Video 33
Bhagavatam - 2.4.1 ( Book 2, Chapter 5 verse 1)
oh [Music] we salute bhagavan sri krishna the son of vasudeva who is the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura and with the most delight for mother devaki and is the guru and the teacher of the universe we salute him again and again on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are back to reading of our bhagavatam and we are on the second book chapter 5 and this verse number 1 will start the context that's going on that the king king pariksit great sage he were asking the question to [Music] sukadeva about what question about the topic about the lord who creates this universe we want to know about his excellencies how god can create this universe you are the whole creation has come up maya but how it is possible all these some questions have been put and then sukadeva in response first only said that he tried to praise the lord krishna and try to praise god that his excellencies are so great we cannot be expressed in any language and the praise was that that he is offering his salutation to that supreme person who by the boundless being who is the sin who whom from sin of the people can be wiped out by his grace and he speaks about the glory of bhagavan and now in the fifth chapter the second same question is again is being asked last part we read the verse last verse 24 25 this last chapter chapter four is that salutation to bhagavan basa of unlimited spiritual poisons whose nectarine words constitute the immortal drink of divine knowledge for all the devotees and now the question working brahma who had from his origin the knowledge of the vedas within himself expounded to none other who was questioning him very earnestly the knowledge of the atman in which he in turn had been instructed by the lord krishna himself so in reference to your question then i am going to relate to that question which narada asked to bhagavan basu and bhagavan basil he talked about brahma and brahma was questioned and what brahma responded to that so that episode i will come that means story within the story that is the beauty of the bhagavata and mahabharata like that so the major question is that the how you have created this universe how you are in infinite in your nature you are bartless in your nature deathless in your nature how that birthless deathless entity can again take a form and how this universe can be created by one who is infinite at the same time finite how what is this maya business how did you get it all these questions are being again repeatedly expressed and expounded so here is the same thing narada is putting this question to brahma himself she said they were they were god of gods the bhuta bhavana the creator and the first of all beings you are the creator of the universe you are the first created absolute sachidanda creator is brahma no brahma vishnu mahasara and from that brahma created this universe so this this we hear so he says naruto says o great god and divine entity you are the first creator and first of all being created so my salutation and to you speak for me of that knowledge which will judge guyana tell me about that knowledge which will reveal the atma tattoo the atman the truth of the atman and what is my question [Music] then you tell me oh lord brahma he's asking brahma oh lord narada is asking brahma oh lord tell me what is it that manifests this universe what is that which it is only one absolute truth what is that manifest as this universe on what foundation this creation stands best is it on what is it best jata system from what did it have come and just tongue and that into which what does it finally dissolve that means where did it come from how it stands how it goes down into their source then what controls it what is it is real nature tell me the truth about all these so this is my question oh brahma please tell me you are the first creator you only know from you only kept the whole universe so you can please help me to understand this mystery now the verse number third says on page 109 you are the master of the past present and future know about all this as intimately as about something placed in one's form because you are the first person there is no second all second came after you brahma so you only know what has happened therefore you are the master of the past past present past present future behind you so you tell me that about this in this truth intimately as about something placed in one's form because you you know the knowledge your knowledge is in your hand please help me to have that knowledge all this universe is indeed is an expression of your thought it is everything has come out of you you have created means what as anyone creates anything what does creation starts an artist a building is created where did it start and start in the mind first in the mental there is a plan my line diagram there then it comes into the external with the paper and pain we put the rhino line diagram and then go to the architect and then into the engineer and solidify more growth growth rose so therefore all this universe is an expression expression of what if brahma has created this whole universe so it is your thought first you thought that way and that thought to get an expression into this form of this universe what we see at home so the fourth part says [Music] you by yourself as seen as you have created everything but you have created that means it is brain your mind has projected this so you by yourself are seen to create all