Video 61
Bhagavatam - 3.21.9 ( Book 3, Chapter 20 verse 1 )
oh what should they were shooting the one Construction the destroyer of the Demons and the lead Guru of the world it earned Eternal Guru of the world and the lord of the universe I salute him again and again whom peace peace peace so we are book number three and then chapter 21 and we start verse number nine here the chapter started the prajapati's without this creative role Tapas austerity and that austerity helped him to Vision to visualize the Lord narayana appeared before him and give the boom to create further decrease between a part of the total creation so we did this chapter started 21 chapter started goddama was doing austerity so no that is this story strands like that the bidura was asking this question to the asking that how did Priya bratana for the Son of Sam who was Manu rule this Earth with his seven islands observing the rules of Dharma Etc so maitri said being offered being ordered by Brahma to engage himself in producing children the noble cardamom went to the bank of Saraswati and he performed tapas for 10 000 years and having failed to realize the Lord by mere austerities took to the path of devotion consisting of worshiping singing and chanting the Divine name thus these generated in him an intense love for God and he it is called dhamma he took refuge in hurry who grants all desires of those who surrender to him so it is the Lord this goddama surrendered everything to Lord Krishna and to have some Upstream Brahma wanted that the world should be filled with children so being very much pleased with cardamom the bhagavan the Supreme being revealed in The Vedas showed himself to him in a form of Glory constituted of sachidananda suited to the age of so was doing austerity and doing so much austerity he could not succeed then he practiced a path of devotion and utmost surrender and as a result the Lord was pleased and appeared before him so verse 9 says pure and Sun like in brilliance wearing Gardens with white and blue flowers having the blue and curly locks surrounding his forehead they are all description of Lord Nara and how beautiful how his hair is called the face is beautiful eyes are these eyebrows are like that a description of narayana's beauty having blue and curly locks surrounding his forehead wearing yellow cloth all over having a diet and earrings holding in his hand conch discuss mace and a white play Lotus foreign [Music] having three mother Lakshmi on his chest and Kosovo in his neck such was the Divine form revealed to kardama who who are come with joy and thankfulness now filled prostrated before the Lord and sang as follows was doing austerity to have a prisoning as ordered by Brahma and you are doing austerities then he surrendered to Lord Vishnu and by his grace he saw the Krishna the Lord appeared and when they appeared so he naturally got them started praising the Lord 13 verse and this praise goes on everywhere we can skip them but just one or two verses by having the vision of your form oh unsolute Purity and holiness our eyes have today been learned real purpose of existence that means my eyes are satisfied today you appeared before me the purpose of eye is to see God so what a fortune my eye is satisfied perfected Yogi is of high attainment long to gain this Vision to practice of spiritual discipline for several lives your Maya must have indeed initiated the intelligence of those who forget that your feet constitute the boat for crossing the ocean of sancharu and that rule you for the Fulfillment of sensuous desires which one could have even in an animal body so it is you are all your inscrutable Maya yogis meditate upon you and yogis are the bear for the attainment of their vision and you are the help to cross the ocean of sancharu your feet constitute the boat or crossing the ocean of samsara and Nadu you for the Fulfillment of even the sensuous desires which human to animal everyone else I am one of those ill motivated person 's approaching your feet where one could get all desires as at the foot of the wish fulfilling tree so I am praying oh Lord you are the fulfiller of all wish wish fulfilling tree as it were so I am tree so I am praying to you I desire to acquire a woman what and see bhagwan seeing the Lord himself is asking for a woman this is called Maya because Brahma has asked him to to create the world now so so he's do much so much austerity one thing to be understood it is austerity they are doing to have a child that means they purify themselves they are not totally like the people who are addicted to sensuality it is not like them but it is by austerity by Bhagavad darshan then they are getting their child that's why they call prajapuja prajapati yeah everyone will say I have seen you I don't want anything else he said send me one woman okay so now these are the things we understand means you see when you see then it is in duality no seeing see or seeing God that is the absolute state but we cannot have that but here it is from our perspective if we see God do you ramakrishna said no if you see if you see God then you will ask for mudo you you ask you get a many someone is very pleased a billionaire is pleased with you and he wants to give you anything you like will you ask him one penny it is like that but that is the Maya even asking vision of God they got that's a austerity is he de concentrated he prayed he surrendered all these practice practice portion is same by the desired portion is different you can desire for um and somebody good idea and samadhi in the chandi