Video 32
Bhagavatam - 2.4.1-25 ( Book 2, Chapter 4, verse 1-25)
[Music] our salutation to bhagavan sri krishna who is the son of vasudeva the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura the dear darling of the mother devaki and the guru of the world we salute again and again om peace peace peace be unto us all right so we'll be reading today chapter four of book two called skanda second scandal chapter four the chapter three was dedicated when we learned from saunaka telling about this story that this life is meaningless if it is not dedicated to god it is meaningless all speech we talk is meaningless if it does not talk about god tongue the year hears all this rubbish if it does not hear about the lord's glories and his greatness so that was the purpose of human life lastly on the verse number 25 of the third chapter last verse we said oh beloved one you have been discussing on matters dear to our hearts may you be pleased to tell us what the great spiritual luminary sukadeva replied to the king in answer to the questions put to him so what is the response to the questions put by maharaja pariksit that he wants to know so now the narrator is talking the such starting of the chapter 4. and it is called this hymns sukha they was hymn to the divine the divine krishna the lord that is the truth fourth step chapter so parikshit's questions on the divine mystery here the king pariksit is putting the question about the mystery of this creation wow it came why it came where from it came etc so suto you know suta is the narrator as we remember he is narrating the discourse between sukhodev and parikshit what is going on he just it is a statement of fact what happened so narrator says suta said hearing the words of sukadeva devoted to the determination of the truth of the spirit the king parikshith the son of uttara directed his mind to sri krishna with the conviction that he is the only one to be loved and served so he heard the last chapter that the head of a man though bedecked with silk and turbans and items all is with all its adornment just like a burden if it does not bow down before the lord so the glory the hand a hand that never served the lord is verily a cadaverous limb in spite of the brilliant bracelets owned on it so the eyes that are not accustomed to see the images of the lord and the holy men are as purposeless as the eyes in the center of a peacock feather so it is meaningless so that's why so with this type of thing when he heard then the king parikshit put his whole mind and soul heart and soul and the thought of the bhagavan krishna second verse the abandoned he abandoned he means the king pariksit abandoned root and branch is here to form sense positions of an identification with his body wife son house property wealth relatives and prosperous kingdom so even he has given up so he totally now abandoned the root and branch his so long the formed sense of possession how much we do want to renounce but it is not so easy to give up because still our very underground connection with the objects of our senses remain we feel that we are bound there entanglement our scars hang on apparently you renounce apparently we renounce but you have not renounced all the attachment in the mind a big and in the street have renounced apparently but his mind is only dwelling on wealth prosperity home house no so external giving up is not important it's the internal so maharaja pariksit gave up his everything and then came to the forest naomi where he made the sukhodeva give up everything but he said that this after hearing this the mental attachment what he has so he also gave up with all these positions and the identification positions detachment even if you give away then you mentally oh i have given up but it was that's good that i could have kept it you know sometimes it happened costly gift you give away something and then you think again give up though but mentally it is physically it is it is given up but mentally it happens so mental attachment is finer attachment so it it is very difficult to give but pariksit the king now wanted to think in this way and he gave up all this identification with his own people like the sun war house property wealth relative oh holy ones the very question you are asking me was put by that high soul king who was intent on hearing about the deeds of the excellency substitution that was his idea he wanted to know about the glory of the lord no because we are an ordinary people to think about atman brahman is too big a thing we meet we may analyze i am atman i am brahman but very difficult to keep the mind in the lobby for therefore it is very easy to hear about the glories of god to keep the mind in the leela the divine play so that mind roams around god and godly ideas so here is the same thing that holy ones the very question you are asking was put by that high soul king was intent on hearing about the deeds and excellencies of shri krishna recognizing the imminent approach of death he abandoned all worldly concerns and clung to the lord as his very soul and support he does question it says sukadeva so because his death is imminent we can relax when when you know that okay if i cannot do i'll do it tomorrow if i don't do i'll do it after tomorrow there is no end up there is no end of such delay but if i know i have only seven days one day is gone another sixth day another day is only five day another day another fourth day only i am in the world so much smile and joy and fun another full day and i'll have to leave this body then you're concerned becomes very serious that's why it is said for spiritual practice always think that death is holding your top tear any moment get come come out no no no i have to finish this no no no we'll do it later on come so when god of death comes he does not allow us to wait for some other opportunity and then and maharaja pariksit's example is that his life is only for seven days more that is the discourse which sukadeva started they say what will be his earnestness suppose we we can understand the situation those who are in the hospice care and at the