these beings with various categories with your own inherent power it is coming from you your thought is getting an expression so it is you who have created ultimately yet having we have heard that you did perform austria it is before creation but we hear uh sauta also sauce so top butter and he then did austerities and everything has come from austerity in our vedas in our upanishads we find without tapasha without austerity nothing comes so you are everything it is coming out your mind but again why if you are so powerful then why you are doing austerity for what for what to gain you are doing there is austerity we do to gain something but your brahma from your thought the whole universe has come because there is no universe before so then who is behind you then a question is coming brahma you are so powerful you know very humbly he is naruto asking you are the root of all creation brahma then business duty come to maintain and ship takur comes why to destroy the old which is going to be rearranged reorganized again redressing the thing no we call re-engineering you know when a leftover food is there what you do after some time you put them back and re-engineer into something so you are doing that re-engineering so it has come from you so though by yourself you are seen to create the taji brahma is creating this universe with the various categories is how many categories are there planned animal and in them how many divisions millions and billions of divisions of creation is there so but in an empowered where do you get that what is behind you because you are not independent have you been independent why did you do austerity austerity for purification for gaining power ramanude austerity all the quranic stories we find everyone gets their power by austerity bashish they've got this austerity so all powerful people get their power through austerity so austerity why do you perform austria you are the all-powerful them so this is the question that means brahma is not this ultimate truth there means something that they are bringing the idea of vedanta satsida should be at the background so that question will come out so yet having heard we have heard that you did perform austerities before creation doubt now arises in my mind whether you are as free as it appears you will give the credit that brahma creates but it's doubtful role there is something behind you which is the power what is that power please tell that therefore tell me from whom thou you did get this knowledge what is your support is who is the your superior power is who is behind you and what constitutes your divine form so that means it is logical that there should be some support of you some ground of you some source of you behind your power there is someone supporting you so and that is the power in manifesting in through the agency of yours and giving the example five verses that like a spider depending on your own inherent power you create the whole universe without any effort and sustain all being in yourself without they are having to seek the help of anyone outside as a spider look at the spider spider suddenly comes and it goes round and creates his own wave so it is the spider alone creating out of its own are you like that in the whole upanishad the only one example is being given if when you say that they want to pravish creating that he entered into it and creating this entered into it that how he created given the example of spider spider is the only example visible that it creates the same body creates the net and at the same creating that net the spider sits on the net this universe and then you see the beauty of the spider when they create the net how artistic no this world is how artistic and everything is so pure perfect attractive and it creates from him so oh brahma tell you did you create from yourself like that it appears because you are the brahma is the creator god so you are the source of creation all this beautiful creation with color with form with a name which this beauty and charm everything is created by you so in this whole realm of name and form verse 6 of cause and effect i find that nothing owes its origin to anyone below you that means there is nothing origins to anyone who are created by you no you are the brahma brahma created the old universe and in that universe is created different locals different planes this earth and the stars the galaxies everything is created by you so we cannot give our this thought that someone else above you have created rather everything is created by you so you are the source of it seven verse yet we have heard that even you have performed tremendous austerity with great concentration this confuses us and makes us feel that you are not as independent as it seems [Music] so he says this verse says that o all-knowing one brahma you know everything yeah because you are the creator of this on this side of creation as it has come from you you are the only person who knows every details of it therefore all-knowing one and you are the sarbaestra you are the ish or a lord of all creation the lord of all sarebes sharon may preach and this is my question then remains that in all these matters about which i have put this question how this world has come where from it originated how it will be transformed into this way comes from you so you know the answer of all these things how everything in in this world of pancho bhutas have been created and i have this question in any way that i can understand easily i'm asking you