Video 34
Bhagavatam - 2.5.21 ( Book 2, Chapter 5 verse 21)
[Music] [Music] i salute bhagavan sri krishna with the son of vasudeva and the destroyer of the demons kangsho and chanuro and the darling of mother devaki and is the leader and the guru of the entire universe i salute him again and again from peace peace peace so we are in the reading of the bhagavata and here we are brahma was asked by naruto narayana's glory and what is the glory and how this universe has come that was the question and there we have read that the drupal that's not the matter with the elements of the combination that which are made that is one element karma or the impressions of the past actions leading to the formation of different kinds of bodies and color the time which is the framework of all experience and savage the nature of individual this and the jiva all these entities what we find none of them are end of any independent characteristic they're all dependent dependent on narayana that is the glory of narayana that means all this creation which is characteristics the main matter is through which this is created material and the all the activities of the people going on all people not a plant animal amoebic level bacterial level to the grand manifestation like dinosaur etc everywhere they are prompted by their back their karma and it has happened in particular time that's why kaala comes everything in the universe is happening in time that color they are not separate from the lord of creation they are the culmination the destination of nara all all created beings and this sabbah each individual we have our different nature every type of species has their own nature and in that nature also individual i am in that same species we are human how many nature we carry satiku nature rajashiko nature nature and in that satigo is not all same level all these differences we find these are there all in the narayana and the individual cell you may call jiva none of these have any existence other than their own independent and they are not independent other than that of the lord which is called narayana here and that verse is beautiful where it says [Music] [Music] oh their existence to narayana even be vedas be those of the expressed words of revelation but that's origin comes from narayana gods and goddesses devas all aspects they are nothing but narayana in different form all the worlds manifest in the only narayanam all worship what is going on in the universe they are inspired by narayana all yogas become meaningful in reaching the lord narayana all austerities become significant only due to nara you know knowledge is based on narayana and goti the final destination of all beings also narayana so we have read those that creates a deep emotion in our heart that gives the idea that everything comes out of god but now because we are reading this book we are talking about narayana glory but if you read siva purana then they will say all everything is shiva so don't get confused ramakrishna said it is only different names only you are giving to the same reality whose manifestation is all this so that is the reconciliation otherwise you become fanatic and fanaticism is very bad even this even saiva goes with the sakta sava which goes with that narayana devotees shiva devotees they fight with each other the sakto the mother worshippers they fight with others because that is the only but it is only name say you say ma you call narayana you call brahma when you are which who is who is your ideal chosen ideal so you you will grow in love for the chosen ideal if you know the glory of that that that same children in another name it is brahman brahman has become everything that you can accept that's why vedanta reconciles everything that if you forget this reconciliation then you are in deep difficulty because you are confusing yourself that there is one entity narayana another entity brahma another yes there are in the hierarchical creation but it is all the same sachidan on the aspect hiding behind it so all your karma you are thinking your karma you are nothing even your individual karma where it comes from its original source is maya in the maya all these ignorance and ignorance created trigonals three gunas and varieties of guna kama karma sabawa etc that's why they say what are the 24 cosmic principle we always say oh five elements air space water etcetera etcetera five elements five organs of perception five organs of the senses so these are all division you are making but their root is what it's coming from all original is called the maya or ignorance and when it manifests in manifest in different ways mind intellective etcetera so these are the divisions to make us understand that this creation world is with so many varieties but there are root some say 24 principle some say don't think about tree that is saturation towers they try to understand the creation theory at that point someone said why to bother about that these are only name and form so it is searching down on the with name and form so main point is that there is but one reality behind and that is to be understood but you are a lover of rama you think rama rama rama rama is everywhere and rama is in the water rama is in the sky rama is in the human personality rama is looking in the heart sitting in the heart of all whatever you say say what is the problem you see rama there is the point when rama being everywhere and when krishna being everywhere where christ being everywhere so how the thing will be different everywhere only one thing can remain all the 24 thousands of things cannot stay there these are all varied manifestation of the one right praja i am alone i was the only person in reality he only plans i will be many and praja now we are in the creation that oh my god who created how how is created now so naturally our question to make us understand they are using these variety types of language savable kalo karma drabbo that's all different things which we are related with our sangaskaras our karma because we live with karma our song scars propel us to go in one direction so all this context we are reading so lastly we said verse number 