end of the time no how they are feeling they are feeling okay i will go to see the movie today okay tomorrow i will talk to him and that will come that will be charming i will listen to songs some songs and go some dancing will they do that or you say what is the imminent thing i am to do i have no time to think of anything else that seriousness that artistness that call for god comes so that is the situation in the mind of the pariksita therefore the raja said raja mr king parikshi said oh great says oh purity embodied you your all-knowing self has spoken the right thing listening to your exposition of srihari's excellencies the hold of ignorance on me seems to be slacking no those eyes holding to keep on the worldly attachment listening to your message it is getting little slacken i want even death comes what is happening even death comes no this tantalus is hell swami vivekananda has described tantalis is hell what is tantalist the cell tantalus is hell a person ah is in the middle of a hanging on the well where there is scorpions and snakes below and a rope hanging and then everywhere death death death you fall there are all scorpions and biting and everything death and in all other side some hell is experienced and in between there comes a little drop of honey and he's trying to enjoy that honey that is called tentalis is hell you see so much is all around but we happily spend our days loosely okay i'll do this i'll do that i'll do that what is the priority of life and that is very difficult that's why it's this pariksits condition is a blessed condition because he understands its meaning and purpose so he says that o listening to your exposition you have already done so far the srihori the krsna's excellencies the hold i was holding on to the objects which created by my ignorance again bedan to talk why we are here because my maya my eye is pulling me down ignorance is catching my attention and is holding me down to the world no and it is not allowing me to think of the divine self divine nature no so this is the condition it seems now it is getting slacken under circumstances how does a lord with the power of his maya accomplish the creation of the world which is a mystery even to all the gods and deities with the help of what power does there does he sustain it and then dissolve it how god creates this universe how everything gets dissolved in at the end of destruction so i want to hear about that like when sporting how he does he manifest himself as many he is only one reality but how he has become many i want to hear about that i used to have wrote all these questions of mine that is the verse number seven seven says and that that supreme reality then playfully atman and kriya he is playing with himself and he has created and recreated this whole universe i want to know about that ideas eighth verse says oh holy one even the wisest of men are not able to have an inkling of the mystery surrounding the doing suffering of wondrous deeds even ordinary people cannot guess what is the god's will so he says even the holy people who are very pure in heart even the wisest in the world they are great engineers doctors world-renowned scientists professors maybe wisest people noble lawyers they are also not able to deep deepen this understanding verse number eight so they have no in clinton of the mystery mystery surrounding the doing of holy god how god is playing in this world the mysterious way he is working it is not revealed to even the most intelligent people in the world how does the lord who is one manifested several incarnations he is only one he is coming as daso about our ten incarnations add that to human and then human rama krishna buddha sankara like that how how that one is getting born again and again and again it is by assuming the goonas of the prakhiti all together at once or gradually little by little is it he's accepted the quality is three qualities called satorajas and thomas taking this help of these three gunas he is taking at one time all the goodness or gradually taking all this these are just questions how to understand that please tell me and gradually 10 verse be gracious enough to tell me that which will clear all these doubts of mine you are as great in the learning as you are in the spiritual experience so i am asking you because you are as great in your learning wisdom and also your spiritual experience oh it is sukadeva sukhadeva is the son of whom and that he is born with the wisdom full wisdom of the absolute non-dual truth now suka's him now hearing this sukha started not saying anything else but the glories of the lord god god lord so the verse number 11 and page 106 says suther said 11 verse being so questioned by the king on the topic of the lord's glorious deeds and excellencies suko began to speak hurry this king wants to know the glories of the lord the nishiki shamanism remembering the lord krishna rishikesh pratibhaktum to respond to this question he started in this way what he said then verse number 12 said what he said [Music] he said this sukarev said salutation to the supreme person who is supreme person supreme person is krsna bhagavan krishna the boundless being this description is all superlative because it is describing god the lord from whom the whole creation has come from coming down one step from whom all creation has come that is the ishara so here krishna is ishwara that man not the man who is in a physical frame but in spirit to salutation to that that supreme person is shara the boundless being he has no boundary his endless spirit the wilder a wielder of his tree triunion sakti what is the tri-indian sakti a creation power of creation power of destruction and sustenance so he's supportive but this power is not like much effort you may have power to exercise you need some energy but it is like just child's play it is spontaneously he is creating destroying and maintaining this whole universe preservation and dissolution the indwelling spirit within all beings he resides in the heart of all and the unseen director of everything he is not seen but he is directing everything