rather the better explanation you have the best explanation naruto brahma said in verse number 9 brahma said oh dear one that means oh narada you are putting this question to me o another the question you have put are very pertinent really see in one science i am the creator but at the at the same point i am not the creator because i have to do austerity and i gain that power from someone else you have to do austerity means you are pleasing someone to please someone you get your power from that so i'm grateful to you for doing this putting this question for you have by your question prompted me to describe the greatness of the bhagavan who is supreme over me so my source what is my source i am powerful but who is behind me so that that means you are asking me very intelligently to know who is my support where i am established from where i gain the energy who have given me the power to create no all these source you are asking so the 10th verses sibo what you have spoken about me is not only not totally untrue that you said that what is the source of you who is behind you this question may make sense pertinent i have indeed such powers but you have said all this without knowing that there is one superior to me that i am not all-powerful i gain my power from superior power sound they see when you come to duality the duality cannot explain the truth and then that's why they are going back to the source which is called here bhagavan narayana but narayana again in our thought will be sankhya chakrapada but that narayana is we are talking about that narayana or the sachidan and you'll find that they will be speaking about sachitanon aspect of the narayana though it is narayana since the brahma comes because these are the bhakti books these are the speciality of these books if you read this book then they will say narayana is everything krishna is everything no brahma also gets his power from nara you know and if you go to siva purana shiva is everything brahma comes under him narayana also bows down to him these are the way to say to the devotee's heart to create more devotion for god who is his easter my history is krishna so glory of krishna so that i will be very much deep and profound in my practice and understand that that this ultimate is god and he is the absolute so it is going step by step taking the spiritual aspirant from thought to the formless absolute background so 11 verse just as the sun moon fire and stars reveal an already existing world so my creative act too is only a manifestation of what is already in him that means i don't do anything i'm only revealed like the vedas vedas are the eternal truth what are the risks it is revealed in the heart of them the truth is already you are not creating any truth truth cannot be created or adjusted but truth manifests in a pure heart so what he says just as the sun the sun comes the whole world becomes visible in night time we cannot see sun moon and the stars all these are reveal an already existing world this ex world is existing sun comes you see the things of the world moonlit night gives us the idea of the world of beautiful world but it is not that the sun created of course philosophically scientifically yes the earth is created from the sun but take it to understand the topic here the created and created duality is created and created so here it says as the sun moon fire and stars reveal an already existing world so my creative act two abram has created means what i did a manifestation of what already in him is in him but already there i only manifested them is i salute then to vaasudeva i salute him it is his creation it is only i am revealing that what has been created by narayana himself now already existing truth so the first real translation goes i salute that bhagavan vasudeva the son of deva who is called krishna by whose unconquerable maya you all are thinking me to be the creator of the world you narada not only they are not all the world and those who believe the creator god in hindu trinity millions and billions and trillions of people they think i am the creator brahma but i am not the creator in reality i am not the creator so i am saluting that bhagavan vasudeva krishna who is in the name and form krishna before us by the unconquerable maya he has created how maya a vedanto vasudeva created this universe by his inscrutable maya who is a bhagavan and the sankhara chad who says no sacha bhagavan is the same birth such a bhagavan which is a jew who has no origin means no jaw means he's not who is not decreased or it does not decay and decaying is created anything created stone rocks down to that level up to the human personality or whatever whose unconquerable maya you are all thinking me to be the creator that sacha maya samaya it is his own maya as the spider example it is his own power maya is so the spider expresses his manifesting shakti when he the spider wants to create a net and creating that net he's sitting over there and he's catching his survival to get some insight this world is his creation and he is sitting over there and she's playing his own drama that's why it's called if the world is a drama of the lord yay kelati bhagavan brahmandi you know that is song bhagavan is playing in this brahman in this created universe now so i salute that bhagavan vasudeva by whose unconquerable maya you all are thinking me to be the creator of the world for he is the supreme lord i am only a humble agent of his i didn't do anything i am this humble agent it is he did