Video 107
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna read by Swami Atmajnanananda (09/9/22)
[Music] you know your words are like nectar bring life to scored Souls they are praised by Poets and remove all sin they are auspicious to hear wonderful and exalted those who spread these words throughout the world are truly giving Souls welcome everyone to our class Gospel of Sharma Krishna we have been on the this is chapter M at Dakshin ishwar and this is page 354 and the date is Saturday December 22nd 1883. and you'll remember that this is the long stay that M has reduction with shramakrishna it's now been over a week and it'll it'll continue all right in the room with ramakrishna where rakaldu and latu a more or less permanent residence at this point and then of course has this this one long stay and then balarama's father and David where they also arrived uh the the question that came before this was has got form or is he formless and we don't know who asked it it simply says a a devotee so we had started there and uh now we get two Kabir was the worshiper of the impersonal God he did not believe in Shiva Kali or Krishna he used to make fun of them and say that Kali lived on the offerings of rice and bananas and that Krishna danced like a monkey with the goat when the gopis clapped their hands or left foreign who worships God without form perhaps sees it first the deity with ten arms then the deity with four arms then the baby Krishna with two arms at last he sees the indivisible light and merges in it this is uh one who worships God without form I don't know why he says that huh should be with formula yeah like when did you have the Bengali there after Kabir was a worshiper of the impersonal God after that foreign [Music] those who worship god without form anybody with any ideas all right Maybe uh I I hadn't noticed this before uh yeah yeah so it's the translation is is right and the otakura often uses this uh illustration uh not so much whether it's worshiper of impersonal or uh but uh that the closer we get the more intimate the relationship becomes and the less the Aishwarya this this external manifestation of power and everything that becomes less and less uh as the relationship becomes more intimate now it doesn't mean that somebody who's a worshiper of Durga will end up taking the attitude of mother you showed it to the baby Krishna it doesn't mean that it will always take that form but that the relationship will become sweeter and more intimate it is said that sages like did not return to the relative plane after having the vision of Brahman According to some people shukadeva tasted only a drop of that ocean of Roman Consciousness he saw and heard the rumbling of the waves of that ocean but he did not dive into it a brahmachary once said to me one who goes beyond kedar cannot keep his body alive likewise a man cannot preserve his body after attending brahmagyana the body drops off in 21 days then there's a footnote in the case of an ordinary aspirant the body drops off after he attains the knowledge of Brahman but this is not so in the case of a Divine Incarnation because he is born with a special mission to teach mankind now these are all very strange huh that uh we we have to make a distinction here between somehow God realization somehow attended to the state of uh uh given mukti and what they're talking about here is brahmagyana this is ramagyana uh it almost sounds as if sharama Krishna is talking about this because this is the state from which very few can return that the mind gets so immersed and there's no sense of self there's no individual awareness to bring the Mind back down and unless there's some special reason uh then that merging will remain now ramadana we we know that there are many brahmaganis that are not Divine incarnations that can have that knowledgeable Brahman and can live in the world as free Souls then srirama Krishna accepts this idea of jivan mukta that there are those who can attain Liberation and and continue to live in the world so this ramagyani that he's talking about here has to be something we need ordinary reaching of the roof these are all very mysterious things we don't know how this works it seems like uh takura always talks about this drinking a few drops of water and whether we dive into the ocean or or going up to the roof that can we go up to the roof remain on that rung look over have our realization come back down can we go up and dance a little bit come back down can we stay there a little bit we stayed a little too long will we jump over we've these are all uh depending upon so many factors that we don't really understand what is the degree of spiritual power that somebody has what type of karma is there takura gives so many illustrations that sometimes we'll go and have that type of realization but our Karma will pull us back down again some may keep a desire to work for others that'll allow them to bring the Mind back down again but this Brahma Ghana that he's talking about has to be something very rare and very special and if we if we want to tie it in with this theory of Prada of the karma that this is something that someone will not get until the very end of their life and this will be the way that they leave this world and that state of from the Ghana uh even whether the bodies there 21 days or two days or 100 days makes no difference at that point but the impression that we get sometimes is that uh God realization means that we'll give up the body it doesn't mean that and there may be other ways of attaining to that state of jivan mukti freedom of this lifetime that talk was not calling from the Ghana maybe the issues he uses the term isher lab very often God attainment of God God realization he'll never say that the goal of life has got a realization then you die in 21 days we don't we don't get that idea so there may be many different ways of attaining the state of Freedom while living this complete uh ripening of the ego getting rid of this this uh this unripe ego uh loosening our bonds the upanishads of course they they talk about uh the karma getting burned