20 we read the lord who is beyond the purview of the senses die who is lord who is beyond means who is brahman and because purview of the senses our sense organs can purview only duality become in in inferible by his devotees to the science of his mystery revealed to the play of the three gunas we see the play of the trigonos naturally we put a question who is behind these trigonas and that's goon devotee says that is the play of the lord one lord god lord and all o naruto he is he means this nara you know here we are naming him as narayana he is verily the master of myself means brahma you are glorifying me i am nothing behind me the power of narayana is there and you should know that is the only reality so if someone says only reality you are saying no no no no no it is wrong it is shiva shiva let us go and go and fight so this is the problem that's why vedanta should be the background ramakrishna said that's right in his gospel keep the knowledge of advita nondual in your destination in your focus and then do your sadhana and practice everything you will never be confused otherwise see the world is full of fanatics everyone is saying my path is the final path no and you have to follow my path because you are going wrong so what shall i do i shall not do meditate i shall not pray i shall take a sword and call chop your head because you are not you are going wrong it's my duty to bring you to the right path this is the nonsense of spirituality you know if it is so you realize god finish your purpose is done who has given you the authority to correct me let me go to hell i will suffer why you are bothered about why you are making my life hail here being spiritual so that's a problem of life no so that's why this vedanta should be the guiding force behind then we know this matters little you call water aqua pani jal you are drinking the same thing in this hot summer it will quench your thirst that's the point we should not fight i am thirsty you are thirsty my ten people are standing there and ten language in a world language and speaking i want i want water i want someone say i want money i want oppa i you know what you were john you are wrong i am wanting pani i am right i'm asking water that is right you are wrong and go on fighting each other and all being thirsty and keep your thirst as it is so that is the reason the scriptures has to be understood in the right perspective now this 21 verse we are going through these are also a more explanation of this philosophy of creation that was the question put before the lord brahma by naruto 21st verse starts with he the lord of maya who is lord of maya here it is and when vedante will say who is the lord of maya brahma simple and the lord of maya that's why it's called maya is called the maya maya we are under the spell of maya and he is the controller of the maya it is his maya magician magician has the power of magic power magical power and he be fools thousands of people by his magics but he's the master of the magic he has the control over the enter what he's showing but we we spell bound oh my god uh what miracle is showing in front of so many people in broad daylight that giving impossible things making possible no so he the lord of maya being desirous of manifesting as many of the powers of maya took up maya manifested by his magical power brahman if you say instead of narayana then it will be vedanta if it is called the bhagavata so nara you know by his power maya maya udhisa the master of the maya took up kaala column is the time karma efficiency efficiencies of work and sabha the nature that approached him without any effort on his part as if these are three entities no one is time we call time space condition normally we say here it is said there is the time and next is the karma the efficiencies of the action the whole world is activity no when it was non-active it was brahman when it becomes activated then the whole creation comes karma efficiencies of the work and somehow the nation that all these as if approached to nara i know without any effort he only thought and then these entities that means that was the potential power tried spontaneously came the it keeps a different concept about creation we create anything we have to do much effort to create this temple it was a heavy effort you have to collect fun you have to make a plan get it approved and then so much of engineers and and what you call the architect these that so much of activity net result is this but when god does that it does not need any power it's spontaneous he says and it happens that is the power of those who are supposing musicians musician the power of music singing is inherent in him he's spontaneously good musicians you need not have to ask them anything whatever they sing if they sing loudly then you will be charmed but it is potential has the control over that the music what the music so come on cola is the time karma is the efficiencies of work and somehow these three things has approached the narayana who is the master of all creation without any effort on his part i am one i shall be many and as soon as he said and whole creation came into existence how the whole existence came without any effort because he's so powerful only his thought itself gets expressed and you know we may say how it how it happens it is possible you can just um consider yourself when you are in dream state is it not your thought which manifests as a dream did the entire dream world is created by whom where the sun comes in your dream where the people are fighting or people are going to temple come in your dream you are also one of them in the dream who created your mind only one thought of your mind is creating so much so why not god's mind can create everything but the point so we may think how spontaneously coming to them and not we are not yes your mind is working your mind was when you are in dream and the entire dream world you create by mere wish your thought only takes a expression so it is god's thought narayanas thought i thought i will be many i will create this much is the desire in the mind that's why it is called the cosmic mind created in the