everything this maya of his by the infatuation of which perverse men entranced in their ego sense and speak of eye and mind is too bastful even to stand before him as he knows her through and through an empty and insubstantial and is absolutely unaffected by her so this is the maya this maya entranced by it it creates itself say i i i i the holy day we are all under the spell of maya we have no existence in reality this is a body mind complex no it has no existence god's ego forgotten and we think it is my ego i do i do that's why simple song mother song tumar karma tumi karuma loki bali kuriyami it is your work uma you are doing your work and people foolishly say i am doing this is my job i am working i don't know i these are all machines only machines are working by the will saying go to amazon storehouse how many robots are working how many robots and they are doing their own duty each robot can say hey i am carrying this ton of water how much you are carrying they may fight with each other but they know that it is all robots by control by somebody it is a machine it has nothing independence of it creation is not its own power so people are bashful about their glory about that eye mind this that similarly this by this maya this universe is created in the commentary said that he created this as if he's born like a baby krishna she's crying and weeping playing with major soda no no i didn't eat mark makhan my name and then ma says no you i see your mouth so it's play going on the lord of the universe by his own maya inscrutable maya this is happening similarly all of us i i i i and we are crying and weeping and smiling and experiencing the whole universe like this now three things are there fourteen bars [Music] in the whole world is a new way of explaining according to this bhagavata bhagavata has different ideas of creation so here he says three matters are here in this creation one is called drab drupal means matter with the elements of which combinations are made the permutation and combination of those elements and then is the karma some action is necessary drupal material is necessary and then karma or the impressions of the past actions leading to the formation of different kinds of bodies our karma this karma has given there's a material cause behind that propelling force is the karma force all the five elements elemental power we take no kritiyakte is bomb so taking all the same element we are all different why we are different because of our karma our mental impressions and our desires and our forces pulling from background now it is a big philosophy they are talking about it is not a bhakti book it's not so easy book all the time many people say oh ghana is too difficult bhakti this is the bush bhakti this bhagavatam is bhaktivu it is so easy now understand the easy so three things one is the dropbox the matter matter with elements of which combinations are made pancho bhutto may be karma each one's karma acts on the five elements indifferently and color or time which is the framework of all experience and then along with sabha each one have a nature each one's nature saw bhava his own tendencies or nature which is the cause of evolution and jivo or the living soul none of these have any existence of their own independent of the lord so these things you think that i am doing by my five elements materialist they only say the whole world is nothing why do you think of god the matter is doing everything it is matter matter combining and this and that no that may be one philosophy someone say your karma someone said it is a time in a particular time it has happened someone will say it is jiva individual soul he is operating you may offer your authority on all any of the material subjects but is nothing and jiva only none of these have any existence other than of their own independent existence rather than the lord that means the vishnu the narayana he is the source and his will is working and it is he created all these things it is his creation and it's a revelation is the question if we know this then what will happen it brings to vedanta again if we know that all these are the will from which vasudeva the krishna narayana so everything is not i am highway elements are narayana karma is not i know time is narayana so after brahman people come now and they see brahman everywhere so it is no difference in bhakti and ghana but to understand it what a beautiful way this naruto is being advised by brahma brahma says in this this is put fourteen part so this very important verse i think to understand it because this next two verses will be connected with that so karma chaka last year he's talking about five predominant appearances which thing which we think there may be the cause each individual if you believe i am a jiva i am a jeeba so i am functioning this way where do you get it i took the five elements my karma is in incorporated into you in a particular time it happened and so color and the sabbah the tendency of each created us so different from each other all right how is it different from karma oh right karma creates however that he but he has a karma the impression of the past action leading to formation of different kinds of bodies they're talking about how the bodies are created and now the action how am i doing body may be this i can do good karma i can do bad karma but what is forcing me my past impressions are telling that's why shabham ah we cannot do anything here let's say what how many times you say but it is nature