Video 50
Bhagavatam - 3.7.26 -3.8.22 ( Book 3, Chapter 7 verse 26)
foreign [Music] [Music] Deva the darling of the mother devaki and the guru of the entire universe the lord of the universe We Salute him again and again oh peace peace be so we are back to the study of bhagavata and we are on the book number three and chapter 3 is 7. and we start verse number 26. here the the Lord who says the sage Metro the sage maitra was taught asked by that this is the how to know how the creation came this question was answered and now bidura said that and bidura's response it is a discussion between maitra Rishi and bidura and that has been narrated in this mouth through the mouth of sukadeva no video then started questioning further he said in verse number 21 that this creation is permitted by God that is one thing but absolutely it is God's Leela and now 21st person again he narrated how the fundamental creation got into secondary creation that is called bisharga it said that we we read the other day the Lord first projected all categories beginning with Mahatma up to the senses and the Buddhas indriors and Buddhas and out of them he manifested the cosmic being birata into whom he then entered so he created this universe and he ultimately entered into it the birato with the countless heads arms Etc support of all the discrete world is his first manifestation that is the first manifestation he created the five bhutas 24 principles the sense organs Etc and now creating he entered into it now bidura says that sir oh great Sage you described to me how in the birato there came into existence these Triads of the indrios their objects and the presiding deities so how in this video creating this in this existence everywhere there are some sense organs objects there and there is the presiding deity of all the oceans organs and also the pranas the vital powers and the various burners the color now describe to me further manifestation of its powers which is known as bishargo now bishargo is he's asking to know what is bisharga what is bisharga till about his powers of manifestation by which the world came to be filled with people now the world was created with senses sense organs and their bosses their gods and goddesses has been created to control the sense organs now how then his power manifested by the world is filled with people related to which and each other as some grandsons Etc who are prajapatis that means who is like that like that of Brahma the master of all prajapat is created so who are the prajapati's progenators and which is the Brahma the master of all prajapat is recreated what creations intermediate creations and Manus or the Lords of the period of time how did he create it o son of Mitra the message tell me about their lineage and the histories of those belongings to those lines as also about the worlds that exist Beyond and below the Earth so how this entire creation came and how this entire universe is running how it was populated how the progenitors Brahma created others all prajapatis all these details to 27 verse describe their locations and their Dimensions as also the differences in creation and formation of various kinds of creatures so he's asking how this virata the cosmic plane was created there were bhutas sense organs to 24 Mark doctor and and then he entered into this and then it's a birato countless heads arms all these things can discrete world came and then that this in the senses and their objects and the presiding details how they came into being how the vital Prana started working in them and now how his powers are manifested and they came to be filled by people the whole world is filled with people and how they have started relationship with grandson son Etc this relationship who are the prajapatis and how the prajapati Brahma created other prajapatis Etc so these are some ancient time Concepts deep Concepts but we just going through Reading it and the response will come of course there will understand the meaning of this mood so now the he says that 27 verse describe their locations this main this manavataro this Ages were created whereas their location in the Earth plane in the heaven plane below plane describe their locations and their Dimensions as also the differences in creation formation of various kinds of creature like and not only men the animals main Gods serpents Birds and the like who can be classified as born of the womb sweet egg and art these are all all the creation Hindu psychology will say they are either born out of the Uma mother or it comes of the sweat of a strait of 27 bars it says that these young songs foreign that means animals men Gods serpents Birds and the like who can CLI who can be classified as born out of whom or sweat or the Egg and Earth like that so those are how they came describe the noble might of Maha Vishnu by which he assumed the role of the three gunavatados Brahma Vishnu and their so these are all different type in definition we are not very familiaro and this is now gunavatar that will come afterwards so is gunavatara is Brahma Vishnu myself for creation preservation and destruction describe also the division into burners and astronauts how it came astronauts or how they came on the basis of porn conduct and character so there they are divided because of their form how they behave and their character the birth and the action of the dishes how the rishis were born and the division of The Vedas how and its several branches describe all this huge question tell us about jagna and his performance about yoga and Ghana along with their sources the Sanko and about the pancharact that