cosmic mind individual mind is here and that is the cosmic mind through which your mind my mind every mind added together the whole universe stars and galaxies everything created in the cosmic mind associated with the supreme being time became capable of disturbing the equidib of the gunas when kalo came the time came being connected with narayana or say simply brahman brahman is all swatched on the consciousness being associated with that supreme being time now became capable of disturbing the equilibrium of the gunas gunas what are these gunas three gunas we are reading very high vedanta here though it is a book of bhakti sometimes you have to doubt whether it is a bhakti book or a ghana boom so equilibrium of the gunas what are the gunas we know gunas hashtags and towers and when they are a perfect balance there is no creation when this balance comes then comes the reaction and satthika manifestation more when sato is more when rajos is more thomas and rajas are a suctor is less that is another manifestation so the three gunas when is the perfect balance no creation the disbalance comes there then is the creation and the sabbah of the evolving into categories so everyone's nature according to the nature it manifests differently say you keep in one place eggs of the ten birds and hatch them they look may be same or they all are eggs but when hatched they run according to their sahaba no a hen will go in one way a duck will go in another way what you call hummingbird will go in another way is it not so everyone goes according to their sabha own inclination sabha of the evolving categories and karma of affecting the emergence of mahatma the karma creates it's a creation of the material is the uh the smart that is buddhi intelligence etcetera from mahatma caused by the preponderance of the urges of rajas and thomas was produced a honker from the mahata the ego is the highest one so when the caused by the preparation there is the most important rajas and tamas are playing most it goes to the preponderance of the artist and was produced as ahamkaru which is dominated by thomas and which carries with it the sense of substantiality sense sentience and movement oh great one ankara was transformed into three aspects with the domination of saturdays and tamils then ahamkar three types of ahamkaru they had mentioning of this the first one was bhaikariko that means has the power of knowledge in the ego there are three powers only ghana shakti second is the tejas of kriya shakti and another is it is like you know narayana here or his power to create first preponderance of this rajas and thomas create an ego ego gets divided into three division one is ganasakti kriyashakti action part comes from there and the material hey all these five elements we see in the world all that how it is giving a picture as if the unmanifest due to disturbance in the sakta rajasthan they get into first into omkara ankara dividing into division and their subdivision coming so ahamkar was transformed into the three aspects with the dominance of the shutter association terms of this the first also known as bhaikarika that is the power of knowledge it is called the ghana the second is the jazzer it has the power of action kriya shakti and the third the egoity of the thomas has the power of substantiality drug basically out of the evolving egoity of the thomas was born akasha and out of that again [Music] so out of the evolving ego you have to preach this thomas nature from thomas comes it is like this type of division has been given in vedanta sarah if you have read vedanta sarah you will find that they have divided the to give us actually how the creation has come at least to give some rational understanding that's why they described like that from the thomas part now comes thomas part comes the material thing that's well this is a natural idea so out of the evolving ego it will be thomas was born space and in the space was the sound we are talking the sound is carried in the space akasha and then whose specific property is this sound sound announces the presence of an object to the to a seer from the evolving akasa akash and upanishad says like that so it is describing in the same line that from the space in the gross space no there are five elements what are the five gross elements air water right shitty [Music] akash is the subtlest so they are coming from the subtle side to down so first they mentioned a castle the subtle thing created out of the thomas part of it and then with the from the evolving akaso came the bayou or the wind with touch as a specific property what is the specific property of the touch that is the bayou it touches the skin and we feel heat and cold yes that that idea and also with the sound the characteristic property of its own cause the aakasana sound is in the space bayou becomes prana bio in the external by you the wind in the external individually that's the prana which supports the body this prana stops then people say oh he is dead so so long the prana in the external comes into an individual body this is also made of five elements the earth water reactor and see how it is growing this body is growing because of the supply of water air fire that said no no you get the calorie you give the energy you get the energy energy physical water you are drinking here you are breathing like that so the akaso the bayou becomes prana which supports the body oojas which energizes the senses shorter which strengthens the mind and bala which makes the body powerful now from bayou the evolving under influence of the time cormorants of them their arrows they just fire which has formed as it is specific characteristic fire is a form no it gives a specific character and has in addition touch and sound too these are all vedanta sarva had reading now the fire has two characteristics it says it has touch and sound you know when the fire burns there is a hissing sound you can hear no something burning and it has his sound can be filled so they call the fire has two characteristics sound is touch and sound now from tejas come water with taste water has taste and test has special characteristics together