and i said that's about why but he is propelled forced to do something by his own unfailing habit he is helpless said no that i want to be good janami dharmam i know what is righteousness nacho my pravitti i don't find any inclination i should not do it but i don't resist from that by sabha so these are philosophical uh stands some say sabbah is the cause of our existence some karma of our past action some five elemental things some say time is the thing so these are the ways of thinking but none of them are true it is all narayana's wish see how they are bringing the concept from all these different ideology into one see and now the 15 and 16 verses comes as a result of that because all the five elements drama it is from god karma it's not you did anything but under this pale of maya drabba karma kaaloti time and sabha nature and the jiva individual soul all these five factors no there is nothing independent they are all dependent of narayana all dependent on the cause we call brahman very simple that's why benanto is people like it in one class they understand vedanta which is one one one one one but even if you go to go to division and philosophy see bundles of philosophies are standing all to understand vedanta because when you go into time there's a color color is recalled then time everything comes the sun has come in time you know the planets have been all created in time it is going to destruction in time so everything happening so time is the cause of everything people may say there are philosophy who say kaala is the controller of everything yes you cannot deny that but you go further further then you say who controls time who controls your nature that's why you say if god is gracious my sabbahaba can be changed girisha's sabha was changed by ramakrishna and ramakrishna uh [Music] trying to whatever ramakrishnan is wrong so kind and he took away all the sins of girish so he is sabbah is chilled rama saw greece used to say look at me you want to see the glory of ramakrishna look at me who i was and who am i now he's a saint so while he goes you then sababa who controls the sabbah then ultimately god can control you think your time a time because of this time my all the astrological calculation will be oh this is the time that saturn is entering into this hole this time oh this is coming into the other's house it is getting a bakri this is going the right all these ideology ari it is doing themselves in time who is behind the time kali is the time kali is the destroyer of that kalo but anyway so every philosophy has a strong ground color is a strong ground time time time everything happens in our all life's incident if you look at that it has happened in particular time and good bad whatever happens in time time time savable my nature as i discussed then jiva i am an individual jiva means a complex creation of my body mind emotion ego intellect so all this combination supported by something which is consciousness behind so drupal and the white material kitty of this bomb all these things and my karma as i do as i think i recreate myself by my karma i recreate so many people say focus on karma only what you have done is pass forget now do your karma this trajectory of life is going on suffering and misery will come but do karma now think of god day and night so you can elevate your consciousness beyond all the material thoughts so there is every philosophy has a ground this five points are very important these five philosophies are there but what is the ground of that that's why vasudeva brahman there is no other substance which is vasudeva we call vasudeva what is that basketball it's a brahmana see doctors will not take this you go to hare krishna people they will say brahman don't say brahman is the glow of krishna's body i also agree with them very much really you know you see these are all realization khalid people don't go for sadhana say suppose really is it not brahman is the glow of rama ramanaian krishna say see mother kali no look at that mother kali's image was there what happened when ramakrishna first had the vision he was going to kill himself and what happened that mother's image then become lively you know and then become heart radiant we hear this language radiant and then radiant what radiant is spreading to the east west and the inner sanctum sanctarium is all filled plotted with light light light light light and that light expanding in all direction and everything is light and nothing else and then it drowned ramakrishna seeing that going on his with the mind mind mind my mind dropped and mind merged into that and he said oh he left he was in that super conscious state for that day and the next day so if we say brahman is the glow of the body of ramakrish mother kali is it wrong no that brahman comes from mother it's can you deny me no this is the experience i'm gonna add so everything is true no when you sagono is bringing the nirvana then you are drowned into that taku said ultimately that's why you go into samadhi that form first ex it is that's the question we did now it is the revelation already brahman is there that was not revealed it's a vivid description how brahman permeates everything that is revealed in the heart when it becomes pure so where goes this all karma then where goes this sabha then where was this jiva then where goes time name time call of duty at that time everything is gone what remains that that remains what is that that remains so anyhow we can spend more time on this topic but let