Video 51
Bhagavatam - 3.8.23 -3.9.10 ( Book 3, Chapter 8 verse 23)
Shanti [Music] We Salute bhagavan Shri Krishna the son of basudeva kangso and destroyer of the Demons the darling of the mother devaki and the guru of the world and the lord of the universe We Salute him again and again from peace peace peace so we are on the book number three chapter eight and we are reading verse number 22 we have finished we will be reading today 23. so here the the Brahma was created from the navel of narayana and this narayana when he saw he seated in the center of the lotus of which is coming from and so when he came she scanned the whole sky where am I where am I where where is this universe and what is this and seeing he scanned the sky all around where upon he developed four pieces that's why Brahma has four faces these two is not South and brahmadin who found himself in the lotus which had risen from those Waters that were being beaten into the succession of Waves by the winds attending to the world of dissolution so total dissolution was happening the whole universe is gone into destruction and all the water water delused by the water all around and rumors are nothing but water water water water and could not make out anything did not understand anything about himself or the Lotus holding the world in Worlds in a germinal form and a fire the Lotus come and what is his root where is he how what is the entire universe filled with water so he could not understand who am I having my residence in the Lotus that question came in his mind where from has sprung this lovely entity this Lotus amidst of the waters what is this base it when paid 177. what where is its base it must certainly have some basis so thinking thus he the Brahma try to go into the depth of the waters to the central Hollows of the stock of the lotus lotus stem so he entered Brahma wanted to find where from it comes let me try so he entered into this narrow hole of the stock of the Lotus leaf and in that he entered but found no end even after going down very far and in the darkness of ignorance Brahma searched for his origin for a vast period of time she wanted to understand where did I come from where is my origin so Brahma the rolling will of the Lord which terrifies all embodied beings by consuming their span of life no so Brahma searched for his original vast period of time means long years and years and years one day is how many of so many millions of years for us he's one day he's so many millions of I forgot the calculation big calculation which is there brahma's once like blinking of the eye will be several thousand years for our lifespan so defeated in his purpose when searching where Drake come from Brahma abandoned his quest he gave up and searching outside he's trying to weather in the all around could not understand anything is they alone and getting down into the depth of the lotus stock entering into that for time long time couldn't find anything so he now stopped searching his origin outside now he closed his eyes tried to enter inside so defeated in his purpose Brahma abandoned his quest outside and re resumed his seat on the lotus and then he controlled his vital energy Prana drew his mind inward entered into the state of concentrated absorption that means withdrawing the mind he tried to concentrate on who am I that search for a hundred years of Brahma oh my God hundreds of years of Brahma he only contemplated Who Am I who Am I who am I and then for for a hundred years of Brahma was in that state of spiritual communion and in his mind that was now well concentrated dawned the truth of the Lord as the indwelling speed it understood the Lord God is the indwelling spirit in him which he failed to realize by his earlier Quest outside so first searching outside he failed and then he came back in his own self so swamiji also in his form he says in search of God that beautiful poem so he said that I searched for You O Lord in Hillandale and Mountain caves in forest and in caves and temples and churches and everywhere and I searched for you you you I find nowhere and then I spend years of my life and spend painting for the truth and this and that and fasting and these austerities you know suddenly I find One Day the sound is coming from my inside and saying Missy my see I am here oh Lord you are here and I see you and then you see you everywhere and I first I didn't find anywhere now I find everywhere so Brahma also first started because also says that you see first the sense organs eyes ears are all trying to find what is outside outside whole science modern science and all searching for what what is this what is the root of it what is the cause of it and to find the ultimate truth and when they fail they turned back into the inner chamber of their heart so Brahma also tried outside to find the origin of where from Brahma came and could not find anything and being failure then he turned inward now today 23rd verse page 178 of book number one volume number one I am talking book number three now brahma's vision of the Lord then with going inside and meditating and contemplating he had a vision 23rd verse he found him the sole existence lying on the bed constituted of the huge body of the serpent ADI say so of sparkling whiteness