it's a really thing to understand how god controls and god maintains the whole universe he he appears to be controlling everything but we don't find where he is there and how he's controlling the gross example is that sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening he does not do anything we don't even think of sun but you know oh i'll try to do this okay at 10 o'clock i'll have to go there or 11 o'clock i'll have to meet this who is controlling you your whole life the son who does nothing he is there but sons being son there the whole universe not you and me 7.4 billion of people how many trillions of animals and sharks and fish and this and that and plants everything their life is all regulated controlled that is the control of god understand our our control and their control is so much different our control you want to control two people your brain will be exhausted if you are in the office you have under you 10 people you know what is the problem how can you manage them so much effort see when it comes to god it becomes effortless and so effortless he does not say anything the sun is not telling anybody anything it is there and it is in the sky earth rotating around it and by mere presence the whole universe is controlled everyone's action everyone's birth everyone's death everyone's happiness misery pleasure pain everything is coming and it is in time happening no in time that's like kaala in time and who is controlling the sun and the sun is controlled by whom unseen some force which permeates everywhere and that that reality is in the heart of every being but still at the same time he does nothing could you understand this is a big philosophy to understand [Music] i think this song might be not or it might be not rule anyhow so the point is that god is like a child he does not do anything and knows rule so god is like a child and he i said tell me what a baby does in a home when the baby is coming home you tell me what the baby does does he go earn money does he bring some food fruits and candies and this and that anything for the whole family baby is there and baby is crying the whole family is tensed baby is smiling everyone's smiling baby's presence itself is creating the whole family that's why so many people can understand baby is the king and or queen of the family they don't do their presence controls the whole universe so understand that that greatness that is the god and that's why i say oh virato shisu a great child great baby you are playing in this world with the toys the sun and moon are your toys a little baby have a baby toy sun throw it away do this way jump this way blast that way so this is the god's glory so with that it's a great thing we never think very seriously how god controls everyone these are the examples the boy baby does not do anything in the world rather everyone will have to take care of the baby but baby controls the whole home and not only that whoever comes in the home they're all controlled hahaha baby and goes to smile and start talking with the baby huh and they forget they brought something to say but they get in and involved into the babies that's the way baby is so god is the baby big baby who plays his toys are only the infinite number of stars and galaxies creating destroying throwing this that no that is the so i'm seen director of everything that say the god the lord directs controls preserves destroys on sin we do not see the person who is doing that verse number 13 salutation again and again unto him who dispels the sins of the good who distressed the wicked who manifest as the various pure divine forms and who bestows on the all renouncing truth seekers the blessings they seek so this is the glory of god who is god now this be this krishna we are talking about with ishwara who is the who creates sustenance and destroys this whole universe he helps humanity in which way and i say this sukhari is saying i salute i salute that nara you know i salute that lord krishna who is what unto whom i salute who dispels the sins of the good good people noble people who want to make a spiritual progress their sins sin means here ignorance that ignorance god removes the ignorance of these sincere people who are searching for truth which destroy the wicked destroy the wickedness wickedness of the wicked wickedness which is inside he destroys and who manifests who manifests as the various pure divine forms in the world he has manifested in hundreds and thousands of gods and goddesses and angels and divine forms no it is he has manifested himself and he bestows on all renouncing truth seekers those who are seeking for truth that that he is bestowing their blessings they are seeking for so it is he is controlling in this way giving boon and blessings protecting the sincere seekers taking away the sin and misdeeds of others the karmas of others and build messing with the boons put in mars salutation again and again to the best work illumination on true devotees god is always in wherever it may be forget we we consider christianity islam hinduism this buddhism etc it is only one god who gives freedom and illumination to the devotees who is devoted to god he gives blessings to them and who is far from the rich of hypocritical ascetics every religion there is hypocritical ascetics they show that they are spiritual whereas their mind is stepped into ignorance so christ said in the bible and they said [Music] and also said don't be like the scribes and pharisees because they make a show of their spirituality by standing in front of the temple with the rosary in the hand no they're showing and they control the society so therefore who is far from the reach of this hypocritical ascetics and who ever shine in his glory as the all-inclusive brahmana whom there is none to equal or to excel and and it reaches and is shining in the glory in his own glory to the pure soul the all-inclusive brahmana has all inclusive brahman that glory be manifest in the heart of a pure soul 15th verse repeated salutation to that being whose fame consists in his all-purifying sanctity because that's why it's