us move on now nara you know [Music] [Music] see these two verses is concluding then your time is not time it is narayana your sabbah is not yourself it is narayana everything someone says is what is the problem someone says christ someone will be saying rama do why get bothered with it everything is he everything is not i know everything is christ why are you saying christ because you're two words on the utterance of your mouth yeah so this is the point that the vedas owe their existence to narayana all the vedas are to glorify the lord narayana the devas are all the aspects of narayana you know that the parts of all the worlds are manifestation of narayana all worship is inspired by narayana all yoga becomes meaningful in narayana tapas or austerity becomes significant only due to narayana knowledge is based on narayana the final destination of all beings is also narayana so he come from narayana you play in narayana he dies in narayana it's all nara in opera narayanam [Music] i am a creature of that one which is the ultimate seer the eternal being the lord and soul of all by his grace and by his command i have become the creator and i am doing the work of creation he has appointed big guys appoint big guys no in a big company ceo and somebody happens to see you also is it not the ceo is a big position but it is appointed by somebody so i have been appointed by this narayana to play in the role of brahma the creator so it is all the creation goes on in this way the supreme being over whom the three gunas are prakiti have no sway ah narayana is what that is the supreme being and there is no gunas cannot do anything on that narayana narayanas spiders power to create the world the spider's power not the power of the what you call the wave wave has been created by it it can be withdrawn also you see that's the beauty why they give the spider example touchy straw it can withdraw again when they're making this spider spider wave you see you it gets something frightened it sucks in all the way immediately it cannot do for afterwards so the god can withdraw everything within himself in time that's why everything is created by him everything rests on him everything ends in him all are merged into one comes from one rests in that same one and ends into one the supreme being over whom the three gunas of prakiti have no sway assume this gunas it has no guna but it creates this trigono of satya rajasthan thomas out of his inscrutable maya that's the maya another way of thinking mother worshipper tantra came so so many ways of thinking god each one take a different stand from in the whole process of creation why his inscrutable maya will for the purpose of redemption creation and dissolution god wanted that the spider wanted to create a wave when he does not desire wave does not come that wheel is called maya with that power he out of his own creates it by the help of three gunas satya rajesh and thomas created the whole wave thus he is the free spirit narayana is the free spirit and the master of the gunas are prakiti and all the evolutions see the guna gunas are controlled by and maya is subject to the power of narayana narayana's power is maya maya is not powerful to control narayana but narayana's power manifests in this way but the jiva though an aspect of that spirit is however a victim of maya we we are the victims of maya ah god is the controller of maya we are the victims of maya but the jiva though an aspect of that free spirit is however a victim of maya and is in the bondage of the tribunals we are under the control of trigonometry bound or which are best all the three factors causing bondage the elements the senses and the divine powers guiding the functioning of the senses thus dodi shara and the jiva form the one free spirit ishara is always free the lord of all and everything is under his will while the jiva is a spirit in bondage that's why we are bound and he is free it is his power his power he can exercise he can withdraw but we are created under him so we are under the spell of we are in the jail and he's the jailer superintendent he he's inside the jail but he's free to go no one can stop him but if i want to go god will be here no you have done this karma okay you have to get this punishment good bad do here whatever you want so this is the point so 20th verses the lord who is beyond the purview of the senses becomes inferible by his devotees to the signs of his mystery revealed through the play of the three gunas and are controlled and directed by him so the lord who is beyond the purview of the senses our senses our mind cannot touch him cannot hold him be able by his devotees to the signs of his mystery revealed to the play of the gunas that are controlled and directed by him so it is controlled by him directed by him ordinary jivas cannot do anything there he is really the master of myself and everything that exists so ultimately brahma i agreed to accept that it is i am not the ultimate powerful you think i am the brahma creator but i all depends on narayana and narayana has become all this karma everything you see it is his i am the revealer only and i am also under him so i am not free that's why here comes the all the duality how big it may be it is only a subject of control by the uh under the maya under the scale of maya that has been mentioned so we can end here and if you have any to questions actually the question is what was that view on eating onion and garlic um we didn't talk about that garlic in a satwik of