whose thousand umbrella like hoods with the Luminous glow of the precious stones on them dispel the Gloom of cosmic Darkness ever casting the waters around so brahmavati found he found the soul existence where it comes from his existence is on that is the existence is on somebody who is lying in a bad constituted by the huge body of a serpent ADI says what is the name of ADI says which is food on the head of narayana lying down and it's covered with the hood protecting and James Aranda you know it's it is it is it is believed that this this this saying sir this big serpents they have some gems in their head Hood yeah yeah yeah yeah anyhow so uh uh yes so whatever so ADI says of sparkling whiteness and whose thousand umbrella like Hood the hood protecting with the Luminous glow of the precious stone on them dispel the Gloom of the cosmic Darkness um it was all dark everywhere water water nothing else alone why am I what is this and he concentrated here meditated and found ultimately oh it is someone is lying down and from his navel came this Lotus and in the lotus did the Brahma is sitting there found him for transcending they go glow and Grandeur of an Emerald Mountain his yellow wearing cloth exhaling the orange red even in clouds covering the mountains Baba this description Brahma is seeing now but he sees he found the fire transcending the glow of grandeur of the Emerald Mountain where is Emerald Mountain what is that human Mountain foreign [Music] [Music] anyhow so let us go to the translation he found him far transcending the glow of the Grandeur of an Emerald Mountain his yellow wedding cloth exhaling the orange red evening clouds covering the mountain is diadem head the glowing peaks of it s floral wrath and ornaments the waterfalls vegetations flowers precious stones Etc on it his arms the bamboo Groves and his legs the trees he saw that form of the Lord which includes within itself the whole universe but which could assume any size according to his will which is the resplendent with numerous Divine ornaments and clothes and which can assume other forms and decorations according to the needs of the devotee so he saw some Divine entity which can take any found he likes and he saw the form of Lord which includes within itself the whole universe but which could assume any size according to his will and is all growing with luminosity and resplendent with numerous Divine ornaments and Etc 26. those following pure scripture or odd and ways of spiritual disciplines those following pure scriptural or in ordained ways those those people who are following the dictates of the scripture and meditating and praying and doing sadhana like that for the Fulfillment of their various desires find a wish yielding cow of Plenty in his Lotus feet huh thinking of the Lord that Lord just thinking of him you cannot in anything you like in the world which fulfilling pit that fit which we heard about whisper building tree who is fulfilling treatments you go there and sit and want your mind anything you wish it will happen so that the Lord Krishna he has narayana's description is that those people who are meditating and praying following the injunctions of the scriptures and for the Fulfillment of various desires I go to heaven I will be powerful like ravana I'll be this then that no this all this can you can get it if you can touch the feet of Lord or pray to the Lord sweet who spittles are constituted with his toes having nails that are resplendent like the moon this description beauty of the Lord's feet the Lord's towels Lord's known fingers Etc he saw him he missed Brahma Brahma saw him who smile removes the Sorrows of the world [Music] who's my smiley harass ment smitten Smith if he smiles it can take away your all suffering lives of suffering so he saw him he means Brahma saw the Lord whose smile removes the Sorrows of the world and his face is be be a beautified by shining ear ornaments and by the ready sting of Lent to eat by the reflection of his red ruby-like lips so Louis is so beautiful here such so beautiful they are either ornament is hanging there that is so precious and he's calmly knows and well set eyebrows say description of narayana he saw the Lord wearing a yellow cloth and he's wearing a yellow cloth where does he get the yellow cloth at that time God knows because in him is everything he can create anything he likes so he is wearing a yellow room Narayan will find that that they when they paid they put the cloth yellow the Lord wearing a yellow cloth resembling the the filament of karumba flower you do not know the color of cloud India we have one type of flowers say that Colombo flower in this color yellow color yellow like the caramba flower having beautiful West band not only West she has West band and beautiful and wearing a Priceless necklace matching well which is just bearing these three words srivat's Mark srivatsu Mark means that that two Footprints of the key of the Brahmin of the Brahmin that's why it's a two footprint in the chest of he's holding the feet of the devotee and brigu he's just wearing the srivastava he saw the deity like a great sandalwood tree having armed with his diamonds studied armbands for the branches these are his unmanifested Infinity chewed for the root