means the tantro which has its origin in the Lord himself so Tantra has also is origin in God so tell me about Tantra about the evils of atheism those people who does not believe in God what is the bad effect of that teach me tell me about the retrogression of social order how social order can be going in negative Direction and about the paths along which the jivas go in the in here after after they go according to their karma how they might die and after they die they go into another planet what happens to the Departed soul 32 verse explain how the pursuit of the four aims of light can be made compatible so tell me four goals of Life Dharma how this Pursuits can be made compatible and what are the rules laid down about the Basha's duty of practicing trades what is the principle how the business people will practice trade objectives duty of the use of the force of the brahmana's duty of scriptural study and teachings so teach tell me how this poor goals of Life Dharma Moksha can be made compatible and what are the rules let down about the what are the rules Duty what are those the duty of the satyas the duty of the use of force and the brahmanas duties scriptural study and teaching tell about the funeral of sequence the origin of pictures about the planets stars and galaxies and about The Wheel of Time Baba so tell about he's asking to know about what are the funeral obsequences after death people do perform all types of after death rituals and the origin of the pictures how the Petri Loco came and how the Petri started original picture look about planets how the planets come stars came galaxies Above The Wheel of Time the time great time passing describe what are the fruits of charity a posterities and the performance of ritualistic and philanthropic works so describe what is the result if someone does charity what is the result if one does austerity what is the result of that and of Performing of ritualistic work or philanthropic work but constitute the duties of men living far away from home suppose some people are away from home so how they will perform these duties or in dangerous situations they are putting all types of questions whatever may come he wants to know from the sage maitrea all these I mean not this is not an ordinary person's question so all aspects of human life even performance of action I am doing some good work charity work austerity or performance of ritualistic and philanthropy work what are the benefit of that what are the duties suppose the person in the home what will be there him if he's away from home what will be his duties all these things you want to know or in a difficult situation dangerous situation how can he perform all these duties what will happen to them what is the way of securing the grace of God and to whom does he become gracious so 38 35 question that is five verses what is the way of securing grace of God so all these Duties are there and how one can receive the grace of God and to whom does he become gracious that means so many people are performing all types of duties but to whom God becomes gracious and compassionate 36 verse Three Bears are it is said that noble-minded teachers instruct their faithful students our own Sons even on the matters on which they have not raised any question so we know that is the duty of a ideal teacher that even you don't ask the question the ideal teacher will bring out those questions and respond so to me vidura says speak to me oh oh Master speak to me even on such questions which I have not explicitly raised so many questions I have put but I have missed some questions you also not only reply to my questions but also tell explicitly the questions which are raised or he should not been raised by me 37. how many types of dissolution of elements to their original state are there how many types of dissolution of the elements ah the element 27 24 Cosmic principles element may be five elements so or whatever we learn how many types of such dissolution of the element element dissolves to their original state or how many items are there in the state of cosmic dissolution when the cosmic dissolved the solution happens in what all entities will go into abandons with the Lord who uh who who all will attend on him so who will merge in God what are the elements how can on that time of perfect dissolution that means collapse be sure when there will be no creation that's the point s [Music] that is the 30th next one speak about the nature of Jiva what is the nature of Jiva what is the nature of ishara what is the nature the knowledge revealed by the upanishads and of the need and the nature of the relationship between the teacher and disciple no so what is the relationship should be Guru someone how what relationships should be there tell me 39 about the means of acquiring that knowledge foreign how tell me about the means of acquiring that knowledge recommended by great teachers can men men get knowledge devotion and renunciation by themselves [Music] all questions they are putting together to know from there is nothing left that's why you call these are the text what is not answered here there is no such question so they start from that aspect now they are talking about the questioning about the upanishadic idea and tell me about the means of acquiring that knowledge which is recommended by great teachers can men get knowledge devotion renunciation by themselves or the need of a teacher and in inescapable teachers and that is commonly asked people ask that question is that necessary or it is inescapable all everyone will have to have that Guru and disciple the guru