food it is considered onion garlic is not good because it has its effect drop bagoon the impact of the food itself but for good health people take onion people take what it's called garlic to keep but how much one takes now gita does not define that way that the vegetarian as such he says that that which irritates your mood creates you makes you mad say some some some food is such which will make you restless rajashiko angry there are certain food no drinking sound people drink now you drink juice fruit juice and you drink also wine and limit is okay but when you go this much and then people behave what he does not know what he's talking how he's behaving how he's really unmannerly uh so that is the point in every food dramagoon every drop bomb is object has its goon its quality you know it acts in our body differently you know we call allergy is it not some say i cannot take nuts that is that should be avoided by him or her if nuts creates some problem in the physical body and allergy that is called sattika food which will keep you help you to meditate to pray keep the mind in peace and not get agitated irritated that may differ depending on the context where you are born in hot countries in india you think that oh my god wine is so bad but you go to european countries many countries there is no water available water is costly rather than wine so by meaning that under the context their body gets adjusted and they don't feel so much drunk but it suppose in a warm weather and it is not accustomed to that it irritates your body so it is not it is to be avoided in that sense ghanian and garlic don't consider those individual items what is good or bad it is not like that be scientific be reasonable that which makes you think of god helpful take that food if it disturbs you don't take it some take fish some take not fish yes there is another argument it is it has life it has not life all those things are forget that but primarily focus is eating fish making you spiritual or not eating fish making you spiritual your love is expanding by this process of not eating or eating raw if ramakrishna used to take fish because of his ears weak stomach so he's a bad guy because he took fish or or there may be so many bad people who are vegetarian people hitler was vegetarian so and also go to india also you find that there are vegetarian people baba these knots and they're blowing the nose of others all this they're they're very hearts and rude so not that question is that take it very scientifically the rajasik body tamasik body sattvadhi so what our condition we are spiritual people we want to make our life joyful cheerful peaceful santa very calm and serene what food makes you calm and serene take that is your food and if someone shoots other food let them have it but be spiritual that is the ground and they i know ramakrishna tradition that's why there is no we monks and monks are having eating some someone is taking fish someone is totally vegetarian yeah they sit together and make joke and fun and eat very happily uh question is that are you made is it making you pure in your heart creating love for others and suffering feeling the suffering of others or you're making soft your heart is soft for the dedicated for god realization and service to people okay so what about meditating facing north east or that also and if you uh that is a meaning maybe the sea every religion has it then muslims face on the west in india why makkah makkah is on the west side though they say they don't believe in any uh type of foreign but they believe in kaaba see him in similarly facing we indians hindus they face east why the sun rises in the east horizon and some take on the north why not the grand grand himalayas shiva and grind himalayas because of the grand himalayas so you think of the greatness you can think of the past and sunrising removing darkness ignorance so people follow that and so but if we cannot then ultimately if god is every direction which direction he is not it may be the beginning part when you set your altar if possible do it so that you face towards east your lord face across the west or you face towards north the lord face towards the south but in your room you are making an altar so if it is not suitable then put anywhere and then meditation is the question when you meditate do you think of east west north south or you think of god so if you think of god then all this question goes away is facing east right because you won't see the ganga yeah my sea go today in our will temple mother mother's temple holy mother's temple normally all the temples are done that way that the you face towards east your god will face towards the west you face north god will face the south but in balloon mode mother liked holy ganga to see when the temple was built sarudan and samia and others they said that now face the temple so that mother can see the ganga all the time so you know such a great example mother is facing towards the east and bhaktos when you go to salute you go towards the west we become on a islamic sadhana then when we first do west direction because that's why vedanta is so broad then it matters little never we we think do any one thing going to mother's temple who am i facing the west no and mother is facing the east you know this is natural no one it does not occur in the brain so when devotion comes these are secondary but when possible one can follow okay okay we'll see you again at 7 30 in our class shanti gita the song of peace thank you you