and ADI says the serpent as the vine entering his branches his Bhagavad description is not ordinary description is writing so it is very deep and it's very poetic those who have little taste of this poetry they can enjoy it more he saw he means again Brahma saw the mountain of the bhagavan which had all living creatures as its inhabitants in his Mountain he saw of the bhagavan which had all living creatures as its inhabitant the cosmic Waters and the ocean surrounding it and ADI says to the snake as the serpent hovering on it the numerous diadems as it speaks and the Manifest of srivatsa as the query of precious stones in it so this is a James Stone very called very unusually srivatsa is the name of the gem he saw the Lord whose form was covered with the floral Wrath symbolic of his glory own glory and having The Vedic chant as the numerous honeybees hovering around so he is lying down and Vedic chant is going on it is like numerous honeybees when the bees hum like that they are humming The Vedic mantras as it were continuously he was he saw the Lord whose form was covered with a floral wreck symbolic of his own glory and having The Vedic chant as the numerous honeybees hovering around the Heat he who is in penetrable to the Sun and Moon the fire and wind and whose weapons like sudarsana spread their dazzled throughout the three Worlds the sudars and chakra there is a discus that dazzling light of that covering the whole Earth and Heaven like that rendering him difficult of approach so people cannot approach Brahma saw that Grandeur of the Lord and he is not very much Happy or free to reach him 32 verse simultaneously he saw also the Lotus coming out of the Lake of the Lord's navel another Neville flowers no Lotus is coming up out of the lake of Lords navel with him sitting on him and he saw I am sitting in the Lotus which is coming out of the navel of Lord Nara you know nothing more did Brahma bent on his work of creation as and and he said that he saw also the Lotus coming out of the Lake of the world and Lord's navel with himself sitting on it as also the causal water causal water means the Karana karon is caused from which the whole creation has come the wind and the sky nothing more did Brahma bent on his work of creation see he didn't see anything but all this having seen this much Brahma who was filled with the spirit of rajas who has desire us of bringing various species of beings into existence whose mind was set on the creative act and who has intensely contemplating on him a mysterious ways now addressed him a praise to him him that is Brahma seeing all these things he started the creation Brahma creates that is the point Brahma this according to Hindu idea Brahma creates the Vishnu the Lord Vishnu he nurtures and Shiva destroys the old for the new creation he is all auspicious auspicious because to throw away all the garbage that's why he is now here ends the bhagavati mahapurani paramang foreign foreign third book and it is the eighth chapter ends here so ninth chapter no started 179 page now Brahma commissioned to create so Brahma seeing this unique Lord who is lying down his so much light emanating here and there from his eyebrows eyes these that with the color of the cloth is this and all the powerful things so seeing that Brahma started praising Brahma him as we say Brahma is him for chandi in the chandi Brahma was the first chapter which and here also Brahma is praising the Lord Brahma said Brahma commission took it oh Lord after practicing meditation for long I have at last come to possess some understanding of you because I was searching to know where I come from and I could not find looking around and going down the stock of the lotus now I understand by your grace that I have meditated upon you and I have at last come to put his some understanding oh Lord how big you are how what you are this is the common deficiency of all embodied beings it is the deficiency of all Earth human being that have no knowledge of you oh Lord narayana he's praying to Lord narayana Vishnu Brahma is praying that's why people cannot find any two of you how great you are but you are the source of everything you are the cause of everything but people don't understand I cannot understand so also the people of the universe nothing exists besides you or thee Oh all permitting being the many that seem to exist are not really separate from thee as you see the many many is nothing but you your body your body parts I say it's a qualified non-dualistic idea the many that seem to exist is it many we see that seem to exist Brahma says are not really separate from you as independent existence this many they are only the products of your power called Maya so your Maya Shakti here Maya power of veiling power and projecting power that is Maya created all this and whose gunas are manifested as the world the multiplicity multiplicity has come because of the gunas trigunas and Thomas that has come that is your power it has come from you you are the Creator and it has come from you verse number two this form of your an expression of Consciousness Bliss divide up every trace of darkness and ignorance so this expression of Consciousness that means it is you who have manifested in this world highest vedanta no when