with the what it has it has that water you can touch touch and sound and sound descending to it from the preceding categories so it has also water flows makes a noise from the transforming water element arose the earth element to pretty having its specific characteristics of smell that's why all the flowers and things they become fragrant the flower comes from the earth element the trees are coming from the earth element the grains we eat they are coming from the earth element so the specific characteristic of smell has also test touch from form and sound on account of the so this having from the transforming water element arrows earth and earth have its specific characteristics it has a small character taste character touch character form and also sound an account of infiltration of the qualities of the earlier categories the subtle is this akaso akasa's quality is only sound when it comes down akashad bayou byu has two characteristics the sound we know when moon blows there is sound and also sabdo has also touched it touch two characteristics for that water has three characteristics and then bye all the four other characteristics the space characteristic is also in the uh earth element that is a good question it is said um some say in the creation process you will have to say gradually the bigger house is built at one point or it took little time but vedanta says no just he wished and it happened and spontaneously it happened that is the magical power of maya he created not little by little little by little but you talk out but god's little is our maybe billion of years no and in that billion appear little little by little thing will happen actually upanishad says in a spontaneous in one moment it happened not little by little as in creation everything needs we built brick wall today five foot next day ten feet next day it takes long time for us but it is because he's so powerful powerful people give order and instantly it happens no if someone ordinary person wants to build a house how long it will take and if they it comes the governor's order now i want it tomorrow huh in india it happens don't you see that some big guy is going to a room remote village no is no road or nothing you see next day all the road is finished whole day and night it is a common story you know one big big political party leader is coming or prime minister is coming in the remote village you see helipad is prepared whole night if he comes in and road is ready how it is possible baba they put all the resources and in one tonight's day of prepare the things like so and god is the foundational power so he wished and it happened brahma vishnu every minute will be engaged in doing his fulfilling his wish so that's why out of the by karaka the egoity of sato came mind big mind capital mind not your mind my mind but a big mind which is presiding deity of moon as also the ten presiding deities of the organ dick bayou sudja baruno ashins and five controllers of the five organs of knowledge and agni in raw pendrive these are creation it has come from them mitra and prajapati as it is controlling the five organs of action buddhi which manifesting as intelligence and trauma which generates the power of action are both born out to be raja's aspect of the egoity known also as trajec therefore out of that trejesa have come the five organs of knowledge ears tactile organ nose eyes tongue has also the five organs of action responsible for speech holding walking excreting and generating that means everything has come by his will one by one one by one who says though all these above mentioned categories required required for creation had been evolved and they all remain separate on unable to come together and produce the combination in the shape of the worlds and the bodies of beings who says though all these abomination categories required for creation had been evolved they all remained separate when this created they created god has power created separate identity though it came from one source but god has the power to create and distinctively categorically separate them out it was only when the lord the lord activised them by his will that they came into combination of two types the macrocosm and the microcosm he created at a time but when he thought oh i need to create micro and macro macro is this all the billions trillions of galaxies and stars and big sun moon et cetera no and micro micro is the little tiny so micro macro his power is everywhere behind without his power micro cannot function macro cannot fashion the combination of the categories thus produced remained as the all-comprehensive cosmic shell in the cosmic causal waters that's why narayana is lying in the ocean they called about that is the cosmic water causal water so these are mythical terms to explain the philosophy what vedanta teaches it makes it easy for people to understand thinking visualizing the goddess narayana creating this universe how it is being created then that the cell in the cause causal water absolutely immobile until the lord employing the idea of kala karma and sabbah and even it by entering into as the jiva so he unless tashrishtva upanishad the same idea as if he created everything and he entered into it as it means first he created some material object and then he was the creator and creation was the material object as we do a potter create spots a carpenter takes wood and other things makes this stable the carpenter is separate the stable wood material is separate but it is a skill of the carpenter that makes this so then he enters into it and makes it alive so that's why it is called the his lord created absolute until the lord employing in it time kaala karma and sabdo enliven it by entering into the jiva so this is a structure as it that's why you know what puja we do we puja we do say you are doing mother kali puja or lakshmi puja or whatever you create a murthy no you create the material object material ingredients some thing to make the body of the mother and then put clay or plaster of paris or whatever and then you cheese elite correct it artwork you do then paint it this that and then we call bring it to the altar