Devi Mahatma so this is samadhi he wanted to samadhi he wanted samadhi and surata I wanted to get by my kingdom I'll Rule the Kingdom the others cheated me and took care of my kingdom so mother bless me with power I shall rule the world like the one mother said okay Baba he will rule the world and somebody what do you want I don't want anything so you don't want to see blessed with the experience of what you call the samadhi so this is the point God gives both so how to pray there is a song um foreign and I don't I ask that I will be constant in presence with you I'll be totally absorbed in you and this desire does not come I don't know how to bake for your grace in my life so this is a very interesting point that was a great or a great person he did austerities for several years or however they don't trust do Australia one day two days you fast for one day two days what is or something or tomorrow is something Rama krishna's birthday I am that is one thing but a 10 000 years he did austerities first and feeling that then he started my mind become purified and then he prayed to the Lord narayana and narayana which is wonderful and divine form anyhow these are and these are the uh underlying teaching behind all these stories desire can be the impact of Desire is so deep I desire to acquire a woman of suitable temperament and Outlook as my wife a woman I want who will be a kamadhanu that means best tour of felicities in the domestic life oh Lord this desire infected world this desire in this this desire infected world is it seems Bound By The Commandments of you in your role as prajapati Brahma command Commandments in respect of paying the triple debt of ban in the three genus it's called the three types of green um one type what is that one I two following the way of the world desire to make an offering to you of the debts one of which is the biggest so what are the three genes they were in pittyrene rishirin and kneeling five but here they are saying three the three rings I too following the way of dude desire to make an offering To You O Lord of these debts so one of which is the having a child those who abandoned worldly relationships and properties and seek the shelter of the umbrella of your feet and in the company of the devotees forget even their physical needs to absorption in conversation on and recital love your excellencies these are not destroyed by your seat moving wheel are dead by the time with 13 months as he spokes and the 360 days as his Parts the six seasons as its dreams the countless movements moments As Leaves embellishing it and three periods of chatur Masjid is the Hub you're giving an example they are in the whole apartment those who don't cannot those who abandon worldly relationship they don't come in the we love birth and death that is the major 18 19 though you are the only existence you being desires of creation your Shakti which though distinct is not separate from you is you and you wanted this whole world to be created that's why you are giving this desire in others so you do project sustain and withdraw project sustain and withdraw the universe as a spider does it's silken waves then the spider okay baby so what they do it IT projects the spider projects this the Beautiful home for the spider to live web and he can also stay and can also withdraw only spider can do that when they are constructing a wave they can withdraw also that okay God then out of his own [Music] says that this world is created like that it came from God it is in God and it is withdrawn into the God so that is Shakti that is that is the Shakti idea go Lord do you beverse to granting selfless fulfillment to devotees prompted by worldly desires still in so far as you have adopted through your Maya a brilliant and limit limited form with the Declaration of the tulus here and other items it behooves you to Grant all fulfillments that your devotees seek you are God lord you only want to give liberation that is your only thing you want to give but I am begging for you worldly thing but you are The Giver of all and you have to give her of all devotion and fulfillment of all desires you are on the one hand marched in your inner and Bliss an unconcerned with the action its fruits and enjoyments and on the other hand you to yoga Maya are carrying on all the activities of the world in one sense you are transcendental you don't care for anything in the world and in another sense you are creating this diverse universe by your Maya yoga Maya you are the only person you don't want to give Boon for worldliness you want to give Liberation only but still it's by your job I have created this and you have given these Petty desires for the life to live on you are then to you and you are on the one hand Mars in your inhalant bliss in sachidananda on the one hand and in your inherent Bliss and I'm concerned in action you don't care for what is going on in the world creation sustenance destruction you are transcendental reality and on the other hand through your yoga Maya you are carrying on all the activities of the world thus you are you are the Lord God of both the desirelessness and those who seek fulfillment of Desire ah you in one hand make everyone free from Maya and you again in another hand catch everyone under the spell of Maya and give the desires for seeing and experiencing this world I therefore bow down again and again to you who are ready to be pleased even my little striving on the part of man and to shower on him all that he seeks therefore I am praying man this this whatever prayer give me that the