they talk about is a bhakti book but bhaktias that's the real bhakti bhakti mixed with Gano without knowing the glory of the Lord if one laughs it is a love which binds us but knowing the glory of the Lord and then loving that is the genuine love that leads to infinite knowledge so here he says and this not knowing the glory of you an expression of Consciousness Bliss devoid of every trace of Darkness of ignorance has been assumed by you for the blessing of your deputies so all this universe has come you are beyond all Darkness but you have assumed this form why for the blessing of your devotees to bless your devotees you are playing as if you have become everything this this you die original descent is the source of several others of which I sprang from Thy Neighbor Lotus so you have infinite have taken the form of Avatar you that that your original descent You Avatar is the source and that Source has given birth to several others and I Brahma sprung from you never Lotus I am only one so you are the source of everything out of which the whole creation has come all these created universe is you and out of that I am also one product which has come out of your navel Zone verse number three o Supreme Being I find nothing higher than this form of yours which is constituted a pure Bliss which is changeless and which is of the unobstructed brilliance so I find nothing higher than this form of your your form the Divine form I saw which is constituted it is constituted of not any material object but sachidananda Bliss and that Bliss which is changeless bliss and which is of unobstructed Brilliance that means self-luminous self-luminous full of joy full of bliss that is the thing I see nothing but you I am nothing but this conscious entity around you are the one existence and creator of all its instrumental cause and its material cause constitutely of elements senses and other Cosmic categories the whole universe has been who created there's a pedantic very good pedantic understanding is necessary to understand this line God see Brahma is saying you are the instrumental cause and you are the material cause who causes material calls and in instrumental calls what is material cause suppose this table has been created how it is created what is the material what are the material needed who would the wood police nails some instrument to policy to dress it all the what is called the saw all these instruments are necessary instrumental cause material caused matter with which it is good instrumental cause the man one Carpenter is necessary and Carpenter which is tools these are the instrumental cause for anything created the house is built how material needed material some bricks and now these are all wood so fire the wood plywood on this wood and whatever wood for beans and these all material matter but there needs some engineer or architect who have planned this and did that that person is called instrumental cause one is called the material cause another is called the instrumental so instrumental cause separate from the matter no the the carpenter carpenter is not dude is separate from Carpenter who this matter and Carpenter is something living so there should be matter and there should be one conscious entity to act upon that's why the world we see the building coming out Rivers construction a bridge and whatever road everything is only two things material some material cause and it is called efficient cause but in this creation of this world there is not two material cause you you and instrumental causes you no other assistance is necessary for you to create this universe out of your own will you have created this universe which is material thing is also you and your instrumental cause that is also you that means you are nothing but what I see it is nothing but you only and then and yet you are the pure spirit and is creating this though you have created but you are not exhausted after creating everything you are much standing in your own dignity without attachment so and yet you are the pure spirit in whom the world manifestation makes no change the world is going on and this manifestation is continuously going on because you are holding them at the background so you are the substratum you are the material because you are the efficient cause you are Beyond but you are everything oh Lord oh the Lord world's well-wisher the form you reveal to me to us your voter is in meditation is barely this form here lying in the cosmic Waters and not an imaginary creation of the meditating mind only men corrupted by evil contacts of heading towards hell will reject it my salutations to you again and again so people do meditate they may think that is he it is hallucination or imagination no it is so real I see you as as we see in the dream I see you that you are holding the Lotus and from which I am coming out fibers verse number five page 180 The Winds of holy scriptures come very sweet fragrance of the lotus of the Holy feet to the years of the embroideries and to them to their hearts so what he said did what are the scriptures we are reading the scripture what is the scripture scriptures are like the wind no which convey what the wind does a sweet fragrance is there wind comes and carries the sweet fragrance to