Video 54
Bhagavatam - 3.12.21 - 3.13.50 ( Book 3, Chapter 12 verse 21)
foreign [Music] [Music] the darling of mother devaki the lord of the world and the guru of the entire universe We Salute him again and again from peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading about the how the creation came and how Brahma was created by Lord narayana and narayana created Brahma Brahma created this universe so and this creation it didn't happen honey just cyclic or cyclical way it is that is the idea of creation of in Indian tradition it is not one time creation one-time creation it is all created but it repeats it goes on again into Evolution and to involution in Revolution and in pollution like you sleep in the night time all our concept of the world the physical world your knowledge your all wisdom about the material world spiritual world all as if converges into dream sometimes you may not have dreamed it converges into somewhere you don't know nothing is there but when you wake up again the same thing comes out and express Sagittarian so so this creation is a very complicated area creation means always completion no vedant is very simple no creation is the simplest Theory and this world is an appearance is the simplest Theory but when you come to Creation there is so much of in details how it happened and what it happened and we are not interested what is the use for our us creation is not important where from the creation comes that is important the root the substance because in the creation there is change and all modifications but what comes which comes out of that unchanging that is our point of study but anyhow now here today we read verse number 21 on book number 3 chapter 12. 3.12.21 their creation of this is some he says in the God created this universe but but Paul for whom that's really somebody so he created some dishes the Sages and their extraordinary few Sages by their purity and their inner life so next Brahma the Creator energized by the Lord says I was alone I will be meaning and then he manifested only one wish I'll be meaning I am one I'll be many and it's such a powerful wish desire Cosmic desire then it manifested how it manifested this is purano this is the purana this book is called purano that's true [Music] which you will hear with the wisdom of knowledge and Smitty is this people to understand that high philosophy using some anecdotes and stories and this and that then you people can grab something concrete so this is to help people to understand what is beyond but through the creation so he says that Brahma energized by the Lord was contemplating on how to multiply his creation because in the whole universe of the beautiful universities there in the whole Los Angeles there are five people then what would happen imagine in the whole world is created the Sun Moon starts everything got created and there's no life only one Brahma then how what shall I do alone is a creation if we go back to Oneness that's okay that when you come out to see we always like let us say we human being want some company of another person no difference in our life people don't like to live isolated total you know it's depressing that's the point so they want to make friends and others so so when he generated he generated 10 sons in my mind oh let there be my ten children the ten Sanskrit and their whole its holy children these 10 are their name is they are the different names of the 10 progeny but Brahma created out of his mental wish now the Narada is the last one now of this Narada was born from they are all created from the body of the just imagine a body of Brahma and from his body came ten Parts 10 spiritual son were born so they say that my sister all came from different body Touch of their parts of the body all right now then bidural is the the question of bidural that I said o Vedra I have heard that Brahma was stricken with this he was then wanted to Creation Of The Vedas he created this and created the four Vedas so how it came the Brahma we have a Brahma my statue did you see that in our dining hall there is a Brahma statue four face four side one east west north south no four phases so that means he sees everything oh we see only this side but he sees he is he sees this he can see this sometimes old creation he can watch over so Brahma continued to think that he would now create beings following parallel to the previous cycle of time as I said it is cyclical one day today all our knowledge experience or everything when you go to bed then it is collapses and merges into one and as if they are not there it's called destruction creation and existence and destruction creation preservation destruction and after destruction again get up in the morning then as it was previously we saw the world yesterday we saw the same thing like today so it is the manifestation of creation became the same way as withdrawal was done involution an evolution so the stages of involution the way it went the stages of evolution has happened that way so he says that Brahma continued to think that you now create beings how the following the parallel of the previous creation time that's called the Sanskrit term is kalpa as it was previous call of the previous period of time of creation so he started thinking I'll do follow the same process by which this creation will be maintained and the four faces of Brahma from the four faces of Brahma thus contemplating the four Vedas what does it for with us we all know Greek Veda what is the foreign faces the four Vedas immersed All The Vedic wisdom came the rituals known as chaturh performed for four sacrificial priests the jagannas all their elaborate details subsidiary Vedas logic Dharma all came into existence many from the mouth of Brahma poor mouth the four Vedas and how to perform that Vedic rituals what is the fire sacrificial fire how to do all this came out from the mouth of Brahma foreign that takes thousands of years for us and thought bromide is one minute that's it and in a relative time is of course time comes