we we take the name of the lord god's name is sanctifying as soon as you take the name of the lord whether you know or not you will be pure if you know it if you consciously do it then you will be more happy if you don't do consciously then also its effect will be happening you take the name of lord that's why repeated salutation i am doing to that being means that the krishna that raishara whose fame whose fame and glory consists in his all-purifying sanctity the corruptions of sin are overcome by those who listen to his excellencies who praise him who remember him who serve him who salute him and to worship him so this purification happens to those people others will not understand even if it is given they will not understand but name has its glory tremendous power i give the common example in a very hot summer you saw suddenly walking and you find there is a cool pool and you feel inspired and you just jump into the water and swim start swimming and you're happy oh what is what a peace no and suppose another person going he has though he saw the same cool water though he is perspiring and so much sweating but he didn't mean to get into the water so somebody comes and just gives a push and he falls into the water what will happen effect of the joy of cool water will come to this person the body person but one person enjoys this another person being in that good condition he fights out how dare you do this to me and he's angry and fermenting he does not enjoy that enjoyment physically because of the touch of the cool water is the same so if we do japan meditation with sincere practice what will happen he will enjoy it day by day and if i do not want to do and somebody forces me to do still it will do some good body will be cool though i may not enjoy that i may feel that's a torture to me so this is the point that that it is the corruptions of the sin which in our mind are overcome by those who listen to his excellencies that's why srabanam kitanam and namasam and the six six sadhanas are there in the bushnova tradition listen to his glory sravanam darshanam look look at the divine image of the lord darsanam listening hearing seeing going to the holy places taking his prasad singing his glories it all are effective to purify our heart so the corruption of sin are overcome by those who listen to his excellencies whose praise who praise him who remember him who serve him and serve him in the temple serve him as vivekananda said in in front of the people god in the human form no and salute and worship him verse 16 salutations again and again to that being whose glory consists in his all-purifying sanctity why i am saluting him again and again because his touch makes us pure you see ramakrishna in the life of ramakrishna even like or dislike anyone enter into the house dhinesha where ramakrishna is there their mind is so lifted no they are full of joy and bliss and that's why giris goes got attracted to ramakri now he came to see ramakrishna and he was totally drunk that time no and he has some bottle of wine in his armpit also his door and moving from the car when the technic carries he came out and he entered and he saw srirama krishna in this small room no and shiramujin was clapping his hand and she's singing ma mama and he's intoxicated so the giris entered and saw ramakrishna he said ari i drank bottle pool but i am not still intoxicated and this guy so he is intoxicated so deeply what what makes it so so he asked sir what brand of wine is this that you have drunk and it made you so much drunk i ate so much but i am not getting that joy then it's then he sang no what he saying korina [Music] [Music] i don't drink means the wine surah pan korean i don't drink surapan korinami but i drink what sudha nectar sudha khai i drink the nectar what is my nectar jay kali i am saying jaima joy ma jaima this is my this is my nectar sudha kai jai kalibuli mon matale when my mind gets intoxicated it makes you really intoxicated mata curry but mod mata you drink some wine and you look like that he's intoxicated by wine but i don't drink anything but only clapping the hand and the mother's name i get intoxicated so that is the point intoxication so it is salutation again and again he is all purifying sanctity the corruption of the sins are overcome by those who listen to his excellence who praise him you remember him to serve him you salute him you worship him salutation again and again to that being whose glory consists in his all purifying sanctity by worshiping his feet men of discrimination easily overcome the attachment for the enjoyments of this world and of the hereafter and that in easily to the bliss of brahman they are saying easily easily we don't know we don't understand how easy is this here is resignation so it's a salutation again and again by worshiping his feet that means if we can think of him fitness is his presence his his reality his is his existence by worshiping his feet men of discrimination those who have eye of discrimination what is permanent impermanent what is divine what is worldly this discriminate separation discrimination is a fundamental thing we do not discriminate in our food because with bad food habits we get so many disease now we are becoming aware no so therefore we know what to eat but not to eat but still you see when you eat some sweets come i don't take it first time next time i go on supervising and grab one so discrimination will not do you have to go you have to practice it is theoretical knowledge that it is bad but theoretical knowledge bad is not enough the power there should be some power capacity to say no done so by worshiping his feet men of discrimination these people who have the power to first separate out husk from the paddy easily and these type of people can easily come to the overcome the attachment for the enjoyments of this world and of the hereafter it is not bad to enjoy the life but the question is it is it is useless because it does not link along how much ice cream you start eating it is only for few seconds on the tongue and then it will be a memory and that will create all