others so what he says the wind the holy scriptures convert to Sweet fragrance of the lotus of your feet just like that it is carrying in our ear the message of the Lord who is Ever pure ever conscious ever existing so being held by them in the Lotus of their hearts by the power of supreme devotion you do never leave them your devoted servants so if it comes like that and the devotee who is pure in heart he catches him and he holds it you in your heart and they never leave you that means the scriptures poetic description meaning those sincere devotees who love you who meditate upon you they when they listen your glories through their years they contemplate on you and keep him or keep you in their hearts so thou and you never leave them your devoted servants 6. so long as man does not seek absolute shelter at your feet he'll be demonic dominated by the vile sense of eye and mind so so long anyone Penny devotee who have to take total surrender I am nothing oh Lord You Are Everything so if total Krishna said total surrender unless she takes the total surrender he will be dominated by what as we are all dominated by anger frustration ego anger all these bias negativity so dominated by the vile sense of I and mind I and mine all these things will come so long one does not take total shelter surrender you have to be tired in the world you should be frustrated in the world people are searching for joy as we just heard the searching for Joy outside outside try you should be tired one time I tried enough I didn't get anything and then take refusing God hold on to God then will come peace say that's why he says so long as a man does not seek total absolute shelter at your holy feet he will be dominated he will be dominated by his own ego yeah and me and mine me and whole world is me and mine that's why Sankara says foreign the human transactional Universe we find what is this I and my I am this my car is my me my home this me my bank balance me my friend me my enemy so I I like it I and me so the whole world can be just summed up in towards me and mine I and mine dear The Bachelor is saying in the mouth of the Brahma Brahma says that so long as a man does not seek total Surrender At Your Feet he will be dominated by the vile sense evil mildness evil sense of eye and mind and I and mine is the root cause of all suffering ramakrishna said all the rubbish All the Troubles of life will go away when I dies this Petty eye small eye not that who am I in the big eye but this eye this eye when it will die when one can say I am not the body then he is released when say I I have pain I have he I have hunger I have thirst I am passionate I am weak I am strong all these things are coming because of I and I and my family my member my friend my enemy the whole world ends there me and mine is the cause of so that will be annihilated then otherwise we will be subjugated by subjugated by this iron mine and as a consequence this person will be subject to grief desire humiliation and intense greed and also to the Sorrows an account of wealth properties and Friends mind mine mine mine this suffering this humiliation this grief desires intense Creed Sorrows all will be coming in life those who feel a constitutional repugnance to devotional associations centering on you have indeed their intelligence stricken by their evil destiny that means those who have no many constitutional Republicans very beautiful language you talk about God they'll be repentant they will run away from that you talk about God they will run away by Constitution you catch him there he will learn from there also but you give them some worldly chutney Chutney chutney what is called chutney gossip worldly gossip give him some worldly gossip he will be very interested and do you know I also know this I also know that and you talk about God there is no more all stop run away so he says Those Who feel constitutional repugnance seven verse to devotional Association centering to you that means when you talk about the love of God and have indeed their intelligence they are their their intelligence is that intelligence has been stricken by their evil destiny because they are still to go through many suffering full of life of coming and going and going and coming because they are called the fish basket story they like the peace basket if you put them into the flower garden they will be restless could not sleep being the fish basket sprinkles little water so the fish smell becomes intense then ah what a grand place this is the condition of the world and worldly people and they only will have to suffer more and more because this world cannot give how much you like how much you feel that that will be but people fail ultimately to see that is no it's I am wrong foreign they are run by their bad buddhi [Music] afflicted by greed and seeking satisfaction of their trivial lustful urges these miserable men engage themselves again and again in sinful action verse number seven foreign foreign opposite foreign that discussion about God and His glories they turned their face up with it what they do come on Dina they are buffeted by Karma desire Kama the happiness that will give this desire Dina they have become very poor by that Lobo they are overwhelmed with Lova greed lover