but yeah one after another first history history says that this is historically if you judge Old Testament New Testament no so there are time period in between defense but anyhow Vedas were also done like that then asked oh great acidic oh great acidic material you said that Brahma the Lord of all prajapatis brought out all the Vedas and other things from his face please tell what thing he produced from which face detailed East face what came out from that West East deceased then South and West then North so how what Vedas came where then he said Metro the sage said with the four faces oriented to the east to the South to the west and to the north he gave out four Vedas what are the Rick Veda from here Veda South South face music and and this is the weather respectively it came past and this then came that and then came that and as well as the four functions of the sacrifice shell priests but all The Vedas have come how to perform the sacrifice there should be some knowledgeable people only mantras will not do suppose you get the Mantra book but there should be somebody to perform the Mantra no it's unnecessary we have Puja book no worship book you keep the worship book individually everything is written there but who will do the performer who is the performer so he created four priests and each priest is one expert in one Vedas so sastra and respectively anyhow these are called the sacrificial priests he also created from his Eastward looking and other faces ayurveda dhanurveda music and architecture you know now it is ayurveda I will raise the treatment by herbal medicines ayurveda don't worry is the archery all the fighting huh archery so this is a science so that came from the this side South and then came West don't need to be the then one music is all musical singing Melody singing music and architecture this building construction so see how planning Brahma is a good planner so he but he remembered the how it was created the other cycle so this cycle also he created like that he the all-knowing one he knows Brahma knows everything because everything coming out of his mind so Brahma created the itihas or purana and which is called the fifth Veda with all his faces all the four faces they created two things what is in history and it is foreign joyful peacefulness so created The Vedic home of Fire from resistant face he created the jaganas and they are named known as Tomah from the south face this face and on the up up to rijama I said these are all we do not understand what are those because that those are not practice nowadays but in The Vedas if you go to The Vedic literature you can find this type of home of Fire and that was only this space this space this space only four phase all the things are coming out of the fourth piece brahmacharya continencies of the following kinds they said then he said four parts of Dharma came the four parts of Dharma don't miss learning charity austerity and Purity all will ask for ashrama started starting with brahmacharya so also four faces taught which is called the brahmachar jastram karastrastram you know that poor ashramas astronauts means stay of life stage of life means the student life where they don't have any other thought but study and build up good health by Sports and this and that 25 years of life no then next 25 years is married get married and have family and all these duties of the family then you have seen what is this world can give then detach retired life important and then life of renunciation total renunciation renunciation so these four faces created some Force fasting like that do you want to know about Brahma what is the name of those things complicated you want to remember it will not register in the brain better escape the pages so Brahma then garasta mana prastha and sannasa the four faces they described all this sir to make you little hey [Music] this name shall confuse us also have four kinds also four kinds what are the four things let us know what to do four types the Sunnah sins also are four kinds this this face what is the face these two is known not so not dark side so North Face of the Brahma talked about sannasa renunciation life of Monk and that may be connected that way and in north side is Himalayan must not face talks about some NASA he stress Brahma beginning of Life you know then then this side the biggest ashram retired life and this is so he said the Sunnah sins also are poor kinds even in one phase he is talking about four types of among the Sunnah since there are four categories one is called kuti Chaka means one who lives in a place and follows the rules of life and discipline LED down for him now monastics good teacher comings you go to Himalayas you'll find a sadhu lives in this cave what he does he meditates he does not come out we we hear many such stories so it is called kutti means one house I wanted the house of a monk some came some heart some dilapidated Place isolated place in the forest no so that he does not go for um many places to eat food or collect food no if people come and give something he eats or fruits or something is one who lays importance mainly on knowledge as against rights and observances or one who lives in a place and follows the rules and regulations as laid down for him in the scripture to bhavoda is another who lays importance mainly on knowledge that they sit and analyze the vedantic truth and they are not much for rights and rituals and third Hamsa ramakrishna tradition is what category of Monk remember parama Hansa ction means Supreme swan great Swan why did he say like ramakrishna great swan Snow White is the body color and big size and lives in the water but no water sticks into the body they live in the world they are always free nothing touches them suffering misery pleasure pain name pain hunger thoughtsam we are all ramakrishna's children so we are all paralysis that means we should be like that not by any name no live in the world but don't get attached so that is foreign established in the practice of Gano hung says