Video 41
Bhagavatam - 2.10.34 - 3. 1. 23 (Book 2, Chapter 10 verse 34 - Book 3, Chapter 1, verse 23)
uh [Music] [Music] shanti i salute krishna bhagavan krishna the son of vasudeva the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura and the dear darling of the mother devaki and the world teacher teacher of the universe i salute him again and again from peace peace peace be and to us all so we are back to reading of the bhagavata book twos gandha to chapter 10 and we are in the verse number 33 we ended there today 34 on page 137 of this book so here previously we are reading how this creation has come and this creation came from the narayana the body of narayana and he wished and out of his wish became the hand feet leg etcetera physical now the same type of it's a description which proving that nothing is there ex but it is god manifesting in different ways in the physical form gross for subtle form of the ivata and gods and goddesses they are on in the subtle bodies subtle finer and the causal form is there and there is a state which is transcendental so this body physical body is this universe what we see it is all came as pancho five elements and this gross manifestation of what are the seven parts of the body limbs the skin top skin and in charma the place membrane skin membrane flesh all this and this find blood behind that blood iron there is a fat marrow and bone fat marrow and bone tree and skin and skin membrane just division three division skin membrane and flesh behind that that's why behind this we get caught this place come out the flesh says these are how did it come all came from him simple formula that means it is everything in another sense it is saying nothing but god but he given gross description you wanted how this physical world came how these physical bodies have been created it came from him in this way so he read that verse number 31 that all these products of the combination they came from for earth water fire as we here eat now from that the body is formed from the food or bones and marrows flesh everything is created skin how it heals you cut then skin grows we call it skin grows how does it come from from the food so we have the gross food this gross things come so while the prana is a product this prana is a product of the combination of akkas human space water and wind anyhow how it what it we need not have to know meaning that the everything is created from this fundamental elements and that has come from god and god wished he did not have to do anything he wished and things happened actually things happen no no ultimately it will come vedanta these are all created so long you are seeing in the this waking state you are all this you are thinking about how it is created but nothing is created it's only one absolute truth so in the even in the bhagavad-gita and stealing very in a very um natural way of making us understand how the formation of the body skin blood thinning that's it happen it is from the five elements five element came from one twenty four cosmic principle twenty four percent is wired it is in god and god how it came it will he just wished and it started so this is the we read now today manifestation from other points of view so now they are talking about how other views are there 34 verse different from this gross form of the lord described above in a subtle form behind the gross one as its cause so there is a this this gross form of the lord this gross foundry lord which has been described just now the seven things they are described the skin place bone etcetera etcetera yeah he's he's subtle there is another body this is the gross body there is another subtle body in your dream we have another body is it not they are now describing about the gross body but there is another body which is subtler body finer body as in dream body so his subtle form behind the gross one as its cause it came from the cause to grow subtle manifested like a seed manifested into plant plant manifest into tree similarly it is subtler than all the subtlest aspect of prakhiti is unmanifested to the senses the senses cannot perceive that beyond the ordinary powers of speech and mind and without any beginning or end this is the causal form of which the growth is a manifestation so that is the causal that the cause of this gross this gross universe it behind is the causal universe and there will be and then root will be then behind it and that is god and god behind is the sachidano that's all both this form of the lord i have described or don't think they are true both the things these forms of the lord gross form and this form we have described these are the projections of the power it it is a projection of the power maya maya means that which is not but appears to be so so don't think these are all real yes now it appears real but ultimately it is the play of maya who's maya who's maya your maya maya of the cosmic reality brahman with maya so it is the shakti the power of brahman so it is said that both this form of the lord i have described are the projections of his capital his power which is called maya the wise one therefore do not accept them as final those who are wise people they don't take this as real or this form is ultimately real it manifests sometimes it does not manifest so that is the but go beyond them that means go to the transcendental truth brahman see how starting from one point and they are pointing towards the goal another way 36 verse the lord who is both active and actionless the lord becomes active that's why manifestation came inactive he sleeps the whole universe consumed into him then he becomes narayana lying in the ocean and in deep sleep so he's sleeping or he's manifesting kinetic