cholesterol and every problem so so therefore attachment for enjoyments of the world is bad because if i get attached then i am bound to sleep of that and as much as we go on that endless like like a we are pulled into that well of death and not here only people also do good charitable activity why ninety percent people speak so-called religious people they want to be happy here and after death they want to go to heaven five star hotel to live there be prepared because of your food no karma you do your good karma here so you you are prepared by that so you go to heaven and your period will be determined one month five years ten years and which which loca yeah it will be third five story five star in heaven there may be seven star it's all free and everything is available and you will never be sick there is no cholesterol there is no heart attack there is no problem of death it's all fun fun fun fun plan so this but people don't understand even if you go there is a date of departure your visa ends what will happen you go to your hotel okay you're lordly you're going for your month monthly payment is done and that is the due when the date comes last day what you say sir you get out no sorry in the past they will be sad and if you don't go then there'll be some strong man to pull you out so the heaven will not allow me to stay there forever it will drive us out so here and hereafter people do much charitable activity much good things to go after death to heaven but vedanta that's why they don't care about going to heaven they say here and hereafter rather there is much danger why here at least i do something good but i get a blow every now and then but heaven you are secured for say 10 years 20 years no or 100 years 200 years god knows how much you have good karma you have done according to the merit you are getting that fun of heaven and that period you cannot think of god heaven is not good don't go there that is different there is no fun and enjoyment of wine and you see most of the concept of heaven is what muslim heaven will be there because they are dry region they think that water will sprinkle flow all the springs will be there everywhere water water water you go to the bangladesh people will think oh my god it's all water everywhere it should be dried right not just sunny people rajasthani people if they want to heaven whatever you will want this is the heart the high desert they are tired with the desert so they need water area flowery area apple will be falling there this that good grapes will be hanging there that means what we are lacking here we are thinking we will get those things there so those are not satisfying even even if you get it it will be not satisfying so to the attachment for the enjoyments of this world and hereafter those who are by worshiping god god what happens we can easily the devotee can easily overcome this attachments this clingingness for the enjoyments of this world and heaven here and thereafter and attain easily the bliss of brahman by that way if you conquer all these things nothing is pulling you back your car moves straight yeah your rocket goes straight it can overcome all these obstacles easily that's the grace of god and that in easily that car which has no attachment ramakrishna gave the example there is a mongoose and he's trying to get up up the hole and he's trying to come out almost come out and there is a tie a stone is tied to the tail and it pulls it out so this is the attachment so those who have less attachment their movement towards god is easy and they think of god this way they will be they will be attaining the bliss of brahman 17 verse salutation again and again to the being whose glory consisting is all purifying sanctity without worshiping whom with the fruits of their practices as parents who devout themselves devote themselves to the austerity charity yoga repetition of the mantras etc can never attain to the spiritual samambanam no so only by the glory and the grace that salutation again again to the being whose glory consisting is all purifying sanctity god's glory is there because he has his purifying agent it purifies our mind it purifies our heart and soul without worshiping whom the fruits of their practices aspirants who devote themselves to austerity suppose without giving out the fruit at the feet of the lord people who are worshiping every day practicing their austerity practicing charity yoga practice and all the reputation of the mantras can never attain to the highest peak of god's realization 18 verse salutation to that supreme being by serving whose devotees even such sinful communities like the forest tribes like there are in tribes very various tribe tribe people are there even now no he says that by serving salutation to the supreme that means the lord god by serving whose devotees even the sinful communities the people who have not much spiritual merit this type of tribal people who worship not very high philosophical spiritual ideal is not in there rituals and dogmas are very in a primitive state they will also realize god by god's grace so that's why it is emphasis is bhakti this book is a bhakti book he's saying he has a tremendous love for god the salutation to the supreme being by serving whose devotees even such sinful communities like the forest tribes their hoons andhras pulindas pulkasas abhiras and like become pure that means it matters little in which body you are born in a brahmin family with high characteristics or in a family where there is no such opportunity but if one serves god and god's children with devotion one pointedness then they will be free from bondage so this is the sovereign example sabori indirama story shabari was the lady he has a tribal lady so he she attained she saw the rama rama's vision came experience came though she was not fortunate to be born in a high class lifestyle no or in a brahmana family you are all studying among brahmasmi atmo buddha vedanta sarah and all the supernaturals where is the chance for a person who is born in such a family of the tribal family so but because of the devotion they crossed