who who is established in the knowledge so first of all the one who live in a forest in isolated place don't go for running here and there walking how walking door to door traveling no they live in a cave or in a k Cottage or some isolated place no and engaged in the forms of rituals little bit they do the rituals and forms second Gates is the second one is the bhavoda that is lazy importance only your knowledge as against the rights and observer first one was more little bit rituals and rights second one does not care for doing any performing any rights and rituals this is me I am that analyze that continually who are you why are you this is all changing this is unchanging I am the witness Consciousness whatever it is in vedanta they emphasize on their knowledge aspect then among them third category who are Advanced much Advanced they leave only hang song is one who are established in the practice of Ghana they spontaneously they and I think I am that I am that I am that no Hansa Hansa soham Hansa so I I had been in one time in one place that is called a that is a monastic residence hey what we went wondering monk I was going sometime and met that place and they are called and their Center their only one sadhana one spiritual practice they do day and night say soham I am that so hum nothing they don't do any ritual anything only they are only Southern eyes soham the day and night they're thinking and they lived there for years and years and years then naturally they are it is in this category that the hamsa is one established in the practice of Ghana so they are established in practice of Ghana they don't do any ritual they don't do any performance the other type of japa Etc I am that I am that I am that I am that I am that they continuously practice that and they're established in that knowledge and the 40s or one who has realized the Atman but they have absorbed themselves into the Atman Consciousness there are four categories the four types of knowledge knowledge is also food type what knowledge relating to Moksha Moksha means liberation also the Etc order came from the space of his heart brahma's heart the sound came oh expression of Brahman from brahma's hair came The Vedic meter from the skin the meter Gayatri from his face the meter from this meter anushtube and from the bone the meter jagati is any musical notes are there in different names of musical notes that means these are different things so it all came from the one simple word it all came from brahma's body the whole universe now Incarnation as the causal bore the sukhodev said O King bidura after hearing maitre's description of the supportive action of the Lord was eager to hear more and so question the sage so then sukhodev said that bidura again asking question further question so much deliberately he has saying said that everything came from Brahma brahma's body you know all The Vedas came the sastras came the rituals came the mantras came huh and all this different stages of life that philosophy came and the performance of jagannas Etc came and the performance also came but still you want to know more so bidural then putting this question to the same Sage maitreya o says what did Sam who were a great ruler of the of the Dear Son of Silvan Brahma do after getting um this O Holy One please narrate to me who is possessed of Faith the doing of that samely King the very first ruler in the world he was one who had resigned himself to the Lord so who you are you interested in Reading what that creation times lord mytra said that's why I'm becoming straight into two and become Main and female and all these things incarnation of the cosmic board maitre said Brahma seeing the Earth submerged thought as follows for long above the water with a means of lifting this while the work of creation is going on strangely enough the Earth has gone down to the level of rasat Allah as if the Earth has gone down like that and what am I with the responsibility of creation to do with this connection may he whom I Was Myself born solve the problem to me out of the nostril of Brahma who has thus thinking imagine born anyhow the board of Tara they came hearing the granting roots of the Divine appearing as a boar the Rishi is abiding in the canner top of delighted and responded with his chain from the sacred Vedas he whose form is described and glorified in The Vedas was pleased to hear the chance of those sages resounding recounting his attributes and in appreciation ruled again from the good of all he then entered into the Waters of the delues like an elephant or water sports with tale uplifted moving in the air hard and rocked with trembling means having skin with rigid and sharp bristles shattering the clouds of his hoop with the white and sparkling tasks with brilliant eyes the Lord sown there in his role of the uplifter of the Earth the more there is God comes in so many formula bore is another form 10 avatars in Hinduism the boar is the first over there born and when water the Earth sinking down into that deep submerging into the ocean there is a concept in every every religion there is this concept when the destruction happens on the whole world what world gets submerged into the water no now even they are saying that New York will wonder what are in India they say Bay of Bengal will be so much water in the ocean that all will get submerged under the ocean so this is concept of Destruction was previously that you will get submerged into the waters so this water everything somebody's into the water then Roma I created this universe and it is going to all summons so from his last heel came this bowl he said well but very difficult to conceive all these things will come out of his nose how big is that baraha and then then he will be trying to lift the Earth lift was after us going down then he drifted the Earth up above and boom as a big board so these are quranic stories to give some concept of creation and protection how it is protected so um then seeing that there is she said hurry hell and and then