Lord's Commandments to the kardama discard them then is blessed by the Lord commanding okay you are your desire will be fulfilled and he said how it will be fulfilled whose narrator he said Rishi says to him who praised to him who praised him he means the Lord with utmost sincerity the Lord appeared in his luminous form on the back of Garuda with a smile full of love and charm playing on his face and the Lord said what he said verse 23 knowing even beforehand the desire we treat you we are practicing disciplines for my propitiation I have already made arrangement for December oh yeah you are doing austerity for something what what to do you are praying Something in Your Heart of heart you have the command from the Brahma that you will be the prajapati the lord of the universe and you will create your children so that the world will be livable now people are going to Mars no to make it livable I probably they got order from Brahma foreign to make an arrangement to fly there so I have already made arrangement for the same no for certain that concentrated and wholehearted prayer to me will never go unanswered he's telling Kodama that you are the prajapati you know it is one Manu it's coming manu's period of creation so many Manus so no for sudden that concentrated and wholehearted prayer if one does with concentrated mind and wholehearted mind some prayer to me the capital me will never go and answer if you realize sincerely there's also another good thing for us huh that anyone who is sincerely praying anything so ama if anyone know for certain that a concentrated and wholehearted prayer to me the capital me Lord narayana will never go and answered it is even more certain that it will not be vain in the case of great devotees like you and your regret devotee anyone calls me with concentrated mind and devotion I will fulfill his desire you what the question of you you are the great Manu you are becoming a Manu therefore devotee like you these are the response from Lord narayana appearing before kardama the day after tomorrow yeah so I am pleased I am happy so I I already know why are you doing posterities and I have already arranged to fulfill your desire so what the day after tomorrow there will arrive here before you to meet you the Manu you you are a Manu one of them is famous for his goodness and learning who ruled the sea Girt Earth at his capital in Brahma bharta he will be accompanied by his wife satarupa will come will be done what is that with the tomorrow to meet you the Moon with her husband he will be accompanied by his wife he will give in marriage to you his daughter handsome young good desert for whom he has been seeking a suitable husband but what a prayer and what a fulfillment oh DC that 28 verse he says o Rishi o great Rishi narayana saying no God to cardamom the wife for whom you have been longing for all this time will come to you now she will bear nine children daughters to you and these will be married to other dishes who will beget children in them the world is to be flooded with people so narayana oh the spirits for that brahma's duty to do that so Brahma taught them you do do we be a like a Manu and so so she will have nine and daughters nintho okay have been longing for she will bear nine daughters to you this your wife you will get nine children and these nine daughters will be married to different Sages rishis who will have them child having fulfilled my commandment and having having been beautified by dedication of all actions to me he will offer everything to me whatever you do offer it to me the ideal you will finally attain me so you will not attend me finally now you have some desire now go to the fulfilled that desire you will have remarried and you have time the daughters and then may give them to their dishes and then they will have their children and then at the end you pray and do and your mind is pure then I will appear before showing kindness to all beings and giving protection to all you have renounced the world you will finally gain that knowledge by which you will see the whole universe together your own self is contained in me be sure you will see that I am in my Cosmic body the whole creation is in me including you you and all the creation all the children everyone in me furthermore I shall be born of you in your wife as a partial incarnation science science oh I will be born as an Incarnation also oh Baba foreign Baba what a problem of creation creation is also problem destruction is also problem is it oh my God oh that is here well I should not read that what is my business reading all this anyway I shall be born of you in your wife as a partial incarnation and profound a philosophy then said having said to him this much the Lord will shine before one only when the senses becomes inwardly aware disappeared from the astronomer called Bindu Saras around which the river Saraswati flowed so this this kardama was praying he was doing austerity at the place called The Bindu Sara and mother Saraswati River was surrounding that ashram around which the river serves to the floor as kardama watched the Lord praised by all siddhas went along the path to baikunta how he go he cannot walk you know so he had this vehicle on his Eagle vehicle what is called Garuda go to the vehicle the sound of which wings is the Rick Vedas Ricks which are the basis of the sermons so the bird swing flowing no created a noise and created the rig Veda is created so that means equation so it is coming in a creation side so Veda Veda all came out as Lord Zara on her left now his visit