potential so the lord who is both active and also actionless assumes the form of brahma and projects projects beings as ideas as entities and as performing different functions you know before construction of this house it was a conception people are thinking oh there will be one temple this big it will be there will be some pews so many people it's all nothing was real then it was all in imagination engineers talking the plan planners they are planning the second that's an imagination and there we say oh this line this and then when it is finalized in the plan then manifestation comes construction started making this fit they measure the speed that fit and then walls are built up so the gross world is planned by ordinary people in this way the cosmic planner god he also planned in this way so the lord who is both active and actionless has used the form of brahma so as a brahma the first production and he projects beings he creates beings not gross as ideas there will be flying bird there will be trees there will be reptiles there will be oceanic water there will be [Music] aquatic animals all these he planned so it is in the mind in the planning planning stage performing different functions and they thought if this will do this way that will so it is in the conception oh king some of his manifold creations are who are the he has created the entire universe but some of the creations i name you that name is long long list verse number 37 to 40. so three verses four verses they say we call you have heard the name of prajapati so he projected as prajapati prajapati means who creates manu muno is another creator so brahma created manu brahma created prajapati and they were educated different gods and goddesses rishis they know our sub truth they also petries forefathers we are here for fathers who created the forefathers it is he brahma in his mental way he created that siddhas siddhas means who are perfected or who have some magical power charanas charanas means musicians who sing songs and moves around the world charon and gandharvas gander was also celestial world theater opera singer undergoing in the beautiful musicians then with the others but the others are what i do same character musician category of different grades of music and then asuras the demons demonic nature good shookers kinder skinners means those who are servants probably observers beautiful damn cells in the heaven there man different planes are there after death people go to so so different levels they go the musicians will go to the music world no those who are dancers they will after death go to the dancing world so many people they will merge there that's the plane all are created by brahmin is my mind only first let me count how many prajapati nagas nagas means snake and that category of beings serpents kim purushas reptiles reptiles means those aquatic reptiles masteries mothers mothers rakshasas pisachas praitas bhutas you you don't understand what are the different creations pinayakas and then you have kushmandas means those who are mad people betas [Music] birds animals cows trees mountains snakes in fact all nala 32 32 we read only 32 planes of existence in subtle in fact all creatures that can be classified as moving and unmoving as also uh as born of um burden of eggs born of moist heat and born of earth those who are born the animals who come into being out of the mother's womb or is born out of egg cells or born of moist heat there's no fungus and other things grow see how they have observed the whole universe the anything that men naming so many objects how created they can categorize that the creation comes from either eggs or they say born out of moist heat born of the earth so many plants etcetera coming from the earth all these creatures high and low are all created according to the effects of their past karmas now they are created how i am past carbon where the past karma came say but anyhow because all this creation among them there will be good people bad people good animal bad animal fragrant flower poisonous small smell according to the dominance of the three gunas satyaguna rajasthan thomas in them these being can be classified as the they all this description they can be classified into three they are saying one is superhuman human is the standard we are human escuela nora we are nora and superhuman they are called the surah and subhuman below they'll call naraka anyhow so three planes mainly human plane superhuman and those who are below the human they are called subhuman each of these classes is again divided into three classes by mutual actions of the gunas of one another so even there are other three classes which is part of the devo labor quality and human quality no more of devo quality less of human quality or human quality more they were quality less permutation combination much creation has been created in the world the supreme being as bhagavan maha vishnu who is the supreme being is god who created this narayana he is called maha vishnu vishnu is a narayana and mahavis and a great business who created this entire cosmos is the support of all the three words it is he actually he supports the whole universe he sustains and augments these worlds by assuming the role of incarnations among devas men and subhuman creatures so he sustains and augments these worlds by assuming the role of incarnation among devils so god again appears as a human being some incarnation and human form in the gods the special godly manifestation then the devas sub-human creatures yeah so all this variety manifestation is created and at the same time at the time of dissolution when there's all this world they're consumed and prolia is called prolia assuming the form