what happened do the Lord of sacrifice yet smelling his way to the art like a boar though fears which is tasks yet kindly in a look of his eyes he viewed the sages hymning him and entered into the waters the all these sages were created already have been already created so they are chanting The Vedas and listening The Vedas this board become very kind and pleasing to the the to the Sages and when he took his Plunge Into The Ocean the force of the impact made by the massive and mountain-like body seemed to Spill the belly of the ocean who in Mortal pain seemed to be crying out of Mercy with uplifted wave wavy arms that joke embodied one dived into the water Limitless in expense and in death shattering it with his sharp oops and in the depths of that water in rasatala he came across the Earth Boo the support of all beings whom he had once sheltered in his abortment at the time of the leaves when the Lord stood there in his glory lifting up the Earth on his task from rasatala you know rasatala means you know they are in concept of Hinduism there are different levels who is the Earth this Earth is called their upper planes and then seven and lower seven planes are there like that so that that this this the Earth was going down so the god in the form of boor baraha came and uplifted plansed into the water went down and found the boo the Earth plane and with the Tusk pulled it up like that survived saved the world from Total dissolution and when he was lifting his tasks from rasatala he was confronted by hiran naksha he's in his resistible power armed with mace in hand there is a demon he stood there so Pierce like his own sudarsana the Lord Slaughter and the Asura effortlessly as a lion an elephant and with his face and neck ridden with the blood of his antagonist he himself looked like an elephant in rut covered with the red Earth of a Mountainside it has split with the Hands Held in salutation Brahma and the sages began to chain the hymns similar to Vedic mantras In Praise of him and he now appeared before them with the guide gate of an elephant and the Earth held up on his white task again the background of his huge blue body so he said mainly there was one demon when he was lifting the Earth up he protested he don't want he want to sink it down then that he told his head because it is narayana he became the boar with the sudarsana chakra and this is what is called that discuss Lord narayana has one great weapon discussed invincible so with that he cut the head of the Hiram naksha and then lifted the Earth and then all the sages naturally praising the God who appeared in the form of boar of course they will have [Music] not hear what he said we read it here he run naksha yeah foreign demon he has done great austerity and Power all these things come by austerity so then they killed that hiran Nation that's the major thing that we need not have to know all these details if you are interested you can read detail but I am not finding much uh interest into getting into it because we have no background of that these attribution learned in India from the childhood a grandma will tell you all the stories one after another and it sinks in your mind now we are vedanta so we don't want to hear so much of details now now that now the sages are praising what they are pleasing now the hymn of the dishes the rishis are praising oh Lord now they will say oh Lord you came down we are sinking into that ground you have lifted us on all the praise of God so hail held unto thee o one conquerable one who thou the one adored by the All jugnas The Vedas constitute your body and manifest here at the board shaking off the waters in all Direction all sacrifices are latent in your pores to you oh causal more because I'll see capital b capital causal more that means from which discretion has been saved our salutation The Vedic meters are your skin the sacrificial grass is the hair etc etc they are all matching with the home of fire items each item it comes from you oh Lord destruct is your facial extremity is the north sukh means you know when you I don't know we do in home of fire you have seen one long Ladle is there by which you take the ghee and one small spoon the sukh and Suva so they are called longer is called soup and smaller is called Suva like one type but but when you pour ghee you take a hata but being in Bengali that's called the ladle the long spoon long spoon better to see long spoon so that you can pour the take the ghee and pour into the fire your hand will be burnt near the fire so that long handle so you can pour and pull and all this the omnivore to sacrifice is your investigation of food sacrifice called diksha are your repeated manifestation sacrifice of new Punisher is your neck all these things and they may thou be pleased to establish this Earth who is your concept as well as the mother and about of all living being you are the father of all our salutations to you the company of your concert Earth as the fire stick is endowed with fire potential in it so did you install the your potency in the Earth as a result of which all this creation has evolved out of her oh Lord who accept you can even conceive such an idea as lifting up the Earth sunk in rasatala it has gone into the deep deep down the whole earth has suppose the whole earth goes under Pacific Ocean what will happen and some big giant God comes in the form of a boar he has such a power lifts the whole Earth above the water level no so you are so powerful you have saved us oh Lord how great you are how good you are that's the praise the glory of the boor incarnation is that said praised in this way by those rishis who are versed in The Vedas the Lord fixed the Earth then Lord fixed the Earth in proper position he shushan in position the mountain in his position the plain land will be in position so he fixed everything now re-engineered re-engineered the destruction what was destroyed thus after lifting up the Earth from the rasatology in a play and fixing her in the water he the protector of the