Buddha so their mind is colored by that so anyhow so they suffer more whose mind does not feel inclined rather they run away from any Divine thought they suffer from all these miserable I shudder to visualize the miseries of the being that are going to be created Miser is arising from the Affliction of The Hunger thirst disease heat cold storms floods Mutual Stripes fairy lust and insatiable anger Brahma said I shudder in fear of the appears realize what is going on this Creation in creation means all are running for this going to me and mine and that will miseries will be arising in their mind and the afflictions what the afflictions hunger you see whole creation look at them a plant plant is hungry for water for some fertilizer no even all the animals underground or in aquatic animals or human beings hunger Hunger Hunger the whole world is running for anger earning money is for what eating fast then question of shelter and other things so hunger miseries disease no no question everyone in the animal kingdom too and even the trees you find now the some trees are totally um some insects have destroyed the entire tree so any life in this earth is filled with these types of negativities so thirst hunger disease heat and cold opposite storms and flowers that you know tsunami coming this coming that coming and now and then natural Mutual stripe trained against friend husband against wife so what not to go the whole world with Miss as I say even the sadhus fight hmm the holy people they also fight because it's the ignorance that is the play of the lord it's not a good place and Brahma he was said today I shadow seeing this what is going to happen you know this creation is now coming up clearly lost and incestible anger anger last greed nine verse so long as man is entrenched in separateness separateness means considering himself as distinct and self-centered being I am separate from the whole world so I want to survive I want to eat I want to enjoy I want to dominate no for so long this is there this sanctuary which is the expression of the power of Lord's Maya as senses and their objects will not cease to afflict him karmas and their effects continue as a meaningless and endless succession of cause and effect producing a series of experience involving suffering and enjoyment so it will wonder the Lord's Maya because of this and what will happen that you will not cease to afflict the karmas and their effects you do one Karma it will bring another effect and that continue as a meaningless and endless succession you go on doing one Karma get one result then you say oh this is not good I'll do the other Karma then get in all selfish Karma selfish Karma me and my into gratifying your own ego and me and mine that type of Commerce then the effect is the meaningless and endless succession of cause and effects again you are born again you desire something to get again fulfilled or you don't fulfill again you have to be born again so producing a series of experiences involving suffering and enjoyment it is not bad all the time you also get something sweet some Heavenly joy in between our life look at that no one can say our life is all suffering huh there is suffering in between little little juice sweetness people think Aha and forget everything again suffering comes then say hey why to me oh then karma karma bringing Good Karma bringing bad this is the cycle of birth and death continues continues continues yes I did oh Lord even rishis the rishis rishis means the Seer of Truth learned in philosophies learned in philosophies and Sciences are bound to this go round and round the cycle of birth and death if they are indisposed to contemplate on your deeds and glories unless even the riches don't contemplate on the glory of the avatar and come he will be coming in the cycle of bartendeth again and again if they are in disposed to contemplate on your deeds and glories if they forget if they don't dwell on the glory of the Lord that's why we call Lila dharam you read Rama krishna's Glory no and his Lila daily Sports think that he is going to samadhi these that all this that will purify the Mind unless you are attached to this we'll have to go to the round and bartend it for toiling all through the day they tired themselves out as it's look at that people get up in the early morning there's no time rush rush rush even no time for breakfast they take the breakfast I have seen in the car and take a cup of coffee only no time to do even other breakfast and then driving driving office an office office office office after the whole day coming back tired and they're tired who will cook and get to some restaurant and get something eat something and watch some movie TV and then sleep bus you look at the light 365 days how it is going on we also don't look at ourselves sometimes what we are doing if it is not love for God then it is only one day the same thing so whole day going on in West and one Karma doing one Karma bringing another result another Karma another result so the cycle is going on so for toiling all through the day they tired themselves out at night the agitation of the Mind caused by innumerable desires disturbs their sleep how many people had a good sleep why they don't sleep because daytime hot work