of death and rudra then death comes rudra comes rudra means that which makes makes everything to cry that means destruction to consume how to consume we have to destroy the manifestation that's why creation comes from him sustenance it is he and destruction is consumed back into his own thing now suppose anything is destroyed where it goes it goes to his back root cause no so see this body when this body will be destroyed where it will go it is made of five elements now five minutes goes back to the five five root cause the air which is now functioning in the body it merges in the cosmic year is it not then the material material night is now separated that's anyhow i'm saying goes back to its root that's the point which is now here it goes back in the body it turns it is made of all the food material which is born of earth you know rice dal these that we eat this physical body it goes back to ashes it becomes ashes the heat in the body with the body temperature where does it go emerges into the cosmic heat heat goes back to heat air goes back to air we have in the body so much water when it is burning to the um yeah it it consumes into the water goes back to the water cause as if it is all borrowed it is all borrowed items from the nature it goes back to nature and this nature who created it is narayana so he consumes everything means it's a destruction so when the body dies everyone cries but why do you cry you have taken from the earth element it will go back to earth element the fire element will go back to fire element water element of devotee will go to water space i am acquiring some space no when it will be destroyed space will go to the cosmic space so everything you borrowed is going to back to its root and that's called destruction and that is called rudra god comes in the form of destruction that says dancing destruction dance creation was one thing sustenance is another thing and unless you destroy how the creation will come again that's why how many people are died how many animals have died how many trees and plants but a new water is again coming up so it is a destruction is a part of life so rudra we worship fire and root drop it is called and the time of dissolution assuming the form of death fire and withdrawal three form destruction happens death called the emissary of death is coming people thought over no but it's a friend coming to taking out the old body get out you have lived in this home for a long time now get out so that it is his creation he withdraws and the form of he destroys these worlds created for from himself this world created from himself he created out of him and he consumes into him like the spider spider they they create a net and then and they can consume it within them also navi and that's what punisher talks about in the set of shuttle punishers he means this spiders as they created net beautiful net you see when you see that in the cobweb cobweb is not that good but when you create on the roadside in the tree you see this this they create a net beautiful beautifulness what a great design who has given the brain to design this god's brain given to the spiders and and he can when his preparation period he can really create and he can withdraw also so god has created this and we draws him to him even as the wind disperses in mass of cloud and rudra comes then when blast of wind comes and the clouds are dispersed so similarly this creation comes and destruction disappears this material existence disappear the supreme all perfect being is thus described in his manifestation but the wise one sees him not as this manifestation but as the transcendent being people that are wise people ignorant people like us we see this manifestation and we rejoice when it is very blooming and lively and we cry when it fails and crumbles but the wise people they do not they know that this is only the appearance it is nothing it is a illusion but truth is that unchanging truth so the supreme all perfect being himself is thus described in his manifestation but the wise people see him not as this manifestation they don't get entangled into this manifestation maya this manifestation is maya but they go back to the mayi from whom whose maya is this brahman ordinary people get stuck in the wonders of this maya but people they go back to the cause which is brahman the supreme being has no birth and no birth the supreme being has no birth and no work that i we have work because we have unfulfilled desire but god lord he has no unfulfilled desire so their description is meant to deny actual agency to him as well as this cosmic activities are performed by his maya they being only attribute to him so they their description is meant to deny actual agency what does it mean actually god has no ego that's the major thing but we all do whatever we have our ego and all these cosmic activities are then how who does this if he has no ego at the same time this whole creation comes how it comes well by maya magical power you can think magical power magical power can create so many things which really is not existing so conclusion then the conclusion of this whole chapter is this this kanto means second scandal second book is ending here what is the conclusion of the second book that 46 verse says i have spoken of maha kalpa in which the projection of the creation of these 24 categories beginning with the mahata takes place and also of intermediary culprits so i have talked about time so long have read tai about time one is maha kalpa means projection of creation of the entire universe with this 24 categories of creation beginning from mahatma that is the intelligence take place as also the intermediary corpus and that takes place within the