world and destroyer of all obstacles disappeared from the vision of Brahma and others so after doing this job the Lord who appeared as a board he disappeared the Lord bestowed his grace quickly on those that devoutly hear or narrate the holy account of this incarnation this is the part we can understand if you praise God if you think of God then you will be saved from the world and worldliness that says [Music] you know those who are talking about the glories thus God bestows his grace upon whom who on those who devotedly hear these stories of the God's glory and narrate those stories of the Incarnation the position of unheard of powers and reliever of the Sorrows of creature what is not attainable if he the master of all gifts and Booms is please treat one when I'm doing this God become very pleased to that person who narrates this glories of God and also who talks about God who talks about the glories of this is in in in in nutshell the this Earth is created how is created came from Brahma how he created this universe evil forces how he drowned it and how it has rescued again so this is all God's play if one can think of this if you can narrate these stories and meditate on this he will heart will be pure the power of God no that's why people get so much uh attracted because they when we see some Miracles no a miracle then we get more faith and when you hear about the Miracles by Christ so we said oh there is higher power so Ordinary People their mind gets lifted so this type of Glory if we hear this is the conclusion concluding part of chapter 13 where he says and that what is not attainable if he the master of all gifts and Booms is pleased with one but who cares for those wounds those insignificant attainments to those who worship with intense and Multiplex devotion he reveals himself of his own accord there is no blessing higher than that this is this this is bhakti bhakti is that that what is not attainable a devotee a devotee lover of God can attain everything if he can please the Lord and who is Lord he is The Giver of everything what you like from Material World to the spiritual world he can give it that's why God is The Giver of normal God can give righteous life he can restore us with auto good money wealth prosperity God can fulfill you with your fulfilling your desires come and God can liberative from all boundaries so knowing that God's glory like that if one chance his glory then what is left for a person to achieve they achieve the highest devotion but who cares for these wounds who cares for this no these insignificant attainments to real devotee what he wants to those who worship with interest Multiplex devotion that is the point those who worship Multiplex devotion foreign lovers of God don't say oh Lord give me money give me wealth give me Prosperity give me name pain power they are not genuine devotee genuine devotee says I don't want anybody I don't need anything I want you that's why satu and Narada they supports this idea satu parama premium that love a devotion should be of extreme intense urge for God and that is if you love God intensely nothing is important for you you renounce everything renunciation is not a struggle if someone says you renounce then we feel difficult it is very difficult to renounce how Canadians I love this thing I love this thing but when love for God comes it's such a tremendous Force you you can automatically it falls off your life it is insignificant but that's it you have to generate love for God if that love is there then these are insignificant but if that love is not there then this will pull you back so here it is saying we need that love don't get tempted by all these external things they are powers for the world yes powerful person power powerful auditor powerful speaker powerful politician powerful vertical Army General all are there but these are all material achievement it will stay for some time with your death everything will go but if one has love for God intense love then all these powers are meaningless that's why there is a song it's called honey munide and there is one man he was running for a philosopher's stone you know Philosopher's Stone a such a stone you touch anything you touch if it you get that stone you touch it anywhere wherever there is iron iron will be instantly converted into gold so he was searching because he's the poor guy and he became really intoxicated in thinking if I get that I'll be rich and then I will find it and he's running here and there and there like a mad person for that stone and suddenly he made his army sadhu holy man okay foreign ah old hi so there is a Sonata goswami who is a disciple of mahaprabhu caitanya 's disciple very great scent he was doing japa Krishna Krishna Krishna and throwing with tears no perfectly peaceful joyful in his own joy and this person this Brahmin who is searching for that pillars of a stone he came and said what do you want he said what do you want I want philosopher stone can you give me I want I am I am drastically watching Finding to find out where he can oh you want that it is there find out he put it in his Cottage on the sand bed there is a test Cottage long sleeve very simply so they are in the under the sand there is a stone that that is there take it he took it and he touched he has bangle iron bangle and he's just and he becomes gold and he's jumped in joy and he was just out of Joy he saluted him and with the philosopher stone he was going back home and suddenly it's his mind questioned him are he I am so excited getting this Stone and I'm jumping in joy and that man he is doing lord's name he does not care for this philosopher's stone if he can use it he will be a king tomorrow anything you touch it become gold what he has got that's why he said oh master you you have received what I do not know by which this Philosopher's Stone is also meaningless Now give me a bit of that Aid at atawoli saying so he threw away the Philosopher's Stone he got he get renunciation the spirit of renunciation looking at the life of sanatana so here those who worship with intense and Multiplex devotion God reveals himself of his own effort there is no blessing higher than that except a beast of man who having discrimination and true sense of life's value who desist from consuming the nectar of the Lord's doings selected from the ancient translations if you had but once drunk a little of it with the cup of his ears cup of his ear here is a cup and comes into his delectableness so if one can absorb the Lilac the holy words of the master of the Lord then his life will be nectar like so he will be pleased and freed from us so here it ends the chapter 13 and book number three so we'll leave next time in end at chapter 13. 