must be there these are question ing it is function gang can be acknowledged by himself can be achieved all this hey rendered spiritually Blind by the power of Maya and at the same time he got to know about the Lord and his works I am putting all these questions to you considering you as a clothed and dear friend of mine so here bidura bidura says that I am spiritually blind I I my eyes are closed spiritually blind and while Blind by the power of Maya Maya has covered my eyes but still I eager to know about the Lord and his works and that is the reason I am putting all these questions to you why am I saying because you are very close to me and also very dear friend of mine please speak to me on all these questions matters hmm limit Ed these questions I am putting Saya bruhi Augusta I have no eyes to see therefore please tell me all this response reply to these questions the study of all the Vedas performance of jagannas charity austerities cannot give even a little of that saving knowledge to one who seeks shelter from the travels of sanction all the instruction by a competent teacher can do this so I am asking you reading of the scriptures I know all the videos one can learn can perform all austerity dhana dog giving gifts by this even doing reading The Vedas cannot dosa no one get the freedom a competing teacher like that only they can instruct from them one can realize God otherwise even reading books nothing will happen again now narrating back going back and see what they was talking to parikshit and sukadev's question put a question now sugar told an old story that is the Rishi the sage but it's called maitreya and the story of bidura now they are now the Sukho said being thus questioned about the teachings of the puranas by their leading member of the guru Clan the Great Sage was mightily pleased to have had an opportunity to speak about the Lord his dreams and his excellences and replied as follows with gracious smile so hearing these beautiful questions sukadev said that this Rishi the sage was very pleased seeing this intelligent questions and then he get inspired to speak about bhagavan Krishna and also his performance is Leela doings his Lila foreign become very pleased and with a great smile he become inspired to talk about bhagavan Krishna here ends the chapter 7. so now we start reading eighth chapter who else have any money has put we can write address at the end we'll be 15 minutes early you can leave we live early then we can have some questions now eight chapter now the questions have been put by bidura in the seventh chapter and now the eighth chapter is coming where this Sage Metro the sun Mitra is responding to this so what he's saying these are the answers to the all the questions my true said the Royal line of puru will certainly receive the approbation of all good men because great deputies like you are born in it he's talking about bidura bidura is born in a great devotees family that's a bidura was such a devoted devotee of bhagavan Krishna why why he is praising bidura the Royal line of puru will certainly receive the app provision of all God because your because great devotees like you you means vidura are born in it you are born such such a serious student you are born in the in the clan of puru Clan Royal Line and for by questions like this you are every time reminding one and thereby renewing the memory of the glories of the Lord so your questions itself is always reminding me our renewing the memory of bhagavan Krishna and his glories I shall begin the narration of that text concerning the Lord bhagava bhagavatam which he himself narrated to sonaka and other rishis Baba again going into the story and then maithra is telling another story what the story now I shall begin with said Sage Metro I shall begin the narration what narration narration of the text which text which is concerning with Lord bhagavan bhagavata which he himself missed bhagavan Krishna himself narrated to sanaka Sana question so and I will now narrate that story with Lord Krishna itself which he he himself narrated to sonako and other dishes and which has the power of assessing the terrible suffering which men undergo in the process of pursuing pity endurance so that will because this is why they do it it is not just to confuse us but it is done because the scriptures when Metro is not an arrogant person a Great Sage that's why he's saying it is not I am saying in previous time narayana himself responded to this question gives greater validity you say you may say right or wrong who knows but when you say this has been I heard from Sami brahmananda then it gets more valid and brahmananda said oh I heard it from ramakrishna that gives validated more so that is the why this back reference is always come into the bhagavat to show two things one the greatness of the great sages they are so eagerless they know everything but all credit they want to give it to the predecessors and spiritually enlightened now sanat Kumar and other rishis once what is the story story is this this Story begins sanat Kumar and other dishes once went to patalu Netherlands neither play in a big distance an approached shankarshan the original being and one of unhindered knowledge residing there so in that patalo they resided sankerson the original being and one of unhindered knowledge his knowledge is never covered residing in the in the pathan and questioned him we debut to know about vasudeva they thought was still Superior to him went and other dishes once went to patalu and there was sankarsan and the sankerson because his knowledge is not covered he is residing