has been done some anxieties oh I have to do it tomorrow I have no time and all the pros and cons sleep gone 99 people don't sleep if the sleepers there people would have been helped would have been health condition would have been much improved because the thought takes the mind though you are in the bed but you are not sleeping and the failure of their worldly plans and Ambitions due to the stroke of Destiny engulfs them in disappointment and they become disappointed and it engulfs them the destiny because planning I plan this and it didn't it didn't succeed I did that it didn't happen so as a result they live in that hotter distress so this is the verse number 10 book number three chapter nine ten so we have finished reading and then we'll read next time from 11 bars again question who compends composed the ram of Krishna Gayatri Mantra and how come it sounds so much like a Vishnu Gayatri how come Master could not go to Gaia but could go to other places like bananas you know I do not know who composed the ramakrishna Gayatri I do not know but probably our Islam Krishna Nanda Swami is most possible because he used to and these mantras are available same Mantra with putting the name different so probably most probably Swami ramakrishnan and master could not go to goyadam because his father ramakrishna's father he saw in the after performing the rituals of poor fathers obsequences and then he saw that in the night the in the father's Vision came Lord Nara and whom we are talking about came with four arms with the glow in their beauty with the disgust in one hand and the mace in another and and then he appeared and said ok sudhiram the father's name is sudhiram I shall be born in your home I'll be your son so he talked with God and that is the birth of ramakrishna so he said why he didn't go because if he goes to qaidham he is Lord Vishnu himself so he will remain I remember his own self and immediately mind will margin samadhi in such a way that he will not be do his do anything so that's why he didn't come understand this point when he goes to we go in any place our mind gets agitated with the feeling of that place no you go to Niagara your mind will be agitated in the form of how the water falls from a high distance and how it looks what type of frost is created there that's one type of sensation you go to a Bhajan singing group your mind will be agitated similarly ramakrishna's mind is so pure when he goes there instantly his mind will run towards his own origin origin is narayana himself he narayana himself has taken ramakrishna ramakrishna is no other than the Lord narayana we are reading here will remember of his own origin he will not have any test to live here so he will merge in samadhi that's why he didn't go there second point is this verse speaking against talking District approach because they only accept the formless without form is it possible is it possible to study District while accepting god with form for study who can who are fit candidate for rajat these are different philosophical stance better while we as a student of ramakrishna vedanta we take all the as the ideal condition the world is not created it's very high stand but we live in The Duality therefore we are we we worship God in the form uh God is in the form and God can be worshiped in the form but God is infinite God is without form and there there is no I know you then that is the state creation is not there why must God incarnate as an avatar to destroy the demons he why God incarnates as you know God is God he need not have to come down as a human personality Christ Buddhas ramas krsnas ramakrishnas they are avataras but why they come they have one reason is that they love they come down into the world and acts in such a way so that people after their death also thinking of their deeds and their actions activities what they live they live in that Joy people can follow them meditate upon them and get free from the worldly bondage because we day and night think of the world when you think of the Cry of Christ or buddhasa ramadanas our mind becomes very uplifted and we think of their Glory as all the lives deeds and messages and things that will help us remove our ignorance so God can destroy the Demons by Will why he has to come down if he is God so powerful but he comes down to set an example so that thousands of years people can follow the path and reach Freedom ultimate freedom so here also to reach freedom 2000 years past Christ came thinking of Christ thinking of his message how many people have become freed from bondage how many saints were produced even now today how many people are enjoying the breeze of God thinking of Christ similarly thinking of Krishna you go to Whole of India then people are mad in the name of Krishna and they are enjoying the beliefs of God so this is the way of redeeming us that's why babataru comes and takes all this trouble though they could do the destruction by mere wish but they come down for our benefit so that we find some ways to get out of the sansar problem of sansar okay so thank you all we'll meet you at 7 30. and at 7 30 you will be the song of peace it's called The Shanti Gita seventh chapter the last chapter we are reading um [Music] so there was there anybody oh