mahakalpur the order of creation in one culprit is the same as in the other if you say the total creation suppose this creation is now here every day it is moving towards death and one day we we here it will be flooded the world will go away it will be submerged under water and then what will happen again creation will come how the same repetition the gita also gives that yatha purum as is as in the past creation so will be the future creation so the order of creation in one kalpa one period of time is the same as in the others each maha kalpa having within it intermediary culprit within time within time which are concerned only with the living beings and in that great creation we are only human humanly but there are stars and galaxies and big super sensual objects the transformation of time the transformations of time the characteristic of a time period kalpa the differences in the intermediary culprit etc will be discussed hereafter later in the thoughts condo now i shall describe the events of the kalpa known as padma therefore son so naka said o suta you told us earlier that vidura the great devotee of the lord having abandoned all these relatives a difficult fit for anyone to accomplish went about visiting various holy places in the country and that he attained spiritual enlightenment by contacting with maitreya so he's putting a question that oh suta the narrator you just mentioned before that the great devotee of the lord who is called bidura he left his own kingdom and everything and he planned to go to different holy places of pilgrimage and he attained illumination in this way at a spiritual enlightenment with mighty maitreya where did the conversation between biduro and maitreya took place so where maitreya and vidura they have the conversation and that's very enlightening conversation what did it happen what spiritual instruction did maitreya gave to bidura in reply to the question he put tell us all about bidura's movement and why he first left his relatives and why he returned to them afterwards the suitor said listen i shall tell you what sukho said to pariksit when the latter put these very questions to him so now it is this creation is now chapter is ending here the sum and substance is very complicated to us um how the creation came how the gross world created how the subtle world created but ultimately we come to the conclusion that it is come from brahman and this manifestation is called maya and this one should not get attached to this maya because it is not permanent god is permanent so maya and mayi so that was ended and at the end this question is asking that the bidura will be raised whose uncle uncle of whom brothers their uncle his name was vidura he's a very pious person and how he attained liberation seeing this all the condition of this this war and fight and then he left everything afterwards and went on pilgrimage and attained the illumination so now this sonaka is putting this question please tell us that story the great the great sage what is called vidura is not a sage but how he left home and attend go into different places of pilgrimage and attend to the liberation if you have any interest then we are finished here the second book second book here but if you want to have some calculation they have given we are talking about we do not know anything but indian thought is so great they have given the concept of time with human ears i'll just for fun i will read a few it says time in relation to brahma's life we now understand brahma is who who is brahma brahma is the creator of the universe his brahma's life means how long one brahma lives no like one president in the country president can rule for how many years four years so brahma can live for 100 years one brahma and this brahma dies then what will happen second president will come his duration is four years so president's post is four years similarly brahma's period is hundred years of lifetime but brahma's lifetime not our lifetime so now brahma's life is compounded as follows according to the puranas what is called one year of them 360 human years our year if we live for 360 years that makes one year of the celestial beings twelve thousand of the celestial year is called chatur juga four period can you understand 360 human years hours if you live for 360 years then that is the one year of the celestial people who are very finer and higher level and their their 12 000 celestial year of this subtle makes one one chaturjuga and two thousand chutugas make one day of brahma one day of brahma is what not two hundred two thousand chaturjugas one chotugo is four million three hundred and twenty two thousand human years and anyhow it gives a concept of time very difficult that means brahma we cannot concept one day of brahma and he lives for hundred years one day abram is so big we cannot conceive he multiplied 24 hours one day time 365 days and he lives for 100 years so they have given they say 311 000 billion human years three they are giving the calculation and same time they calculated this big we are now only thinking big numbers but they are saying that brahma one year of brahma is equal to 311 000 billion human years and 3 311 eleven thousand billion three hundred eleven thousand one billion years of human life 340 billion what is that i could not understand like that they have given calculation of all this what we have read now put in munoz tamara riva chakra okay now third book starts we will start the third book reading tritius it is called the third skanda or book first chapter and verse number one sri suka sukadeva is a great sage is talking about shukha said after having left his home of plenty for the life of a hermit in the forest vidura put