3.13 we will start 3.14 dot one next time I have jumped so many pages is willingly it was 50. 3 13 50. I have two chaptersex gift because this is the creation how he created from the skin chemist and the hair came this from the eyes came this from this Baba who will remember that that means everything came out of him Simple Thing everything came out of Brahma and Brahma where Brahma came Brahma came from narayana came from here so our formula is very simple from Brahman everything came so we end here and then we'll have if you have little question and then with next day we'll start the chapter 14 where it's called hiran naksha that story that will be interesting though [Music] so 7 30. we'll read The Shanti Gita again okay and we will have one question it has come let me see what is that different from a dualist do what do it in experience Prema is it your opinion that a data is higher than a data you know when he called sadhana a student so if you are a student of bhakti so you are practicing prayer chance and all rituals no then you are not experiencing much it is a ritual it's oh I'll have to do again I did it yesterday but I didn't get anything I'll do it but when really you enter into love of God and love forces you to do something what can be done too is by dictate someone dictates you'll have to do it and what can be done out of love so when it comes out of love that's a higher state work is secondary people can work long they can give hours and hours of service mother gives hours and our service for the baby newborn baby child no day and night that is the purpose but mother does not feel that I am doing so much for you and he does not give me thanks he should give me thanks he should praise me I have did so much no no Revelation from the child no one expects that no mother expects that because love is prominent so love when it comes to dualistic worship that is satisfying and and non-dualistic that's the sadhana I am that I am that do you feel that I pinch you and then cry and you come with a fist with me hey you have to how dare you do that so you are in the practice you are not open you are not Brahman you have not raised yourself to that con state but sadhana practice practice practice practicing no no no do it happen but I am not the body it is the body happening not me in the Atman so if you go on practicing they ultimately will reach that that point of sachidan on the level where it is all one thing that is the Atman and Atman is all Bliss and joy so when you reach the goal to end myths of practice is one way or do it to practice is another way all will converge into the ultimate when a real real genuine love generates then they love her and they love to become small genuine knowledge matures he will see that there's nothing but that one and that is love that is in three terms it is there it is of the nature of Consciousness it is of the nature of love and bhakti says it is all love love love love it matters little there is no distinction but sadhana the process of practice is still different one practices with devotion utmost devotion absorption for getting the word both are renouncing a devotee when absorbing God he does not think of world suppose one devotee who is really enjoying the Bliss of God within where his word for him what is the money his his body Consciousness where is his own emotional attachments nothing all gone from him but when again in the knowledge aspect I am not devotee not the mind and one goes inside and think I am the Atman there is also where is the world both are perfectly enunciate do you go to the path of Duality at the beginning it seems different but at the end the experience of Anand The Joy Remains the Same so I would suggest that in different sadhana as a practice is different vedanta student does not go to the temple with flowers and fruits and offer that and get joy he will thinking I am not devotee why I am here who is observing I'm feeling good how do you feel I am good because of the Consciousness because of that presence I am feeling headache who is feeling headache where is the headache heading in my body and my mind is connected that's why I'm feeling it if I go to sleep now my headache I will not feel see it is happening in the body why am I doing anything I am not untrust absolute sachidananda that will be the practice the practice is different and the devotional person they will go chantivas sing a song chanted chant some Sanskrit versus or whatever is he will go to the Catholic churches they will have their Catholic songs and prayers and chants and all these things and rituals weaving the incense and praying something so these are one process is different but through that they're trying to forget the world think of God think of God think of God God the personal and God they that God will be impersonal personality impersonal so it will automatically Glide so only that's the I I think that what ramakrishna said whatever you like you like the path of dualism and do that you follow the path of non-dual Follow that but be intense and do that the result will come the same and the ultimate ultimate Pinnacle of experience will be the same but difference will remain in the journey very good huh 7 30. no there is nothing 5 30. I didn't know that I do not know at least see you again where is that could you find