and the pujari the worshipper then do prana pratishta they establish the prana the vital energy in it the vital energy that's why it will run then it becomes alive so you these are all like murtis good idea to think about they're all uh created but he entered into it prana the energy was entered into it that's why jivas had become all active so it happens in such a quick succession that we do not have the perception how it happened but this is a description to understand main thing what does it mean it means is the efficient cause narayana is the material cause that is the vedantic highest principle we think this is material in our relative life carpenter is a sentient aspect person he has the sense he has the skill he has the tools and the material is the wood screw glue or whatever other items are polishing material etcetera the past it seems polishing material and glue there the man the person carpenter are separate but in vedanta there is no separate that's why the vedantic concept comes that it is he is the material cause he is the efficient cause nimitz means with the upadhan we do panama du padan is in the building is a brick water cement this is that huh that's upadhana and material cause matter these are matter upadham and efficient because who it is the who is the efficient cause is behind is this the mystery the emotion the laborer this cement cement is the matter so some skillful person so god is the skillful person his intelligence is here working and that is matter but in god's case god's creation there you see everything nothing but god as a matter what you see as matter it is not matter it is the same presence of the divine and what you are seeing as conscious relative concern i'm talking to you it is a relative awareness no this is also by his that means he the lord is in the speech he is the lord in the body the lord in the matter the displaced bone everything it is all he that is the one unit existence that is called saccidananda so how beautifully in a language the mythical language and that is the way our vedanta books also described that they first give this description like this this this this and then tells us it is by the power of that divine and this is the consciousness which is penetrated inside again i referred before tatsriswa creating that tadebonu pravishat he entered into it as if there are two things first and with his energy it become one that means you are raising your hand you think you are raising it is not it is narayana is raising the hand we are all just a tool and and there is nothing but narayana there is nothing that's why you call then there's nothing but rama there is nothing but ram or krishna and that's why the that that holy that uh boycott got the touch of ramakrishna ramakrishna trust him and he started seeing rama krishna everywhere he said that vision uninterrupted vision wherever he sees he sees only his chosen ideal so your krishna devotee will see krishna everywhere rama will be rama makali's devotee srima and if you say they go to seeing that get more absorbed than the rupa the form will melt into in melt into that formless absolute that is called the so breaking the shell from within he comes out as the universal form with countless thighs countless legs countless arms countless eyes countless faces and countless hands yeah independent also same verses so that is he came out of the universal form with his countless thighs here also is verse number 35 he says hungry [Music] their hates are innumerable millions of hate millions of billions and billions and trillions of hand head ear body so he became like he came out of a shell as it were and manifested himself one manifested himself into the universal and also the 14 worlds hindus has 14 worlds no seven worlds upward heaven heaven and seven hell so these fourteen worlds in hindu concept they are also nothing but narayana the wise thinkers have identified the 14 worlds with parts of his body the seven inferior worlds what is called the hell and seven being parts below the west as if you imagine a great personality standing no below the west are the seven planes that means it is his body only nothing else in different levels and superior beings are there who lives in the above the west level out of his face came the brahmana what do you know words of truth who are the who can chat the vedas who can lead that brahman a higher life that type of brahmana the face aspect of that plane that's why it is called mahajana tapo satya sotaloka is the top almost touching that absolute truth so face is the last expression of blissfulness so out of his face came brahma brahmana out of his arms came the shuttle out of his thighs came the basha and out of his feet came the sudra the chuturas brahman the indian society was divided into four one will be leading the spiritual wisdom that the brahmanas they there will be another group of people necessary for a peaceful country to be armed with power military or military power so that others other countries other people will not be able to destroy the peace of that highly intellectual and spiritual country you know india was destroyed because of those indian spirituality indian depth brahmanas were so many brahminic qualities when attack came their weak warrior group was not ready for that even last era after independence in china attacked india unexpectedly and that was no one knew because they have never thought that china is a friendly country with india for thousands of years but suddenly and they are not prepared in their military they are preparing the non-military things because they know we have no no enemy around but the military force is not that's why kshatriya is necessary to protect the innocent people protect the country from evils a country develops with business no if there is no business skill there that that country does not progress as much business starts so much money flow hand to hand comes and that business is that a class should be there who knows that skill better no and then the other one is the sudra the working class community no who are builders masons these that if there is one one story we remember that mother