these very questions to the sage maitreya maitreya says vidura he was the uncle as i said mama one of the pandavas what did you know that means what will be his relationship with pandus three [Music] sisters mothers allah didn't get married rishima wanted to have all three of them so ambika and ambadika they came and they got married to victory so he could not have some child so then they asked video better to come and have these children so ambika and america these true girls [Music] kind of one was blind another didn't have good skin color at only so then they wanted rasha to have meat another time so none of them agreed instead they sent their maid to meet vasa their community that we do know that is arjuna's uncle that i am saying arjuna uncle dancing arjuna good anyway so after having left his home of plenty because he was the king for the life of a hermit in the forest bidura vidura great problem person put these very questions to when he met the sage the sages named maitra maitreya eva method pura pristo maitreyo [Music] entering into the forest taktva sagriho mirthi mum all these glories and pomp and grandeur of the kingly palacial all comforts he entered into the bunna and then he met the sage whose name is maitreya maitreya odyssey maitreya and he's asked this question to him when the supreme lord krishna went as the emissary of your forefather to do jodhana's quote he rejected the latter's invitation to his palace and preferred to stay in bidura's house as he deemed it was his own house so holy and inviting was the home which biduro now abandoned to stay in the forest so he's saying that bhagavan vidura was so much devoted that the lord krishna take the invitation of bidura and rejected the pompous and welcoming invitation from jodhana so he's saying so holy and inviting was the home of bidura and that biduro have now abandoned that also to stay in the forest so the king then questioning said o great one when did buduro met maitreya when did the conversation between them took place please describe all these to me fourth part the question put by the pure-minded vidura to so greatly personally as maitreya must necessarily be of great significance and fit to receive serious attention of good and holy men so he said because krishna took your house and abandoned duryodhana's palatial invitation so that was precious why do you give up your house and you are moving into the forest and going to the sage might say what what was the reason why did you give up that that was the question question pulled by the pure minded buddha to say to to so great a person like maitre that what the question he says when the supreme lord krishna went as emissary to father when your father went and to when krishna went to compromise that war should to stop the war he went duryodhana's quote and he rejected the letters in between in my invitation and entered to house so holy and inviting was the home which we are now abundant to stay so the king is asking tell me when did the conversation between them take place and what was the conversation what is the discussion matter of discussion suta the narrator then started saying the most learned sukha on being that's question began to reply being highly pleased then suku started saying what he said verse number six when the raja tritarastro bent on supporting his wicked sons by any unrighteous means attempted to burn the helpless and orphaned sons of pandu in a house of lack the noble-minded vidura may be said to have left the place in disgust what happened to kill them all the five brothers and their dhrupudi and mother kunti they prepared the black house house made of lack lack is very implementable no you put fire and it is it catches the fire so fast so that their idea was there they made a house in such a way when they will be inside they will burn them alive that was the plan of the good judhana and others so but bidura came to know that and he made a plan to save them so lack house the noble-minded viduro may be said to have left the palace in disgust when the raja drituras took care not to prevent the most despicable act of his own son the social in dragging by the hair into the assembly of the panchali the queen of the gurus who was to him like his own daughter-in-law while she shed copious tears flowing down her chest dissolving the kumkum powder she had applied there on then may video be said to have left that place so seeing the torture and inhuman just injustice with the drupal is an insult some say vidura may have left because of that reason when judas tiro the most righteous and truthful one who was defeated in the foul play of a dice returned from exile in the forest according to stipulations and demanded the restoration of his kingdom and raja jitter has to fail to comply out of greedy infatuation then maybe there be said to have left the place so they are bringing there may be many causes some may think he has left because due to that when raja deters to um supporting in the blind the his own son and helpless and orphan the sons of pandu know that maybe some may think that is the that make him disgusted that that's why he left the kingdom video some may say terrasto cared not to prevent the most despicable action of those sahaja yogis therefore and also insulted the drupadi in the courthouse that made bidura very feel very bad that's why he renounced this is king king kingship not kingship but in the court and left their kingdom and some say the judiciary most righteous king when he after going to exile and came back and demanded their kingdom but that time also they did not give due to then deter a student raja dhitarastra failed to comply out of green infatuation because that made vidura frustrated