there and then it questioned him he debut to know about vasudeva sankarsana whose mind was absorbed in a blissful contemplation the foundation of his being now opened his in indran Lotus like eyelid a little to Bliss to bless their wishes so shankarsan was meditating in the absorbed in the thought of Lord God and when this question came from the rishis kumaru and others then his eyes opened with a great compassion he opened eyes five and six months he whose thousand hoods said all around the luster of the gems studied crown of one on them whose Lotus feet were being worshiped with the numerous offerings by serpent damsels praying for the suitable husbands that shankarsana's feet now received the contact of the matted law of the rishis Sanctified by the holy Waters of the Ganga so the sadhus went there and other Swindon they've saluted the feet of naal of sankarsana and as they frustrated themselves before him while praising him so they prostrated at the feet of sankasana seven verse then bhagavan sankasana revealed this bhagavata then he told this bhagavata what we are going to read the response to all this question so bhagavan sankasana revealed the this bhagavata to Rishi shanat kumaru who had taken to the life of asceticism now imparted this knowledge to sankhayana who was living an austere life and there is foremost among the order of paramahansas impacted it to me to my teacher parasara who was attended on him as a disciple desires of knowledge about the glories of the excellences of the Lord and also to the sage bihaspati now this parasara at the suggestion of police and out of his benevolence impacted this best of puranas to mean I shall now impart it to you dear one who have been attending upon me so here is a lineage they are very important in vedantic studies foreign who was foremost among the order of paramances imparted to my teacher then then that parasara who was attending on him as a disciple desire us of knowing about the glories and excellences of the Lord as also to the sage brihaspati so parasara at the suggestion and out of his benevolence imparted this best of puranas to me who is me please I shall now impart to you to you dear one who have been attending upon me now the universe of universe in chaos now how the universe is coming secondary creation so he here the theory is that verse number 10 of book number three and chapter 8 we are reading and ten verses the universe in chaos they will describe few verses on that at the end of the Creative Cycle the whole universe was plunged into Cosmic water in the state called Prolia the dissolution of all effects into their causal state so at the end of the Creative Cycle sristi and this destruction the universe was plunged into the cosmic water and in the State of Florida so in Prior dissolution came the entire universe was plunged into the cosmic water oh yeah narayana lives on the ocean and there is nothing but water the whole universe is implanced into them then he what is he the Maha Vishnu heeda Maha Vishnu lay on his serpent bed all alone his eyes closed his activity is suspended and himself absorbed in the Blissful self-awareness of cosmic Slumber that is called The Cosmic slumber Cosmic slumber what is that Eco critics anyhow [Music] so he is with the subtle a PC if efficacies of all growth entities held in advance in him his power time commission to wake up at the due time he lay in the cosmic Waters in complete absorption in his own Supreme State and his powers indron just like fire in Wood when it is not a flame that means the power versus like a wood has a fire inside so in him was this whole creation was kept inside when he had thus spent a period of a thousand chaturas foreign being absorbed in himself his power of time as commissioned by himself stimulated his suspended power of action into operation that means which the power is absorbed in him after a certain rest he decided then he wake up and that energy came up where upon he saw within himself the whole universe in its ideal form lying in disillusion in his own being when he does viewed the universe in latent condition in himself those efficiencies burst out through his navel under the stimulation of the power of rajas which was under the regulation of time so in the time Big Time is not ordinary time in the in the cosmic time period in gradually the navel from the naval Zone came this infinite sprouted the energies under stimulation of the power of rajas and was under the revolution of time all these efficiencies took the form of a Lotus bird so in the navel there came a Padma Lotus part and this is bad bad means it is not manifested and as it came out with his root in him it illumined the expansive Cosmic water so the entire water was dark and when that Lotus came out that it became bright and lighted just like the Rising Sun into that Lotus illumining all things the all-pervading being entered into that Lotus illumining all things the all-pervening being entered say in that Lotus entered the all-permitted being therefore there appeared in the Lotus the Creator Brahma who is called the self-born and the embodiment of The Beatles so there come with this in the lotus appeared they created Brahma so in the that's why it is never loved Krishna and Lord narayana Vishnu Brahma comes in the Lotus past as a creative Force now what Brahma will do Brahma was sitting in the center of the lotus and then in the Lotus of the Neville which which came from narayana Vishnu so she was sitting in the center of that Lotus so he scan the sky all around and whereupon he developed four faces so he scanned the sky all around and