to karthamalasa now as predicted by the Lord so now this he is visiting the Kodama munis pastrama after 35 bars after the Lord's departure cardamom continued to live in the Bindu sorrow awaiting the marriage proposal mentioned by the Lord meanwhile monu sayam was traveling all over the country in a golden car along with his wife and daughter in order to find a suitable husband for the letter arrived at the asthma of the Tranquil says at Bindu Sarah on the day appointed by the Lord no now the the monu uh he and his wife and the daughter they came and arrived at the ashrama of course and then the place was called bindusaru because a tear dropped here a drop of compassion of all permitting Lord fill at that place huh compassion out of compassion give Bloom and that's why that one drop of his compassion field that is called bindusar Bindu saru in the Holy place even now people can go these are places still now available name is still there it was surrounded by the river Saraswati having very sacred healthy and Sweet Water and forming a favorite Resort of many holy men that ashrama was full of verbling birds and animals of holy Association and was full of trees and creepers bearing flowers and fruits so the description of the Sage cardamas astroma beautiful trees flowery trees good fruits and all the river flowing sweetly the weather is very Charming weather so everything is good it was the seat of all that wild beauty of a poor Forest can happen so wild forest which is all beauty is there the Solitude of that place was broken by the joyous cries of the birds the cries the birds started crying in Joy right by the inebriated humming of honeybees and by the Sweden mating calls kokilas This Charming site of peacock dressed one's eyes everywhere all beauty Beauty Natural Beauty peacock with the feather turned like vrindavan so its beauty was in enhanced by the presence of such Jesus mango mango tree also that means you can eat enough mango you'll not be hungry and all fragrant flowers flowery trees it is full of the Delight of the Chapman of the birth like different parts the very beautiful birds name he has given Karana Deva swan Sarasota Etc the first round about abounded in animals like deer boar white dog cow like wild animals elephants Lions monkeys it's interested monu the first in the kingly line entered that Hermitage which is written you and saw the sage sitting there after his morning rights so that day he saw that monu came with his Chariot golden Chariot with his daughter and his wife and entered into the Hermitage of the Metro RC Metro is sitting in after morning rituals sitting there and meditate 46 lustrous because of his long and intense purpose not to lean in spite of it because of the Lord's gracious glance falling on him end of his having drunk the nectar of the Lord's speech through his years tall endowed with eyes resembling the Petals of a lotus flower called them as Beauty and describing having matted locks and dressed in a single piece of cloth he looked like a Priceless but unpolished Jame he saw that the kardama so beautiful with the method locks eyes are bright like a Lotus God has blessed so is every personality is a different personality he then received with you because then received with due respect the king who made prostrations and presented himself before him after the king thus honored seated and rested God began to talk to him very cordially remembering the Commandment of the Lord now he is talking to the Manu who has come foreign oh great king your movements all over the country are for the protection of the good and the destruction of the evil for you are an instrument of the Lord for working out the welfare of the world salutation to you who are only a manifested who assumed according to the need of the time and situation the form of the Sun Moon Agni Indra baruna Jama Dharma and others I salute you salutation to you who are only manifestation of the Lord you are the manifestation of God and who assumed according to the need of time and situation deforms you have taken form of sound Moon the Earth fire and others a Calamity it would have been if you were not frequently moving about like the sun in the sky in your resounding and Bejeweled Chariot with a loud twang of your bow and thundering sound of the trampling of your huge Army striking Terror in the hearts of the evil to Earth so your duty is to destroy the evil so you are roaming around all over and you are watching who is doing wrong you are creating Terror for them and otherwise the barbarous and cruel men would have broken both in law and social order established by the Lord causing confusion everywhere so monus come to protect the God's creation so so your own so you are moving all around the Heaven and Earth for the protection of the good and for the destruction of the evil therefore 55 verse brought on by the sensuality and licensuousness of people utter chaos would have been the result if you are inactive the world would have remained in the hands of The Barbarians yet who you would like to know what exactly is the mission on which you have now come if you give us a clear idea of it we can better follow your command so he says as if he does not understand anything he said that okay now you are moving around the world what is the cause what is the need of you coming here and you are here and we have to approached in my ashrama why you have to come please tell me that we can understand what is the mission now the chapter in the new chapter starts that is the 20 second chapter in the 21st chapter so in 21st