that's why he left that may be another cause when the hapless nitrato would not give here to the very acceptable and cordial message of compromise delivered by the world honored krishna deputed as the messenger by the pandavas then maybe the robbie said to have left his house for the forest that may be another cause that the terrastra would not give any year when bhagavan krishna came to negotiate and to say give them little something rejected so that may be one cause that bedroom may have left when his brother did rasta once called him bidura noted as a wise counselor to advise him on some matter of great importance bidura gave him a piece of advice that has been famous among the thoughtful counselors as bidders council it is as follows what he bidura was asked what is the best to be situation what is the best decision to be taken now and bidro gave some counselling to [Music] judah vidura's counsel it said what he said 11 verses give back his ancestral portion to judas to who is even now behaving with infinite patience in spite of the offenses you have committed against him offenses at which his brother bhima is hissing like a provoked serpent and causing you immense terror bound to the sons of pritha as his son there still resides in dwarka bhagavan krishna the leader of the devas and the master of the devas and holy men and the conqueror of all rulers of the world an embodiment of evil and the denouncer of god yodhana resides in your house hostile to krishna and so deprived of all goodness you are culturing this essential essence of evil regarding to it by your son if you desire the good of your clan drive away that center of evil from your home without any more irritated by the speech of vidura a paragon of virtue stood there with his lips quivering in anger along with his friends like karna shakuni into sasha and others he insulted the virtuous vidura he said who has introduced this fellow here a rogue a slave girl's son treacherous to those who have paid him till now he has turned antagonistic to them and is allying himself with their enemies push him out of the palace let us hear the fowling powell fellow let us hear the fellow howling through thus stuck with fears what is sapped and vulnerable sports vidura departed peacefully without any hatred in his mind throwing his weapons at the door of the palace and looking upon the whole affair as the mysterious works of the lord's maya that bidura who was blessing for the clan of the kurus thus departed from hastinapur and for securing the lord's grace traveled on pilgrimage to all the sacred spots of the earth sanctified by the different manifestation of maha visnu the wash wash washings of whose feet formed the sacred river ganga so do you get everything what did he say yeah they said that when bidura give a good counselling to deter astro give back they have come their share you give and they are legitimately now to get back their own kingdom and why are you listening to your son who is not behaving properly insulting krishna and others also then jodhana have become mad and insulted vidura in the courthouse they get out of these people why you why this guy is here staying in the in our court and insulting us throw him out and then he left his weapon and everything and out of renown mood of renunciation went around the whole country going to places of pilgrimage so that is the reason he may have gone so there are many different reasons why biduro left that is the question why bizarro left the palace so these are these different reasons given so say this because it is bhagavat is such you know we are we are reading so fast as someone knowing the some good mahabharata stories they can understand much better but we can also get a glimpse but we have not doing your patience to go through those details but these are the reasons four reasons already given why biduro left the palace and went on pilgrimage he visited alone [Music] holy cities like mathura glades like brindavan hills like govardhana bathed in the clear waters of river and lake lakes and worshipped at science dedicated to multiformed images of the lord pure and disciplined in his way of life bathing in holy waters lying only on the bare ground almighty full of bodily needs dressed sanctuary like an abu dhota and unrecognized by any of his own people viduro traveled from place to place observing vows that is pleasing to lord hodi traveling all over the land of bharata india in this way he raised the prabhasa the by the time judistira had begun to rule the land so biduro was moving from one place to another place another by the time the the mahabharata war was over and judicial became the king of india and that time this bidra met he began to rule the land having brought the whole country under army and one legal umbrella and it's all one india and that he bharata he became the king defeating sasha and others there he happened to hear about the total destruction of his clients man of all those who are near and dear to him to the factory seat and war even as a bamboo forest is reduced to ashes by the conflagration caused by the violent friction between the constituent bamboos the fire starts with the bamboo and dry bamboo heating on the bonfire sad and silent he walked towards the source of the river saraswati with who bidura bidra had about the story and the war and the destruction of the of so many people of his own uh clan and then he was walked towards this river sarsata root where the solar suture was started that place along that river he resorted to holy regions associated with stirta trita sukra munu prita different gods and goddesses many were the other holy places he visited in that region all temples of the lord visnu