when he was doing that he developed four faces one east west north south that's a Brahma Brahma has four fish we have a we have a image in our Monastery somebody gave four facet Brahma so that is the Brahma he came out in the Lotus and he gazed all over the world and there so east west north south so four faces came Brahma became four spaces Brahma who found himself Brahma who found himself in the Lotus which had risen from those Waters that were being beaten into the succession of waves by the winds attending the world's dissolution did not understand anything about himself or the Lotus holding the world in a germinal form so Brahma couldn't understand anything it is only water everywhere and the waves of the wind is now blowing the waters but he didn't know about himself Lotus which is holding who am I having my residence in the lotus where from has sprung this lovely entity this Lotus amidst these Waters where is it based it must certainly have a basis so he then thought sorry how I am here where is the looters how the Lotus started where is the beginning of lotus so all thinking that thinking thus he tried to get into the depths of the waters to the central Hollow of the stock of the lotus but found no end even after going down very far a very beautiful description from the navel of law Maha Vishnu there was a lotus and Lord in that Lotus Brahma was sitting inside and he tried to find out what is who am I where am I looking all around he didn't even instantly generated four faces and then he went to Fathom it to where am I sitting went through the stem of that Lotus and went down down down but could not find any basis of that no end even after going down very far in the darkness of ignorance Brahma searched for his origin for a past period of time the rolling will of the Lord which terrified all embodied beings by consuming their span of life defeated in his purpose Brahma abandoned his quest outside and resumed his seat in the lotus then he controlled his vital energies drew his mind Inward and entered into the state of concentrated absorption samadhi for a thousands of years Brahma was in that state of spiritual communion and in his mind that was now well concentrated dawned the truth of the Lord as the indwelling spirit which he had failed to realize by his earlier Quest outside so he said that Brahma was trying to find the wire from my calm looking around the East West all the sight outside he could not find it then it okay let me see where I am sitting let me go down what is the source so he went entered to the the the little what is called the stem of the lotus and went down down down down deep could not find anything then he thought that being defeated in purpose he gave up all his other Quest outside searching him and then he sat in his concentration would tried to find what is within and went into deep samadhi there and for hundreds of years Brahma was seated in the state of spiritual communion and the mind was now well concentrated dawned the truth of the Lord as the indwelling spirit sibilose that Brahma understood that God the indwelling spirit is the cause that is the root from which I have come which he failed to realize it earlier Quest [Music] right so we have we have made enough today or we can brahma's vision of the Lord then I can or 15 minutes are there okay so let it be I will not let us end here so we end here on the verse number ninth chapter eighth chapter verse number 22 we end it so next time we'll read from the verse number 23 where brahma's vision of the Lord Brahma tried to find the truth within and they concentrated and deep samadhi and in that he understood what is he found him the soul existence lying on the bed constituted of the huge body of the serpenter of sparkling whiteness whose thousand numbers are like food with their luminous glow of the precious stone on them dispel the Gloom of cosmic darkness and overcasting the water around we'll read it the next time okay thank you so we end here Om Shanti Shanti Shanti questions and the next class will be 7 30. Nishan Nishant has a question can those who have not yet received deeksha study and practice tantric Puja like learning from Swami itan under this book or the various tantras you know when you are talking about this pujas these are not that serious things with the tantric Puja they are talking about all pujas are tantric Vedic Puja is also there that's a different type so yes there should be [Music] practiced like worshiping Puja anyone with our Modern Age Rama Krishna said if you do anything with devotion and the purpose of tantric Puja is to tune us with God so if someone is learned the process like you say that the book of hitananda's book he has taken help of the tantric books only original process is the same tantric worship so if you think that hit anandaji is the teacher he has taught it to some people and they have taught their other people and that's the way you are also learning that Puja I think that is okay there's no problem without even even initiated or non-initiated to my view broad-minded opinion I will think that it's not does not make any difference if the heart is pure and asking for God and the grace of God I think it is okay foreign can be classified in any group you like because when he practiced he followed the tradition of that particular but so when he practiced vedanta he practiced the the path for nangta totapuri taught him and tutapuri got that training from their Guru parampara that is the gurupada so in that sense that srirama Krishna sriram krishna's parampara is yes of course because he he though he is God himself