chapter goddama then got the vision Allah and give the blessings that the same book of Manu he will come and he will have married her daughter and then this way actually appeared and traveling all over with a golden Chariot with all Beauty and Grandeur and here appeared in the ashrama in the forest beautiful forest with flowery trees with fragrant flowers with sweet mangoes and all this and then the cardamon then with due respect welcome them and then I talked what is their mission Crystal that was the chapter 21. now chapter 22 cardamas marriage with devanti so they will go on talking about how wonderful and this and that should we read that a marriage description I do not know how to the marriage description the manu's offer of devahuti in marriage to that acetic who has spoken spoke in Praise of his acts and excellences the King replied in an attitude of modesty the king who came with the wife and daughter so the king then talked to kadama but he said the Manu said Brahma the embodiment of the Veda created you for his face from his face for the propagation of The Vedas and I knew the threats suited for austerity knowledge worship and the life of renunciation that Universal being with countless limbs created Etc out of his arms the order to protect the brahmana brahmana is his heart and shut you is Islam for this reason the brahmana and shatriya are protection to each other it is the Lord himself who protects the whole social order through the brahmana and the acceptors by my very meeting with you all my doubts have been cleared for even without in my asking you have enlightened me on the duties of one who has the task of governing and protecting the country so he says I am a king I am nakshatra so the Lord's creation to continue they need brahmana and Satya should be immersed together because brahmana rasterity Purity love all these things the mighty power that's why they said they Universal God created countless limbs of dikshatyas out of his arms not many strength armies for power and work to protect the problem so brahmana should be protected by the satyas should protect the brahmanas by Mutual connection this creation will continue and also its management will be run and best management will go if it is a good question that I have met you who are not generally accessible to the people of uncontrolled mind and senses it is an equally good piece of Fortune that I have been able to touch the dust of your feet with my head I am fortunate and blessed to be instructed by you first unit am I to have taken in through my years the noble instructions imparted by you I would however beseech you to hear my submission relating to the problem connected with my daughter who I love very much and about whom I am very much worried this daughter of mine who is the sister of priyo brother is in search of your husband and husband suited to her from the point of view of age character and temperament is character temperament from the day she happened to hear the highly complementary accounts of Narada about you oh not at all told he says Narada is always like that this is Narada went and told that there is a good guy that guy can be your husband so highly a complimentary account from Narada regarding your character your knowledge of the sastros your beauty and form your youthful age Etc from that day she recognized you in you her husband therefore o great brahmana Dame to accept her whom I offer to you as wife she will be well mastered you in discharging all the duties of the household the rejection of an object of utility that has come by itself to an unsought is not considered a virtue even in a man of this dispassion and it is certainly not so in respect of a man who desire in his heart so a man who rejects I said that said don't reject my daughter that's the point I have heard that you are on the lookout for a proper match being upo kurban being an or one who has decided to end the rule of celibacy after the study of The Vedas is over so I request you to accept accept my daughter as wife as wife this girl whom I offer to you best then God accepts it and then we need not have to go through that and then time was returned after getting them married then so Mom and Dad they went back by The Chariot to their home as he traveled sayambhuva as he traveled he saw on both banks of the Saraswati River the hermitages of several ascetics adding to the beauty of the Sublimity of the place it is said on the bank of Saraswati there is a great civilization grew up that is The Vedic civilization and this is the proof that there are other sages they're all sages meditating and absorbed in God consciousness so and when he was traveling back and the bank of the Saraswati he saw the hermitages of several ascetics adding to the beauty and Sublimity of that place the subjects of the emperor hearing that he was coming were overjoyed and come in numbers from Brahma to to receive him with a hand band and music manu's capital versus the sport where the stiff hairs of the cosmic board fell when the Lord in the form of porn shook his limbs well the great swayambhuma Manu built a sacrificial altar with these crucial and Castle grasses worshiped by the Supreme Being that sport is known as foreign these are different places of Holiness it is there those who go they should know all these things anyhow so last first in this way he spent his life of 71 chaturas duration of one manantar Baba in this way he spent his life at 71 Jugo means how many thousands of years I do not know foreign mostly in spiritual preoccupation that are beyond the