and caitanya Deva after having that Union and again that horrible feeling of uh separation from what that's a different thing it doesn't mean that that's their own special type of a spiritualness that specific type of path but in terms of any type of worldly distress worrying about ordinary things that's all gone I shall tell you a few things about yoga you see the mother bird doesn't break the shell until the chick inside the egg is matured so now he's telling M that you've reached that stage where if it's okay for the mother to break the shell because you're formed enough it's not that you're uh just to and newborn that's not ready for any higher experience or anything like that it's a very hopeful thing for him to hear you see the mother bird doesn't break the shell until the chicken side the egg is matured the egg is hatched and the fullness of time it is necessary to practice some spiritual discipline now those who can destroy Krishna and they did more than anybody and they needed it less than others this is the funny thing the SRI ramakrishna he could just raise them up like that but uh they were of such high spiritual standing and that they they also did the intense spiritual practice it is necessary to practice some spiritual discipline the guru no doubt does everything for the disciple but at the end he makes the disciple work a little himself when cutting down a big tree the man cuts almost through the trunk then he stands aside for a moment and the tree falls down with the crash the farmer brings water to its field to a canal from the river he stands aside when only a little digging remains to be done to connect the field with the water then the Earth becomes soaked and Falls of itself and the water of the river pours into the canal in torrents this is also an example Tucker uses for Grace at self-effort and Grace that we have to only do so much then we stepped aside and then uh the grace comes automatically the tree will fall on its own I mean Brahman will will fill this up a man is able to see God as soon as he gets rid of ego and other limitations he sees God as soon as he is free from such feelings as I am a scholar I am the son of such and such a person I am wealthy I am honorable and so forth God Alone is real and all else unreal the world is illusory here it's really Aditya this is not illusory impermanent impermanent that is discrimination one cannot assimilate spiritual instruction without discrimination so this starts a little bit of a new section and we'll stop here so we're still this is page 363 still on M abduction is what part one foreign [Music] with our head before srama Krishna who was stainless of infinite nature whose heart melts in sympathy for his devotees who is an embodiment of the Divine and the Supreme Lord and ever worthy of our worship peace peace peace be unto all and we wish everyone a Happy Diwali Kali Puja will celebrate Kali Puja here Monday night starting at 7 30. thank you