but he has his parampara parampara is very important in spiritual life tradition otherwise people and they see the problem of people who don't follow parampara there is no system no suppose someone goes into your kitchen very gross example grows your kitchen and does not know anything what to what and they will make a mess of it and if the guru parampara even anyone coming we say oh this is here that is here don't take it don't they this is the parampara because just you go into and you can do everything and you can make all these things misplaced and Disturbed and which will be risky to find out a knife is in another place this spoon is another place so very good then we can read that you know [Music] from narayana [Music] means Lotus foreign Lord of yoga practice foreign foreign from today even all the guru parampara so that Guru parampara oh it is that's why totapuri takus Guru yes he follows the same tradition of pedantic so you can say the vedantic parampara is Guru pada and sugar what about brahmani all the 64 ways of tantric practice there are ideal teacher which was taught from the guru town to Guru down to their disciple to disciple similarly 64 out of 64 one tradition and we learned that so he has the tradition coming from his heart Guru her Guru har Guru so all the process there must be Guru parampara brahmani and who was Guru that was I do not know because no one asked that question to bhairavi and those are also days to keep secret about their gurus nowadays people will come to know who are you initiated they say I am from that and big people like this Govinda father they know they're well-renowned people so their disciples said that he got his from his Guru his guru's name was this so bhairav is Guru we do not know what is the name but she spend long time in in Assam area where the tantric practice is more powerful so she learned from their gurus and even if you go to uh what is beautiful what is the place birbhum there in the beer room the tarapit if you go to tarapid there is in Bengal not far away from Calcutta there is you can find all types of tantric practices are going and there each one has their teacher so they learn from their teacher otherwise if you don't learn the teaching and do practice you will fall so that is the that's one question another bills Dharma would a dualist have a different interpretation of this knowledge from a non-dualist or qualified non-dualist and of course what is dualism what is non-qualified non-dualism or what is uh non-dualist and qualified non-released and dualist so three three are different interpretation true you are correct because they're talking about the one truth but viewing from a different perspective so dualists have a different interpretation of this knowledge yes dual history say God is in the form God is compassionate but is only protecting us and giving us some sustenance but vedanta will say who is God there is no God there is no me it is all Consciousness and I am that so yes there are wrong and different interpretations of the same truth sun is the same but interpretations are different as we view the Sun from different levels so dualistic view suppose dualistic view example you look at the Rising Sun you are sitting in the uh when the beach or you see the sunrise is coming so the sun you see the sun it dwell you are there separate and the Sun is separate and you see the big size how big is that sun size and how small is your size now if you go very close take a rocket and move towards the Sun so you move very close close you see the sun is so big big big big big and if you are very close to the Sun then you will see that you are all burning you are all becoming you are all heat nothing else sun is made of heat and light you are also becoming heat and light and if you go further close then you are nothing but the Sun so the these are the different views looking from a different perspective so from a different distance as we are away from God we see God as personal when you go closer it is not personal but qualified like the tree and the branches they are separate at the same time not separate a tree and a branch we don't separate but it's separate you see it is the plant it is the leaf leaf is a part of the tree leaf and the tree there is a difference that's called sagata in that in this own and Oneness there is Duality and when that also merges it is the tree only so there are all different interpretation of the same reality the same knowledge but it is as my mind moves into higher and higher Realm they all merge into Oneness another question when Vishnu entered the Lotus from the Guna rajas and become Brahman is that the point at which the Supreme reality become associated with Maya is very great question so I am not very clear about it Maya is already there because Vishnu is lying in a sleep a great Slumber so when it is in great Slumber that who is all permitted he is in sleeping means they are in the realm of Thomas quality so it may be under the realm of Maya I think like that so anyway the main thing is that Ultimate Reality is the one and if we move towards God lovingly or backup analysis whatever we move the end point will be the same end will reach the same end and when we lose ourselves in God consciousness okay so thank you all for attending whoever today's weather is very um gloomy has also rainy it's good for Los Angeles to have some rain uh but so thank you all for being attending in online or here Shanti Shanti Shanti so peace peace peace we'll see you at 7 30 and we'll read the chapter 7 today the last chapter of the The Song of Peace thank you Jaima