sita one asked rama ram chandra that you know these people are so goo yes so much suffering so make them give them enough money and things so that they have no suffering anymore okay the rama says no no it is not good idea because they will not then they'll be in difficulty well no no no you have to do so he gave okay everyone was happy and now the palace started leaking then masita asked rama ramji rama bring some the roof is leaking how can he sleep in the house then but no roofers are available because they are happy people they forgot their own skills so then the ramji said to masita see you wanted everyone to be happy and we give them and they've lost their own business all skills and now you have to suffer so in a society perfect society four arms should be there one should be very brain should be very sharp and ramenic brain not non-disturbing but it is peaceful which will bring peace joy and blessings to the society that type of and then second will be there that second thing will be necessary where they will be arms should be strong and military protection third will be business will be so much money affluence that will come to perfect society and everyone should contribute some people contribute in brain level someone is contributing the physical level someone is contributing in the management of money level and someone is contributing the service of others so this is the in uh and the face name brahmanas and from brahmana came out this four class and then bhur loka is identified which is west bhubar loko which is naval swar loka which is hard mahar loka which is chest gana loka with the snake tapo loka which is two lips and satya loka with the head that means giving some idea that his body is nothing but the body of narayana that according to the height of experience the highest is the brain and there goes the brahmanic is his knees talatala is his four legs maha tala his ankles rasatala the top of his feet and the patalo the under part of his feet just in concept she's such a that's why he's a virata purusha he's a grand personality as it were past and is unlimited the under part of his feet thus he became the one thus he became the world that means actually it is narayana who has become the lower plane to the higher plane there is nothing but narayana that's why you see brahmagan is see god everywhere to the who is good and who is holy and who is not holy everywhere is god the identification of lokas regions of the universe can also be done in another way his feet from the bulldog the navel the booger look and the head the satya loka so this is the way uh that it leading to the idea that everything we see is the narayana we see and even in the gross material thing the earth element water element fire element they are also narayana that means you see though we are reading bhakti bhukh an narayana which we read the other day verse number five and six beautiful you think of so many gods and goddesses they are also narayana and ara you know all the planes just now explain all the different planes are nothing but narayana narayana narayanan everything is narayana everything is narayana that concept has been given so any question came so we end here and this is the end of the uh not end but this is the chair second book chapter 6 verse 42 is the a we end here today and we'll study from 40 this is the end right this is the end of the chapter 6 5 so we'll start chapter 6 next day if you have any question we can now talk about that um [Music] okay so for now question actually if we can really feel that way there is no karma of yours it is all god's play god is playing you have no place so why god does bad karma no god does play where when in the play there is no good no bad it's fun so that's why if we are totally egoless then really we have nothing to worry about we don't do anything it's not display going on everything good bad that is the greatness of our traditional wisdom no that point is there ramakrishna in the gospel we find that that one sadhu was many going into the begging or something and somebody beat him into almost years unconscious and almost going to die as it were with much care when he was brought back to the astrama and they were with much care his sense came back and they asked who have done this to you he said that he who is feeding me the milk to bring my awareness consciousness it is the same person who has beaten me see so it is really in the eyes of a eye of a brahmagani then everything is god and then devotee also devotee also say what oh lord let die will be done i am nobody you want me to do this okay whatever you like it is yours give an example uh this these are very much manifested in the life of the brahma-ganis no worse of truth they don't make any distinction between good and bad because like a child think about that baby because mind is baby's mind is so innocent he has no sense of so-called good or bad so-called auspicious inauspicious no children have no sense the soil cloth or a pure cloth they have their no distinction suppose if you bring a gun in before the child and try to show it we'll be scared to run away a child will catch it and put it in the mouth because they don't think that it's anything other than my mommy gives them a sweet milk this is also maybe something juicy and sweet because that is the thing for the child there is no distinction so we should be childlike innocent so much dedicated and devoted to god that there is nothing but god in the eyes that's the culmination of sarmang vishnu images and that's history see sankara sankara saw that one then sakat shivtaku wanted to give that a knowledge to shankara so he was a brahmin and in those days so much of caste system other thing that was engaged into it and his purity came out of the ganga holy ganga took a shower bathing and coming and he saw that there is one dog and one lecha outcast was sitting on a dog an indian street dog not american dogs so indian street dog dirty and they and he collected some one bread from the dustbin or something and the crazy guy he having a bite in his own mouth and feeding the another bite to the this dog and sitting on the dog dirty