the maya and they entered into the level of blissfulness may he who is in treated as the inner self by men of self-control with the lord of all whose nature finds expression as revelation and as mortal effects efforts and a spiritual striving and whose mastery astounds even such highly evolved beings like brahma and siva may that bhagavan be propitious to me here sukarev is saying let that god be proficious to me so even whom the brahma and siva are also worshipping to get grace you know this type of book will be always saying here is krishna is the highest vishnu is the highest so shiva and others all under him if you go to shiva tantra shiva purana shiva will be the hell all krishna and others will be his under him and that is because of devotion no you whom you want to love you have to make him the supreme so that your devotion grows moves towards that not to be little some this explanation should not be that krishna is somebody and rama is somebody or brahma is somebody is all the manifestation of the same reality but in this take context the devotion is very important so even other gods and goddesses all bow down to narayana that's the point so we should all love narayana and vedanta says don't get mixed up within what narayana shiva kali durga bas all are the manifestation of the divine you have love for one and go you will reach the same brahman now 28th verse may he who is the lord of sri sri means mother looks me who is the granter of fruits of all jagnas in the early days people used to do apart from jugglers so you offer the drug now who gives you the fruit it is the lord krishna gives the food narayana gives the food who is the master of all creatures he is the lord of all the worlds he who protects the whole world to his various incarnations who in his incarnation of sri krishna came as a lord and support of all devotees constituting the tribes the andhakas brisinis satyathas these are different groups of types may he be propitiation to me so he is the leader of all these clients and groups that who descended in the form of krishna so let he be my support 21 he be meditating he by meditating on whom with intensity of devotion the wise ones get the refinement of understanding with which they are able to intrigue the truth about them and thereafter to expound the truth in different ways according to their intellectual brain may he be propitiation to me he's talking let the lord god be proficient to me who may by meditating upon whom with intense love and devotion the wise ones got the refinement of the understanding when you think of god how refinement happens refinement of your understanding your mind becomes purer that is the refinement so they are able to intrigue and with that refinement pure mind they can intuit what is the truth what is sachidan what is this maya what is that distinction between these how to get out of that that intuitive knowledge is generated inside according to their intellectual men and let that god be proficient to me in that with sukhadeva sukhothai was saying let that grace come upon me he by whose prompting saraswati we by whose prompting mother saraswati with the vedas emanated from the mouth of brahma at the beginning of creation imparting to him the creative idea may the supreme bestower of spiritual knowledge be propitiation to me he's talking about the glories of god in so many ways this mother saraswati who is the giver of wisdom and knowledge who has come out of the and brahma out of brahma i but that brahma is worshipping krishna the narayana therefore i i bow down to that narayana 23rd he who out of five elements five elements kitty of this murum the water air fire what yeah air water fire water no air water fire space earth and space no so these are the five elements god created with these five tools so he says he who out of five elements forms the bodies of all beings resides within as their indweller say god who created the whole universe with the five elements and also after creating he has entered into it so this created this body and he is entered into it i don't see him but without that it will again go back to the five elements so manifesting in them the 16 faculties and their functions may that bhagavan inspired my words 24 verse page 108 salutation to bhagavan of unlimited spiritual positions whose nectar in words constitute the immortal drink of divine knowledge for all devotees to imbibe i salute that bhagavan basu who has created this vedas and the brahma sutras mahabharata all these o king o king israel o who had from his origin the knowledge of the vedas within him expounded to nara narada who has questioned him who was questioning him very earnestly this knowledge of the atman in which he in turn had been instructed by srihari himself meaning now so much preambling has happened only to praise the lord narayana by the king to the king pariksit by sukadeva so now he said what about the philosophy of this creation how he created i will tell you now but i am not telling directly i recall a story of the past that is the style that's why the book becomes so big otherwise what is there in the vedanta it's only a few points no all the points you jot down the whole vedanta can be jot down in what how many lectures you are listening these are the three words and the whole books are on plenty of ideas are given on that in the whole vedant even if you divide much more witness consciousness everything is the observer of that problem it's the only theory god oh god we are waking state dream states listed beyond that this whole vedanta but how this big book i heard it from that guru and he said that that went and he instructed this great soul so i'll tell about that so the next chapter will be that so he says o king o pariksit brahma who had from his origin the knowledge of the vedas within himself he knew brahma knew because vedas has come out of his mouth brahma creating he created the vedas it came out of his mouth so what was in mind of the brahma expounded he expounded to narada when naruda approached brahma please talk about the ultimate truth so narada got the instruction