founded by great rishis and devas and having copulia with the markings of the lord discuss sudarsana and the like which helped one to keep up the remembrance of krishna that means he went to different places of pilgrimage which are associated with lord krishna and he moved around the all the titans so here we end today it is verse number 23 of the book number three so we'll start next day book three verse number 24 that what we read ended here that bidura why he left there are several reasons that we heard and what video do he went from places of pilgrimage to pilgrimage and pilgrimage and forgetting about what was going on in the fight between jurano and those and by that time those were killed and he suddenly came to know that judiciary is the king now and during that time he then and everyone was destroyed and see feeling that he more got involved into visiting the titus with the renowned and he was moving from all places related to krishna bhagavan krishna today is what today is 16. [Music] we will have our class at 7 30 today and that class will be santi gita the peace song nishant yes nishant he said he has a question in my dream i don't design anything there is no process of evolution everything just appears at all at once while vishnu is sleeping he is the sapna or susti when he awakens then only he creates hey in my dream i don't design anything no you design you do not know that because for example like that he was watching the two snakes are trying to eat eat each other one stay with another mom so that's how he found the bingeing dream so he got it in his room so i think that we one way we think that we don't design our dream we are not really tonight what dream will come do we design now not the conscious mind doing but the unconscious mind has so many impulses there they all mix together they generate their own design and you cannot say i don't design it is my old thoughts and so many thoughts are there they become the vital energy to create and recreate my dream so yes i am active there though not everyone is face to face we cannot understand that but the factor is that my old thoughts are the cause of bringing out tuna tomorrow's dream or whatever i have dreamt so many years all dreams has come from my own past thoughts past ideas no they recreate themselves in permutation and combination so there is no process of evolution no there is a process going on we are not aware of that people sometimes try to find some meaning in the dream why this why that i do not know ordinary people don't find them meaning but there are people who can really relate to some and if they have studied very deeply they can find some correlation maybe so vishnu is also this is also same thing with the visnu that he has a eye will be many that type of thought is there and that thought takes a concrete eyes form not concretized form like when you are dreaming for us everything is concrete there is it not now i am saying it is not real but when i am going to the dream experience that everything is real so similarly god has created this universe it is everything is real now but when revelation will come you'll see that nothing either we wake up as we wake up from our dream we find the dream is all unreal so when you wake up from this big dream we'll see that brahmana alone is real okay in devi mahatma who is madhu and kaitaba how can they appear even while vishnu is sleeping they say it is their year and they also generally everything comes from vishnu but these demons also were created by him and he comes from this uh comes out of the yeah yeah and cornwall they call them all the wax which grows we clean our ears no sometimes when you sometimes we cannot hear much well some clean your ear we go to doctor they can clean it so that means something generate we don't do anything but it generates there also see krishna was the lord for billions of years he's now in his own way alone and they are generated some that means some mala means is the technical term but it is here related to ashura here the mala means maladosa that created this demon and that demon become a troublesome for the whole world so it seems likely that they existed prior to creation according to that mercantile in the wikipedia they give states that during the creation the demon madhu and kaito was stole the vedas from brahma and deposited them deep inside the waters of the primeval ocean vishnu in his manifestation as higher grievous killed them and retrieved the vedas the bodies are mutual unquotable disintegrated into two to six times which is 12 pieces two heads two torsos four arms and four legs these are considered to represent the twelve seismic plates of the earth according to another legend madhu and kaito were two demons who had become powerful enough to annihilate brahma however brahma spotted them and begged goddess maha maya for help that is vishnu then awake and the two conspiring demons were killed this led to vishnu being called modus the killer of madhu and muhammad came to be known as kaitabhi so these are the story of the chandi devi mahatma and then if during krsna's lifetime king dhitarastra tried to kill his own brothers king deuterostar tried to kill his own brother's children how can we trust our kit and kin during this kali yeah it is the mind it is in every yuga there are good people bad people but they yes that's why we cannot understand what's the play of this world why the world is created it is to prove that this world is a false thing it is not a pr place of many peace is not a place for joy it is a place of suffering so don't get entangled into living in here think of god i think that is the okay thank you jaima we'll see you at 7 30. um peace peace peace you