dog and that was happening in the middle where swankaroo want to go to the sivo temple and they said sankara says get out of my way and you are dying this dirty get out of my duram of sarri chandala because it's outcast he has no sense of purity no food eats like that and dirty dog in the street in dustbin food eating one bite here another right here joyfully cheerfully and then he said then sankara he replied visnu vishnu vishnu khadati vishnavi you are seeing dog there is no dog it is lord vishnu and i you see i am an outcast vishnu i am vishnu khadati i am feeding the dog you see dog i am feeding vishnu visnu feeding the visnu and you shankara you are smiling at me you are vishnu katang why are you smiling ridiculing me why are you ridiculing me there's nothing but lord vishnu everywhere and that in a moment shankara got the highest wisdom no that's your question good bad this is in our level and we should be to improve our character from the thomas to rajas rajasthan and transcend sattva that's what we should have to do but foreign of truth that is everything is permeated by one okay so here is a question does vedanta advocate the life of renunciation and detachment for its adherents it is vedanto advocate means you look at that what do you mean by vedanta vedanta means that you want to see the divine or you have to feel the divine everywhere is it not oneness so if we do not get out of this attachment to the limited objects belong to the infinite absolute how will you reach that infinite absolute if i don't give up my clinginess to small things how can it is that which is infinite i will be holding on to that therefore detachment is necessary not as a not thinking i am losing something but i have to gain something higher that's why atman or brahman we say love god and say not this not this not this so that's why pessimism it appears pessimism pessimistic to give up not this not just detach renounce these are very bad words why shall it be everything is not i know why shall i give up do you understand that no i know then it is okay but you only say in them as a figure of speech so for us we will have to do this detachment and that's why detachment and renunciation we must have to being a student of vedanta to renounce what renounce the attachment you renowned the clinginess to the petty things of life petty objects of life attachment we are see when our mind is involved into some material world it does not go to think about divine so if i want really to go to my thought in divine and absolute joy i will have to give up this petty joy i will have to give one one state job of say hundred thousand dollars job and he says i'll cling on to my 20 000 job i will not give up you can do that if you have time but in the same time eight hours time you cannot do twenty thousand that's also a hundred thousand so if you want hundred thousand you have to give up twenty thousand so that is called renunciation and that is not renunciation actually it is rather running for higher things running for greater joy so our goal is the atman or brahman our god what we are talking about narayana if that is to be achieved we must have to engage our mind in higher thought higher level of state of mind no so that mind is not involved much into the worldly little things another question if it is all play we know we are not the agent then karma cannot adhere to us really you are correct that if it is all play if we know that it is all play of god then i who is working through this play of god but really i really understand this or we just say that it is lord's play then i will do whatever i do i'll say it is lord has done that story will come then again that one man he was thinking that he has he sees that god do does everything and he actually whether while he is really responsible for doing something very bad and when he did that he was put to jail or to court and he is arguing in front of the judge i do not do anything i am atman i am atman i don't do anything my no karma it's my handity and hand it and then he said yes i am not punishing atman i am punishing the hand which did this work and the ego sense so yes if really one is perfected in this spiritual practice and knows really that everything is god's will going on actually it is nothing ramakrishna's story can explain us very simply ramakrishna said there is a honest man when he was sleeping in the hot summer in the outside his room and just in the cool to get body cool and sleep well and suddenly there came a gang of rubbers and they have stolen some material from someone's house and they are searching for somebody to carry on they saw this guy is little strong and they forced him to get out of the bed he was lying he pulled him out and said carry these things so they put all the stolen things on his head and they were going and by that time it happened the police came and caught them but but everyone ran away because they are standard thieves they know how to escape but this guy was caught and then then he was taken police took it to jail and to the judge and the judge before the judge said what has happened judge asked what has happened they say by rama's will that was a hot night warm night by rama's will i could not sleep in my room by rama's will i was sleeping in the outside and a cool bridge was there i almost asleep by rama's wheel a gang bang of robbers came by rama's will they force me wake up and carry this thing by rama's wheel i the police came and by rama's will they could manage to escape by rama's will i was caught by rama's wheel i was put to the jail last night and by rama's will i am here before you search then then judge this treat him because he is innocent everything rama's real on the suffering punishing and everything has happened in life it is rama's will say that is a state but until we reach that state we should have to do the judgment of good and bad and built up our life with purity and strength okay thank you we'll meet you again in the next class at 7 30 that will be what that will be santi gita the message of krishna again to arjuna when his son was killed on the thirteenth day of immuno um peace peace peace you