from brahma himself was questioning him very earnestly the knowledge of the atman naruto was asking in which he in turn had been instructed by hari himself that means who got brahma got instructed from whom from nara you know again brahma is one step down narayana is above narayana gave these vedas naruto went to ask him and he then talked about what dharayana told him see how much round about but our main thing is that instruction and all the vedanta instruction will read next day in the fifth chapter here in the chapter 4 verse number 1 and 4 dot book 2 2.4.1 to 25. two book four chapter 1 to 25 verses so thank you we end here mainly we are to devotion is the major thing how we can devote ourselves and how we can spend our day and night in the glory of god thinking of his glories his personalities he is the controller he is doing everything but not like us that's why he has no effort effortless work god's work is effortless that's why in life also when we do our work that becomes troublesome and there is a song oh lord whatever you have given up on me every load of activity when i think it is you have given i remember you and do it is no wait wait less work amijotovar and i will do this i know this and that has become chocolatier heavy burden my neck is breaking now but still i will do i they said i don't know it is dao so i to thou so he says that's why how to transfer that i to dao and that is this bhakti yoga say no me not me and om shanti shante [Music] we have a class next at 7 30 that will be shanti gita yes and six o'clock of course our prayer evening prayer so have you any question what question more you know ramakrishna is what ramakrishna does not know anything of the world if you ask ramakrishna any money you're not going to say i cannot touch money what seller how should i give you that's why you go to ma means a plane where there will be all the renowned state people they're there they're they're a presence of say say brahmananda shivananda vivekananda akhandananda all these glorious and holy people who have no attachment for the world or what they will be there fun that will be fun of joy and singing and dancing and in that plane of spiritual the highly elevated plane place where your mind will be in that plane that is called the ramakrishna loka there is no other worldly thai there is no hourly pool if you cannot go there then if we have we will not be able to do this there by that time it is pulling down to the ground so when one can go there it is called kromo mukti there you are playing with the divine singing with the divine and having a so wonderful peaceful joyful presence with sri ramakrishna every second going to samadhi and coming down there's a plane of at like like swami brahmana and others after ramakrishna passed away they are performing tremendous austerities that that plane where they are physically austerity detachment but mentally they are lifted into that level and that is such a high altitude from where people should not come back in this direction from there they will go onward journey like ramakrishna going to samadhi the people around they are singing and dancing with him and they are also rolling down in the ground and ramakrishna said today who's who had a good spiritual experience later he has totally lost himself and went into samadhi so there to samadhi is so easy not to come back but if i go to seven star hotel or five star hotel then you have to come back because there is a duration you did some good karma you got to go there and the good karma is over your term is over you have to come back and make again do good work here and then get a leap from your office and they will pay for one month salary or with the hawaii hawaiian experience no so that's why the difference between other locals and this look actually one question is here is girish ghost giving power of attorney to thakur an example of a true work too of course of course the power of attorney to give is very difficult we say oh lord i give you everything and then come back and then i get tensed again hey what will happen harry you just said that i gave you everything and even step is not out and you started thinking about what will happen what will happen if you have given the responsibility he will take care but you have no faith that he can take care or you have not that purity of the heart to surrender so it happens with us so giddy says that's why i say giri says faith sixteen 16 ana's that means wholehearted faith there is no least doubt in the mind of him ramakrishna that's why he said and had i known o ramakrishna had i known that he will come what bad actions i did i could have danced piled up sin much more mountain high see he has the faith he's the redeemer he can bypass take away our sins so this is the power there so if we have faith then he will take away all and then we'll be burden free so yes that is the ultimate word but power of pattern is not so easy to give we'll have to practice every day surrender every day pray every day and practice practice practice okay okay thank you you know haladari was willing krishna about kali saying oh she's all destruction and everything then tucker goes to kali and then he realizes that no she's almost like very compassionate and benevolent so then why should someone doing kali buddha for instance um be afraid of making a mistake because you mentioned it sometimes no because if you don't think that you are really worshiping god as your own mother but you are thinking oh ho kali will leave the sword waiting if you do something wrong will it stop you that means your love is not developed that much our love for makkali not that good we think that if i do my mistake and mother is to punish also so people become fearful because of that but if you have one anyone can think that god is my own mom so there is no question of any thought mom does not see the fault of a child no but our mind is not that pure we cannot do that that's why when you do these rituals of those because this is a another aspect of is there destruction and protection so contradictory ideas are there so