three parts of the waking dream and sleep how can a devotee who has taken shelter At His Feet we overcome by any of the afflictions relating to the body or mind by the environment or enemies or by variations of temperature being interested in welfare of all he narrated in reply to the questions of the several dishes all the doubts pointed relating to the duties of the burners and asanas I have narrated to you the sanctifying account uh Manu the first came to rule the Earth now we are about the unique beings of his daughter in the aerial mansion hmm no marriage has been conducted and they have their mansion in the aerial management India in the space sargo devotee service to Cordova that is one chapter then magical aerial mention is created life of devotee and kadama in the aerial mansion and devote his prayer to cut them out to stay on that is then birth of kapila and caught them as departure another chapter so the we end here we can end here huh we we have read up to the end of chapter 22. on page 245 aerial mentioned Adrian mention means what mention in the air after her parents returned devotee was quick to Divine was too quick to Divine the needs of our our husband served him with great enthusiasm as Parvati used to do perceive a Lord Shiva utmost attention divide up selflessness selfishness ostentation annoyance greed and pride she served her husband these are all to how devahuti was so great and and then he says your daughter I am highly pleased with your extremely devoted loving and respectful service you have been rendering to me in New Zealand of service you do not care even for the preservation of your own health and other things in order to please his wife Kodama by his yogic power immediately brought into existence an aerial Mansion which could travel into any region oh aerial Mansion means the whole house can move anywhere you like like a big what you call Big Air space Airship no it can fly anywhere it can land anywhere it had facilities to provide all needs there are there are the profusion of precious gems everywhere all manner of opulence was in the evidence including several pillars of precious stones it is not an ordinary building only it is all costly um jewels and pearls and all these things the Mansion had in its numerous contravances of unique Nation it was comfortable to stay in during all season it was decorated with numerous flags big and small on all sides there was Gardens sweet smelling flowers with humming bees sucking honey in them and there was an abundance of fabrics made of wool linen silk in those days UL was there linen and silk was also there hanging as a cartoon and Drapers there in big house probably a description of the palace one was flying with her husband what is called kadama the doorways have Coral thresholds Etc it's wall made of diamonds the images of several species of birds like Swan pigeon kept there attracted similar birds with his whole of recreation rest and revelry with his its Courtyard world and Lawn the master of all magical art so by his magic he created this in life of the mountain in the a real Mansion how they are happy that description goes one chapter then pray to God them to stay on according to the stipulation at the time of his marriage caught them or having produced issues was about to leave home to take up the life of that is the harm it is do four stages of life so the third stage is over so he wanted to because the moments to live and devahuti then says do distressed at his heart the faithful wife devotee put on a smiling face looking down in intense sorrow and drowning on the ground with her ruby-like toenails and not description she began to speak to her husband in her sweet voice suppressing with great difficulty the tears that wield up in her eyes because husband wants to take the Sun National no doubt you have fulfilled the promiser promise you had made to me at the time of marriage but still it befits you to Grant a favor to me who has taken refuge in you oh great one if you go away like this now your daughters will have to find suitable husbands by themselves again if you go away there will be none to give me spiritual instruction to overcome sanction so I wish for a son competent to do all that I am very sorry indeed that going to my desire for a sense enjoyments I have washed wasted this long period without trying to know the Supreme Spirit going to my hankering after the life of the senses and without realizing that you are a Noir of Atman I associated with you yet even that Association at the central level will be a blessing to me the association who is seek in ignorance with worldly minded man leads to wonders to song sorrow but the same Association if it is with holy man leads to development of non-attachment if one's action in the world do not lead to a life according to Dharma if once observance of Dharma doesn't lead one to dispassion and if one's dispassion does not lead to the service of the Lord that person is equal to a dead man do living I have indeed been deceived by the Lord's Maya whoa unto me what having come to me associated with one capable of giving Liberation from samsara I did not take advantage of that opportunity so these are all devahuti as repented to her husband don't go away you stay with me little longer that was so we end here that so then copilo will be born and then cut the will depart that will be the next story that will be the chapter number 24 so we end here on page 250 on end of chapter 23. [Music] um now we'll meet you again in The Shanti Gita class at 7 30 PM 7 30 santigita again