unless the mind is very pure they cannot go beyond the negative side of it so life's so long you are in the life people are do say ramadan is pure to the same person pure that type of purity is not in the mind of other lost greed all these things are there therefore to worship her in proper way is necessary to please her to purify ourselves these are all because of purification that people say but actually they say as a verse but if 16 and wholeheartedly one can say then there is nothing if you can really say everything wholeheartedly then everything is okay there is no fear from that you are assigned you didn't have that like your schedule is pushing you like that for that then you say that mother they assigned me the book what can i do so that time it is probably acceptable but i wish to do puja knowing that i am eating then why should i do that in the first place no that's that i do but i do not know the exact bidhi ma please forgive me because you know it is take it for granted the puja is what you have invited a very distinguished guest in your home and there is a protocol when you invite according to the dignitaries position so if it is such a person comes say dalai lama coming here okay dalai lama came okay let him come and sit somewhere okay hello dalai lama how are you will be the way or if you are bringing such a dignitary you have to make a special seat special position what glass you will give nice nice glass it is all protocols are there so this when we worship any gods and goddesses there are protocols that is the rule that's why you say if you really have not that closeness to dalai lama dalai lama's friend type people they don't care for they will go they will share their own food two people can eat no but when you are inviting dalai lama to your home you should have to keep this minima you know you go to the government dignitaries you go to governor governor's house some meeting is there there's some protocol you go to some formal um formal eating place you know we would get dignitaries all the protocol of the spoon and for quite to keep what time i observed sometimes which to take now this one or that one i look around so that is called the protocol and if you don't do the protocol then someone is going to the queen and then had a dinner with the queen and you can eat any way you like you'll have to have to follow the protocol so these are the protocols which are called the puja systems and step by step things to be done properly ideally because you are inviting you are not so familiar with him you are not so close you have a reverence and suffering separation but when you by your spiritual practice raise yourself to the level of dalai lama then you can talk to him anyway you don't need to have any protocol where what protocol is needed so that's why this is for us who are not yet purified to that level so we must have to have this food it is an insult if you bring some great dignitary like that and misuse them give whatever way it is an insult for them so that is to be followed that's why in puja also you are invoking the mother of the universe in this particular form and mother worship suppose you are worshiping mother kali you are offering white flower you i you are giving me food i am suppose you are a vegetarian i am giving you very well cooked meat what will be there is it is insult or is it why would not be angry if i have an angle side also to teach you little bit i said what nonsense you invited me and pitting me meat that is the protocol you are worshipping with the white sandal paste or the red central based red is for mother worship white for shiva so there are tulasi you are giving tulasi to what you call makkali huh so this these are the protocols what is liked by me you want my pleasure you invited me to get something from me and you give me and giving all the things which i don't like which irritates me because you are in a being in human aspect god you are bringing as a guest and then you are behaving with the lord like it's like your own whimsical way so who will be angry will you not be hungry if someone put yourself that someone has invited you and offering everything which is disturbing to you invoking you making him sit there and do whatever you like that's why bidhi heenam or you that bola even performing most perfectly then also we say uma this is my ignorance i i ignorantly if i have done that's a puja is real puja you have to when you select a flower which sandal paste you are putting while durability is given durability is rightly done tree you cannot use this thing say durba durva should be the right type of durva belief is belief so you ask that's my major thing that you are not giving proper respect to the person whom you invoke and also get to get get your desired result you want some earthly things if you love devotion that's a different thing most of the people rama krishna he wants only devotion and love no no other worldly gay worldly business there you did but your heart also should say that but most people do not pour over it there okay now that out of bhakti you offer some flower and incense and say ma take it take it that that that is the different way that's the bhakti that's called the puja of the bhakti bhakti puja that our swami one swami told that when i was joined and they said that oh some brahmacari was performing puja he said oh he's gone so you have to do the puja today and i said no i don't know the puja then that swami said what you don't know the puja you don't know the puja what is that puja you don't know no don't you offer flower every day in your in your own personal sign oh yes i offer flower every day and i offer incense then you say oh lord take this flower i operate your feet take this incense i offer it to you please accept it but that's enough because you are offering to god with simple love and no expectation oh as a child gives to own people a mom and a child do they formalities they maintain informality husband and wife and they maintain formalities permanent is at the beginning stage so that is a deeper love has generated okay jaime thank you you